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BioWare Edmonton



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Release Dates

01/26/10 Electronic Arts
01/13/11 Microsoft
01/29/10 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 1,220
Favorite: 117
Tracked: 22
Wishlist: 49
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Mass Effect 2 (X360) > Opinions (349)

 1  2  3  4 
yahoocom1984 posted 23/11/2010, 09:42
yog-sothot , this game will surely outsell first one, look the sales trend
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yog-sothot posted 22/11/2010, 09:58
I'm glad the game does not outsell the first one, I hope EA/Bioware gets the message that this game does not need to become an action game. Just make it more RPG ! Come on Bioware, you can do it !
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Morning_Star posted 20/11/2010, 11:51
Good to see that this game is about to pass the first one. IMO this is the best game from this generation of consoles. I liked how they were able to get rid of the annyoing inventory systerm and the awful Mako. It was an improvement in every way from the first game, which was amazing as well. I'm also glad to see it go to PS3, so more people get to play it.
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yahoocom1984 posted 14/11/2010, 11:29
Mass effect 2 will reach 3 million before Mass effect 3
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Salem posted 14/11/2010, 02:44
For better or worse, it looks like its gonna outsell the original
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yahoocom1984 posted 13/11/2010, 04:13
Mass Effect 2 beats crappy ASSASSIN CREED 2
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armchair_cynic posted 03/11/2010, 06:58
Huge letdown. Well polished game sure, and they improved the shooter combat, but nothing else. Terrible, almost non-existent story. Formulaic and content lacking characters (also too many). All in all a hugely overrated letdown. I hope for ME3 Bioware spends more time on their strengths as developers rather than improving shooter combat, because it ruined ME2 for me. Only play this game if you enjoy killing wave after wave of enemies from behind cover, trogging through linear shooting galleries. In summary, the game ditched far too much from its predecessor, perhaps to acquiesce to EAs wishes for a money making shooter. Bioware, please dont follow the same method for ME3. Make the story and characters paramount, not just afterthoughts, piggybacking off you attempts at mainstream shooter combat.
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A203D posted 30/10/2010, 05:30
god of war
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ishiki posted 29/10/2010, 02:27
I agree with Jim
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Jim6860 posted 29/10/2010, 01:58
As far as thebizkit claiming Mass Effect 2 probably having the greatest story ever, I have to totally disagree. There really isn't much of a story when going with the continuity from the first game. It is more focused on combat with squadmate acquisition and character building. Yes, it does carry somewhat of the story from the first game trying to lead up to an ending, but it is Mass Effect that truly has the best storyline and presentation when discovered during the gameplay. I do love Mass Effect 2 and it is an awesome game, but I score it hgiher for combat and characters than the story.
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yahoocom1984 posted 29/10/2010, 12:04
A Pround Mass effect 2 owner here
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thebizkit posted 28/10/2010, 06:18
I have been playing games since the late 80's, so I have been lucky to play greats from almost every console system out there. Mass Effect 2 is one of the greatest games I have ever played in my life, it probably has the greatest story ever. I'm shocked that such a great game did not sell better but blame it on a non holiday release. Either way who ever has not played this, pick it up!
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DitchPlaya posted 21/10/2010, 02:13
It was doing well recently but dropped off the charts, what gives?
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armchair_cynic posted 29/05/2010, 07:55
Personally Im glad to see this game limping towards the sales of its predecessor. Yeah, itll probably improve on ME1s sales, but now its an established IP, surely that was inevitable anyway?

I was massively disappointed with ME2s dumbed down shooter heavy direction. Id like to hope maybe theyll develop ME3 differently in light of this, but something tells me theyll just go even more shooter oriented.

Probably add multiplayer too...
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donsterydo2 posted 29/05/2010, 10:34
Just before ME3 it should end at around 2.6m mark.
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Kasersky posted 29/05/2010, 10:34
this is so fucking stupid, game should have sold better.
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A203D posted 23/05/2010, 12:34
I would say its dissappointing because even if it reachs the sales of the 1st game, its still behind the likes of 'Kung Fu Panda', the Force Unleashed' and 'Lego Batman'. these are hardly triple AAA games, where as ME 1 & 2 are; and those games arnt shooters either.
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chris100185 posted 22/05/2010, 06:52
So in 4 months it's sold 1.74 million which puts it under 500K behind the lifetime sales of the first game. How exactly is this a disappointment?
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nathantay posted 21/05/2010, 08:18
This game is simply amazing!! People need to quit being douche bags and pick this game up.
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hudsoniscool posted 20/05/2010, 07:50
if its not clear i was saying that its probably at 1.725 now on 360 and pc and will get to 2.5 combined. also in my oppinion its the best game of gen
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hudsoniscool posted 20/05/2010, 07:49
isnt that 1.6 million just through march. if it is its probably at 1.725 million by now wich isnt bad and will get up to atleast 2.5 million ww
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iWarMachine posted 19/05/2010, 03:51
i'm agreed with carl...what the hell...
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Carl posted 18/05/2010, 06:35
Not really.

I just think that having the 360 version alone greater than the game has actually sold on both PC and 360 is... Stupid.
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makingmusic476 posted 18/05/2010, 10:05
@carl: You really care way to much about this. =/
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Carl posted 17/05/2010, 11:30
Still not adjusted?

Surprising. Wonder when it's gonna happen, and to what level...
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rossoner posted 13/05/2010, 10:58
no,its 1.6 millions 4 360 and pc.
EA SHIPPED 2 millions not sold in first week.

U can check ea reports.
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Zlejedi posted 12/05/2010, 03:49
That 1.6m i think is x360 version only EA said they sold over 2M copies in first few days.
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rossoner posted 12/05/2010, 01:10
so judging by ea sales results this s overtracked.I cant believe me2 did so poorly,i mean 96 on meta nad 1.6 millions on 360 and pc(and pc did well acording to bioware).
stupid mw2,people dont appreciate great games
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yungmagic09 posted 04/05/2010, 08:11
Just bought it, can't wait to start it up.
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jpain333 posted 01/05/2010, 05:20
game is doing well, ME is at 2.2 million, which this game is already approaching, it will outsell it at the end of the year....wish it sold more, need to get my copy soon...
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shio posted 30/04/2010, 12:26
The PC version killed some of the sales of the 360 version
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drakesfortune posted 28/04/2010, 08:43
I really don't understand why it isn't selling better in Europe. It' s such a great game.
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BulletProof posted 27/04/2010, 08:27
IT has some legs. Just look at the charts, its usally between 30-45 in NA.
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blue7x7 posted 24/04/2010, 01:14
No wonder Publishers are scared of releasing games so early in the year and all usually wait to release their games near the holidays. I think that is what is stopping this game from selling is the time it was released. In January the month after Christmas where most people are broke. But lets see how well it sells this year maybe it will get a bump in the holidays if they release a GOTY edidtion.
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Mr Puggsly posted 24/04/2010, 12:35
@ C_Hollomon
Well the PC being an option both legally and illegally is hurting the sales of this game.

But I don't think 360 piracy a lone is making a big impact.
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NoPantsHoSlappa posted 23/04/2010, 10:06
it'll eventually reach 2 mill.
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C_Hollomon posted 23/04/2010, 07:33
Pirates is what messing up the games sales.
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Lyrikalstylez posted 23/04/2010, 12:57
Dont worry the game is gonna sell well come holidays and when it wins GOTY, u just wait & see
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Saruman posted 21/04/2010, 05:20
yes, we shouldn't forget that ME2 was released on 360/PC at the same time (ME1 was a 360 exclusive at the beginning).

btw another 20k+ week
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Catlana posted 20/04/2010, 08:16
The Mass Effect series is available on the PC as well. A lot of folks played that version.
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sanadawarrior posted 18/04/2010, 01:14
sales for this have started to rebound a little, I wonder if its because the rush of games is over and now people have time to pick up the ones they missed...
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Mr Puggsly posted 16/04/2010, 10:42
@ XxXProphecyXxX
What were people expecting? Its likely to hit 2 million this year and lifetime might get it to 3 million.

With PC sales on top of that, I would consider this very successful for a WRPG.
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De85 posted 16/04/2010, 08:20
@ PLayMySTatioN
If you think this game and Halo: Reach are similar at all then you've probably never played a Halo or a Mass Effect game. There will be no effect of one on the other.
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Saruman posted 16/04/2010, 01:10
24.000+ units were sold last week, hopefully a first sign of legs.
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BulletProof posted 14/04/2010, 02:59
By the end of the year either 2m, or close to 2m.
I think ME2 will sell around 2.6m or something in its lifetime.
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XxXProphecyXxX posted 14/04/2010, 07:43
wasn't a huge seller like most was expecting eh.....
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Barozi posted 14/04/2010, 01:29
But at the moment it's selling 20k per week and even if it drops to let's say 13 or 15k per week, it will still see a holiday boost, which will raise the average.
At the end of this year it will easily be over 2 million.
Lifetime sales will be more around 3 million.
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PLayMySTatioN posted 13/04/2010, 09:58
if u do the math, lets say ME2 sells 10k a week, 10 x 50 = 500k a year, lets say 2 years. 2.6m and i highly doubt it will continue to sell 10k a week that long. halo reach will render this obsolete
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PLayMySTatioN posted 13/04/2010, 09:53
THOUSANDS! really!? it came out couple months ago and was a critical succes few K a week is not good. this game is looking at 2.5m MAX 2.3m seems more realistic
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/04/2010, 08:01
@ rossoner
I told you where ME1 is, its still selling thousands every week. It did 5K last week and people can buy it via XBL. It hasn't reached its peak yet.

ME2 will be just over 2 million this year. Its such a great game and critical success that legs will be strong especially after price cuts.

The release of ME3 will also boost the sales of ME1 and ME2. ME Series = Legs
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yog-sothot posted 09/04/2010, 06:19
do we have any clue about the PC version sales ? I know that it's hard to tell with the downloadable version...
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Capulous posted 09/04/2010, 05:26
One of the best series of games I've ever played. I would highly recommend it to anyone.
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rossoner posted 09/04/2010, 10:49
really?and where is now me1?
near 2.2 millions.There is no chance me2 ll hit 3 this momentum,until something amazing happens,or maybe a bundle.
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Mr Puggsly posted 09/04/2010, 08:30
@ Baalzamon
It'll hit 3 million for sure. This game will keep selling for the life of the 360.

Even the original Mass Effect is consistently selling thousands every week.

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Ping_ii posted 08/04/2010, 04:16
This game didnt even move up to 1.65 this just sad.
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Baalzamon posted 08/04/2010, 03:12
looks like this game might barely break 2 million lifetime...
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Intendo21 posted 08/04/2010, 04:50
Some bad legs. People have to stop playing MW2.
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Vueguy posted 07/04/2010, 07:27
with all the hype, this game haven't even reach 2m lol.
guess the 360 fans are still too busy with MW2.
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PLayMySTatioN posted 07/04/2010, 01:47
GeneralMLD is horrible. im gonna check out youtube and see his excuse

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thelifatree posted 06/04/2010, 01:16
this game is great. However. The only wow moment for me was the last mission. The rest
to me felt like a awesome corridor shooter, with
a solid story. I didn't like it as much as most others
but still a 9/10 for me.
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Joel12345 posted 06/04/2010, 12:31
Lol Generalmld from youtube always praises sales well look at this and look at gow3 hmm my ammo has been found.
Apart from that this game deserves more sales
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haxxiy posted 05/04/2010, 05:24
Even at worst, it still shall reach 2m by next January.
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Catlana posted 05/04/2010, 03:03
Mass Effect 2 is one of the very best games this generation. Sales will improve as it wins some goty awards (especially rpg).
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Doletskaya posted 05/04/2010, 04:20
The sales was also 1.62 mil two weeks ago when I checked it.Looks like it got really bad legs.
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PLayMySTatioN posted 05/04/2010, 03:22
people always talk about poor killzone 2 sales... killzone original sold less then 700k tripled eventually will quadruple it.. ME2 has no other good competing xbox games for early 2010..
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MonstaMack posted 03/04/2010, 06:58
Who said it would outsell GOW3? I don't know why anyone would, that was the most anticipated sequel on the PS3 outside of Metal Gear and Gran Turismo. Now, Mass Effect 2 is doing a great job when you look at Mass Effect 1 sales. It will outsell Mass Effect 2 by the end of this year which is a pretty good feat. On the other hand I can't wait to see ME3, I hope it gets released next year in January though that would be rather soon.
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PLayMySTatioN posted 03/04/2010, 05:20
Sell not sem..-.-
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PLayMySTatioN posted 03/04/2010, 05:19
I remember people says this will sem more then GoW3 ...
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Ping_ii posted 03/04/2010, 04:22
Super poor legs indeed, I thought this was selling at least 30k a week turns out even lower.
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NSS7 posted 03/04/2010, 04:29
If I have X360 this will be the first game i buy. Poor legs. It deserve more sales.
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scottsdone posted 02/04/2010, 06:35
Never thought mining planets from space for minerals would be so addictive. x_x
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De85 posted 02/04/2010, 05:35
Just got this and it's been pretty amazing so far. I don't think I'll be able to bear waiting for part 3.
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poopface1 posted 02/04/2010, 01:45
I love this game and the free dlc is cool too.
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m1987mp posted 31/03/2010, 05:07
This game is better than a lot of games and deserves the sales.
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TheConduit posted 31/03/2010, 02:59
Would have sold much better as multi platform
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Ping_ii posted 31/03/2010, 12:28
WOW...very poor legs in others.
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mundus6 posted 27/03/2010, 06:38
With the PC version included (which was included when they said 2 million shipped) this game has sold more than 2 million already. And imo this is the best game of this generation so far.
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Baddman posted 26/03/2010, 10:38
playing this game right now and wow wow this game is the best game i played since SOTC
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Wagram posted 24/03/2010, 04:33
This game deserves more imo. Great game.
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streamline2015 posted 21/03/2010, 10:44
Some people got confused, and in their defense some sites did say "SOLD IN 2 mill"....which means it shipped 2 mill to stores....the stores ordered two mill. But anyway yeah it shipped two mill and sold 1.5 in 7 weeks, in one of the slowest times of the year for game sales. It's fairly impressive.
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HelloMotto posted 21/03/2010, 12:15
no, they didn't said it sold 2m copies first week, they said they SHIPPED 2m copies.

sold =/= shipped
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Adobo posted 20/03/2010, 09:57
This is the best game ever. imo
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Mr Puggsly posted 20/03/2010, 02:39
@ streamline2015
They said the game sold 2 million copies first week. So that's proof that the PC sales are substantial.
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streamline2015 posted 20/03/2010, 12:25

That depends. There is no reliable PC numbers, but like I said it was on Direct2Drive's top 10 best sellers list for about 6 weeks. So the PC sales are pretty substantial.

As far as it's "legs", they're typical of a game released this time of year. To put it into perspective, "FFXIII" sold 1.5 million in it's first week, dropped to 180k the second week, and 5k in the 7th week in Japan. And "FF" is obviously huge in Japan.

Historically games released this time of year don't sell, and they don't sell for long.
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huaxiong90 posted 19/03/2010, 11:04
I wonder how different the sales would be if there was no PC version?
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huaxiong90 posted 19/03/2010, 11:03
These are terrible legs, sadly.
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blue7x7 posted 19/03/2010, 04:29
Sales are ok 1.5 million for any game is great but this games is just to awesome it deserves more. If they released it during the holidays it would have definitely done better.
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STEKSTAV posted 18/03/2010, 06:27
6k in Others in its 7th week? Horrible legs no?
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streamline2015 posted 18/03/2010, 05:14

Opps accidentally sent a message. Anyway yeah, exactly. Bioware already called out VG once for botching the first week sales of "ME1":
And VG has changed the first week sales of "ME2" 2-3 times since it was released. These are educated guesses.
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mrstickball posted 17/03/2010, 09:55
@streamline -

And if we knew D2D numbers, we could make judgments on if that matters at all.
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streamline2015 posted 16/03/2010, 02:08
Sales figures on sites like this and NPD should be taken with a grain of salt. NPD only covers about 60% of the retailers in the U.S. and doesn't cover Wal-Mart, the biggest retailer. Also "ME2" has been on Direct2Drive's top 10 best sellers list since the game came out, so the PC sales are definitely good but not listed anywhere afaik.

So this is an estimate. Nothing worth arguing or trolling over.
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FaRmLaNd posted 15/03/2010, 03:04
Its doubtful that the pc version is selling better. But some people that might have bought the 360 version may have purcahsed the pc version instead.

Its legs aren't that bad, its just that it isn't the holidays.
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ProdigyBam posted 14/03/2010, 01:09
overtracked in america?
580k in january and 220k in february according to npd

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haxxiy posted 14/03/2010, 12:17
Legs are kinda... bad, aren't they?
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geddesmond2 posted 13/03/2010, 09:22
So how long before a PS3 announcement lol.
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NaughtyDogGIVEEMORE posted 13/03/2010, 04:20
hahaha so much for 360 games selling better HAHAHAHAHAHA this is the best xbox game released in 2 years and no1 buying it HAHAHAHAHAHA
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NaughtyDogGIVEEMORE posted 13/03/2010, 04:18
HAHA i was thinkn this was as good as uncharted guess not!!!!!HAHA uncharted released 5 months ago and it still is sellin better HAHAHAHAHAHA
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Mr Puggsly posted 13/03/2010, 03:08
Lets not forget there is a PC version which might be selling even better and RPGs generally don't have amazing sales.
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donsterydo2 posted 13/03/2010, 01:22
Good start but shitty legs.
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chickenLittle posted 13/03/2010, 07:06
the sales is falling down quickly
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burning_phoneix posted 13/03/2010, 01:36
If they can balance the shootery parts and the RPG parts in Mass Effect 3 they'll create the best game of all time. OF ALL TIME! /kanye
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MonstaMack posted 13/03/2010, 12:25
My favorite RPG behind Suikoden 1/Suikoden 2 and that's saying a lot :)
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Lyrikalstylez posted 12/03/2010, 02:40
All 360 owners should go out an buy this game,If yall like Shooting games Im sure you'll like this one.Plus it can turn you out to liking RPG's... just like myself!!
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Adobo posted 08/03/2010, 06:48
This must be the Game of the Year! am on my 12th hours now and lacking of sleep. Must get the assassin....
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Sanzee posted 08/03/2010, 04:42
Congrulations Casey and the BioWare team. This game made my brain go boom. I'm being completely serious when I say be careful before buying a BioWare game (dragon age not included). There usually so, so far ahead of the pact, so trying to play anything else afterwords is a bit underwhelming.
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gustave154 posted 07/03/2010, 02:11
reviews helped this game. i hope it has good legs.
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FaRmLaNd posted 07/03/2010, 07:39
Plus 1 sales!
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FaRmLaNd posted 06/03/2010, 10:05
Of course its dropping faster. Sequels are generally more frontloaded and it wasn't released during the holidays.
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dirkd2323 posted 06/03/2010, 03:23
One of the best games this gen, had so much fun playing . I am on my second time through already
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heruamon posted 05/03/2010, 10:10
Weekly are dropping faster than the previous game, but I still think it's on track for 2-2.5 million ltd.
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wiilicious posted 05/03/2010, 05:43
I can't wait for the new DLC...with the overcraft....This game is just 2010 GOTY IMHO.
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huaxiong90 posted 05/03/2010, 09:58
This is dropping like a rock...I'm starting to worry.
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ps3-sales! posted 05/03/2010, 01:11
I guess he was worried about ps3 sales?? IDK lol
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Rawnchie14 posted 04/03/2010, 02:14
phew, the wind in their sales just died.
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hotrod1 posted 03/03/2010, 03:30
luv Sifi..luv this game..the best sifi adventure of 2010!
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MonstaMack posted 02/03/2010, 05:02
Even if it does 3+ million that would still be quite the achievement. The only game to go above 3+ million so far is Fable 2, tho I'm sure Fallout 3 can do some more units with Platinum Hits and GOTY Status. Dragon Age Origins will hit 3+ million eventually as well.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 01/03/2010, 09:35
@ StrategyKing

It's not going much higher than a million in Others (if that) so you expect 3-4 million America? Not happening.

It'll do 3 million lifetime I think.
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FaRmLaNd posted 27/02/2010, 11:50
Still haven't got this yet :(
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Strategyking92 posted 27/02/2010, 01:46
I'm thinking 4-5 million lifetime sales.
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Altitude posted 26/02/2010, 07:25
Mass Effect 2 is one of the best games I've played in my life and the best purchase I've made in the last 10 years. The level of enjoyment I received from playing this hasn't been rivaled by another game in what seems like a lifetime.
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Ghazi4 posted 26/02/2010, 01:11
r they planning on releasing it in japan? lol or they realized that xbox 360 is dead there :P (not trollin i love this game alot!)
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huaxiong90 posted 26/02/2010, 10:55
This game is dropping fast on Xbox 360...well, next week should reveal everything.
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ps3-sales! posted 26/02/2010, 02:06
Sales dropping pretty fast. Hopefully it'll hope up until the holidays.
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STEKSTAV posted 24/02/2010, 10:15
So its been adjusted down 100k now. They were spot on the first time, then adjusted it up to 1m. And now down 100k to the original prediction. A bit easy on the adjustments maybe?
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 24/02/2010, 04:02
Yeah, this game is way overrated graphically. On PC, even Gears 1 looks better.
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haxxiy posted 23/02/2010, 10:40
I do not care for artistic level for it's subjective. Epic games achievement was much impressive than Bioware's. The average public being easily impressed by some fantasy alien landscapes (hello Avatar) do not change the fact textures, overall scenario quality and anti-aliasing are much better on Gears not to mention framerate. And DF's tech guys aren't the same as EG's reviewer body.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 23/02/2010, 03:12
Ew at those legs. I miss holiday sales already.
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Sanzee posted 22/02/2010, 04:09
I miss the original game's music.
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jpain333 posted 21/02/2010, 04:09
I like these sales...can't wait to get my hands on a copy...
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piggychan posted 20/02/2010, 04:39
I guess you don't appreciate graphics on an artistic level..

and despite the bad things you picked out you you didn't seem to add any positive points which have been improved over the original game and they still awarded this game 10/10
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haxxiy posted 19/02/2010, 09:19
@ anyone thinking this is the best of the X360 -
Gears 2 still has better graphics. ME2 framerate dips more on heavy battles and there is no AA. Go check EG's digital foundry analysis.
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piggychan posted 19/02/2010, 02:16
also forgot to mention the insane difficulty is really p*ssing me off
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piggychan posted 19/02/2010, 02:15
yea I was slightly dissappointed with the music I miss the original 80's synth music stuff..
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Sanzee posted 19/02/2010, 07:20
Yes, I still think ME1 > ME2 cause ME2 completely lost that Late 70's/Early 80's sci-fi movie-like feel to it. That Bladerunner like feel the original had... ohh the fiction was SO thick. ME2 got mainstreamed but unlike the transition from Gears of War 1 to Gears of War 2, Bioware did it right.
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Alceste007 posted 18/02/2010, 06:55
I have been truly impressed with Mass Effect 2. The new loyalty missions help flesh out your companions a great deal.
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Zucas posted 18/02/2010, 06:22
Yes it was definitely a great game to play through but I still agree with my notions on the original: this is not Bioware's best. Obviously doesn't mean it is a bad game, but I enjoyed other Bioware games more.

But a very atmospheric game with some fun characters in your party.
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Skeeuk posted 17/02/2010, 07:41
if its not on ps3 in a few months i might get hold of a copy for a playthrough
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piggychan posted 17/02/2010, 05:04
good game the later on levels are almost breath taking in the sci fi artsy department.. really makes me wanna go and watch star trek stuff
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Alasted posted 16/02/2010, 11:50
This game's amazing, Shepard!
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Sanzee posted 16/02/2010, 05:58
What are you talking about? ME2 is now the best looking game on the 360. It kicked Gears 2 off its throne.
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Fab_GS posted 16/02/2010, 04:35
Koris vas Qwib Qwib conversation is hilarious.
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 16/02/2010, 12:35
Easily the best game I've played since Fallout 3. I think that this is much better than anything else released since then, and I actually really liked one or two of those games...but this game brings me back to the reason I love gaming. Man, it's just so.....great. 10/10
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-ku- posted 15/02/2010, 05:04
WOW what a drop.
Well it still might outsell the predecessor in a year's time
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Gearbox posted 14/02/2010, 05:05
graphics arent stellar. they are just way better then me1. no more of that ridiculous popin on EVERYTHING
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Skeeuk posted 14/02/2010, 04:53
borrowed the game yesterday. only still on start of game where you are killing them droids, seems better than first but i dont see stella grafix that everyone is talking about.
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Wagram posted 14/02/2010, 03:21
Great game. I hope it outsells the original.
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donsterydo2 posted 14/02/2010, 01:22
@ProdigyBam: NPD's US sales =/= VGC's America sales...
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ProdigyBam posted 14/02/2010, 01:45
Sold 570k in USA in 2 days according to NPD. but 800k in whole america in 6 days according to vgchartz.
lol, i find it funny that they (VGC) adjusted the figures shortly before the npd report, to make them look even more worse..
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Fab_GS posted 13/02/2010, 03:37
Played it for 3 days so far and I'm already 20h in.
WAY better than the first one.
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Grey21 posted 13/02/2010, 02:10
Mass Effect 2 deserves better sales then this. I blame the original, it was a good game but not polished enough to start a new AAA franchise. Hopefully word gets around how good ME2 is and the legs will help this game get to 2 million before 2011.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 13/02/2010, 01:48
:/ I expected over 100k in Others, "land of the legs", at least. That's a pretty hard fall.
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geddesmond2 posted 12/02/2010, 10:16
I didn't expect a drop like that thou.
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huaxiong90 posted 12/02/2010, 06:57
Hmm...let's see 3rd week to see how the legs will do.
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/02/2010, 06:47
@ geddesmond2
Well when a game has an outstanding first week. There is always a big drop second week. This always happens.
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geddesmond2 posted 12/02/2010, 05:15
Sales dropped a lot.
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STEKSTAV posted 12/02/2010, 01:22
Okay? NPD has it at 572k first week? I know VGC also include mexico and canada or whatever. But the +220k dosent follow other games % sold outside of the US patterns.

Adjustments once more?
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Product posted 12/02/2010, 07:27
was unaware Europe had anything to do with NPD data.....or "americas" VGChart data.
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iWarMachine posted 12/02/2010, 12:44


where's Europe in your deduction?
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Strategyking92 posted 11/02/2010, 11:58
Yeah, I can't believe VGChartz under tracked the first week by almost exactly 100K.. I mean, that's alot, dude.

I am happy about it though, I knew it sold more than that.
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Fab_GS posted 11/02/2010, 04:32
This game is amazing!
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numonex posted 11/02/2010, 06:47
Adjusted up to become a first week million seller. Woohoo
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 11/02/2010, 01:42
@ piggychan

You did Jack? Ew O_o

Wow at American sales.
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Mr Puggsly posted 11/02/2010, 01:12
Well it looks like a first week million seller after all.
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Catlana posted 11/02/2010, 12:09
Mass Effect 2 is simply an amazing game. The last hour is just spot on.
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lurkerwithnosoul posted 10/02/2010, 11:35
And it broke a Million after all. Or At least VGChartz says.
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Strategyking92 posted 10/02/2010, 07:47
She takes her helmet off.
Not that you get to see her face though.
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piggychan posted 10/02/2010, 11:46
getting it on with Tali just seemed weird with the space mask helmet thing so I passed and went with jack... >.>
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Skeeuk posted 10/02/2010, 11:35
i will be getting this game later, mabey just after e3 time.
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torchmoney1 posted 09/02/2010, 07:01
this game dont suck by the way

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torchmoney1 posted 09/02/2010, 07:00
x-box owns software sales cause microsoft help push all software even if the game sucks
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Wagram posted 09/02/2010, 03:42
I got with Tali also, Ashley Williams pissed me off so I cheated on her! Wuahahahahahha.
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elzumo posted 09/02/2010, 09:59
Getting with Tali was pretty satisfying.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 09/02/2010, 08:21
Jacob has a six pack! :O
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gustave154 posted 08/02/2010, 07:43
nice american sales... others sales are low but it will definitely have legs.
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iWarMachine posted 07/02/2010, 11:01
yeah it's pretty likely, i say 300k.
this game is like crack indeed.
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Rawnchie14 posted 07/02/2010, 10:20
This game is like crack
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Gearbox posted 07/02/2010, 07:23
amazing game. my 360 had so much dust on it be4 this
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FaRmLaNd posted 07/02/2010, 10:11
Will buy this soon.
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toastboy44562 posted 06/02/2010, 06:23
400k next week mark my words
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numonex posted 06/02/2010, 12:20
This game will easily sell over 3 million copies ltd. It deserves all its sales and high reviews.
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STEKSTAV posted 06/02/2010, 01:54
@Mr Puggsly.. i didnt consider anything. EA shipped 2m to retail, thats all. And the 360 version obviously sold 930k first week.
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r505Matt posted 06/02/2010, 12:16
@heruamon, indeed, best game this gen. Takes all the good in Mass Effect 1 and makes it better. Takes all the bad and throws it out.
The way the game is designed, whether you love or hate RPGs isn't important, you can enjoy the game either way.
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drakesfortune posted 05/02/2010, 06:36
Great sales. Everyone should buy this game. It's amazing.
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penguin posted 05/02/2010, 11:06
Best game I have ever played, it is amazing
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heruamon posted 05/02/2010, 05:45
Best game this gen, 's lookign to push 3-4 million units LTD...nice!
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TURbo posted 05/02/2010, 04:01
EA said they shipped 2 million units at launch, not sell
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Mr Puggsly posted 05/02/2010, 01:11
@ themanwithnoname
Fable 2 didn't compete with a PC release. The PC version is $50 on Steam and they don't charge taxes. That's about $15 cheaper than the 360 version at a retailer.
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Mr Puggsly posted 05/02/2010, 01:04
Did you consider the 2 million also included PC sales?
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STEKSTAV posted 04/02/2010, 11:44
@ reaver_x - 2m was shipped games from EA to retail. Not retail sold to average joe.

Good sales, and one cant help but thinking that this is the 360 counterpart to PS3s Uncharted 2. Both about the same first week, both at about 96 metacritic, both (probably) GOTY, both epic story, both with good graphics. Dont jump me people! Just spreading the love.
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kiefer23 posted 04/02/2010, 11:15
Could of easily hit 1m first week if they released it simultaneously world wide (Tuesday). Not Friday in Europe/UK.
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reaver_x posted 04/02/2010, 10:23
wait didnt they say this did 2 million first week?? if so than this is severly undertracked
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Hidalgo posted 04/02/2010, 10:22
Congrats for great OW numbers!!
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themanwithnoname posted 04/02/2010, 09:33
I thought this was a lock for 1 million first week. I don't know how Fable II managed it. Then again, it probably has a much larger following in the UK I'd imagine. Great sales nonetheless. :)

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Jexy posted 04/02/2010, 08:12
This game keeps blowing me away. Just awesome.
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huaxiong90 posted 04/02/2010, 07:52
@donsterydo2: Well, for one thing, it isn't the strongest region for Xbox 360 software-wise. But another thing you need to consider is how Mass Effect is more aimed towards North American and British audiences.
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Chris Hu posted 04/02/2010, 06:45
Great sales will easily outsell the first one.
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huaxiong90 posted 04/02/2010, 06:39
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huaxiong90 posted 04/02/2010, 06:39
Ooooh...just short of 1 million. Still, excellent sales. It's all about the legs.
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kuddles posted 04/02/2010, 06:37
Great sales for a great game.
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Barozi posted 04/02/2010, 05:53
5 days of sale in the US vs. 2 days in EU.
Still a bit lower than I though. Not bad at all though.
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 1   2   3   4 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (349)

1 n/a 568,831 176,438 129,104 874,373
2 n/a 139,889 67,222 35,629 242,740
3 n/a 85,809 31,760 20,313 137,882
4 n/a 48,231 16,755 11,239 76,225
5 n/a 28,789 13,824 7,330 49,943
6 n/a 20,621 6,991 4,777 32,389
7 n/a 14,178 4,886 3,297 22,361
8 n/a 9,734 4,621 2,470 16,825
9 n/a 8,092 3,520 2,001 13,613
10 n/a 7,017 7,135 2,400 16,552
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:40
series rivals star wars in my book
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rvliscano posted 06/07/2013, 09:08
The best game of the generation and one of the better i've ever play
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curl-6 posted 08/05/2013, 09:08
Deserved to sell more; best WRPG of the generation.
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DitchPlaya posted 31/03/2012, 03:30
Sales have been picking up recently, hopefully the franchise gets the attention it deserves, PS3 port helped a lot with that at least.
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yo_john117 posted 21/01/2012, 07:03
Really osama?
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haxxiy posted 12/01/2012, 11:34
@osamanobama I bet people have similar opinions about rhe games you obviously prefer, so why bother?
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