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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

ゴッド・オブ・ウォー III


SCEA Santa Monica Studio



Release Dates

03/16/10 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/25/10 Sony Computer Entertainment
03/19/10 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 1,147
Favorite: 192
Tracked: 38
Wishlist: 28
Now Playing: 48

Avg Community Rating:


God of War III (PS3) > Opinions (849)

 1  2  3  4  5  6  9 
KratosGodKiller posted 05/07/2011, 03:57
Yeah, I'd say 5m-5.25m lifetime (around 2015) if GOW IV isn't made, +0.25m if it is. Well, I've come up with quite a few possibilities for how Kratos may return. 1) In GOW 3 Kratos died on a phoenix carving which in Greek myth is a symbol of rebirth. 2) Kratos went back in time in GOW 2 to fight Zeus just after he had been killed, but as we know Kratos was resurrected by Gaia so there must've been two Kratos' alive at the same time :S... All my other theories are more obvious so I'll leave it there. As for what else is there left to do, I'd say there's still plenty of unused Greek myth to use as inspiration. I think the main antagonist for GOW IV will be Chaos itself, as well as Nyx (Goddess of night) and Hypnos (God of sleep) and then there are still other Gods and all their offspring and other notable figures in Greek myth. I hope they don't use a new protagonist, otherwise they might as well start a new franchise because God of War without Kratos just wouldn't be the same.
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jester2358 posted 04/07/2011, 08:23
@kratosgodkiller I would go 5 million lifetime but your predictions seem reasonable. how do you think gow4 would work given gow3's endng? new protagonist?
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KratosGodKiller posted 30/06/2011, 10:49
(Not including the trilogy edition) I think this will sell about 4.35m by the end of this year, 4.75m by the end of next year and 5m by the end of 2013 (About 5.25m IF GOW IV is released late 2012/early 2013). I think lifetime sales will stop at about 5.5m.
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dany612 posted 22/06/2011, 07:52
Awesome sales! Should establish itself at 4 million
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JustThatGamer posted 20/06/2011, 08:52
Including the GOW: Trilogy Edition sales, God of War III has now sold 3,957,745 copies. Also, Vgchartz hasn't bothered to track the America exclusive GOW 3: Ultimate Edition sales so it's impossible to accurately predict how much GOW 3 has really sold.
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gustave154 posted 20/06/2011, 04:37
sales are gonna reach 4 million soon... awesome
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JustThatGamer posted 13/06/2011, 06:27
If that turns out to be true, I'd buy a Vita just for the remake of GOW Betrayal! Yeah, announcing GOW IV at E3 would've overshadowed Sony's other franchises; E3 2012 is going to be EPIC! GO GOW!!! XD
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Heavenly_King posted 11/06/2011, 06:26
most probably the remake would be for VITA considering that all the prequels to the main (home console) games are for a portable device. It would be awesome to have PS3 like experience in a portable!! I really hope Ready at Dawn is doing it. Also, I think they havent announced this E3 because they want people to be focus on Uncharted and Twisted Metal. Those are great games but GOW is too damn AWESOME!! XD......GO GOW!!!
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JustThatGamer posted 10/06/2011, 03:08
I second that Heavenly_King! Sony, confirm GOW IV already! Also a GOW Betrayal remake for PS3 would be awesome!
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JustThatGamer posted 10/06/2011, 02:59
Sbvgc2049 Yeah, apparently it makes someone 'cool' to hate on something that's successful and critically acclaimed. They'll never troll on a game that's widely considered bad because they know no-one's going to bother argue with them, and causing arguments with random people on the internet is all these incompetent, pathetic, low-life trolls want to do with their time.
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Heavenly_King posted 09/06/2011, 09:53
I want GOW IV!!! And a GOW Betrayal REMAKE!!!!
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sbvgc2049 posted 09/06/2011, 08:47
For bitter minders,it's never about quality,it's all about hatred in their minds,you never see them to comment those real shitty games.
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delicious posted 04/06/2011, 10:45
Cool but very frustrating game
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JustThatGamer posted 04/06/2011, 09:00
Sales picked up everywhere this week, it sold 10,399 this week. In about 7 weeks this will be a 4m seller (trilogy edition sales included, as should be).
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 04/06/2011, 05:41
First wall post on GoW III since Gamrconnect 2.0 ! And sales picked up a little this week in Europe. Almost sold 2k
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JustThatGamer posted 31/05/2011, 12:16
And it's certainly undertracked in EMEAA. A lot of the big shops/websites in the UK (Amazon/ to name a few) currently list this game in their top 20/40 best-selling PS3 games, so these EMEAA figures make no sense as its most definitely sold more in the UK alone than Vgchartz has it listed at for EMEAA for the past 16 weeks.
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JustThatGamer posted 31/05/2011, 12:16
With the Trilogy edition sales included this game is now at 3,927,166 (3.93m).
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italo244 posted 30/05/2011, 06:38
5 weeks and not even 10k on EMEAA? Weird...
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A203D posted 23/05/2011, 09:39
Will the release of CoO and GoS bolster the sales of this?? i think its possible!
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A203D posted 23/05/2011, 09:39
Will the release of CoO and GoS bolster the sales of this?? i think its possible!
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jester2358 posted 23/05/2011, 04:52
scabab07 is right justthatgamer, all this number tells us is that gow3 has sold somewhere between 3.5 and 4 million.
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scabab07 posted 20/05/2011, 05:06
Vgchartz is rarely accurate i wouldnt let it bother you.
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JustThatGamer posted 20/05/2011, 05:00
Hey 9087, could you do that for me since you're more experienced than me on Vgchartz, thus being more likely to be taken seriously over a 'noob' a.k.a me lol.
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9087 posted 19/05/2011, 01:51
Good points Just That Gamer, you should bring that to a Mods attention in the forum
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9087 posted 19/05/2011, 01:50
Not only is it at almost 4 million, but also helped sell 2 million+ copies of GOW1 and 2 on PS3.
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KratosGodKiller posted 18/05/2011, 10:14
This masterpiece is almost at 4m! :D Everything about this game is phenomenal. I completely loved the story thus naturally I'm really excited to see where it goes in GOW 4, which I hope is announced at E3... fingers firmly crossed.
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JustThatGamer posted 14/05/2011, 03:28
It's definitely undertracked in EMEAA. Some examples to back-up my claim = Currently in the UK it's the 5th best-selling PS3 game in Zavvi, top 40 in Tesco, 20th on, top 40 on Amazon and top 80 in Game. It's sold much more in the UK alone than vgchartz has it listed for the entire EMEAA during the past 20 or so weeks.
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A203D posted 13/05/2011, 10:49
Its doing amazingly in the US, but if only the series was more popular in Europe it wouldve sold more tha UC2 by now - it already has in the US. just a shame really!
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JustThatGamer posted 13/05/2011, 07:58
sbvgc2049 With sales from the trilogy edition this game is now at 3,910,640 at 60 weeks. For comparison, LittleBigPlanet at 60 weeks was at 2.82m (2 xmas boosts). Uncharted 2 at 60 weeks was at 4.05m but that was during its 2nd xmas holidays boost. GOW3 has only had one xmas boost and is still just under 0.14m away from UC2 and 1.09m more than LBP ... Which by no means is a tragedy lol it's doing AMAZINGLY!
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Rafux posted 13/05/2011, 06:25
I mean 4M
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Rafux posted 13/05/2011, 06:24
Great sales along with GOW Trilogy its about to reach 5M
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 13/05/2011, 04:58
only ? Its more like 3.9 with God of War Trilogy sales...its the best selling hack'n slash of this generation and its not done yet. Theres no need to cry about these sales which are FANTASTIC !
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sbvgc2049 posted 13/05/2011, 04:50
Only 3.8mil???true tragedy sales for such a BLOODY game,hope it's got legs like LBP,MGS4 or UC2
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dsage01 posted 11/05/2011, 10:45
WTF this passed Super mario Galazy 2 and Fable 3 in FW sales but NPD has it behing both those games. VGC really hates PS3.
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Iveyboi posted 10/05/2011, 03:39
If only Japan bought this like they did RE5 then this game would be a MONSTER
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Dahum posted 09/05/2011, 06:32
i think GOW3 will eventually sell between 5.5 to 6 million in my opinion
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A203D posted 08/05/2011, 10:35
I have suspicions that it is undertracke in EMEAA. i think other PS3 is also undertracked in EMEAA!
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JustThatGamer posted 07/05/2011, 06:41
Although the sales are great, this must be undertracked in EMEAA. During the past 17 weeks it's sold about 190,000 units in America and only about 50,000 in EMEAA (3.8 times less)... Sorry, I'm calling bullshit.
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Heavenly_King posted 07/05/2011, 05:58
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dsage01 posted 06/05/2011, 10:14
40k in 4 weeks. WOW!
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Vekta posted 05/05/2011, 09:34
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VetteDude posted 03/05/2011, 02:38
Excellent! This game truly deserves every single sale.
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JustThatGamer posted 29/04/2011, 05:40
Brilliant sales! During the same time period (58 weeks) this is outselling GoW 2 by 1.39m (1.51m with sales from the trilogy edition included) and it's only had one xmas holiday sales boost, so I predict GoW 3 will definitely reach 5m+ lifetime.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 29/04/2011, 09:00
Best selling in the series! And it's far from done.
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dsage01 posted 29/04/2011, 03:00
Great legs, Great game, Great sales. Should get around 4.3 million when God of war 4 comes out.
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Tridrakious posted 28/04/2011, 08:39
By this holiday it should be at or over 4 million.
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SONYisBP posted 28/04/2011, 03:42
Still one of the best games out there for PS3
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Iveyboi posted 28/04/2011, 02:45
Still trucking along. Add in the triliogy and this is killing it. Wonder how GOW4 next holiday will do!
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Iveyboi posted 28/04/2011, 02:45
Still trucking along. Add in the triliogy and this is killing it. Wonder how GOW4 next holiday will do!
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 28/04/2011, 01:41
Last week it sold 13,871 and this week it sold 13,563
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 28/04/2011, 01:39
pslee it was $26, and it sold the same amount in america as last week. I keep an Excel file with God of War III sales.
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pslee posted 28/04/2011, 01:15
Bump in us sales due to amazon price cut to $20 last week
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The_God_of_War posted 28/04/2011, 12:29
Best selling GoW in just 13 months. Giggidy-goo.
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JustThatGamer posted 26/04/2011, 08:50
Technically this game has sold 3.88m, if you (and you should) include the sales from the God of War Trilogy edition which sold 0.12m.
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rossoner posted 25/04/2011, 04:09
dont worry, im sure these numbers are off, among top sellers at lot retailers in eu. This is well over 4 million
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Heavenly_King posted 23/04/2011, 04:09
@Tridrakious: It has already outsold the first by 1558 units :D. GO GOW!!
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 21/04/2011, 12:52
EMEAA sales are bullshit. The platinum version in the best selling PS3 game on zavvi. Not much of an achievement, true...but how come there was no boost from the platinum version ? also the greatest hits version failed in the USA too. I don't buy that either.
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Tridrakious posted 21/04/2011, 01:40
This game will surpass the sales of the first God of War in at least a 2 or 3 weeks time.
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fauzman posted 18/04/2011, 08:52
@biddles. Agree with pitzy. If you dont like the game, go to a game that you do like and make comments. you seem to be deliberately trying to stir up trouble.
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pitzy272 posted 18/04/2011, 02:28
@Biddles, while I don't really agree with JustThatGamer's response, I don't see much of a point to your previous comment. Why come in here and make that comment? It had the sole purpose of upsetting people.
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Lundra posted 17/04/2011, 04:53
Wow, sales are fantastic.
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Biddles posted 17/04/2011, 04:52
And like i said before why dont you calm down instead of making a fool of yourself. You just look laughable baby now, what was the poiunt in doing that.
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JustThatGamer posted 16/04/2011, 09:59
GO GO GO GOW!!! Biddles, why do you feel the need to comment on this game just to piss off GOW fans? Is your life really so miserable that you feel the need to search up popular, successful and critically acclaimed games just to troll to provoke a response from fans of the game? Well done it worked, so why don't you fuck off and get back to pleasuring your mother you stupid inbred cunt.
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Biddles posted 16/04/2011, 04:35
Calm down, its just a damn game, a mediocre game at that.
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Heavenly_King posted 16/04/2011, 05:20
10k left to become the best selling GOW game!!!
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dsage01 posted 16/04/2011, 03:45
I think it's undertraked inin EMMEA.
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Heavenly_King posted 11/04/2011, 04:23
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Slimebeast posted 07/04/2011, 10:55
Still over 10K per week. Should be around 4.3 mill before end of year
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osamanobama posted 05/04/2011, 04:53
3 more weeks
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Heavenly_King posted 03/04/2011, 04:34
GOW 3 is on track to have at least the same sales as UC2 XD
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Heavenly_King posted 03/04/2011, 04:26
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A203D posted 31/03/2011, 11:29
Is it possible this is undertracked in Europe the same way Sly, Heavy Rain and GT5 were. because its moving so slow in EMEAA
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A203D posted 27/03/2011, 01:10
Yeah, i also dont think the Greatest Hits/Platinum editions are out yet.
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Zkuq posted 26/03/2011, 10:56
Well, I don't think the Platinum version has been released yet so no wonder there's no boost ;)
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 26/03/2011, 04:57
I refuse to believe there wasn't a boost in EMEAA and America due to the Platinum hits and Greatest Hits releases.
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gustave154 posted 25/03/2011, 06:20
wow nice first year sales! heres to 4.5 mil by the end of the year!
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jugon21 posted 24/03/2011, 06:42
(52nd week)FIRST YEAR = 3.67 Good sales.
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9087 posted 21/03/2011, 06:16
Sony should release the next God of War for PS3 by Oct/Nov 2012. That will give the dev team time to polish everything and gives them a "strategic release date" closer to the Holiday Season.
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9087 posted 21/03/2011, 01:46
I lov ethe graphics in this game. More Sony devs should use the GOW 3 Engine.
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oniyide posted 19/03/2011, 12:19
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hasanwhy posted 08/03/2011, 03:03
I just purchased this, and I have to say, I'm extremely pleased. I'm getting my ass kicked on medium difficulty, and I don't care. :D
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Heavenly_King posted 06/03/2011, 04:53
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Vueguy posted 28/02/2011, 10:24
all the bosses fight were the best parts in the game.the story wasn't as good as prequel games, but still one of the best hack n slash adventure game by far this gen.
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A203D posted 15/02/2011, 06:23
In the US it was selling very well because of the post Thanksgiving promotiions. which is why it hasnt enjoyed similar success in Europe. which is a real shame. this is a brillaint series and its a shame it hasnt been as successful as something like Uncharted in Europe. where hopefully the upcoming greatest hits edition could push it into 1.5-1.8 mil territory imo.
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pitzy272 posted 14/02/2011, 09:28
Was (or is) this game bundled? Cause man, from week 36 to week 41 it was selling boatloads! Then still sold almost 100,000 in 3 weeks from 41-44.
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A203D posted 13/02/2011, 02:54
Yeah, the key thing is to match GoW1s US sales and GoW2s EU sales. i think it will do at least 4 mil by the end of this year tbh, but not sure if it can go to 5 mil, i tihink its already the best selling melee action game.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 13/02/2011, 02:13
@A203D Platinum version is coming in March. It'll surely boost sales.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 13/02/2011, 02:12
Yeah... Linda Hunt had like 2 lines in the game. You can't skip the prologue the first time btw. I would've liked her to portray Gaia atleast...but that didn't happen. Its simply a case of opinion dude. GoW 3 was fantastic, but I felt the story was lagging behind the awesome gameplay...
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JustThatGamer posted 11/02/2011, 07:11
*Sorry for the wall of text, didn't realise how much I was writing :P
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JustThatGamer posted 11/02/2011, 07:01
GodOfWar_3ever, I also think GoW 3 was better than GoW 2, the amount of things done better in GoW 3 totally outnumber things (if anything at all) GoW 2 does better than GoW 3. Those epic Titan vs God battle flashbacks were happening in real-time during the first 20mins of the game, didn't you notice in the background at certain parts you see the leviathan pull down a Titan (Don't know its name), you see Hades pull a titan 'Oceanus' down Mt. Olympus, you also see Helios fighting with another Titan 'Perses' and then there's the cinematic where Poseidon launches himself at a Titan 'Epimetheus'. I think the entire riding on Gaia whilst she's climbing Mt. Olympus also whilst fighting the leviathan/Poseidon with the God vs Titan battle happening in the background is absolutely spectacular, far more epic than the God vs Titan battle cinematic in GoW2. I think Pandora's effect on the story was perfectly implemented. At the start of their relationship Kratos doesn't care for Pandora, Kratos pursues Pandora just to use her in order for him to gain the power to achieve his revenge without a care about the fact Pandora would have to sacrifice herself. The relationship gradually progresses to form a father-daughter-like relationship between them, to such an extent that Kratos was willing to forfeit his revenge in order to stop her sacrificing herself, showing he has a compassionate side. I didn't miss Linda Hunt's narration at all, it did not affect the game/story in the slightest for me, I'm personally glad the narration is gone; it allows the player to interpret the story themselves rather than have someone explain everything to you as if you're brain-dead. (By the way, if you had the patience to sit through the prologue you would've realized that it was in fact Linda Hunt narrating, so she wasn't completely absent from the game anyway)
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A203D posted 10/02/2011, 06:14
How is this not selling more in Europe, it might not beat God of War 2, with Europe lagging like this!
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 08/02/2011, 05:57
JustThatGamer, I thought God of War III was better than II...Only just, but it definitely feels less epic story wise. In the previous GoWs, the flashbakcs used to be epic (titan vs god battle in GoW II). Here they were replaced by those animated scenes which lack the epicness factor. Pandora's effect on the story could've been done so much better. And the story reaaally missed Linda Hunt's narration.
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Ultr posted 08/02/2011, 11:48
This game is bloody amazing! cant believe what I saw when I played through.... Legendary!
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davidatwar posted 07/02/2011, 02:18
the Deimos skin is awsome yeah!!!! kratos bro ftw!
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JustThatGamer posted 05/02/2011, 02:39
GodOfWar_3ever, I don't agree that the story is weaker. Comparing the story of GoW II to GoW III is a stupid thing to do; it's like reading a book and comparing the middle of the story to the ending as if they're completely different stories. GoW III is an ending to a story, therefore GoW III can't have much more character development and new events unfolding like GoW I&II did, as the final part of the trilogy it has to conclude everything that happened in previous parts of the story, GoW I and GoW II. In my opinion GoW III concludes brilliantly, I'd say it's a perfectly fitting end to the trilogy. DakonBlackblade, very well said.
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DakonBlackblade posted 05/02/2011, 02:53
MiSan you have to look past all that rage to understand Kratos real motives, troughout the whole trilogy Kratos is alwhays looking for salvation and redemption, he alwhays loose his way amidst his revenge tough, thats what the fear Kratos part in the end of the game is all about. He definetly didnt go down wimpy.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 04/02/2011, 05:46
Disagreed. GoW III was much better than GoW II in gameplay, weaker is story, and still holds up against it. Also the boss fights were the best in the series. RE5 isn't as good as RE4 in my opinion cause of Sheeva...and the retarded inventory system.
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Biddles posted 04/02/2011, 05:25
Both GOW3 and RE% werent half as good as the game before.
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JustThatGamer posted 02/02/2011, 08:58
Yeah, well it's your opinion, to me and the vast majority of God of War fans, this game was 10/10 as was gow 1&2. I've never played RE5 so I can't comment on that.
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MiSan7573 posted 02/02/2011, 01:08
well it was just ok for me seeing that this is the final one of the trilogy. Maybe I am the only one but it didn't really rock me as much as I hope it did. Reminds me of RE5's weak sauce ending actually.
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JustThatGamer posted 01/02/2011, 11:01
Story-wise I think the ending was great, however I do think that the final fight could've been more epic, I wish they kept the Kratos vs Zeus vs Gaia fight in, I saw some deleted scenes and it looked incredible, if they released it as free DLC that'd be awesome. With all that said, I still think the final fight was epic but it could of been EPIC.
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MiSan7573 posted 01/02/2011, 09:44
well i just expected a whole lot more. after trudging through titan after titan I expected something more grand. for all his badassness kratos went out kinda' wimpy.
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JustThatGamer posted 01/02/2011, 08:51
My bad, I meant trilogy*. I hope the series isn't over yet (Doubt it is) I want more awesome gow games!
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Heavenly_King posted 01/02/2011, 04:50
the series in not over yet. What is over is theTrilogy.
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JustThatGamer posted 31/01/2011, 05:03
I agree, I think it's a great ending to the series, I don't understand how people can be disappointed by the ending... How could it have ended any better?
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KratosGodKiller posted 31/01/2011, 05:03
I think it's a great ending.
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MiSan7573 posted 31/01/2011, 08:07
dissappointing ending.
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dsage01 posted 30/01/2011, 08:02
great game wish it at online
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JustThatGamer posted 30/01/2011, 01:43
Best game ever!
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Heavenly_King posted 29/01/2011, 04:12
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KratosGodKiller posted 28/01/2011, 09:52
Also this game isn’t too short at all. If you play through on easy/ normal and don’t look for all the chest and godly possessions, obviously it’s not going to take as long as it takes someone who plays the game properly. Normal difficulty took me 10 hours, hard took me 11 hours, very hard took me just over 12 hours, how the hell is that short?! It’s a perfect length, with 10-12 hours of epic and fun gameplay.
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KratosGodKiller posted 28/01/2011, 09:51
This game is far superior to God of War 2. The story is great, a perfect end to the trilogy. What people don’t understand is that God of War 3 isn’t meant to be judged as a self-contained story, it’s just an ending to a story, and a very good one at that. The beginning (God of War 1) is that which precedes everything and before which there was nothing, the middle (God of War 2) follows the beginning and precedes the end, and the end (God of War 3) follows the middle and there is nothing afterwards, therefore Gow3 can’t have more character development and events unfolding, that would mean there’d have to be a Gow4, which won’t happen because obviously it’s a trilogy.
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A203D posted 28/01/2011, 07:59
I actully agree with some of what you've said Biddles. the story was dissapointing to me, the art design couldve been better and it was a bit on the short side. but it was a good game. gameplay was excellent and excellent production values.
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Biddles posted 28/01/2011, 04:04
The game was inferior to God of War 2, the things you said were good were infact good, however the story was absolutley terrible. The locations in the game were very poor compared to the other two aswell. The entire Titan God war that was built up came to pretty much nothing. And it was very short under 8 hours short.
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dsage01 posted 26/01/2011, 01:57
great game
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A203D posted 23/01/2011, 07:34
Yeah, its a good game, but if only it was as popular in Europe as the US, it would be higher than Uncharted 2. why hasnt it done as well in Europe??
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 22/01/2011, 04:44
Biddles...people have different opinions. Me personally, I hate CoD and all those other military FPS (Anything that doesn't involve aliens). But lots of people dig that kind of thing. You might not like God of War III. But there are plenty of people who regard it as one of the best games ever. Great graphics, great soundtrack, a good ending to the franchise, amazing boss battles and sense of scale, and the best combat system the series ever had makes it stand out in a flood of its rip offs (dante's inferno anyone ?) and CoD imitators.
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KratosGodKiller posted 21/01/2011, 06:41
This is undoubtedly one of the best games I've ever played.
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Biddles posted 21/01/2011, 04:48
Why it wasnt even that good.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 21/01/2011, 04:45
There was an error in the Algorithm for the past 2 weeks...other games were affected too. Now sales were adjusted from less than 1k a week in Europe And brilliant legs. This game makes me so
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dsage01 posted 20/01/2011, 09:32
undertracked how the hell did it get 1k!
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A203D posted 20/01/2011, 08:26
Could it be undertracked in Europe??
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 20/01/2011, 08:51
Undertracked ? Or are people waiting for the platinum version releasing in March ?
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ruimartiniman posted 20/01/2011, 02:44
278 units sold in others??????
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Mordred11 posted 16/01/2011, 08:47
What the hell Europe?
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 14/01/2011, 01:15
WTF !!! Dropped from 30k to 1k in Europe ?
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Turkish posted 13/01/2011, 01:20
I think at the end of 2012 this will set above 5 million.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 06/01/2011, 05:10
This game sold 40kish this week. Hopefully another million this year GoGoGoWIII!!!!
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ivanpgcs posted 06/01/2011, 04:24
next goal 4 mil
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Chibi.V.29 posted 05/01/2011, 11:58
O_O that is quite the xmas boost xD
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Colocho posted 05/01/2011, 04:36
Lets not forget this is GOW's first Xmas. Im sure next year will be bundled and/or heavely discounted. It will help boost sales! I expect no less then 5M LTD.
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||DeOn|| posted 02/01/2011, 06:19
4.5-5M LTD! there's no way in h3ll this game is going to reach 6M @ Heavenly_King
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||DeOn|| posted 02/01/2011, 06:19
4.5-5M LTD! there's no way in h3ll this game is going to reach 6M @ Heavenly_King
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Heavenly_King posted 01/01/2011, 06:49
10k less than UC2 in its 41st week. So this game will also reach between 5M-6M. GO GOW!!!
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zgamer5 posted 01/01/2011, 06:15
come on japan make gow3 reach 3.5!
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jester2358 posted 01/01/2011, 06:48
@ 9087 then get off it, I prefer adjustments over wrong numbers.
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drakesfortune posted 31/12/2010, 06:14
9087, I think everyone knows they use statistics and educated guessing. I don't think they make any bones about that. They do a pretty darn good job of it too. Take this adjustment, they were only 4% off. That's pretty f'n good.
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9087 posted 31/12/2010, 05:01
LOL @ anyone who thinks this site is credible
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hiroko posted 28/12/2010, 12:21
whahah sony showed like a 100mill difrence from shipped software with vgc this is bullcrap
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pablogers posted 25/12/2010, 06:06
wtf always ps3, i hate this site
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drakesfortune posted 25/12/2010, 06:48
@ biddles...really?! REALLY? 150k down, out of 3.42m is nothing. I don't think a minor adjustment means much at all. This game will do 5mil easy. That's stellar.
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Smileface posted 24/12/2010, 02:24
LOL VGCHARTZ!!! 0,15M corection? Are you crazy???
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Biddles posted 24/12/2010, 01:20
lol PS3 fans got too excited for nothing.
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zgamer5 posted 24/12/2010, 08:55
got adjusted down :(
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Jay520 posted 24/12/2010, 05:35
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Heavenly_King posted 24/12/2010, 04:37
I dont get it the "sales overview" says 3.42, but it the graphic the total sales are 3.57
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zgamer5 posted 22/12/2010, 11:38
passed 3.5!
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Heavenly_King posted 22/12/2010, 03:17
5-6M LTD
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Heavenly_King posted 22/12/2010, 03:11
next...3.73M lol This game will be the best selling GOW game yet.....till GOW4 comes out XD
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Jay520 posted 18/12/2010, 04:58
5 million LTD
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jester2358 posted 18/12/2010, 02:56
@godofwar_3ever even better!, this will pass 4 million easy next year
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zgamer5 posted 17/12/2010, 09:50
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8Nawt753 posted 17/12/2010, 10:24
It's great to see so many units moving! The best selling God of War.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 17/12/2010, 02:41
Trilogy sold 100k
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jester2358 posted 16/12/2010, 11:27
looking likely ivanpgcs, you have to add the triliogy sales though(60k), it was a super limited edition that was tracked seperatly.
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ivanpgcs posted 16/12/2010, 10:31
3.75 mil end of 2010?
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M.U.G.E.N posted 16/12/2010, 10:24
so 3.5 mil with this weeks numbers :D awesome
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Ultr posted 12/12/2010, 06:34
will easily reach neraly 4mil by the end of the year
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Jay520 posted 10/12/2010, 07:23
3.5m by year's end. 4mil by April. 4.5mil by the end of 2011. 5mil sometime in 2012
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Heavenly_King posted 09/12/2010, 03:09
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Colocho posted 04/12/2010, 05:05
This game should hit 3.5m by year's end!... Second best selling GOW game!
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Heavenly_King posted 03/12/2010, 11:41
GO GOW!!!!
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DemOps posted 03/12/2010, 04:43
God of War 2 was much better.
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Spinzaku posted 03/12/2010, 04:18
Since when is a 9.2 score underrated?
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sexc_abbas posted 03/12/2010, 02:45
god i love this game ? SOMEONE TELL ME WHY I LOVE PS3 GAMES SO MCUH !
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gustave154 posted 29/11/2010, 09:41
this game is the standard for hack and slash games.
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postofficebuddy posted 26/11/2010, 11:20
This will get a nice boost next week since Gamestop is bundling it for BF. Between standalone and trilogy sales I think this could hit 3.5 million by the end of the year. 4 million is pretty much guaranteed and I still think 5 million is possible.
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Kennyheart posted 22/11/2010, 03:06
Best action game of the year.
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A203D posted 21/11/2010, 08:28
I think with a bit of luck it will reach that 4 mill snyperdud, i think even more 4.5
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Colocho posted 20/11/2010, 08:11
If I was buying a playstation3 for the first time, this game and Uncharted 2 would be my first purchases...
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palitococo posted 17/11/2010, 02:27
Its almost a sure bet to say that this going to be the best selling GOW to date.
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snyperdud posted 17/11/2010, 07:50
Keeps on chugging along. It may even reach 4 million some day.
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TrevDaRev posted 14/11/2010, 07:43
My favourite game of all time.
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Rafux posted 10/11/2010, 06:25
A must have for every PS3 owner
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ivanpgcs posted 08/11/2010, 10:52
3,071 million + 71k (trilogy) = 3,14 million. 3.35 million in January
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9087 posted 07/11/2010, 02:49
a classic PS3 game. Iconic and will be remembered as one of the best
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BanTiger posted 03/11/2010, 04:05
Wow 3 million!!!!!!!!!
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Heavenly_King posted 29/10/2010, 06:17
BEST GAME EVER (The same status as MGS4) XD
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ethomaz posted 24/10/2010, 10:46
Epic 3M!!!
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 22/10/2010, 05:53
3 million baby ! 4 million, here we come !
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kowhoho posted 31/05/2010, 09:22
Who'd have thought this would ever reach 100k in japan?
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 31/05/2010, 05:08
Are you sure its not 18k and do you have a link ?
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postofficebuddy posted 31/05/2010, 03:25
According to Famitsu Taiwan the traditional chinese version has sold 180k. More than likely that's not accounted for here so this is probably over 300k undertracked.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 31/05/2010, 09:08
2.5 million next week ! WOOT WOOT !
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down-down-down-down- posted 30/05/2010, 08:04
in a few weeks it will outsell uncahrted 2 in america and it already outsell killzone 2 in america and i bet it will also outsell LBP in america ;) so it will become the best selling PS3-sony-exclusive game in america
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AaronSOLDIER posted 29/05/2010, 09:58
Best selling GOW game for sure. Its having great legs, should be a nice bump when it turns Greatest Hits.
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darthdevidem01 posted 29/05/2010, 03:00
Maybe 5 million all said & done? or at least 4 Million let hope
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Munkeh111 posted 28/05/2010, 02:40
Its legs are holding nicely, so it should certainly get to 3.5m at least
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A203D posted 28/05/2010, 09:28
This would have done so much better in the EU had they have marketed better and released the GOW1&2 HD releases eairler and marketed those as well. not many people i know have heard of GOW, and even then they dont want to play a 3rd one when they havent played the other 2.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 27/05/2010, 06:57
Come on ! another week over 50k please !
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C_Hollomon posted 26/05/2010, 09:45
It will past 3m this year from holiday sales.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 26/05/2010, 06:18
Jizz ! Come on PS3 owners ! Buy this game ! Spam your PSN friends into buying it !
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Iveyboi posted 26/05/2010, 03:21
#17.....will be awhile before it overtakes uncharted
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chuchy posted 26/05/2010, 03:18
Boost in America? Maybe as ppl when and picked up red deadthey decided maybe GOW3 would be a good way to with it too
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palitococo posted 26/05/2010, 02:16
Great NA legs, so.
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gustave154 posted 25/05/2010, 05:37
wow sales seems to be levelling around the 50k area. very nice legs.
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REDXIII posted 24/05/2010, 04:53
I feel that GOW3 is the best one out the series i love two but three takes the cake.
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darthdevidem01 posted 23/05/2010, 04:09
The better question is how long will it be before it becomes the best selling GOW
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 22/05/2010, 03:00
Can this be the best selling GoW ?
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Munkeh111 posted 21/05/2010, 08:25
Still going nicely, should clear 3m
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 21/05/2010, 06:55
@ XBOX_Man

Uncharted 2 was released in the holiday season. ME2 and GoW 3 will probably receive holiday boosts as well...
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The Xbox Man posted 21/05/2010, 04:50

Interesting comparison, it shows which game the general public is going with, thats Uncharted 2, in terms of legs.

I am very worried about Mass Effect 2, did it have a negative word of mouth in the end.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 21/05/2010, 12:30
I hope sales remain flat 20k in America and 10k in Europe until the holiday season.
I hope for 50k+ next week !
Hope is what makes us strong, it is what we fight with when all else is lost !
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 21/05/2010, 12:19 the game page... he said greatest hits version, not bargain bins though...
But I gotta admit, the first week to second week drop off was pretty "meh" and had me worried...
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 21/05/2010, 09:29
lol, did Outlaw really say that?
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 21/05/2010, 07:25
I see some "titan"ic legs bitches !

Outlawauron said " It'll continue to drop like a rock until it hits the bargain bins"
Say what ??
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 21/05/2010, 12:12
God of Legs!
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Heavenly_King posted 20/05/2010, 11:01
I think that by the end of 2011 this game should reach 4.**M
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Heavenly_King posted 20/05/2010, 10:54
hopefully the 270k taken from GOW1 will end up here XD.
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Heavenly_King posted 20/05/2010, 10:52
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Scruff7 posted 20/05/2010, 09:46
This is basically a game where you run around being generally awesome.
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darthdevidem01 posted 20/05/2010, 12:10
So basically 4 Million Confirmed (and its still undertracked in us)
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darthdevidem01 posted 20/05/2010, 12:09
It will only need to sell over 20K for a year to get a million extra sales, thats not even taking into account platinum edition boosts.

Even if it seems like games have low legs, over a period of 1 - 2 years they end up surprising and selling over 1 million - 2 million more
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gustave154 posted 20/05/2010, 06:21
if its sells 50k until the end of the year it would definitely reach 4 million
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Vueguy posted 17/05/2010, 03:23
no DLC?
i want a versus mode online like the Kratos vs Zeus in Street Fighter style as DLC and have all the characters in GoW3 playable.

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Scruff7 posted 16/05/2010, 09:50
This game is stunning. I'm going to have to play it over again and again as the actual playing is getting in the way of enjoying the images!
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Dgc1808 posted 16/05/2010, 06:18
Starting to see some consistent legs in others. Nice.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 16/05/2010, 04:26
Japan, I am proud of you...I hope for a bump in US sales cause of the GameStop sale...
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Snake612 posted 16/05/2010, 03:00
strong sales after 8 weeks
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postofficebuddy posted 15/05/2010, 07:15
Actually even with the April overtrack this is still about 200k-250k low in Americas. Canada has almost certainly sold through it's first shipment of 250k by now and I'm still assuming Latin America represents about 50k-100k of sales so it should be around 1.6 million by week 7. Has anyone brought this to the attention of ioi? And yeah, amazing Japan legs. It's already at 100k with Trilogy sales.
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aragod posted 15/05/2010, 04:32
Nice legs in japan, increasing over time :), Japanese love their gore
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NSS7 posted 15/05/2010, 05:06
Quite huge drop in NA.
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xxrkoxx posted 15/05/2010, 02:39
canada i think had 200g reserved and i dont think its counted here and there was one more place idk i forgot
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vitoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx posted 15/05/2010, 12:50
wow 0_0 can it reach 100k in japan?
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 14/05/2010, 11:08
Wow, didn't even notice before. The legs in Japan are actually pretty good too.
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palitococo posted 14/05/2010, 10:42
Holdig up well in Japan, can reach 120-150K ltd.
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Kaufer posted 14/05/2010, 08:33
'Others' got a boost I think because the GoW Collection+GoW3 bundle was recently released there. There were many who preferred ot play the collection first.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 14/05/2010, 07:23
Sales can be accepted in Americas now...The March low figures have been cancelled out by April high figures I guess... Still might be a wee bit under-tracked in America though...but now it seems OK.
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 14/05/2010, 06:49
Disappointing Americas legs...What do you guys think of my "UNDERTRACKED !!!!" theory ?
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Gilgamesh posted 14/05/2010, 01:26
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 13/05/2010, 10:29
But thats imposible.
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kowhoho posted 13/05/2010, 09:55
F*cking insane legs in Others! GRAAHH!
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rossoner posted 13/05/2010, 06:56
no hard feelings but next time try to put smaller wall.

anyway imagine if this legs stays for month or two
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 13/05/2010, 06:23
How much was this adjusted up by after NPD March results came in ? it looks like by 100k to me.

NPD March US only sales - 1.1 million

Vgchartz March US only sales - 860k

Thats still 160k low and some of that 100k which it was adjusted up by surely must have been from Canada + Other countries....
1.1 million margin of error = 110k
so its not even within the margin of error...
+ it hasn't been adjusted a bit in Europe...since this was undertracked in America, I'm inclined to believe its a bit undertracked in Europe also since VGC EU numbers are rumored to be less accurate.

In its first month in American regions, VGC has this at 1.1 million...
NPD has it at 1.1 million in US and I read somewhere TheSource posted that US sales are 83.33% of "Americas" sales usually... thats 5/6 th of the sales... Judging by that math it would have sold 220k in Canada + Other regions bringing the NPD influenced numbers to 1.32 million first month in America.

Hopefully at E3, Sony will reveal worldwide shipments...Lets see if VGC decides to make any adjustments...
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Ravage27 posted 13/05/2010, 05:51
very VERY good legs in Others :)
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GodOfWar_3ever posted 13/05/2010, 03:35
ZOMFG @ the legs especially others
How about because it is indeed the best slasher ever.

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zgamer5 posted 13/05/2010, 02:43
great sales, can this game get past 4 million ltd?
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sexc_abbas posted 13/05/2010, 02:31
HOLY F&@%&@#K, again 47k, its true if this was relleased in Q4 it would be at around 4 million now !!!, imagine it stays like that in other for another month or so
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 13/05/2010, 12:22
Epic legs!

Sales would've been massive if this were a Q4 release!
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Miiqli posted 13/05/2010, 11:46
"i play it on ps3 yesterday. best hack&slay ever guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god of war 3 is awesome"

becouse it's PS3 exclusive?
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Marco posted 13/05/2010, 10:18
i play it on ps3 yesterday. best hack&slay ever guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god of war 3 is awesome
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Wagram posted 13/05/2010, 04:34
Huge boost in others last week.
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sexc_abbas posted 11/05/2010, 11:50
who in gods name, can beat this game in titan mode, its impossible it took me week to beat posidean !!!!!!
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down-down-down-down- posted 09/05/2010, 12:51
yes but look GOW3 sold in the first 3 weeks over 100k in america and this is amazing for a ps3 game in the usa
besides gow 3 sold in the first week 100k more than MGS4 first's week,just wait and see...
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FootballFan posted 09/05/2010, 11:24
MGS4 has sold 2.16million

I doubt GodofWar will exceed it any time soon.

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down-down-down-down- posted 09/05/2010, 10:26
so...okay but this is the best selling ps3 exclusive game in AMERICA,isn't it?
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Munkeh111 posted 08/05/2010, 10:06
Still selling nicely, lets hope it keeps up
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hmduong posted 08/05/2010, 08:16
@down-down... there's about 10 other exclusives that have sold more than this game so far. it's catching up quick though
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Vetteman94 posted 08/05/2010, 07:50
no MGS4 is the best selling exclusive
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down-down-down-down- posted 08/05/2010, 07:19
this is the best selling ps3 exclusive game ever....isn't it?
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yog-sothot posted 08/05/2010, 05:09
nice boost in Ohers !
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jester2358 posted 07/05/2010, 09:11
postofficebuddy, sales #s should be said at e3, then we will see an adjustment
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postofficebuddy posted 07/05/2010, 02:39
Is this ever going to get adjusted? It's still about 300k low in Americas.
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gustave154 posted 07/05/2010, 01:25
i hope the sales stay level here....
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Ghazi4 posted 06/05/2010, 09:03
week 7 > week 8
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AaronSOLDIER posted 06/05/2010, 05:45
Should be able to beat GOW1, maybe even without a Greatest Hits/Platinum release!
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NanakiXI posted 06/05/2010, 01:11
Actually if you count the Trilogy bundle/edition it technically did 100k with EU numbers!!!
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NanakiXI posted 06/05/2010, 12:48
Damn! Even without Japan numbers it got damn close to 100k. 94k with JP numbers is pretty damn good though. Unless a huge sale happens in Japan :P
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italo244 posted 05/05/2010, 11:49
100k? I'm not sure. But 80K for sure.
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NicholasCage posted 05/05/2010, 11:09
Is there a boost because of God of War Collection, or was there a price drop?
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jbrist posted 05/05/2010, 08:21
Wow that's a nice boost in sales, let's see if it can reach 100k this week!
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rccsetzer posted 05/05/2010, 03:07
Wow. Others boost. Good!
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palitococo posted 05/05/2010, 01:50
Its gonna be hard because the trend in america its the fall, need to maintain al least almost identical nunbers than last week in america to reach 100K WW, but its possible.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 05/05/2010, 12:21
I guess a lot of people were waiting to play the first two games before buying this?

I'm glad it's holding well, anyway.
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NanakiXI posted 05/05/2010, 11:09
Can GoW III crack 100k this week??!?
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nen-suer posted 05/05/2010, 11:08
the triology release boosted the sales
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italo244 posted 05/05/2010, 10:41
Wow! 47k this week!
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chuchy posted 05/05/2010, 04:44
My only guess is that more consoles were bought. Wait also the release of god of war collection and the triology! Ppl wanted to buy the 3 games I guesss and decided to wait, wanted to play the first games and then the massive 3
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kowhoho posted 05/05/2010, 03:54
I just noticed that, wtf? 0_o
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Fab_GS posted 05/05/2010, 03:19
OMG what happened in others?!
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buu posted 04/05/2010, 01:37

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Silentium posted 02/05/2010, 10:58
GoW3 was my first Platin trophy... amazing game! :D
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Packie posted 01/05/2010, 06:37
lol dont worry, Im not smoking anything.
yes, they all played the same but Im not complaining about the gameplay because GOW3 had the best and the most refined combat system in the series.
What Im trully disappointed about is how the story was handled.
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Kaixes posted 01/05/2010, 02:12
Just tried Titan Mode for the first time. It's ABSURD.
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m1987mp posted 01/05/2010, 12:46
Packie, yeah they were good, but all of them were about the same. If you don't believe me then Idk what your smoking lol
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AngelosL posted 30/04/2010, 10:56
@buu GoW I is 10 times better than 2....If you know anything about gameplay
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buu posted 30/04/2010, 08:41

I agree, it was disappointing, i thought it was better than GOW1 but not 2.
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Aldro posted 30/04/2010, 09:39
GoW3 was fucking amazing
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Packie posted 30/04/2010, 07:52
Am I the only one who was disappointed with the game?

It was nowhere near as good as 1 and 2.
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heip0ran posted 28/04/2010, 11:11
the game do great in NA but in other sales just alright
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Iveyboi posted 28/04/2010, 08:09
The sales are great of course and they have broken even easily...but I cannot help feel that it should have sold more. Sigh.
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Solid_Snake4RD posted 28/04/2010, 07:13
doing pretty well,should easiley hit 4m,hoping for 5m
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Heavenly_King posted 28/04/2010, 02:34
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BanTiger posted 28/04/2010, 01:59
Wow for a Hack & Slash game the sell # are just amazing
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aragod posted 27/04/2010, 08:52
@Frieza Well our oppinions differ, I've thoroughly enjoyed Hades, Hercules and Hermes fight. It was more about the feeling and diversity which these offered.
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Frieza posted 27/04/2010, 08:47
Comparing GOW3 to GOW2 both on normal yes its much shorter, my first playthrough on GOW3 trying to get trophies took me less time than a speed run on GOW2 on easy. I didnt even die 5 times.

Of the bosses Poseidon & Hades were cool, Hermes wasnt really a fight, Hercules was disappointing, Chronos was good but not a boss, Scorpion was lame, Zeus was forgettable.
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aragod posted 27/04/2010, 07:07
@Frieza GoW3 has the best boss fights from the whole serie, 2 wasn't much better than 1, except for the Colossus fight. I wouldn't mind a few more puzzles, but overall it's definatelly up there with MGS4 and UC2.
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AngelosL posted 27/04/2010, 04:19
Shorter and Easier? Maybe if you played it on God Mode.I disagree on everything else you wrote as well but I'm not interested in changing your mind. This game is great.
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Frieza posted 27/04/2010, 01:47
Finished the game, its very good but its very overated its no MGS4 or Uncharted 2.

It isnt even as good as GOW2.

Its shorter, its easier, the story is much worse, the environments arnt as great, the boss fights arnt as good , and i expected the titan and god war to have a larger part.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 27/04/2010, 08:35
@ Neos

That didn't stop you from listing DMC 4 as one of your favourite games.
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TurismoT posted 26/04/2010, 09:30
especially in Aphrodite's chamber he came there a lot
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yog-sothot posted 26/04/2010, 06:25
this is not a TPS man...
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Neos posted 26/04/2010, 09:26
No i'm not kidding. I like it when the camera stays behind the character at ALL times. This one, obviously, doesn't.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 26/04/2010, 01:53
@ Neos

Are you kidding. The God of War series is the only example of a perfect camera I can think of in games.
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Neos posted 25/04/2010, 02:07
Got this game with a giftcard (leftover) from christmas. So far I don't like it at all. It doesn't appeal to me and the movement controls and camera are just @*#()@. Graphics are superb ofcourse.
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kowhoho posted 24/04/2010, 02:30
Come on, Kratos! Keep it above 100k one more week!
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NicholasCage posted 24/04/2010, 10:36
Should have healthy legs since it's $49.99 mostly every where in America.
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Solid-Stark posted 23/04/2010, 11:02
Adjustments will be made in the next few weeks. Its probably ~2.3m right now.
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Cross-X posted 23/04/2010, 11:12
No one can deny the great sales of GOW III. Very much deserved for the Great Game.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 23/04/2010, 03:33
God of War II at 5 weeks: 1.32m
God of War III at 5 weeks: 2.05

Nice :)
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 1   2   3   4   5   6   9 

Shipping Total

7,600,000 Units
As of: May 21st, 2019

Opinion (849)

thewastedyouth posted 24/12/2013, 04:50
look at the Japan sales, man what the heck do people play there
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TrevDaRev posted 04/10/2013, 12:31
Damn! This still hasn't been adjusted?
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 16/08/2013, 02:44
@ frozone: the story isn't great but is sure better than average, the game itself is EXCELLENT (best hack n' slash of this generation), the graphics r unbelievably gorgeous (nothing else comes close), GOW3 is ridiculously undertracked, and u're very much full of it. >=)
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Frozone posted 04/08/2012, 03:02
The storys awful and the game is average.
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jayman1 posted 21/07/2012, 01:30
Just picked this up. GOW3 is killa,killa story with stellar graphics! GOW 3,uncharted, gran turismo and killzone have the best graphics for ps3 exclusives .Story is incredible like uncharted and resistance series.This game alone is just a work of art probably one of ps3's best games this gen.
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dsage01 posted 27/06/2012, 01:30
It is also undertracked in the USA for the first 3 weeks by over 200k. NPD has first 3 weeks at 1.1 million in the U.S.A. and VGC only has it at 900k. VGC sales are never accurate
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