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Alternative Names

ニュースーパーマリオブラザーズ Wii


Nintendo EAD



Release Dates

11/15/09 Nintendo
12/03/09 Nintendo
11/20/09 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 1,812
Favorite: 89
Tracked: 29
Wishlist: 18
Now Playing: 74

Avg Community Rating:


New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) > Opinions (989)

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llewdebkram posted 10/01/2010, 03:14
6 X 1 million+ weeks, but it won't make 7 in a row.
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GuyDuke posted 10/01/2010, 03:05
It kinda impress me that Americans consume more than Europa + Australia and all other countries other than Japan...
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Khuutra posted 10/01/2010, 02:58

So close
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bmmb1 posted 10/01/2010, 01:32
Killeregran, even if NA sales are less than that, add up week 6 and week 7 Japan sales (once they arrive...) and I am certain it will have reached 10 milion by week 7.
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Killergran posted 09/01/2010, 07:00
Needs 451 159 units in the Americas to pass 10 million this week. Doubtful, really. But quite possible.
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Moren posted 09/01/2010, 05:36
How many weeks it is out?
7 or 8?
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the_lonely_gamer_123 posted 09/01/2010, 05:22
This game will go past 20 million by Q4 2010
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SmokedHostage posted 09/01/2010, 05:20
With NA numbers, 10 million.
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Aidman posted 09/01/2010, 05:10
almost 440K from the Americas and the HOLY 10 MILLIONS in only 7 WEEKS. NSMB Wii GALACTICOS SALES even Aliens are buying it.
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smj1860 posted 09/01/2010, 03:46
Just bought the game last so much fun!
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c03n3nj0 posted 09/01/2010, 02:32
wow.... and I still need to buy this....
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SaviorX posted 08/01/2010, 10:10
....Wait a minute.
808k? Wasn't it below the previous week (which was 690k before...I think)?

God have mercy.
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Hisiru posted 08/01/2010, 06:39

lol o_o
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SSurTails posted 08/01/2010, 06:38
Got ripped at EB games yesterday for this game (59,99$ but i had 20$ credit by trading in metroid prime 3 + another 5$). Pretty fun so far.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 08/01/2010, 08:58
Razorblood, let's not forget the part that multiplayer must've played in this game's success as well. This game takes everything that makes a mega-successful game and puts it in one package. Incredible.
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Razorblood posted 08/01/2010, 08:53
When was the last time a 2D Mario came out on a home console? Super Mario World? People love Mario and have been waiting for a 2D Mario. Look at the one for the DS, 20mil. Mario + 2D + Large Wii Causal/Hardcore fans = Success.

It's looking good, I am playing with 2 players and its a lot of fun =D
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Soma posted 08/01/2010, 03:56
Lol, I was reading all the comments and a lot of people predicted this would sell 10 millions the first year.

Who would had thought it did that in less than 2 months O_O
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oliist posted 08/01/2010, 12:38
@Riot Of The Blood
Of course!
On its way to 40m it will inevitably pass 35m.
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solracbrit posted 08/01/2010, 12:31
It went up again??? What the hell is going on???
This game is amazing

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Riot Of The Blood posted 07/01/2010, 11:57
You guys think this game can get to 35m?
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MirrorWorld posted 07/01/2010, 11:54
What is this I don't even...
Is Mario's printing money now too?
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cliffhanger posted 07/01/2010, 10:27
Can you believe this will be at or very close to 10 million in 7 weeks? Unbelievable!
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c0rd posted 07/01/2010, 09:11
I was hoping for a ~50k adjustment for week 2 Others, so it'd have that 6wk million streak. Funny how it was adjusted, up to 996k...

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Arius Dion posted 07/01/2010, 08:41
The incredible thing is Nintendo's titles seem to just breeze past 10m like its nothing. Its almost as if 20m is now the benchmark lol. Galaxy won't get there (10m) but Brawl Will and WSR is past 10 already.
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Nintendogamer posted 07/01/2010, 06:46
More or less topped 10 Million!
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Buzzi posted 07/01/2010, 06:40
Now the thread about this as the fastest game ever to reach 10 millions will be pointless :P
Considering Japan (250+k and US (300+k) this must be damn near the 10 million mark! Hopefully it will be already over!
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marcianito posted 07/01/2010, 06:35
lol adjusted up again! now over 9 millions
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Smeags posted 07/01/2010, 05:53
A-adjusted again?!

Good heavens...
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Khuutra posted 07/01/2010, 05:47
Looks like it's going to chew up and spit out GTA:SA's record...
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I like Bacon posted 07/01/2010, 05:31
another awesome adjustment. :D So freaking insane!
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Fab_GS posted 07/01/2010, 05:26
OH LAWD!!!!!!
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Vas-y posted 07/01/2010, 05:21
Reggie was referring to America's sales. This whole bet thing is getting on my nerves.
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FrankMstone posted 07/01/2010, 05:20
Wow it was undertracked in others, already over 9 million!
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Snake_eat_her posted 07/01/2010, 04:58
It has already sold more than MW2 in 360.. WOW.. they won!

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Valdens posted 07/01/2010, 02:31
Bet won, wewt.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 07/01/2010, 12:02
Damn, adjusted up? This is crazy!
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taq1109 posted 07/01/2010, 09:10
sold out everywhere!...though im going to buy this after finished FF13..
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marcianito posted 07/01/2010, 06:03
sales were adjusted up?
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Snake612 posted 06/01/2010, 10:48
I've never seen a game that has such strong sales. The game is selling 1 million worldwide on weekly basis
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mortono posted 06/01/2010, 06:14
World 9 is insane. Those are some of the hardest Mario levels I've ever played.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 06/01/2010, 03:00
@ kopstudent

I'm going through world 8 trying to get all the star coins and I'm finding it much easier than most of the earlier worlds. Maybe I'm just getting better :P
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Nintendogamer posted 06/01/2010, 02:43
World 9 is tough too not that it's very hard it just that they are long levels and if you die anywhere in the level you have to start all over again. but still it doens't make the game less fun.
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kopstudent89 posted 06/01/2010, 01:43
yeah world 8 is one tough world. Especially when i play with my friends, who have no mario background unfortunately, but hell we have fun playing it and thats what matters
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Buzzi posted 06/01/2010, 12:54
What if it sells 2 millions in Americas next week? In that case Reggie would be damn near winning his bet in every case (just in US and against MW2 360 version)...going to be the fastest selling game ever!
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ClaudeLv250 posted 06/01/2010, 03:32
Poor Galaxy! Got its ass handed to it thoroughly. Not a bad game to 'lose' to, though.

At World 8 and am getting pwned hard.
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MirrorWorld posted 06/01/2010, 02:22
WT-? Wow, this game is selling so well, and it is undertracked?!?!?!
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Salnax posted 06/01/2010, 02:04
Its already beaten Galaxy, Ocarina of Time, and Melee... not bad for a game nobodyt knew about before the E3
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lemieux-rules66 posted 06/01/2010, 02:02
Reggie... was right... 2012 came early!
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brute posted 06/01/2010, 01:19
I wonder if it can make 7 weeks with sales over a million.
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Khuutra posted 06/01/2010, 12:34
@famousringo: Even if it sells 400k in the next week of data, that still only accounts for Europe instead of the whole of Others

This game is a MONSTER
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 06/01/2010, 12:13
*looks at American numbers*

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joora posted 05/01/2010, 11:48
Since Others ain't just Europe, it's most probably still undertracked.

Monster game.
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I like Bacon posted 05/01/2010, 11:42

YES!!!!! :D XD
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aoixgp posted 05/01/2010, 11:40
Platforming Bliss....gaming bliss
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famousringo posted 05/01/2010, 10:02
@ Arius Dion

Not terribly undertracked. The NoE statement includes one last week of December sales that aren't up on VGC yet.
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Blacksaber posted 05/01/2010, 09:45
I fear this game greatly...
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Arius Dion posted 05/01/2010, 08:53
So now this game is UNDERtracked in EU?! My goodness.
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sorento posted 05/01/2010, 08:46
europe 2.5 million
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Fab_GS posted 05/01/2010, 08:38
Ha! It passed MW2 (X360).
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Kenology posted 05/01/2010, 08:21
It always impresses me how you guys are on top of adjustments. I would never notice otherwise. 4.05k adjustment is MASSIVE.
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Khuutra posted 05/01/2010, 08:11
Adjusted up to 4.05 in the Americas. Madness. MADNESS
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LinKing12 posted 05/01/2010, 08:00
Bah dah bop bop bah, I'm lovin' it! Congrats!
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FreeTalkLive posted 05/01/2010, 07:53
This has been the top selling game in the world 5 out of the 6 weeks it has been on the market. It barely lost one week to Wii Sports and NSMB Wii wasn't even out in Japan at that time. How many weeks will it stay at the top?
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alexf10 posted 05/01/2010, 07:33
absolutely crazy...congratz @the old plumber
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trangentspree posted 05/01/2010, 07:23
In its 6th week NSMBW is above and beyond its launch week in Others, and so close to its launch week figures in US.

NSMBW is doing rather well, one might say.
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Nintendogamer posted 05/01/2010, 07:15
Ha and one person said my prediction of 8.7 Million was hilarious, but that was when NSMBWii was on 8.2 million, but my prediction of 8.7 Million doesn't look silly now.
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Paul posted 05/01/2010, 06:56
I just saw another news story about nintendo in Europe estimating that this has sold 2.5 million in europe at the end of December. It could be a bit undertracked there as well since others includes more than just Europe.
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Demotruk posted 05/01/2010, 06:52
Undertracked, that's crazy...
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c0rd posted 05/01/2010, 06:45
Wait... what.

Are those America numbers real?

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miz1q2w3e posted 05/01/2010, 06:41
How is this possible??? i didn't know that many mario fans existed!! :O
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Buzzi posted 05/01/2010, 06:23
Adjusted up!! This sales are the most incredible thing I've ever seen during this gen!
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Zucas posted 05/01/2010, 06:15
You know I had a feeling we were a little low on the Americas sales but man that is just crazy. 8.61 million in 6 weeks (only 4 in Japan). It has already outsold Galaxy. Just colossal.
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kopstudent89 posted 05/01/2010, 05:55
its one million for 6 weeks Without Japanese numbers! CRAZY SALES I TELL YA!!
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Smeags posted 05/01/2010, 05:52
Yep, bumped up ~400,000 units. Just insane!
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nathlio posted 05/01/2010, 05:47
Wow!!! World wide NSMBW has now passed the Xbox360 version of Modern Warfare 2! That is insane!!! In North American sales only it just has 1.5 mil to go since they stand at 4.18 and 5.73. Crazy!
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Paul posted 05/01/2010, 01:25
Online retailers and the stores around me are still having a hard time keeping this in stock. North American numbers should be sustained at very high levels for at least a few more weeks.
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TheConduit posted 05/01/2010, 01:19
Week 5 will definetly be over 1 million with Japan numbers so it will have sold over 1million for 6 week's straight.

Have any other games done that before?
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Cheebee posted 05/01/2010, 12:04
This game's sales are insane.
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MirrorWorld posted 05/01/2010, 06:27
I just realized that it has already outsold Mario Kart Wii in Japan. Crazy good!
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bimmylee posted 05/01/2010, 01:50
Amazing game. I had the most fun playing with friends when our initial team effort deteriorated to throwing each other into thwomps and pits of lava. Nothing says "fun" like throwing a friend off a cliff.
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Voltaire posted 05/01/2010, 01:01
Unbelievable. This is incredible, with practically 6 weeks of 1million+ sales.
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Fame_Mcswagg posted 04/01/2010, 11:51
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huaxiong90 posted 04/01/2010, 11:23
Wii games and their legs!

I'm having so much fun with this game!
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chris_wing posted 04/01/2010, 10:11
Modern Warfare 2 on 360 is 8.4 million
NSMB on Wii is 8.2 million

Only 200,000 units to gain. Next week Mario will pull ahead.
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Stats87 posted 04/01/2010, 09:09
My brother got this for Christmas and I played a fair bit of it before he returned home back East.

Is it wrong that it was most fun when we were dying a lot? Because with four people there were many mishaps. =P When there was only 3 of us we were beating levels easily...wasn't as fun.
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sabby_e17 posted 04/01/2010, 08:23
This is selling so fucking well!!

Should reach 25 million.
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TruckOSaurus posted 04/01/2010, 06:06
The sales in Japan are out of this world! 2.4 millions in 4 weeks!
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kopstudent89 posted 04/01/2010, 05:22
Well in NA its beaten CoD's first week(360 version only) in its 6th week :P
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nathlio posted 04/01/2010, 03:51
@ Majin

I think a 7th consecutive week is a definite possibility. The shortages reported in the Japan preview show that demand is still high and will most likely be up once more shipments come in!
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JUG posted 04/01/2010, 03:33
I knew this would happen.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 04/01/2010, 12:38
@ Majin

The Japan preview predicts only 200k this week due to shortages. I think a 7th consecutive week over a million is out of the question now.
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Aidman posted 04/01/2010, 09:36
All I wish is it will break the 20th Million in its life-time sales.
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TopCat8 posted 04/01/2010, 09:18
Wow. This game is a monster! Way to go Nintendo!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 04/01/2010, 09:06
6 consecutive million seller weeks absolutely confirmed. Beyond incredible. I can't even put it into words.

Can it do seven?
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Siko1989 posted 04/01/2010, 08:43
now who said it wont break 11 million by march lol, by looks of it, it will because theirs only 3 million sales left lol
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The Ghost of RubangB posted 04/01/2010, 07:11
Hahaha, this game's lowest week was 320K, and that was its launch week in Others. It has been higher than 320K in every territory every week so far. This is just insanity. I wonder how fast it will break 15 million.
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reallyfun posted 04/01/2010, 04:25
Wow....this game is a monster!!
Can't wait to see it break all kinds of sales records!!!! :D
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marcianito posted 04/01/2010, 03:53
let see if it can pull 9 millions before the end of the year, it'll be intresting how it performes without the chritmas bost, it's been sold out in many places so probably many people still looking for this game
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alexf10 posted 04/01/2010, 03:40
sales for this game are out of this world....never thought this will sell like it does.

this one could end as one of the best selling games ever
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GuyDuke posted 04/01/2010, 03:40
6 consecutives weeks over a million! New Super Mario Bros Wii just broke a record!
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nordlead posted 04/01/2010, 03:14

considering that Wii Sports is this generations biggest home console seller in Japan (it isn't bundled there) this should easily blow by in about 4-5 weeks (or less if it doesn't let down after the holidays).
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IxisNaugus posted 04/01/2010, 03:03
Truly intense sales. I'm impressed.
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mortono posted 04/01/2010, 02:42
Will it get over 9m by the end of the year?
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SmokedHostage posted 04/01/2010, 02:20
100k from selling more than Galaxy.

This game is selling like crack.
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Bruno Muñoz posted 04/01/2010, 02:19
What was the previous million selling weeks record? Mario already has 6 weeks.
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Bruno Muñoz posted 04/01/2010, 02:13
This is the biggest game ever in terms of sales, it's a brutal monster.

I have a similar feeling with Avatar but this place is not Box Office Mojo XD
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famousringo posted 04/01/2010, 02:06
The Japanese sales are mind blowing. Could it be the biggest console game of the generation in Japan with just a couple months?
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ash3336 posted 04/01/2010, 02:03
First and only game to have first week 6 weeks over a million.
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Shadowfest3 posted 04/01/2010, 01:47
Wow! The sales are simply amazing!
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trangentspree posted 04/01/2010, 01:27
This is truly amazing.

Mario numbers just keep going up and up!

Dare I say it... they're even getting closer and closer to the launch week numbers...
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GranTurismoHelperMax posted 04/01/2010, 01:23
fastest game to 10 million? not sure what the record is but if it didnt include multiple consoles (mw2), this games wins 4 sure.
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cliffhanger posted 04/01/2010, 01:19
Week 6 already over a million without Japan. lol
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Carl posted 04/01/2010, 01:18
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supermario128 posted 04/01/2010, 01:17
Great legs!
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Zucas posted 04/01/2010, 01:14
Well currently selling at a faster rate than MW2. MW2 after 6 weeks was 7.83 million, this one at 8.2 million. And will be higher once Japanese sales fill all the way in.

Easily the biggest holiday game of the year and just incredible feats it's pulling off. There has been no other game like this in history of the market.
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Khuutra posted 04/01/2010, 01:10
Holy smokes

Could this game manage SEVEN weeks at a million?
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vglover08 posted 04/01/2010, 12:57
Insanity to the max! It's so exciting to see sales for this game skyrocket! =D
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killeryoshis posted 04/01/2010, 12:51
It has a chance to get 7 weeks over a million........
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I like Bacon posted 04/01/2010, 12:36
8.2 million! Exactly my prediction! =3
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MirrorWorld posted 04/01/2010, 12:33
Wow week 6 is already at 1mil w/o Japan. Craaaazy!
And at least Other sales are very consistent lol.
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MontanaHatchet posted 04/01/2010, 12:27
Wait, 6 or (potentially) more consecutive weeks selling over a million?

Has any game ever done that ever? That's crazy.
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Nintendogamer posted 04/01/2010, 12:25
8.2 Million, soon to top 10 Million, go my favourite plumber.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 03/01/2010, 02:17
Yeah, I think this game was pretty hard in general. Overall, the level design and multiplayer add superb replay value too so you get a lot of bang for your buck.
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I like Bacon posted 03/01/2010, 06:57
I agree nordlead.

I find the game's difficulty to be perfect.
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nordlead posted 03/01/2010, 04:52

honestly how hard do you want this game to be? Unless you are super good at Mario, first time playing this you are likely to die on almost every stage 1 time. For it to be any tougher, you'd have to go Lost Levels type of toughness which wouldn't be tolerated by the masses.
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Riot Of The Blood posted 02/01/2010, 07:01
Starting to get pissed off. It's like stores don't carry this game or something.
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Nightwish224 posted 02/01/2010, 03:35
AAA for sure.
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Nintendogamer posted 02/01/2010, 01:50

and is seemed to have worked wonders, sales seems to have just risen much faster than a lot of people's predictions, sell overr a million for about 6 weeks in a row is not somethign to complain about, let's hope it will keep wii sales at a high pace for a while to come.
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killeryoshis posted 02/01/2010, 01:31
Dtewi this is not a decent game. Its AAA. You better run
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dtewi posted 01/01/2010, 07:26
Decent game, but it only got somewhat difficult towards the last world (I'm talking about World 8). I was hoping it would be harder. At least the final boss was actually the hardest main game level.
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marcianito posted 01/01/2010, 06:25
i hope 8 mil with new numbers
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Zucas posted 01/01/2010, 03:10
Yea for the week ending Dec 26th, we are looking at 500k Japan, probably another 500k in America, and another sold 300k in E/O. 1300k on the week to put it just right at 8 million, thereabouts.

On this page we'll see it as 4 weeks of over a million in sales, with the 5th going to happen, and even a shot at 6 weeks for it. Truly nothing else like it.
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Gearbox posted 31/12/2009, 08:45
i didnt expect this to be so big in japan! this is friggen insane! lol

if it was as big as i thought it was going ot be the ps3 would have beaten the wii in japan by 50 000 units... now it lost :(
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trangentspree posted 31/12/2009, 12:32
Media Centre has released numbers of 506,000 for NSMBW in Japan this week.

That would bring the weekly total for W4 to 1, 324, 497 - beating W3 sales worldwide and coming close to beating W2.

If it performs similarly in Japan next week W5 could be the 2nd best selling week worldwide for NSMBW!
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ClaudeLv250 posted 31/12/2009, 06:42

It's what I'm having with this game. I'm in world 6, can't wait to beat the game so I can go play the levels I skipped, and then play the levels I've alreay done to get all the star coins.
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Siko1989 posted 31/12/2009, 03:44

indeed mate... its a perfect strategy nintendo pulled off to try and get the DS owners on the wii
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cromeros posted 31/12/2009, 03:44
Amazing Sells...
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dampowell posted 30/12/2009, 04:34
I think 10 million + by the new year. and a further 3- 4 million in January. (roughly averaging 800,000 or so per week
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Nintendogamer posted 30/12/2009, 12:18
It's hilarious that this game is selling godly, deserved it too, it seemed like it introduced some DS owners to the Wii.
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Polarimetric posted 30/12/2009, 08:06
Beating MW2 on the 360 and PS3 combined will be a challenge, but it's definitely doable. Even for the holiday season, these are breathtaking sales results. Mario Kart Wii has flown to 19.7 million in a year and five months when this game's sales look even stronger.

If sales of this game stay strong and the nostalgia that comes from this game is as effective as I think it's going to be, this game could sell 21-23 million in the time it took MKWii to sell 19. Since this game has probably about 2 years to sell (second-generation Wii is likely late 2011) it definitely has the time to do it.
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midaks posted 30/12/2009, 07:13
well the way I see COD MW2 (both ps3 and 360) has sold over 14 m.... this game has only sold around 7 now yeah this game will easily beat the systems separately but combined would be a tough thing atleast for the next month considering the fact that people are also still buying COD MW2
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scottie posted 30/12/2009, 01:30
Week 6 it should manage it because it covers up to the 26th in Americas/Others, and the Japanese holiday season will still be in effect I think. Week 7 is less likely.
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SaviorX posted 29/12/2009, 11:07
With Japan sales, it will crush 1 million Worldwide on Week 4 and 5. May just pass 1m Week 6.
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FreeTalkLive posted 29/12/2009, 09:14
What a fantastic game. Nintendo took the DS game and improved on it in every way.
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brunei11 posted 29/12/2009, 06:36
xD i remember when reggie said: "NSMBWii will outsell CoD MW 2" and everyone including nintendo fans laugh now it seems real
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laxdman4 posted 29/12/2009, 01:49

Have you played in the latter worlds? You go through lives pretty quickly. Also, if you are playing with four people its easy to burn through lives.

This game is amazing. I'm almost glad there is no online because it is so fun to work with the other people in the room.
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SuperSteveyLes posted 29/12/2009, 11:35
A load of fun, my only criticism so far is that it's too easy to get extra lives on it, I've got 96 so far and I've only had it for a few days.
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noname2200 posted 29/12/2009, 04:47

Use the warp pipes to beat the game quickly, and thus unlock the Save Anytime feature.

When going for Star Coins, keep track of your deaths: beat the level immediately after your fifth death.
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mortono posted 29/12/2009, 03:38
I'm playing again to get a perfect "no-superguide" game. Any tips?

This is the best game ever.
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DaAndy posted 29/12/2009, 01:52
In comparison to "normal" games MKWii had incredible awesome sales. But what NSMBWii is doing is simply ... impossible. Unbelieveable.
It sells so awesome compared to MKWii, as i first stated MKWii sales compared to "normal" games.

Yeah I know MKWii was released in April not right before christmas, but NSMBWii's sales are not of/from this world ... insane
This is so huge ... so huge ... so huge ...
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Toddifer posted 29/12/2009, 12:37
I picked this up at Best Buy for $39.99 today....I'm enjoying these stores with their aggressive price cutting to get sales...they had Madworld for $9.99 as well. Sweet deal.
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shokenchi posted 28/12/2009, 09:26
@uruler, lbp is overrated. the user rating is a lot lower than the critic reviews while mario is vice versa.
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Nintendogamer posted 28/12/2009, 08:04

If you think NSMBWii didn't get great reviews aka 87% then your barmy, plus it got a few 7's and a uncalled for 58%. In my opition the 58% should have been 88% and the 7's should have been 9's or 10's, this game should have got above 90%.

Millions of people will disagree with you, Mario sdie-scrolling is magical.
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GuyDuke posted 28/12/2009, 07:54
You don't even know Mario's magic. LBP will never be able to do that.
90% of people disagree with you, so you might be reported for this post.

It is a little hard but buy it to play with your niece. She will adore that game.
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killeryoshis posted 28/12/2009, 07:08
This game is awsome
Though in conclusion of these sales. Nintendo were idoits for not releaseing a 2-D mario before n a home console. Have they learned their lesson
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Boggern posted 28/12/2009, 06:19
@ uruler
It´s OK if you like LBP more than NSMB Wii, but you will also have to accept that most people don´t agree with you. Calling us idiots won´t alter that fact.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 28/12/2009, 11:50
Is Nintendo planning to bundle this with a red Wii or was that whole thing just my imagination? Well, they should anyway :P
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 28/12/2009, 10:16
Its actually doing better in Japan than NA
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alexf10 posted 28/12/2009, 09:33
so 2d mario is still the strongest franchise in the industry?? well done old plumber well done....

btw. i dont have bought the game yet. is it any good? i would like to play it with my 6 year old it to hard or can a six year old have fun with the game?
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MirrorWorld posted 28/12/2009, 08:56
Y so beast Mario? :P If it sells a million this week then that's like 4 1m+ selling weeks in a row. Pretty sure that its like the only game to ever do that.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 28/12/2009, 07:03
Another 500k in Japan. I've never seen sales like this before.
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fwap posted 28/12/2009, 05:31
With Week 4 sales for Japan over 500k total sales are in fact INCREASING.
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Khuutra posted 28/12/2009, 05:30
This game is more than just a monster. It may end up with SIX weeks of 1,000,000+ after aligning launches. Insane.

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marcianito posted 27/12/2009, 08:34
doing better than MK wii
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ash3336 posted 27/12/2009, 07:41
Officially the first and only game to have the first 3 weeks with over a million in sales. Most likely, this will continue on until week 5.
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primogen18 posted 27/12/2009, 03:12
Sold out everywhere around here, has become a hard to find game now. Not sure about anywhere else though.
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Red4ADevil posted 27/12/2009, 01:15
Just bought it today along with another wii remote, so that my brother and his girlfriend can play (black wii remote).
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Paul posted 26/12/2009, 09:12
This game is still sold out everywhere in my area. The legs will be solid as supply catches up with demand.
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daactualfact posted 26/12/2009, 03:40
Expect Sales beyond mkwii men.
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daactualfact posted 26/12/2009, 03:39
A GAME FROM THE HEAVENS! That's all you can say. Once picked up, the earliest you will put it down will be 5hrs later at least. (that's if you like to savor the moment and not try to beat the damn game in a day because you are “hard to the core”)
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kopstudent89 posted 26/12/2009, 12:54
This game is too fun, and i'm still in World 1!! :P My brother initially didnt want the game, now he's hogging it all the time. Damn you Nintendo!
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Khuutra posted 26/12/2009, 11:37
This is going to be fun to watch for the next few weeks/months.
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headshot91 posted 26/12/2009, 11:32
woah this is going to guaranteed have 5+ million selling weeks!
I can't think of another game that has done that???!
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MasterZack posted 26/12/2009, 06:36
Megaman79, anyways Reggies wins to the PS3 version.
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megaman79 posted 26/12/2009, 01:39
@Intendo21, Reggie gambled on one of the platforms MW2 numbers, i don't think he actually meant the 360 version.
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Intendo21 posted 25/12/2009, 08:45
Looks like Reggie will win his bet.
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trestres posted 25/12/2009, 08:27
Holy shit this thing is a beast. Just take your time and look at this, think about it for a minute. It's selling 500k more in Japan on its third week, and it has the 2 biggest weeks ahead there.

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Kihniö posted 25/12/2009, 07:17
Got it for christmas...Yeah
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GuyDuke posted 25/12/2009, 07:13
Do you know why Nintendo have such amazing selling games on their console? It's because they know how to appeal people. You don't need to be Modern Warfare 2 to please long time fans like me.
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RPG posted 25/12/2009, 07:12
6 weeks at 1+ million is a lock so the question is if it will do 7 weeks. A game like this clearly has the chance because it is popular WW.

I have to say it deserves every single sale. It's literally the 3rd game I have purchased in the last 2 years so it has to be special. :P
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megaman79 posted 25/12/2009, 04:22
Halo better keep quite next time its talking about brand recognition.

These sales really are PHENOMENAL
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Killergran posted 25/12/2009, 12:26
Looks like it's going to sell more than 1 million in the 5 first weeks! That's out of this world!
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donsterydo2 posted 25/12/2009, 10:09
Insane legs O_o
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kopstudent89 posted 25/12/2009, 09:51
look at Japan, just frickin insane!
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sep85dd posted 25/12/2009, 08:55
Best mario since Super Mario 64. And look: It was going UP in Japanese sales and it´s name is NOT Tomodachi Collection or Seaman
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MonstaMack posted 25/12/2009, 04:42
Wow sick sales but I can believe it.
We have been sold out of it at work and several retailers have sold out of it B&M wise unlike Modern Warfare 2 which has been readily available over the holidays. If things keep selling like this then I think it can surpass Modern Warfare 2 360 sometime in Feb.
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blue7x7 posted 25/12/2009, 04:39
I doubt it will catch up to the xbox 360 version of Modern warfare 2 by the end of the year but in early 2010 it definitely will.
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Arandur posted 25/12/2009, 02:19
CoD:MW2 for Xbox360, there we go! ;).
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Snake612 posted 25/12/2009, 01:41
The sales of this game are just amazing. The developers were right when they said this game will have strong legs.
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adam84 posted 25/12/2009, 12:40
good god! this game is even bigger than i thought. dont get me wrong i knew it would be big but....just wow
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supermariouniverse posted 24/12/2009, 11:37

hahaha. Crazy sales!
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c0rd posted 24/12/2009, 10:18
Haha, damn. Just realized that when launches are lined up, this game will have 5, maybe 6 weeks of sales before it goes under 1 million.

That's going to be fucking beautiful. 3 weeks from now, I'm looking forward to seeing the chart!
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chris_wing posted 24/12/2009, 09:13
MW2 on 360 is at 7.83 million
NSMBW is at 6.68 million

Five weeks to go to gain 1.15 million.
No problem! Reggie wins!
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Khuutra posted 24/12/2009, 09:03
Good Christ, the game is a monster!
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GuyDuke posted 24/12/2009, 07:44
It's sold out everywhere in Montreal!
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GuyDuke posted 24/12/2009, 07:43
Reggie wins... wow. With the big opening of Modern Warfare 2, I thought it was over.
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sabby_e17 posted 24/12/2009, 07:06
Woah, unbelievable sales. Especially in Japan.

And it looks like it could pass 20 million.
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MasterZack posted 24/12/2009, 07:05
Reggie wins!!
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Nintendogamer posted 24/12/2009, 06:37
Oh more numbers added I thought the chart chnaged a bit.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 24/12/2009, 05:50
This is pretty much guaranteed to have 5 consecutive million seller weeks worldwide.

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haxxiy posted 24/12/2009, 05:33
Doing far better in Japan then I expected. Sales in Others are quite... stable.
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Smeags posted 24/12/2009, 05:03
Simply incredible Japanese sales.
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Hisiru posted 24/12/2009, 04:48
Reggie was right.
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killeryoshis posted 24/12/2009, 04:44
It has 3 weeks over a millionj. Go Mario!
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Nintendogamer posted 24/12/2009, 04:36
6 million!
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Buzzi posted 24/12/2009, 09:23
Media Create says 568k in Japan this week, that would be crazy! It would reach 2m in less than a month, while there was (and is) some people who thought NSMBW would have never reached 2m...looking for 3millions by 1-2 months.
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noname2200 posted 24/12/2009, 06:42
Oh, it won't be that long. Iwata's learned his lesson. Although I'm not sure just how much of a threat directed at his developers that promise was meant to be...
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vonboysp posted 23/12/2009, 04:25
would you ike to be unfrozen when the next real 2-d mario game comes out in 20 years or so :b
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chris_wing posted 23/12/2009, 12:22
Hopefully when I'm done playing through Yoshi's Island on my SNES this game will be back in stock where I live. I plan to play the two best Mario games back to back, then have myself frozen as a lasting example of joy in it's purest form for future generations to appreciate.
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IxisNaugus posted 22/12/2009, 10:07
Finally grabbed myself a fresh copy of this. That's another sale for the Others sections :)
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oliist posted 22/12/2009, 08:37®ion=All
Only if you combine the different system sales.
PlayStation 2 version has 'only' two consecutive weeks over 1million.
Or did I miss something?
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Gilgamesh posted 22/12/2009, 07:53
@Oliist, San Andreas
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megaman79 posted 22/12/2009, 03:44
Im sorry, i didn't think this was all that, and a bag of chips.

It was too easy and it was WAY TOO NOSTALGIC.

SMG2 here we come.
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oliist posted 22/12/2009, 03:05
No other game was even able to sell one million+ units in more than TWO consecutive weeks.
So Nintendo has set another record that can only be broken by Nintendo sometime in the future.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 22/12/2009, 11:34
So, okay ... It's all but confirmed that the first four weeks will all be over a million.

Given that we're in Christmas time, weeks five and six could well hit a million too... Has anything like this ever happened before?
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Khuutra posted 22/12/2009, 11:11
Looks like we're about to get another week over a million.

The game is on FIRE
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bmmb1 posted 22/12/2009, 10:31
Week 3 in Japan according to Media Create - ~530K !!!!!
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le4nder posted 21/12/2009, 10:39
Seems like Reggie is winning his bet. NSMBWii easily passed the PS3 version of MW2. By end of January, it may have passed the 360 version too.
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GuyDuke posted 21/12/2009, 08:44
underrated game. What is really happening with reviewers? Are they blind or just volontary against Nintendo?
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 21/12/2009, 05:24
I underestimated Japan O_o
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SaviorX posted 21/12/2009, 04:36
Sales have actually.....increased in Japan over Week 2...More than 454k!!!
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oliist posted 21/12/2009, 01:51
You are all to low with your overall predictions for the coming update.
It will be something between 1.7 - 2.2 million WW.
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GuyDuke posted 21/12/2009, 12:22
Let me take a guess for next week...


Japan - 480k
Americas - 520k
Others - 400 k

1,4 million
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Buzzi posted 20/12/2009, 05:22
Oh, and the same in the Americas, while in Others it will just come in top 150 next week :(

Easily will reach 7 millions before the year ends, and 10 millions hopefully at the beginning of February.
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Buzzi posted 20/12/2009, 03:46
Next week NSMBW will enter in the Japanes top 100 of all time, hopefully with WSR!
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nordlead posted 20/12/2009, 12:43

why should I find it sad that one of the best games of the decade is about to outsell one of the other best games of the decade. This game deserves to match Super Mario Bros World in sales (20m)
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Khuutra posted 20/12/2009, 05:27

In the sense that Galaxy deserves more sales than it has? Sure.

In that NSMBWii doesn't deserve the sales it's going to get? No, I don't find it sad at all. I find it exhilarating, even joyous.
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IllegalPaladin posted 20/12/2009, 05:19
I found it at ToysRUs a few weeks ago with a buy one get another game half off deal no less.

Outside of Super Mario Brothers 1 and 3, I hadn't really played a lot of the side scrolling Mario games so New Super Mario Brothers is certainly taking some time to get used to as I rack up the deaths.

It's quite frustrating to grab a power up only to lose it a fraction of a second later.
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st_muscat0 posted 20/12/2009, 05:03
Is it just me or does anyone else also find it said that this will outsell Galaxy in like 3-4 weeks?
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supermariouniverse posted 19/12/2009, 08:22
Getting the sales it deserves
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noname2200 posted 19/12/2009, 06:37
If you're in the US, and looking for this game, try Fry's or Target: they seem to be the only places with plenty of copies.
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cliffhanger posted 19/12/2009, 09:36
yeah, this is sold out everywhere in my area.
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Ghazi4 posted 19/12/2009, 09:10
meh i wanted to get this before i came back to my home country from USA and it was sold out :P
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Madanial posted 19/12/2009, 05:14
Shit, i wish i have time to get this soon. T_T
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marcianito posted 19/12/2009, 01:19
I went to waltmart and gamestop today and this game was sold out
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SaviorX posted 19/12/2009, 12:33
JP - 260k
US- 510k
Others- 380k
1.15 million next week.

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mortono posted 18/12/2009, 09:19
next week:

500k America
400k Others
200k Japan
~1.1 million WW

It will easily reach 7m by the end of the year.
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Paul posted 18/12/2009, 08:25
I went to 3 stores today and it was sold out in all three.
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Ostro posted 18/12/2009, 01:50
Others still growing ^^
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GuyDuke posted 18/12/2009, 01:49
Another million FTW!
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chris_wing posted 18/12/2009, 06:45
Reggie said it would sell more by the end of the holiday spending season, which he named as the end of January. He made a specific point of the end of Jan. MW2 on 360 is ahead by 2million with almost 6 weeks to go. It's doable!!
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MasterZack posted 18/12/2009, 06:15
CoD:MW2 PS3 version= 4.88m

Reggie wins!
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marcianito posted 18/12/2009, 03:48
i said it 5 million this week
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elmerion posted 18/12/2009, 02:00
Iwata: (laughs)
Reggie: Did you see that?
All: (laughter)
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IxisNaugus posted 18/12/2009, 01:57
Collosal sales. Above Modern Warfare 2 for the PS3 right now, i don't think it can reach the X360 version before the new year though...
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SmokedHostage posted 18/12/2009, 01:33
My predictions for next week.

JPN - 210k
US - 400k
Others - 350k
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oliist posted 18/12/2009, 12:59
My estimations for next week

JP 420k
US 630k
Others 500k
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Moren posted 18/12/2009, 12:56
I don't think reggie was that insane
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SaviorX posted 18/12/2009, 12:45
The sales are a game could possibly increase in sales from a previous week of 370k boggles the mind.

Japan may be 275k for week three. May beat my expectations again. Could it actually catch Modern Warfare?
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 18/12/2009, 12:05
Wow, the sales are massive.
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scottie posted 17/12/2009, 11:41
@ okey - Reggie stated that he included sales up to Jan 31st as 'holiday sales' (because most jan sales are people spending money and gift cards they got for christmas anyway) so there are about 7 weeks left for NSMB catches up. I still don't think it will do it, but it'll be close.
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atma998 posted 17/12/2009, 11:39
and another 5 million seller for the Wii!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 17/12/2009, 11:20
@ Anthony

IIRC, the Reggie thing was for America only. Still 2 million away, but closing the gap only 200k a week.
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PhalanxCO posted 17/12/2009, 11:15
Holy Carp!
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AnthonyW86 posted 17/12/2009, 11:11
Haha can't believe this, Reggie might actually be proven right. Only 2 million behind MW2 360. It's gonna be close. :P
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 17/12/2009, 10:46
Goddamn, this is the biggest Wii game yet O_o
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Cheebee posted 17/12/2009, 10:32
Whoa what? Over 5 million already? Insane. O_O
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GuyDuke posted 17/12/2009, 08:38
You beat the PS3 version, yeah! Seems like Reggie is filled with wisdom! He's so incredible to win this bet.
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GuyDuke posted 17/12/2009, 08:38
just 90 000 units and you beat the PS3 version of Modern Warfare in America. Go Go Go Mario!
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oliist posted 17/12/2009, 08:27
So only one question remains.
Do we have enough crow for the end of January?
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Hobowan posted 17/12/2009, 07:25
looking at the 3rd and 4th weeks in europe/americas, it will likely sell over a million for 4 consecutive weeks once japans had their figures for those weeks, not just 2!
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Hobowan posted 17/12/2009, 07:23
looks like reggie was filled with more wisdom than a lot of people gave him!
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Red4ADevil posted 17/12/2009, 07:11
Holy crap!!!! Never before in my life saw a nintendo title sell a million units in 2 consecutive weeks. This title will definitely have legs.
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lestatdark posted 17/12/2009, 07:03
Wow, this game is a powerhouse!

I really appreaciate Nintendo for giving us the true successor to SMW :) This game is amongst the hall of fame of all-time Classics :)
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nathlio posted 17/12/2009, 06:56
Looks like my prediction that NSMBW would pass Call of Duty MW2 PS3 the week ending Dem 12 was correct. NSMBW is setting itself up to pass the x360 version before the end of January. Shoot! It only has 2 million to go now.
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Bamboleo posted 17/12/2009, 06:37
this game is a granted 15 million seller.

If not more.
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mortono posted 17/12/2009, 06:27
NSMB Wii > Call of Duty on PS3
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SmokedHostage posted 17/12/2009, 06:25
Other says just keeps going up.

Also Japan and US sales this week are about the same.
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Buzzi posted 17/12/2009, 06:09
YAY!! Over 5 million right now, next week will hopefully add one more million, on its way to 7 millions before Jenuary.
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nordlead posted 17/12/2009, 06:03

I almost think the numbers don't update until the complete World Wide weekly numbers are in.
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Derixs posted 17/12/2009, 05:57
12/17 9:56 am. From what the numbers show this game should have a total of 4.75 million not the 3.90 that it shows there now...
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stimpi13 posted 17/12/2009, 05:11
this game is a monster!!!

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rapsuperstar31 posted 17/12/2009, 04:00
@mortono I believe you have to not only unlock every warp cannon but you have to actually use them! Also what nordlead mentioned as well.
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SaviorX posted 16/12/2009, 10:16
Japan Week 2 is ~450k
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Rawnchie14 posted 16/12/2009, 08:29
Pretty fun game with lots of people - especially your older family members. Oh the struggles... lol
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Nintendogamer posted 16/12/2009, 04:14
Very close to 5 Million already.
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nordlead posted 15/12/2009, 06:14
@mortono - you probably need to find all the secret paths. Check out the cheats page as there is a list on how to unlock all the stars.
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mortono posted 15/12/2009, 04:52
So I got all the star coins 1-9. But I still haven't unlocked all the movies and I only have 4 stars on the character selection screen. What am I missing?
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SaviorX posted 15/12/2009, 01:40
So the Japan Preview corroborated what I said before, and that was 420k in Japan. All we need is for Americas and Others come in with that minimum of 640k. Others might increase again over last week, but maybe 350k tops.
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Zucas posted 15/12/2009, 01:00
Hmm wonder what the parameters were for that over 2 million number Ninty was talking about. Either ioi is wrong about Ninty internal tracking not being absolutely correct, we are under tracking, or they weren't just talking about the first week of December but up until that actual Thursday timeframe (which would be kinda silly).

Oh well game is still selling amazing and will probably be close to if not over 5 million once sales come in this week. That is just simply incredible.
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abcdario posted 15/12/2009, 12:19
We´ll see if Reggie Rocks or Reggie Ices :P
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supermario128 posted 15/12/2009, 12:09
And it will only keep on selling.
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Buzzi posted 14/12/2009, 06:33
There are so many versions of Reggie's bet XD

He was speaking of the Americas territory, not WW. And he directly spoke of just one version. The game is selling great but will not pass the sales of MW2 ps3's version next week. Probably before the end of Jenuary like Reggie said though.
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nathlio posted 14/12/2009, 04:04
After seeing the latest Japan Preview it is very obvious that this game will pass MW2 for PS3 for the week ending Dec 12th. NSMB Wii should have over 5mil and PS3 version will still be under 5 mil. It makes me think that NSMB Wii still has a chance of passing the 360 version before the end of January. It will be close.
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Wyku posted 14/12/2009, 03:56
This game is sold out everywhere in my area, pretty wild.
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specialops787 posted 14/12/2009, 10:30
The fate is sealed. Reggie said single platform, I predict that next week NSMBW overtakes MW2 on PS3.
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fwap posted 14/12/2009, 09:40
Reggie may be laughing. Time will tell.
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Arius Dion posted 14/12/2009, 06:26
It's pretty close to the PS3 version Sonic. Single Platform.
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sonicshuffle posted 14/12/2009, 01:31
Still 3 million away from MW2.Any day Reggie. Change your mind.
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ash3336 posted 13/12/2009, 10:01
Same!!! I saw this and a PS3 ad!! Ninty and Sony are going all out.
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killeryoshis posted 13/12/2009, 09:43
I remember seeing a commercial for this game before watching 2012 Guess they'll market anywhere
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Cheebee posted 13/12/2009, 08:47
Wow, almost 4 million already?

Haha, there's a NSMBW commercial on tv here just now. Such a coincidence.
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marcianito posted 13/12/2009, 07:49
it's gonna hit 5 millions next week
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Asriel posted 13/12/2009, 07:16
Interesting sales in Others-they're increasing each week.
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mortono posted 13/12/2009, 05:38
~300k Japan
~350k America
~350k Europe
~1m WW

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I LOVE GIGGS posted 13/12/2009, 04:52
I think it will sell 400k in America, 400k in Others and 400k in Japan. 1.2 million WW.
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GuyDuke posted 13/12/2009, 03:57
Mario Bros always have strong legs in Japan. Final Fantasy will probably never beat Mario. In LTD, it's sure.

NSMB Wii will easily beat Modern Warfare 2 on PS3 and, after that, on 360. Mario FTW
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SaviorX posted 13/12/2009, 03:09
So, 420k in Japan, 310k in Americas, and 330k in Others for Week 4? (1.06million)
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 13/12/2009, 02:20
Just got all star coins. Man, I'm beat.
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 13/12/2009, 10:13
Very good opening in Japan,but will it sell better than XIII this month?
For all i know XIII can double that number :)
It will be tight,I'm glad that XIII has an worthy opponent :P
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puffy posted 13/12/2009, 07:57
I win, I predicted 2.2 Million first week :P
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mortono posted 13/12/2009, 05:03
This week NSMB Wii sold more than Call of Duty 360, Call of Duty PS3, Assassin's Creed 360, Assassin's Creed PS3, and Left 4 Dead combined.
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Roflinator posted 13/12/2009, 04:17
@ocarinaoftime: ...No. This is week ending Dec 5th. Nintendo made the announcement on the 10th or so. And please don't abuse periods and question marks.
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Killergran posted 13/12/2009, 01:46
That is one humongous opening week. More than anyone had predicted.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 12/12/2009, 11:58
:O sales
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kopstudent89 posted 12/12/2009, 10:45
right others sales are now 1. WOW! 2.2 million
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Ostro posted 12/12/2009, 10:44
other sales look funny getting stronger. but still, the sales in others kinda disappoint me
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kopstudent89 posted 12/12/2009, 10:42
They reported 2 million 2 days ago. So it was after the week ending 5 december which makes perfect sense
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ocarinaoftime posted 12/12/2009, 09:54
if nintendo reported 2m in america arnt the american numbers under tracked???????.........
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SaviorX posted 12/12/2009, 09:49
Woah, WTF? Others sales were meshed together?

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Hisiru posted 12/12/2009, 09:40
Japan sales will make this game kill MW2 without problems.
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GuyDuke posted 12/12/2009, 09:24
Reggie is right... omg... This will definitely beat Modern Warfare 2...
Mario... is... a monster...
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nordlead posted 12/12/2009, 06:44
Nintendo stated 2m sold on the 10th, so we can only guess when the sales go up to. Nintendo has good internal tracking, so those sales could be up until the 9th, or they could be till the 5th. With no date given, we can only guess. According to VGChartz the sales indicate that it broke 2m units after the 5th.
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Seece posted 12/12/2009, 06:15
@ Smeags, takes a while for all the total sales to update
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Smeags posted 12/12/2009, 05:40
Isn't Americas totals supposed to be 1.92 million instead of 1.55 million now? O.o
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mortono posted 12/12/2009, 05:29

I think when Nintendo said that, they meant it for this week.
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Inigo13 posted 12/12/2009, 04:43
Considering the 2 million number reported for America, the overall and third week numbers seem undertracked.
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GianCarmen posted 12/12/2009, 04:21
Its getting close to passing Modern Warfare 2 on the PS3
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nordlead posted 12/12/2009, 03:21
Got all the star coins. 9-7 was a pain for the star coins, and so was 9-4 & 9-5 for the last of the 3.

I also beat the game in the Minimum number of stages required. Obviously not to tough to do once you discover everything in the game.
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Metallicube posted 12/12/2009, 04:57
My favorite Wii game next to Mario Kart and Smash Bros.. Classic Mario is finally back!
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Zucas posted 12/12/2009, 02:25
palancas- well it does seem that us and NPD agree on Mario tracking for its first two weeks so with two sources saying the same thing, I doubt that's the case. What does seem the case is Mario is going to have huge selling power, akin to that of Mario kart in 2008, this holiday season.
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SaviorX posted 11/12/2009, 10:14
World 6 was amazing, and hard!

Also.......YAY at best Week 1 prediction!
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Nintendogamer posted 11/12/2009, 09:59
Over 3.1 Million!
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mortono posted 11/12/2009, 07:46
The last world has the most difficult levels ever. On par with Mario 3 world 8.
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SmokedHostage posted 11/12/2009, 11:43
Still working on collecting Star Coins.

I have all of them from Worlds 1-3.
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palancas7 posted 11/12/2009, 10:20
@zuca: Either that or 2nd week is undertracked.
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Zucas posted 11/12/2009, 04:53
Well if that news story talking about Nintendo internal numbers of 2 million copies sold in US, we could have sales of this game of over 600,000 in the Americas in its 3rd week which would be incredible considering that is more than the 2nd week which was also Black Friday week.

ioi did say with BF hardware numbers that Nintendo has good internal data so looking like NSMB Wii is going to be larger this holiday season than once thought. no wonder it is having problems staying in stock haha.
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VivaLaWiida posted 10/12/2009, 07:31
Just finished it with all special star coins! :)
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nordlead posted 10/12/2009, 05:01

the typical reason sales go up in Europe isn't because it is 2 days sales (typically for big games, the first day is 1/2 of the first week sales) but because the game has finally made it throughout the region. While the game may launch on Friday in the UK, it might not show up in stores in another country for another week or so. Heck, the 28k for week 1 was because it was Australia only.
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Rawnchie14 posted 09/12/2009, 11:10
Just finished the game, awesome fun =D
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haxxiy posted 09/12/2009, 01:40
So I've played. Just more of the same, still Nintendo did a good job keeping this game nearly as good as some old 2D Marios. Far from an AAA score for me, but still a solid and fun experience.
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mortono posted 08/12/2009, 10:02
Others is up due this being it's first full week of sales. Last week only accounted for 2 days.
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Cheebee posted 08/12/2009, 09:10
Hm, Other sales are only rising?
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mortono posted 07/12/2009, 09:48
Next week:

936k Japan + ~450k America + ~250k Others = ~1.6m WW

nearly 3.8m by next week!
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novasonic posted 07/12/2009, 08:37
6.5m by the end of '09. That's my guess. Maaaybe 7 at the most.
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kopstudent89 posted 07/12/2009, 07:04
it will outsell the PS3 version of MW2 definitely by jan 2010 i'd say. 360 version, well not really :P

2 million already without japanese sales. My 5 million seems in the big already by jan 2010
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 07/12/2009, 06:31
long term yes ... it will most likely outsell all MW2 COMBINED sales .... but by January 2010? ... nah .. too soon to make up that record breaking start MW2 is on.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 07/12/2009, 06:16
maybe not by the end of January, maybe by the end of the January 2011 it will ousell both compared?

like it happened with Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit beating GTA IV in the long term?
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RPG posted 07/12/2009, 02:31
Indeed Reggie will be crying a river for sure due to losing that bet. Can only hope he recovers from being embarrassed, don't think the 10+ million sales after January will be enough. :(
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dsage01 posted 07/12/2009, 01:12
this will definitely not outsell the 360 version of mw2 not even the ps3 version by the end of January
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RPG posted 07/12/2009, 12:40
So at least the first 3 weeks for this game will be a million WW which is simply incredible. That said this is such a good gameit deserves every sale it gets.
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madmaniac posted 07/12/2009, 12:22
I own this game !!!
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ganondorf7799 posted 07/12/2009, 11:01
I predict 7 million by the end of the year
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Killergran posted 07/12/2009, 09:55
Over 2 million first week! That's pretty amazing. Only very few Wii games have big openings.

Hopefully I get to play it some this week :)
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Buzzi posted 07/12/2009, 09:50
Counting Japan it's possible. First week it's over 1.2 millions, second week at about 0.95 millions (in Japan over 200k is pretty sure in its 2nd week). The third week is difficult to guess, there's not Black friday and surely the game will have a decline. I would say 300-400k in Americas, 250-350k in Others, but Japan would have to see near or over 300k in its third week to have another million week in this case. Maybe if there was a bundle (and no FFXII).
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ElRhodeo posted 07/12/2009, 08:34
Finished it yesterday (not 100% though, still a lot to play left) - this is so good. Contrary to what many reviewers said, I think there's a lot of new ideas and stuff in this game. And the amount of polish and finetuning is amazing.

I think people who hate on this game simply don't WANT to like it.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 07/12/2009, 08:20
It's going to reach 3 million next week, only counting Japan sales. So overall sales will most likely easily put it above 3,5 million. Which ensures that the week after, it'll cross 4 million.

Wonderful. :)
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Bruno Muñoz posted 07/12/2009, 05:53
Any chance of becoming the first game that sells over a million units during 3 weeks in a row?
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Zucas posted 07/12/2009, 04:23
Wooh this game is about to climb up the charts. May be the top selling video game for the rest of the year. This week in Japan we are already looking at 800k-900k. I'd also suspect another 600k from the other territories. 6 million by the end of the year isn't out of the question which would be simply incredible.
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GuyDuke posted 07/12/2009, 01:33
So far one of the best platforming game in multiplayer. It's my favourite on the Wii. We are really lucky to get 2 Mario 3D + 1 Mario 2D on the same console.
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c0rd posted 07/12/2009, 01:03
It won't be long until we'll be laughing at those who associated this game's sales with Mario Galaxy.

Hoping for 1.5mil next week (with Japan's opening)!
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Killergran posted 06/12/2009, 09:58
Nice week 2 in others. As usual with Wii games releasing late in the week, it's bigger than week 1. :)

But this game is not about the big opening, it's all about the legs. With good legs, it can do 20 million. Without, it'll end up below 10. I'm betting on that it'll keep selling a lot for a very long time.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 06/12/2009, 09:57
Nice. Second week in all of others is even bigger than first. Let's hope it continues :)
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Falk Sturmfels posted 06/12/2009, 07:59
No, its more, because the others-charts are not updated yet.
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marcianito posted 06/12/2009, 07:52
2 million with Japan sales
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haxxiy posted 06/12/2009, 04:35
@Falk Sturmfels - it is screwed up in every game in the case you haven't noticed. BF numbers do appear in the weekly chart but aren't counted yet in the summary for some reason.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 06/12/2009, 04:26
Thats a funny summary in sales: Week one almost one million, week two almost 900k, and together thats 1.3 Million!! Wow!
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SilentWolf posted 05/12/2009, 10:00
@ primogen18. Reggie didn't specifically say the 360 version. Geoff tried to get him to say the 360 version, but Reggie was pretty adamant about keeping the bet to "one particular platform".
Go here to see the interview:

The bet is made at about the 4:30 mark. You'll see that Geoff tries to slip in "on the 360" but it's pretty obvious Reggie didn't want to specify a platform.
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Vas-y posted 05/12/2009, 09:04
The fun factor of this game increases 100% when adding at least a second player.
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primogen18 posted 05/12/2009, 08:32
It's not just you he did say specifically the 360.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 05/12/2009, 07:06

You certain? I can swear I heard him say it'd beat it on the 360 when talking to Geoff Keighley. I guess I might remember wrong, but I really have it imprinted into my memory that they specifically said 360.
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Buzzi posted 05/12/2009, 03:18
Waiting for the 2nd million...
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fwap posted 04/12/2009, 11:38

I'm afraid Reggie only specified 'a single-platform' which would refer to either the Xbox or PS3 versions. With that in mind and PS3 figures so far, it seems relatively safe to predict he will win the bet by the end of January.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 03/12/2009, 07:30

Actually, Reggie was talking about the 360 version and only in the US. By the end of January. Looks like a safe bet that he's going to lose, sadly. Lifetime sales, however, are a completely different story.
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nordlead posted 03/12/2009, 12:53

crap, I guess you are right. I got my weeks mixed up.

Also, as for the CoD comment, it was for the PS3 version (as noted below me) since I believe that was what Reggie was talking about. I personally don't care which sells more but ultimately expect this one to sell more in the long haul.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 03/12/2009, 03:33
@ nordlead

Black Friday and the Japanese release are two different weeks. The next update should put it over 2 million, then the week after that it should be about 3.5 million with Japan's first week. MW2 will be nearing 7 million by that time.
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GuyDuke posted 01/12/2009, 10:59

Actually, it's 1 million in preorders so we might see it hit at least 1.2 million

Mario's gonna kick Activision's butt!
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nordlead posted 01/12/2009, 01:45
1m Japan first week, plus 500k black Friday week US, plus 300k in PAL this week, I'm going for 1.8m sold this week for 3m total. That'll only put it 1m behind CoD, which it can probably make up in the following 2 weeks.
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ryansarmy posted 30/11/2009, 07:23
I love this game. It so very difficult playing even with just 1 other person but also very fun.
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Paul posted 30/11/2009, 01:31
This was sold out at my local walmart the other day and when it released they had tons of copies. It is also sold out on and I think it will put up huge numbers going into christmas.
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hmduong posted 30/11/2009, 09:41
@Nintendogamer, it would need 2.5M to catch up to MW2 ps3 if MW2 all of a sudden stops selling which is obviously not the case. MW2 will likely sell an additional million units on ps3 between now and year end I predict.
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RCTjunkie posted 30/11/2009, 05:55
This game is amazazing.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 30/11/2009, 02:12
800k next week.
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GuyDuke posted 30/11/2009, 12:37
Did you see in Japan? It is already near the million! This game will easily and fortunately outsell the PS3 version of MW2. And the game is so hard at 9-7! I love so much this game!
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Nintendogamer posted 29/11/2009, 11:29
I think this has a very good chance of outselling MW2 PS3 version before 2010. It only needs about 2.5 million to do that.
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Nintendogamer posted 29/11/2009, 11:29
I think this has a very good chance of outselling MW2 PS3 version before 2010. onloy needs about 2.5 million to do that.
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supermario128 posted 29/11/2009, 09:49
9-7 is hard, trust me. :P
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uno posted 29/11/2009, 08:40
This game is fun but not as amazing as Galaxy.

Its not very hard so far.
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supermario128 posted 29/11/2009, 05:30
1.28 million, it's a sign!
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Buzzi posted 29/11/2009, 09:30
This week can be another million-week: Black Friday in US (in the preview "well over 500k" so I hope for 600k, in Others it had just two days, at least it will reach 200k but likely over 300k IMO.
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cliffhanger posted 29/11/2009, 09:17
I don't understand the graphics hate. I think the graphics look great! Besides, it's a 2D mario game. Who cares about graphics? lol
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Killergran posted 29/11/2009, 06:59
Played it yesterday. It's a gem among 2D platformers. Not sure how excited I am by that genre anymore though.

Still, good fun!
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ramonecaxa posted 29/11/2009, 05:59
It has poor sales in Europe...
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joey123 posted 29/11/2009, 04:09
they look better than the DS graphics. the graphics dont matter anyway, gameplay is everything.
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GuyDuke posted 28/11/2009, 06:35
No graphics are really cool and effects too. In Bowser's castle, you can see the reflexion of lava on Bowser's statue!
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Gintoki posted 28/11/2009, 01:50
The sells are awesome
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Siko1989 posted 28/11/2009, 07:52

those are just Australian sales
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adam84 posted 28/11/2009, 05:06
oh god just realised that most of the other sales are first day sales only. wow
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adam84 posted 28/11/2009, 05:04
going to pick this up today with any luck, sold out at my local game,gamestation,tesco. The hunt goes on cant wait and over time this will outsell MW2 on all formats im sure.
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nordlead posted 28/11/2009, 02:25
no one on the current "best week 1" is going to be close once Japanese numbers come in.
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GhaudePhaede010 posted 28/11/2009, 01:17
I still have to buy it...
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primogen18 posted 27/11/2009, 11:42
omg, go others, wow. This has sold out almost every day ive worked so far at toys r us since it came out, so next weeks numbers will be HUGE especially with black friday.
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GuyDuke posted 27/11/2009, 11:10
It will explode with Japan sales! Over 750 000 copies! Reggie is right... Mario Bros Wii will outsell the PS3 version of Modern Warfare 2.
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inu_1607 posted 27/11/2009, 10:52
I love it
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pots555 posted 27/11/2009, 10:30
Very happy it's doing so well. Bought mine on the first day. Great game.
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mortono posted 27/11/2009, 09:02
Numbers sould be higher for others next week since it will have a full week of data as opposed to 2 days.
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Lolcislaw posted 27/11/2009, 05:49
i bought it even tho i cant play it on my Wii until 10th of December when i get home, cant wait
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kopstudent89 posted 27/11/2009, 05:14
Well UK sales werent even 100k, so i presumed it was a bit overtraced in EU. i expect similar numbers next week though
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Arfen posted 27/11/2009, 03:34
I believe tehre was a notice in this site saying this game made around 400k in Europe 1st week and now not even 300 K???????
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Gintoki posted 27/11/2009, 03:33
At last I got mine
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 27/11/2009, 02:40
One million down, many more to come.
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MANUELF posted 27/11/2009, 03:49
The cover looks like one for a racing game with yoshis like karts.
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Batman...WTF? posted 27/11/2009, 03:36
Will get it soon. Hopefully my birthday.
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marcianito posted 27/11/2009, 01:45
this game did fantastic, it's gonna have ''mario kart'' legs
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SaviorX posted 27/11/2009, 12:46
Did 10% better than I expected in Americas. Looking at it sit atop the Americas chart was weird though.

Should get used to seeing it there.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 26/11/2009, 11:50
Fantastic opening in the US, but lower than I had hoped. Still, great opening, and will without a doubt have great legs as well.
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GuyDuke posted 26/11/2009, 05:18
Probably in terms of sales? Mario Kart is a monster!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 26/11/2009, 10:25
Ugh. There was a holiday shopping thing on the news today and this game was refered to as "the new Mario Kart game" >_>
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noname2200 posted 26/11/2009, 05:09

HAHA Bomba Game, Wii iz d00med!
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ash3336 posted 26/11/2009, 02:37
I hate it when this happens, The first week sales are so unbalanced that way. Anyways, I will just total up the sales as it get the big launch in Others.
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nordlead posted 26/11/2009, 12:58

It is quite common for a game in PAL territories to launch across multiple weeks. As guiduc pointed out, only Australia sales are posted and you can expect a massive increase in others next week.
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GuyDuke posted 26/11/2009, 12:51
No it's only first week in Australia.
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Smeags posted 25/11/2009, 11:42
Just played Free For All and Coin Battle... SO much fun.

I love you Mario.
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zaMy posted 25/11/2009, 10:43
dam what happened?
is mario already dead in Europe?
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rastari posted 25/11/2009, 10:27
awesome game, Can't wait to see how this sells over the holidays.
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nordlead posted 25/11/2009, 07:27
I already clocked over 30 hours on this game.
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uno posted 25/11/2009, 02:02
just got my copy from Amazon. SUPER STOKED!!
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Nintendogamer posted 25/11/2009, 01:11
This sales will explode in Japan since they love 2D Mario sidescrolling games, and will really help Wii in hardware sales!
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Siko1989 posted 24/11/2009, 08:38
thats fantastic sales in australia
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 24/11/2009, 08:06
Pokemon Platinum also came out in Australia before the rest of Others and debuted at 34k. It sold 280k the next week.

So, around the same for this game?
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supermario128 posted 23/11/2009, 09:57
2 million week one.
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primogen18 posted 23/11/2009, 06:57
me too chalkblock... =/
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mortono posted 23/11/2009, 04:49
Awaiting monstrous sales...
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VivaLaWiida posted 23/11/2009, 01:34
This game is so freakin awesome. Those who don't buy it are not worth owning a Wii!
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Thechalkblock posted 23/11/2009, 07:27
I really want this game, too bad I'm broke.
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I like Bacon posted 22/11/2009, 10:26
Yes it is Australia.

12th: Australia
15th: America
20th: Europe
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Nintendogamer posted 22/11/2009, 08:28
That 28,441 is Australia I hope. Should be over 400,000 in Europe next week.
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Khuutra posted 22/11/2009, 05:58
You have disappointed me again, Others!

Nah I'm just kidding

I'm sure Week 2 will be fine
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GuyDuke posted 21/11/2009, 04:37

Actually I found the game more exciting with 3 players. I would love to play with 4 players, though...

yes they changed many things.
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Nintendogamer posted 21/11/2009, 01:55

Get the black one that's curently £149.99 of but you have only this weekend to get it.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 21/11/2009, 10:23
Cleared this with a buddy the other day. 4-player is fun in a hectic, chaotic way - But 2-player is where it's really at, honestly. Playing levels with just one friend is unbelievably fun and makes me wonder why they never did a 2-player Mario-game before.
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PlaystaionGamer posted 21/11/2009, 01:02
I REALLY WANT THIS! im going to have to buy a Wii

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Son1x posted 20/11/2009, 10:21
Is it just me are the sales and a lot of comments gone?
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GuyDuke posted 18/11/2009, 09:35
Thanks VG for this great review. This game really deserves it.
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AtomSpyTroy posted 18/11/2009, 02:37
This game is incredible! Blows the DS one away and I loved the DS one! :) It's great to play in multiplayer AND alone!
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Vas-y posted 18/11/2009, 02:16
I still have to figure out where I'll put the tin.
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GuyDuke posted 18/11/2009, 05:03
It's all way better than NSMB DS. It's, for me, a huge step forward in terms of PERFECT multiplayer experience and combination of all the elements that makes the serie so popular.
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SmokedHostage posted 17/11/2009, 11:06
My new favorite Wii game this year.
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supermario128 posted 17/11/2009, 08:36
Yes, a lot better than the DS version.....
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MasterZack posted 17/11/2009, 07:46
Im going for uuuuuuuuuuu
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richardhutnik posted 17/11/2009, 05:24
Better than SMB for the DS? I thought SMB for the DS is real good. Cool.
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AtomSpyTroy posted 17/11/2009, 04:44
This game is incredible.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 17/11/2009, 08:32
I really do like this game. It has that magic that NSMB DS was lacking.
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c0rd posted 17/11/2009, 02:08
Oo, forgot to add the game.

Can't wait to play the game, NSMB Wii all weekend...
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mortono posted 16/11/2009, 11:15
2 million first week, no?
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supermario128 posted 16/11/2009, 10:39
I just played the final level again. It's epic.

Anybody play the world 9 courses yet?
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PlaystaionGamer posted 16/11/2009, 09:59
when i get a Wii this will eb the first game i buy!!! well maybe Mario Kart but this will defo be in the top 2! lol
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nordlead posted 16/11/2009, 05:30
Best Platformer in a long long time. I even had my wife, mom and dad all playing with me.
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V-r0cK posted 16/11/2009, 01:32
loving it!!!
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MaxwellGT2000 posted 16/11/2009, 10:00
Played and beaten on the multiplayer before it even came out, now playing singleplayer and it is indeed worth it.
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The Ghost of RubangB posted 16/11/2009, 06:30
Man there's so much crazy awesome stuff going on in every level! There's never any room to just walk around and mess up some Goombas. I'm always riding on giant spinning blocks and sand geysers, and sliding around on my belly, and freezing guys in the sky to climb to secrets all over the place. Crazy stuff! It's beautiful!!!!!
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ECC posted 16/11/2009, 05:47
im in love with this game and havent played anything but single player. ill play multi soon.
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supermario128 posted 16/11/2009, 04:48
Yes, the game is amazing; especially with others playing. Me and my two bros beat it in about 5 hours. Some levels are very frustrating with others because they get in your way so I made them get in their bubbles. lol Now to go back and collect everything.

Everyone need to buy this game!
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Smeags posted 16/11/2009, 03:00
Just came in to say that this game is amazing. 4 players... my goodness. Now if you'll excuse me...
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GuyDuke posted 16/11/2009, 01:51
It's a really awesome game! What a spectacular experience with 3 other people! Thank you for all, Nintendo.
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puffy posted 16/11/2009, 01:42
Preorders at 520k in NA, good for around 800k first week which means NSMBWii is on track for a 2.2 million first week.
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pots555 posted 16/11/2009, 01:12
I got it on the first day and played it for about an hour. It is good my friends, very good. The sales will be huge. Glad I'm on board.
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SuperAdrianK posted 16/11/2009, 01:00
Awsome!!!! never had so much fun as this!!! I believe is the best 2-d mario in my humble opinion!!!
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Khuutra posted 15/11/2009, 05:26
Time to play this with the wife.
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Nintendogamer posted 15/11/2009, 03:54
Wii sales should be over 520,000 this week taking wii over the 57 million mark thanks to this game.
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puffy posted 15/11/2009, 12:58
2.2 Million worldwide first week, still my prediction, I think it'll need 750k in Americas to reach that.. Will have to wait a few weeks for Japan's numbers though..
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puffy posted 15/11/2009, 05:57
It was released. I had it for two days and I got it on release.
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supermario128 posted 15/11/2009, 05:40
You can add it now.
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Fab_GS posted 14/11/2009, 01:19
Because it wasn't released yet.
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puffy posted 14/11/2009, 07:54
Why can't I add this game?
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Buzzi posted 14/11/2009, 07:51
This game has a shot at 1 million in Americas, but the game will be out for just one day in Others in its first week. I would say in 2 weeks this will be at 3m : 1.3 NA, 0.9 JP, 0.8 Others...but at the end of the year will be over 6 millions surely, this is Wii game of the year!
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chris_wing posted 14/11/2009, 01:44
Wow, what a bomb, not a single sale, lolhaha.

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supermario128 posted 13/11/2009, 08:00
This game will be huge, and you are crazy to think other wise.
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haxxiy posted 13/11/2009, 03:13
@ supermario128 - alright, I'll withstand your laugh with no proper answer since I think exactly the same thing about your predictions and the games you obviously prefer to play :)
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supermario128 posted 12/11/2009, 11:04
I wish it had been Saturday, would have been more convenient for me. Oh well. 3 Days!!!!!
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madskillz posted 12/11/2009, 10:55
The red case is sick. I can't believe they are releasing it on a SUNDAY!
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wick posted 12/11/2009, 06:26
I'm very disappointed with the lack of a classic controller option but after a few hours playing I have to say it's great fun. Takes me back to Christmas morning when I played SMW on my SNES all those years ago.
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supermario128 posted 12/11/2009, 03:47
Front loaded. Hahahahahahahaha.
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haxxiy posted 11/11/2009, 09:13
I predict this game to be a rather frontloaded Wii title to the likes of SSBB.
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supermario128 posted 11/11/2009, 08:45
How dare you post something like that... >_>
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madskillz posted 11/11/2009, 06:59
Just got the game today - but MW2 is so taking up my time
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supermario128 posted 10/11/2009, 09:34
SMW just barely beats SMB3.

5 more days!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 10/11/2009, 06:46
Man, I'm getting so hyped for this now. I can't believe how much I want it! Only 1½ week left...
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killeryoshis posted 10/11/2009, 01:22

Do you want me to take you out of my friend's list for spreading lies!?!?
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wick posted 09/11/2009, 08:47
Only 3 days till I get my hands on it. Might go play SMW to prepare.
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Wii_Master posted 09/11/2009, 04:24
OMG thats the only thing i can say about this fucking awesome pwns all video games in history and current!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MasterZack posted 09/11/2009, 02:59

SMB3 is better
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killeryoshis posted 08/11/2009, 09:56
SMW>All 2-D mario games. redinker picked the right game I hope it surprasses it.
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RedInker posted 08/11/2009, 08:17
Can't wait for this game. I've got the Missus getting me this for Christmas. I've even played through Super Mario World on the SNES to prepare me for the awesomeness of this game.
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supermario128 posted 08/11/2009, 05:18
It's hard not to watch any videos on it, but I don't want to ruin my experience with the game.
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Buzzi posted 07/11/2009, 01:08
It will sell great during holidays, it probably needs a bundle to sell 11m in 1 year, but 8 millions is pretty sure...I would say near 15m LTD.
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GuyDuke posted 06/11/2009, 07:14
Go to see the website at

It's... awesome. AND THERE'S A WORLD 9.
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supermario128 posted 06/11/2009, 04:51
So 1 under 11 million. Haha.

(I get why you did that)
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RCTjunkie posted 06/11/2009, 02:41
I hope it sells great! Deserves 10,999,999 copies WW in its first year!
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supermario128 posted 04/11/2009, 08:42
Way too low.......
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W4n9Le posted 03/11/2009, 12:41
2m japan
4m usa
4m pal
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supermario128 posted 29/10/2009, 09:02
Ha-ha, nice!

Everyone needs to get this game.
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vonboysp posted 27/10/2009, 02:32
i've convinced on of the student workers in the swamp at my college (basically just a place to play pool, videogames together, or just to hang out) to pick up this game.

fun times to be had at college again :D
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Haste262 posted 27/10/2009, 02:37
1.32m 1st week.
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supermario128 posted 27/10/2009, 01:55
Red box to make it special. Why not!

And your sales predictions are way too low.
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haxxiy posted 26/10/2009, 10:39
I predict 14m lifetime sales.

2m Japan
7m USA
5m Europe and Others
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PlaystaionGamer posted 26/10/2009, 03:14
lol who keeps spamming this?
should be good though! btw why has this got a red box?
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kopstudent89 posted 24/10/2009, 10:11
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PullusPardus posted 24/10/2009, 02:53
why is it in a red box? im i missing on an announcement?
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Arius Dion posted 24/10/2009, 03:47
This will have Mario Kart Wii like sales.
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Shipping Total

30,320,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2020

Opinion (989)

fedfed posted 29/08/2017, 01:15
very under tracked!
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goldmario79 posted 10/12/2016, 01:38
They talked to Super Mario creator who said back when this was created they "rolled back" the complexity of Mario Games to allow more people to understand and pick them up instantly/play them. Instead they created a side-scrolling masterpiece that sold so far 28 million copies. Of course that was going to happen.
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fedfed posted 19/09/2016, 11:00
this has sold almost as the NEWSMBU this year!
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fedfed posted 19/09/2016, 11:00
this has sold almost as the NEWSMBU this year!
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S.Peelman posted 30/10/2015, 01:08
Nintendo says 29.51m as of september 30.

Where one game's overtracked, this one quite heavily undertracked. Remember, can't have digital sales.
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b00moscone posted 29/08/2015, 06:40
Its still selling...
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