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Release Dates

03/10/09 Sega
02/10/10 Spike
03/20/09 Sega

Community Stats

Owners: 623
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MadWorld (Wii) > Opinions (917)

 1  2  3  4  5  10 
Peterisyum posted 06/01/2010, 10:39
maybe some hype will grtow for this game with some of the bayonetta people who get really into that game!
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Voltaire posted 05/01/2010, 01:57
Theres not much to be disappointed at really. Its a niche 5 hour game with no replay value. Sure it had a decent marketing campaign, but no one could have thought a monochromatic game about killing people for sport would sell millions. SEGA surely profited from this, since the TV ads were a joint Gamestop venture. The profits may not be massive, but they certainly covered costs and made a little extra.
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Hobowan posted 04/01/2010, 09:25
by the end of its first year on sale, this may, with a bit of luck, sell 450000, it will likely miss the 500k milestone though :( although at a budget price everywjere,

SEGA surely cant be TOO disappointed with that?
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11ht11 posted 02/01/2010, 07:52
10 bucks at best buy!
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Cooke15 posted 01/01/2010, 03:28
is this game going to be released in japan?
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ash3336 posted 01/01/2010, 12:36
I bet Madworld will cross 500k before TCon.
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SaviorX posted 25/12/2009, 02:57
Holidays will bring it to 400k. Should pass it early January
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killeryoshis posted 23/12/2009, 02:25
It'll be lucky to hit 10,000
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Red4ADevil posted 22/12/2009, 04:17
With japans release in a couple months, it should bump it to at least 400k
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Green Penguin posted 21/12/2009, 04:46
I predict 440K
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Cheebee posted 13/12/2009, 05:32
I recently got this but have yet to play it... too many games I need to finish first!
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chris_wing posted 11/12/2009, 05:47
This is a very good game. If you know what your doing you can probably run through it in 5-7 hours, but first time through on normal difficulty will give you 10-15 hours of enjoyment and about 15 minutes of blood boiling frustration. Highly recommended! 9.0 IMHO
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Skorpion posted 08/12/2009, 06:14
$11.99 on newegg shipped right now. Can't decide whether to pull the trigger.
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ash3336 posted 07/12/2009, 04:41
400k before next year. This will sell oh yeah. And probably 500k+ LTD sales.
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primogen18 posted 07/12/2009, 02:05
im glad to see this selling steadily!
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hYpnochronic posted 06/12/2009, 07:45
It's my GOTY.
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DaftpunkJessie posted 06/12/2009, 12:38
love this game
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SubiyaCryolite posted 28/11/2009, 01:33
Will reach 400k, good.
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Siko1989 posted 26/11/2009, 08:54
has this broke profit for Sega yet?
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midaks posted 23/11/2009, 04:19

the reason im predictin around 75k in sales for japan is because platinum games is a japanese company which is centered in osaka, japan =P. Im already basing this on the fact that they have a strong fanbase over there but then again we'll see what happens when it actually comes out over there.
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st_muscat0 posted 22/11/2009, 01:24
@Midaks LOL HOTD:OK only sold 10,000 copies in Japan and its an established franchise over there, and Punch Out sold something like 25,000 copies. So Madworld getting 75K sales there would be a miracle, expect 20K of sales if lucky.
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midaks posted 21/11/2009, 04:54
Well the feb, 2010 release in Japan will hopefully kick up sales by atleast 75k +
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Red4ADevil posted 19/11/2009, 04:32
Just make it to 400k and I'll be so happy. I'll be astonished if this game reaches 500k.
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Nintendogamer posted 15/11/2009, 03:41
Nice! 340K
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SubiyaCryolite posted 13/11/2009, 06:53
Doing well, congrats.
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Arfen posted 13/11/2009, 02:12
9'95 € in GAME stores!!!!

I hope this maskes increase the sales.

legs legs legs
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novasonic posted 13/11/2009, 12:59
This will go one of two ways in Japan. It'll sell another 100-150k or it will sell 100-150. There will be no in between.
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oni-link posted 09/11/2009, 12:27
zzyoshiman posted 07/11/2009, 05:22
1/3 of the way there

Actually, it's already there...this game doesn't need to sell a million to be succesful!
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zzyoshiman posted 07/11/2009, 05:22
1/3 of the way there
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oni-link posted 03/11/2009, 08:28
In addition, a few quality titles that got missed are bargain prices right now ie Madworld, HOTD:overkill, The conduit, Cursed Mountain, etc.
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oni-link posted 03/11/2009, 08:26
LOL, give LKS a chance despite it's N64 type graphics the gameplay is addicting. A refurbished Wii should cost you $129-$140; not a bad investment considering that a few quality titles are coming for the system (FF:CC, NSMB:Wii, Fragile, TvC etc)
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Boneitis posted 03/11/2009, 11:48
I sold my Wii a while back and bought two 360 Pros for $99 each from MS ExpertZone. It wasn't a hard decision to make considering I'm a bigger fan of HD games.

Now that the Wii library is a little more acceptable I am tempted to purchase one. I look forward to playing this game. But Little King's Story is on my list of games I can't care less about.
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oni-link posted 03/11/2009, 07:46
It's all good and dandy Bone, I ain't mad at cha'. I'm a little frustrated but I ain't mad. Just wondering have you picked up this game yet? You also seemed interested in Little King Story, it's $40 at right now so it's not a bad price.
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Boneitis posted 02/11/2009, 10:34
@ oni-link
Oh my, I somehow struck a nerve. I can tell because you're using exclamation marks.

You see this, "It's a lower investment cost with a chance of huge returns!!!" My point is the people at Sega are ignorant for putting such big investments on HD consoles. They can bring games of equal budget as Wii games and they'll sell. Their HD games have been unprofitable because they put too much money into graphics and they suck.

You're right about one thing. You aren't a psychologist. Now calm down. This has nothing to do with Wii hate. I just hate the decisions Sega makes with HD consoles.

And for the record. My comment about Sega hating money was in regards to their terrible HD decisions.
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oni-link posted 02/11/2009, 07:19
"I don't understand why Sega is trying to bring adult gamers to the Wii. Why not just bring those same adult games to consoles where they sell? Maybe Sega hates money, that's the only thing I can come up with."

Why do you have to understand it bone? I don't understand why you feel so threatened or upset that a company would want to release an adult title for a console that is almost has a larger userbase than the HD consoles combined? I actually commend them for trying!!! It's a lower investment cost with a chance of huge returns!!! THQ, Ubisoft, Capcom, and yes Sega makes a lot of $$$$ of the Wii whether Wii haters like it or not!!! I'm not a psychologist but from all the post I've followed you on it seems like you want the Wii to fail? First many ppl like yourself diss the Wii for having too many shovelware but when a company releases a quality game you bitch again instead of appreciating it. There's no point in your arguments except that you seem to LIKE A COUPLE OF WII GAMES that aren't coming to 360 or PS3 and are complaining that it should be on 360 or PS3? Which only means that 1) You only own one or two of the HD systems and 2)You have an unhealthy feeling of animosity towards Nintendo particularly the Wii. I for one don't really care as I have the a 360 and a Wii so I could enjoy most game offerings that a company may offer for both the Wii and HD systems (most 3rd party titles are better on 360 than PS3 anyways IMHO).
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Boneitis posted 02/11/2009, 03:06
@ spurgeonryan
China Town Wars is a terrible example. PSP is the worst software mover this generation. People blame piracy, I say people just don't buy PSP games.

I don't understand why Sega is trying to bring adult gamers to the Wii. Why not just bring those same adult games to consoles where they sell? Maybe Sega hates money, that's the only thing I can come up with.
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chris_wing posted 02/11/2009, 01:45
This game is past the 300,000 glass ceiling, but it will probably end up at around 500,000 when all is said and done. This game is still $35 msrp, when it goes to $20-$25 it will move a lot of units.
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Boneitis posted 01/11/2009, 10:14
Sega games selling poorly on HD consoles is completely Sega's fault. Have you seen the reviews for Viking, Sonic The Hedgehog (HD), Sonic Unleashed, and Golden Axe: Beast Rider? You don't think awful gameplay affects sales?

HD games don't need to have the most outstanding graphics. We'll buy them if they're fun.

The 360 version of Bully for example has almost sold a million and its a slightly enhanced PS2 port.

Gun sold 250K in the US. I imagine world sales is 400K. And it looks awful.

Warriors Orichi did 180K in the US with PS2 graphics. Perhaps 300K world wide.

With that said I believe Madworld on the 360 could have easily outsold the Wii version with no graphical enhancements. Especially considering the Madworld became $30 after only a few weeks. Even The Conduit would have had more success on the 360 with no improvements.

But nope, Sega insists on giving us big budget piles of crap.
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oni-link posted 01/11/2009, 07:18
Madworld is a case in point...this game is considered a high quality title but the cost and development of this title (man power, tools, etc) required is last gen that it is considered low budget and low risk for Sega. Especially if you compare them to their other games that they developed for the HD systems that bombed and cost them a lot and never made them money(Golden Axe etc).
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oni-link posted 01/11/2009, 07:13
Agreed to a point, except with the fact that Wii games are low risk because games considered "big budget" for Wii is actually low budget compared to the other HD consoles. Then we have the really low budget Wii titles (most of them shovelware like Wii Music, Carnival Games, FarCry, Rabbids, etc) that is so low budget that they actually break even with crap sales!!!
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Boneitis posted 01/11/2009, 12:05
We have no actual proof that every game that uses the Unreal Engine goes over 10 million. Too Human might have. But it was brought to us by crap developers.

I'd assume most of Sony's 1st party games go over 20 million because they appear to build the game engines from the ground up and focus highly on graphics. Sony is throwing money like crazy probably in hopes for a big hit.

People say developing HD games is too expensive. But I always take into consideration the all around superior quality of HD games. Wii games in comparison look retro. Retro isn't bad, I just don't want to pay $50 for it.

I don't consider the Wii low risk per se. I think the Wii allows for low budget projects to make money. Big budget games are obviously too risky for the Wii.
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Arfen posted 31/10/2009, 02:24
I'm wrong or this game has solt around 9k las week. but I don't see this game in last world chart..

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oni-link posted 31/10/2009, 12:43
That's why I go back to the same article in that link which also is in and other sites with different CEO's etc talking about development cost for HD systems. THQ's CEO Farell actually states and probably the reason for developing deBlob exclusive for Wii as it probably didn't cost anywhere near $5M to make that game for the system; but I would expect more bells and whistles if it came out on my 360 thus elevating devlopment cost for that system increasing risk!!!
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oni-link posted 31/10/2009, 12:29
Hmmm...I'm confused all the article said was that a typical PS3 game cost 3-4 times as much to develop than a typical Wii game. The main theme here is typical. As you and I agree that a lot of Wii games right now maybe 60% are shovelware with a typical low budget: ie Death Jr. Rygar, Wii Music etc. Thus these games probably won't even cost the same amount as a like a Muramasa, Madworld, Spyborgs, etc. But even high quality titles like The Conduit cost $5M to produce compared to Heavenly Sword that cost $20M (even though they can reuse the engine but haven't so far). Oh I did research on GoW and it's amazing that they were ABLE to make the game for $10M not counting advertising (which was massive seeing development was less than other titles). However, Epic failed to include the cost to develop the Unreal Engine that powers/runs most of the important aspects of that game!
if another developer (Silicon Knights) was to license the engine from Epic it would be guaranteed to cost more than $10-12M it cost Epic!!! That's why I don't mind forking over $60 for the HD games as development cost for a quality title cost 2-4 times as much to develop than a quality last gen (I really hate that term can we come up w/something else) title like Wii, PS2, and PSP etc
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Boneitis posted 31/10/2009, 11:37
@ oni-link
I'm very reluctant to believe that article has much if any validity. Also you have to consider the quality of typical Wii games.

Few titles are truly ambitious and budgets are kept to a minimum. I won't argue the entertainment value of the Wii library, but I'd like to see some higher quality titles.
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oni-link posted 31/10/2009, 09:07
Hopefully, decent to great games like Spyborg, Cursed Mountain, Muramasa, Boy and his Blob, Madworld, Little King Story, and Dead Space: Extraction find their way out of all the trash and make it in gamers hands. BTW here is one of the links that shows the cost diff between making/developing a game for the HD systems (360 and PS3) and last gen (Wii, PS2, and PSP):
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oni-link posted 31/10/2009, 08:52
I think Wii games sell at a slower pace than the other systems because of all the shovelware Wii owners have to shift thru!!! Many Wii owners I know are cautious to buy 3rd party games as many of them end up as bad ports of established franchise (FarCry and Prince of Persia, Soul Calibur:Legends). Then there are the promised IP exlusives like Rabbids and Redsteel that left a sour taste in new gamers mouths. I blame Nintendo for not regulating control but how could any company do so? They too released a shovelware in Wii Music...yuk...I'm still upset blowing $20 on that game!!!
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oni-link posted 31/10/2009, 08:45
Wow it's hard to imagine that GoW only cost that much to develop!!! That amount is sooo close to last gen budget that I wonder how they did it? Maybe GoW2 could cost that much but the first one HAD to be a massive investment!!! I mean look at that game it's gorgeous and gives Sony's Resistance which DOES cost $20M to make a run for it's money. As for Conduit, I think the total budget included development and advertising but I could be wrong. Wario Land shake it!!! initially had a budget of a million set by Nintendo. However it ended up double that amount when the final game was released. Check the IGN for the interview regarding that game!!!
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Fleeman posted 31/10/2009, 06:04
its coming out in japan in feburary probably because of the great reviews for Bayonetta
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Boneitis posted 30/10/2009, 01:44
@ oni-link
I'm glad I was able to break the news that NFS ports have had respectable sales on the Wii. NFS Nitro will be Wii exclusive. So I don't expect it to be a high quality release.

No one is denying Wii can move software. If its an already mega popular franchise the Wii can sell it. Its the new IPs that struggle on the Wii.
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Boneitis posted 30/10/2009, 01:20
Why would I be butt hurt? Anyhow...

I imagine a lot of Wii games are low risk and probably make a profit with only 100K sold. The Wii library is almost impossible to keep track of because of all the shovelware.

But Madworld is not shovelware or a port. Essentially every point you made has no relevance to Madworld. And if Sega was content with the sales it was getting they wouldn't have dropped the price to $30 after a few weeks.

You also presume every HD game has some sort of $20 million mega budget. Gears of War had a $10 million budget. I read Gears 2 was $12 million. It seems like most games recycle a game engine so that keeps cost down. The new Wolfenstein for example is basically using the Doom 3 engine.

I also heard The Conduit had a $5 million budget. I'm just curious where the money went. I'm sure that number doesn't even include the advertising budget from Sega.
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Metallicube posted 27/10/2009, 10:39
Wow, never in a million years did I expect Madworld to outsell the Conduit, although it is close.. This is a great game but sadly too short. Luckilly you can find it now for like 20-30 bucks which is the far more appropriate price considering the length.
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oni-link posted 27/10/2009, 07:51
glad to see that NFS sells quite well on the Wii as it DOES prove games CAN sell on the Wii. It makes no diff to me on NFS as I prefer to get the 360 versions but I'm glad it proves that Wii can produce sales!!!
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oni-link posted 27/10/2009, 07:51
Easy bon'eits don't need to get butt-hurt mad!!! It's been a while since I took a look at NFS:Underground's #'s and when I did it was struggling to get to 200K like Madworld did! Well maybe 100K is a bit of an exagerration to turn a profit but most Wii games are such a low risk investment that a 100K sales will not hurt a publisher or developer as much if it developed it for the HD consoles. Case in point Medal of Honor: Heroes, Death Jr. , Rygar, BoomBlox etc those games are either ports or low budget enough to make a profit even if they only hit 100k lifetime. A game like conduit probably needs only a revenue of $5-7M to break nearly even which amounts to only about 130K-170K in sales at $50. Honestly, the Wii's development cost is almost last gen (I hate that term) so investment in development will reflect that!!!
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Boneitis posted 27/10/2009, 01:08
@ oni-link
What's your point? I didn't say Madworld was the biggest bomb ever. Just not a worthwhile profit if any.

You're nuts if you think a quality game can make a profit with only 100K sold.

I don't know what your point is about NFS. Two of them sold 400K and one sold 800K. I'm sure they were built from the PS2 releases as well so that keeps costs down.
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oni-link posted 26/10/2009, 10:35
ok there was a LITTLE advertising but this game IS still selling quite well even if it drops to $20 selling at 500k IS still a profit for Sega as opposed to making a huge investment like Heavenly Sword, Lair, and Too Human which the lowest cost to develop one of those games was a staggering $20M which none of those games ever recouped their losses!!! Most Wii games only need to sell 100k to see a sequel (look at the NFS series). But going back to advertising maybe there was "Some" but I doubt Sega busted their piggy bank to advertised this game. It sure is more successful compared to their Golden Axe release as they advertised/hyped the game and it never attained sales a known franchise was supposed to get!!!
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Boneitis posted 26/10/2009, 07:06
@ oni-link
Actually there was advertising. I saw the commercial on TV quite a few times as well.
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oni-link posted 26/10/2009, 10:38
Wow great sales...I guess the media sites underestimated the potential this game would sell. I guess Sega must be happy with the sales as it probably cost them only $3-$4M to make this game and there was $0 spent on advertising it!!! It'll reach 400k for sure and probably 500k before they stop printing it!!!
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Boneitis posted 26/10/2009, 07:07
@ intro94
Well Wolfenstein is not only selling more copies faster, but its doing so at the full price of $60 on each platform. Like most games it'll get a boost after the price drop as well.

Madworld hit $30 after just a few weeks. Madworld may have had a smaller budget but advertising isn't cheap and its definitely a bomb.
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DavidValbu posted 25/10/2009, 08:09
wait a moment, this game keep selling. Now it is at 0.32 but there is still holiday season boost, it may reach 500k after all. It is not such a big flop.
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intro94 posted 24/10/2009, 09:26
@boneitis really?wolfesteins budget,staff and developing costs were inmensely higher in comparison.not to mention porting costs. Honestly,even if that game outsells madworld 2 to one, i doubt strongly it would be truly beating it in profits. madworld was short, small team ,single console title.
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novasonic posted 24/10/2009, 01:55
wow this game just keeps on truckin'! If it keeps this up it's going to end up being a decent selling game after all.
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atma998 posted 24/10/2009, 12:13
The game is still selling good : about 5000 units on its 32nd week.

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TheWon posted 18/10/2009, 12:36
According to this article Sega was happy about the sales.
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Boneitis posted 16/10/2009, 04:58
@ spurgeonryan
What are you talking about? Wolfenstein has 430K in combined console sales. I would assume the PC version sold a couple hundred thousand copies as well.

Madworld has been out since March. Wolfenstein only came out maybe 2 months ago. Wolfenstein is doing much better in comparison.
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WiiBox3 posted 15/10/2009, 10:41
Great game! At first my friend complained that it was B&W, then about 10min later he wouldn't set the controller down.
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primogen18 posted 12/10/2009, 04:58
I think the sales have leveled out a bit to the point where it will now pick up and fluctuate during the holiday season, meaning some decent legs. I'm pretty sure this will go on to do 500k or more.
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darkwing64 posted 11/10/2009, 03:01
here on mexico it's betwen 67 and 75 USD and most of the people i told them about said that they were not interested in this game, that thet couldn't stand the visual style
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Chrizum posted 09/10/2009, 08:59
It's still 49,99 here in the Netherlands.
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Intendo21 posted 06/10/2009, 04:31
What an awesome game.
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Salnax posted 04/10/2009, 11:50
Sales are starting to pick up again. This game might sell half a million by the end of the year.
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Intendo21 posted 03/10/2009, 08:44
I think I'll pick this up. I'm pretty sure it will have legs.
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Pure posted 03/10/2009, 12:37
This game could have some good legs.
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Tuulikk posted 02/10/2009, 08:47
@ dark_gh0st_b0y - Maybe it would be without price cuts. Even then, do we have all the facts we need to state the level of profit? Anyhow, if it keeps on selling, then it should make a profit.
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Tayne posted 01/10/2009, 11:42
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ash3336 posted 01/10/2009, 11:26
No like seriously, I want to know which week it got the price cut in?
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 01/10/2009, 02:58
300 000 is a sure profit for a Wii game...
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ash3336 posted 01/10/2009, 03:20
When did this game get a price cut?
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11ht11 posted 28/09/2009, 12:09
for some reason i thought this game was dead at 150k lol
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MarioGalaxy posted 26/09/2009, 10:49
I really think that the gamers in Japan are the yougest wii users, and that's the reason all adult games sells less than in Europe or the US.
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MarioGalaxy posted 26/09/2009, 10:47
Hi, spurgeonryan!
I don't really think so. If the game finally comes to Japan (I doubt it) may be could reach 10-20 k, but no more. And during the Xmas i dont't expect thatt great sales, but who knows...
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Arfen posted 22/09/2009, 12:43
the box art is not very atractive. but the games deserves more attention. Price is drop so no doubt and buy it ;)
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Red4ADevil posted 21/09/2009, 10:43
With a future japanese release, it should give sales a nice bump.
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arsenal009 posted 19/09/2009, 07:02
300k is good sales. This game was only average though, No More Heroes is 100x more fun.
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fairyliar posted 19/09/2009, 06:57
300k is not high but not too low.
The game is 20€ now so if it was brightly promoted in shops, it could sell very well! but retailers are just stupid...
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Lolcislaw posted 18/09/2009, 12:28
300k is actually good for this sort of game. Remember not every game has to go gold or platinium to be succesful
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sabby_e17 posted 17/09/2009, 09:00
300k. I wonder if Sega have broken and started profiting.
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DOLBYdigital posted 17/09/2009, 06:46
While I expected at least 500k lifetime, it is still selling a couple thousand each week. Although it is at bargain prices now so they aren't making much on each one. Really ashame that such an amazing game is largely ignored. Well guess we can't complain when we see tons of minigame crapfests since thats what sells :(
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haxxiy posted 15/09/2009, 11:13
After looking at the conduit sales, I'm starting to think it did quite well for a violent, black-&-white game.
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noname2200 posted 15/09/2009, 06:41
So if it did 123k in the US, and, say, an extra 13k in the rest of the Americas, plus slightly lower figures in Europe...

It only has 1.7 million copies until it becomes profitable!
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Kenology posted 14/09/2009, 03:29
NPD has this at 123k LTD in America alone according to Matt Matthews. Given the rest of America's, we're about spot on.
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widescreen posted 14/09/2009, 01:29
the game should have done 500k in total sales.
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hunter_alien posted 13/09/2009, 10:36
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test posted 12/09/2009, 04:15

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marcoberry3 posted 12/09/2009, 05:50
so do you think this has soled enough to merit a sequel?
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Chrizum posted 10/09/2009, 11:30
Broke 300k. Pretty good all things considered.
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st_muscat0 posted 05/09/2009, 04:12
Should be at 300K by the end of next, good sales imo, although it deserved way more, but what can you do.
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primogen18 posted 31/08/2009, 05:27
wow it actually went up a tad in Others, I mean not by much but still. I see this doing the same batman.
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Batman...WTF? posted 24/08/2009, 10:29
I see this pulling a COD:WaW...
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primogen18 posted 24/08/2009, 06:55
agreed, this should prove a nice seller over time.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 23/08/2009, 09:13
selling good, long term sales like every hard core wii game
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zzyoshiman posted 21/08/2009, 01:33
sold more than 20,000 copies in 2 week
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MonstaMack posted 21/08/2009, 01:22
I picked it up at Target for $15 as stated before.

A lot of Targets have this clearenced to $21 or less if It's in stock. Gamestop also had a temp sale on this.
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zzyoshiman posted 21/08/2009, 01:21
picked it up a few days ago, it's really fun
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TWRoO posted 21/08/2009, 12:08
odd sales surge for this and Excite-Bots I noticed.

Price cut?
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joora posted 20/08/2009, 10:39
Will end having decent sales, maybe it even hits gold, but doubtful

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BoneArk posted 20/08/2009, 03:36
Another 10k+ this week. :)
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kopstudent89 posted 20/08/2009, 03:12
i know amazing, i rly wanna know
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 20/08/2009, 02:36
This sold almost 10k this week in the US... What happened to make it spike up like that?
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zzyoshiman posted 20/08/2009, 02:29
Really? At my local best buy, all the copies of madworld sold out in 1 day, when there was like 20 copies available
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scourge666 posted 19/08/2009, 09:46
omfg, people keep talkin shit aout how there are no hardcore games for the wii but when madworld and conduit comes out no one buys them
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Raido posted 19/08/2009, 12:39
But I think this game was not that expensive to develop...
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Tuanniez posted 18/08/2009, 01:18
Well 300k won't make it profitable considering it didn't sell 300k at full price.
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MonstaMack posted 18/08/2009, 04:16
My local Target clearenced it down to $15. Needless to say I grabbed a copy.
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MarioGalaxy posted 17/08/2009, 09:11
I think Madworld 'll sell well until Xmas. So my predicition is taht the game may be rise to the range 450-500k. And for the "other mature games" from sega, my prediction is as follows (during the same time):
The House of The Dead Overkill: 600k.
The conduit: 650k
Let's see!!
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MonstaMack posted 17/08/2009, 05:19
Yeah sorry looks like It's back up to $30 at most places. Guess it sold decently enough at $20 for them to bump back up the price. Atleast thats what I would think.
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Roflinator posted 15/08/2009, 09:46
@rockleemexico: huh? If you put the two in sales since launch, The Conduit is selling better.
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st_muscat0 posted 15/08/2009, 05:41
Price drop? Sold 8.5K this week in NA.
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rockleemexico posted 14/08/2009, 05:35
sold better than the conduit mmmm
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VivaLaWiida posted 14/08/2009, 02:55
10k worldwide this week O__o
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Tayne posted 10/08/2009, 05:05
Still 29.99 at my local Gamestop
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zzyoshiman posted 08/08/2009, 08:35
its not 29.99 any more, it's 49.99 at best buy! I don't know if it was a typo or somthing.
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st_muscat0 posted 08/08/2009, 05:09
Selling 5K+ a week again in America :), and still doing 2K a week in Others so yeah 350K lifetime isn't too bad imo. Compared to what Platinum games/clover studios used to get I consider this good.
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MarioGalaxy posted 07/08/2009, 02:46
Goog sales, and I explain why. Certainy is a Hardcore game, but, furthermore, is a very unique game, and not as popular as other franchises in the industry. So, for a new type of Videogame is a good start. Dead Space for the 360 is not a million seller yet, and is a "Hardcore console", so keep in calm. Almost 300k are good numbres. And with over 340k THOTD: Overkill is doing also well. A lot of titles don't need to reach the million marck in ordre to be succesful!!
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rockleemexico posted 07/08/2009, 08:08
a lot better than last week yeahh XD
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a3hmax posted 04/08/2009, 02:55
Sells are gonna better up if be published on Japan. Good sales and I wish good luck to SEGA.
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intro94 posted 01/08/2009, 09:52
over 300k by the end of the year, a moderate success for platinum.
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DOLBYdigital posted 31/07/2009, 04:22
Its only $20 for crying out loud people!!!

If you haven't bought this game new yet please just grab it for 20 beans. It is well worth triple that price even if you only play though the game once. I'm on my 3rd time through and love it :)
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Kenpachi15 posted 30/07/2009, 08:37
srry ima noob here lol how do u see the sales after week 10???
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MonstaMack posted 30/07/2009, 04:17
Maybe he means in the US. This game is getting depressing numbers considering Amazon and Gamestop just put it at $20 for the week. I doubt it will hit $10 but you never know.
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Nintendogamer posted 26/07/2009, 06:07

how do you mean 1.6K last week? it was around 5,000 last week.
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novasonic posted 26/07/2009, 04:29
be it slow, it is still selling. Keep goiinng!
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sabby_e17 posted 26/07/2009, 12:38
The legs are almost dead. 1.6k last week :(
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Nintendogamer posted 25/07/2009, 10:15
Quater of a Million! nice legs by the looks of things.
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Soma posted 23/07/2009, 02:58
Ok I finally finished it. Fun game with flaws, and it's biggest flaw is that Hard mode should be available from start. It's a thousand times more fun playing it on hard.
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NicholasCage posted 22/07/2009, 12:05
$29.99 everywhere now.

I really wanted this game to sell.
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DOLBYdigital posted 20/07/2009, 05:06
So sad that we most likely won't see a sequel and may not even see future Platinum Games on the Wii.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 19/07/2009, 12:48
I wish this'd hit 500k before year's end just so I don't have to change my sig :D

Oh well.
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MonstaMack posted 15/07/2009, 05:08
Once this hits $20 MRSP I think it will start to sell a more as long as Sega keeps pumping out more copies.
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luffy45 posted 08/07/2009, 10:21
damage that is not output in japan and german.the sale would have increased 30 or 40 k
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Darkeagle posted 04/07/2009, 02:45
thx a lot :)

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Soma posted 01/07/2009, 07:51
@ Darkeagle

In this page, at the left column, below "Community Stats". Where it says "Owners", click (Add)
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SaviorX posted 01/07/2009, 02:11
Underperformed saleswise.

It isn't done selling though.
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TheConduit posted 01/07/2009, 02:32
Attach rate of 0.455
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Darkeagle posted 30/06/2009, 11:22
this new design is very confusing :D ... where the hell do you add games to your profile?
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 30/06/2009, 02:40
this game deserves so much attention.
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whacker41 posted 29/06/2009, 02:02
why is everyone calling this a flop? it's still selling a modest 6k per week, and I'm positive Sega's made a profit off this.
It may not have met expectations, But it doesn't deserve all the crap it's getting.
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DavidValbu posted 28/06/2009, 04:33
This game should have sold so much more, we must admitt that MadWorld totally bombed
Let's wait for holiday season sales...
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st_muscat0 posted 28/06/2009, 07:27
Next week will be at 250K with rounding up, but 240K in reality. :) Still good, considering how its been going lately, at least its starting to sell a bit more now, about 7k a week WW.
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rockleemexico posted 27/06/2009, 09:20
it will outsell overkill next week in america, come on keep selling : D.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 27/06/2009, 02:01
ya. too bad it did this bad, hopefully bayonetta does better. i can't believe i'm saying this, but hopefully I see platinums games on atleast one console I'm fine
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/06/2009, 06:54
it's still selling, must keep up!
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DOLBYdigital posted 26/06/2009, 02:51
I get so mad when I look at these numbers. Now we won't see a sequel or any more wii games from Platinum Games which just makes me sad... and then angry... grrr
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ash3336 posted 23/06/2009, 01:46
But with the price the sales will increase and the game will show legs.
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rockleemexico posted 23/06/2009, 10:59
if it keeps selling like now for another month it will be at 250k. so 300k is very possible : D
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ash3336 posted 18/06/2009, 03:31
Do not worry about the sales as they are picking up around 6-7k per week for last couple of weeks. They will continue to stay there for atleast a couple months. Atleast 300-350k after christmas.
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Arandur posted 17/06/2009, 12:06
Wow "ash3336", how do you know those numbers? you have some kind of superpowers?
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Falcon095 posted 17/06/2009, 06:03
What's the current price of this game?
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rockleemexico posted 17/06/2009, 05:05
at least it will reach 250k, but it deserves more.
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uppertone posted 17/06/2009, 01:58
@Plezbo: thanks, i just think being a mindless fanboy is nonsense, we gotta think for the good of the whole industry not only the console we have.
@killeryoshis: i said 10-15% of wii owners are harcore gamers, which translates as potential buyers for games like this.
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ash3336 posted 13/06/2009, 07:01
@ chris

There is a price drop now. $30. No wonder the sales are up in the last couple weeks by 2k.
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ash3336 posted 13/06/2009, 04:30
Do not forget that Only 5% of the Wii market is "Mature". Of that 5% only 4% people bought this game. If only 10% of that 5% would buy this game. Then we would get a sequel for sure.
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chris100185 posted 13/06/2009, 12:26
People seem to be forgetting one thing. As fun as the game is (and it is fun though a bit repetitious) it only takes roughly 6-8 hours to beat, and there's minimal replay value. Hard to justify the $50 price point.
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killeryoshis posted 12/06/2009, 06:58
if 10 to 15% of the people who want madworld it'll be at 5 mllion by now
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Plezbo posted 12/06/2009, 01:14
UpperTone, that was a very concise, mature observation. Most people making such an observation would do something such as "Screeew the Wii-ner, sux0rs!!! go NATAL!!! omg Wii sucks." What you say is sadly true. There are not many takers of hardcore games on Wii. I actually know many 'core' gamers who own Wii's, but many of them only get Ninty games (Mario, Zelda, Metroid) and stick to 360 for the 'core' games. It sucks for Platinum Games because this game looks awesome (plan on purchasing it when I get out of debt next month.)
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DOLBYdigital posted 10/06/2009, 01:51
I believe it has a price drop so it is sad to see the sales still lagging. I believe most people have put this game behind them and are looking to the new releases. Which is a shame since this is truly a gem.

Hopefully Platinum Games will give us a Sequel which they said they want to or at least another game on Wii since they are such an amazing dev.
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ash3336 posted 09/06/2009, 11:33
I would say 350k-400k is an even more accurate prediction.
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uppertone posted 09/06/2009, 08:07
Not trying to bash on you Wii owners but I'm sure if this was a 360 exclusive instead, sales would had been more than triple, despite that the wii has a higher userbase only about 10-15% are harcore games interested in games such as this and NMH, i predict slow sales for the Conduit too, sadly.
But keep supporting, maybe if they continue releasing games like this and the conduit, it'll bring more harcore gamers to the Wii
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Buzzi posted 09/06/2009, 07:00
It can do 100k in about 20 weeks, so considering christmas holiday it can reach 400k this year. I hope so...
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Roflinator posted 09/06/2009, 02:50
@killeryoshis: It isn't going to hit a million. 0.50m seems far more realistic.

Remember this isn't the kind of game that would appeal that many people.
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killeryoshis posted 09/06/2009, 01:03
come legs don't die. Make it over a million
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ash3336 posted 08/06/2009, 09:49
Increasing sales in EUR. Hope that can happen in America by about 4k for about 2 months.
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Batman...WTF? posted 03/06/2009, 03:51
I just finished it. Badass ending.
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ash3336 posted 03/06/2009, 05:02
@ Phoenix

I know what you mean. All of the ones I know have their Wii modded. I tell them to buy original and they always say no.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 02/06/2009, 06:25
what makes me the most angry is i know tons of hardcore gamers that own a wii and just ignore the console and awesome games like this just because its on the wii. that really makes me angry.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 31/05/2009, 07:59
sold 7,000 WW this week, which is not bad

if it keeps it up, it will reach 0.5 around winter and then who knows, sounds a long way, but it can make it like De Blob and Wario Land made it!
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ash3336 posted 31/05/2009, 06:32
I wish there was a zero at the end of all the number on that list. Then it would be so awesome!
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uno posted 30/05/2009, 02:53
Its too bad some people feel that way about the presentation. Personally I think that if we dont reward developers that take these kinds of chances then all we will get are typical Realistic presentations.

Realism isnt bad but there needs to be more than just HYPER REALISTIC PORE LEVEL SWEAT GLAND. Plus the Style of Madworld is appropriate to the content and allows alot more dramatic gameplay.
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dib8rman posted 29/05/2009, 11:54
Yeap, ash nailed it on the head, I didn't get it because of the short play through and probably because of the black and white.
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ash3336 posted 29/05/2009, 10:39
People dont like it because of the black and white style and its short length. But what they DONT look at is the sheer quality of the fun you get when you play this game. I LOVE IT! Why don't you?
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uno posted 29/05/2009, 03:49
I dont know why enough people dont like this game. Its hella fun. Funny as hell and super gratifying to murder the baddies.
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intro94 posted 28/05/2009, 07:06
If its like NMH we will be hearing "sequel" when it hits 300k.Well this game was ok but could been better.
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primogen18 posted 27/05/2009, 06:07
finally got this and its a great game with some decent legs. Others sales even went up even if a little bit, still a good sign.
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ash3336 posted 26/05/2009, 11:38
I would love it if this game got lifetime sales equivalent to the opening week of Halo 3. That would be really nice LOL.
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ash3336 posted 26/05/2009, 11:04
Yes DOLBYdigital I agree with you.

There is no excuse to not be in your collection. Your collection will be better if this game enters it ;)
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mfogg20 posted 26/05/2009, 09:40
ive found that its not really my type of game. But im slowly working my way through the story. Usually just play a level each day.

The story line is what is keeping me interested mainly. Curious to see what happens in the end.
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DOLBYdigital posted 26/05/2009, 01:58
$30 now, no excuses to not own this amazing game.
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ash3336 posted 25/05/2009, 11:32
I am getting this now that I cant get The Conduit on release date. Ill get The Conduit for Birthday.(September)
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mfogg20 posted 22/05/2009, 06:58
Finally got it today! $30 bucks is a good deal
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Chrizum posted 22/05/2009, 12:33
It's actually below NPD numbers now, while VGChartz had it a little above NPD numbers earlier.
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Xen posted 22/05/2009, 11:28
'Tis a sad case...
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sabby_e17 posted 20/05/2009, 07:52
Adjusted down again :(
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Arandur posted 20/05/2009, 11:09
Wow... how they can loose selling numbers each day?
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PorkChopTD posted 19/05/2009, 05:48
With this price drop more people are going to buy it. It's going to atleast double!
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ash3336 posted 19/05/2009, 01:45
increased down?????
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bazmeistergen posted 18/05/2009, 10:20
A lot of people have not bought it because of the 'too short' comments, which is fair enough.

It's great fun, but I think many of us would like a game that lasts longer. That or a reduction in price.
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DavidValbu posted 18/05/2009, 09:47
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rulo_rezn0r posted 18/05/2009, 09:21
i think the problem is the price
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megaman79 posted 18/05/2009, 08:50
well its def. their best selling game, its just not selling like HOTD is. We'll see if Sega keeps playing, alot of other 3rd parties are doing the same.
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kopstudent89 posted 18/05/2009, 08:34
i guess it flopped sadly... but hopefully sega can see past this and offer more games, hopefully HoD and sonic will perform better
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 1   2   3   4   5   10 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (917)

1 n/a 35,167 n/a 6,206 41,373
2 n/a 15,819 19,705 6,000 41,524
3 n/a 10,752 13,454 4,087 28,293
4 n/a 7,864 11,910 3,327 23,101
5 n/a 6,499 10,288 2,822 19,609
6 n/a 4,398 7,165 1,942 13,505
7 n/a 3,385 4,503 1,330 9,218
8 n/a 2,593 4,632 1,212 8,437
9 n/a 2,225 3,473 958 6,656
10 n/a 1,950 2,735 789 5,474
supernihilist posted 23/01/2014, 04:07
730k and still selling?
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DieAppleDie posted 17/09/2012, 10:52
undertracked for sure
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Arfen posted 30/08/2012, 01:19
many shops have this game bundled with the Wii, so maybe it can still selling constantly and increase the numbers..
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AstroMaSSi posted 10/01/2012, 09:55
A game not so good as expected. Simply boring.
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atma998 posted 23/12/2011, 10:15
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Venox2008 posted 22/12/2011, 11:28
I love this game.. sooo fun
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