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Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

10/20/08 Nintendo
10/16/08 Nintendo
11/14/08 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 163
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Wii Music (Wii) > Opinions (219)

 1  2  3 
spdk1 posted 08/12/2008, 05:56
good lord, look at week 6 in the americas
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noname2200 posted 08/12/2008, 12:55
Doing better than the first week made me think it would...
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Batman...WTF? posted 07/12/2008, 01:45
Gonna break a million before year end...
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RCTjunkie posted 07/12/2008, 12:30
Conducting is so fun, especially when your miis get tired! LOL.
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Voltaire posted 06/12/2008, 07:50
Holy crap. Nearly a million.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 05/12/2008, 05:29
increase in Japan means legs!
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here_wii_go posted 04/12/2008, 10:43
million seller next week
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RPG posted 04/12/2008, 06:57
lol who said this game would not have legs?
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Faxanadu posted 04/12/2008, 03:45
Oh what has gaming come to?

Now it's for having fun?

Back in my days, it used to be serious business. just like the internet.
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Naum posted 04/12/2008, 02:52
Nice almost 1 million already, not bad for a game that started slow.

We Europeans sure doesn't listen to Reviewers when it comes to games :D

Might be a good thing or else the only games that would be made is boring FPS :P
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Tuulikk posted 04/12/2008, 08:24
@ --OkeyDokey--

When did Wii Music look like a massive flop?

The sales has been good from the start. Even at less pace it would still sell over 1.5m, now if it doesn't slow, it could sell 5-25+m.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 04/12/2008, 05:28
Houston, we have legs.
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brk00 posted 04/12/2008, 04:54
Next platinum!

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tk1797 posted 04/12/2008, 04:22
So played it and as a hd gamer it isnt bad, you actually need some sense of rythm to play
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 04/12/2008, 04:13
Damn. I liked it better when this game looked to be a massive flop :P
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Killergran posted 04/12/2008, 02:05
One million was a given with the brand name, but I'm still wondering where this game will end up. My complete guess a while ago of 5 million might be a bit much, but it's really too early to tell.
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SmokedHostage posted 04/12/2008, 01:56
Nice.. Wii Music sold 100k, which is more than its first five weeks (individually).. that's something to behold..
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trestres posted 04/12/2008, 01:40
Almost 1 million, should be there by next week.
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pimpcoop posted 03/12/2008, 02:58
I guess everyone was right. It will have legs
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 03/12/2008, 01:00
this game rules
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bigjon posted 03/12/2008, 02:21
siz- based on your anecdote about 7k sold at EB games alone on friday.... seeing wiimusic buyers will get it at walmart and target i think these numbers are pretty close.
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SmokedHostage posted 03/12/2008, 01:45
Another great week for Wii Music in Others. Not as good as last week but it's up there.
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Bong Lover posted 02/12/2008, 06:03
don't believe the hype! You owe it to yourself to get this game! It will be a classic, don't lose out just because you want to hang with the 'cool' crowd.
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Gearbox posted 01/12/2008, 11:49
ok so who actually likes this game tho?
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SaviorX posted 01/12/2008, 12:18
With Black Friday sales, this game could possibly pass 1 million the week ending November 29th.
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Ostro posted 29/11/2008, 09:19
lol, Nintendo always produced toys and sold it to families. Mario and Co. are not core at all. And still using "casual" and "core" while talking about gaming makes people look stupid ... you PLAY games man
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sizynski posted 29/11/2008, 03:46
I don't trust these sales really based on anecdotal evidence. We received 35 when the game came out at the EB I work at. We still have 32. We sold one on Black Friday.

Maybe the Wii Music audience shops at Wal-Mart?
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Vas-y posted 29/11/2008, 08:46
Oh, I think this will be a perfect christmas present. I'm supporting the end of the world.
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Gorgory posted 29/11/2008, 03:29
this is very bad for gaming, nintendo is making the industry casual. they barely release any core games anymore, and the bad thing is people buy this games!!!!!!!!!
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Vanadium2k8 posted 28/11/2008, 04:58
Even Japan is starting to grow a leg. (lol)

I think it's all upwards from here.
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Batman...WTF? posted 28/11/2008, 01:09
Pretty sexy legs in America at that.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 28/11/2008, 05:32
LoL, how many times do i need to repeat that the game is great!?
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ClaudeLv250 posted 28/11/2008, 05:31
Oh sheee.

And this was right after all the fanboys claimed it had no legs!
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Khuutra posted 28/11/2008, 01:37

Legs in the Americas, everybody. We have legs in the Americas!
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Naum posted 27/11/2008, 02:48
Hehe PS360 fanboys sure hate this game and now it will soon outsell LBP, sure it's 180k behind but should be ahead at the end of the year.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 27/11/2008, 05:26
this game rules!!

why is it bad? because i has no guns and blood? i think it's great!

and it's selling pretty well!!
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RCTjunkie posted 27/11/2008, 04:37
@ all bashers:
I remember being skeptical like you guys. Then I PLAYED it.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 26/11/2008, 04:06
This game is just awful, it is a real shame that games with no effort put in at all sell so many copies, where as games that are truly great barely scrape 1-2million...
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ClaudeLv250 posted 26/11/2008, 10:44
And it looks like others will be the one to embrace Wii Music the most.

I'll be on standby to make the million seller thread. Should be interesting.
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bigjon posted 26/11/2008, 05:29
Deku.... you might just eat your words some day. Also, word of mouth is not bad... People just have low expectations.... So people who have not played it are trashing it.

Also, M&S was trashed and scoff last holidays at first... By people just like you... read the early post on the game... People were LOLing that Sega thought the Wii and DS version could sell 4 million combined... Now 10 million combined has already happened or is a sure thing.
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SaviorX posted 26/11/2008, 04:00
In one fell swoop, there goes 500k.
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Zucas posted 26/11/2008, 03:44
Wow my predictions on this game have been just amazing. Not only did I predict lackluster first few week sales I also predicted out of that, that it would take off quicker and start better in E/O. Someone should pay me to make such accuracies.
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SmokedHostage posted 26/11/2008, 01:57
Wow, it did better in its second week than its first (Others). 1 million seems just around the corner.
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RCTjunkie posted 24/11/2008, 08:21
Got this game Sat.

About 10 times more fun then I expected! :D
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Deku posted 22/11/2008, 03:05
People who think this game will sell 5M are seriously deluding themselves.

There is no comparison to sales of Mario & sonic wii fit.

Sales of Wii music so far have been frontloaded and steeply declining. Word of mouth is killing this game.

Sales for wii fit and mario & sonic increased with time because of positive word of mouth.

It's last chance to do something big is in second week sales in Others. If it goes up or holds steady it might do something big in the territory. If it shows a big decrease this game is going no where fast. Might not even make 2M lifetime worldwide.
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Kyros posted 22/11/2008, 02:19

LOL You have got to hand it to the game its fun to see people suffer.
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Luthor posted 21/11/2008, 11:17
Did someone notice that Wii music did almost the same first week as Mario and sonic in the olympic games worldwide? It will sell 5 millions at least, whatever you think of this game.
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bigjon posted 21/11/2008, 10:38
this game will sell 2 million with NO luck...

If it even partially catches on 4-5 million... It will hang around forever.... and ever....
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Leni posted 21/11/2008, 05:05
it won't be as Wii Fit, but will be great!

if you get the concept, change songs instruments and play songs along with friends etc, this game is awesome!
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Picko posted 21/11/2008, 03:35
@ doubletap:

Yeah, I'm sure they are going to learn a big lesson considering they'll make substantial profits off this.
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sizynski posted 20/11/2008, 08:05
I really don't think this will catch on.

Compare the first five weeks of sales for Wii Music with Wii Sports and Wii Play. I understand that casual titles sell for a longer period of time, but that's because they're simple fun and catch on at parties and stuff. Problem is that this game isn't all that fun and really it's kind of embarrassing to play. And yes, I have played it.

I'm guessing 1.5 million. It won't bomb by any means, but it's not going to drive huge profits like some of Ninty's other properties.
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Leni posted 19/11/2008, 10:02
this game will reach huge sales, wait and see!!

it will spread slowly....
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doubletap posted 18/11/2008, 11:03
i hope nintendo learn from this. kids under 10 is not where their money is after all
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ganondorf7799 posted 18/11/2008, 09:59
With the numbers of this week half a million...
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Zucas posted 18/11/2008, 07:09
Game never had a chance at big openers. Killed that after E3 08. Kinda sad to see it never get the chance to be something but that's how it rolls every now and then. Happened to Haze and Too Human so it was bound to happen to a Wii title as well. Unlike those 2 it has brand so it'll still be able to sell enough to be deemed at least somewhat of a success.

But can't say I told ya so when I called this but man it feels good to be right haha.
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Stats87 posted 18/11/2008, 12:27
slow start,

but this will probably still sell 4-5M lifetime, especially with Others sales.

A lot will depend on how well it does this Holiday though
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Chrizum posted 17/11/2008, 01:50
My prediction: 5 million.

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altair87 posted 16/11/2008, 08:57
My prediction: 4.5m lifetime.
Come back in a couple month and see how good my predicion is^^
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megaman79 posted 15/11/2008, 05:26
Yea its surprisngly low considering it was meant to be the LBP killer.

Kids want GH, they ask for GH and WS on Wii
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Kantor posted 15/11/2008, 02:47
First week sales were very good, but it's dried up.

I suppose people do listen to reviews after all. That, or they have common sense and buy Rock Band/Guitar Hero.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 14/11/2008, 10:27
@ Sky Render
So you're saying that if I didn't go in with low expectations, then the games many glaring fundamental flaws would be non existent?

Nintendo thought they could fart this out the door and sell a billion units based on name alone. I'm glad that isn't the case.
Maybe they'll actually try next time.
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theshizzolator posted 13/11/2008, 08:26
WOW I know this game had terrible reviews but serious I thourght it was gunna fly...shame guess everything with Wii in front of its name dosnt always sell

UK 3-10 year olds its up to you!
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Kyros posted 13/11/2008, 04:35
Its doing better than it deserves but it still gives me a warm glow to see it fail. At least this confirms that customers are not braindead.
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Ostro posted 12/11/2008, 08:12
this game would do way better if it was promoted properly. people need to understand the sense and mechanics of this game. without knowing most people are 'scared' I guess.
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sparkit34 posted 12/11/2008, 01:47
I don't know why, but i think Europe is going to be the biggest market for this game, in the long run that is.
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tk1797 posted 11/11/2008, 02:08
Its gonna hit 2.5 million at least
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igorN posted 10/11/2008, 05:09
bad start but it will crack 2 mil.
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ctk495 posted 09/11/2008, 01:14
ah too bad it isnt selling quiet well
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eddie182 posted 09/11/2008, 05:52
The game's a joke.
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Leni posted 08/11/2008, 04:58
i love this game!!
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Sky Render posted 08/11/2008, 07:06
You know, I do get rather tired of the near-endless "testimonials" against this game from people who explicitly go into the experience intending to hate it. I mean really, that's like going up to a mirror expecting to hate what you see. Of course you're going to hate what you see, that's what you expected.

If anything, I'd say this game is just showing how much of a gap there is between the "old" style of gamer and the "new" style of gamer. The "new" ones catch on, the "old" ones just harp endlessly and speak solely in tired cliches about the game.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 07/11/2008, 08:38
Again: WOW.

I only played about 45 minutes (you couldn't pay me to play more), but this is truly horrible.

Any instrument that requires any kind of motion sensing is so unresponsive that it eliminates all hope of playing notes with the least bit of accuracy.

Imagine playing drums in real life.
Now imagine playing drums in a game, only a hundred times less fun and a thousand times more complicated. Oh, and imagine it sounds like shit.
What you're imagining is Wii Music.
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Bong Lover posted 04/11/2008, 11:19
This game is pure brilliance, just like one would expect seeing how much effort and who designed it. Hopefully, people will pick it up, give it a try, and look past all the hate and give it a fair chance. If you like music, you will like this game.
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doubletap posted 04/11/2008, 08:42
sillest thing you ever heard? go try and play this shit, then you will find its insulting for hardcore gamers to call this wii music "software" a "game"
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|_emmiwinks posted 04/11/2008, 06:45
@Vana, The creator of the game itself, Miyamoto said himself that its not a video game, but a Musical Toy. I think thats how one can say its not a game.
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bob smith posted 03/11/2008, 01:54
thats an excellent point and this game will probably fail
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Vanadium2k8 posted 02/11/2008, 12:58
How the crap is it NOT a game? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard.
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doubletap posted 02/11/2008, 02:27
those parents will regart what they bought for their kids. this is not even a game....
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Shissy posted 01/11/2008, 03:41
I think after people buy Wii Music they will likely check online for video game reviews. And hopefully by the end of the month the sales drop down towards 10k a week to give Nintendo a hint.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 01/11/2008, 09:08
@ bob smith
I don't think this is the kind of game that gets positive word of mouth...
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NightstrikerX posted 01/11/2008, 08:02
The thing I can't understand about this game at all is that up here in canada, its existance is practically unheard of. EBGames has it, but its shelfed and very hard to find. Its not even under the new releases shelf. Checking out Roger's Video for it has well has proved unfruitful, as they don't even stock the game. This is not unusual, many retailers up here don't even stock this game yet.

Poor sales may be due to that, I've been attempting to buy the game for some time. But unless I grab it from EBGames. I can't get it elsewhere.
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*bleu-ocelot* posted 31/10/2008, 12:52
GoTY!! I called it.
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11ht11 posted 31/10/2008, 07:19
i wonder how much it will do in "others"
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Simulacrum posted 31/10/2008, 05:41
Thre is 1 song I would like to play...
From The New World.
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bob smith posted 31/10/2008, 04:16
I agree. Word of mouth can eventually outbeat crap reviews
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1stgentonexgen posted 30/10/2008, 05:01
This seems to remind me of the PS3 vs WII battle. Back then nobody waas giving the WII a chance and said the PS3 is the future. Fast forward to 2008, the wii is still the system to get and the PS3 is only god for an inexpensive Blu-Player. AT LEAST THaT IS WhAT i USE IT FOR.This showsn how passionate people can be when it comes to vdeo game choices. This game dispite it's low release week totals can still have some legs. because word of mouth might actually help thre game. Just look at this WALL any owner including myself find it to be a fun game. (I am actually learning to play drums) The holiday season hasn't started yet and outting up $50 for a questionable title is considered a risk especially in this financial crisis. This games biggest test is during the coming 2 months. 1 mil has to broken This year for people to gey on the band wagon.
Dispite wht the totals end up being, The music that I am making has me enjoying the WII jus likre I did that November morning on Launch week.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 30/10/2008, 12:59
This is doing unexpectedly bad. I guess even casuals get word of piss poor reviews.
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11ht11 posted 30/10/2008, 06:55
this game shows that people will hate a game that they NEVER played
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outlawauron posted 30/10/2008, 06:27
Wow, wasn't expecting such a big drop in Japan.
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bob smith posted 30/10/2008, 04:09
Dont be hatin on it till u try it
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ACEtheVAMPIRE posted 30/10/2008, 12:59
Zucas, sorry
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famousringo posted 29/10/2008, 10:31
I just bought my copy. On my way out of the store one hardcore gamer burst into flames and another seemed to start melting. I figured I should get out of there before I did any more accidental damage to hardcore gamers.
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Zucas posted 29/10/2008, 08:22
Ace- don't troll. You've probably never even played the game anyways so now your just talking out of your ass which is gross in all senses.

Anyways as I said early on games with such negative hype can't open to huge numbers. I predicted in the 50k-100k region for opener in America and I was about right while the rest were up in the 400k region. Just not going to happen with such negative hype in any region... including Japan.

Luckily as I've stated brand should be able to hold this title up and get to over a million at least by the end of the year.
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ACEtheVAMPIRE posted 29/10/2008, 02:44
Shit of the Year
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Sky Render posted 29/10/2008, 03:16
For those not sure what to make of this game, I took a weekend out of my life to put up a comprehensive review. I'm sure that most have already seen it, but I shall post a link to it here for posterity's sake.
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Bong Lover posted 28/10/2008, 09:22
don't think of this game as Guitar Hero lite, it's a lot more complex and deeper than Guitar Hero or rock band, and if you want to master it fully, a lot harder too probably.

If you love music, you'll love this game
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1stgentonexgen posted 28/10/2008, 07:47
For all you guys questioning the place of WII musiuc, just think of it as Guitar Her/Rock band light. The difference being you are making your own Air music, ot following a beat of preset songs and adding your special touch to these Tunes. While the above is about perfection and playing the instruments like they are meant to be played for each selected song. While the first weeks total won't blow anyone away only real gamers knew it was coming out, the promotional blitz started on release day and hasn't slowed. As for final totals, Wii Fit owners will want to explore more opportunities to use the balance board and the drums potion gives you many options to have a cool jam sesion, but take the lessons to play first,it willbe a lot more fun when you are doing it right. This game should easily be a 3-5 mil world wide sellat, the only questions are; Does Nintendo Flood the market or do they make it a must have because of SHORTAGES? We have all seen how the FIT exploded between word of mouths abd shortages, hese shoortage issue has to the WII Fit closing in on 10mil
I hear thre arguements aboit the top three WII gamed coming with a add-on, ; I don't think that would be the issue at all, It will sell because it is entertaining. Tis game wirks great with the motio sesor that it truly feels like you have a drum set/piano/guitar/trumpet right there with you. While no RB or GH player would want to step down and play air instruments Tgey probably would if they knew the release date sales some stores were having.
As for me I have to give this game a B+ or A-, The A would be on family night when everyone is trying to play to Daydream Believer. The only fly is the limited nuber of songs, hopefully an update or evern extrs song disc will be in it;s future.
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Chris Hu posted 23/10/2008, 03:03
I expected a lot higher sales from this game despite the poor reviews. This game still could sell over 5mil copies if it has the same legs like M&S at the Olympic Games has.
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Simulacrum posted 22/10/2008, 11:55
Here is full song list:
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WiiBox3 posted 22/10/2008, 11:22
From what I read this game is for the very young and families that want something a little simpler than Rock Band or Guitar Hero. Though I don't think that I am the type that would enjoy this game for long periods, I think I will at least rent it to try and play some of my favorite Nintendo Music. (I remember spending long hours in Mario Paint trying to recreate Zelda and Mario tunes.)
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W4n9Le posted 22/10/2008, 02:10
it could be a secand wii fit?
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Zucas posted 21/10/2008, 12:24
For anyone that gets the game can you PM me some impressions or whatnot. Just curious ok.
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RCTjunkie posted 19/10/2008, 01:16
To all predicting simular sales to Wii series:
Wii Sports came with the Wii
Wii Play came with a remote
Wii Fit came with a Balance Board
Wii Music comes with....?
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Killergran posted 16/10/2008, 12:45
I'd be REALLY surprised if this game sells less than 1 million lifetime. But other than that, it's really hard to say. I cannot see it having the impact of either Mario Kart or Wii Fit, but then again, no other games do.

I'm going to take a guess and say around 5 million lifetime.
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Zucas posted 15/10/2008, 03:28
Alright I have to say reading some of the most recent previews and watching some videos that this game is shaping up to be nice. I mean damn those other previewers blocking some portions of the game that really look awesome. I think I might actually get this game now. And I don't evne own Wii Fit haha.
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Loud_Hot_White_Box posted 25/09/2008, 07:00
So you can record music... do you play along with pre-recorded songs, too, and it grades you, a la Rock band and Guitar Hero? I don't get whether there is a main, play-along mode in addition to the creative parts.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 22/09/2008, 04:47
It's gonna be E.T. all over again I tell ya!
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oxford-gamer posted 21/09/2008, 12:20
one month away.
If the LHC doesn't end the world, this certainly will!
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RCTjunkie posted 21/09/2008, 12:04
It has sold 0.00 copies.
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darthdevidem01 posted 20/09/2008, 10:09
this coud be a flop
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Mr.Y posted 20/09/2008, 08:44
this game roxxx
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Pretendo posted 20/09/2008, 05:21
Cool boxart.
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amp316 posted 20/09/2008, 01:54
Rolstoppable is offended by this game's very existence. Tuoyo doesn't like it either.
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Blacksaber posted 12/09/2008, 09:53
Wow got to say I like the boxart
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SmokedHostage posted 12/09/2008, 07:45
I'm getting this if only to piss people off.
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nordlead posted 12/09/2008, 07:37
I love the boxart too, but I just relized that it is watermarked and I can't find another copy of it :-/
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Mr.Y posted 12/09/2008, 06:44
Love the boxart!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 12/09/2008, 10:24
I can't wait to play Yankee Doodle and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star with my Wii remote!
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ClaudeLv250 posted 15/08/2008, 12:13
And it begins.

Someone used the Guitar Hero argument against Wii Music today ("playing fake instruments is stoopid!1!")
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 1   2   3 

Shipping Total

2,860,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (219)

AstroMaSSi posted 22/01/2012, 02:08
Fantastic product, but not a game.
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goldeneye0065r posted 02/01/2012, 05:55
3 m for wii music , wheres a seqel this time with - real music like the spice girls etc haha naow
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fedfed posted 06/11/2011, 01:45
it may have been re-printed???
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TheDarkBender posted 02/11/2011, 10:03
+20k in others alone this week :O Wondring why it gone up
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/10/2011, 04:57
12k this week!? imagine christmas revival! : P
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fedfed posted 13/06/2011, 01:15
Goo to see this passed the 3m Mark!
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