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Alternative Names

アラン ウェイク


Remedy Entertainment



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Release Dates

05/18/10 Microsoft Game Studios
05/27/10 Microsoft Game Studios
05/14/10 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 969
Favorite: 50
Tracked: 19
Wishlist: 67
Now Playing: 24

Avg Community Rating:


Alan Wake (X360) > Opinions (263)

 1  2  3 
BengaBenga posted 20/11/2010, 10:31
My favorite game of the year, by far. If a game keeps sticking in your head after you finished it, it must be good.
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Mr Puggsly posted 17/11/2010, 12:12
Its inching its way to a million. Lets hope it gets a bigger following from the bundling this holiday.
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 02:07
Didnt get killed by Red Dead, just crippled, it will make it past 1 mill soon enough. Awesome game, especially liked the DLC too.
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drakesfortune posted 11/11/2010, 05:37
I just finished this game, and I was let down by it. I love the story, but the whole flashlight shooting thing felt off. So that very basic mechanic took away from the game. Also, going through forest path after forest path was tedious. They really could have done that better as it got old very early on in the game. Still, the story is great.
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gamefreak4ever posted 07/11/2010, 04:04
I was glad to have played this gm is was AWESOME...yes the downside was not enough advertising...
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ArcticGabe posted 02/11/2010, 02:45
And there were 0 TV advertising in the opening week. Still this will be a million seller after all.
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J7KE posted 01/11/2010, 03:03
This game would've done much better if it didn't release the same day as RDR
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A203D posted 31/10/2010, 11:35
Desipte the poor opening, these sales are good imo. yes it wouldve done better on PS3, but thats life, its still done pretty well i think.
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Porcupine_I posted 30/10/2010, 07:28
i believe this game would have had better sales if it had been a PS3 exclusive
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Talisman posted 29/10/2010, 11:22
heavy rain
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allenfake posted 01/06/2010, 02:14
lol wait nvm misread the post
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allenfake posted 01/06/2010, 02:06

Why not? Would it have made it less enjoyable knowing that it was on another platform? How does that even work. Though I do wish they would just release a pc version already.
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MorgZ posted 31/05/2010, 05:47
just completed it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Games like this need people to purchase them new to encourage developers to try and create something unique.

@Man - it is not open world but it doesnt matter .
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Seece posted 31/05/2010, 03:27
"probably would been touchin 1 mil if it wasn't an exclusive."

I very much doubt it ..
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divwilson50 posted 31/05/2010, 02:16
probably would been touchin 1 mil if it wasn't an exclusive.
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D-Joe posted 30/05/2010, 08:09
go offical forum and you will know AW budget is...okay still little more than Gears of war($12,000,000)
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jacks81x posted 30/05/2010, 07:01
Bottomline is....every game that comes out has other games released around the same time that're going to compete with it for sales. So it's pointless to argue that such and such game could've sold more had it not come out at the same time as "X" game. That's life. Deal with it. With so many games being released nowadays, you're going have competition every single week.
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Man posted 30/05/2010, 04:03
Is Alan Wake open world?
I bought it today and played the first chapter but it was all linear. Are there open world parts later on or is it all linear?
I always thought this was meant to be open world...
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headshot91 posted 30/05/2010, 03:33
@d joe
it has been in development for 5 years. Even if the team was small, 5 years is over double the normal amount of time spent on an hd game.
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yinkadare posted 30/05/2010, 03:43

Assuming the average gamer buys one game per month, basically just look at what games are released 2 weeks before and after the title you're looking at. FF13 came out exactly 2 weeks after HR. So if I'm deciding on a game to buy in mid- Feb and I know I can only afford one game within the next 4 weeks, there's no way in hell I'm choosing HR over FFXIII. Many good games came out in Feb/March. HR was lucky that it sold as well as it did.
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piggychan posted 29/05/2010, 10:25
how is it bullshit ? cause I decided to buy RDR first and getting AW next month..
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fasthandz posted 29/05/2010, 08:40
@yinkadare haha i know heavy rain came out around the same time FFXIII came out. I remember my friend was deciding between FFXIII or HR. He went HR. So this BS about RDR taking away sells from AW is a load of bull.
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A203D posted 29/05/2010, 02:08
The sales arn't awful, it could have really strong legs because of all the good reviews, word of mouth etc and end up doing over 1m.
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D-Joe posted 29/05/2010, 01:10
huge budget?who said?
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brazylianwisnia posted 29/05/2010, 11:35
for 5 years of making the sales are massive fail.
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FantasySky posted 29/05/2010, 11:15
well....for a game that took like 5 years and some shit huge budgit these sales kinda suck
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yinkadare posted 29/05/2010, 06:15
Well, the RDR argument is irrelevant since HR came out around the same time as Bioshock 2, Battlefield: BC 2, AVP, FFXIII, and MLB '10. AW has no real competition other than RDR. And nothing of note is coming out the next few weeks with the exception of maybe Alpha Protocol.
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PS3beats360 posted 29/05/2010, 05:00
Reviews on this game have been good to excellent. Anyway how long is this game? Is this game better than Dead Rising, Dead Space or Resident Evil 5?
Why is this game being compared to Heavy Rain?
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ylowbstard posted 29/05/2010, 03:43
Bad sales plain and simple. This game has been hyped for 5 years now. This is a shame... because the game is quite solid. Not great, but atleast it's doing something different.
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Zucas posted 29/05/2010, 01:13
Yea a little bit of overreactions with the sales. Personally I think that is pretty good for coming out the same time as Red Dead: Redemption. Remedy will be quite pleased with it.

I have been unable to start this, but after I beat Galaxy 2 I'll definitely start this one.
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Lyrikalstylez posted 29/05/2010, 01:05
Why are people still saying it has bad sales?...It came out during RDR and still managed nover 200k in first week nuff said!! Besides Heavy Rain only sold 1.2 million a mark this game can easily make
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zgamer5 posted 28/05/2010, 09:31
aw isnt meant to get high sales like halo or gears, its meant to give 360 owners a great feeling and expand the variety of games on the 360. aw sales are great when you consider that those types of games dont have an audience on the 360. yes hr got to 500k first week but their was much more hype then aw, many people bought the game because they felt like if it was a new genre, no offense to aw it has unique gameplay.

it came out on the same day as rdr their must have been lots of competition, and honestly if uncharted 3 came on may 18, i would have gotten rdr and not uc3.
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Sanzee posted 28/05/2010, 07:35
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Feniris posted 28/05/2010, 03:09
I think that it was simply the time of release and the sheer lack of advertising for the game that caused a slow start out of the gates for this title. With time (and maybe a few price cuts) Wake will should break a million.
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palitococo posted 28/05/2010, 02:29
The thing is ppl were expecting too much from AW first week numbers, Heavy Rain was really a succes 530K first week its not common between new ips, but dont forget That Ucharted Debut week was 1/2 of AW debut week so it can sell really well in the long run or maybe not, we know that for sure with time.
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yinkadare posted 28/05/2010, 05:44
@ jacks81x

I think AW would've sold more copies had it come out before HR. The problem was that because AW was so hyped up to completely destroy HR in every aspect, that when the reviews came out and the game was only "good" but not the masterpiece that XBox fans were expecting, it lost a lot of sexiness and no longer was a day 1 must buy for many 360 owners.
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jacks81x posted 28/05/2010, 04:55
@ Coolbeans

Well, I didn't use those game in other genres initially. I just wanted to point out that new IPs CAN do well in sales. I initially used Heavy Rain as a comparison because it is the same genre and it's a new IP. Just very surprised that AW couldn't sell better than HR even with double the user base. I guess 250K FW isn't bad, but then by the same token I suppose HR sold really really well then.
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enrageorange posted 28/05/2010, 01:01
well that arguably is a big arguably. Mass Effect and Bioshock were definitely far more critically acclaimed then alan wake is. Gears of War was the first stand out exclusive for the 360. Assasins Creed was heavily advertised.
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cochise313 posted 28/05/2010, 12:15
i need to buy a new xbox o i can pick this game up
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jacks81x posted 27/05/2010, 10:15

I'm not expecting new IPs to get Halo or COD numbers, but if it's a game that's critically acclaimed and most gamers have heard about it and seen plenty of screenshots and videos, I don't see how it can't sell more than 250K FW. Even if it's a new IP, it could still have very good sales if the game is quality. Gears of War sold 900K+ FW as a new IP, Assassin's Creed 800K+, Mass Effect 400K+, Bioshock 550K+. Alan Wake is arguably better than any of those new IPs.
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/05/2010, 08:34
@ yinkadare
Once again, based on trends it was more likely sales would be modest. And it lived up to it.

Its a quality game and because of that its selling much better than other survival horror games. But expecting Resident Evil numbers is unrealistic.
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yinkadare posted 27/05/2010, 07:52
@ Mr Puggsly

True, but that could be because most survival horror games are cheesy and horrible. AW is closer in quality to Resident Evil (if not better) than the heap of crappy games in the genre. So it would make sense that a lot of people expected the sales to reflect that.
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/05/2010, 07:28
@ yinkadare
Well look at trends. Survival horror games usually have poor sales (outside of Resident Evil). So it was no surprise Alan Wake had a modest opening.

Sonic All Stars Racing has had abysmal sales. And so far Modnation has had an abysmal opening in Others.

Ultimately, anyone who thought Alan Wake would have huge sales knows nothing about trends.
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yinkadare posted 27/05/2010, 06:48
Having looked back at the Alan Wake sales projection thread where most people thought it would sell close to a million copies in week 1, the sales are pretty disappointing to say the least as it has fallen short of most people's predictions.
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jacks81x posted 27/05/2010, 06:35
@ blue7x7

Actually yes it was hyped up. Look at all the threads that were created for the game here. Not to mention all the media attention for a game in this niche genre. How exactly did HR have "quite the advertising campaign"? I haven't seen any marketing for HR that would even make me remotely interested in that game whereas we've known about Alan Wake for the past 2 years. And how is it trolling to be disappointed in the sales?? I bought the game day 1 and think it's one of the top 3 games of the 360. And I'm flabbergasted that it sold so poorly. My expectations is that this would sell >1m week 1 and and 4-5m LTD. AW is one of the best games this generation and for it to sell less than the inferior Heavy Rain is utter disgrace.
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jacks81x posted 27/05/2010, 06:25

I apologize that I'm a MS fanboy who's actually trying to be objective. I own the game and think it's a great game. Like I said, considering the quality of this game and it being marketed as an AAA title. Anything less than 500K first week sales would be disappointing IMO.
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Zim posted 27/05/2010, 05:08
So apparently Alan Wake sold 88'000 first week in the Uk alone. So according to vgchartz it sold 177copies through the entire rest of others?
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Cueil posted 27/05/2010, 03:59
I'm hoping it has legs... the game is extraordinary
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DevilishSix posted 27/05/2010, 03:53
Please don't play into the hands of the PS3 fanboys here. I in no way see how someone can say Alan Wake is a critical flop when it has a 83-85 average on Metacritic, that indicates a great game. Now you can say it flopped based on hype of being a AAA title, but it still has a great reviews overall so I can't see it being a critical failure. As far as sales, we will have to see if it has legs, we also have to consider the economy is bad and the genre the game represents. So in summary:
Hype flop = Yes
Critical flop = No
Sales flop = TBD
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Rooster752 posted 27/05/2010, 12:46
How come these numbers are out and the numbers for red dead arent and they launched the first day? Maybe these aren't the full sales numbers or something? I know it was out in europe a week early.
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Rpruett posted 27/05/2010, 08:49
It's a flop because it doesn't fit the typical 360 Userbase.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 27/05/2010, 06:59
Is this the 360's first big flop? Critically and commercially, this has performed well below expectations.
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cliffhanger posted 27/05/2010, 05:15
LOL @ McBanks.
Sales are lower than I expected, which is disappointing. Haven't played it, but definitely would if I had a x360, and from what I can see,I think it deserves more. Still it's not that bad.
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blue7x7 posted 27/05/2010, 04:27
@jacks81x Alan Wake was not hyped up to be the next great exclusive it had moderate hype hardly anyone talked about it most people seemed to lose interest after so many years. As for Heavy Rain selling better well yeah it had quite the advertising campaign which Alan Wake hasn't at all. But the numbers are not bad nor are they are great they are just ok. It iwll probably sell 1 million regardless. I don't know why there are so many trolls in here lol.
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jacks81x posted 27/05/2010, 02:33
@ coolbeans

pretty good sales all things considered?!? What things considered exactly?? This was hyped up to be the next great exclusive for the 360. This sold less than Heavy Rain in NA, a region where the 360 had twice the user base as the PS3. Most ppl here predicted that the game would sell close to >500K week 1. The sales numbers are embarrassing however you want to look at it.
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aragod posted 26/05/2010, 11:03
This time of the year is pretty weak for sales overall. I think that it will continue to sell decent numbers through the rest of the year with possibly having around 800k before the holidays.
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McBanks29 posted 26/05/2010, 10:39
Ahahahaha look at the sales hahaha xbox is fucking gay
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C_Hollomon posted 26/05/2010, 10:04
Low sales for a game that been in development for 5 yrs. I don't get why MS isn't pushing this game more.
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donsterydo2 posted 26/05/2010, 08:18
@Munkeh111: Remedy confirmed that it will be good when the game sells 1m.
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Munkeh111 posted 26/05/2010, 08:07
Remedy haven't released a new game since Max Payne 3 in 2003, and they now have 45 people, so this is going to be an expensive game
And I have seen TV ads in the UK

Like Heavenly Sword, with a long dev time (4 years for HS and added costs of motion capture stuff) it is going to need to sell very big to make up the costs... so it probably wont

We just have to hope that M$ (or somebody else) is willing to stump up money for a sequel!
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Lyrikalstylez posted 26/05/2010, 07:21
I will be getting this game later, I think Red Dead Redemption took away some of its sales....I expect it to have great legs because of it
I predict 1.5 million - 2 million
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blue7x7 posted 26/05/2010, 06:40
Not bad sales but not great either. Hopefully it has some good legs it doesn't seem like it though at least not in Europe. I blame Microsoft for not marketing this game. Hopefully Remedy doesn't close down they where betting a lot on this game. I'm sure it will do at least 1 million lifetime.
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Barozi posted 26/05/2010, 04:13
nah Heavenly Sword had just an enormously high budget.
I don't think it will be profitable either.
Remedy worked on it for a long time. Scraped the whole gameplay and the PC version.
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/05/2010, 03:31
@ Munkeh111
I assume it didn't have a mega budget. I haven't seen any TV ads either.

A million sold at full price should make this game profitable. Games like Crackdown and Heavenly Sword barely broken even because they didn't sell well at full price.

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FranTic91 posted 26/05/2010, 02:49
Congratulations, you have provided one single example of a last generation game, therefore completely nullifying my point.
I'm definitely not trolling, you must have never witnessed one before.
I agree that it's not quite survival horror-I'm just going by genre based classifications-but you just described RE4 to a tee.
The atmosphere is what compensated for this and Alan Wake has great atmosphere.
I'm pretty sure the VGchartz estimations are off because the game was top 10 week 1 on Amazon, the top selling xbox game in UK, and in the top 10 in Germany and France.
1. Nice try, that's not even funny
2. I'm just being fair since this game is heavily criticised for things other similar games get away with.
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Munkeh111 posted 26/05/2010, 02:35
Okay start, probably sell 1.5m, but I doubt that is enough for profitability
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gustave154 posted 26/05/2010, 02:24
quite low for a long anticipated game
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palitococo posted 26/05/2010, 02:14
Ok sales, expecting more but judging by the first week of modnation racers in others look like its not a great month for new exclusives IPs.
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Sanzee posted 26/05/2010, 01:17
FranTic91 clearly has real "tics".
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tripleb2k posted 26/05/2010, 05:38
decent game but disappointed.
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zzamaro posted 26/05/2010, 03:12
You are just trolling, right?

This game is not a survival horror, is not even scary, it feels more like a suspense game than a survival horror. Combat is so repetitive, you just had to point and shoot, point and shoot and with moving things, just point and rarely dodge.

I agree with Angelost, this game deserves an 8 or lower.
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scottie posted 25/05/2010, 05:50
@ Frantic - Play Eternal Darkness before making claims like that.

Also, avatarx is looking like he'll end up with a ban on VGChartz too, (such a pity...)
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Deviation59 posted 25/05/2010, 04:40
This isn't a survival horror game at all. It's a horror game and a third-person shooter. And shooting is by far the core mechanic in this game. There's no "survival" to be found, unless you count picking up piles of batteries lying around in the forest.
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FranTic91 posted 25/05/2010, 04:17
"Repetitive combat"
Are people forgetting that this is a survival horror game???
How many games in the genre don't have repetitive combat.
Ever played RE4???
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AngelosL posted 25/05/2010, 02:41
9.2? played this game to a friend of mine and I would rank it with an 8 at best.It's repeatable,visuals are good but not amongst the best I've seen (facial animation is terrible) and the gameplay is old news... The only sites/magazines that have given this game 9.2 and above are xbox ones and vgchartz...
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FranTic91 posted 25/05/2010, 01:26
As much as I love the site, VGChartz is not the most accurate site ever.
Not only was Alan Wake the #1 selling game on it's first week in the UK , but it was the #1 selling game in France...Over Wii Fit Plus
And #1 in Germany.
These numbers are courtesy of GFK. Link is way too long winded to post here, google's you're best friend.
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EdStation3 posted 24/05/2010, 11:55
Ratchet and Clank was released right around Uncharted 2 and COD MW2... way busier times than AW.
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STEKSTAV posted 24/05/2010, 11:21
I think it got released on the wrong platform tbh. Its more of a PS3 type game.
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Kasersky posted 24/05/2010, 06:18
@AvatarX 88k is for I think 2-3 days in EUROPE only. this game is going to sell 200-300k in usa.
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piggychan posted 24/05/2010, 12:58
ratchet and clank didn't have red dead redemption following it's release.. sorry but I was in the boat what to buy first.. Alan Wake or Red Dead. Chose Red Dead cause buddies wanted to me to get this to join them online.. Alan gotta wait till next month before I purchase ya
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hellraider posted 24/05/2010, 10:57
Heavy rain=Movie with QTE.EU PS3 demographics love movies and many of them have a PS3 for the blu-ray-movies.
Not to mention advertising.Hell,it was even advertised here in Greece.
Heavy Rain vs Alan Wake is NOT a fair comparison.Period.
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Chemical DDevil posted 24/05/2010, 02:07
yeah it would have done better on PS3 in Europe because there are more PS3's in europe. Wait for the NA sales.
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EdStation3 posted 24/05/2010, 01:47
My bad coolbeans: Heavy Rain. Released on Tuesday like %98 of games and blew this out of the water. New IP.
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EdStation3 posted 23/05/2010, 09:54
To the people using 2 days of sales as an excuse: Almost all games release on Tuesday, so when we read any games first week sales data, it's only for 1 or 2 days. So Ratchet & Clank A Crack in Time sold 170,000k, it so was also for 2 days. Therefore, this game sold terribly. Would of done better on the PS3.
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jfonty posted 23/05/2010, 09:09
Right game, wrong system , I don't think the 360 user base will buy this en masse.

I could be wrong but I doubt it.
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Serious_frusting posted 23/05/2010, 05:14
mosst games that come out only get 2 days to sell. even ome day so this week thing is way overated.

The only way this ga,es sales will incrss3 or be flat next week is if it gets good word of mouth.
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FaRmLaNd posted 23/05/2010, 08:36
Like it so far. But many of the voice overs aren't written very well.
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greenmedic88 posted 23/05/2010, 06:48
One region, partial week says pretty much says it all about the current numbers.
Wait until after next week's numbers before making any snap decisions.
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xiphias666 posted 23/05/2010, 05:18
Since when, a week consists of 3 days? Because if this page only will count the first 3 days of the first week, and not the full 7 days of the first week... this page suck.
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poopface1 posted 23/05/2010, 02:56
People cant read orcomprehend that this is only one day sales in one region, others. It wasnt out in america, and only 1 day of sales in others.
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blue7x7 posted 22/05/2010, 06:43
These are not bad sales. You people gotta learn to read it was released in Europe on the 14th. and Vgchartz is reporting these numbers on the 15th. So these numbers only account for 1 day sales so that is not bad. Next week we will see how it will do.
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Chemical DDevil posted 22/05/2010, 06:13
this is a great game. I think for just having europe sales so far it is doing pretty good. Will probably sell a couple hundred thousand in north america.
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AnthonyW86 posted 22/05/2010, 01:49
Why did it do bad? It was at number on in others this week, selling almost as much as Skate 3 and Lost Planet 2 combined(98k).
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zibeddy posted 22/05/2010, 01:41
i seriously doubt it will pick up and stay consistent. red dead is out this week but thats not the reason why it did bad in the first place. i think piracy has hit this one hard.
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AnthonyW86 posted 22/05/2010, 12:37
People please stop complaining, Uncharted sold 86k first week...
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Icestyng posted 21/05/2010, 07:33
I have to agree: Alan Wake is amazing! It has a huge quality, so, it can sell A LOT! Not a good start, but doesn't mean too much for a lifetime sales.
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selnor posted 21/05/2010, 05:21
Nice to see VGChartz reviewing the game properly. It's an amzing game. And my fave this gen. Sorry ME2 and Halo 3. My Alan Wake experience was to damn good.
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donsterydo2 posted 21/05/2010, 08:58
The best game on X360 IMHO.
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Wagram posted 21/05/2010, 03:58
Hopefully the game has some great legs. or I doubt we will be seeing a AW2.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/05/2010, 02:41
@ donsterydo2
The perception is its a survival horror. Its definitely a horror game that seems similar to survival horror games.
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Boutros posted 21/05/2010, 01:33
I played it today.
I was greatly suprised at how good it is.
Now I really want to see what happens next in the story.
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donsterydo2 posted 20/05/2010, 10:16
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Mr Puggsly posted 20/05/2010, 09:46
@ -girgosz-
A lot of games claim to have been in development for that long and even longer.

I wasn't expecting big sales simply because survival horror games generally have poor sales.

Also, I'm sure sales are going to be considerably better in NA. We only see Others right now.
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Squall Strife posted 20/05/2010, 09:40
Disappointing Sales in Europe. Damn it, why did they skip the PC version...
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-girgosz- posted 20/05/2010, 08:57
After 5 year development I expected better sales. Still waiting for NA sales, they're should be better.
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Riachu posted 20/05/2010, 02:54
My bro just got this and the new Prince of Persia from Gamefly. I played through Episode 1 already.
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jester2358 posted 20/05/2010, 12:13
lol guys check the European release date
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blue7x7 posted 19/05/2010, 09:59
Oh wait I just noticed this only accounts for 1 day sales it was released on the 14th in europe and vgchartz is reporting this on the 15th. So not bad actually for just one day. But they still need to advertise this if they want this to sell.
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Aldro posted 19/05/2010, 09:38
Lord have mercy upon Alan Wake and Remedy for they have sinned! XD
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donsterydo2 posted 19/05/2010, 08:58
It will be hard to hit 1 m this year.
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jester2358 posted 19/05/2010, 07:37
this is only 2 days worth of sales right?
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Slimebeast posted 19/05/2010, 06:45
Undertracked in Europe.
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blue7x7 posted 19/05/2010, 05:45
Not shocking to see it so low. Microsoft really failed in advertising this game they virtually had no advertising. So not many people know about this game. Hopefully the legs are good on this.
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Lyrikalstylez posted 19/05/2010, 04:09
Cannot wait to get my hands on this one
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donsterydo2 posted 18/05/2010, 10:52
I'm in second episode - very good game so far.
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haxxiy posted 18/05/2010, 10:05
1m lifetime.
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Barozi posted 18/05/2010, 02:53
Probably the best story I've experienced so far in a video game.
I would give it a 9.0
Maybe writing a small review later on.
Message | Report posted 18/05/2010, 02:14
honestly way better then any game out there the graphics are outstanding
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GreenW posted 17/05/2010, 08:03
i say 200-220k.
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donsterydo2 posted 17/05/2010, 02:32
It will sell about 180-200k first week.
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Bagaren85 posted 17/05/2010, 01:27
Just finished episode 1. Wow, impressive start. The story is hooking me up for a long session.
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KillerJawz posted 16/05/2010, 11:55
Perhaps it is only repetitive to a certain extent? For example, if we are refering to a story that perhaps Bayonetta provides, I found that quite repetitive, whilst many others disagree. The gameplay really does sound like a 'love it or hate it' thing.

I have mixed feelings about getting this to be quite honest.
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ArcticGabe posted 16/05/2010, 08:03
Wonder how this game will do sales-wise
I predict 300k FW 1.5 million life time
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zzamaro posted 16/05/2010, 05:05
I just finished it. It's longer than I expected. AW is not what I expected but still worth playing. I like good stories and this game has a good one, I liked how the main character was telling his own story, just like Tidus from FFX.

Gameplay wasn't very good so I I'll pass N... mode.

I rate this game 8 out of 10.

Oh, and I apologize if I sounded like a troll, I didn't mean it.

(Again, sorry for Bad English)
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Ghazi4 posted 15/05/2010, 12:43
got it but cant play these days for tests and etc... lol and these r barely the real tests now! the finals r coming soon! ill play this on one of the next weekends :P
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MorgZ posted 15/05/2010, 12:37
3 hours in and really impressed soo far. Fantastic atmosphere and the story soo far is very engrossing.

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Lafiel posted 14/05/2010, 09:31
@ Seece )

Actually zzamaro's description sounds exactly like what I've seen. Yes, I haven't played the game and playing it probably is a way more intensive feeling than just watching it over stream, but I watched it from start to finish on jtv (I was interested in the story and the atmosphere of the game).

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Seece posted 14/05/2010, 09:14
Doesn't sound like you played this game at all zzamaro.

The gameplay isn't at all repetitive.
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zzamaro posted 14/05/2010, 08:26
I didn't say this game is bad, 8 might be a be a good socre. Here is why:

Gameplay Spoilers:
it has an interesting story but gameplay is so repetive, basically you point the flashlight and when human enemies lost their darkness, shoot, point and shoot, that's all you do in the game. There are also possessed objetcs but they are easily avoided and can also be killed by using the flashlight. I'm on episode 5 and so far, no bosses. And all you fight are humans possessed by darkness and crows. No bears or dogs or whatever they could have added. And few weapons of choice.

As I said, story is interesting but Remedy spent 5 years on this game and I'm kind of disapointed.

Well, once you can play, you'll know what I mean.

(Sorry for Bad English)
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scourge29 posted 14/05/2010, 07:51
played it, its good, 8 out of 10
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nathantay posted 14/05/2010, 07:10
AW has been a long time coming but, it looks like it's gonna be an incredible experience.
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jpain333 posted 14/05/2010, 04:34
deserves a lower score why? bet you ain't even played the game so leave troll...
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themanwithnoname posted 14/05/2010, 07:32
Glad to know you've played it to know what it "deserves" zzamaro.
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zzamaro posted 14/05/2010, 05:41
This game deserves a lower score...
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numonex posted 14/05/2010, 05:00
Great game will buy this for sure in 2010.
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/05/2010, 03:22
No way this can be as enjoyable as Deadly Premonition. But I'll give it a when I can also get it for $20.
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zgamer5 posted 13/05/2010, 02:56
1st week going to be about 175k ltd 1.3 million
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haxxiy posted 09/05/2010, 12:12
Teen rating, sub 85 reviews and no open world? I feel like I've been fooled.
*un-hype and cries*
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headshot91 posted 04/05/2010, 08:20
pre orders for this game are pretty bad atm- 79000, but it can get better...
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Lyrikalstylez posted 30/04/2010, 04:19
Alan Wake will Justify my devotion to the 360 as much as Gears of War and Halo has done....Cant Wait!!!
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Cueil posted 24/04/2010, 07:52
haha the fanboy war over this game is redunkuless
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_mevildan posted 20/04/2010, 07:29
Already a 1.9 avg user rating on Metacritic. Is it full moon? Loonies out real early.
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Seece posted 18/04/2010, 07:00
"why are people already adding it to there collection cant you be normal like the rest of us and add it to your wish list?"

I'm so sorry I break the mold and I'm like, so abnormal for adding it to my list before wishlists on this site even existed, I'm like ... so not normal ;-:
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haxxiy posted 04/04/2010, 12:30
I just started a series of voodo curses so this game will bomb and the developers forced to release it on PC
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ArcticGabe posted 31/03/2010, 05:27
Can't wait
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Lyrikalstylez posted 28/03/2010, 01:38
My most hyped game for 2010
May cant come any sooner
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headshot91 posted 24/03/2010, 02:06
this has been in development for over 5 years. it had better be good.
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BHR-3 posted 13/03/2010, 11:29
why are people already adding it to there collection cant you be normal like the rest of us and add it to your wish list?
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BHR-3 posted 05/03/2010, 03:01
higher than 90 on meta 2m sales b4 2010 ends
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elticker posted 23/02/2010, 10:31
I am going to preorder this soon from collectors edition is priced the same as the standard edition. have to hurry before they jack the price of collectors edition up.
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piggychan posted 19/02/2010, 02:12
I hope a collectors edition will be released here in UK.. definitely do want
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hellraider posted 15/02/2010, 08:23
Collector's is here,coolbeans!Damn even a release date!I am so pre-ordering it! :D
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PS360fan10 posted 05/01/2010, 01:54
This game should be good. Does anyone know when this game comes out?
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hellraider posted 18/11/2009, 07:29
I want a collector's for this!
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MonstaMack posted 11/11/2009, 02:49
Pre-Ordered my copy on Amazon finally.
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cliffhanger posted 25/08/2009, 06:21
I really like the setting of this game. And the graphics look gorgeous. Looks like a game to look forward to.
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haxxiy posted 26/07/2009, 08:08
Heh, even if it comes a year after the X360 version it will be worthy.
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Shadowblind posted 11/07/2009, 01:32
Can't wait for your PC version, huh haxxiy?

Lol...anyway, why does it say no publisher?
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Slimebeast posted 07/06/2009, 11:47
I can't wait. This game is going to be so incredible.
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haxxiy posted 05/06/2009, 11:25
RE4 meets Silent Hill on a forest landscape =/
I'll play it though since I love survival horrors. It'll be a welcome addition to my PC games collection.
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oliminator1994 posted 15/01/2009, 05:22
4 hits :)
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Slimebeast posted 11/06/2008, 02:03
I predict 94% on Gamerankings, and 3 million copies lifetime sales.
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Jessman posted 24/03/2008, 04:07
Anticipation for this game is high.
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 1   2   3 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (263)

1 n/a n/a 72,117 11,740 83,857
2 n/a 135,529 32,672 29,236 197,437
3 15,541 43,741 19,299 10,861 89,442
4 6,435 27,459 14,642 7,230 55,766
5 3,830 16,879 9,996 4,606 35,311
6 2,619 12,029 6,783 3,227 24,658
7 1,969 10,429 5,176 2,683 20,257
8 1,493 9,618 5,489 2,591 19,191
9 1,151 7,154 8,966 2,722 19,993
10 901 4,925 16,515 3,557 25,898
hiccupthehuman posted 04/08/2016, 04:38
My favorite game of all-time. I have the regular and limited edition on 360, and one on Xbox One that came with QB. I'm just waiting for Alan Wake 2.
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darkenergy posted 03/12/2015, 12:38
@iceland Alan Wake 2 announced by Sam Lake during a "100 question" interview. Hopefully they start working on it after Quantum Break ASAP!
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darkenergy posted 30/04/2015, 04:21
Combined with PC version the Alan Wake franchise sold 4.5 million. Had the game not have been released at the same time as Red Dead Redemption and been a victim of piracy the X360 version would have sold better.
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ice posted 26/10/2014, 10:11
gahhh I'm in love with this franchise now, too bad it didn't sell more! Alan Wake 2 needs to happen!
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sales2099 posted 15/02/2013, 03:02
Remember it also sold a million in digital sales
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thewastedyouth posted 03/02/2013, 03:52
Heavy Rain killed this game in sales but I had more fun with Alan Wake
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