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Review Scores

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Alternative Names



Epic Games



Other Versions

PC, X360

Release Dates

12/11/07 Midway Games
09/18/08 Electronic Arts
02/22/08 Midway Games

Community Stats

Owners: 285
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 0
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

Avg Community Rating:


Unreal Tournament III (PS3) > Opinions (134)

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slipknot0129 posted 06/01/2008, 03:15
this is a flop it will sell better on xbox 360
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Dark Odin posted 04/01/2008, 02:54
they alway say this... and after the EU numbers are added + 100k per week.
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FelmanX posted 04/01/2008, 04:59
needs a EU launch to be successful
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coolestguyever posted 04/01/2008, 04:52
@ Okeydokey

you said the same about motorstorm but now its over 2 mil
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ssj12 posted 03/01/2008, 07:05
UT3 need to launch in the UK, FPS market is bigger in the UK as well as the PC market so PC version will sell mad crazy there.
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rukusa posted 03/01/2008, 06:41
I imagine this really get a bigger boost in Europe. Getting it personally.... even though I know I will get mya ss kicked online cause I won't be useing a Keyboard/mouse for the game.
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Munkeh111 posted 01/01/2008, 11:04
should have decent sales in the long run in the US, although I still don't think it is going to do great overall. However, I will probably get this myself
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outlawauron posted 01/01/2008, 08:20
@okey dokey

And the same was said about Heavenly Sword, but the game has sold well over 600k.
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leo-j posted 31/12/2007, 09:57

They said that about uncharted.. its at 600k and selling 100k+ weekly.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 31/12/2007, 03:25
okay, but i'm gonna have to say i told you so whenever your willing to admit it.
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Bladeneo posted 31/12/2007, 02:46
^^ Yup, a flop after 2 limited weeks in the PS3's weaker market. My god people WAIT before claiming a flop!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 30/12/2007, 07:43
pitiful sales. another ps3 flop :(
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ssj12 posted 30/12/2007, 03:40
Best Shooter next to HL2 period (this and PC version)
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NFGBlinkAC posted 29/12/2007, 09:17
Best Shooter on PS3. Period.
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hunter_alien posted 29/12/2007, 04:18
It all depends how long legs the game has ... but no , it didnt bomb :) Did actually much batter than the PC version :D
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MontanaHatchet posted 29/12/2007, 02:58
Fred, what did I tell you?

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Bladeneo posted 29/12/2007, 02:40

MS didnt go for a dual release cause they dont allow developers freedom to work with xbox live like sony do the with the PSN, so epic have to decide what to do about mod support before developing the 360 version.

A game CANT bomb after 2 weeks (limited release as well) in ONE market where the console isnt strongest. Wait to see 2 weeks in europe before you call a bomb. I suspect it'll hit 200-300k in two weeks over there, so no bomb :)

Make some valid points next time.
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segajon posted 28/12/2007, 07:47
Anybody know when it hits the european market.
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fred posted 28/12/2007, 04:15
@ Munkeh111
Now take a look at the sales for it's second week, it's bombed and actually yes I have played this game and I have watched someone play it for a total of a couple of hours(so please less of the SDF and accept that it will also have critics) I just am not impressed and I don't think they will release a 360 version in the exact same form being that their future release is Gears 2,you can bet they will up it a lot and that is proberly why MS didn't go further for a dual release, they seem to have a knack of predicting things software wise..
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Stats87 posted 28/12/2007, 12:02
who wants to bet that this game in Europe outsells NA 2:1? if not more
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Kamahl posted 27/12/2007, 11:42
great game, i suck at it though >.
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Munkeh111 posted 26/12/2007, 06:51
@ Fred, thanks for your useful comments. I would just like to point out that the PC version has had appauling sales, so that is unlikely to effect sales. I would also like to mention that it has had universal praise (metacritic = 87) although not the best ever, it is still better than many other games. In what way is that a poor version? I would assume that you have not even played this game you just saw a PS3 game and decided to bash it. The 360 version will be the same, if not slightly worse, lacking mods. This game is also about it's multiplayer, the campaign is just a warm up act.
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segajon posted 26/12/2007, 03:58
This game will sell good in EU.
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fred posted 24/12/2007, 02:24
Poor gameplay = poor sales.
Offers nothing new over the PC version the Campaign mode shows just how average it is, they should up the gameplay for the 360 version and not just release another poor version like this...
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segajon posted 23/12/2007, 04:17
7.04 wtf
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LeonGama posted 22/12/2007, 06:31
Great game :D Campaign sucks's like multiplayer but with a reason to fight...and no splitscreen....but other than that, its spectaculaH!
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rukusa posted 21/12/2007, 09:37

easy on the dope, sounds like you don't know what youre saying anymore.
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Darni187 posted 21/12/2007, 02:51
UT3, iam from U.K, but ordered this baby from the U.S. from Ebay, cant wait to play it and kick some U.S ass lol
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drudaddy posted 20/12/2007, 09:23
this game flopped in sales
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segajon posted 20/12/2007, 03:47
OMG this game is amazing I just got my PS3 today and picked up UTIII and it is spectacular
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Daddo Splat posted 20/12/2007, 02:47
ya its good demo ran like crap on my pc 3500 amd 7600 gt overclock never building another pc for 1 game so I grabbed the Ps3 version my son likes it too probably rent the 360 version for achievements though will see!
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Squall_Leonhart posted 19/12/2007, 11:14
Will also get this game when it lands in the UK :D
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rukusa posted 19/12/2007, 09:23

Will get it... when it lands in Denmark ;).
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TurismoT posted 19/12/2007, 03:56
This game rocks! Get it PS3 owners.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (134)

1 n/a 58,758 n/a 10,369 69,127
2 n/a 32,436 n/a 5,724 38,160
3 n/a 19,231 n/a 3,394 22,625
4 n/a 12,790 n/a 2,257 15,047
5 n/a 8,303 n/a 1,465 9,768
6 n/a 6,790 n/a 1,198 7,988
7 n/a 7,273 n/a 1,283 8,556
8 n/a 5,904 n/a 1,042 6,946
9 n/a 5,307 n/a 937 6,244
10 n/a 4,625 n/a 816 5,441
Boutros posted 02/04/2010, 01:54
I love this game. But, strangely enough, I thought the singleplayer was better than the multiplayer. People are simply too good online.
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homer posted 13/02/2010, 01:55
One million seller with Japanese sales? jk
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Rob6021 posted 10/11/2009, 08:00
Too old school for me.. kind of needs a mouse - that doesn't fix how it gets boring quickly.
Message | Report posted 29/09/2009, 08:49
Very good FPS. Still play from time to time.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 13/09/2009, 11:44
wish i hadnt sold it
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AdventWolf posted 24/08/2009, 10:24
Good game, I still played CoD4 more though.
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