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Review Scores



Alternative Names

Zelda no Densetsu: Toki no Ocarina

ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ


Nintendo EAD



Other Versions

iQue, VC

Release Dates

11/23/98 Nintendo
11/21/98 Nintendo
12/11/98 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 1,228
Favorite: 209
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 13

Avg Community Rating:


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) > Opinions (168)

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zexen_lowe posted 03/12/2007, 07:22
Everyone calls it the best game ever, but I just couldn't find on it more than a good game, without anything outstanding (except the boomerang). I give it an 8. Please don't hate me.
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nicktwilight posted 30/11/2007, 07:35
I remember that it was christmas of 1998 when i first saw this game.From the first time i played it i felt something i had never felt for a videogame before.I was feeling for the first time that i was on another world and living my dreams.I can not forget any moment from the time I saw link sleeping until I fought with cannon because simply this game is something more than a videogame.It is a dream.It is an experience you will live with all your heart.It is a masterpiece which is perfect in everything.It is simply a piece of art.You will feel it when you first see link,when you find something you have not seen before,when you fight with enemies and solve puzzles that seem to came out of a dream,when you will hear and play a song with the ocarina of time that link is full of moments which you will not forget and a journey into a world where everything comes from a dream you want to live.
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jptolife posted 28/11/2007, 07:01
This is no doubt one of the best ever! It brings such good memories!
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thanny posted 17/11/2007, 03:38

or not says mario?
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lolita posted 13/11/2007, 08:46
Geez what is wrong with people here? It deserves AT LEAST a 9!
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black-katana posted 12/11/2007, 03:46
One of the Best Games Ever
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TWRoO posted 09/11/2007, 12:57
did anyone ever make sure they changed clothes/sword to suit which shield you needed.
If i needed (or when i finshed the game just wanted) the mirror shield i would always change to goron tunic and the Biggoron sword (also looked nice with iron boots but i wans't walking around in them)
And If i changed back to Hylian shield I'd change into Zora tunic and master sword.

I was actually annoyed when i got the gold gauntlets because the silver ones suited the goron tunic perfectly.

I hope it wasn't just me.
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KeptoKnight posted 07/11/2007, 08:47
I remember how many times i said to people how much this game sucks at the time I didnt know about it.

LOL Boy!! i was wrong. This had me playing NON-STOP. I never played a game like this....and still to this day, no other game can make me feel like it. Nintendo is very clever.
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fazz posted 07/11/2007, 04:00
^Well, Wind Waker was released FOUR years later and Twilight Princess EIGHT years later. It was expected that the mechanics and everything got better.

This was the first 3D Zelda game, it translated the traditional gameplay to 3D. It wasn't the same game just on 3D graphics. So many games have been based on the gameplay of this great game. It deserves all the praise.
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NintendoTogepi posted 01/11/2007, 11:41
So overrated.

TWW and TP do EVERYTHING better then this one.

Still amazing though. 9.5. Dated.
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AwareQP posted 28/10/2007, 03:39
Why is this game not avg a score of 10.0? I don't get that. It's the best game out there, the best game I've played and the bes tZelda of the series. Yes, it's a little bit better than Twilight Princess even. It's perfect, magical, and just pure enjoyment. I gave it a solid 10/10 without even a second thought.
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HALOOOOOOOO posted 28/10/2007, 12:33
Yay, Zeldaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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fazz posted 26/10/2007, 04:13
^Thank me that. *vote vote vote*
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SHMUPGurus posted 25/10/2007, 11:25
Wow, from 8.79 to 8.90 in a day? I'm impressed. ;)
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MontanaHatchet posted 19/10/2007, 06:12
Don't worry, just giving ya the jitters.
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SHMUPGurus posted 18/10/2007, 10:55
MontanaHatchet, I didn't want to partically accuse anyone but at the time that Half-Life 2 was #2, it didn't have 20 votes so I don't think it popped out of nowhere from the database. I'm just saying that it's weird that it got so high in the rankings in less than a matter of hours, especially with ~400 votes at that time. A better example would be Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. It never reached the top 15 until "that" day, and it had more than 20 votes already, even more than Half-Life 2, which I was surprised! I mean I didn't even know that the game was even in the rankings in the first place!

I don't want to cause any trouble here as I really don't care about the ranking system at all (I'm one of the few people that usually think before voting), but it's like I've said before, is it really necessary?
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swordplay posted 17/10/2007, 08:29
I gave this game a 6, the game looks horrible very bloocky and the textures look like mud. I feel like the game isn't as good as people make it seem. and I agree with you Dejackso it's one of the worst in the series.
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MontanaHatchet posted 16/10/2007, 06:27
Attention: zenintendofanatic and SHMUPGurus...

Games must have at least 20 ratings to show up in the Rankings. If you want to continue to accuse the mods and administrators of bias, then I can drop them a line and see what they think.
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Dejackso posted 16/10/2007, 05:54
I never cared for this game and I always thought it was one of the worst of the Zeldas. I think I'm in the minority though.
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wareagle372 posted 11/10/2007, 01:53
best game ever made...
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HALOOOOOOOO posted 10/10/2007, 11:53
This game kicks @$$. It deserves to be second thought to Goldeneye 007 in my opinion.
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SHMUPGurus posted 09/10/2007, 03:35
Yeah, and it seems like the administrators or the moderators are "manually" modifying the rankings. Half-Life 2 wasn't at 8.81 a couple of hours ago (more like #13), and now it's #2 in the rankings. It's just weird, that's all. =/

I don't really care though, I just think it's stupid to have to actually "arrange" the rankings in order to not make this site look like a "Nintendo Fanboy" haven.
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zenintendofanatic posted 09/10/2007, 01:56
The highest ranked game on this website is only a 8.81? Say it all together now, "fanboys"! And I'm not just talking about this game. On any other site their are tons of 9s, and here there isn't even one. That's just nuts.
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ceronx7 posted 07/10/2007, 10:51
this game is the best of all time, is the best really,
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SnesTea posted 05/10/2007, 05:58
I am proud to own both GameCube versions as well as the Nintendo 64 version.
Best game ever made by anyone in the history of anything ever.
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SHMUPGurus posted 01/10/2007, 10:40
I've bought the game from the Wii's Shop Channel a long time ago but never found the time to actually play it again. It was a foolish move though!

I've finally decided to start playing it last Saturday and I have to say that the game looks gorgeous with component cables! Other than the graphics, the game still plays like it always did and is still addicting! I guess I'll never stop playing that game, and that's what makes the game awesome. =P

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ShastaMasta posted 30/09/2007, 04:15
Best game ever
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Senbei posted 18/09/2007, 12:45
Ce jeu est parfait ! Un vrai chef d'oeuvre!
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ryu3000 posted 12/09/2007, 11:02
One of the greatest games ever conceived.....truly an artistic masterpiece.
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niik posted 10/09/2007, 10:53
Ocarina of Time easily deserves a 10/10, it can only be described as Epic.

Yeah, there are games out there that are really good or fantastic, but this game is 'perfect'.

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masterisaac21 posted 09/09/2007, 06:20
Best game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MontanaHatchet posted 08/09/2007, 06:45
Ok, the score is just getting ridiculously low...
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MontanaHatchet posted 06/09/2007, 02:32
Well, I'm trying to get Goldeneye on top. Otherwise, I would give it a 10.
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fazz posted 06/09/2007, 01:23
Seriously Montana, don't be so childish.
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nathantay posted 05/09/2007, 09:30
OOT is a solid game but not even close to being the best.
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MontanaHatchet posted 05/09/2007, 05:05
I've given Ocarina a 1 at least 5 times now but it's never gotten that low of a score.
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SleepWaking posted 05/09/2007, 12:44
What the Hell do you think you guys are doing OOT below a nine now, pathetic really.
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MontanaHatchet posted 02/09/2007, 06:42
Wow....what the hell just happened to the score?
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Naraku posted 29/08/2007, 01:35
This is a legendary game! 10/10
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hitufude posted 24/08/2007, 06:36
THE Game ;)
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manueldelalas posted 23/08/2007, 05:10
Best game ever, defined every other 3D adventure game.
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supermariouniverse posted 20/08/2007, 10:31
great game with outstanding visuals for its time. 10/10
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fazz posted 10/08/2007, 04:39
Good grief, some kids are lowing the score of this game.
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MontanaHatchet posted 05/08/2007, 03:12
I don't know why this game would be so popular unless a bajillion fanboys come over to give it biased ratings day and night.

I've never really been such a big fan of the series, but this and Majora's Mask were magic to me.
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Maverick Hunter Z posted 29/07/2007, 11:57
A great game, surprised at its popularity though, back in 97 when I got it for christmas I had to force myself to play it before I really got into it. While I'll always love it, I've played it so many times it's really hard for me to pick it up again without getting bored. 9/10
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LeroyBrown posted 23/07/2007, 01:38
I'm glad to have both version for the GC.
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ssj12 posted 19/07/2007, 05:41
This is the best Zelda game since the SNES versions. Even with that I voted 9/10.
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deathbeast posted 17/07/2007, 05:35
I've always thought of Ocarina as a 12/10. Seriously. That way I can still give 10/10 to games like twilight princess and majora's mask, that clearly deserve it, but are still not in a league with Ocarina.

I really doubt whether any game ever released, even by Nintendo, will be of Ocarina's quality.

Aonuma seems to be staying on Zelda.... if only Miyamoto would resume his serious role, and ditch this midna/ cel shading bs.... they never ONCE said triforce in twilight princess! It's a zelda and they didnt say the word!
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VonShigsy posted 11/07/2007, 01:44
For Ocarina Of Time, it goes up to eleven.
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deathbeast posted 08/07/2007, 06:21
Top 5? This game is most often rated the best ever made. Just check any half-decent site or magazine, and Ocarina will be leading em all.

Definitely a 10. Hell, if Ocarina is 10, no other game can be 10 to me, but say 9.
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Aidman posted 05/07/2007, 09:28
Every game has a story ,
Only one is a Legend... The Legend of ZELDA.
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KillUiu posted 03/07/2007, 09:21
I dislike this game... 5/10 for me.
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ale666 posted 02/07/2007, 08:58
This game was in a league of its own when it came blew away every game that existed before all time classic and my favourite game of all time..10/10
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DarkNight_DS posted 01/07/2007, 04:27
This game and Majora's mask still sit in my uncleared games pile... I don't know why I could never get into the game. I came late to the N64 party (bought it in 2002) so maybe that has something to do with it. I do love the series though and I've tried several times to sit down and play this game on the N64 and the Cube (I bought the master quest disk). Why can't I get into this game when it's supposedly so good? I can't explain it.. I want an upgraded OOT I guess... Maybe a 2d remake (yes I saw the project for that but it will never happen) or maybe I'd like it better if it looked more like Wind Waker.. I dunno... I think watching someone else play the game originally may have ruined it for me.. Ugh..
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leo-j posted 30/06/2007, 05:41
10000 votes amazing simply amazing
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DonWii posted 30/06/2007, 03:31
Write some reviews...
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leo-j posted 30/06/2007, 12:34
Wat how did it get a 98?
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leo-j posted 29/06/2007, 03:14
This game was very very very very good almost as good as banjo kazooie 9.5/10
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josenieves1 posted 29/06/2007, 02:09
7.87!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Incredible! One of the best games of all time...
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Ackmed Tepish posted 27/06/2007, 07:28
why post about scores in the here and now that will be in this game's commentary forever?
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johnsobas posted 27/06/2007, 05:30
I think over times these scores will be good. Problem is right now some of these games don't have enough votes and 1 person can make a huge difference. Give it a few months and it should level out.
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diamuerto posted 19/06/2007, 02:14
It's one for now, but I wish haters would stop giving it low scores purposely. This section of Vg is extremely low on credibility. I love Naruto, but there is no way one of it's games should be above this one, ever.
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nelsonbianchi posted 11/06/2007, 04:13
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HALOOOOOOOO posted 10/06/2007, 12:41
Now the game is in the top 6 at least...
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diamuerto posted 10/06/2007, 12:36
Yeah, this game should be in the top 5. Stop hating.
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a.l.e.x59 posted 09/06/2007, 09:27
Okay, what morons gave this game less than 10/10? What is this 8.27 BS I'm seeing here? Show yourselves immediately!
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omgwtfbbq posted 07/06/2007, 12:41
good to see this game get back ahead of Twilight Princess.
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DonWii posted 06/06/2007, 10:06
Another summary from Nintendo Power.
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Shipping Total

7,600,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2003

Opinion (168)

PAOerfulone posted 18/08/2018, 12:26
It had a great run, but there is a new king in town, and its name is Breath of the Wild!
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toot1231 posted 01/07/2014, 03:16
best game of all time
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AshKetchum1992 posted 25/09/2013, 06:34
My favorite Zelda game , it's so amazing
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BossPuma posted 01/09/2013, 01:47
If there was ever a good game, this would be it.
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DieAppleDie posted 03/04/2013, 12:22
History of videogames
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S.Peelman posted 07/07/2012, 10:35
Brilliant game!
The only game ever in my book that genuinely deserves a 10/10 rating. 7.60 is not bad, pretty good actually, but it saddens me that no Zelda game ever reached 10 million...
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