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Review Scores

VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

アラン ウェイク


Remedy Entertainment



Other Versions

PC, XBL, Series, All

Release Dates

05/18/10 Microsoft Game Studios
05/27/10 Microsoft Game Studios
05/14/10 Microsoft Game Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 969
Favorite: 50
Tracked: 19
Wishlist: 67
Now Playing: 24

Avg Community Rating:


Alan Wake (X360) > Opinions (263)

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Boutros posted 21/05/2010, 01:33
I played it today.
I was greatly suprised at how good it is.
Now I really want to see what happens next in the story.
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donsterydo2 posted 20/05/2010, 10:16
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Mr Puggsly posted 20/05/2010, 09:46
@ -girgosz-
A lot of games claim to have been in development for that long and even longer.

I wasn't expecting big sales simply because survival horror games generally have poor sales.

Also, I'm sure sales are going to be considerably better in NA. We only see Others right now.
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Squall Strife posted 20/05/2010, 09:40
Disappointing Sales in Europe. Damn it, why did they skip the PC version...
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-girgosz- posted 20/05/2010, 08:57
After 5 year development I expected better sales. Still waiting for NA sales, they're should be better.
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Riachu posted 20/05/2010, 02:54
My bro just got this and the new Prince of Persia from Gamefly. I played through Episode 1 already.
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jester2358 posted 20/05/2010, 12:13
lol guys check the European release date
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blue7x7 posted 19/05/2010, 09:59
Oh wait I just noticed this only accounts for 1 day sales it was released on the 14th in europe and vgchartz is reporting this on the 15th. So not bad actually for just one day. But they still need to advertise this if they want this to sell.
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Aldro posted 19/05/2010, 09:38
Lord have mercy upon Alan Wake and Remedy for they have sinned! XD
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donsterydo2 posted 19/05/2010, 08:58
It will be hard to hit 1 m this year.
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jester2358 posted 19/05/2010, 07:37
this is only 2 days worth of sales right?
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Slimebeast posted 19/05/2010, 06:45
Undertracked in Europe.
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blue7x7 posted 19/05/2010, 05:45
Not shocking to see it so low. Microsoft really failed in advertising this game they virtually had no advertising. So not many people know about this game. Hopefully the legs are good on this.
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Lyrikalstylez posted 19/05/2010, 04:09
Cannot wait to get my hands on this one
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donsterydo2 posted 18/05/2010, 10:52
I'm in second episode - very good game so far.
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haxxiy posted 18/05/2010, 10:05
1m lifetime.
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Barozi posted 18/05/2010, 02:53
Probably the best story I've experienced so far in a video game.
I would give it a 9.0
Maybe writing a small review later on.
Message | Report posted 18/05/2010, 02:14
honestly way better then any game out there the graphics are outstanding
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GreenW posted 17/05/2010, 08:03
i say 200-220k.
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donsterydo2 posted 17/05/2010, 02:32
It will sell about 180-200k first week.
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Bagaren85 posted 17/05/2010, 01:27
Just finished episode 1. Wow, impressive start. The story is hooking me up for a long session.
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KillerJawz posted 16/05/2010, 11:55
Perhaps it is only repetitive to a certain extent? For example, if we are refering to a story that perhaps Bayonetta provides, I found that quite repetitive, whilst many others disagree. The gameplay really does sound like a 'love it or hate it' thing.

I have mixed feelings about getting this to be quite honest.
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ArcticGabe posted 16/05/2010, 08:03
Wonder how this game will do sales-wise
I predict 300k FW 1.5 million life time
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zzamaro posted 16/05/2010, 05:05
I just finished it. It's longer than I expected. AW is not what I expected but still worth playing. I like good stories and this game has a good one, I liked how the main character was telling his own story, just like Tidus from FFX.

Gameplay wasn't very good so I I'll pass N... mode.

I rate this game 8 out of 10.

Oh, and I apologize if I sounded like a troll, I didn't mean it.

(Again, sorry for Bad English)
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Ghazi4 posted 15/05/2010, 12:43
got it but cant play these days for tests and etc... lol and these r barely the real tests now! the finals r coming soon! ill play this on one of the next weekends :P
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MorgZ posted 15/05/2010, 12:37
3 hours in and really impressed soo far. Fantastic atmosphere and the story soo far is very engrossing.

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Lafiel posted 14/05/2010, 09:31
@ Seece )

Actually zzamaro's description sounds exactly like what I've seen. Yes, I haven't played the game and playing it probably is a way more intensive feeling than just watching it over stream, but I watched it from start to finish on jtv (I was interested in the story and the atmosphere of the game).

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Seece posted 14/05/2010, 09:14
Doesn't sound like you played this game at all zzamaro.

The gameplay isn't at all repetitive.
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zzamaro posted 14/05/2010, 08:26
I didn't say this game is bad, 8 might be a be a good socre. Here is why:

Gameplay Spoilers:
it has an interesting story but gameplay is so repetive, basically you point the flashlight and when human enemies lost their darkness, shoot, point and shoot, that's all you do in the game. There are also possessed objetcs but they are easily avoided and can also be killed by using the flashlight. I'm on episode 5 and so far, no bosses. And all you fight are humans possessed by darkness and crows. No bears or dogs or whatever they could have added. And few weapons of choice.

As I said, story is interesting but Remedy spent 5 years on this game and I'm kind of disapointed.

Well, once you can play, you'll know what I mean.

(Sorry for Bad English)
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scourge29 posted 14/05/2010, 07:51
played it, its good, 8 out of 10
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nathantay posted 14/05/2010, 07:10
AW has been a long time coming but, it looks like it's gonna be an incredible experience.
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jpain333 posted 14/05/2010, 04:34
deserves a lower score why? bet you ain't even played the game so leave troll...
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themanwithnoname posted 14/05/2010, 07:32
Glad to know you've played it to know what it "deserves" zzamaro.
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zzamaro posted 14/05/2010, 05:41
This game deserves a lower score...
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numonex posted 14/05/2010, 05:00
Great game will buy this for sure in 2010.
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/05/2010, 03:22
No way this can be as enjoyable as Deadly Premonition. But I'll give it a when I can also get it for $20.
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zgamer5 posted 13/05/2010, 02:56
1st week going to be about 175k ltd 1.3 million
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haxxiy posted 09/05/2010, 12:12
Teen rating, sub 85 reviews and no open world? I feel like I've been fooled.
*un-hype and cries*
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headshot91 posted 04/05/2010, 08:20
pre orders for this game are pretty bad atm- 79000, but it can get better...
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Lyrikalstylez posted 30/04/2010, 04:19
Alan Wake will Justify my devotion to the 360 as much as Gears of War and Halo has done....Cant Wait!!!
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Cueil posted 24/04/2010, 07:52
haha the fanboy war over this game is redunkuless
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_mevildan posted 20/04/2010, 07:29
Already a 1.9 avg user rating on Metacritic. Is it full moon? Loonies out real early.
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Seece posted 18/04/2010, 07:00
"why are people already adding it to there collection cant you be normal like the rest of us and add it to your wish list?"

I'm so sorry I break the mold and I'm like, so abnormal for adding it to my list before wishlists on this site even existed, I'm like ... so not normal ;-:
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haxxiy posted 04/04/2010, 12:30
I just started a series of voodo curses so this game will bomb and the developers forced to release it on PC
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ArcticGabe posted 31/03/2010, 05:27
Can't wait
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Lyrikalstylez posted 28/03/2010, 01:38
My most hyped game for 2010
May cant come any sooner
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headshot91 posted 24/03/2010, 02:06
this has been in development for over 5 years. it had better be good.
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BHR-3 posted 13/03/2010, 11:29
why are people already adding it to there collection cant you be normal like the rest of us and add it to your wish list?
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BHR-3 posted 05/03/2010, 03:01
higher than 90 on meta 2m sales b4 2010 ends
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elticker posted 23/02/2010, 10:31
I am going to preorder this soon from collectors edition is priced the same as the standard edition. have to hurry before they jack the price of collectors edition up.
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piggychan posted 19/02/2010, 02:12
I hope a collectors edition will be released here in UK.. definitely do want
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hellraider posted 15/02/2010, 08:23
Collector's is here,coolbeans!Damn even a release date!I am so pre-ordering it! :D
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PS360fan10 posted 05/01/2010, 01:54
This game should be good. Does anyone know when this game comes out?
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hellraider posted 18/11/2009, 07:29
I want a collector's for this!
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MonstaMack posted 11/11/2009, 02:49
Pre-Ordered my copy on Amazon finally.
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cliffhanger posted 25/08/2009, 06:21
I really like the setting of this game. And the graphics look gorgeous. Looks like a game to look forward to.
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haxxiy posted 26/07/2009, 08:08
Heh, even if it comes a year after the X360 version it will be worthy.
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Shadowblind posted 11/07/2009, 01:32
Can't wait for your PC version, huh haxxiy?

Lol...anyway, why does it say no publisher?
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Slimebeast posted 07/06/2009, 11:47
I can't wait. This game is going to be so incredible.
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haxxiy posted 05/06/2009, 11:25
RE4 meets Silent Hill on a forest landscape =/
I'll play it though since I love survival horrors. It'll be a welcome addition to my PC games collection.
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oliminator1994 posted 15/01/2009, 05:22
4 hits :)
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Slimebeast posted 11/06/2008, 02:03
I predict 94% on Gamerankings, and 3 million copies lifetime sales.
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Jessman posted 24/03/2008, 04:07
Anticipation for this game is high.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (263)

1 n/a n/a 72,117 11,740 83,857
2 n/a 135,529 32,672 29,236 197,437
3 15,541 43,741 19,299 10,861 89,442
4 6,435 27,459 14,642 7,230 55,766
5 3,830 16,879 9,996 4,606 35,311
6 2,619 12,029 6,783 3,227 24,658
7 1,969 10,429 5,176 2,683 20,257
8 1,493 9,618 5,489 2,591 19,191
9 1,151 7,154 8,966 2,722 19,993
10 901 4,925 16,515 3,557 25,898
hiccupthehuman posted 04/08/2016, 04:38
My favorite game of all-time. I have the regular and limited edition on 360, and one on Xbox One that came with QB. I'm just waiting for Alan Wake 2.
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darkenergy posted 03/12/2015, 12:38
@iceland Alan Wake 2 announced by Sam Lake during a "100 question" interview. Hopefully they start working on it after Quantum Break ASAP!
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darkenergy posted 30/04/2015, 04:21
Combined with PC version the Alan Wake franchise sold 4.5 million. Had the game not have been released at the same time as Red Dead Redemption and been a victim of piracy the X360 version would have sold better.
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ice posted 26/10/2014, 10:11
gahhh I'm in love with this franchise now, too bad it didn't sell more! Alan Wake 2 needs to happen!
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sales2099 posted 15/02/2013, 03:02
Remember it also sold a million in digital sales
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thewastedyouth posted 03/02/2013, 03:52
Heavy Rain killed this game in sales but I had more fun with Alan Wake
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