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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

ゴッド・オブ・ウォー III


SCEA Santa Monica Studio



Release Dates

03/16/10 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/25/10 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/19/10 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 1,147
Favorite: 192
Tracked: 38
Wishlist: 28
Now Playing: 48

Avg Community Rating:


God of War III (PS3) > Opinions (849)

 1  2  3  4  9 
thewastedyouth posted 24/12/2013, 04:50
look at the Japan sales, man what the heck do people play there
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TrevDaRev posted 04/10/2013, 12:31
Damn! This still hasn't been adjusted?
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 16/08/2013, 02:44
@ frozone: the story isn't great but is sure better than average, the game itself is EXCELLENT (best hack n' slash of this generation), the graphics r unbelievably gorgeous (nothing else comes close), GOW3 is ridiculously undertracked, and u're very much full of it. >=)
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Frozone posted 04/08/2012, 03:02
The storys awful and the game is average.
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jayman1 posted 21/07/2012, 01:30
Just picked this up. GOW3 is killa,killa story with stellar graphics! GOW 3,uncharted, gran turismo and killzone have the best graphics for ps3 exclusives .Story is incredible like uncharted and resistance series.This game alone is just a work of art probably one of ps3's best games this gen.
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dsage01 posted 27/06/2012, 01:30
It is also undertracked in the USA for the first 3 weeks by over 200k. NPD has first 3 weeks at 1.1 million in the U.S.A. and VGC only has it at 900k. VGC sales are never accurate
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dsage01 posted 27/06/2012, 01:25
undertracked like crazy. It sold 5.2 million
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The_Murray posted 22/06/2012, 02:59
LOL you got happy for nothing. You should never take Vgchartz numbers seriously they are rarely accurate.
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Heavenly_King posted 19/06/2012, 02:37
It is even less than before Sony announced the sales numbers!!!
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Turkish posted 18/06/2012, 10:35
What.The.Hell? What happened to these sales? Why don't they fix the error? It has sold more then 5 million copies.
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tontus posted 18/06/2012, 01:01
When will Vgchartz fix the pre-adjustment error? It should now be at 4.97m when Vgchartz fixes the error. That's a total of 5.09m for God of War III with the Trilogy Edition. This is the most critically acclaimed, most beloved and best selling game in the genre of all time, hopefully GoW: Ascension will top it! If not nothing else can until God of War IV arrives on the PS4.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 13/06/2012, 05:31
Actually, Chains of Olympus and Gow Collection recieved downward adjustments after the shipped data came in. They've been adjusted up now. This is NOT a downward adjustment, just a small error. Stop over-reacting.
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thehusbo posted 12/06/2012, 04:20
How the F... Can this be adjusted down?? Sony have said its over 5million!!!! Why do they keep putting down this game??
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Heavenly_King posted 12/06/2012, 04:20
The total sales are still 19.88M which means that GOW3 got adjusted down in order to increase sales of other games in the franchise.

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Heavenly_King posted 12/06/2012, 04:18
WTF VGChartz!! Adjusted down again?? IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE AT ALL!!!

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GodOfWar_3ever posted 12/06/2012, 03:35
People do have their opinions, and The_Murray was kind of exaggerating I guess... Personally, I loved God of War III.
At it appears all of the adjustments have disappeared and the numbers are back to the pre-adjustment figures. Not adjusted down...simply an error that should be fixed
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sub-zero-TM posted 12/06/2012, 03:27
Adjusted down??? What the f...!!! VGChartz!?!?
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A203D posted 11/06/2012, 10:39
@The_Murray. Tell me about it. But Ghost of Sparta was also very good, and Chains was awesome. This is what happens when you let an art director who is not qualified to direct, turn this into some happy go lucky 'quest for hope'. If you've played Castlevania, LOS, you'll see how well that template can be taken and transformed into something completely mesmerising.
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IEATBABIES posted 11/06/2012, 04:12
The series is frustrating, but worth the purchase.
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IEATBABIES posted 11/06/2012, 04:12
Almost at 5 million!
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Heavenly_King posted 09/06/2012, 09:02
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sub-zero-TM posted 07/06/2012, 06:22
@The_Murray = TROLL

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The_Murray posted 07/06/2012, 01:10
Compared to the other two this game was shitty.
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sub-zero-TM posted 06/06/2012, 01:10
Yesss finally VGChartz took you long enough! and now adjust Uncharted!!! NOW!!!
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killerzX posted 05/06/2012, 09:54
just saw a source!
Cumulative Worldwide Sell-In Numbers of the God of War Series

God of War
God of War II
God of War III
God of War Collection
God of War: Chains of Olympus
God of War: Ghost of Sparta
God of War: Origins


Source: PR Newswire (
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killerzX posted 05/06/2012, 09:52
@just that gamer do you have a source for that claim? also with vgchartz showing the God of War trilogy at 120,000, it means GOWIII isnt undertrackedd at all anymore because there is going to be some on shelves.
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JustThatGamer posted 05/06/2012, 01:46
They adjusted it up massively but it's still significantly undertracked by 250,000. Although it's probably because Vgchartz tracks the Trilogy edition separately, even then the game is still undertracked by 130,000 which is massive. Sony announced God of War III has sold 5,197,632 (5.20m) units as of the 30th May, 2012.
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AndrewWK posted 05/06/2012, 01:18

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thehusbo posted 05/06/2012, 09:40
Massive adjustment up! Undertracked as we all knew :D
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killerzX posted 05/06/2012, 05:31
at the e3 conference they announced that the god of war series has sold more than 21 million. VGchartz has it at 18.79, that means the series as a whole is undertracked by about 1.5 million. where it is undertracked is impossible to know for certain, but it is likely that it is at least a little undertracked for GOW3.
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Heavenly_King posted 10/05/2012, 02:34
@shanbcn: That is because in this generation, on the PS3, only 1 GOW game has been released. Talking about the whole franchise numbers would be as dumb as if Capcom, when was about to announce SFIV, showed SF numbers for the nintendo, supernintendo, PS1 and PS2 consoles.

At least that is what I think.
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AndrewWK posted 08/05/2012, 03:29
Japanese Bastards!
The new God of War should boost this one a bit.
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shanbcn posted 01/05/2012, 04:40
Sony is quick to release Uncharted series shipped figures but not Gow.
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killerzX posted 01/05/2012, 01:30
ask politely. :)
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JustThatGamer posted 26/04/2012, 11:50
I asked Sony Santa Monica on twitter for some sales info but they haven't replied... I'll keep asking some of the developers at SSM to see if anyone will answer me. Anyway this game is still blatantly heavily under-tracked, since God of War: Ascension's announcement it's been in the top 50 best selling games on all platforms in Amazon, Gamestop, BestBuy and other places. This game is under-tracked as evidenced alone from the 'rest of world sales' by at least 200K, how the hell has Chains of Olympus done more in the rest of the world than God of War III? Bollocks. This game hasn't been tracked properly since Nov 2011, this game is 89th on Amazons list of the best-selling video games on all platforms in 2012 so far but Vgchartz doesn't reflect that AT ALL. This game is 100% heavily under-tacked, I would bet this game is under-tracked by at least 400k meaning it's actually around 4.86+ million (including the trilogy edition). I wouldn't be surprised at all if someone from Sony Santa Monica/Sony told me it has already passed 5 million, someone really needs to adjust this game up.
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Heavenly_King posted 25/04/2012, 03:46

I bet 5M already if not more.
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shanbcn posted 16/04/2012, 01:26
We may get shipped figure when they announce GOW4.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 08/04/2012, 05:50
Fanboys or not, I wouldn't be surprised if these numbers are incredibly low. Its 150k short in the first 3 weeks alone in the USA according to NPD.
And I've been monitoring God of War III sales for a long time and it surprised me that there was no noticeable boost during the holiday season last year in the USA or from the Platinum Hits release in Europe which strikes me as odd.
And I think the reducing sales each week might be due to an error in the VGC algorithm or something ?
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NotStan posted 06/04/2012, 07:41
Lol fanboys
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HelloMotto posted 01/04/2012, 03:17
holy crap vgchartz ADJUST THE GAME UP ALREADY. obviously its undertracked. this is one of the most recognizable PS3 exclusives and u telling me its only selling 5 - 10k a week? BULLSHIT. fix your crap already.
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JustThatGamer posted 01/04/2012, 04:38
lol @Heavenly_King they must be, the sales are so blatantly considerably under-tracked, I wouldn't be surprised at all If Sony announced tomorrow that it has reached close to/passed 5 million! Right now according to Vgchartz it's at 4.44m (Inc the Trilogy edition) & it's apparently only doing about 3k a week, during the whole of last year it was doing on average 10K a week then when it went down to $19.99 in Gamestop alone for 4 weeks it did 120K during those 4 weeks, apparently when it was in the top 3-5 in Gamestop for 5 weeks over the xmas holidays it couldn't even do 80K and this time it was on sale everywhere and it was at least in the top 15 in Walmart, Amazon, Best Buy, Kmart because I checked everyday... I call bullshit. And recently it's been doing amazingly on Amazon, Gamestop etc., on the online charts, last 2 weeks it was above Uncharted 3, Gears 3, Batman AC and a lot of other fairly recent games, yet according to Vgchartz that means nothing and it's actually selling like shit. I don't trust Vgchartz numbers at all any more, I made a Twitter account just so I can ask Sony Santa Monica about how well this game has sold, when or if I get a reply I'll be back here to share details. For now though I'm 100% sure this is under-tracked by a lot , I can't be bothered to keep complaining here as if whoever adjusts the games sales will take notice even if I got an answer directly from the folks at Sony... Blah.
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Heavenly_King posted 25/03/2012, 06:03
I think VGC is just trolling god of war fans lol
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Heavenly_King posted 24/03/2012, 11:13
As weeks go by, VGC continues to lower GOW3 numbers. Why, is it that they don't understand that in the US the game is heavily undertracked??? I bet this game is already 5M
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ManciuD posted 18/03/2012, 11:06
it deserves better sales
4.32 may seem good but for Kratos is not
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JustThatGamer posted 17/03/2012, 04:04
So undertracked! This game is 87th on Amazons (US) list of bestselling videogames in 2012 and that includes accessories and consoles. This game is also 90th in Gamestops (US) bestselling game list for any platform and has been in that ballpark for many weeks, yet Vgchartz hasn’t adjusted US sales up at all for 4 or 5 weeks now! WTF?! They just adjusted up Europe which apparently isn’t even this games strongest region so what’s going on with US tracking? How can a game that’s doing so well in the online charts where the vast majority of people buy games from now do so little Vgchartz? This game hasn’t been tracked properly since Vgchartz changed the way its regions are broken down, I’d bet this game is undertracked by at least 200-250k.
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Dahum posted 11/03/2012, 01:58
i remember this game getting a significant increase every now and then but now it suddenly stopped!! WTF
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SunofKratos posted 11/03/2012, 01:02
When God of War 4 release this game will get a nice boost. 5 mil confirmed.
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VGKing posted 10/03/2012, 10:51
Will definitely reach 5mil before GoW4 is out even though it is undertracked here.
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JustThatGamer posted 10/03/2012, 03:19
I have screen-shots of when Vgchartz displayed the first 10 weeks sales, they estimated that it sold 1,125,086 in the USA for the first 3 weeks. It sold 1,261,149 + Trilogy edition sold 21,473 for a first week total of 1,282,622. I'm convinced this game is massively under-tracked, In the USA Amazon have it at 90 in the top 100 best-selling games on all platforms for 2012, also from the start of 2012 it's been in the top 40-50 on the charts at GameStop too, yet according to Vgchartz it's hardly shifting anything? Bollocks. It's also doing well on Amazon UK, France, Germany etc., too in the top 80-100 best-selling PS3 games, and the weird thing is if you go on the largest GOW Facebook fan-page with 2.3 million fans, most of the people commenting there are European so I have a feeling that it's more popular in Europe than Vgchartz would lead us to believe. I really want Sony to officially announce the sales figures for this game, I bet it's actually really close to 5m. And how the hell has Chains of Olympus sold more in 'others' than this...
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 05/03/2012, 05:40
1.1 M was for the first 3 weeks. Even so, yes... it is undertracked by 150k in those 3 weeks.
And the European sales are obviously wrong.
Wish sony would state how much they shipped.
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chickenmoshpit posted 04/03/2012, 08:50
wtf vgchartz. i bet this is undertracked by alot in the USA. 860k in the first 2 weeks? you shitting me? according to NPD, God of War 3 sold 1.10M units in the first 2 weeks. correct this FFS
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Iveyboi posted 01/03/2012, 06:38
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AndrewWK posted 17/02/2012, 08:18
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VXIII posted 11/02/2012, 11:23
I need another game as "epic" as this. Come on Santa Monica, you have been dead quite lately :/
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JustThatGamer posted 11/02/2012, 03:41
For the sake of Vgchartz integrity, this game is so blatantly heavily undertracked. How is it selling so badly when in its strongest region America for e.g. it’s been in the 10 top best selling PS3 games on Amazon, top 40 in Gamestop, top 30 in Walmart etc, for the past 2 weeks. Not to mention this game was severely undertracked during the black Friday/holidays period as it was in the top 5 best selling PS3 games in Gamestop/Amazon for 2 weeks then in the top 10 for another 2 weeks, and it was always in the top 30 in Walmart and BestBuy yet it only did 40-50k during that entire period which wasn’t much more than it normally did throughout the year, should’ve been 120-150k from black Friday until the end of 2011.

And the ‘other ‘sales are REALLY off. Come on, is Vgchartz really trying to imply that God of War: Chains of Olympus sold 100K more in ‘others’ than God of War III which destroyed GOW:COO in every other territory considerably, how can it possibly do 100k less in ‘others’, that’s completely impossible so that’s at least 100k+ of sales that’s 100000% confirmed undertracked. Obviously it’s going to be much more than just 100k because then that’d only just be matching GOW:COO, so an additional 50-100k must be added on top.

This game is undertracked by a minimum of 200-250k going by all this; I wouldn't be surprised if it was as high as 300-350k because the tracking of this game has been useless, up and down all over the place. I’d say this game is actually around 4.6-4.8m (including the Trilogy Edition), I’d love for Sony to officially share this games sales numbers, hopefully one of the many people at Sony I’ve emailed will have some useful information for me, doubt they’ll bother reply though, nevertheless this game undeniably needs to be adjusted up considerably.
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Heavenly_King posted 10/02/2012, 02:16
This doesnt make sense at all!!!!!, the GAME WAS BEING UNDERTRACKED and NOT OVERTRACKED!!!! WTF!?!?!?!?!
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dsage01 posted 24/01/2012, 10:06
Edit: First 3 weeks are off in the U.S.A it sold 1.1. million and VGC has it at less than 900k. And those European numbers look unbelievably low for 2011. I'll see if I can find information
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dsage01 posted 21/01/2012, 11:37
Did they adjust it down? They only should have adjusted it up as the 3-3 of weeks in the U.S.A. are off by 300k.
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Heavenly_King posted 17/01/2012, 12:22
mmm I thought the game was 4.33M before :(
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Ham_Burgular posted 10/01/2012, 03:00
Very overated game. I'll give it a 0.1 to lower the score a little bit and make it fair.
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jester2358 posted 09/01/2012, 11:05
5 million is definitely happening but I wonder about the future of the franchise. Will it continue with kratos or branch off to another mythology ? i just hope they let santa monica start a new ip this gen, and return to gow on next gen hardware. just like i think they are doing with naughty dog.
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JustThatGamer posted 09/01/2012, 06:05
Correct GodOfWar_3ever! Must not forget the Trilogy edition guys! Current lifetime total = 4,426,496 (4.43m). This will probably hit 5 million by the end of this year, if not 100% by 2013. lol at people who doubted it reaching 5m. I have a feeling it's under-tracked because Vgchartz doesn't track Brazil and that seems to be where God of War is most popular. Check out the statistics on this video (Or pretty much any God of War video) I know that Brazil may not have a particularly huge video-game market share at around 7% but it is a key emerging market along with Russia, South East Asia and India, so if a lot of those people who are interested enough to watch the trailers enough to make them most popular in Brazil, surely it sold f**k loads there. I know Vgchartz doesn't claim to be 100% accurate, I just feel this games doing even better than it appears, which is bloody great! Oh yeah, BEST GAME EVER! Can't wait for the next one! :D God that was a long post, sorry :$
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 07/01/2012, 05:16
573504 with GoW Trilogy sales :D
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SnakeDrake posted 07/01/2012, 01:30
672092 to go for 5mil
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 05/01/2012, 06:06
Sorry for spamming but osamanobama's sales figure was actually for 2 weeks :)
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 05/01/2012, 06:05
Thats 11k in USA, 4.5k Extrapolated, 7.5k Europe and 0 in Japan :D
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 05/01/2012, 06:04
Yes I am
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 05/01/2012, 06:04
Yes I am
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 31/12/2011, 03:01
osamanobama stop spreading lies. It only sold 23k this week.
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Heavenly_King posted 31/12/2011, 01:46
GO KRATOS!!!!!!!!
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osamanobama posted 31/12/2011, 12:55
4,313,828. week: 40,684
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/12/2011, 09:23
Just finished. Did not enjoy it. For some reason I enjoyed the PSP games more than the console games.
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IEATBABIES posted 21/12/2011, 06:37
Ignore previous comment: : / . By next year GOW 3 should be at 6-7 mill
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IEATBABIES posted 21/12/2011, 06:36
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Mordred11 posted 20/12/2011, 11:25
The best selling hack n slash game,and it will stay like that for a long time.(If GOW4 doesn't release)
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osamanobama posted 16/12/2011, 08:21
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dsage01 posted 11/12/2011, 04:06
According to VGC first month = just over 850k. NPD first month = 1.1. million. Needs to be adjusted up
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osamanobama posted 09/12/2011, 09:33
5 million lifetime. 4,245,755 right now
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dsage01 posted 06/12/2011, 09:45
Now first couple of weeks + BF looks under tracked
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A203D posted 06/12/2011, 08:43
It will get to 5 mil eventually! its should get a nice boost over the holiday.
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LupinIII posted 05/12/2011, 03:47
LOL at one of the fanboys below me.
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MrMofongo624 posted 04/12/2011, 04:15
it hasnt been updated yet so chill. do u see new numbers????? and why would u expext big sales 4 this game, its old, and people prob bought new titles
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JustThatGamer posted 02/12/2011, 03:17
So Vgchartz is saying that God of War III only did almost 10,000 during black Friday weekend in the USA? I don't believe that at all. Online alone It was in the top 10 best selling PS3 games in Gamestop, Walmart, Amazon, Kmart and top 25 in Best buy, and it must have sold just as well or better in stores. Hell, it's still the 4th best-selling PS3 game in Gamestop right now even though it's gone back up to $29.99! It must have done at least 50k during black Friday weekend. Since black Friday to now the Facebook fan page for GOW3 had about 100,000 likes, are you telling me that sudden surge of fans clicking like were existing fans and not mostly people who bought the game during the sales?... Don't know why I bother, my argument will just fall on deaf ears.
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dsage01 posted 01/12/2011, 09:59
*when looking at NPD
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dsage01 posted 01/12/2011, 09:59
First couple of weeks look under tracked when comparing to the U.S.A.
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leatherhat posted 01/12/2011, 06:32
420. Smoke weed. Bust the heads of the divine.
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A203D posted 20/11/2011, 06:11
I thought Chains OO was awesome. great story, fleshs out Kratos's backstory and his first meeting with Atlas. the Zeua Gautlet was awesome. you can actully charge it with every single hit making it more devestating than the Cestus. the level design was excellent, loads of secret paths and hidden chests. the part in Tartarus was epic, with the Titans chained to the walls.
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Colocho posted 19/11/2011, 04:28
Great numbers!!.. Am I the only one who can see this reaching 5m LTD.
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Vueguy posted 18/11/2011, 01:05
GoW3 was definitely awesome, i consider it the 2nd best of the series. GoW1 just have so much memorable to me, i didn't really get into GoW2 story since i didn't like the way the story was told. i freaking love beating Hercules to death so brutality hehehehe.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 17/11/2011, 09:23
A203D, I understand why some wouldn't like GoW III as much as GoW 1 & II... Even Ghost of Sparta...But theres no way in hell Chains of Olympus was better. I thought GoW III was the best in the series though, but hey thats just my opinion.
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The_Joker_Product posted 12/11/2011, 12:25
Im glad its selling too, PS3 needs it, GOW1 and 2 were definitley better, it was mainly the story that let me down. That guys always been an idiot like that, even before i signed up and visited this page, if anyone ever said something that wasagaisnt the game he'd go on a tantrum. I mean look at him, going on about someone being a fat, ugly, loner who lives in a flat just because i said we can see the numbers lol.
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A203D posted 11/11/2011, 03:16
@The_Joker_Product. hes said the same thing to me. i'm glad GOW3 is selling so many copies, but personally i think GOW1,2, COO, and GOS are much better because of the story, script, etc. can a mod look at this guys previous posts and sort this out?
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The_Joker_Product posted 11/11/2011, 02:17
Well you see most people would have the math skills to subtract 4.2 mil away from 5 mil, people can work this out with out your weekly updates. Did you tell these guys how youve followed me around the site saying the same thing because you were really upset that i put your favourite game down? lol look how upset youve gotten over it, nobody likes obsessed fanboys.
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cars298 posted 10/11/2011, 11:09
best game on ps3
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JustThatGamer posted 09/11/2011, 10:44
You can? Where exactly does it say accurately how much it sold this week and how much until it'll hit 5m then, Mr. Genius? You truly deserve a medal for being such a relentless troll. Seriously, is your life so pathetic and unfulfilled that you feel the need to constantly troll on here? I can just picture you as a fat, unsightly, lonely, depressed little man sitting in your cluttered filthy little council flat spending all your time trolling on various sites in the desperate hope for some attention. I pity people like you, you're the epitome of a worthless detestable human being.
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The_Joker_Product posted 09/11/2011, 04:05
We can see that for ourselves actually, the numbers are right there.
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JustThatGamer posted 09/11/2011, 02:05
It did over 16k this week. It's now at 4.20m including the trilogy edition. Only 797,796 until it'll hit 5 million.
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MonkeyMan2211 posted 03/11/2011, 11:17
Damn right! It's the reason I bought the PS3, worth every penny. Kratos
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yo_john117 posted 03/11/2011, 08:40
Best game on the PS3.
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KratosGodKiller posted 03/11/2011, 02:37
Should sell another 300,000 by then end of this year, then it'll reach 5m by the end of 2012. Hopefully GOW4 will come out in March 2013 on the PS3 (Not interested in the Vita at all). Sony Santa Monica, thank you for this masterpiece.
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 1   2   3   4   9 

Shipping Total

7,600,000 Units
As of: May 21st, 2019

Opinion (849)

thewastedyouth posted 24/12/2013, 04:50
look at the Japan sales, man what the heck do people play there
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TrevDaRev posted 04/10/2013, 12:31
Damn! This still hasn't been adjusted?
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 16/08/2013, 02:44
@ frozone: the story isn't great but is sure better than average, the game itself is EXCELLENT (best hack n' slash of this generation), the graphics r unbelievably gorgeous (nothing else comes close), GOW3 is ridiculously undertracked, and u're very much full of it. >=)
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Frozone posted 04/08/2012, 03:02
The storys awful and the game is average.
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jayman1 posted 21/07/2012, 01:30
Just picked this up. GOW3 is killa,killa story with stellar graphics! GOW 3,uncharted, gran turismo and killzone have the best graphics for ps3 exclusives .Story is incredible like uncharted and resistance series.This game alone is just a work of art probably one of ps3's best games this gen.
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dsage01 posted 27/06/2012, 01:30
It is also undertracked in the USA for the first 3 weeks by over 200k. NPD has first 3 weeks at 1.1 million in the U.S.A. and VGC only has it at 900k. VGC sales are never accurate
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