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Alternative Names

DS グランド・セフト・オート チャイナタウンウォーズ


Rockstar Leeds/North



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Release Dates

03/17/09 Rockstar Games
10/29/09 CyberFront
03/20/09 Rockstar Games

Community Stats

Owners: 298
Favorite: 11
Tracked: 7
Wishlist: 25
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Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (DS) > Opinions (333)

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megaman79 posted 21/05/2009, 06:40
@STOF, what u need is a sense of direction. I don't think thats included in the box. Try reading a street map in real life while you drive and you might earn some valuable skills.
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Buzzi posted 20/05/2009, 02:14
Uff, in two weeks it sold 0 units for VGchartz, it was 450k two weeks ago...i hate adjustaments, they are always worse than the previous sales! Although GTA is selling not bad...
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XiaoMay posted 20/05/2009, 02:04
not selling so bad, is it ?

Any Japanese plans ? GTA is quite popular there.
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MontanaHatchet posted 20/05/2009, 12:36
No. Usually, people just use the markers or (in the case of GTA4) the GPS. I often just guess where I'm going, and if I get lost, that's part of the fun. I can always drive over rooftops if I get lost (and I'm talking about GTA games in general).
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stof posted 19/05/2009, 08:33
Just got it. Love it. It's just such an awesome and all consuming game.

One question though, and I've wondered this about the whole GTA series... Do people actually figure out their way about town? Are there actually people who will say "Oh I'm here, If I go up this road and take a left, then drive for a minute or two I'll get to there"?

Because honestly, I've never been able to have a damned idea where anything is in any GTA.
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DavidValbu posted 18/05/2009, 11:22
Adjusted down by 10k?
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megaman79 posted 18/05/2009, 08:09
18 on NPD April. Thanks to the DSi launch it clearly motivated a few "core" shoppers to pick it up. The worm turns slowly, Wii version next.
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tyu posted 17/05/2009, 11:37
Great game !
Buy it ;) !
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darkheart709 posted 15/05/2009, 06:20
looks like its doing good, should hit a million either by winter or the end of the year
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DavidValbu posted 14/05/2009, 08:08
Others numbers back. By the end of the year it will sell a million.
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naruto3336 posted 13/05/2009, 09:29
WTF?????? Why are the Others numbers missing???
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elzumo posted 13/05/2009, 07:26
Others sales disappeared from several games...
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 13/05/2009, 03:49
whoa numbers are gone.
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oliist posted 13/05/2009, 03:32
Don't panic!
I already reported it.
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Killergran posted 13/05/2009, 03:26
The others sales disappeared! And it's no longer charting in others. What happened?
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Buzzi posted 13/05/2009, 02:23
What the hell happened? I see this game sold only in NA and only for 25k!! There's an error, also in the Other sellings this week becaus this isn't in the top 50 of the games, it's impossible!! Please look at this and put all in the right way, i love this game and i had an heart-ake when i saw this!!
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Arius Dion posted 11/05/2009, 06:45
Is this game launching in Japan?
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KichiGuy posted 11/05/2009, 02:34
really great game. I can't argue with it being placed at the top of the DS charts.
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sabby_e17 posted 10/05/2009, 10:49
Very decent legs.
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Arius Dion posted 10/05/2009, 08:34
I also think pirating hurt initial sales.
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coonana posted 09/05/2009, 11:02
Yes so many sites just claimed this game flopped but look at the sales. These arent bad.
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SaviorX posted 09/05/2009, 07:19
It'll hit 500k in 2 weeks.
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intro94 posted 08/05/2009, 04:22
they WANTED it to flop,but how long can they keep that line on a game that has sold 400k in just 2 months?
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naruto3336 posted 08/05/2009, 02:28
With DS legs this game is definitely a million seller.
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Samus Aran posted 07/05/2009, 07:11
I lol at everyone who said this game was a flop.
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Buzzi posted 07/05/2009, 01:46
Great sales in Others this week, more than in the 6th week! Go GTA, fight against all the people who don't want M games on N machines!
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SaviorX posted 05/05/2009, 05:55

I mean in sales, not the game's depth.
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wonphi posted 05/05/2009, 06:51
SaviorX this game is no less small than any other GTA game.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 04/05/2009, 03:15
bought the game at best buy for 20. first gta game ive ever bought... it's fun and theres a lot of missions to do, and its keeping me entertained, but there's not much depth to it. story is funny and interesting.
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SaviorX posted 03/05/2009, 05:40
Compared to other GTA games,it may not be huge, but as a DS game that isn't called Pokemon, it is a great success.

It probably broke even after 3 weeks.
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a3hmax posted 02/05/2009, 10:48
I don´t know how much was waiting for Rockstar, but Vice City Stories for PSP cost a lot more and sell worst.

Inclusive this one now can justify a sequel, making comparation with GTA VCS.
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Hisiru posted 01/05/2009, 12:22
yes, you are right, but the internet and the fanboys ignored all the other things when the NPD showed the numbers in march (and the CHW only had 2 weeks in march). You saw how many topics and news was posted in websites? and how many fanboys saying "bla bla bla, DS is not for core games" (based on the NPD's numbers) without know that this game did better than the VCS giving profit for the producer like VCS. Is the only thing that make me talk about this, in fact, my favorite video game is the 360, but i hate fanboys.

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Aj_habfan posted 30/04/2009, 11:06
okay sorry, that is a fair point.

But I don't think you should be making general statements while ignoring Europe.
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primogen18 posted 30/04/2009, 11:05
I hate everyone who brings this up in an argument against M rated games on Nintendo systems. It's been out a month and is still selling, same with certain other games that have only been out a little over a month. Let it be and stop calling things failures after a few weeks!
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Hisiru posted 30/04/2009, 04:17
sorry, but i am not:
"The second handheld GTA, PSP's Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories (released October 31, 2006 in North America), sold 50,670 units for the Americas in its opening week. In 4 weeks time the accumulated North American sales was 134,275 units."

here you can see that the Vice city stories did 50k (the CHW did 80k) in first week, and did 134k (the CHW did 200k) in 4 weeks

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Hisiru posted 30/04/2009, 04:17
yes, you are right ^^. But it is because they used the same engine of GTA3/GTAVC in the LCS/VCS, this was much easier.

sorry for my bad english.
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Aj_habfan posted 30/04/2009, 12:49
Hisiru, I'm sorry but you are using the wrong information. All the data you are using is from the PS2 port, and is American/Japan data only. These are the sales you need to use:
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cacafina posted 29/04/2009, 06:26
I agree with everything you say except for the production cost as far as i am concerned this game's production cost was higher i remember rockstar saying it had a development team bigger than any psp gta game. but well maybe it dindn;t
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Hisiru posted 29/04/2009, 04:08
the game already sold 400k worldwide, the Vice city stories did 130k in the first months (EUA), and the Chinatown wars dont did more in march because he was released on 17 march, but even with only 2 weeks (vice city stories had 4 weeks), he did 80k

If the DS have a great instal base or not, the game is selling more than Vice City Stories. For sure will give for more profit than the Vice City Stories in the end, even more because the cost of production of the Chinatown wars is lower

it is not a flop, the internet and the fanboys want this to be a flop
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xxxvitoxxx posted 29/04/2009, 03:01
no matter how much everyone(including me) want this to not be a flop, the reality is that it is a FLOP
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naruto3336 posted 28/04/2009, 10:24
Adjusted down in week 3 and 4. There should be no reason to call this a flop. DS games do not have massive development cost. 200k is all it needs to go into profit. 300k for a more well-funded project. This game looks well funded and thus 300k is accurate. it sold 420k in just 6 weeks. I think if it sells a million GTA for wii is coming.
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DavidValbu posted 28/04/2009, 08:59
Ey, this is not doing so bad , it will soon reach 500k.
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Sherlock99 posted 28/04/2009, 08:29
Over 400k nice.
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Zugdar posted 28/04/2009, 06:18
Good sales for the 4th week. I'm sure these will be the numbers for some time
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naruto3336 posted 28/04/2009, 02:08
This is doing better than madworld. If people who made madworld on a console are saying its sales are good then people who made a game on a handheld cant be mad at these sales especially because this is selling more than twice the sales of madworld.
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Sherlock99 posted 26/04/2009, 04:29
i don't understand why everyone is calling this a flop the sales are great so far,
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RDBRaptor posted 26/04/2009, 12:42
It looks like this game is doing much better in America than Vice City Stories for the PSP, although a bit worse in Others. This game should make AT LEAST 2M LTD.
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sabby_e17 posted 26/04/2009, 12:00
Best game ever on the DS. Just completed the story :)
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wonphi posted 25/04/2009, 03:31
LOL these sales are much better than PSP sales, they would be losing money if they remade it for the PSP.

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Hisiru posted 24/04/2009, 11:50
the chinatown wars did better than the Vice city stories in the first week and in the first 4 weeks, the sales are good, and if is not good, the VCS also sold very bad. And stop crying, this game will not have a psp version, because will lose the GPS with the touch, the PDA, and all the things that make this game more fun,addictive , intuitive than the psp versions (i have a psp, i know what i am talking about).
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primogen18 posted 24/04/2009, 11:14
yuk? WTF why must everyone think if it isn't 1 million in a month it's bad sales! In America it went up 20k last week, nothing at all to be "yuk" about.
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SaviorX posted 24/04/2009, 07:26
Should pass 400k this week without adjustments.
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Hisiru posted 23/04/2009, 09:23
this game is awesome, one of the best on DS, do yourself a favor and buy. He has a short story, but his story and the story in the GTA IV are the best. And this game have a lot of things to do for complete in 100%.
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Simulacrum posted 23/04/2009, 09:18
Many gamers sites say this is big step for Gta series..I'll get this sometime.
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naruto3336 posted 23/04/2009, 03:18
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arsenal009 posted 22/04/2009, 02:43
Guaranteed mln seller. Also guaranteed that Wii will get a GTA.
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naruto3336 posted 21/04/2009, 10:48
As long as it hits 500k which it will in 2-3 weeks it is a hit. This went into profit for Take-Two after 200k. 500k will just mean a hit and 1 million will mean more respect for DS and a possible ground-up game for the home console Wii!
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intro94 posted 20/04/2009, 09:21
87k on a month for a ds game?pretty good.
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sabby_e17 posted 20/04/2009, 07:57
This game is just amazing. 10/10
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 20/04/2009, 05:42
amazing game!!

deserves 5m at least
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Hisiru posted 19/04/2009, 02:07
play the game, and you will see that this is very different from the top down, or the ps1 versions, this is 3D, and is a awesome game, with a great replay.
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stof posted 19/04/2009, 01:51
Have you played it SickleSigh? It's an isometric 3d view that's quite different from the top downs. Of course the top downs were awesome games.
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SickleSigh posted 19/04/2009, 02:29
This game reminds me of the PS1 GTAs, I was happy when they got rid of the over head view, not sure why they brought it back. Game is showing good legs though.
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SaviorX posted 18/04/2009, 06:56
VGC includes more than the US in the Americas category.
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Chrizum posted 18/04/2009, 04:35
People, the sales have already been adjusted. The numbers are correct now. March NPD: 88k. March VGC: 98k. That's within the margin of error.
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Aprisaiden posted 18/04/2009, 01:23
Looks like the game has been overtracked by 60k - 80k in the US/North America
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mai posted 18/04/2009, 05:26
Adjusted down, but still on 340k?
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Gearbox posted 18/04/2009, 03:35
ndp says only 87k werre sold in all of march... ouch
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Zlejedi posted 17/04/2009, 08:53
Will there be adjustment to first two weeks ?
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Hisiru posted 17/04/2009, 08:03
and look my friend, the numbers are rising in the EUA =D. I think the next week will be better with a lot of DSi that is selling, and no good releases for the DS in this months. This months
already have 86k (only in EUA) with these 2 weeks, i think will be 150k or more.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 17/04/2009, 06:17

OMG, you are damn right, so these numbers can be correct, so it's not a fail, it can have legs!! : )
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Hisiru posted 17/04/2009, 05:49

the NPD only shows numbers for march. Weeks 3 and 4 is in april.
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coonana posted 17/04/2009, 05:06
It did sell less than 100, 000 in march then time went on and this game displayed that is has legs.
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siavm posted 17/04/2009, 01:57
These numbers in US are wrong the NPD has it selling less than 100,000 in March.
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leo-j posted 17/04/2009, 01:17
then why did vice city stories sell well chris
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AkiraGr posted 17/04/2009, 11:33
This game is way overtracked according to NPD.
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chris100185 posted 17/04/2009, 07:25
The only reason Liberty City Stories sold as well as it did was the because of the hack that at the time was the only way to play homebrew on a PSP firmware higher than 1.5
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Hisiru posted 16/04/2009, 03:57

yeah, and compared to the Vice city stories? :)
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oliminator1994 posted 16/04/2009, 11:25
compare3d to other gta games this has sold poorley. Lib city stories 6 million. This wont mak that...
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madmaniac posted 15/04/2009, 08:26
I'm gonna do some more drug dealing :p
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waron posted 15/04/2009, 07:18
6mln LTD sales.
yeah, i know i'm crazy.
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Hisiru posted 15/04/2009, 01:55
the vice city stories with Japan + Eua + Others is below the sales of chinatown wars in the first three months, and the chinatown wars dont have the "Japan sales" :)

look here:®ion=All

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Chrizum posted 15/04/2009, 12:58
Projected lifetime sales: 3.5 million.
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skunkfish posted 14/04/2009, 10:57
2 million by Christmas..
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 14/04/2009, 05:48
wow, i dont assume that the game isnt bad, it actually looks good, but calling it the best handheld game ever? where have you been?
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squeeky posted 14/04/2009, 01:27
Game looks great, same old GTA missions and control sucks.
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Gearbox posted 13/04/2009, 10:45
wow pacther actually guess how much this game sold to a dime
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Hisiru posted 13/04/2009, 09:01
is not the best handheld game, but is better than the PSP versions, is more fun, but the history is very short.
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mexitalrish posted 13/04/2009, 08:47
yah know, it's actually not selling too bad. i was kind of skeptical because it's first week seemed kind of low, but this could end up selling well. wish it luck
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valoo posted 13/04/2009, 07:09
It's better than the GTA games for PSP. It's probably the best handheld game ever created.
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TyePhoid_PAL posted 13/04/2009, 05:43
Is this as good as the PSP gta games? I'm probably going to pick up a handheld soon.
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Dgc1808 posted 13/04/2009, 05:41
This game should hit 800K easily.
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SaviorX posted 13/04/2009, 03:22
Expect Week 4 sales in Others not to be too far from Week 3.
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sabby_e17 posted 13/04/2009, 01:29
I just got this game and I have to say that it is amazing.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 13/04/2009, 02:28
I don't see how this could possibly not reach a million. I mean, have you looked at the drops so far?
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CONMAN15 posted 13/04/2009, 02:22
Yeah it will reach 1 million theres no doubt in my mind. You naysayers are just setting yourself up. I'm sure its been said a hundred times already, but I'll repeat again: DS games sell over time!
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mandisc posted 12/04/2009, 09:52
when this reaches a million and it will. What are you doubters gunna do?
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xxxvitoxxx posted 12/04/2009, 06:21
i still stand on what i saidm this games will not sell a million for the looks of it
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Sheershaw posted 12/04/2009, 06:55
You're changing the subject. You said this game will never sell a million, which given the sales of this game, is unlikely.

And install base doesn't mean much. There was very little pre-release hype for this game.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 12/04/2009, 05:03
i expected it would reach a million by now, considering the install base of the DS
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Sheershaw posted 12/04/2009, 03:31
What do you mean it won't sell amillion?It's been out 3 weeks and its a third of the way there. It'll hit a million by June.
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xxxvitoxxx posted 12/04/2009, 01:31
atleast many games sold a million wich this game at the moment doesnt look like it will
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mandisc posted 11/04/2009, 02:30
that's a good point vas-y
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Vas-y posted 11/04/2009, 10:39
Such a good argument, really!!1 Because on PS2 nearly every game flopped (with such a high install base).
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xxxvitoxxx posted 11/04/2009, 08:18
with an install base of 100million sadly it is a flop =(
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SaviorX posted 11/04/2009, 01:41
365k after a month doesn't sound like a flop to me. Just because it didn't sell like the others YET doesn't mean it is a failure.
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waron posted 10/04/2009, 07:45
mikemill get yourself a girlfriend or try to get laid, seriously. GTA:CW not selling well? considering that it is second best selling 3rd party ds game(after guitar hero) in EU/US and current sales of this game i can assure you that chinatown wars not only will surpass VCS on psp but probably LCS as well. till the end of this year sales of this game won't go under 50k so we should see at least 1.8-2mln this year.

about ds being for kids - well in my country kids playing on handhelds are playing mostly on psp(cause shiny shiny graphics) while the only one playing on ds are mostly gaming nerds(like me). that's why GTA games sold so well on psp cause its audience is mostly 12-16 kids.
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SaviorX posted 10/04/2009, 04:47
The legs of this game should have never been called into question.
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wonphi posted 10/04/2009, 04:41
for an M rated DS game, this is selling pretty darn well.
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Hisiru posted 10/04/2009, 03:14
guys, the DSi was launched, the world have the crisis, and bla bla bla. Now, unfortunately is not a time to Chinatown Wars and Madworld, but will be better soon :). The people are buying the DSi or are having complications with the crisis
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Kenology posted 10/04/2009, 01:23
Adjusted up! And looking like it'll have some nice legs!
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Chrizum posted 10/04/2009, 01:16
It's over 320k in less than 3 full weeks. That's good no matter how you try to spin it. This game will be a million seller in no time, and will probably go on to 3 million, too.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 10/04/2009, 01:02
adjusted up? nice.
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Gearbox posted 09/04/2009, 11:46
i dont think this will make the top 25 ds games. by these sales so far
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teknohick posted 09/04/2009, 11:20
i really hope mikemill is a troll, if not you really have no clue what your talking about (look up ds owner statistics)

most of what you state is just game warz fodder, i will say however, the usage statistics for betty and beyonce material is actually pretty mature (women in their 30's), ugly betty actually has an older overall viewership then desperate housewives, the show dosent even pull in many views in the 18-25 demo

there isn't much info on underwoods demo but it actually ended up more mature than you state (20-30 females). granted many copies of her first cd were bought by tweens/teens who are fans of american idol but typically that demo is fast fleeting, her base as been in 20 y/o women.

k /rant over :D
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charts845 posted 09/04/2009, 06:30
Yeah, Liberty City Stories sold well. Vice City Stories flopped. LCS was released when GTA was at the heat of its popularity, where anything with that name would guaranteed sell millions. It's a totally different time. GTA:ChinaTown Wars will easily be profitable for the company.
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MonstaMack posted 09/04/2009, 12:31
That's nice. It's not like many PSP titles sold well anyways. I'm sure in the long run GTA will come closer to a million titles sold on the DS.
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mikemill posted 09/04/2009, 10:13
Come on you Nintendo fanboys, just be honest... this game is NOT selling well for a GTA game. And why? Because most (not all, but most) DS owners are little kids and girls (do I have to remind you all that Nintendo's core marketing strategy for the DS is commercials with Carrie Underwood, Ugly Betty and now Beyonce?) Liberty City stories for the PSP sold well over 700k copies it's first two weeks and went on to sell 5.7m to date. Chinatown Wars will not get anywhere near that number, sorry. Just be honest fellas, quit your denial about what the DS really is at it's core. Nintendo knows what it is, hence their marketing strategies with Carrie Underwood. Peace
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mandisc posted 08/04/2009, 09:10
I didn't compare its sales to Nintendogs to highlight the perceived demograph of the DS. I just remember that at the time it was believed that it simply would not work and would not sell.

Years later and sales continue to go. DS owners do not seem to camp outside shops, pre-order or over react when it comes to games. They simply pick it up at their leisure. This game will continue to sell, you should have no doubt about it.

On another note if you do not think that the DS is for "hardcore" gamers then maybe you should go sit alone in a room somewhere and think about what you just said.

The term "Hardcore" is whatever each person perceives it to be, if that is your genuine belief then fair enough.

I disagree and think that you will have a tough time explaining it to the masses.

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smac posted 08/04/2009, 07:38
I think we should be comparing these sales to portable GTA games like LCS, VCS, GTA Advance, etc & not the PS2/PS3 & 360 versions. Not really a fair comparision.
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drakesfortune posted 08/04/2009, 02:56
@ taco, 240k is respectable for most franchises, but for GTA, it's a terrible number. After 3 weeks. That's what everyone is talking about. Everyone saying that it'll show us all when it hits a million, if this only sells a million, that'll make it the worst selling GTA game ever. I sure hope it sells more than that.
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Tac0 posted 08/04/2009, 12:38
What the hell is wrong with those guys who say this game isn't doing well? It sold more than 240.000 copies in three weeks, without the american sales for the third week. Believe it or not, 240k is a high number.
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BengaBenga posted 08/04/2009, 12:32
@mikemill: you apparently don't have a clue what a hardcore gamer is, because real hardcore gamer would sure as hell have a DS.

The fact is that the DS is for everyone. That includes kids, teens, young professionals, mothers etc.

But you will be another victim of my amazing crow eating thread later in the year.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 08/04/2009, 12:15
it will outsell PSP versions, but will take some time
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 08/04/2009, 02:48
people, like the post below me, are stupid. they grab at every little thing they can to make it look like another console sucks.

seriously, just wait. it doesn't matter if gta sells more on the psp week one. this can very well outsell the psp one. different consoles work different ways.
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mikemill posted 07/04/2009, 10:42
@ mandisc

The fact that you just compared a GTA games hopes to that of Nintendogs summarizes the entire problem with the DS... it's a kid's toy! Let's be real, the DS is not a platform for hardcore gamers
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mikemill posted 07/04/2009, 09:56
Wow. Nintendo proves once again that games for a "hardcore audience" don't sell very good on their platform. We all know why - 95% of DS owners are little kids and chicks (hence the Carrie Underwood commercials). By comparison, Liberty City stories sold over 700k it's first 2 weeks with less than half the install base of the DS. LOL
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mandisc posted 07/04/2009, 06:54
Why is that hardly anyone on here has any patience?

Just because it hasn't sold a million instantly doesn't necessarily suggest that it will not continue to sell and surpass expectations in the long run. Anyone remember Nintendogs....
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BoneArk posted 07/04/2009, 04:50
Three of my friends bought the DSi and all of them bought this game with it. I knew the DSi will help boost sales for GTA: Chinatown Wars.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 07/04/2009, 09:07

I surely hope someone makes the crow eating thread when this passes a million.
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loadedstatement posted 07/04/2009, 06:44
Very fun game. Don't knock it until you try it.
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CONMAN15 posted 06/04/2009, 06:47
you have to be kidding yourself if you think this wont sell 1 million copies. 2 million easily. remember this is a DS game.
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akuma587 posted 06/04/2009, 06:32
This is a flop with this kind of brand recognition on a system with over 100 million installed userbase.
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BengaBenga posted 06/04/2009, 02:15
lol@the haters. It's #4 in the UK this week.

@kersed: Are you nuts? This will make 2 million easily.
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cacafina posted 06/04/2009, 06:02

wanna bet?
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Sherlock99 posted 06/04/2009, 05:51
Fun game
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primogen18 posted 06/04/2009, 02:30
wow week 2 and people are talking about long term sales? its still going strong.
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kersed3 posted 06/04/2009, 01:54
Acctually Vice City Stories kills this game. Vice City Stories is nearing 3 mill sold. This may get 0.5m - 0.95 m sales, dont think 1 mill though.
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DavidValbu posted 05/04/2009, 03:10
This game will get a boost in sales due to the launching of Nintendo DSi.
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Samus Aran posted 05/04/2009, 03:03
This game is selling a lot better so far then vice city stories on the psp. What's everyone bitching about this game bombing then? This game can sell 2M+
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mandisc posted 05/04/2009, 01:32
I have no worries about this. It will continue to sell at a steady pace and will be hitting the millions before you know it
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cody6695 posted 04/04/2009, 01:47
This game will have big legs
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mjc2021 posted 04/04/2009, 08:47
Well this game isn't a flop... but GTA typically gets much better sales on consoles that have sold much less units.

Perhaps if it was a third person game it would have received more interest.
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RooF posted 04/04/2009, 06:13
the game is great. Its simple. Ppl dont have money :)
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 03/04/2009, 05:00
theres tons of really cheap bootlegs on ebay, sot hat might be making the sales kinda bad. either way, thisll go to sell atleast 1mil
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cacafina posted 03/04/2009, 04:49
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SmokedHostage posted 03/04/2009, 04:48
I bet this game has a high piracy rate..
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cacafina posted 03/04/2009, 03:23
someone wants to bet that this game will sell 3 million?

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teknohick posted 03/04/2009, 10:36
the game has done better than vice city in its first two comparable weeks.

From GTA CTW, to Madword, to Deadly Creatures, these games just don't sell well on any Nintendo platform.

- gta on ds hasn't bombed, madworld and deadly creatures aren't good enough reasons for your argument; one is a beat em' up, a genre thats been dead since... 1995? plus its niche, people put way too much expectations on the title. im not a casual gamer but i have no interest in buying madworld... its just too juvenile seeming and beat em ups aren't my thing

deadly creatures needs advertising and a price drop, its a short game for 50 bucks. its also somewhat of a odd game... without marketing its a odd concept to sell to consumers just based on face value. its also not a title you would see many "hardcore" gamers per say pick up.

using these two games as evidence that the wii market is this or that is pretty anecdotal, we dont have enough high budget "mature" games on wii to really have a consensuses of the system
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cacafina posted 03/04/2009, 04:11

youre crearly an ignorant the DS ius by far the richiest in catlog for hardcore and non hardcore gamers. "they completely ignore hardcore 3rd party titles on those systems." LOL ever heard of dragon quest, final fantasy etc. Tell me of those games of 360 how many are shooters what only like 2 no right, with all the respect you sound like and nintendo-hater and a xbox/PS-fanboy. But well its your opinion....
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Sherlock99 posted 03/04/2009, 03:18
2 months from now gta sales will be close to 2 million worldwide
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SaviorX posted 03/04/2009, 02:35
How can anyone call this a flop?

It is a success in its own right.
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Ismailxp posted 02/04/2009, 10:23
Its like a FLOPpy disk
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outlawauron posted 02/04/2009, 08:38
That's a rather large drop!

Worse than LCS drop.
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waron posted 02/04/2009, 07:58
you clearly don't know anything about ds/wii. let's start with the fact that ds games are reviewed much more harsh compared to games on ps360. give reviewers generic 5-6h long fps/action game with shiny shiny visuals on ps360 and it's already above 80/100. do the same with ds game and it's down to 60/100. how many x360 games with those great scores are just same fps/action/racing games with different brands on the cover? 80%?
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drakesfortune posted 02/04/2009, 07:37
@Intro, First, I am not against this game, I WILL be buying it soon. I'm currently finishing up Lost and Damned, and then I may pick up CTown Wars. So I'm not against the game, I'm just speaking truth, as I see it as a "hardcore" gamer.

But, you can't be serious about there being better titles on DS. Empirically speaking, just go check Metacritic to see what the critics think.

There are 21 Xbox 360 games with a rating of 90 or higher on Metacritic.

There 5 DS games with a rating of 90 or higher. That's over 4 to 1 in favor of 360, and those are the cream of the crop, best of breed titles both systems have to offer. The DS's number 2 rated titles is a port of a SNES game. That says a lot, to me.

There are 39 XBox 360 titles rated between 89 and 85.

There are 24 DS games rated between 89 and 85.

I'm sure that the DS has 5:1 over the 360 when it comes to ratings of 50 or under, but I'm not going to bother counting them.

So your analysis makes NO sense, with regard to install base, and quality releases. Clearly there's vastly more quality on PS3 and 360, and yet it still sold gangbusters on those platforms. Further, let's be honest, a good chunk of the DS's library at the top of those metacritic charts are either ports of older games, remakes of older games, or in the case of Animal Crossing and Mario Kart, are so similar to games that Nintendo already released under those names as to make them nearly indistinguishable.

The fact is, the hardcore gaming market is not buying Nintendo consoles, or if they are, they're only buying Nintendo published games, and they completely ignore hardcore 3rd party titles on those systems. From GTA CTW, to Madword, to Deadly Creatures, these games just don't sell well on any Nintendo platform.
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Sapphire posted 01/04/2009, 10:09
The contender Game of The Year for DS in 2009

it will still sell untul the end of year
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SaviorX posted 01/04/2009, 09:46
Good 2nd week sales in Others.

America may have around 40k this week.
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BengaBenga posted 01/04/2009, 06:38
Holy F this game is awesome! Everyone that loves GTA III will love this, it's really oldschool GTA.
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coonana posted 01/04/2009, 06:35
if this sells bad I am gonna be pissed!
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Chrizum posted 01/04/2009, 02:52
Adjusted down and big drop in Others, just like MadWorld.

Doesn't look good.
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intro94 posted 01/04/2009, 12:48
finally drakess,i suggest you play it.Personally, im having a better, more dynamic time with it than with GT4, the game is huge and well implemented, while it also looks well.
As weird as it sounds, like many people, i can say this is among best gt ever.About people buying 200k+ on PSP, let me tell you something, at that date,we were STARVED for a decent game.I got a psp and i know what i mean.On my ds, i simply cant afford to buy all I want when its released.
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intro94 posted 01/04/2009, 12:42
furthermore, on its first week, due to the massive advertisement, GT4 sold more than MK DS or MK wii.Eventually both MKDS AND MKWII outsold strongly GT4.Never let a first week missled you.Im not saying GT CW will be the next MK, but scaling it down, it will be quite profitable.If you think that it wasnt the best choice, think about it, its Grand theft auto and its portable.And portable on the most popular portatile console on the world, the DS.if you ask me, the market is huge.I agree, we could GT it on Wii as well,another market,but time will tell.
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intro94 posted 01/04/2009, 12:35
Yes drakes, but you gotta understand that the availiable good titles for DS owners at a time is 4 or 5 times larger than the one for 360 owners.As such, while it was crystal clear that GT4 had to be insta bought, DS owners had a much harder time chosing it over the other choices.Is also noticing that 360 owners are quick buyers, while the DS are also steady.Take MK DS for instance, which beat GT4 in sales,but it was over time.If GT CH sells 4 mils over 2 years i wouldnt be surprised.Thats nearly as succesful as the "large" franchise.
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Slavedemonxi posted 31/03/2009, 06:21
It'll sell a lot eventually. I was skeptical of the game at first, but it looks like a lot of fun.
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Trent posted 31/03/2009, 06:09
not a good 1st week
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NintendoMan posted 30/03/2009, 10:51
One of my fave DS games, it will certainly sell 1 million. Will it sell 2 and, most importantly - will it blend?
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mangapicture posted 30/03/2009, 08:03
come back in a few weeks. It's going to be sold at least a million copies.
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oliist posted 30/03/2009, 06:49
Eatin boiled crow in the coming months is all I have to say to the ignorants.
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drakesfortune posted 30/03/2009, 06:16

I say not a great start because you have to compare it to other GTA's.

GTA4 PS3 did 1.2 million on week one in others. GTA4 360 did 1.02 million on week one in others. So 2.22 million on both platforms on week one in others.

GTA LCS on PSP did 248k in others on week one with a MUCH tinier install base.

So when Rockstar looks at where to put their GTA effort, it's clear that the DS is probably the worst place to put their effort. They'd be better of doing San Andreas 2 on Wii (I'd buy a Wii for that).

That said, I'll be buying this game soon, so I'm not being hard on it. I look forward to playing it, I just think the from Rockstar's perspective, they can make more money on the PSP, 360/PS3, or Wii than they can on DS. It's too bad, but I think that's just the way it is. This game will still go on to sell at least 2 million though, so it's not a failure, it's just not as good as it would be on any other platform.

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cacafina posted 30/03/2009, 03:09
this will eventually sell 3 or 5 million

i havent got my copy yet but ive tried it and it is the best ds game ive played (sorry FF3 this one beat you)
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L.C.E.C. posted 30/03/2009, 04:46
lolz @ everyone who said this would flop...
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Arius Dion posted 30/03/2009, 04:17
Claude; That is what would be considered a "check mate"

One of the biggest tp openings of a DS game..very interesting, I would not be the least bit surprised if this outsold the psp versions of gta.
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Naum posted 29/03/2009, 07:40
and BTW this game have only 1 "other" sales abd 4 days of "NA" sales so no it's not full week sales BladeOfGod.
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Naum posted 29/03/2009, 07:38
"Hardcore" boys only see first week sales and they will always do that.
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sparkit34 posted 29/03/2009, 03:00
I don't think some people realize that this is one of the biggest TP openings on a DS ever.
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madmaniac posted 29/03/2009, 02:19
You obviously don't know anything about sale paterns on nintendo systems and sony systems
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BladeOfGod posted 29/03/2009, 01:55
LOL, GTA Liberety City stories sold more in 3 hours than GTA China Wars did in entire week
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Naum posted 29/03/2009, 12:37
Wonder how much this game need to sell to break even, can't be much anyway.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 29/03/2009, 12:15

Well first of all, this is a DS game so I'm not sure where the Wii comes into the equation.

Second, the argument always has been "3rd party games don't sell on nintendo consoles." It was said about the DS and it was said about Wii. Party games is goal post moving; it was a qualifier added after the initial argument was debunked. Speaking of which, the party game argument is a dead horse itself, having been debunked ages ago with actual sales. It's not 2007 anymore.

Not only that, but M rated games aren't the opposite of party games, and one does not need to sell exclusively over the other as the PS2 proved, and a philosophy the Wii has kept. Complaining about the amount of high selling M rated Wii titles doesn't even make sense, it's not like there's an abundance of them on the Wii to begin with. I can only think of seven, if you can come up with more that would be great, but saying that "only" 4 of the 7 titles sold a lot (2 of which have been recently released) does not sound as bad as you'd like it to. Not only that but it makes a hole in your assertion that it's "a big problem for 3rd parties." It can't be that big of a problem if no one is making them, and dismissing established franchises defeats your own argument because if the Wii could not sell M rated games, you would not have to dismiss the ones that have sold in the first place.
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mjc2021 posted 29/03/2009, 07:33
@ MS10
"people say third party games don't sell on nintendo systems."

No, people say only PARTY games sell on the Wii.

A big problem 3rd party developers have with the Wii is M rated games don't sell particularly well. In the Top 100 selling Wii games there are only 4 M rated games I believe. And those M rated games come from already successful franchises.
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MS10 posted 29/03/2009, 12:02
people say third party games don't sell on nintendo systems.but ps3 has 29 million sellers! wii has 47 million sellers and 29 of them are 3rd party and most of them are core games! if u don't believe me look it up! and ds has like 70 million sellers with alot from 3rd partys. i think its funny wii's 3rd party million sellers are the same as ps3's total millions sellers! so the point is 3rd partys do good on nintendo systems as long as the games are good i think 140,000 in two major territory is good. alot of people don't even know gta is on ds and when they see it in person how good it looks and how great it plays it will move units! and gta does good in japan so a new version on a ds should be a hit i say atleast 2 million by the end of the year!
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mjc2021 posted 28/03/2009, 10:04
@ BengaBenga
You're assuming the sales will be steady. Its a flooded market now, I don't think that'll continue to happen.
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typicalgamer posted 28/03/2009, 09:53
GTA with touchscreen. Played way too many of them to actually make this one fun.
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NicholasCage posted 28/03/2009, 08:35
Too bad, Nintendo DS has the R4, which most people use to get games.
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sabby_e17 posted 28/03/2009, 02:05
I want this game so bad.
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BengaBenga posted 27/03/2009, 11:40
mjc: you're gonna eat some crow for sure. It must be clear by now that DS (and also Wii) games have a much different sales trajectory that's less frontloaded.

Will receive the game tomorrow. Can't wait.
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mandisc posted 27/03/2009, 09:46
AOK games

I had a similar thing happen. I have been freaking out about this game for ages now but my friend was not at all interested. I handed over to him and 2 minutes later he handed it back and said "take me to Tesco NOW" lol. Another happy gamer
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mangapicture posted 27/03/2009, 08:47
They didn't promote it at all. Only reason I bought this, is because I saw some reviews two days before it came. Before that, never heard of it...
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Sheershaw posted 27/03/2009, 08:13
AOK, Rockstar did a lot to promote this game. ANd besides, throwing advertising at a game doesn't make it successful.
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AOK Games posted 27/03/2009, 07:39
"As usual a M rated game on a Nintendo console is a waste of time."

Yes, because World at War Wii totally did not sell a million copies.

o wait

Rockstar did very little to promote this game, but with it becoming the highest rated DS game, word of mouth will give it tremendous legs. I already showed it to two of my friends, they played it for two minutes, and they said they'd buy it.
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PSwii60 posted 27/03/2009, 05:03
never cared for GTA much. though i've owned all their games on PS2, mainly for my ex at the time, but this game i have to admit is awesome.
stylus is a great addition
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mjc2021 posted 27/03/2009, 12:44
Liberty City Stories - Week 1 - 452,694

As usual a M rated game on a Nintendo console is a waste of time.

"Take-Two: We're The Right Company For M-Rated DS, Wii Games"
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Araknie87 posted 27/03/2009, 09:21
Tried it, it's a great game, better than the GTAIV without the expansions.

So much fun with the stilo.
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elzumo posted 27/03/2009, 07:29
I still need to pick this up...
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 27/03/2009, 06:07
nice launch, it will have huge legs
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EssosDeeos posted 27/03/2009, 01:45
with the pro post - the game is superb.
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coolestguyever posted 27/03/2009, 01:31
pretty lousy first week sales considering 100 million userbase for one of the most popular franchises there is.
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supermario128 posted 27/03/2009, 12:05
Got it today, pretty good so far!
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coonana posted 26/03/2009, 11:52

Look at the day it came out. The 17 and it usually takes 1 day later for retailers to put it on shelves. Thats 3 days...
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 1   2   3   4 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (333)

1 n/a 54,965 39,488 16,128 110,581
2 n/a 30,252 32,959 10,704 73,915
3 n/a 23,954 30,668 9,219 63,841
4 n/a 30,757 20,829 8,819 60,405
5 n/a 21,251 21,439 7,240 49,930
6 n/a 16,498 13,581 5,122 35,201
7 n/a 13,899 13,541 4,657 32,097
8 n/a 11,863 10,709 3,836 26,408
9 n/a 10,302 8,812 3,253 22,367
10 n/a 10,008 8,312 3,119 21,439
drake_tolu posted 17/05/2014, 02:35
Not bad 1,300,000 for one GTA for DS... i think if GTA coming in Home Console Nintendo will sold much. :(
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Venox2008 posted 23/11/2011, 05:16
great game, believe me or not, but I enjoyed this one more than GTA IV, which was boring to me..
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Fededx posted 27/02/2011, 02:20
It's a great game, sales deserved!
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 27/02/2011, 09:07
game was awesome, and for it's graphics limitation and big diffrence with best selling GTA games, it did good
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TheConduit posted 11/02/2011, 12:12
WOW over one million for the DS not bad
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IxisNaugus posted 22/05/2010, 09:15
Ya now these price drops people keep bringing up. Well I still see this game at full price at my local GAME and Gamesation. Yea...
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