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Ubisoft Paris



Release Dates

03/23/10 Ubisoft
05/27/10 Ubisoft
03/26/10 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 272
Favorite: 15
Tracked: 12
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Red Steel 2 (Wii) > Opinions (321)

 1  2  3  4 
mustang posted 05/04/2010, 07:49
wii owners buy the fuckin game,support third steel 2 is a masterpiece. thank u ubisoft for a job well done
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Zucas posted 04/04/2010, 08:56
I'm really enjoying this. Finally had some time with spring break to get deeper into this and it is a very solid experience. Controls are what I wanted out of the first one haha. Very solid and smooth transitions all around. Still not 1:1 but good enough for me right now.

Or pretty much enough where it's close enough to make me feel like I'm doing it but not too close where I let down the character on screen who is an expert and me who knows nothing about how to handle a sword haha.
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z101 posted 04/04/2010, 08:46
a liitle advertising would do wonder to the sales ubi :)

red steel is not a well known brand like call of duty that will sell a million on wii without advertising.
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Intendo21 posted 04/04/2010, 02:12
Red Steel 2 had a better start than Call of Duty: Reflex Edition and it has almost sold a million.
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adam84 posted 03/04/2010, 08:00
come back in a month then judge please.
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naspel158 posted 03/04/2010, 06:28
RS2 looks very good.
But unfortunately, this game could not come to HD.
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avalokist posted 03/04/2010, 04:13
3rd party game makers should abandon Nintendo consoles
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mortono posted 03/04/2010, 07:04
The swordplay is the only good thing in this game.
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Games4Fun posted 03/04/2010, 02:24
Pretty fun game so far, but you really got to be careful how into it you get or you hit things and knock things over... lol
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Joel12345 posted 02/04/2010, 10:43
poor game :(
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Siko1989 posted 02/04/2010, 06:41
this is the type of game that has great legs... Others need to help though
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killeryoshis posted 02/04/2010, 04:36
Is this game a flop?
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widescreen posted 02/04/2010, 02:36
is this game a flop?
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Soma posted 01/04/2010, 09:55
Finally got it, will play it today! =D
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Kihniö posted 01/04/2010, 09:08
Have you learned anything.!
Sales in Others(expecially Wii games) aren`t so frontloaded. Sales will pick up
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killeryoshis posted 01/04/2010, 07:36
These sales are not bad -_-.
They well sell better over time. Trust me. It was advertised
1st week always depends on reception of the last game. As time passes word of mouth will start to take over. Just wait they'll pull respectable numbers a year from now and we'll all be laughing at our old selves
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aoixgp posted 01/04/2010, 07:08
I see this hitting a mil
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Siko1989 posted 01/04/2010, 09:03

it did have ad's, it was on when southpark was on
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jeffheartnintendo posted 01/04/2010, 08:42
With no advertising I think that the sales in North America are good. The (Others) sales are a bit sad. Come on people if you havent picked it up yet, do it! Its a great game!
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oni-link posted 01/04/2010, 08:10
IF production cost of PS3 did go down I expect the same for the Wii since it's using basically last generation techniques. The average Wii game cost anywhere between $2-$5M to develop and top tier games like Zelda and Galaxy (though I think galaxy is avg now since it's reusing the same engine) cost around $8M-$10M. The average cost of a PS3 game at the moment is $18-$28M. With GoW III costing 44M and Killzone II at over $50M. Therefore the number of copies a game needs to sell in order to produce a profit is significantly lower on the Wii than PS3. I heard Reggie say 150-200K is the thereshold of a profit for a Wii title. That's why we see Sega, Ubi, EA still pumping outsequels/ titles like The Conduit II, NMH:DS, and MoH series on the Wii
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drakesfortune posted 01/04/2010, 03:39
@oni - PS3 USUALLY costs 3 to 4 times as much to develop for. I'm sure that RS2 cost a lot less than GoW, but at the same time, Ubi poured a lot more cash into RS2 than the average. Clearly they spent some dough on this game, and I'd speculate that it cost no less than half what the normal PS3 game costs now. Plus it's not as expensive as it used be to develop for PS3 since there is a large code base, and most engines are built, which reduces the costs further.
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oni-link posted 01/04/2010, 03:20
PS3 also cost 4-5x more to develop.
Part of the reason for the lower sales than the original is that Ubi really screwed the consumer on the first game. Many now will tlake a wait and see attitude on this game. You reap what you sow I guess. Speaking of bombs Dante's Inferno isn't doing too hot on the PS3 despite the massive advertising campaign and being a very well made (visually and technically) game
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Mahorosan posted 01/04/2010, 01:58
sad, but not that surprised either. Game is fun though, deserves more -_-
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intro94 posted 31/03/2010, 10:21
ouch?i jusst remembered reflex starting with 20k and now its and 1mil.i wont say anything and look dumb 4 weeks later here just yet.
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wesker496 posted 31/03/2010, 09:54
Terrible sales! What the hell happened?

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primogen18 posted 31/03/2010, 07:31
I have to say roccerfeller, I would agree about the majority of Wii games, but I have seen a decent amount of advertisements for this game on TV. I still think it will have some legs though.
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roccerfeller posted 31/03/2010, 05:37
haha ouch. not too surprising though. PS3 gets 4 1 million sellers, Wii gets 4 struggling to break 100k. The difference? the PS3 pubs actually put money and effort into advertising.
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kilik posted 31/03/2010, 09:33
wil have legs. probably 600k ltd.
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Jezze posted 31/03/2010, 08:57
I also expected more, but the sales aren't that bad.
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Vas-y posted 31/03/2010, 08:37
Very bad sales!
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z101 posted 31/03/2010, 08:21
I think this game will sell over month steadily nad will easily get the 700.000. By the way, how many sales days are in this first week?
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drakesfortune posted 31/03/2010, 06:03
You can NOT compare any Call of Duty game's sales to this game. Call of Duty is the BIGGEST 3rd party name in video games right now. If it says Call of Duty on the box, it'll have a long burn, no matter the platform. Red Steel is in NO WAY in that category with CoD. No way. I hope they get their 500k, and they probably will get there, but this game needed to launch at the same time as motion plus, and they blew it big time by missing that window.
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Bobbuffalo posted 31/03/2010, 05:47
55K on week 1? Not bad. WaW sold less than this.

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Soma posted 31/03/2010, 05:04
mine will arrive on friday, hope the sales won't be adjusted down :S
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Tayne posted 31/03/2010, 04:48
It's going to be a long road to 500K Ubisoft
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uno posted 31/03/2010, 03:23
hopefully word of mouth of how AMAZING this game is will boost it. Hopefullly......
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Chrizum posted 31/03/2010, 02:27
To me, the US sales are surprisingly good. A first week of almost 70k isn't bad at all for a Wii game. I'm pretty sure it'll reach 500k within the year, which is Ubisofts expectation.
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DOLBYdigital posted 31/03/2010, 01:20
While the sales are 'disappointing' they are basically what I was expecting. The game is simply phenomenal and I can only hope it gets to 200k before a price drop. Hope this doesn't deter other devs from creating first person shooter slashers since everything just works so dam well :(
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aoixgp posted 31/03/2010, 12:27
This could sell the way COD Reflex did
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Fededx posted 31/03/2010, 12:19

That's not true. First of all, 1,20 million people have the first game, so it IS a popular franchise after all... It's not an unknown game, that's for sure. Second, I'm a Nintendo fan and yes, everybody is right, I buy Nintendo games without hesitating, and when I'm gonna buy a third party game, I actually think a lot about it, since Nintendo games >>> third party games... That's a true, if you grew up with Nintendo you know it... So, it's true, in the end, it's really hard for 3rd party games to sell on Wii, either they are advertised or not... Even companies like Capcom and Square Enix are finding it difficult (well, SE just released crappy games, but Capcom is a HELL of a company!)
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Product posted 30/03/2010, 11:06
55k for 5 days sales is not that bad.
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drakesfortune posted 30/03/2010, 10:44
Horrid sales, and I've seen quite a few ads for this. Not good...
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Metallicube posted 30/03/2010, 10:22
Wonder if this game will ever reach a million. It'll be a slow crawl there but it could make it. Hell if the first Red Steel can make it, with a far smaller install base, this one better.
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oni-link posted 30/03/2010, 09:51
oni-link posted 23/03/2010, 08:30
looks to have anywhere between 50K to 60k for the first week of release in the America's according to the 30k preorders based on March 13 2010 data. Let's see if I come close.

I guess I was right on the money tree.
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Ninpanda posted 30/03/2010, 08:12
@Falk Sturmfels
Whew. That explains a lot. Thanks. *Insert relieved emotion here*
But it doesn't really matter, since high-profile Wii games aren't as front-heavy as most high-profile releases on the PS360. It's almost impossible to tell how well this game will sell based on the first week. (Which wasn't even a full one in others.)
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Falk Sturmfels posted 30/03/2010, 07:39
Gentlemen, in OTHERS the game hit the most stores on FRIDAY. So these 12.000 just show one or two days. 70.000 is the typical Wii-Start for Games with a lifetime around 500-700k.
Hopefully thats enough.
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josewiisantos posted 30/03/2010, 07:32
This looks like is actually selling, unlike what everyone is saying here. The Others sells are bad but America is selling well. Its doing way better than no more heroes 2 although thats pretty sad. NO more heroes is awesome, havent played Red steel 2 yet but will soon.
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Zornica posted 30/03/2010, 07:29
wii games sell over time...
first week doesn´t mean anything
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Smeags posted 30/03/2010, 06:58
I hope more people are informed of this great game over time.
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Buzzi posted 30/03/2010, 06:40
The fact is that the Wii userbase is not like the HD consoles ones. The Wii userbase is not informed, does not buy magazines or surf the web. If a game is good, they usually buy it, but if they don't know it exists they won't.
Actually this game will sell decently, 500k is very possible, but with a better marketing it could open over 100k.
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killeryoshis posted 30/03/2010, 06:37
For those who said these sales are bad. Are no worse than those who said GTA on DS was a flop. This game will sell better over time
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Fededx posted 30/03/2010, 06:16
Don't blame ubi bazmeistergen, everytime a game doesn't sell on wii, you blame the publisher for not advertising, I'm tired of that. The truth is good 3rd party Wii games don't sell, and that is really sad... :(
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bazmeistergen posted 30/03/2010, 06:08
Not the best start. Hopefully people will realise the utter awesomeness and get on board. Ubisoft have not backed the game really, not enough anyway.
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dontsee posted 30/03/2010, 05:48
not a good start in NA either
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StarcraftManiac posted 30/03/2010, 04:47
Ouch, too bad
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killeryoshis posted 30/03/2010, 04:42
others always have weak launches. Though they always have the best legs. Just compare it to NSMBW
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SubiyaCryolite posted 30/03/2010, 03:59
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bmmb1 posted 30/03/2010, 03:37
Others "core" Wii gamers have left the building confirmed (even NSMBWii didn't do as well on Others as elsewhere).
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Fededx posted 30/03/2010, 03:29
Oh noes... :(
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Chrizum posted 30/03/2010, 02:06
People, Wii games ALWAYS release on friday in Europe. 12k just isn't very good. Let's hope for legs.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 30/03/2010, 01:49
Oh, if this is just day one sales ... man, could be around 30k in others!
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jeffheartnintendo posted 30/03/2010, 06:22
Just bought the game yesterday. Looks great and plays great! Support this game and buy it!
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zaMy posted 30/03/2010, 03:10
This game looks really fun, one of the major push points for me, we'll see if more games like this come out I might have to pickup a Wii
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Andyliini posted 29/03/2010, 07:00
Since Red Steel 2 was released on Friday, does in only include the first day sales in that chart?

I'll predict about 10k in UK. I really hope this one sells well, altough I still fear the worst. Indeed, I'm a pessimist.
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IxisNaugus posted 29/03/2010, 06:51
This week it was at #5 in the Wii specific chart for the UK right after Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics, seems to be doing fairly well here.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 29/03/2010, 02:07
I agree with all of you. Outstanding controls. Damn, we waited so long for a action-game like this.
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-PaNdOrA- posted 29/03/2010, 03:04
I actually saw a commercial for this game! Two nights in a row :o
First time i've seen a commercial for a third party Wii game
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freddy1403 posted 28/03/2010, 09:21
very great games!!!!!
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roccerfeller posted 28/03/2010, 07:14
I didnt see much hype for this game anywhere sadly.

Everywhere in the stores I went to had ample copies, and I have not seen one ad on TV.

Why the hell do third party games come out on the Wii, if the publishers are not willing to support them like they do on HD consoles???
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Siko1989 posted 27/03/2010, 06:50
if you dont buy this game you have problems lol
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DOLBYdigital posted 26/03/2010, 01:18
Amazing gameplay with very very tight controls. Truly sets the bar for all First Person Shooter Slashers going forward. Can't wait for the eventual sequel that will have online and come out for Wii and PS3 :)
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Rainbird posted 25/03/2010, 11:05
This game is so awesome!
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Jezze posted 25/03/2010, 09:24
Got it, play it, love it!
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Rawnchie14 posted 25/03/2010, 01:30
I'm counting on the next Conduit. Hype machines don't work for the Wii.
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Intendo21 posted 25/03/2010, 04:19
I really want to see these sales because I don't think it will flop like The Conduit but then again... who knows?
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SuperAnthony64 posted 25/03/2010, 01:35
This game is very good.
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freddy1403 posted 24/03/2010, 04:15
yeah!!!!very great games!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Smeags posted 24/03/2010, 03:01
Just bought the game... looking forward to playing it today.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 24/03/2010, 02:35
Well, I preordered 4 Red Steel-Bundles for myself an my buddies at amazon uk. Lets hope for a quick climb-up to 500k.
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richardhutnik posted 24/03/2010, 06:51
Why is this getting no hype on here, considering how much people hyped MadWorld, No More Heroes, and The Conduit. This game deserves hype! It does what a Wii FPS should be doing.
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NeoStar9 posted 24/03/2010, 04:58
Game is great. Loving it so far.I do hope more people buy it though and the pirating stays low.
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I like Bacon posted 24/03/2010, 02:29
amazing, way better than the 1st, which I loved.
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Mubtee posted 23/03/2010, 06:27
I don't think this is going to sell as well as the first, despite being better
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oni-link posted 23/03/2010, 08:30
looks to have anywhere between 50K to 60k for the first week of release in the America's according to the 30k preorders based on March 13 2010 data. Let's see if I come close.
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CARBONERO posted 19/03/2010, 09:19
you know what? i'm sure i'll buy it now... i just saw more videos...
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CARBONERO posted 19/03/2010, 09:18
i think i'll buy it. Reviews have been great and the visuals are outstandings, i saw the intro of the first level and i was drolling...

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Falk Sturmfels posted 16/03/2010, 05:07
Basterds. Game is already downloadable. Damn stealers.
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Mendoza85 posted 15/03/2010, 09:14
the gameplay its not 1:1.....Addictive so so... But its a fun game. I prefer modern warfare reflex
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Chrizum posted 15/03/2010, 08:48
I've been playing it for days on end and it's amazing. Really addictive, fast gameplay and great visuals.
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Mendoza85 posted 15/03/2010, 04:21
I just playing for 1 hour and its fun but not really fun. Just rent it, not buy it.
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uno posted 14/03/2010, 07:45
Just pre-ordered mine on Amazon!!! SUPER EXCITED!!!! March 23rd cant come soon enough!
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aragod posted 09/03/2010, 09:15
This game has a great potential, if they can really execute the control scheme, we can be looking at a million seller here.
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Vas-y posted 05/03/2010, 09:28
40k Americas, 15k Others. Will sell LTD wise a little bit better than Mad World.
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freddy1403 posted 05/03/2010, 12:36
I' predict 150k firts week in americas and 100k in others
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primogen18 posted 04/03/2010, 02:48
hm... i have not seen one single commercial for this, thanks alot ubi-sh*t... get ready for ALOT of complaining from them in the near future.
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KingHenry posted 02/03/2010, 09:56
I'm predicting 95k for opening week in americas. The two previous predictions seem kind of low. Considering that this game is building off it's predecessor, and the hype around it. Also, the motion plus feature should stimulate more interest... And I think this game is marketed more than most wii games.
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ash3336 posted 27/02/2010, 05:59
I predict a >50k opening in Americas. With a decent opening in Others, this could have an impressive WW opening. They should release this in Japan too. Would boost the sales quite a bit. (50k LTD in Japan...)
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Chrizum posted 25/02/2010, 02:24
I predict a 40k opening in Americas...
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ash3336 posted 25/02/2010, 03:26
Sure, the story might make up for it. I mean there are plenty of other ways to boost replayability. With multiple paths(I think this has that) or multiple endings(this one doesnt). Things like in-game achievements, deathmatch mode (a la NMH2) could all boost replayability a lot. I would just wait for a price drop before buying a game without that much replayability.
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Siko1989 posted 24/02/2010, 12:42

lol yeah that would have been nice but who knows? maybe the story will make up for it?
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ash3336 posted 09/02/2010, 09:58
I really wished they had a multiplayer mode in this game. Even splitscreen would have increased its replayability drastically. Online would make this a must buy even if the only modes are FFA and TDM. I wanted the Killer mode from RS1 to return. It sounded like a really good mode.
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novasonic posted 27/01/2010, 01:27
The back cover of the instruction booklet for NMH2 has an ad for this game. Says available Feb 2010.
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DOLBYdigital posted 26/01/2010, 09:05
This game brings something to FPS that can't be done on the other platforms and seems to do it well. I hope the First Person Shooter/Slasher becomes a new sub-genre for Wii since it just fits so well with the controls. Spread the word and lets force this game into the Wii owner's sub conscious whether they want to know or not ;)
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ganondorf7799 posted 23/01/2010, 12:01
The boxart looks fantastic
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hazmatkr3w posted 13/01/2010, 02:49
cant wait for this, and the grinder
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Vas-y posted 11/01/2010, 10:51
I have the feeling this game will perform bad. I'm looking forward to its release.
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primogen18 posted 29/09/2009, 06:59
I also hope to see some strong promotion for this as well!!

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primogen18 posted 29/09/2009, 06:58
I hope this comes with it and without it. I might buy the Wii Sports Resort with 2 M+ attachments, so I won't need it then, but then again this will be M+ exclusive so to others who may not have it, this should also have a version with it included.
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 28/07/2009, 04:44
i think wm+ is gonna be packed in redsteel 2
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ash3336 posted 10/06/2009, 12:54
But not all games are going to be Motion+ xclusive. I will only buy it if NMH2 is Motion+ xclusive.
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SuperSmashGuy posted 09/06/2009, 06:46
Yeah really.. A lot of new games will have Wii motion plus so odds are you're going to have to buy it.
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Cheebee posted 04/06/2009, 09:02
This game looks amazing! :o One of the greatest looking Wii games, no doubt!
I was really very impressed by the E3 videos. The controls seem to be great as well, so this'll definitely be an AAA game. :) Can't wait!
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Valkyria00 posted 31/05/2009, 11:15
Err....why the hell not?
WM+ is gonna be necessary for new games and its only $20.
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ash3336 posted 29/05/2009, 01:47
Motion+ exclusive means I am not getting it. But it will be an awesome game nonetheless.
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madmaniac posted 12/05/2009, 12:04
if it gets good revieuws, I'm getting this
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Smeags posted 30/04/2009, 07:46
Well, we can change the boxart now.

I'm looking forward to this bold new direction Ubisoft is taking. Until then, I'll be keeping my eye on this one.
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DOLBYdigital posted 06/04/2009, 01:54
I also heard that Ubi confirmed that they are using motion plus for Red Steel 2. So now we will be decapitating and dismembering people with good controls and online ;)
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naruto3336 posted 17/02/2009, 12:17
This game will sell good now that ubisoft knows what to improve on!
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DOLBYdigital posted 18/01/2009, 10:25
If they are working on this game then they are taking their time which is awesome. The first one was a good start but just needed some more polish and online.

I read a couple months ago that Ubi was working on the sequel and was addressing all the concerns. Better controls, graphics, and online
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TheConduit posted 31/12/2008, 03:02
What the game needs to do to be a hit
1: better visuals still cell shaded
2: motion plus for sword fighting
3: co-op game play
4: online
5: Wii-speak for voice chat
6: tighter controls
Do all this and its a guarantee hit

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perculator posted 22/11/2008, 04:44
Man i hope this game is good.
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Shipping Total

270,000 Units
As of: August 2010

Opinion (321)

seinsmeld posted 29/03/2015, 03:56
this game was amazing. used wii motion plus like no other. should have sold so much more. this and goldeneye were the best shooters on wii
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ZyroXZ2 posted 25/01/2014, 05:46
This game should have been a 1+ million seller, I played through this game when it first came out, and it sometimes brought me to a sweat trying to pull off the combos! So. Worth it. ^_^
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supernihilist posted 23/01/2014, 05:45
great game.seriously underrated gem
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pokeclaudel posted 08/12/2012, 08:05
Hope the make a sequel for wii U. They should make it a tradition and change the setting again. Maybe futuristic or maybe even a world similar to dishonored.
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DieAppleDie posted 23/10/2012, 03:44
fantastic energetic action one of my fav new games
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curl-6 posted 14/03/2012, 04:26
Well, it ended up passing Ubisoft's 500k lifetime forecast...
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