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BioWare Edmonton



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Release Dates

01/26/10 Electronic Arts
01/13/11 Microsoft
01/29/10 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 1,220
Favorite: 117
Tracked: 22
Wishlist: 49
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Mass Effect 2 (X360) > Opinions (349)

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donsterydo2 posted 04/02/2010, 05:52
Others like always don't buy any games. What a shame....
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aragod posted 04/02/2010, 05:22
Others bought PC versions.
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Munkeh111 posted 04/02/2010, 05:18
Great start for the game, though I expected better in Others
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Fab_GS posted 04/02/2010, 05:07

They SHIPPED 2m WW (X360 + PC)

Stop making things up
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2mrw posted 04/02/2010, 04:56
it was reported that the game sold 2 million copies (EA) , So the PC version sold 1 million copy!!!!!!!!!!!
hard to believe.
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Mr Puggsly posted 04/02/2010, 03:57
@ pchyczewski
When are people going to stop comparing expensive computers to a $200 gaming console?

Just be glad the Xbox 360 is helping this franchise be very successful.
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pchyczewski posted 04/02/2010, 02:25
Play this on the PC, it looks and plays better on it anyway.
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Strategyking92 posted 04/02/2010, 02:48
Awesome game. The Galaxy and characters were even more involved than the last time.

The RPG elements lacked though.
Anyway, made it through the suicide part with only 2 team members dead (legion and mordan)
And am going back to fix that later so that 100% of team survives.
Then I will 1000/1000. Then Eventually 1200/1200 or whatever challenges more DLC brings.
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mrstickball posted 03/02/2010, 05:24
Err, never mind. I assume you beat ME2 on Insanity for the first playthrough?
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mrstickball posted 03/02/2010, 05:24
@Zucas - How did you manage 49/51?

As far as I saw in my playthrough, the most I could get was 48/51.
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mrstickball posted 03/02/2010, 05:22
As I've been saying, BioWare will port the entire trilogy to PS3 after its finished. I think that way, its fair to everyone - PS3 fans get to play the entire story arc on one BR-DVD, and X360 fans have completed it years in advance.

I wouldn't even be surprised if ME3 was 'multiplat' in the fact that it debuts on both systems at the same time.
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Wagram posted 03/02/2010, 04:51
Am about 31 hours in. I still don't have 2 characters. I am playing on Insanity though so this game should last me well into the 40 hours mark. On track for 1000/1000G so far! :)
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Recon1O1 posted 03/02/2010, 01:53
Bioware again build on their strengths, story, characters and immersion are second to none. Moving towards more linear and separate missions though. I miss exploration, vehicle combat and collecting armor etc. Hate, the red veins blocking my vision, reloads and mineral collection. WWTT? 92
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Zucas posted 02/02/2010, 06:43
Finally beat this game after about 30 hours (hey was getting 49/51 achievements haha). Definitely enjoyed this game a lot. Was quite a visceral experience and can't wait for the final one in the triology.
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Lyrikalstylez posted 02/02/2010, 03:42
This Game is Simply Awesome. The 360 version is superior in my opinion.
And I highly doubt this game is going on ps3, but even if it doesnt I suggest everyone go out and play it, because its one of the best games this gen!!
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Kenoid posted 01/02/2010, 02:08
Wow, amazing sales expected for a game like this =)
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Devilater posted 01/02/2010, 11:46
@ Riot Of The Blood

It probably will come to PS3, Bioware is owned by EA now and EA likes to have games multiplatform.
Bioware also said developing on the PS3 was fun and they're keeping quiet about ME2 hitting the PS3, they just can't talk about it thy say.
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aragod posted 01/02/2010, 11:34
Finished it on the PC, the superior version. But nonetheless, this is the greatest both FPS and RPG this generation. It's better than any Modern Warfare or Final Fantasy, this game will blow off your ****.
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numonex posted 01/02/2010, 07:31
Mass Effect 2 will have a much higher average review score on Metacritic and Gamerankings than FFXIII. Mass Effect 2 will sell up to 4 million sales ltd, user base has more than doubled since Mass Effect launched back in 2007. Bigger userbase means bigger sales.

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Riot Of The Blood posted 01/02/2010, 03:53
Such a great series.

Mass Effect 2>>>>>Final Fantasy XIII

I hope this come for PS3. Never shoulda sold my 360. Completely forgot about this game.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 31/01/2010, 11:05

The cover system isn't as flexible as Gears or Uncharted, but the powers make up for that. It's just as good a third person shooter as any out there, imo.
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non-gravity posted 31/01/2010, 04:42
Much better than it's already great predecessor. (except for its boxart :p)
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STEKSTAV posted 31/01/2010, 12:51
@ okeydokey - just because its better than the first one doesn't mean that there isn't better games out there with better gunplay.

I still think the coversystem is very weak. Not as smooth as i'd like. But the story makes up for all of that.
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1337 Gamer posted 31/01/2010, 11:17
Finished 2 playthrough's of this game so far as a soldier and adept. One on Veteren difficulty and the other on Hardcore. Did all the sidequests (that i know of probably missed a few) and it took me around 45 hours combined. Gonna do an insane runthrough sometime and get the rest of the achievements
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 31/01/2010, 07:13
How can you be disappointed in the gunplay? It's a generational leap over the first game.
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piggychan posted 29/01/2010, 11:40
just arrived today ready to lock and load!!!!
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madman25 posted 28/01/2010, 10:48
Only an hour in but am very impressed already. Can't wait to get really stuck into it this weekend.
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Catlana posted 28/01/2010, 10:04
The game is pretty amazing. I do miss some of the rpg elements from the first one, but the combat system is simply better.
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Wagram posted 28/01/2010, 03:09
About 8 hours in, it is so far a big step up from the 1st one. I don't think you can consider this an WRPG though. Not that i'm complaining.
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Zucas posted 28/01/2010, 08:25
12 hours in and enjoying every moment of it. Although like the first one, it doesn't necessarily feel like an RPG at all, I do think the RPG elements in it have been vastly expanded and give me that feeling. Definitely epic in scale and great attention to detail in every aspect of the game. Amazing game.
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Mahorosan posted 27/01/2010, 10:13
I just finished my 2nd play through on ME1 and went directly into ME2. I think that was the best way to go..felt soo natural.

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Mutiverse37 posted 27/01/2010, 07:49
7 hours in and the scale is like 10 times larger than the first game. I'm not going to be getting much sleep. haha
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wiilicious posted 27/01/2010, 02:11
This game is just so!!!
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richardhutnik posted 27/01/2010, 01:04
MAYBE Mass Effect 2 gets released... some day, but I wouldn't bank on it. Releasing Mass Effect as a trilogy for the PS3 makes sense for the trilogy, but I don't see it being done now.
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Intendo21 posted 26/01/2010, 12:57
He smiled sometimes in the first one and it looked creepy.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 26/01/2010, 12:22
Has anyone noticed that Shepard smiles in this one? And that it look really creepy?
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SonySoft posted 22/01/2010, 06:07
Can this beat the first game?
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Mutiverse37 posted 11/01/2010, 06:10
Well there is no chance for the first game, but since Microsoft Game Studios is not publishing is possible. I think EA has a good relationship with Sony.
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PS360fan10 posted 10/01/2010, 12:52
Will this game come out on PS3? Anyone???
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ArcticGabe posted 05/01/2010, 12:53
Can't wait :)
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heruamon posted 12/12/2009, 11:21
I smell GOTY here.
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Sanzee posted 09/12/2009, 07:10

Commander Shepard FTW
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PlaystaionGamer posted 04/12/2009, 04:45
i really like the box art, its old school
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Mutiverse37 posted 15/08/2009, 07:20
Why do the say the rumors of Sheppard's death are greatly exagerated? Sheppard was alive at the end of the first game. So unless there is transitional story components not revealed, I'm confussed.
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FilaBrasileiro posted 21/06/2009, 11:57

And how do you know that? Answer you don't and you're just assuming, but you can throw all that out of the window since EA acquisition. But the best PS3 only owners can hope for is a late port IMO.

Either way I don't care I'm picking this one ASAP, supposedly Shepard is not dead
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mrstickball posted 12/06/2009, 05:48
Its unlikely to be multi-plat on the PS3. It's too big of a series for MS to let it go, plus, AFAIK, BioWare signed a contract with MS for the entire trilogy.

PS fans will probably need to wait till the 3rd one is done and pick up a boxed set for all 3 games.
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De85 posted 23/01/2009, 07:19
First day purchase.
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Slavedemonxi posted 11/12/2008, 09:50
I hope it is multiplatform. More people will get to play it, extremely fun game.
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palitococo posted 14/11/2008, 06:23
This one could be multi-platform?
Well, Bioware is an EA company now and all of us know the EA policy.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (349)

1 n/a 568,831 176,438 129,104 874,373
2 n/a 139,889 67,222 35,629 242,740
3 n/a 85,809 31,760 20,313 137,882
4 n/a 48,231 16,755 11,239 76,225
5 n/a 28,789 13,824 7,330 49,943
6 n/a 20,621 6,991 4,777 32,389
7 n/a 14,178 4,886 3,297 22,361
8 n/a 9,734 4,621 2,470 16,825
9 n/a 8,092 3,520 2,001 13,613
10 n/a 7,017 7,135 2,400 16,552
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:40
series rivals star wars in my book
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rvliscano posted 06/07/2013, 09:08
The best game of the generation and one of the better i've ever play
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curl-6 posted 08/05/2013, 09:08
Deserved to sell more; best WRPG of the generation.
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DitchPlaya posted 31/03/2012, 03:30
Sales have been picking up recently, hopefully the franchise gets the attention it deserves, PS3 port helped a lot with that at least.
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yo_john117 posted 21/01/2012, 07:03
Really osama?
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haxxiy posted 12/01/2012, 11:34
@osamanobama I bet people have similar opinions about rhe games you obviously prefer, so why bother?
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