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VGChartz Score



Alternative Names



Next Level Games



Other Versions


Release Dates

05/18/09 Nintendo
07/23/09 Nintendo
05/22/09 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 354
Favorite: 16
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 5
Now Playing: 19

Avg Community Rating:


Punch-Out!! (Wii) > Opinions (299)

 1  2  3 
nordlead posted 05/06/2009, 05:18

the "other versions" is solely due to just matching the naming. The NES/VC game was improperly put in the database as Punch-Out!! instead of Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream.
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uno posted 05/06/2009, 04:51
Thanks for the tip Nord.

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TruckOSaurus posted 05/06/2009, 03:13
Other versions NES and VC!?! This is game is very different from the original Punch-Out!!. I don't consider it a remake at all.
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TopCat8 posted 05/06/2009, 10:06
I can't beat Mr. Sandman! I made it all the way to him and now I'm stuck :(
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nordlead posted 04/06/2009, 09:22
bald bulls 1-punch knock down is one of the easiest in the game once you know it (this of course is contender mode as I haven't gotten to him in Title defense and I don't know if they changed it)

You want to land your punch right as his arm is swinging toward you. It is so natural for me that I'm not 100% sure when you hit the button but I think it is right when he stops moving forward. If you want to star punch his bull rush, just hit A right after the last puff of steam from his nose. (note, there are multiple puffs)
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uno posted 04/06/2009, 08:56
at what time and what kind of punch do I use to knock Bald bull down when he is charging. I have played it in practice mode but to no avail.
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Aiemond posted 04/06/2009, 07:24
Err, not KO, I mean knockdown.
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Aiemond posted 04/06/2009, 07:24
Work on practice mode timing a counter attack on his bull rush. If you can counter it I believe it is an insta KO
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 04/06/2009, 04:35
it is hard, and i'm stuck!

i think it's a fighter from Turkey or something, anyone has a cool hint?
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nordlead posted 04/06/2009, 02:24
Yes, this game is hard. Some things are easier than the NES version, but once you get into Title Defense it really cranks up the difficulty.
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jefforange89 posted 04/06/2009, 06:16
It starts off fairly easy, killeryoshis, but the difficulty ramps up a lot as it progresses.
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Soma posted 03/06/2009, 11:09
@ nordlead

Yeah, I was getting worried. It was supposed to arrive last Wednesday (and the status in Amazon was "Delivered") However it wasn't there :S
It's all fine now :)

@ killeryoshis

I only played the Minor Circuit. King Hippo is easier than in the Nes version.
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killeryoshis posted 03/06/2009, 10:03
Is this game hard?
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nordlead posted 03/06/2009, 02:25

you got stiffed worse than I did. My pre-order got delayed too.
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Soma posted 03/06/2009, 01:31
Finally my pre-order arrived from Amazon! :p
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 02/06/2009, 04:42
just picked it up
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nordlead posted 01/06/2009, 11:46

All games in others launch with the same number of days for the first week. Very few don't launch on Friday.

Hence why I can say these are poor week 1 sales in PAL. If I was complaining about them compared to NA then my argument wouldn't be making much sense due to various time frames.

For a interesting comparison, Madworld sold 20k in PAL in the same timeframe. I'm sure this will go on to sell a LOT more in PAL, but hey if people were disappointed with that, they should definitely be disappointing with this.

But hey, at least America recognizes a good game when it is released
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Zlejedi posted 01/06/2009, 08:25
Nordlead how many games do actually get more days of sales for first week ?
I'd say not many so it's totaly comparable to other titles.
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Valkyria00 posted 01/06/2009, 08:10
This game is good....this game is sooo good.
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megaman79 posted 01/06/2009, 05:40
Its strange for others but like i said Nordlead, its not out in all others countries yet.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 01/06/2009, 03:37
Alright, I see we got off on a bit of the wrong foot. I agree with the gist of what you're saying, but I'm saying you shouldn't be too disappointed when this is just a day.
And I could have swore you used the word horrible lol. My bad.
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nordlead posted 01/06/2009, 01:17
I never claimed they were horrible sales, I said they were poor. Anyways, it is 2 days of sales, and in Japan it is only 3 days of sales for week 1.

Anyways, I'm disappointing by opening week sales in Others. In America that is a great opening, but I was hoping for 50k minimum in PAL. I'm sure it will do good in the long run.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 01/06/2009, 12:30
@nordlead, welling saying it had a poor first week is subjective. Secondly, 1st day is also a poor indicator of what's supposed to be every seven days, thus why I call it week zero.
And selling over 100K first week isn't "horrible" sales. COD5 (Wii) sold only 60K first week and went on to break a million, plus this game hasn't even been released in Japan. Again, I fail to see how these are apparently "horrible" sales.
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nordlead posted 31/05/2009, 12:04

so should all PAL games be tracked as week zero? They all get released on Friday. This is nothing new. Mario Kart Wii Launched on Friday to over 570k sales but no one complains that should have been week 0.

Every tracking firm separates weeks on the weekend so there is nothing to take into consideration. This game had poor week 1 sales, week 2 sales will probably increase per usual in PAL territories, but don't expect 100k in week 2, maybe 30k tops since it launched in Australia late.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 31/05/2009, 12:39
@ nordlead, but it was released in the "Others" a day before sales were tracked, meaning it technically isn't a full week thus week zero ;).
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megaman79 posted 30/05/2009, 07:03
it didn't release in PAL Australia, NZ, etc.
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nordlead posted 30/05/2009, 05:40
If you are stuck on some of the tougher challenges I have started to add FAQs to the game page
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nordlead posted 29/05/2009, 11:28

should have taken what into consideration? There is nothing wrong with the data at all.
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Naum posted 29/05/2009, 10:38
I feel soryy for those who doesn't buy this game.
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coonana posted 29/05/2009, 09:49
VG Chartz SHOULD have taken that into account when posting their sales.
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nordlead posted 29/05/2009, 07:57

Almost all PAL games launch on Friday and the sales end on Saturday, so there is no excuse for it to under-perform compared to other "first week" sales.

Sales may typically go up during the second week of PAL but I was still hoping for a lot more. I'm sure it will do good in the long run.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 29/05/2009, 07:38
Good debut. And to those who will/have criticizing the PAL sales, this is more week 0 then 1 for them because it was released the 22nd and these figures are 23rd.
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TheConduit posted 29/05/2009, 02:56
Better second week for Others
Probable >20 000
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Killergran posted 29/05/2009, 11:37
DigitalEdge, The 'only 2 days of sales' excuse is invalid. Almost all games get a 2 day first week or less.
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digitaledge81 posted 29/05/2009, 11:25
IN Europe, the game was released on 22nd May. The figures were taken from w/ending 23rd May, so it's only really one days sales in Others. I'm sure that next week it will be a bit higher.
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waron posted 29/05/2009, 11:06
this should be a million seller pretty soon same goes to EA Sports Active
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marcianito posted 29/05/2009, 04:23
very good debut, hope it has great legs
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uno posted 29/05/2009, 03:47
Not bad. Things can only get better. Great game by the way. Really fun.
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ash3336 posted 29/05/2009, 01:00
This is a very good launch on the Wii. Probably the best this year for a Wii title. I wanted MadWorld to take that title atleast until The Conduit comes out. Oh well, though I wouldnt say Punch-Out!! is the game I was tracking because fighting games are not the games that interest me. CONGRATS to people that do though!
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ash3336 posted 28/05/2009, 10:24
Nintendo must be happy...
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outlawauron posted 28/05/2009, 09:52
Whew, those Others sales.....
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ElectronicRocker posted 28/05/2009, 09:47
lol he said under 40k in others
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Pikaboo posted 28/05/2009, 08:46
Seeing the sales of this game makes me laugh about the thread where "It won't sell more than 40,000 copies opening week". Ha...
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megaman79 posted 28/05/2009, 05:26
@Strategyking92, keep it coming. Wii can take it. Its like SF4 is a remake of SF2, arguably its the same game, but its not.
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jefforange89 posted 28/05/2009, 03:44
The same way the yearly crap-outs of Call of Duty, Madden, Guitar Hero, and so on do - it's what people want, so it sells, regardless of what some may think about the games.

Though, this game isn't any more of a Wiimake than, say, World at War is a... HDmake of Modern Warfare 1, tbqh. I really don't know where the whole "this game is a NES remake!" thing started, but it really just isn't true.
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volrath50 posted 28/05/2009, 03:10
Great game, so much fun.
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Aiemond posted 28/05/2009, 07:18
Awesome sales for a great game. Every wii owner needs to pick it up, its that good.
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Strategyking92 posted 28/05/2009, 07:15
how the hell do these wii-makes always sell 1 million+?
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intro94 posted 28/05/2009, 07:02
woot you got it baby, selling like a big boy
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Raido posted 28/05/2009, 04:08
Pretty good sales. And the EU sales are just from 2 days!
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Bobbuffalo posted 28/05/2009, 01:51
100k for one week is pretty good. Why people keep saying is a flop?
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Kenology posted 28/05/2009, 01:22
Nice US opening! This game should have legs and sell well over a long period. Million seller, fo'sho.
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SmokedHostage posted 27/05/2009, 11:42
Punch-Out first week in NA make me wanna go... HOLY SHIT!
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level8-8 posted 27/05/2009, 07:08
Others numbers estimates one day of sales. Much like Pokemon Platinum numbers, will be bigger next week.
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mfogg20 posted 27/05/2009, 06:53
poor others sales... but the american numbers is all that really matters. Should be pretty huge here
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Bong Lover posted 27/05/2009, 05:36
A pure joy to play this game, beautiful and the same fun as always.
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nordlead posted 27/05/2009, 04:01
You have failed me Others. You claim you want good games but you fail to buy the best game EVER for Wii
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 27/05/2009, 12:46
Wow, the first week in Others was really terrible ... Let's hope it picks up.
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nordlead posted 26/05/2009, 02:44
Just got this yesterday and lives up to all my expectations. Once I beat this game I'll start working on some FAQs and stuff
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KichiGuy posted 24/05/2009, 08:53
I love how there's new stuff to see in the title defense mode after you beat the game. Great job on the game, Nintendo.
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Mendoza24 posted 24/05/2009, 04:17
In Europe is going to film pirates of the carribean 4. There are a lot of pirates...
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Naum posted 24/05/2009, 02:24
Damn this game is good, doing the easy mode right now aka NES control style.

The celshaded graphics is pure pleasure to watch, it is atleast on my 117" screen
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famousringo posted 24/05/2009, 09:46
Title Defense Bear Hugger > Mike Tyson.

Not in terms of difficulty, just in terms of pure awesomeness.
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Vas-y posted 24/05/2009, 12:29
I'm really interested in the first week sales of Others. I think they will be very low.
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brawl4life posted 22/05/2009, 10:26
simple fun and addicting ...too bad no wifi :/ . love it
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d21lewis posted 22/05/2009, 07:33

The game has plenty of content, buy imagine if more of these guys made the cut!
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SmokedHostage posted 22/05/2009, 05:34
Best Wii game this year.
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Madanial posted 22/05/2009, 02:13
I just play it for 3 hours with Balance Board ,and carefully check how its work.

I confirm that there's no problem in BB control ,you just gotta learn to shift your weight correctly to make it work.(Learning curve here but not too hard.)

Enemies will stop and glow red for a second before landing their strikes.Just not too scurry and there'll be no problem at all. :D
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volrath50 posted 21/05/2009, 10:54
Me love Wii PunchOut!!

Sort of wish they waited for the Wii MotionPlus, but still a great game.
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PorkChopTD posted 21/05/2009, 05:07

What are you talking about? I've been playing it for 6 1/2 hours now and haven't done 25% of what the game has to offer, and I'm at Great Tiger in Title Defense Mode. I don't know what you expect? Anymore fighters and the game would be too difficult I think.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 21/05/2009, 03:58
Wow really great game :D.
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Kenology posted 20/05/2009, 06:44
Awesome game!
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uno posted 20/05/2009, 03:16
So far so good. Pretty fun stuff. Really exciting.
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d21lewis posted 20/05/2009, 02:39
Got it. So far, it feels like an 8/10-8.5/10. Lots of fun, but lacking in characters. Super Punch-Out!! has a ton of guys that should be in this game, too!
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SJGohan3972 posted 19/05/2009, 09:47
Woot! Just picked up, hope its awesome (I suspect it will be)
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Naum posted 19/05/2009, 09:10
Woho just checked my online store, they shipped it today wich means I'll have it tomorrow!!!
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Naum posted 19/05/2009, 09:09
I'll will be one happy gamer on friday
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SHMUPGurus posted 19/05/2009, 09:05
Just bought the game. I'm feeling nostalgic right now! =P
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 18/05/2009, 10:44
Friday can't come soon enough... It really, really can't.
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nordlead posted 18/05/2009, 02:04
my pre-order from Amazon got delayed
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CONMAN15 posted 17/05/2009, 07:05
Pumped! I'll add this to my collection because I've got my copy reserved, and I'll be getting it very soon!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 17/05/2009, 10:52
Oh, damn it all. Can't wait for my birthday, I'm picking this game up Friday the 22nd! Patience be damned!!!
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kristianjae posted 17/05/2009, 01:08
pre-ordered today!!
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stimpi13 posted 16/05/2009, 05:19
i´ll go get my copy on monday
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RCTjunkie posted 16/05/2009, 04:32
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 10/05/2009, 02:52
I'm so hyped for this game that you wouldn't believe!! Can't wait 'til the 26th ... (My birthday, will be getting it then instead of on release day)
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IxisNaugus posted 05/05/2009, 03:26
First day purchase :)
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nordlead posted 03/05/2009, 12:04
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nordlead posted 23/04/2009, 02:22
Just pre-ordered this from the link above.
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Bong Lover posted 23/04/2009, 04:35
sooo excited!
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Wetcoaster posted 16/04/2009, 02:49
Reserved my copy yesterday afternoon at Best Buy. =D
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Nick Laurence posted 15/04/2009, 08:52
No I mean 15 million. Anything less will be a travesty.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 15/04/2009, 02:34
Check out the thread for anything and everything Punch-Out!!
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oliist posted 19/03/2009, 12:57
Official PAL release date has been announced.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 17/03/2009, 11:29
15 million? wow. I hope you mean 1,5.

Personally, I'd be overjoyed if this game passed 3 million (that of the original NES Punch-Out), and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it did - Nintendo are doing very well with software.

Though, my prediction would be around 2 million lifetime. I'd be overjoyed if it passes it.
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Nick Laurence posted 28/02/2009, 08:47
Any sales predictions? I'm guessing 15. Million.
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nordlead posted 28/02/2009, 07:05
I think this may end up being a first week buy for me.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 04/01/2009, 04:06
I really wish we had a concrete release date for this ...
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__XBrawlX__ posted 02/10/2008, 09:01
Nintendo Really out did themselves!
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Shipping Total

1,140,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (299)

Stuart23 posted 13/07/2018, 12:49
Yeah...this was close to 1 million on NA alone, why they took the numbers out?
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 24/06/2018, 01:58
I remember this had very high NA sales, where did they go? :(
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killeryoshis posted 06/10/2011, 02:13
This game is the first game in a long time that gives me the feeling of addiction. No game has done that since mario bros wii
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mikrolik posted 19/09/2011, 05:42
It's gotten a little bump... wait until the holidays, it'll pick up.
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Fededx posted 09/09/2011, 01:04
Seems it didn't get a bump with the Nintendo Selects thing... :S Sad, it deserves better sales
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slipknotfan posted 26/06/2011, 06:36
Loved Mike Tysons Punch Out, gotta try this
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