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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names

Monster Hunter 3 tri-

モンスターハンター3 (トライ)


Capcom Production Studio 1



Release Dates

04/20/10 Capcom
08/01/09 Capcom
04/23/10 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 439
Favorite: 71
Tracked: 11
Wishlist: 24
Now Playing: 64

Avg Community Rating:


Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) > Opinions (626)

 1  3  4  5  6  7 
YesWiiCan posted 17/10/2009, 11:54
5 million LTD
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TheConduit posted 16/10/2009, 06:59
Capcom also couldn't limit their fastest growing franchise to handhelds and considering the best selling PS3 game in Japan is MGS4 at 0.7million they made the right choice with the Wii.
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TheConduit posted 16/10/2009, 06:57
This game suffered from the stigma attached to console versions of Monster Hunter games as well as the increased competition it has on the Wii compared to the lack of competition for Monster Hunter games on the PSP.

Will probable be the best selling Monster Hunter game outside of Japan
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Tuulikk posted 14/10/2009, 08:56
If Monster Hunter Tri sells 1m in Japan, then I would be happy if it sells 600k in the rest of the world. 1.6m is a good number more core games should reach.

This is a game I might pick up.
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DOLBYdigital posted 12/10/2009, 07:00
Surprised its not at a million yet but it will get there which is great for JPN only. Can't wait for the US release, hopefully its early 2010 like March. Also like to hear they are ADDING things for the US release, with free online should really give this franchise a good reboot in US.
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SnowFlow posted 09/10/2009, 07:50
Hope this game does better in the west, these sales are good but not as good as I would of thought.
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coonana posted 09/10/2009, 08:49
If Capcom markets their game right. They could make even more in the US and Other. Much bigger markets that could be introduced more to this series through Tri.
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Madanial posted 03/10/2009, 05:17
They'll be happy, definitely

1000 yen / 1000 WiiPt.

Assume that each hunter paid only 1 month online fee.(800 WiiPt.)

That's about 720 million yen.
(Inoptimistically ,actual income should be around 500-600 million yen.)

A lot of money they got from MH3. :3

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Tuulikk posted 02/10/2009, 09:31
Maybe Capcom would be happy with the sales if Monster Hunter Tri sold as much as or more then Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition.
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Madanial posted 02/10/2009, 05:37
i guess sales on week 9th lower because of ppl waiting for Wii price cut.

I think we may see 2-3k boots next week.
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IxisNaugus posted 01/10/2009, 04:31
1 mill is a given. We have another success on our hands people. I am however quite anxious to see how it performs in the west.
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TheConduit posted 26/09/2009, 07:15
There are missing numbers from some controler bundles.

Will pass 1million before the end of the year
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TheConduit posted 22/09/2009, 02:25
This game better pass 1 million in Japan or future Monster Hunter games for the Wii are not likely.

Still I think the Wii was a better choice for the console than the PS3. To date the game has sold 890,000 copies while the best selling PS3 game MGS4 in Japan sold 680,000
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Tuulikk posted 17/09/2009, 09:50
When will this game stop slowing down in sales and find a level it can rest on for a while? Reports of 900k will come soon in 1-3 weeks I think, but the last 100k to a million might take a long time.
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Madanial posted 10/09/2009, 03:14
This game absolutly turning me off from other games, i only play MH3 now.

I'm at HR48 now, soon will face Albatorion. :D
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 09/09/2009, 03:57
wow i hope capcom is proud of this selling, see developers they know how to advertise, you can learn alittle from them
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Intendo21 posted 05/09/2009, 03:08
I heard this was advertised really well in Japan.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 05/09/2009, 08:39
it's selling great!
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TheConduit posted 29/08/2009, 10:40
The first Monster Hunter on the PSP sold just over 130k in its first week and went on to sell 1.4million overall

Looking at the chartz you can always see a monster Hunter game for the PSP hovering around the 20k mark

I believe that MH3 will continue that trend of selling well over a period of time not forgetting that this game recieved a perfect score from famitsu.

Other and Americas also cannot be forgotten considering that Unlike Japan where the PSP outnumbers the Wii 3-2
Outside of Japan the Wii outnumbers the PSP 7-6
Based on the sales of past games 27% of Monster Hunter sales for the PSP occur outside of Japan
Takes Into account the difference in PSP to Wii ratio
(7/6 divided by 2/3) times 27%
and that percentage rises to 47%
So if this game sells 1.06million in Japan it should be able to reach 2million easily
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gustave154 posted 29/08/2009, 10:09
theconduit you are just being too optimistic well its just the first month hope the sales increase/maintain.
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Nightwish224 posted 29/08/2009, 08:00
MH is probably really fun with the Wiimote. I'd love it on my Xbox 360, but I'll take the Wii no questions asked.
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TheConduit posted 29/08/2009, 04:38
I meant MGS4 sales for Japan by the way
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TheConduit posted 29/08/2009, 04:37
This game will take time to build up a fanbase after the poor monster hunter entries for the PS2

The first Monster Hunter game of the PSP sold at a much slower rate and while the Series has grown in popularity since then it has been on the handhelds.

Give it time and it will surpass 2 million at least

And dont forget that this was originally for the PS3 and so far its outsold the PS3's best selling game MGS4 at 0.68 million copies
compared to MH3 at 0.83 million so far.

To many monster Hunter on the protable's will saturate the market and result in lower sales overall

The Wii was the right decision
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a3hmax posted 28/08/2009, 04:49
Scottie, thats that I mean, to see the situation must see the whole global market, obviously the best hook of PSP version is the free online, put that on a home console and you will get a similar effect. Capcom wants to repeat that effect on the West.
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TheConduit posted 28/08/2009, 05:50
After this release it will build a fanbase on the console resulting in better sales for Monster Hunter 4
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Arius Dion posted 28/08/2009, 04:46
Soriku, I'm thinking by the end of September it will be at platinum status..or at least within arms lenght of it. That's 4 wks from now. We'll see what happens;)
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scottie posted 28/08/2009, 04:37
Pardon a3hmax? I must've misread that. The sales up on the site are the Japanese sales, which we are comparing to the Japanese sales of PSP MH games. It is not relevant that when it releases in the West the online will be free
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Arius Dion posted 28/08/2009, 01:22
So I'd say a million by the end of September..Best selling flop I've ever seen ;)
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c03n3nj0 posted 27/08/2009, 11:14
Soo... 20k ish week 5...

1 million!
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kopstudent89 posted 27/08/2009, 11:05
45k 4th week... awesome :D
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Fleeman posted 27/08/2009, 08:20
i don't think it will be free forever made for the first year or maybe only 6 months
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a3hmax posted 27/08/2009, 06:26

MH3 will have free online for Usa and Europe, Because Capcom wants to make bigger the public for this game. You must review your info.
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uno posted 27/08/2009, 05:00

and that is only for Japan which is a miracle in and of itself!
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scottie posted 27/08/2009, 02:23
Haha! The game sold better on the PSP because it is free to play online on the PSP, whereas it's not on the Wii
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milkyjoe posted 26/08/2009, 11:47
I don't know, this game is close to a million after 3 weeks of sale, and it should go past that mark next week, and still people try and call it a flop.

I really do despair at the stupidity of people sometimes.
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TheConduit posted 25/08/2009, 03:21
Still Monster Hunter Tri reviewed much better in Japan the Monster Hunter 2 for the PS2 did.

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AkibaFan posted 25/08/2009, 10:21

thats not comparable

MH became huge after the PSP games, so obviously it will sell much more than the PS2 version, as the franchise is huge now
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Arkk posted 24/08/2009, 03:36
I've just noticed something. MH3 Tri has already sold a butt load more on Wii than Monster Hunter 2 sold on PS2. That's a pretty interesting fact in my mind. This is the most successful Monster Hunter on home consoles to date by a pretty wide margin, and the margin is just going to grow.
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TheConduit posted 24/08/2009, 01:12
The franchise has built up its reputation on the PSP so its no wonder that the recent entries for the franchise sold better on the PSP than the Wii

Give it time and MH3 will surely pull off some impressive numbers given its perfect score from famitsu

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PullusPardus posted 24/08/2009, 07:43
uh.. i thought this would sell more honestly.
guess people love it on Portables.
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Madanial posted 24/08/2009, 02:28
Around March-May 2010 i beleive.

HR34 now and trying to make G rank armor.

Iburujo is scary when i met him first time in 4* online quest.I have been killed in one hit. XD
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Hero_Of_Time posted 24/08/2009, 12:54
When is Capcom going to announce a North America release date?
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Chrizum posted 23/08/2009, 01:54
It's selling well, but I think Capcom expected more with their 1st week 1 million+ shipment.
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Bruno Muñoz posted 23/08/2009, 02:35
Best selling bomba ever.
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routsounmanman posted 22/08/2009, 07:51
word of mouth should keep some steady legs for this one, especially to the reluctant PSP owners.
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Madanial posted 22/08/2009, 04:06
yesterday i found that in prime time there're around 1800+ ppl in each server(each server able to hold 2000 ppl)

even 20 days free online have pass, ppl keep increasing.Great news, great news indeed.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 21/08/2009, 10:14
great sales!
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oliist posted 21/08/2009, 08:08
It's just a bug that won't live long...
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Gearbox posted 21/08/2009, 06:43
i dont think the total has been updated thats all
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BoneArk posted 21/08/2009, 03:56
It should be at 782k instead of 700k, 561k+137+84= 782k.
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Nightwish224 posted 20/08/2009, 06:53
I can't wait for this game :)
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Madanial posted 20/08/2009, 06:12
In online mode they also have special arena battle for hunters to fight agains pack of bosses.

Like Dos Jagii x4,Roaldoros x2 or Diablos+Uragankin etc.

And every weekend you will have a special event to fight against a small moutain size dragon. XD

I'm at HR30 now and hope to finish 3* urgent quest soon.
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 19/08/2009, 09:02
capcom showed publishers how to advertise a fuckng game, im just hoping US and Europe will get the same advertising.
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kopstudent89 posted 18/08/2009, 08:48
lets wait for the legs to appear then we'll see the impact. Lets not forget ti series is established on handhelds so it needs time and legs to establish itself on consoles. lets wait before we judge
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Madanial posted 18/08/2009, 04:47
For someone that thought MH3 got lesser monsters than other in the series, you gotta see this.

And learn than Capcom keep add monster in to the game every year.(This also happen with weapon type.)

So i beleived that this thing will happen to MH3 too, just wait and see.
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Buzzi posted 17/08/2009, 02:55
Maybe my expectations were and are too high, but with the huge marketing done for the game and his name, one of the biggest in Japan (even without the psp games) I tought it would have done better, especially with all the bundles...if it ends up with legs similar to DQIX it will do very good, we will see...
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Buzzi posted 17/08/2009, 07:45
77 k from the preview in my opinion is terrible: isn't obon week? The one of WSR + 40k and tomodachi +20 k from the previous week? Weren't there price cut for the game alone? And just 70-80k?
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Madanial posted 16/08/2009, 08:01
I think about 60k-90k minimum, since CC pro bundle shipped i want to see it sell more than 100k too.But since they discount MH3, i'm not sure how many ppl can wait till it comeout.
Maybe they bought MH3 and CC pro seperately already.
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Buzzi posted 15/08/2009, 07:08
Do you guys think this will sell more than 100k next week? I hope so, maybe if they can ship more bundles, which is what people wants...
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oliist posted 14/08/2009, 10:01
He was talking about the current home console generation in Japan.
And was of course referring to MGS4 & not MGS3.
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killeryoshis posted 14/08/2009, 09:38
@speedform for wii!
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Spedfrom posted 14/08/2009, 08:49
@griffinA Are you on crack? Various Final Fantasy games say hi, just as one example.
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griffinA posted 14/08/2009, 03:28
Monster Hunter 3 has now outsold Metal Gear Solid 3 to now become the highest selling third-party console hame in japan
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Madanial posted 14/08/2009, 10:55
The link itself show that a lot of ppl understand difference between MH console version and handheld version.

majority of ppl think this game sold out of 1m shipment?

Those ppl must be inexperience about how games sales, but those thing won't happen to most of the members in VGChartz i beleive.
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Madanial posted 14/08/2009, 08:21
@bb i don't know what's your point by trying to compare MH console version with handheld version.
I saw your post deleted before ,and you come back and post same thing again.

What do you want?
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Madanial posted 14/08/2009, 06:41
HR22 now, damn Diablos's much danger than ever.(also larger too.)

Uragankin wheel's charge also very impressive.I'm really surprise when it able to attack me that way.(Try not to spoil.) :D
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sc94597 posted 12/08/2009, 10:00
Alright I did all 1* quests in single player and most online. Also did a few 2* quests. This game is pretty big, especially the online part. Definitely worth paying a subscription fee for imo.
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sc94597 posted 11/08/2009, 10:29
I just got the game in the mail a few minutes ago. Damn that was a very long 3 days. Getting started on the single player now. Will give my online code(it is a code right?) to anybody who wants it once I make my confirm that.
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Madanial posted 11/08/2009, 04:37
HR17, I'm going to finish 2* urgent quest online tonight. XD
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outlawauron posted 11/08/2009, 12:01
@ Monteblanco

Yes they do.
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sc94597 posted 10/08/2009, 11:41
I just bought the game. :( I just hope there aren't to many online exclusive quests or I will be getting myself a Japanese shop channel and subscribing(could you subscribe from another country?)
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Monteblanco posted 10/08/2009, 10:11
Does the numbers above include the bundle?
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routsounmanman posted 10/08/2009, 08:56
Please tell me you mean HR7 and not 17 @_@
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Madanial posted 10/08/2009, 05:21
I could say MH3 is easier than MH2G, which good for newcomer who never experience this series before.But it also challenge and fresh for old veteran too.

I'm at HR17 now, this game so awesome!! XD
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shakarak posted 10/08/2009, 01:14
Really excited fort his to come to the west.
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SnowFlow posted 09/08/2009, 05:41
Can't wait till this game goes west it will be sweet! Hope it's sales are strong outside of Japan also
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Arius Dion posted 09/08/2009, 12:38
The next Wii million seller.
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sc94597 posted 08/08/2009, 06:27
@TheConduit And the bundle allows them to get a console if they don't have one easily.
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TheConduit posted 08/08/2009, 03:57
Given the perfect score this recieved from famitsu and the popularity of the franchise even if the fanbase is on the PSP there probable gonna get a Wii for this
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Intendo21 posted 08/08/2009, 02:18
Just looking at that Sea Monster is making me want to play.
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sc94597 posted 08/08/2009, 01:02
Great sales, and might import this. The only thing that is holding me back is not being able to play online til U.S release and that is too much money imo to buy two releases of the same game.
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intro94 posted 07/08/2009, 10:19
some posts swore *RIGHT HERE In this post@ that this game could never reach a million ,and the playerbase is on psp and a lot of crap.Well eat this.Sorry to be a bit anal and toldyousoish but comon.
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Salnax posted 07/08/2009, 08:36
Holy shit. This game has almost sold as many copies in Japan as Twilight Princess.
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Salnax posted 07/08/2009, 08:32
About time a hardcore game not made by Nintendo sold well on the Wii.
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uno posted 07/08/2009, 04:35
Me gonna buy when it comes to U.S.

I think people are reading a bit into this. There are some games that carry tremendous amount of weight with them. In Japan this is one of them. It doesnt mean that tons of other games will start selling like this on Wii.
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sep85dd posted 07/08/2009, 03:26
The Black wii never comes in PAL, thats sad.
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Tuulikk posted 07/08/2009, 08:11
I hope Japan can deliver 1.5m to 4m sold of this game and the rest of the world 500k to 1m together. Then we would have one of the best selling core games on Wii.

And on another note, is this what all core gamers have waited for in Japan? Will they buy Final Fantasy: CC or was Monster Hunter Tri it for them? Any other games they might like coming out on Wii?
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jeffrey9999 posted 07/08/2009, 05:48
unbelievable, maybe now we'll get more 10/10 games like this on wii, hell this is definitely at least one of the biggest openings for a wii game ever and I hope vgchartz didn't make up these numbers or anything cause when I seen the actual sales of the conduit I was so pisst about it.........
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 07/08/2009, 03:57
This game looks cool.
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Fleeman posted 07/08/2009, 03:56
that perfect score in famitsu should keep the sales up for next week
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vonboysp posted 06/08/2009, 08:31
i'm nabbing this when it comes to the states.
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Intendo21 posted 06/08/2009, 06:58
Wow and this is in Japan.
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TheConduit posted 06/08/2009, 04:36
Most visually impressive Wii game ive ever seen

This is what the Wii can do
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 06/08/2009, 12:10
Sweet opening. Hope this continues to do well!
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killeryoshis posted 06/08/2009, 03:13
The monsters look awsome
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TheConduit posted 05/08/2009, 05:34
Opening of 582k in Japan according to famitsu

Not as good as Monster hunter 2 and freedom unite for the PSP but

Its relatively new to the console

PSP has 1.5 times the install base in Japan

The previous entries have not been well recieved on home consoles

My guess is that it will have good legs and best the best selling monster hunter game outside of Japan
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oliist posted 05/08/2009, 11:19
Perfect Famitsu score
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Hardcoregamer1989 posted 02/08/2009, 10:29
i doubt it will be the best selling 3rd party, i say it will sell 2 million alone in 1 month, since its huge over there in japan...
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SJGohan3972 posted 31/07/2009, 11:13
@KichiVerde, I doubt this will ever eclipse M&S at the Olympic Games (the best selling 3rd Party Game on the Wii btw) which is over 7mln WW. It has a snowball's chance in hell at doing more than GHII (currently at 4.26mln) if it takes off in not only Japan but also NA and Others (which I hope it does).
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KingHenry posted 31/07/2009, 08:00
This game will not be the wii's largest 3rd party game. Do you even know how many units the best selling third party game on the wii has sold? Maybe you should take a look, and see if you still feel the same about it.

Best selling capcom game on the wii is a more realistic prediction.
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KichiVerde posted 31/07/2009, 02:45
this game will likely be the Wii's largest 3rd party to date
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DOLBYdigital posted 30/07/2009, 02:54
Wow it must suck to have to read your own failed predictions ;)

This game will do great because it is a quality game. Strong advertising and a strong franchise history help as well. Already a million down in Jpn!
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TheConduit posted 28/07/2009, 02:13
Thisn game probable wont beat Freedom unite in Japan but I believe it has the best chance of making monster hunter big in America and others.
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JTurner82 posted 27/07/2009, 10:56
Either way, though, this title WILL be a hit and bring some much-needed life into the Wii's slagging sales.
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KingHenry posted 27/07/2009, 07:14
This game should sell more than a million worldwide. I'm willing to say that this game will sell a million or more in japan alone. If online play is free in america/others then i'm willing to say this game will sell close to 2 million life time
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Chrizum posted 27/07/2009, 03:42
It will sell well, but I'm not sure it will break a million in Japan, or even worldwide.
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TheConduit posted 18/07/2009, 04:11
Still I think the point needs to be made

And if they were to release Monster Hunter 3 for the PS3 for it to match monster hunter freedom unite sales in Japan it would have to sell one copy per console

I know America and Others do buy Monster Hunter but like dragon quest its all about Japan
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JTurner82 posted 05/07/2009, 04:05

I was being completely sarcastic. Of course I DO think that it's going to sell in Japan. Don't get me wrong.
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TheConduit posted 05/07/2009, 09:58
OK JTurner82 I will admit that when it comes to third party games the Wii falls short of PS3 and Xbox360 for most releases.

But comparing the Wii's third party sales to that of the PSP and tell me you dont think Monster Hunter will sell.

Monster Hunter (along with Dragon quest 10) will drive sales for the Wii right up.
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Skorpion posted 17/06/2009, 07:13
I can't decide if I'm anticipating this or Mario Galaxy 2 more.
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JTurner82 posted 16/06/2009, 05:16
Not to sound pessimistic or anything, but I think this title is going to bomb. Terribly. Core games can't sell, and MH will never, ever, ever, ever find an audience on Wii. No matter what Nintendo or Capcom does, it is going to bomb. BOMB.

Actually, I don't really think that, but I AM getting annoyed at people calling games "bombs" just because they didn't sell as much. They're not "failures", by any means, just modest. I think this game will turn the tide for core gamers on Wii.
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SJGohan3972 posted 05/06/2009, 06:36
got a feeling the Wii bundle will push this to atleast 2 (maybe even 3+) million in Japan, I want that bundle in NA!!!
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bratislav posted 07/05/2009, 10:28
its just for me or this page layout is crashed?
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naruto3336 posted 30/04/2009, 03:41
I really can not predict accurately the sales of this game. Could be 1 million or could be 4 million and it could be 4 million worldwide or 4 million just in japan. I just can not predict properly.
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kopstudent89 posted 26/04/2009, 11:24
research a bit... before the monster hunter explosion, this did .63 on the PS2... i wouldnt be surprised if it does easily 1.5 million in japan alone

And judging from moster hunter G first week sales, we're getting a huge seller in japan!
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naruto3336 posted 26/04/2009, 01:59
3 million worldwide.
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YesWiiCan posted 22/04/2009, 04:46
Japan: 2 million
NA : 1 million
Other : 1 million
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mmpop posted 13/04/2009, 01:10
This game is going to be a big seller in Japan. Proboly 2-3 million copies life time in Japan, In EU and USA, hmm maybe 200k lifetime?
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haxxiy posted 31/03/2009, 05:52
500k lifetime.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 11/01/2009, 01:47
just saw the trailer....the game will rule!

my most anticipated game
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NeoGohan posted 01/01/2009, 02:06
LOL @ the owners of this game
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cacafina posted 23/12/2008, 03:43
i uploaded new screen shots hope you like them
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cacafina posted 20/12/2008, 10:55
u bet 3 million in japan only 4 million worldwide
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Slavedemonxi posted 13/11/2008, 11:49
>< I want this game lol.
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kopstudent89 posted 16/10/2008, 04:22
could it be the first monster hunter to break 1 million on a console in Japan? Well its THE GAME to own if u have a wii there. Wil be interesting to see
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Luthor posted 10/10/2008, 05:22
already two game's owners? lol
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 1   3   4   5   6   7 

Shipping Total

1,900,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2018

Opinion (626)

killeryoshis posted 26/01/2018, 01:21
300+ hours in this game. So much wasted time be honest I would do it again
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ExplodingBlock posted 07/09/2014, 10:15
3DS version outsold this
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curl-6 posted 22/05/2013, 07:21
Proof that hardcore games could and did sell well on Wii if they were well made and advertised.
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IamAwsome posted 19/01/2013, 10:32
The servers go down in April. This game had a good run, but it's time for the Wii U game.
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SSJGohan3972 posted 08/01/2013, 12:08
It very well could, I plan to pick it up and already had it on the Wii. Coming out early on the Wii U with little competition should help it, plus the 3DS cross play which I think a lot of people will find intriguing.
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SlayerRondo posted 21/09/2012, 01:48
Hoping Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the WiiU can pull off some impressive numbers as well.

PS: I know it's still 3 but also in HD and with tons of New monsters not seen on the Wii version or outside Japan.
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