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Alternative Names

コール オブ デューティ モダン・ウォーフェア2


Infinity Ward



Other Versions

X360, PC, XBL, PSN, All

Release Dates

11/10/09 Activision
12/10/09 Square Enix
11/10/09 Activision

Community Stats

Owners: 627
Favorite: 37
Tracked: 26
Wishlist: 25
Now Playing: 38

Avg Community Rating:


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3) > Opinions (264)

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The_Killer posted 19/11/2009, 10:19
it will show legs, 2 million week two.
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zaMy posted 19/11/2009, 10:16
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KeyStyle posted 19/11/2009, 09:06
Yes |_emmiwinks, i know it...but i was talking about only PS3 version))
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|_emmiwinks posted 19/11/2009, 09:03
Hey KeyStyle, maybe you havent done the maths, but its already reached 8 million. Its not a 360 exclusive, so its single console sales are meaningless.
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ylowbstard posted 19/11/2009, 07:59
Everyone is saying "360 for the win!" But actually, The PS3 sales would have been a lot stronger if it wasn't for other must-haves on the console (Uncharted 2, God of War Collection).

Let's face it... 360 hasn't had a notable exclusive in AGES!
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donsterydo2 posted 19/11/2009, 07:20
Could top 8m before MW3 (and 12m on X360).
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KeyStyle posted 19/11/2009, 06:08
5,5ml by the end of 2009) and...i think MW2 can reach 8ml lifetime)
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TheThunder posted 19/11/2009, 05:59
Japan should add 150-160k first week putting this over Halo 2 as the 5th largest launch in history.
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The_Killer posted 19/11/2009, 05:54
7.5 million lifetime.
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darthdevidem01 posted 19/11/2009, 05:28
What are your LTD expectationspeople?
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Mendoza85 posted 19/11/2009, 04:31
6 millions lifetime, maybe 6.5
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Munkeh111 posted 19/11/2009, 04:03
Those numbers are just a little silly aren't they?
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Theo posted 19/11/2009, 12:42
Campaign had a good pace to it, and some really nice set pieces and scripted events. Short though, and very easy. Beat it on Veteran a couple of days after buying it.
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Shadowfest3 posted 19/11/2009, 08:19
I don't usually play the campaign mode, however, I decided to play it this time. Holy Crap! It is intense!! I am having fun trying to get through it! I'm not the best at the campaign but it's awesome! Just my opinion :).
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dobby985 posted 18/11/2009, 01:57
HL2 does have multiplayer on PC.
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outlawauron posted 17/11/2009, 06:13
Oh my, the hate here is laughable.
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kunaixhaku posted 17/11/2009, 03:44
world at war better than this? r u guys on pills or somethin....did u lose someone in a world war to think that way wut the hek....newayzz remember these days where u see 0.00 sold lol it's about to get a huge shift in sales
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 17/11/2009, 03:02
LIEZ! Haterz!
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Haste262 posted 17/11/2009, 12:57
Its nowhere near the best fps of all time. I also prefer WaW to modern warfare. This is worse in practically every way to the 1st modern warfare. Truth. :O
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Gearbox posted 17/11/2009, 12:18
@--OkeyDokey-- - halo is a pretty decent shooter. doom, killzone, the original wolfenstein.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 16/11/2009, 10:02
@ Edderz

Name me a better one then?

All I can think of is Half Life 2 and that's pretty outdated now and has no multiplayer.
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chris1_16 posted 16/11/2009, 07:35
I loved the ending
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Edderz posted 16/11/2009, 07:26
OkeyDokey, if you honestly think this is the best FPS of all time. You clearly know nothing about games. Truth.
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zzyoshiman posted 16/11/2009, 01:10
no it isn't
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 16/11/2009, 09:11
lol, WaW better than this? Tried to shake things up more? Oh yeah, WWII, that's never been done before.


This is the best FPS of all time. Truth :O
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ECC posted 16/11/2009, 08:34
i think cod4 is better and i think w@w tried to shake things up more than mw2. also w@w had alot of features that make it better than this game that i wont get into. still love this game so much.
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yusuke93_ita posted 15/11/2009, 10:03
single player: 8.3
multi: 8.5
Cod 5 is better imho
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sabby_e17 posted 15/11/2009, 01:30
Single player is not good, I was expecting a nice campaign like the first. And imo cod4 maps were alot better.
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Munkeh111 posted 15/11/2009, 11:33
Amazing game, online is working great, and I am having so much fun. People just like to complain for no real reason
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Skeeuk posted 14/11/2009, 06:47
iv jus bought this 2day. and so far im struggling to give it a 9/10

its jus a normalish game i dunno il have 2 see and get into it, maps arnt good, tbh i feel a bit dissapointed havin forked 40 pounds
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Riot Of The Blood posted 14/11/2009, 10:28
I don't like it. I'm selling my copy. Something about it just doesn't seem right to me.
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 14/11/2009, 09:28
The Ps 3 Version will most likely sell more in Europe,100% sure it will sell more in Japan.But i might be wrong about Europe...Either way,great game!Day one buy for me,hope it passes 10 million week one
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Shadowfest3 posted 13/11/2009, 06:28
The multi-player is really fun! Of course I had to get use to the changes first and then the fun showed up :).
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THATGUY posted 13/11/2009, 04:34
online is completly fixed now. :)
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Tbone posted 12/11/2009, 10:51
Awesome game, online rocks as soon as they fix party invite it will be better.

Wow if the first week sales are real didn´t expect that much.
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Bullza posted 11/11/2009, 09:59
Estimated 3.3 million week 1 sales.
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BHR-3 posted 11/11/2009, 09:32
y doesnt it have the new ps3 slim box art other games came out earlier and have it

that made me upset wen i saw the game in the store just got mw1 if its any good ill get this

should do over 5mill b4 09 ends 8-10mill lifetime
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Riot Of The Blood posted 11/11/2009, 03:17
I do t know why people are doubting the sales of the PS3 version.
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IxisNaugus posted 11/11/2009, 01:53
I bought the X360 version along with a friend who bought it for his PS3 at the exact same time. Oh, and we both got it for £26 too! :3
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Munkeh111 posted 10/11/2009, 11:09
Amazing! Possibly the second best game I have ever played!
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THATGUY posted 10/11/2009, 03:53
i also got it for £26. :)
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PlaystaionGamer posted 10/11/2009, 08:20
got it for £26! woo
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Theo posted 10/11/2009, 02:26
Bought it, played it. Spec ops is awesome. only 45 euro in Tesco : D
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dobby985 posted 06/11/2009, 06:27
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THATGUY posted 03/11/2009, 07:55
1 week 2day
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haxxiy posted 03/11/2009, 03:27
1.5 million first week WW.
5 million lifetime.
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headshot91 posted 02/11/2009, 12:32
loved cod4 multiplayer, still the best around. MW2 will be huge, this would eat up my life if i didnt have self control and exams in January!
All my friends are getting it too!
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Dang posted 14/10/2009, 02:14
4 more weeks! cant wait
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FootballFan posted 12/10/2009, 04:12
Ok based on pre orders,

1Million America
650k Other
50k Japan

1,7 Million
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FootballFan posted 04/10/2009, 03:34
I predict 1.25million first week

650k America
550k Other
50k Japan
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FootballFan posted 27/09/2009, 10:44
Day eins
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TheConduit posted 26/08/2009, 03:56
Who buys the collectors editions of games even though they know they will probable never use, watch or enjoy it any more than the original.
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blueknight posted 25/08/2009, 04:41
hope they have a midnight release for this i might not be able to sleep for a few days when it comes out
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Gearbox posted 21/08/2009, 05:41
ima go professional with this game
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player1 posted 19/08/2009, 11:32
already preordered the hardcore edition ;)
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Snake612 posted 18/08/2009, 08:34
Great now my mother has to be with me when i go buy the game. lol
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Shadowfest3 posted 28/07/2009, 04:06
Holly Crap! I just watched a video for the multiplayer and I am definitely going to get this game FIRST DAY!!
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XxNighthawk22xX posted 23/07/2009, 06:59
sick night vison goggles, art book and hardern version of game with prestige kit
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FootballFan posted 27/05/2009, 02:47
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Blaiyan posted 12/05/2009, 11:48
Looks like a CE will come the same time as the regular game.
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oliminator1994 posted 19/04/2009, 12:06
first day buy hopefully
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A_JoLLey0490 posted 15/04/2009, 03:36
will be released on nov 10th
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piccoro posted 25/03/2009, 10:03
Date of releasing?
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Tbone posted 28/12/2008, 07:12
First day buy.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (264)

1 n/a 1,400,236 1,171,529 637,610 3,209,375
2 n/a 264,717 209,749 116,631 591,097
3 n/a 198,031 156,182 87,008 441,221
4 n/a 122,774 140,012 68,337 331,123
5 106,439 166,724 132,106 78,244 483,513
6 26,535 206,696 140,343 87,825 461,399
7 21,000 255,168 166,711 106,035 548,914
8 25,630 98,073 97,207 52,415 273,325
9 13,935 59,380 53,545 29,879 156,739
10 9,647 44,811 43,203 23,509 121,170
Otacon posted 28/08/2012, 04:40
10 million at last.
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Iveyboi posted 26/04/2012, 02:16
Will hit 10M....crazy only PS3 10M sellers will be COD's!!!!! (Maybe GTA4)
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VGKing posted 10/03/2012, 10:32
10mil in a few months!
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ethomaz posted 24/01/2012, 02:44
It sold near 600k in 2011... just need more 200k to 10 million... September is the right time.
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Chaos-Emerald posted 14/01/2012, 06:08
GTAIV will probably get to 10 million itself eventually.
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postofficebuddy posted 14/01/2012, 01:03
@ham_burgular I don't think anyone disputed that it would have taken a while. Before I figured some time in 2013. Now it will do it some time in mid to late 2012. Heh, I remember a thread polling how many 10 million sellers PS3 would get and most answered 1 or 2. Now it's looking like 6 or 7 depending on how GTA5 and the next COD do.
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