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EXAKT Entertainment



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Release Dates

11/10/08 Activision
(Add Date)
11/14/08 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 195
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 15
Now Playing: 6

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Call of Duty: World at War (Wii) > Opinions (570)

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atma998 posted 13/01/2016, 02:12
Jeez 1.95M!
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drake_tolu posted 29/07/2014, 02:14
I'm sure that lifetime will break 2,000,000.
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FMF posted 25/06/2011, 04:44
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primogen18 posted 11/06/2011, 09:47
Will join COD3 at the 2 million mark before holiday season
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primogen18 posted 06/04/2011, 08:47
shame to see that between treyarch and IW (mostly IW), the COD series never reached its' full potential on Wii. Sales could have been growing if they only kept up with putting MW out the same time as other systems, DLC, MW2, equal promotion etc.
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primogen18 posted 29/10/2010, 10:17
(by MW I mean specifically MWR on Wii, but also other versiosn of COD4)
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primogen18 posted 29/10/2010, 10:16
hm this one is beating out modern warfare in weekly sales. I am sure they will both enjoy healthy sales during the season along with Black Ops
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Conegamer posted 26/10/2010, 12:43
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ash3336 posted 22/05/2010, 03:59
Agreed with Chrizum. Though I prefer the pointer in this one compared to MWR (due to better framerate) this game is missing a lot of multiplayer maps, single player missions, game modes, Zombie is unbelievable. What IS here, is fun, but the fun could have been more with more content. Wait for Black Ops. :)
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Chrizum posted 11/03/2010, 02:29
Get this game on your 360 instead, Metallicube. I'd say MW is better on Wii than on 360, but not this game.
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Metallicube posted 08/03/2010, 09:46
Is this game worth picking up for Wii? I already own MW1 and MW2 for 360 so those are out, but I've yet to play this game on any console, and I've been looking for a good Wii FPS. Are the controls good?
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adam84 posted 01/03/2010, 06:15
still doing about 4k plus a week, price has been dropped to £20 in the uk so expect these sales to carry on :)
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hazmatkr3w posted 28/02/2010, 03:51
will this ever stop selling?? lol
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trickyvix09 posted 08/02/2010, 12:16
318040938456 my fc if anyone wants to swop em
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ash3336 posted 05/02/2010, 02:48
1 million in america and 500k in others soon.
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BigGumby posted 10/01/2010, 06:38
Wow, still selling, pretty amazing.
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adam84 posted 04/01/2010, 02:02
i would of laughed at you if you had said this 6 months ago. it just keeps going doesnt it.
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Kenoid posted 31/12/2009, 12:44
I believe that this can reach to 2 million

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zzyoshiman posted 18/12/2009, 07:04
sell aroun 1.50 million lifetime
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primogen18 posted 07/12/2009, 02:07
Agreed bazmeistergen, I hope it does just as well in the long run if not better.
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bazmeistergen posted 06/12/2009, 10:31
Interesting to see MW reflex tracking almost exactly the same as this.
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primogen18 posted 03/12/2009, 07:31
Anyone else think it's odd when you search Amazon for "world at war"? Check it out, mainly the prices. Used and new, the Wii version is the most expensive out of the 3 consoles. Weird.
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ash3336 posted 28/11/2009, 03:25
Why did you get this when you could have gotten modern warfare reflex? It is the same price, so why this over that?
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Falk Sturmfels posted 27/11/2009, 07:10
I got it a week ago, but i just was able to play for about half an hour. What i saw in these 30 minutes was a relative high difficulty, good controls and really good grafix for wii.
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primogen18 posted 23/11/2009, 05:18
I still want this game, I mean I want MW:RE as well, but I want both for some variety.
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adam84 posted 20/11/2009, 12:44
its selling around 8k a week still @primogen18 you might be right lol
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primogen18 posted 17/11/2009, 05:47
this will sell 1.5/2 mill without a price cut lol...
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adam84 posted 15/11/2009, 05:17
with a good price cut this would get to around 1.5-2mil i think.
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chris_wing posted 08/11/2009, 07:33
This game is still $60 here in Canada yet MWReflex is launching at $50. It's probably to do with the fluctuating exchange rate. I see those two games selling in perpetuity side by side. There are no numbers on each so people chose what they want, classic or modern warfare.
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uno posted 26/10/2009, 03:19
No doubt MWiiflex will outsell this despite everyone complaining that the game is 2 years old.

A good game will sell well on Wii via word of mouth.
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DavidValbu posted 25/10/2009, 08:19
Sales are quite good for such a port. It is not weird that Activision decided to make MW for the Wii.
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IxisNaugus posted 21/10/2009, 03:58
@ adam84

I still see this game at full price at my local Gamestation and GAME.
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adam84 posted 01/10/2009, 11:37
still selling really well, and unlike call of duty 3 the price has not gone down in the uk by that much
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primogen18 posted 29/09/2009, 06:43
This game is fake, according to trolls, mature games do not sell on Wii. House of the dead is fake too, along with resident evil. None of these games exist!!!!
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Kenology posted 14/09/2009, 03:30
NPD has this game at 750k in the US alone according to Matt Matthews. Spot on.
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Red4ADevil posted 25/08/2009, 04:59
This is the next game im getting.
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Chrizum posted 20/08/2009, 03:20
Activision said they were pleasantly surprised by this game's sales.
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Shadowfest3 posted 08/08/2009, 02:37
I wish they would come out with some DLC for this game. New maps would be awesome!
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uno posted 05/08/2009, 04:35
Come on Modern Warfare Wii!!!
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intro94 posted 01/08/2009, 10:01
TC models are way ahead but maps in WAW are somewhat better most of times.Streets in TC multiplayer are very pretty tho.Grinder apparently will be however much better.
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uno posted 31/07/2009, 10:56
@ OmegaRugalv3

100% agreed
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TheConduit posted 31/07/2009, 02:25
If they bought Modern Warfare 2 to the Wii it would sell over 2 million
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jbee02 posted 29/07/2009, 05:52
CoD has a better signle player campaign but The Conduit has a better online multiplayer

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OmegaRugalv3 posted 28/07/2009, 08:58
CoD WoW >>> The Conduit ... both on and offline.
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uno posted 18/07/2009, 05:25

I strongly disagree about the graphics comment. Sure the Conduit has better shaders on the characters and parts of the enviros but if you look at the entire worlds of WAW they are artistically much better.
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Shadowfest3 posted 18/07/2009, 11:40
I just finished playing COD:WW and The Conduit and I like this game better, however, I wish World at War Wii had the graphics that The Conduit has. The graphics are a heck of a lot better in The Conduit. Hopefully the next COD for the Wii will have better graphics, whenever that will be.
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zzyoshiman posted 17/07/2009, 12:39
it would be great if mw2 was on the wii, it would probably sell more than codwaw wii
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uno posted 11/07/2009, 07:57
Seems like they are leaving money on the table.

MW2 would sell more than this cause I would buy 3 copies ;)
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Fleeman posted 11/07/2009, 12:20
its crazy to think that after how well this sold that we can't even get a statemnt from activision saying that were not getting Moderm warfare
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puffy posted 10/07/2009, 01:53
How much more does a multiplatform game need to sell to ensure a sequel???
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DavidValbu posted 10/07/2009, 09:03
1.20M! It may surpass Metroid Prime 3 Corruption.
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uno posted 08/07/2009, 04:07
at least as good as this.
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TheConduit posted 07/07/2009, 01:07
I wonder how well modern warfare 2 would sell if it was on the Wii
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mandisc posted 29/06/2009, 06:51
Yeah but at the same time i thnk that we in Europe have had enough input through various medias about ww2. Over 300 000 is pretty good though
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kopstudent89 posted 27/06/2009, 07:51
great american numbers, but EU numbers a bit weak. Hope it reaches 2 million
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mandisc posted 19/06/2009, 07:39
come on 2 mil! I still hit online all the time
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uno posted 18/06/2009, 08:55
i still play this game regularly......sadness.

Conduit coming soon.
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ash3336 posted 17/06/2009, 08:10
Tied with Call of Duty 3 and 20k more to beat RedSteel 2. I would say about 3 more weeks before it claims to be the "Best-Selling FPS on the Wii".
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ash3336 posted 08/06/2009, 09:59
I never said I wouldnt want it. I want MW2 on the Wii MORE than you. But now that I know it is not coming, no point in grieving over it. Just be happy with The Conduit.
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uno posted 05/06/2009, 04:42

I am getting Conduit. BUT I would still want another Call of Duty game.
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ash3336 posted 05/06/2009, 01:26
BUT, Conduit has it all. Realistic guns, creative guns.

The Conduit is the best FPS on the Wii, atleast in 2009. RS2 will be awesome BUT it will lag behind because of the decision of not including multiplayer.
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uno posted 04/06/2009, 07:34
I plan on buying Conduit. As Snow stated, I want more than just a Halo-like game. Realistic guns are just cool in Call of Duty.
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SnowFlow posted 04/06/2009, 06:17
because people would rather have both games not just one. That's like saying 360 doesn't need any shooter other than Halo 3.
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ash3336 posted 04/06/2009, 12:59
The Conduit is the closest thing to MW2 on the Wii. Why wouldn't you want that?
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uno posted 31/05/2009, 10:54
That is cool that you guys feel that way and yes some of those games interest me. BUt I would rather have MW2 than: Conduit, Grinder.

Red Steel 2 will be good though.
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mandisc posted 31/05/2009, 06:35
Yeah I agree with you and not to mention dead space: extraction which by the way is looking sweet
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ash3336 posted 29/05/2009, 11:27
There are many better games than MW2 announced for the Wii. The Grinder, Gladiator A.D., Assassin's Creed 2, RedSteel 2, but the best one if No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle.
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ash3336 posted 28/05/2009, 10:21
GLADIATOR A.D. and THe Grinder are going to be awesome! The Grinder is just going to be EPIC.
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ash3336 posted 26/05/2009, 11:18
That does not matter. Now they are making quality games.
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uno posted 22/05/2009, 12:59

Check HVS games on metacritic. Then check Treyarch. Then get back to me.
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ash3336 posted 19/05/2009, 09:23
@ uno

It will be more than 3 times better than this game.
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uno posted 19/05/2009, 05:02
not me. I hope Conduit is half as awesome as this game.
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ash3336 posted 18/05/2009, 07:33
People bought this game to just spend time before the Conduit comes out.
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mandisc posted 17/05/2009, 10:58
what are you talking about "know online"? What does that even mean? If you mean "no online" then that is incorrect. It does have online and I am currently rocking it
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Excel_K posted 17/05/2009, 09:58
No online? Sheesh, ignorant, you are.

Anyway, this is a great game.
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kersed3 posted 17/05/2009, 04:22
this game sucks compared to 360/ps3 version. This game has know online, know split screen, no ZOMBIES!!!! zombies is the best part, and online, then split screen then single player. Wii owners are sorta getting ripped off if they get this...
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primogen18 posted 13/05/2009, 03:34
so both CoD games sold over a million on the Wii... how long will we wait for another!?
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naruto3336 posted 13/05/2009, 12:28
Thanks to this game, WaW will soon become the best selling FPS of all time. Then hopefully The Conduit can beat it!(hopefully) MW2 is going to beat it for sure.
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uno posted 12/05/2009, 03:18
i think they were joking dude.
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jeffrey9999 posted 10/05/2009, 06:08
to be honest with who said It will take the ps3 version, unfortunately it isn't going to happen especially with the conduit around the corner and even redsteel2 later this year because the wii fps fans are going to pass this title up for bigger and better things so the more competition that comes in the shorter the legs on wii games get.........
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jeffrey9999 posted 10/05/2009, 05:52
it doesn't matter if it beats the ps3 version and probably some of the reason it's selling so much better on ps3 is because "IT'S A BETTER GAME" on ps3 without the graphics included, I actually wasn't planning on buying it because the ps3 version used a headset and was more players and It kinda felt like I was getting taken on buying cod5 for wii cause of that.......... I have it on wii, its a good game, but look how well this did and just imagine how well "the conduit" is going to do witch we all know its going to do alot better the COD5 on wii hands down and the conduit IS 12players and the conduit DOES use wii speak and even everything else about it is better then cod5 on wii........ I can't wait to see how good the conduit sells, I'm sure the conduit can even easily pass MP3 and this combined.........
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kopstudent89 posted 09/05/2009, 02:14
impossible to pass 1.5 mil?? i think it can reach 2 mil, trust me wii games can sell after a year's release, and these game is pretty much mainstream
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naruto3336 posted 09/05/2009, 03:34
It will beat RedSteel in about 6 weeks.
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FootballFan posted 07/05/2009, 03:58
Great sales!!!!!!!!!

It will overtake the PS3 version at some points because all Wii games have legs!!!!
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uno posted 07/05/2009, 12:05
Here is hoping for MW2 on Wii. I am 50/50 percent sure it is coming/not coming.

Since it has not been officially announced and other consoles have....I dont sleep at night.

But I need an official announcement that its not coming out.
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Batman...WTF? posted 07/05/2009, 12:59
is this still a flop?
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naruto3336 posted 06/05/2009, 12:35
@ alexf10 that means it is coming for sure! GREAT NEWS.
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alexf10 posted 05/05/2009, 08:08
cod mw2 is listet at amazon uk for the wii. you can preorder it there if you want :)

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naruto3336 posted 04/05/2009, 01:04
That does not mean it is overtracked. It just means that there are more people playing online now.
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Chrizum posted 03/05/2009, 11:25
Looking at the online leaderboards, this game is a little undertracked. There are almost 650.000 accounts online...
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naruto3336 posted 02/05/2009, 04:13
2 million IF MW2 is not on Wii. If it is then 1.5 mill.
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SnowFlow posted 29/04/2009, 07:52
I'd say more like 2 mil, it's selling pretty well at full price.
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naruto3336 posted 28/04/2009, 09:29
1.5 mill lifetime minimum.
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IxisNaugus posted 28/04/2009, 01:41
WaWii is great. Forget Dual Analogue. It's the most fun FPS I've played in ages side from Halo 3. I cannot wait for The Conduit
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uno posted 26/04/2009, 06:47
We dont know if Conduit will be better. Its not even out yet.

Controls for Conduit look superior to WAW but Level Design looks inferior.

I am happy that there is more gameplay modes. But if you look into their descriptions most are just variants of Deathmatch.

We shall see how well Conduit plays when it comes out. Cant say one way or the other till we play it.
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naruto3336 posted 25/04/2009, 04:33
Sure The Conduit has 12 players. But opposed they gave us 13 modes( 10 more than CoD:WaW Wii) WaW basically just had 3 modes with little changed. The Conduit has 13 DIFFERENT modes. The Conduit has more maps than this. Conduit has Wii Speak. I think Conduit has more weapons than this. Clearly Conduit is better. I would rather have 12 player online and 13 modes and 9 maps than 16 player online, 7 modes and 7 maps.
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wonphi posted 25/04/2009, 03:33
the Conduit online is MUCH more fleshed out than this game. Glad it is nearly hitting 1.1 million, if this sells 2 million by the end of the year, this will show that QUALITY FPS sell on the Wii, not just any shoddy FPS effort.
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uno posted 24/04/2009, 02:33
i think its funny that when Conduit was announced everyone was stoked about it having 16 players "COD WAW Wii only has 8!!"

Now Conduit is confirmed at 12 (4 more than WAW Wii) and no one is paying attention.

I will buy Conduit for sure but peeps may be disappointed. Just be ready for a decent not great game.
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naruto3336 posted 23/04/2009, 09:36
It is 12 players because if it was 16 it would be lagging a lot. 12 is the max Nintendo servers can handle. BUT HEY! 13 MODES! Wii speak with 6 ppl and 9 maps and 18 weapons! Def THE BEST ONLINE ON WII!
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jeffrey9999 posted 23/04/2009, 06:40
I almost take take that graphics thing back but I still think 32players over graphics.......... Not taking much away from COD since I might buy it since it is kind of a different game although their both vary simular but I'm definitely getting "the conduit" I just hope them 12player rumors are wrong and the NINTENDO CHANNEL is right about the game being 16players.........
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (570)

1 n/a 37,829 14,978 9,114 61,921
2 n/a 25,516 17,053 7,279 49,848
3 n/a 53,217 18,870 12,463 84,550
4 n/a 42,491 24,328 11,458 78,277
5 n/a 62,376 25,577 15,172 103,125
6 n/a 84,218 27,454 19,331 131,003
7 n/a 81,116 27,937 18,863 127,916
8 n/a 40,212 15,337 9,593 65,142
9 n/a 25,455 12,817 6,578 44,850
10 n/a 18,762 11,238 5,140 35,140
atma998 posted 13/01/2016, 02:12
Jeez 1.95M!
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drake_tolu posted 29/07/2014, 02:14
I'm sure that lifetime will break 2,000,000.
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FMF posted 25/06/2011, 04:44
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primogen18 posted 11/06/2011, 09:47
Will join COD3 at the 2 million mark before holiday season
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primogen18 posted 06/04/2011, 08:47
shame to see that between treyarch and IW (mostly IW), the COD series never reached its' full potential on Wii. Sales could have been growing if they only kept up with putting MW out the same time as other systems, DLC, MW2, equal promotion etc.
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primogen18 posted 29/10/2010, 10:17
(by MW I mean specifically MWR on Wii, but also other versiosn of COD4)
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