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EXAKT Entertainment



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Release Dates

11/10/08 Activision
(Add Date)
11/14/08 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 195
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 15
Now Playing: 6

Avg Community Rating:


Call of Duty: World at War (Wii) > Opinions (570)

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naruto3336 posted 10/01/2009, 02:26
how do i HIT a game? like you knw the # of hits when you search the game! i want add hits to some games i know.
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bigbeady posted 10/01/2009, 01:11
ohh lord remember not to pay attention to gear box or the pessimistic one
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Zucas posted 09/01/2009, 06:53
Hopefully The Conduit won't knock this down any. If it does this then this will struggle for a million. If not then it'll make it late 2009.
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ameratsu posted 09/01/2009, 06:29
Nerf N-Strike is giving this game a run for its money.
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MarioGalaxy posted 09/01/2009, 12:02
2 million copies seems to be impossible, i think, but no 1 million (maybe during 2009) i hope. If this game passes 600k may be activision gets us another Call of Duty Game. Who knows...
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Gearbox posted 09/01/2009, 02:10
sales arent steady... christmas boost didint even save it...
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link_triforce posted 08/01/2009, 01:15
well its doing fine really, it sold 80,000 copies this last week and the sales are steady, in maybe 5 months or less it could hit a million
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Tuulikk posted 07/01/2009, 07:39
I think Others, week 8 is a indicator how this game might sell for a while now. Maybe 20k America+Others, week after week. Unless, maybe America can hold strong.

500k in 1-3 weeks, then the slow ride to 1m starts. 2m seems to far off.
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bigjon posted 07/01/2009, 06:58
this will make 2 million.... i can feel it.
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SmokedHostage posted 07/01/2009, 05:03
I saw a kid buy this a week ago with his mom... hehe.
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Aiemond posted 07/01/2009, 01:53
I'm thinking it prolly is 700k-800k. Conduit won't do 5m, i think it really depends on the advertising. I would be happy with 1.5M for conduit.
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DarkLantis posted 07/01/2009, 01:16
2 million? that's impossible!

i would love if that come true, but with this sales... that's not gonna happen!
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ECC posted 06/01/2009, 10:47

so why arent activision sending out more copys the demand is there! oh i know why because they dont want a M rated game to sell over a million.

its fine the conduit will do 5mill. your lost.
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valoo posted 06/01/2009, 10:38
No CoD:MW2? Why!? The Wii never gets a realy good CoD.
And in Europe this game is selling better than expected. It is nearly everywhere outsold. I still not own it.
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link_triforce posted 06/01/2009, 12:29
i hope it makes it to 1.5 million.

Oh and theirs almost no hope that infinity ward will make modern warfare 2 for the wii
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Grampy posted 05/01/2009, 10:14
They'd have 2 M in the bag if they hadn't screwed up so bad the first time.
In any case I think they will make it. There's nothing to stop in from continuing to sell.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 05/01/2009, 03:55
I hope this game sells.

It actually does look very good compared to most Wii titles, has great online play and the controls are fantastic.

I am impressed how much stuff is on screen and how they pretty much have everything that the 360 version on screen ... just with ugly textures an no HD of course.

Just don't play it on a 50 inch .... and you will be fine : )

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xcot posted 05/01/2009, 01:45
Hmm maybe 1.5 million lifetime. The biggest problem i see is activision under-supplying. Finding this game wasn't easy and i got the last copy.

Though i'm sure its starting to make money right now because it didn't have as big of a team creating original content.
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AJM Ruler posted 05/01/2009, 08:15
Sorry bigjon, but I will have to disagree with you. 2 million is just too high for the game.

As much as I love the Nintendo Wii, it just doesn't have that kind of fanbase of the 360 and to some extent the PS3.

I do agree with solid sales it could possibly limp to a million. It is already blowing COD3 out of the water.
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bigjon posted 05/01/2009, 06:41
I think it can manage 2 million by next cmas, but the magic number is 1 million. If it sells a million other devs will put more serious efforts into a Wii port.

Seriously this is an M rated, it really needs to sell well for the Wiis sake.

1 million is a sure thing imo. 2 million is where I am gonna go out on a limp here, I think it can make it.
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Voltaire posted 05/01/2009, 02:39
Got the game, did my part for the next COD on Wii. The games good.
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Nick Laurence posted 04/01/2009, 10:21
Hey, it finally picked up some speed. I'm hoping this can go gold soon, or maybe even platinum.
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link_triforce posted 04/01/2009, 09:49
it looks like this game is undertracked. others is n/a for others for some reason
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Senrii posted 01/01/2009, 06:16
Great game, great online.
Soo, I've submitted my friendcode, where can I see others?
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Batman...WTF? posted 01/01/2009, 03:22
But it's to be expected I guess...
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Batman...WTF? posted 01/01/2009, 03:22
Those legs are weird looking in others. Low to high =WTF?
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uno posted 31/12/2008, 11:24
@ Nabraham

Controls. I have played CoD4 on the 360 and PC (mostly PC). On the Wii the IR controls make it super twitchy the way I like FPS games. On the 360, I just cant get used to Analog sticks. It feels like steering a tank. Just my experience. Graphics < controls for me.
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Nabraham posted 31/12/2008, 07:55
Why would you buy this game on Wii instead of 360/PS3/PC?
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bigjon posted 31/12/2008, 03:11
Saw 5 copies in Walmart Yesterday..... went back today and they were gone.

ioi adjusted this game up about 50k... i expect another 100k adjustment at least....
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Chrizum posted 31/12/2008, 12:41
Looking at the leaderbords, christmas week should see sales of over 100k for this game.
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AtomSpyTroy posted 30/12/2008, 08:03
I think it will start selling faster too: it is doing a great job for a core third party game on Wii with no special push.
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CONMAN15 posted 30/12/2008, 05:01
I was on the leaderboards, and I went to the bottom and last place was 172,000 in something. I would think that would mean the sales are better than this suggests. I imagine a large amount of the buyers don't go online. This game needs more shelf space. Most people don't even know this exists on wii.
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Daileon posted 29/12/2008, 09:18
This may have some chance to be at 1m mark, since it's selling at a constant rate. To be honest, the numbers are increasing.

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naruto3336 posted 29/12/2008, 07:02
I got this game on dec 24th, but i have no online :'( IM returning it cuz no online, STILL THIS GAMES ONLINE ROXXXX!! Deserves a million sales atleast
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link_triforce posted 29/12/2008, 06:35
when do they usually update the sales of the games? Is it a usual day of the week or do they update the sales randomly? Sorry im new at this site
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uno posted 29/12/2008, 02:17
I feel pretty confident that there will be a Modern Warfare 2 Wii

WaW is awesome.
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link_triforce posted 29/12/2008, 04:10
i love the wii version, play it everyday with friends and i have a blast. It deserves to sell a million. Hopefully infinity ward makes modern warfare 2 for wii
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WiiBox3 posted 28/12/2008, 08:23
I have yet to see this game in stores.
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MarioGalaxy posted 28/12/2008, 01:13
Gold by the mid of January. Next week 'll sell around 80k combined NA and Others, i hope.
Now this game seems to sell well at least.
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Zucas posted 27/12/2008, 05:09
As I thought we were under tracking it as it was increased by about 50k in Americas. Not doing bad but I still wanted more from this title.

Bigjon- yea we called it. Good job bro.
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xcot posted 27/12/2008, 04:53
so about 420k next week, then maybe 450-470k. Doing good. If it were well supplied in europe it would sell better. I bought it about 2.5 weeks after release and i got the last copy.
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brk00 posted 27/12/2008, 04:49
If it reaches gold its not a surprise, but a platinum is not out of question.

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Arius Dion posted 27/12/2008, 03:50
How much does this have to sell in order to shake the 'flop' status?
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bigjon posted 27/12/2008, 02:28
cant say I didnt call the upward udjustments... Seems better now, I was hoping for more, but seeing its sellthrough rate, I expect legs as long as word of mouth stays positive.
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ganondorf7799 posted 27/12/2008, 12:18
sure a million seller
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yushire posted 26/12/2008, 11:37
So who says this title bombed? ;)
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coasterlove posted 26/12/2008, 11:08
This game is starting to look like a hit game for the Wii and at this rate, I wouldn't rule out 1,000,000. It just had it's biggest week yet with another week of Christmas sales to be added that could take it over 400,000. If the game continues to have legs, it might become a platinum hit.
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perculator posted 26/12/2008, 10:43
uh oh adjusted upwards a bit
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MarioGalaxy posted 26/12/2008, 10:29
Great sales for CoD this week!! I think it's selling pretty good. Next week maybe culd sell a little bit more ( above 80k?) Who knows!
I really like this game!!
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bigjon posted 26/12/2008, 06:30
I like the direction this is heading in others... I hear it is supply constained over there which means possible post holidays legs... I hope it can do 10-15k on regular weeks for a few months.
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spdk1 posted 26/12/2008, 01:41
that article was based on launch numbers from NPD
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noname2200 posted 25/12/2008, 05:43
According to Gamedaily, this version isn't selling at all. But they also say the PC, PS2, DS, and Wii versions combined total under 200k, so I'm not to sure what to make of that...
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Rustuv posted 25/12/2008, 06:58
at this rate it will easily out sell Medal of honor heroes 2. I think it might already have.
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Games fanboy posted 23/12/2008, 08:46
You mean missions that are really huge well :)
But i recomend to play this game on the hardest setting as it makes the game so much better and the ai buggs arent there anymore.
And to any fanboy the 360 version have these ai buggs to lol
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pimpcoop posted 23/12/2008, 01:04
The only bad thing I do have to say about this version is that there is only I think 5 levels. I wish it had more or some more you could download!
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Games fanboy posted 22/12/2008, 04:31
yes and guitar heroe world tour on wii outsells the 360 version with 500-600 k lol
I have an 360 to and the fps user base is alot stronger there.
And alot of people where really sceptic about this version because of the crappy port of quantum of solace for wii.
But this game is actually really good on wii.
As i play the wii version more then my 360 version.
Just because of the good controls.
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pimpcoop posted 22/12/2008, 03:43
I see commercials for this game every were and none for the other systems Call of Duty. This game is a MUST HAVE!!!!!!!!!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 22/12/2008, 12:15
lol. COD4 360 outsold this last week.
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Games fanboy posted 21/12/2008, 10:42
When i browse most web shops i usually buy games from.
So is this game among the top 20 in sales this week.
Wich never happened before so i belive it will continou to increase now.

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uno posted 21/12/2008, 05:28

there are a few people here who play online. I am on a lot of the time. PM me and I will add you.
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bobbo19 posted 21/12/2008, 04:46
is there a thread for codes on VGchartz?
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yushire posted 21/12/2008, 11:17
Maxwell says COD WAWii actually selling like hotcakes this week so theres a good chance it can reach 500,000 in January...
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Tuulikk posted 21/12/2008, 10:36
@ brk00

Maybe? Granted, CoD: WAW does not have much sales the first week, but it does track higher then de Blob all regions week to week basis and de Blob is at 500k after 10 weeks.

CoD: WAW is at half that at half the time, the difference between those games is that de Blob has a Christmas boast in America around now.

CoD: WAW is just having the usual 40k+ sales a week and that can carry the game a far bit if it holds on.

One more thing, every week in Others is higher then the previous, I wonder if that holds on.
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brk00 posted 21/12/2008, 05:49
Maybe it can reach gold....

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Aiemond posted 21/12/2008, 04:03
Sales going up, but this is christmas season. I think it will get to 350-400k
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coasterlove posted 21/12/2008, 02:50
This should eventually hit a respectable half million. "Others" sales have steadily been increasing so who knows where this game will end up in sales.
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bobbo19 posted 20/12/2008, 09:36
got the game today and i think it is pretty good. quite hard aswell. I know on it was out of stock for a long time. it is getting more and more popular
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averyblund posted 20/12/2008, 02:24
Every week has been better than the last thus far.
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yushire posted 20/12/2008, 12:54
definitely Activision was profiting more on this game that the other versions. Cant believe theyre still airing commercials of the Wii version despite the shortages
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MontanaHatchet posted 19/12/2008, 02:07
There's a lot of commercials in the U.S., not sure about other countries. It certainly didn't make the graphics look very good.
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MarioGalaxy posted 18/12/2008, 09:18
And sorry about my english :(
I hope you can understand what i'm trying to say when i write some lines sometimes...
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MarioGalaxy posted 18/12/2008, 09:16
Well, the fact is that I wrote from Spain, and there is no commercials for this game on TV. So that's why T thought the game 'll do better during Xmas. May be I'm wrong despite all.
But I still think is possible. But who knows, who knows...
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Zucas posted 17/12/2008, 06:56
Man this title is getting a lot of advertising. Saw at least 10 commercials yesterday throughout the day across about 5 channels. Just insane.
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MarioGalaxy posted 17/12/2008, 04:33
Keep de faith!
I think that this game 'll improve its sales in the next 8-10 days i guess.
Visuals are awsome, gameplay quite well and the online mode runs so good. Come on!!
My prediction is about 65k-75k sales combined America and Others. Who knows...

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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 15/12/2008, 06:27
can't find it anywhere

i got mine from ebay, it's a shame....

: (
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Zucas posted 14/12/2008, 07:10
stof- well that was a launch title so who knows. But I still think we are under tracking WaW in America. Hard to think with all that commercial advertising and mainstream brand that it wouldn't have picked up as it goes on. I personally think that American sales are probably around 200k but I got nothing to back that up.
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stof posted 14/12/2008, 05:08
COD 3 on Wii just got adjusted up to 580,000 in NA alone. That's a pretty good sign for sustained sales on WaW
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yushire posted 14/12/2008, 11:08
Told everyone here Activision wasprofiting from this. 60 euros and selling 20,000 a week? And a gimped game? I think Activision should step up on the wii

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sparkit34 posted 14/12/2008, 11:03
I think it might help a little if Activision made the price of the Wii version slightly cheaper in Europe. Right now it sells for 57 Euros, only about 4 Euros cheaper than the PS360 version, and about 15 Euro's more expensive than the average Wii game. As long as the game is priced this way in Europe, it will not sell. The same happened with No More Heroes, another game that was/(and is still) priced at 57 Euro's.
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yushire posted 14/12/2008, 10:50
I just noticed this, but the american sales adjusted from 18,000+ to 19,000+
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yushire posted 14/12/2008, 10:39
MOH: H2 weekly sales are worse than this game you know and its picking up. Im sure Activision was profiting from this. Besides, this is a gimped version of the game compared to the HD versions. I knew this game isnt flopped after all.
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Zucas posted 14/12/2008, 05:33
Just not picking up at all. We are looking at about 400,000 by the end of the year. Looks like its going to take a little while longer for this brand to really become "one" with the Wii brand. But I must say advertising for the game has been pretty good.
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toastboy44562 posted 13/12/2008, 03:13
wassup with the ps360 screenshots?
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yushire posted 12/12/2008, 08:52
I think Activision already profited on this game as it is now... As if theyre spending huge budget to develop this game.
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averyblund posted 12/12/2008, 05:17
I have no clue how anybody could say this game is not better than MoH. The story is vastly better, the graphics don't totally suck, and the online is as good, though in different way. Sure it's gimped with a efew features, but the other versions have gimped control.
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bigjon posted 12/12/2008, 04:38
I think this game will be profitable at 400k or so? Any guesses?
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yushire posted 12/12/2008, 03:42
constant 20,000 in others? YAY! ^_^
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Chrizum posted 12/12/2008, 03:06
No way, this game trounces Medal of Honor. It might be gimped, but it's still the best shooter on the Wii. And still an excellent game, too.
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coonana posted 12/12/2008, 02:14
the Wii version is gimped as hell. Thats why it does not have the suppor tof hardcore Wii gamers. It looks like the people who know about this game are buying it on the 360 any sales the Wii gets are from people who see it in the store and people who dont have another sysem.

People buy MoH: H2 its a much better game.
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MarioGalaxy posted 10/12/2008, 08:57
I'm really shocked by this game!
If you compare the visuals between this one and the other "War Games" on the wii the is no way!!
It's a relly Must have for all wii owner that likes this genre!!
Take a little bit of patience with the sales. I'm sure that will improve a lot during the Xmas!!
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uno posted 09/12/2008, 02:12
@ alexf10

If you like FPS's on the Wii such as Medal of Honor Heroes 2 then you should definitely buy it. Online is super addictive and Single player is truly cinematic.
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alexf10 posted 08/12/2008, 10:46
is the wii version of this game any good? i played the pc version and need some new stuff for my wii...should i buy it? or rent it? or stay at my pc version and play something else on my wii?
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Gercain posted 08/12/2008, 09:11
This says a lot about the type of gamers that buying Wii's. Please fan boys don't take that wrong. It's not meant as a negative. It also shows why so many 'tried and true' franchises from the Xbox and Playstation camp WONT make games on the Wii. Despite huge console sales it still doesn't move a very deversivied software lineup. That scares of some developers. Especially right now in this climate.
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Nomad0404 posted 08/12/2008, 12:40
It's available on the Game website here in the UK and is £10 cheaper than the PS3/360 versions.

I'm waiting till after Xmas and hoping to get it in the post-xmas sales myself.
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MaxwellGT2000 posted 07/12/2008, 09:14
100k in the US alone, we're out of stock at my store so there's not good supply right now which is probably why there is no black friday boost for this game.

I think this game will slowly sell so come a few weeks from now it may be in the 250k range.
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Paul posted 06/12/2008, 12:29
The only game I've enjoyed more on the wii to date is RE4
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Tuulikk posted 05/12/2008, 11:20
Whatever can happen to this game. still early in sales.

Hopfully stores that is out of stock will order CoD WAW in again.

Anyway, still tracking higher than HotD:2&3R so if CoD WAW has something of a staying power it can reach over 700k.

Or the sales can die at any moment. And if sales die it can still make a comeback like other games later on. Who knows.
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Zucas posted 04/12/2008, 05:40
Yea if its sold out then it just means Activision pulled a usual for most developers. Underestimate the power of mainstream buying on Wii and get caught into this. More should be shipped for the remaining weeks of the year if this is true.
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Chrizum posted 04/12/2008, 04:29
Khuutra: that doesn't mean it exceeded Activision's expectations, it means retailers are hesitant to stock this game.
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OLDSKOOL posted 04/12/2008, 03:35
I love this game. Look for me ANWA-Luminal. ANWA is my clan name so you may see some of my mates online too! 62,000 Online Accounts for the game and going up each day!
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Blappo posted 04/12/2008, 03:16
FutureShop (Canada's largest electronic retailer) doesn't have this game in stock online and it lists the stock of the retail stores as N\A (i.e. they don't carry it). BestBuy Canada doesn't even have the game listed. No wonder its sales are so low.
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Khuutra posted 04/12/2008, 02:41
Chrizum: if it's sold out everywhere, doesn't that imply that its' exceeded sales expectations? That being the case, why wouldn't we see another?
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Chrizum posted 04/12/2008, 12:30
This game has sold out everywhere, hence the low sales.

It will sell between 500k - 600k when everything is said and done. Not a financial flop, but doubtful we'll ever see another Call of Duty on Wii.
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spdk1 posted 04/12/2008, 05:08
this game is nearly impossible to find, they could have made on killing on Black friday..... :(

I wonder if the grossly underestimated it?
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famousringo posted 04/12/2008, 03:33
No Black Friday boost for this game. Not a good sign.

I'm sure this port will pay for itself eventually, but it's not going to change anybody's concept of what sells on Wii.
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slalanc01 posted 04/12/2008, 03:15
Big toysrUs game sale here in canada starting saturday 6th. buy 2 and, get 1 free!. I Will buy this game during the sale.
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bigjon posted 04/12/2008, 01:59
I am seeing a sure 500-750k here. Plat with some positve word of mouth.
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CONMAN15 posted 03/12/2008, 10:42
im still predicting 1m
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wick posted 03/12/2008, 02:28
I really hope this does have legs. We need more of these games on the Wii. I am addicted to this game.
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Lolcislaw posted 03/12/2008, 01:16
Nice Increase in Others, maybe this can sell well after all.
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uno posted 03/12/2008, 11:34

I feel you. I play the game almost everyday. 25 mins before work, and hours and hours on the weekend. I just restarted single player campaign.

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Paul posted 03/12/2008, 03:08
Very addictive. My wife is thinking about leaving me.
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SmokedHostage posted 03/12/2008, 01:57
Wow.. Sold more in its third week(Others) than its first.. nice!
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uno posted 02/12/2008, 03:46
Anyone can buy a copy here

I am addicted to this game like no other...
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pimpcoop posted 02/12/2008, 12:38
Well the problem is not retailer the problem is Treyarch and activision for not getting games out to the people. Second the stores that have the games around me have a ton there just sitting there.
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SmokedHostage posted 01/12/2008, 07:02
Damn you retailers, how can a Wii title sell if consumers can't find it. I blame Wii Fit. :\
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Voltaire posted 29/11/2008, 11:45
Maybe it would sell better if people could actually find the game? I dont know, its a crazy idea.
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SmokedHostage posted 29/11/2008, 03:18
Damn Okey.. you make me sound like Gearbox.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 29/11/2008, 11:37
lmao @ SmokeHostage

"this sold fairly poorly"
-on WAW 360 page

-on WAW Wii page
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arkkangel posted 28/11/2008, 12:43
the Wii version of this game is difficult to find.
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dude17761991hatp posted 28/11/2008, 04:15
This one really could go either way. I don't know if it's going to be able to leg its way to 1 mil, but 500k seems a sure thing. Here's to hoping...
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CONMAN15 posted 28/11/2008, 02:22
Yeah I'm going to predict 800,000-1 000,000 in total WW.
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SmokedHostage posted 27/11/2008, 06:07
@deathgod it's called LEGS.
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Cobretti2 posted 26/11/2008, 01:11
Got the game. was IMPOSSIBLE to find.

Only found it at one store which had 1 copy (i tried all the major retailers).

This is in AUS, so I don't know how many they actually shipped down under, but I doubt it was much.

Anyway, the game is fun so far, definetly a must buy.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/11/2008, 01:05
i prefer the Wii version, i'm sure it will have legs
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z101 posted 26/11/2008, 09:02
I have played the Xbox and the Wii-Version and must confess that the Wii-Version with is superior controls is much more fun.

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Paul posted 26/11/2008, 03:30
v I bought it and my mom says that I'm a somebody.
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deathgod33 posted 26/11/2008, 03:05
why even make it for wii, no one's gonna buy it
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SmokedHostage posted 26/11/2008, 02:01
Wow! did better in its second week than its first week (Other). This just proves the power of wii legs.
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CONMAN15 posted 26/11/2008, 01:44
Yeah I agree that MOHH2 owners must get this. BTW I think this one could come close to a million.
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Chrizum posted 26/11/2008, 01:13
Because the game is
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Onimusha12 posted 24/11/2008, 10:58
Why should I have to buy a watered down version of a game made for the HD consoles. I can just buy a 360 to play the real version.
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MontanaHatchet posted 24/11/2008, 10:19
I bet this game will have decent sales by 2009, and some people are going to look foolish. I just hope it's not me.
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Paul posted 24/11/2008, 03:03
I just played online for the first time, really fun game.
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uno posted 23/11/2008, 07:14
To all those MOHH2 owners..get this game!!! Or at least rent it. It is uber fun and much deeper than MOHH2. I loved MOHH2 but COD:WAW on Wii is great.
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ECC posted 23/11/2008, 06:18
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amp316 posted 23/11/2008, 01:59
People need to buy this or the Wii is only going to get a Far Cry: Vengeance sequel.
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koopatrooper posted 22/11/2008, 04:41
well i think people are still playing medal of honor heroes 2 its a shame though i had so high hopes anyway i`ll get it for christmas
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Agamemnon862 posted 22/11/2008, 04:07
This is the reason the Wii gets so few multiplayer shooters. Cause nobody buys them.
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brawl4life posted 22/11/2008, 01:18
awesome game online addicting !
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bigjon posted 21/11/2008, 11:00
will sell 500-750k in all likelihood... i am sure they will profit off of this.
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pimpcoop posted 21/11/2008, 05:22
I guess when people complain about Wii not getting hardcore games, but one comes out. People do not buy it so I do not get the logic here. This game should be way over 100K easily!
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Kyros posted 21/11/2008, 03:59
@OkeyDokey That was mean.

Its not that bad, I mean it sold almost 3% of the HD versions. I am really curious about the sales of the Conduit.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 21/11/2008, 09:25
There's no local deathmatch? Are you serious? What the hell?

Why are they leaving out things that were standard even way back on the N64? Talk about gimping.
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Mezelf13 posted 21/11/2008, 06:29
Come on people! But this great game!
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Garcian Smith posted 21/11/2008, 01:23
This is what bad press can do to a game. News of the lack of vehicles and gimped co-op and multiplayer completely killed sales.

I'll reserve judgment, though, to see how good of legs this game has.
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Esa-Petteri posted 21/11/2008, 01:08
Huge bomb.
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averyblund posted 21/11/2008, 01:01
Not good, but not too bad either I was expect 50-70k. The legs will make or break it. I do hope it surpases CoD3.
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leo-j posted 21/11/2008, 01:01
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 21/11/2008, 12:56
Hopefully they'll have learned their lesson next year and release some kind of party or training game instead of COD6.
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coonana posted 20/11/2008, 05:14

Did you ever realise that this game is gimped as hell on the Wii version.
Lets look at this. The Wii version lacks vehicles, only has 8 player online, has muddy visuals that barely 1up the PS2 version, does not have all the multiplayer levels, the controls are ok but they should have surpassed MoH: H2 and they definitely did not, the framerate cant even stay at 30 FPS, there is only deathmatch for mutliplayer mode, no coop campaign, no objective mode, and no zombie mode.

Nintendo reserved space at EA and their Nintendo event for this game. If anything Activision just made another terrible multiplat game for wii and Nintenod fans are very touchy about that.
Look at GH: WT it has all the modes of the other versions and more and its showing better sales now.
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Shadowblind posted 20/11/2008, 04:06
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toastboy44562 posted 20/11/2008, 03:46
lol@the post below
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kunaixhaku posted 20/11/2008, 03:36
and nintendo was complaining why 3rd party developers don't pay much attention to the wii as ps3 or 360 in an article on gamespot today LOL
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Chrizum posted 18/11/2008, 08:58
Come on people, buy this game and put up your friend codes!
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VonShigsy posted 17/11/2008, 11:17
Awesome game for the wii. Controlls like a dream. Banzai! Bloody grenades kill me all the time though.
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uno posted 16/11/2008, 06:16
add me 3051 0999 1777

and no this game doesnt have offline 4 multiplayer. This game is great by the way. I have been playing the s#it out of it and it is one of the best games for my Wii!!!
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perculator posted 16/11/2008, 05:59
Does this game support offline 4-player multiplayer?
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Kenology posted 15/11/2008, 11:51
This game has awesome online! I'm really diggin' it!
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ECC posted 15/11/2008, 02:18
im ranked #1!!!
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averyblund posted 13/11/2008, 09:23
Very fun game. Hope it does well atleast 300,000
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ECC posted 13/11/2008, 05:44
game is great im ranked 2nd world wide!
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uno posted 12/11/2008, 12:26
Buy this game. Its a really good FPS and feels very much like COD4. I am addicted to it after playing it for a few hours. Buy it.
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Zucas posted 12/11/2008, 12:10
someone needs to add the code thing for this because it does use friend codes. Mine is:

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Zucas posted 11/11/2008, 06:11
I'll have it as soon as my Gamestop gets it in. All other versions they received last night to sell today except Wii version which comes in, in a couple of hours. Weird.
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koopatrooper posted 10/10/2008, 01:50
cant wait for this one
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FilaBrasileiro posted 07/10/2008, 06:44
They won't do a cross-console online, keep dreaming perculator.
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Mezelf13 posted 08/09/2008, 06:36
This game is gonna be very good. I love Wi-Fi!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 04/09/2008, 06:16
Should make it to a million.
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11ht11 posted 16/07/2008, 08:54
the game looked good on the e3 video
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 1   2   3   4   5   6 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (570)

1 n/a 37,829 14,978 9,114 61,921
2 n/a 25,516 17,053 7,279 49,848
3 n/a 53,217 18,870 12,463 84,550
4 n/a 42,491 24,328 11,458 78,277
5 n/a 62,376 25,577 15,172 103,125
6 n/a 84,218 27,454 19,331 131,003
7 n/a 81,116 27,937 18,863 127,916
8 n/a 40,212 15,337 9,593 65,142
9 n/a 25,455 12,817 6,578 44,850
10 n/a 18,762 11,238 5,140 35,140
atma998 posted 13/01/2016, 02:12
Jeez 1.95M!
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drake_tolu posted 29/07/2014, 02:14
I'm sure that lifetime will break 2,000,000.
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FMF posted 25/06/2011, 04:44
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primogen18 posted 11/06/2011, 09:47
Will join COD3 at the 2 million mark before holiday season
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primogen18 posted 06/04/2011, 08:47
shame to see that between treyarch and IW (mostly IW), the COD series never reached its' full potential on Wii. Sales could have been growing if they only kept up with putting MW out the same time as other systems, DLC, MW2, equal promotion etc.
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primogen18 posted 29/10/2010, 10:17
(by MW I mean specifically MWR on Wii, but also other versiosn of COD4)
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