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High Voltage Software



Release Dates

06/23/09 Sega
(Add Date)
07/10/09 Sega

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Community Stats

Owners: 422
Favorite: 8
Tracked: 14
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 51

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The Conduit (Wii) > Opinions (819)

 1  5  6  7  8  9 
MasterZack posted 28/02/2009, 12:08
triple hits as Killzone2
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naruto3336 posted 25/02/2009, 11:06
I would buy MadWorld over this if it was not for the online multiplayer. This game and MadWorld are my 2 best games of the year. Last year they were Brawl and Kart.
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Mojo posted 24/02/2009, 09:07
I hope this game sells through the roof. It look awesome and we need more of these games on the Wii. I will buy this regardless as soon as it comes out, but for me, the essential ingredient is a great online mutliplayer.
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Shadowfest3 posted 24/02/2009, 02:27
I am really looking forward to getting this game. I got hooked on FPS with Halo 3 and this looks like another great one.
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naruto3336 posted 17/02/2009, 12:04
Green Penguin:

I used to hate first-person shooters when I played them on ps2. Then I played them on Wii and it was a completely different and pleasing experience. If you gave Metroid Prime 3 a shot then why not this? This has 16 players online with wii speak, amazing graphics, a unique storyline. This might be the game that might make you like first-person shooters.
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cacafina posted 15/02/2009, 05:46
i think it will make 2 million i hope it is more but it's a new saga so i think it won't make more than 3 million but i think a sequel would sell a lot more

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Green Penguin posted 14/02/2009, 08:45

You are right It probably won't be coming to japan.
I am still thinking if I shoud get this game because I am not familier at all with 1st person games. Also I do own Metroid prime 3 and I didn't like it due to the 1st person view and have yet to find a game that I like that is in 1st person. This game looks cool but at the same time I don't want to waste my money on another Metroid prime 3.
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naruto3336 posted 12/02/2009, 09:48
Whats holding you from getting it?

And I do not think it wil release in Japan unless SEGA really trust japan. Most hardcore games do not sell that well in japan.

What is holding you from getting this game? What does this game not have that you want?
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BoneArk posted 11/02/2009, 04:09
The boxart for this game would look better if they added the All-seeing eye.
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TheConduit posted 10/02/2009, 01:34
Xbox 360 and PS3 games are sprinters.
Wii games are long distance runers.
Wii will win.
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TheConduit posted 10/02/2009, 01:34
If COD WAW can sell 870 000 on the Wii then the conduit has a 95% chance of selling 1mil.
Based on fotage of the game, details of the content offered
and oppinions of game sites I really cant see this game turning out to be a dud.
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naruto3336 posted 10/02/2009, 12:44
@ TheConduit

I know that you did not know this at the time but Call of Duty: World at War now sold 870 000 copies. This only supports your statement. PLUS, I know everyone who did not get Call of Duty: World at War is getting The Conduit. This looks really bright for this game!
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madmaniac posted 09/02/2009, 12:25
It should sell well. Even red steel sold more then 1 mill copies up to now. And everyone was complaining about the controls. If this game is as great as it looks right now, it should sell out red steel with ease
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naruto3336 posted 08/02/2009, 03:45

tru tru. but i agree with TheConduit. The Conduit will outsell KillZone 2 because of a larger userbase. I can not wait to see reviews for The Conduit. I see a 9.5. IGN will not give it a 10 in graphics because they are repeatedly saying the framerate drops since like september and HighVoltage did nothing to improve it. 9.5 is good but i want to see The Conduit be the first Wii game to get over 9.5. I hope near 9.6-10. 10 if the framerate is constant or if they make it 45 frames and even if it drops, it will drop to a 30.
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TheConduit posted 08/02/2009, 08:05
IF COD WAW can sell 650k on the Wii then an original high quality game such as this can easily break 1mil.
Conduit>Killzone 2
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primogen18 posted 07/02/2009, 02:36
Not likely, why would a PS3/360 owner purchase a Wii for a single FPS title when said systems are already loaded with them. Aside from controls, which they would havr to actually play it first. This is for "hardcore gamers" who already and only have a Wii, or gamers with Wii and another system who want to balance out their collection.
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naruto3336 posted 04/02/2009, 11:09
I would laugh if one person looks at a commercial for this game once its on and forgets to look at which system. He/She goes to a store and asks for the game on PS3 and the store manager is like sorry but this game is exclusive to the wii and He/She might end up buying a wii just to play this game!
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cody6695 posted 01/02/2009, 07:15
yeah IGN usually has better, more understandable ratings. but all game rating sites now are not all there :(
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naruto3336 posted 01/02/2009, 05:05
To me this looks like a 3 million seller atleast. That is a lot from what the recession is doing now. If this game goes to every store in NA with 50-100 copies on first day, this will sell close to a million sales in the first week. That is not including Others.
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naruto3336 posted 27/01/2009, 11:37
not many people go to gamefaqs as opposed to gamespot or ign. So i think that the score on either of these would help. I think IGN overrates games and gamespot underrates so you average them up. IGN i think is more fair so i go to IGN more.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 27/01/2009, 09:17
This will be a very telling game about the Wii's ability to sell hardcore games especially if the game gets a 9.0 or higher average in gamefaqs.

It definately has the hype surrounding it. Let's hope not to be dissapointed.
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Hyperion posted 21/01/2009, 04:50
Woah, ten people already own it. and I'm one of them! I went to the future and came back with a copy, as I'm sure 9 other people did.
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primogen18 posted 10/01/2009, 06:05
You might talk to people who go to IGN or read Game Informer alot, but alot of gamers I know play games more then look on the computer or read magazines, so most have no clue about upcoming games like Conduit/ House of the Dead/ etc, and won't unless something is put into the advertising to reach the GENERAL public. Nintendo talks about expanding the audience, well, it's expanded to people who might enjoy "hardcore" games such as these, but aren't going to make effort to seek out such games unless it is right there on a medium they already know. They aren't going to know what IGN is, or read game geek mags. I'm just saying that some more effort in advertising would work. I agree it's not even finished yet so I will give it time, but again, some of these commercials that are on IGN would work on actual television. Samba has DLC, RB2 has DLC, GH: WT has DLC, some people STILL don't know Wii can do DLC, because the commercials about them (such as the one for Samba up now at IGN) never reach the TV. BTW, I am thinking T rating based on what I've seen, unless there are some insane cut scenes we haven't gotten a glimpse of.
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naruto3336 posted 10/01/2009, 02:53
the game is not even done yet so why would sega even advertise it from now? it will start advertising when it is close to release. according to me, the advertising has been done so much already that everyone i knw with a wii is already getting this game! sales will start off from 500k-600k and in the long run definitely more than 2 million!so wht you a ll think? T-rated or M-rated? im thinking more of T but you nvr knw...
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primogen18 posted 09/01/2009, 10:41
Halo got a Mountain Dew flavor. Can I see ONE commercial on TV for this game? Please? I don't even care if I see it more then once, but just to show that some of these "commercials" and "trailers" for this game reach people who don't sit at a computer. It would show SEGA actually wants to advertise this game to the general public. Maybe actually have Best Buy put it in their paper? It seems retailers only push shovelware for wii. The argument "crap sells well on wii" can go both ways. If people don't know whats out there for it, they won't buy it. Ex: Most ads showed Call Of Duty: WaW ONLY for PS3/XB360, as in they show a pic of either one and list "also avail on" for the other. Wii wasn't even mentioned in there. This game has ALOT of potential, I really hope it is executed well.
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Kwaidd posted 08/01/2009, 02:55
I know I'm anxiously awaiting the game. Everything is pointing to a great title. There have been enough people around and with hands on with this game that if there were reasons to doubt its shoulda come into the light by now.
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SnowFlow posted 05/01/2009, 08:03
If High Voltage delivers on it's promises for visuals and online it will sell very well.
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link_triforce posted 02/01/2009, 12:32
i hope it sells like 2.5 million. This game will make third party publishers look at the wii seriously if it succeeds. Also i want more people to play so i have more butts to kick online
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TheConduit posted 30/12/2008, 02:06
From what Ive seen this is a good game.
With proper marketing this will be a good start to Wii competing for the hardcore audience
Wii games have a much lower percentage of overall sales in the first week and day then Xbox 360 and PS3.
So look at sales a year after release.
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BoneArk posted 27/12/2008, 03:09
If this game gets hyped up 1-2 month before it comes out it should sell 1.5 million copies easily.
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thas posted 25/12/2008, 05:12
We all know it wont sell a lot weekly but maybe in the long run.
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cacafina posted 22/12/2008, 04:51
it will have a decent start but huge legs i think 2 or 3 million worldwide
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Senrii posted 20/12/2008, 12:18
I hope it'll sell a lot.. Like 2 mil or something..
Please :)
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haxxiy posted 04/12/2008, 05:09
Prob 400-600 k worldwide.
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ECC posted 02/12/2008, 06:54
this game will sell over 2mill.
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Strategyking92 posted 26/11/2008, 11:30
scratch that, less than 70,000 k worldwide
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bigjon posted 26/11/2008, 06:22
I feel a flop in the making here.... I hope I am wrong, but I will be shocked if this game's sales even equal MP3's.
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Strategyking92 posted 23/11/2008, 02:21
I know these types of posts can be dangerous, but I predict around or less than 90,000 worldwide first week.
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ECC posted 10/11/2008, 08:15
day 1!!!!
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haxxiy posted 05/11/2008, 10:09
hey hey nice polygon count HVS but what about some textures and anti-aliasing? =/
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Neos posted 04/11/2008, 09:56

this is the boxart SEGA themselves put up.. so a bit more official ;)
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thanny posted 04/11/2008, 04:56
why was the boxart i uploaded removed? it may have only been a placeholder/fan made but it was better then the nothing that is there now...
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Neos posted 03/11/2008, 12:58
for people like me that thought you pronounce this the french don't

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nordlead posted 03/11/2008, 11:35
@snake, there is no confirmed date. March 31 is just a date sites like Amazon picked out of the air.
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Snake612 posted 02/11/2008, 09:02
The game will be released on March 31, 2009.
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StarcraftManiac posted 02/11/2008, 03:29
When is this game going to come out?!
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thas posted 01/11/2008, 06:37
I cant believe I didn't think of sega. The clues were practically slapping me in the face.
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kopstudent89 posted 30/10/2008, 12:51
plzz let this get decent sales, maybe just maybe developers will see how a good wii game can sell
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thetonestarr posted 29/10/2008, 09:47
Who removed the summary I wrote? Also, the publisher's been announced - SEGA.
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jbee02 posted 27/10/2008, 04:55
I want this game so much
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SHMUPGurus posted 11/10/2008, 05:41
The trick here is to notice the ESRB rating thingy. It's not there, so no, it's not an official box art.
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thas posted 11/10/2008, 01:10
Actually I believe that the boxart at the top there is a fan made one, but it is on sites like gametrailers so I'm not too sure.
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11ht11 posted 09/10/2008, 07:45
probably not, many games have early boxarts before they are released
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MasterZack posted 07/10/2008, 08:46
so... this isn't the real box art?
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11ht11 posted 07/10/2008, 07:39
no! this game is great, i dont want to loose it lol
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scottie posted 06/10/2008, 01:23
The guys who claim to own this --->
Wanna lend me your copy?? :P
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kopstudent89 posted 04/10/2008, 10:07
if u watch the videos, ull know the graphics seem very good.
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thas posted 03/10/2008, 11:43
People, that is not the actual boxart, it is a place holder.
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Chrizum posted 03/10/2008, 11:22
Meh, the boxart of this game is one of the worst I've ever seen...
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invisible29 posted 03/10/2008, 09:21
The graphics dont seem soo good
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Barozi posted 03/10/2008, 02:39
I hope this won't be the final boxart. It looks kinda stupid
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SHMUPGurus posted 02/10/2008, 07:33
Mother f****** Nintendo is publishing the game! w00t! w00t! ^__^

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thas posted 01/10/2008, 03:05
I have taken a brief look at good publishers for this game and the ones who come on top are 2K and Nintendo.
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Spanx posted 29/09/2008, 03:31
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thas posted 28/09/2008, 06:26
I am talking about wii games here. When has ubisoft ever had a good advertising campaign for a wii gamer.

Not to mention, ubisoft rushed No more heroes. They care about money more than quality.
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Riachu posted 28/09/2008, 03:45
yeah because Assassin's Creed had little marketing and got poor sales as a result. /sarcasm
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thas posted 21/09/2008, 03:00
No ubisoft. Ubisoft is terrible with ads and shipping. Sega is ok, but I cant say the same about THQ.
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Onimusha12 posted 21/09/2008, 02:44
THQ or Sega I'm hoping.

Ubisoft would most likely undership the first wave and cripple sales like they did with No More Heroes. I'm pretty sure Okey-Dokey knows this and that's why he's hoping they get it.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 20/09/2008, 04:06
I hope Ubisoft publishes it.
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thas posted 20/09/2008, 12:13
Guess what, wiispeak is confirmed again.
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invisible29 posted 19/09/2008, 02:22
totally going to buy this game!
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thas posted 17/09/2008, 12:00
How do you know that it won't come out in Germany?
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koopatrooper posted 16/09/2008, 11:15
it happens again a great game for the wii wont release in germany i`ve had it i`m getting a 360 now
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11ht11 posted 15/09/2008, 10:55

you only think that...
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slimeattack posted 15/09/2008, 06:33
This game will bomb, just like Haze did. It's only being hyped because it's on the Wii.

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thas posted 15/09/2008, 01:38
what's there to laugh about? They are superior to every other console FPS.
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leo-j posted 15/09/2008, 12:23
, controls superior to possibly every other console FPS ever made,

lol what?
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Zucas posted 14/09/2008, 05:28
My guess is still THQ.
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thas posted 14/09/2008, 02:47
EA will not being publishing this game. I have said that any times to different people. HVS already stated that the game will most likely use friendcodes. They also said that their publisher is some what large and like to support the wii. This has the nintendo smell all over it, but I would like capcom aswell.
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Slavedemonxi posted 13/09/2008, 09:21
People are saying Nintendo is gonna publish this game. I mean that does sound very likely, or maybe EA will publish it. One thing is for sure. I am buying this game on launch day, it looks so fun.
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11ht11 posted 08/09/2008, 03:32
haha im the first owner of this game
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thas posted 08/09/2008, 01:18
Who is this publisher we will be pleased with. I will get very angry if it is ubisoft. I hate buying their products only for the price to go down the next week.
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thetonestarr posted 06/09/2008, 10:11
Well, when the summary was written before that statement was made...

I'll write in an edit.
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thas posted 06/09/2008, 03:25
Offline multiplayer is comfirmed, but it isn't splitscreen. Wiispeak is not confirmed, but will most likely be in it. Motionplus is not a good choice for this game anyway.

The summary is actually wrong. HVS has already chosen a publisher, they just haven't told anyone who it is yet.
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thetonestarr posted 05/09/2008, 10:25
Offline multiplayer just a rumor, not confirmed. Same with Wii motion plus and Wii Speak.
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kopstudent89 posted 03/09/2008, 09:52
lol nice summary
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SHMUPGurus posted 03/09/2008, 07:51
OMG love the game summary by the way!
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11ht11 posted 03/09/2008, 06:16
OMG awesome!
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SHMUPGurus posted 03/09/2008, 04:30
OMG offline multiplayer!
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Batman...WTF? posted 03/09/2008, 01:50
OMG Wii motion plus!
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thas posted 02/09/2008, 09:32
Actually it seems like the hype is dying for this game. I just keep wondering how they are going to use motion plus.
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kopstudent89 posted 02/09/2008, 08:41
Over 10000 hits and its probabely 6 months away from release...
It just tells u how much this game means to Wii fans and owners in general
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thas posted 02/09/2008, 03:19
How did HVS come up with a release date, isn't that the publisher's job?
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Naum posted 31/08/2008, 06:41
This might be the first FPS I will buy ever more so after the control customization showed on the video on news section.
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I like Bacon posted 19/08/2008, 09:06
That sucks. There are like 8 games for the Wii that I'm interested in. and I hope the game comes out by my b-day, June 16th. The game could be delayed.
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Slavedemonxi posted 16/08/2008, 11:01
This is the only upcoming wii game that interests me.
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thas posted 15/08/2008, 05:42
I wonder sometimes if this game will actually come out in the Q1 2009.
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I like Bacon posted 13/08/2008, 07:15
What the hell? The hits on this game sky rocketed! It was under 1000 a little while ago! :o
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*bleu-ocelot* posted 13/08/2008, 02:25
This game might be great. Hopefully it sells just the same.
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kopstudent89 posted 12/08/2008, 04:20
lookin good till now!
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Mezelf13 posted 09/08/2008, 02:00
Look's really great!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 20/07/2008, 11:28
OMG, have you guys seen High Voltage's new Wii game? It looks amazing!

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I like Bacon posted 20/07/2008, 07:50
I'm going to look into this game. It seems to be very popular on VGC. But the game has very low hits.
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sc94597 posted 19/07/2008, 10:45
@Montana So being a wii fan allows you to make statements that aren't true?

it doesn't seem he is jealous of the game rather than wii fans actually getting attention from 3rd parties.

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CanadianGamer1 posted 18/07/2008, 04:56
From what I have heard this game will have 16 player online and support the newly announced Wii Speak mic for voice chat!
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MontanaHatchet posted 28/06/2008, 08:22
Sc: For the love of God, he's a Wii fan, not a 360 fan. He even has Wii IN HIS NAME.

Trust me, if you have a 360 or PS3, there's no reason to be jealous of this game.
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peetee posted 24/06/2008, 10:59
Wow I'm really looking forward to this game. A pity I have to wait till Q1 2009!
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sc94597 posted 14/06/2008, 02:13
@TWRoO I noticed that too. Drudge=Replicators
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TWRoO posted 14/06/2008, 12:05
Image 7 of 14 reminds me of the replicators onboard Thors ship in Stargate SG1.
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sc94597 posted 13/06/2008, 10:15
@Strategyking92 Jealousy I sense? Why don't you go play one of the many fps that are on your 360 and not worry about the games for the small little wii.
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sc94597 posted 13/06/2008, 10:14
@Pheonix tell me all about these gamecube graphics. You should know with all of that confidence in your statement. Do you think the gamecube could pull off those textures,shaders,or that number of polygons???? Also btw this game is probably in beta stages. The game isn't going to be released until 2009. Plenty of time to pull off something nicer.
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fdo69 posted 19/05/2008, 10:21
It's look like half life 2 series but the gameplay of this game will make it a good one.
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11ht11 posted 26/04/2008, 10:07

its early in development

this game wont come out till probably late 08 or in sometime 09
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 25/04/2008, 03:33
i heard the graphics are supposed to be 360 graphics, but they look sub gamecube.
whats with this
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11ht11 posted 24/04/2008, 06:05
i heard that this game has already had multiple offers from publishers

so yes this game will be released
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highwaystar101 posted 19/04/2008, 05:19
It will get published. All I can hope for is that the developer keep their promise and create the best graphics on the wii.
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rudyrsr8 posted 19/04/2008, 04:23
It is in development and looking for a publisher and if not ioi can take this page down. But it has actual screen shots so most likely this will be published.
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perculator posted 19/04/2008, 02:41
oh it will and what about sadness
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Strategyking92 posted 19/04/2008, 06:38
this might not even get published, so why make a page?
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Shipping Total

270,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2009

Opinion (819)

supernihilist posted 23/01/2014, 05:54
i think its a lil bit overtracked... number should be more like 500k flat
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DieAppleDie posted 12/11/2012, 03:08
i absolutely liked moar this game, despite its inferior grafix over the secuel
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 09/01/2012, 10:34
there used to be hardcore on Wii in 2007 bu they moved away and are still moving because 3rd parties ony put their hardcore games on Ps3/Xbox360, also many people pirate hardcore games on Wii which certainly deosn't help
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Fededx posted 28/08/2011, 05:01
I enjoeyd the game a lot, I usually don't play FPS, but on Wii I find them more fun and easier to play. It's a good game, and it sold ok, and I'm glad it did. Hope it generated some earnings to SEGA and HVS :)
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Conegamer posted 04/06/2011, 02:14
And I thought this game's sales were weak O.o
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Pierreism posted 26/04/2011, 01:09
Not bad sales at the end of the day. Now with the sequel, onwards and upwards!
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