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11/10/09 Activision
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11/10/09 Activision

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition (Wii) > Opinions (379)

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SnowFlow posted 02/01/2010, 07:33
Well for a 2 year old game with limited features being sold at full price this is pretty good.
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uno posted 31/12/2009, 12:33
anyone else notice how the "owners" of this game on VGchartz has been steadily rising?

MW2 would be cool but there is no confirmation. Besides when would it come out?
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ash3336 posted 30/12/2009, 10:21
Adjusted down 4k. This is already in the top 10 best selling mature game on the Wii. Next week it will beat Overkill and NMH to become the 5th best selling mature game on the wii. It will go on to become 4th best selling game beating HotD2&3 but I do not think it will beat world at war. Million for this game is great. MW2 by springtime or summertime.
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Siko1989 posted 30/12/2009, 08:34

i guess that makes sence, thanks for explaining, this has baffled me for ages now lol
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intro94 posted 29/12/2009, 07:01
this game is good -famous-and has online, thats all we need really and buy.Another fantastic online game is naruto shippuden 3 and is selling ok too.
Muramasa and LKS..just brand new ips ,no online, harder to consider buying.Most ps360 best sellers have online btw(halo 3, Metal gear, GTA4, Resistance 2...)
So yeah, we just want the same.
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Derixs posted 29/12/2009, 04:46
I am one of those new players. I have played the offline version for like 15 min... All the rest of my time has been spent on multiplayer.
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bazmeistergen posted 29/12/2009, 02:24
200,000 online accounts now. New xmas players boost for the win.
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Siko1989 posted 29/12/2009, 08:33
anyway this would be cool if it outsold the ps3 version lol
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Siko1989 posted 29/12/2009, 08:29
wow us nintendo fans make no sense lol, i mean nintendo fans will buy this game but they wont buy other good games on the system lol
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GuyDuke posted 29/12/2009, 02:21
Excellent. 400 000 is really good for a non hyped game. They should know now that Modern Warfare 2 is a possibility.
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Derixs posted 28/12/2009, 09:54
I just got this for xmas. I am loving this game so far.
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willyzzz posted 28/12/2009, 07:56
wii call of dutys always manage to sell a million even with crappy first weeks.
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Shadowfest3 posted 27/12/2009, 08:18
I agree with you primogen18 and uno on the fact that Treyarch deserves more credit for this game. They did a great job porting this game to the Wii. I've only rented this but I plan to buy this game some time soon.
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uno posted 27/12/2009, 04:09
Treyarch deserves more credit.

I prefer the Wiimote controls cause its more like an actual gun.

Great game. A short march to a million.
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primogen18 posted 27/12/2009, 03:13
Also, sold out many places around here including the TRU I work at, has become a bit hard to find, hopefully they ship more out.
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primogen18 posted 27/12/2009, 03:11
hate how this has IW stamped all over it in the game and the opening... IW wanted nothing to do with it and it is because of Treyarch we have it, they deserve more credit. This game is awesome, I think it will hit the million mark.
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EntilZha posted 27/12/2009, 02:02
Wow! The numbers just keep getting bigger and bigger. It should be hitting a million in the next 3-4 months.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 26/12/2009, 11:06
Hope this sells well dispite IW hating the fact that Treyarch managed to port the game successfully.
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Evil-Kirby posted 26/12/2009, 04:18
The best console version because of the Wiimote...
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Tayne posted 25/12/2009, 02:45
Selling off of name alone. Good job Activision.
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Siko1989 posted 25/12/2009, 01:18
a million seller in no time
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icehawk101 posted 25/12/2009, 04:54
week 6 waay better than all other weeks!!!
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adam84 posted 25/12/2009, 12:47
million no probs for this, after time of course love the game
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primogen18 posted 25/12/2009, 12:03
wow, the legs are insane on this thing!
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Nintendogamer posted 24/12/2009, 09:31
400K! not bad, should be a million seller soon.
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ECC posted 24/12/2009, 07:38
BEST fps of the year! this is how you make a fps high voltage! its not so much about tech as its about pure fun! reflex>>>>>>MW2
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Arius Dion posted 24/12/2009, 06:23
Oh shit..This game is...selling?! Activision really dropped the ball with this series on the Wii. So much money left on the table..
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uno posted 24/12/2009, 12:14
@ intro

RE5 for wii - link?
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intro94 posted 23/12/2009, 11:36
another example is that ubisoft neglected the wii in POP and this year there will be a wii version.
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intro94 posted 23/12/2009, 11:34
voltaire,you are outdated.Capcom just said that RE5 is considered for wii now.Thats a shift right there,right on your example.
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Voltaire posted 23/12/2009, 01:41
Wow, i didnt think this game had it in it. Ok, i was hopeing it didnt, but obviously a massive franchise like CoD will sell on Wii. Its too late for "hopeing" 3rd parties get their heads out of their asses when it comes to Wii games. This, along with Capcoms refusal to have a "real" RE game on Wii, are two excellent examples.
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chris_wing posted 23/12/2009, 01:07
@ spurgeonryan
I don't quite get your point, but Dead Space:E is the only rail shooter that does count as a AAA non port Wii game. As far as "dumbed down" ports not counting as "real games", MW:Reflex is not as stripped down as you'd think. There is no voice chat or HD, but the controls are better then the pad systems, and the levels are fully intact. It would be nice if an original IP on Wii could live up to this port though, I agree.
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DOLBYdigital posted 21/12/2009, 10:05
Great sales rebound thanks to black friday. Largest week sell through was week 5, thats crazy but shows how many good games are out there. People are slow on picking up all the ones they want ;)
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uno posted 21/12/2009, 04:13
this game will sell a million. I feel bad for games like Conduit which are original IP for the Wii but HVS just doesnt have the experience that IW and Treyarch do when it comes to FPS'
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primogen18 posted 19/12/2009, 02:09
I knew this game would see the same pattern as W@W, awesome! I hope it keeps on chugging!
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novasonic posted 18/12/2009, 06:59
maybe the success of this will convince more 3rd party developers to stop bullshitting the wii.
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chris_wing posted 18/12/2009, 06:50
Sales are picking up, wow. This could pass the Conduit next week in terms of sales!
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marcianito posted 18/12/2009, 04:23
5 week is the biggest week
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adam84 posted 17/12/2009, 10:06
nice numbers, good to see this doing well. 1 mil should be no problem for this one. Will take just that bit longer to get there than what it took waw. waw is 1.36 mil and still going.
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famousringo posted 17/12/2009, 06:07
Tracking well below WaW now, but still doing well enough that it will turn Activision a good profit before the end of the year.
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Derixs posted 17/12/2009, 05:54
Nice! this game sold more in the 5th week in the USA than it has since launch. Looking forward to getting this game.
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shuckille posted 17/12/2009, 01:02
check ur corners!!!!!!!!
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intro94 posted 16/12/2009, 11:56
it went a bit down, but december will be another hot month.300-400k?Sure thing. Success all over the place for a belated port. 1 million before MW2 arrives.
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Batman...WTF? posted 16/12/2009, 11:15
This is actually selling... Whoa.
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mandisc posted 15/12/2009, 07:03
Went into a supermarket in the UK last night and this was sitting at number 7 on the Wii chart. That's good news in the xmas run up. It's not far behind WAW on sales and as primogen said, without any advertisement (I remember seeing WAW advertised everywhere) this is doing great. I look forward to more people online to destroy lol
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zzyoshiman posted 14/12/2009, 10:52
went down
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primogen18 posted 14/12/2009, 09:48
A mistake? I beg to differ. This game got ZERO promotion on it's own, and while the MW2 release worked against it, it was actually more of a boost. Most places that had special MW2 displays and such put MW:RE out there too. (walmart, toys r us, etc). If MW2 hadn't had shared some of the that (though the little it shared), MW:RE would have had that much less exposure. It's not like this would have had anything at all on it's own, it would have dropped even more silently. I think sharing a special display with MW2 is better then nothing.
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SaviorX posted 14/12/2009, 09:03
200k in a month flat.

Not much farther until Treyarch starts making that money back. They spent more on this than World at War, but after the year ends, it should be in profit mode.
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zarx posted 14/12/2009, 04:46
releasing so close to MW2 was a mistake, it should have been out last year
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primogen18 posted 13/12/2009, 11:19
in a few weeks this went from #300 something on amazon to around 50 overall right now, a very good leap and it seems to be stable in popularity.
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down-down-down-down- posted 13/12/2009, 12:46
after 2 years -.-......
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Siko1989 posted 13/12/2009, 11:52
wow wii owners are proving those jack asses Infinity ward wrong, with no marketing whats so ever this could be a million seller easy, with marketing this will sell 2 million....

can this be profitable for treyarch yet?
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zzyoshiman posted 13/12/2009, 04:00
1/4 way there
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primogen18 posted 12/12/2009, 10:54
nice legs and lil boost in other, hope this continues to sell!
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palancas7 posted 12/12/2009, 10:53
I don't know about the other, but the Conduit was massibely adjusted down after the NPD numbers were revealed. Here it had a 110k+ launch before it was adjusted.
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patjuan32 posted 12/12/2009, 07:04
@ Chrizum,

NPD stopped collecting data for the month of November on the 28th. This leaves two days unaccounted for.

Also data from Canada, Mexico, and Latin America is not counted by the NPD data that was recently released.

Is Latin America even tracked at all?
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kopstudent89 posted 12/12/2009, 06:14
VGchartz have done bolder decisions, even after NPD numbers, madden Wii, conduit, muramasa nad Beatles Rockband werent adjusted down. So i think numbers will stay the same here
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Tuulikk posted 12/12/2009, 04:50
NPD is not for all of America, right?
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Chrizum posted 11/12/2009, 11:56
No rumours, NPD data has been released for november.
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famousringo posted 11/12/2009, 08:34
@ Chrizum

Do you mean "according to a rumour of NPD numbers," or has the rumour been confirmed?
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Chrizum posted 11/12/2009, 12:03
Overtracked by about 25k according to NPD.
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intro94 posted 10/12/2009, 07:50
lol activision didnt pay a penny in ads(tv wise) yet this is performing. 1st month =200k very good start.MW2 will have to come before COD7, thats for sure.Treyarch will be busy no doubt.
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IxisNaugus posted 10/12/2009, 02:20
This is doing better than i expected.
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icehawk101 posted 08/12/2009, 01:41
nice! better sales on week 3 than 2 and 1.
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Excel_K posted 07/12/2009, 11:32
Glad to see it's doing quite well. This game is pretty damned addictive.
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primogen18 posted 07/12/2009, 05:40
ECC: either way it seems on track with W@W, which is still a good thing. Hopefully the brand recognition and those who are wii-only owners with a thirst for more COD after the drought will be enough to take this all the way.
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ash3336 posted 07/12/2009, 04:31
I bought it last week. I am one of those 81, 763 people. YAY!!! On its way to a million or two.
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mandisc posted 07/12/2009, 11:30
awesome. Word of mouth will conquer all lol
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cgkc17 posted 07/12/2009, 07:25
How do you know its legs and not the standard holiday boost??
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ECC posted 07/12/2009, 03:56
Great sales! in my opinion the best call of duty to release this year.
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Siko1989 posted 07/12/2009, 03:10
wow no advertisement at all and it has amazing legs lol awesome.. keep going i hope others help as well
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primogen18 posted 07/12/2009, 02:03
Just like World at war, we are seeing a boost in the 3rd week, great!
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uno posted 06/12/2009, 09:31
Damn. It sold more in America in the 3rd week than it did total for its first week. Word of mouth will carry this game.
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marcianito posted 06/12/2009, 07:50
selling great
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Paul posted 06/12/2009, 06:12
The christmas bump really seems to be driving this one up. awesome week three sales.
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NeoStar9 posted 05/12/2009, 01:46
Glad this is selling even with Activision sabotaging it.
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Derixs posted 03/12/2009, 04:26
With the exact number of 106,854 copies sold at 50$ each this game has already made over 5 million dollars. If we suggest that tyretch gets about 20.00 per game they have made just over 2 million dollars on this port alone. And its still selling.
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adam84 posted 02/12/2009, 07:20
haha i see your point but when i know i can't buy a game i want it more
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Siko1989 posted 02/12/2009, 11:13

no its not, its never good news when a game sells out when people want to buy the games lol
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adam84 posted 02/12/2009, 02:02
thats always good news, it was sold out on the uk a week or so ago aswell.
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cliffhanger posted 02/12/2009, 12:44
I think it's doing pretty good. Currently sold out on and .ca.
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uno posted 01/12/2009, 01:41
I feel confident it will hit a million by next Nov. But will Activision green light the port of MW2? If so when will it release? COD7 is coming to Wii next November.
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ash3336 posted 30/11/2009, 11:54
Best Online game on the Wii! and the Best shooter overall.
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mandisc posted 30/11/2009, 06:33
legs are guaranteed
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DOLBYdigital posted 30/11/2009, 05:46
Decent sales but hoping Black Friday gives this game a big push. Would love to see another 40k week in US. Either way, its a good start and it should stay strong through the holiday season.
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Monteblanco posted 29/11/2009, 06:29
Not a big drop from the first week. It seems it might have some good legs.
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uno posted 28/11/2009, 02:41
This game deserves great sales. I have already put in 39 hours of play where my total time playing WAWii was 261.
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Siko1989 posted 28/11/2009, 01:08
120k already? don't pinch me im dreaming
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ash3336 posted 28/11/2009, 12:51
I bet that by the end of year, the sales of this game will be over 700k.
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adam84 posted 27/11/2009, 11:47
100k already! very good. now lets see your wii legs kick in.
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primogen18 posted 27/11/2009, 11:39
nice legs, this should reach about the same next week with the black friday sales. I saw a few of these go while I was working and everyone seamed pleased to discover it.
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MarioGalaxy posted 27/11/2009, 06:36
Very Good Sales. I'm surprised about those numbers. It's quite similar to WaW numbers one year ago!
May be could reach the 1 M mark as the two previous games? Who knows...
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Falk Sturmfels posted 27/11/2009, 04:59
Pretty good sales, guys. It may not reach WaW because its an old port, but i guess its gonna reach .5 million for sure.
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primogen18 posted 24/11/2009, 09:07
dreaming? Look at the sales record of the last one, and then the one before that which both made it past 1 million, it's not exactly a stretch to think this might do the same.
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Hisiru posted 23/11/2009, 10:16
Excellent numbers for a 2 years old port with zero advertising.
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primogen18 posted 23/11/2009, 05:15
I can't wait to get this game, I still want world at war as well for some variety!
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Siko1989 posted 23/11/2009, 09:37
nice.. and this game is 2 years old to lol
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Hero_Of_Time posted 23/11/2009, 03:23
What happened? Gamespot wrote the accurate review while IGN wrote the biased and inaccurate piece of crap. Did IGN and Gamespot switch writers or something? With Matt leaving did Mark go insane?
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marcianito posted 23/11/2009, 03:07
1 million seller for sure, it was a good opening for a game with no advertising at all
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Buzzi posted 22/11/2009, 12:40
Seriously without a good marketing how did you think it could sell well?I thought it would have sold less than 50k first week, now I'm sure it will sell well over time, I hope for 1 million or more.
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mandisc posted 21/11/2009, 03:04
Here we go again with the "flop" crap in the comments section. Intro94 summed it up really. Go and look at world at war. In particular go and look at the comments section for the early days of sales and see a repeat of what is happening here. WAW went onto to sell 1.32 mil. Go away and let us enjoy the game please
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Nintendogamer posted 21/11/2009, 02:31
It should hit 1 million pretty soon, and 60,000 for the first 4 days for a port, it's not a bad case.
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Vertigo-X posted 21/11/2009, 01:30
This game is great even on the Wii! I'm loving the controls!
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famousringo posted 20/11/2009, 08:42
@ Ghazi4

I wouldn't say it cost nothing. The dev team is reported to be 30 souls, who have presumably been working since they finished the Wii version of WaW.

The typical estimate of 30 people working for one year would put this title at around $3 million to make. Should be turning profits by 200k units.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 20/11/2009, 01:20
nice opening, considering how old it is and 0 promotion
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Ghazi4 posted 20/11/2009, 10:49
this game prob barely costed them anything so this is just bonus cash for em lol
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RDBRaptor posted 20/11/2009, 10:32
Good for a two year port, I'm not expecting very big numbers for this game.
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EntilZha posted 20/11/2009, 10:32
Good numbers for a 2 year old port with no advertising and only 3-4 days of sales numbers. What is important here is that it is a good game and good games for Wii always have great legs.
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Fleeman posted 20/11/2009, 07:54
those are huge numbers for no footage and 5 horrible screens
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Kenology posted 20/11/2009, 12:08
Solid opening. Under WaW but a given since this is a two year old port and WaW was brand new. Should leg it out to a million no problem.
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primogen18 posted 19/11/2009, 10:39
its good for the amount of advertisement it had.. which was absolutely nothing. Remember how COD:WAW had some lackluster sales at first then crept up from there and had a few really good weeks, this might happen here as well. Still, if they complain, they have nobody to blame but themselves.
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marcianito posted 19/11/2009, 10:30
good sales for having no advertising
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The_Killer posted 19/11/2009, 09:16
Wonder if it will get the same sales as the PS3 version or 360 version. I would guess it will fall just short hitting 5 million Lifetime.
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famousringo posted 19/11/2009, 08:15
Decent enough launch, assuming it sees the legs that the last game had.
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TheThunder posted 19/11/2009, 05:52
Any marketing for this ?
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adam84 posted 19/11/2009, 05:26
nice first 4 days sales, looking good for christmas.
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primogen18 posted 18/11/2009, 03:58
Also, look at W@W, how many times did I look online or in a store ad and see "PS3 and 360", nobody ever mentioned it came out for Wii, not even in store ads, and that went to 1 m and is still going.
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primogen18 posted 18/11/2009, 03:57
Im definitely buying the game. Walmart had a nice display of it covering some of the MW2 display and said it was going rather quickly. I know I will be getting it sometime soon.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 18/11/2009, 08:53
@All: Yeah you guys are making good points - but look at the hits Reflex gets on vgcartz. there are a lot of interested people about this game. But - do they buy this game or do we hace thousands of hackers here?
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DrYon posted 18/11/2009, 01:17
Of course the anti-Wii media is trashing this game because it's a threat to all beliefs from this biased people. They say that Wii can't handle hardcore games and the engines made for HD consoles cannot be done on Wii. Treyarch is just proving them wrong and they'll do whatever they can to hide this fact. They somewhat succeed with Dead Rising and now they'll strike again against this.
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DOLBYdigital posted 17/11/2009, 07:48
Yeah the gaming sites are really trying to kill this game. At least vgchartz gave it a fair and good review. Very fun game that should be in any action or FPS gamer's library :)

Spread the word and lets help this get to a million.
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Zucas posted 17/11/2009, 03:44
After playing a few levels it is definitley very well done. Controls are spectacular... just going to take awhile to get used to FPS wii controls again haha. Only graphics complaint I have is lighting. They could have done a much better job on that aspect.
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Gintoki posted 16/11/2009, 10:11
Awesome game.
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oliist posted 14/11/2009, 08:40
Friend Code option added!
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Smeags posted 14/11/2009, 07:24
Multiplayer's pretty fun... except for the fact that I'm a level 5 cannon fodder going against level 30-somethings. I'm getting better though! Soon I shall be feared, muahahaha! >:)
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Konvict posted 14/11/2009, 01:36
ok this is my first coment on this website so here goes. last year i along with a million other people bought call of duty wolrd at war for my wii. while i was expecting much in the form of the single player mode ( lets face it another ww2 game) i was completly supprised by the online play. needless to say some 4 or 5 prestige's later i had reached my fill of WAW, so when i heard that Modern Warfare was heading to the Wii i got really excited as all my friends who got it for the 360 said it was amazing. so my copy of reflex arrives and i jump straight into the single player and let me tell you it was kick ass from start to finish the game looks great much better then WAW and the online is WAW X10! so after beating the game i decied to look what other people ( namley game sites) have said about reflex, imagine my supprise when almost all the " professionals" have been slamming the game for everything from " blcoky character models" to dull looking graphics ( thats always my favorite bit about game reviews about how military inspired games and game settings always look dull HELLO its the military and government they invented dull and boring!!!! come on guys its a game that lets you run around shotting people and blowing stuff up, not to mention it has all the stuff the 360 owners had to pay extra for already in there. so ignore the so called professionals i have come to realise that they are ( and im sure sum1 else already said this) just mad because this game ( in their opinion) should have been on Wii 2 years ago. One Million sales+ HERE WE COME!!!!!
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Salnax posted 13/11/2009, 02:57
Other than IGN and Eurogamer, everybody seems to agree that this is a good port. My only problem with that is that this will crush all of the native FPS's on the Wii like The Conduit extinct.
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ECC posted 13/11/2009, 11:32
best fps on wii and i will even say its more fun than the HD version.
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ash3336 posted 13/11/2009, 03:22
Get this Ofcourse, motion controls with IR pwns FPS. Plus this game has everything the original with a lot of extras.
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zzyoshiman posted 13/11/2009, 01:56
should i get this or save up to get a 360 to get MW
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mandisc posted 12/11/2009, 09:05
Ok Im having a stupid minute. Can anyone remind me how to add my friend code to this website?
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mandisc posted 12/11/2009, 08:57
Just finished the campaign and extensive online play. This game rocks! I dont know why IGN pumped out that biased review. I think that they are still sore over the fact that the game is 2 years old so they were never going to be satisfied anyway. Buy this game so that MW: 2 has a chance at being ported and to further convince Activision that COD is a sound investment on the Wii. COD 3 and WAW sold over a million, I don't see why this won't
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DOLBYdigital posted 12/11/2009, 02:28
IGN has been on a long path down when it comes to reviews/previews and well just their overall reporting. Played the game a little bit last night and found no issues with the cursor which is something IGN kept nagging about. Will check out the online tonight, see ya online :)
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uno posted 12/11/2009, 03:26
i am already addicted. Screw IGN. They thought Conduit was amazing.
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Fleeman posted 12/11/2009, 02:02
horrible review from IGN it only got a 7 everyone is trying to bring this game down
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bazmeistergen posted 11/11/2009, 10:51
Super game
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adam84 posted 11/11/2009, 06:28
bought it love it
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zzyoshiman posted 11/11/2009, 06:27
going to get this when i have the money
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DOLBYdigital posted 11/11/2009, 02:22
Grabbing this today but yeah I haven't seen or heard this at all. They aren't spending any money on ads so this will take awhile to get going. I'm hoping it will get to 1.5 mil lifetime but not confident.
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Paul posted 10/11/2009, 09:34
Add your friends codes here at the official friends codes thread :)
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primogen18 posted 10/11/2009, 05:29
Hm, it's funny that in the summary it says "n a fight where speed, accuracy and communication** are essential to victory, your wits will serve... ", why wasn't Wii Speak included again? Anyway, I think this will see good word of mouth sales and xmas boosts as WaW did, but some kind of advertising would help. Hopefully the banner ads at IGN are a preview of more promotion.
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uno posted 10/11/2009, 02:32
gonna get my copy today, hours away!!!

I think this game will sell really well because its a great game and word of mouth will spread like wildfire.

at least 1.5 mil is my prediction
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wick posted 10/11/2009, 10:55
Just been playing for a few hours and I'm impressed. Hoping to get my Wi-Fi fixed tomorrow so I can try the online. So far so good.
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ash3336 posted 09/11/2009, 11:25
Last year I got world at war and was disappointed by it. It was a watered down port with only 2 game modes and 8 maps. Only 8 players on a huge map with barely passing graphics. I returned that game.

This year I am excited about this game and am plannign on buying it. 13 game modes in 16 maps with 10 player per match and pretty impressive graphics. Hell yeah I am buying.
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ash3336 posted 09/11/2009, 11:23
And christmas sales in weeks 3-5.
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adam84 posted 08/11/2009, 09:16
lets hope it has a big first week. waw did around 60k. think weeks 3+4 will be the biggest weeks for this game because like ash3336 said, word of mouth.
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ash3336 posted 08/11/2009, 06:06
I still think that it will sell as word of mouth and christmas should boost it like it did for WAW. I think it might sell around 1.5 million to 2 million but it might not. You never know.
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RedInker posted 07/11/2009, 11:00
Just pre-ordered it. I'm stunned by the lack of promotion though.
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chris_wing posted 07/11/2009, 10:25
This game looks decent for a Wii game. People will B**** and M*** about the lack of realtime shadows and lower texture resolutions, but the improved controls over the HD sisters is a valid reason for this game to exist. W@W was a FUN time on Wii.
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ECC posted 07/11/2009, 04:00
i have this game and would recommend it to any fps fan. the game looks and play alot better than w@w
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DOLBYdigital posted 06/11/2009, 04:33
Haven't seen any videos, ads, or any kind of hype for this game which is sad. I'll be grabbing it and it will probably do okay over the long run. Many are probably looking forward to MW2 which I think looks beat. This will probably be the last COD i'll be getting for awhile ;)
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Shadowfest3 posted 06/11/2009, 10:45

I watched some multiplayer vids as well and I will be picking this up for sure, when I get the money of course.
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adam84 posted 06/11/2009, 03:05
@ Boneitis
its sad isnt it about the lack of hype. im pretty sure most buyers are waiting to see if it was any good first. this should get off to a flying start but with most wii games the legs will be amazing
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Boneitis posted 06/11/2009, 02:34
Less than a week until its release and its not even on the top 40 preordered games. This is looking like it'll be one of the best Wii games ever but its not getting much hype.
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Paul posted 06/11/2009, 01:42
Those videos look great.
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adam84 posted 06/11/2009, 12:05
just watched a couple of the online multiplayer vids before they were taken off cannot believe the amazing job treyarch have done with it. hats off. graphics are the best ive seen on wii by miles.
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ziemjak posted 05/11/2009, 08:03
there are a 4 photos link in photobucket show something new
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Shadowfest3 posted 05/11/2009, 04:48
I'm disappointed that there haven't been any updated photos or ever a trailer showing something from the game. I will wait for videos of some gameplay and multiplayer on youtube before I buy this. Of course I have to wait anyways since I'm poor at the moment.
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uno posted 02/11/2009, 04:51
being delivered on the 10th from Amazon. There is little chance that the gameplay is worse than the HD versions. My most anticipated game of the season.

7 days left.
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ash3336 posted 31/10/2009, 02:43
Or if early reviews are over 8.5/10.
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ash3336 posted 31/10/2009, 02:42
Day 1 if I see good videos being posted on youtube.
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adam84 posted 29/10/2009, 08:52
game pre-ordered
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ziemjak posted 28/10/2009, 01:44
12 days until release!! I'm worry about that game, because the game must be finish right now and tested, then why no screens or video??
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Paul posted 26/10/2009, 10:46
I just pre-ordered it. I hope it doesn't suck.
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adam84 posted 25/10/2009, 02:41
god i hope its not, i can see the release being put back can't you? i should be good but it just seems like they are rushing it.
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ziemjak posted 25/10/2009, 02:09
only two weeks to release!! But no cfukng video or trailer. :-/ It will be crap??
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adam84 posted 20/10/2009, 05:12
still no video
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uno posted 19/10/2009, 02:11
This game is gonna rock.

Lifetime sales will be more than COD WAW Wii.
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adam84 posted 15/10/2009, 12:50
lol, hope we see a vid soon. but im not worried yet. if it's as good as waw then im a happy man.
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ash3336 posted 13/10/2009, 04:41
still no video...
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adam84 posted 09/10/2009, 03:08
one month to go
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ash3336 posted 06/10/2009, 11:15
No, I actually think the first week sales will be high considering the fanbase is set with codwaw and so they will get it right away.

I am predicting around 100-150k in the first week.

But again, no more than 85 on metacritic.
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primogen18 posted 29/09/2009, 06:42
Wii speak was not confirmed, someone was mis-informed. One of the actual developers said they didn't know where people got their information from and Wii Speak will not be in the game.
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mandisc posted 26/09/2009, 12:25
Just saw that Wii Speak is confirmed. I am excited for this as a person who didnt get to play it on 360/ps3 and with buddies ready to go wii speak support is great
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ash3336 posted 23/09/2009, 12:43
Watch, it will get no more than 85 on metacritic.
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uno posted 20/09/2009, 09:26
@ ash

This will be a commercial success and is ALREADY a critically acclaimed success. Its the same game that got all those billions of awards so how could the game be worse?

Just because it doesnt have WiiSpeak and Splitscreen does not mean the gameplay will suffer dramatically.
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ash3336 posted 19/09/2009, 12:28
Commercially this will be a major success but Critically I see this doing just above average due to taking away of so many features.
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adam84 posted 17/09/2009, 11:15
same here, i loved waw on wii and this is going to be amazing. What should we expect the sales to be like?? 1.5 mil I think.
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Shadowfest3 posted 14/09/2009, 04:10
Hey cool first post! I like the addition of "Reflex." Of course they only did this, in my opinion, to jazz up a game that's a 2 year old port. Anyways, I will buy this game whether it had reflex in the name or not.
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 1   2   3   4 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (379)

1 n/a 32,334 18,901 8,783 60,018
2 n/a 18,529 14,930 5,700 39,159
3 n/a 45,815 15,437 10,598 71,850
4 n/a 36,266 17,143 9,191 62,600
5 n/a 54,686 25,236 13,758 93,680
6 n/a 76,274 29,713 18,297 124,284
7 n/a 113,170 32,829 25,315 171,314
8 n/a 45,191 20,085 11,245 76,521
9 n/a 27,704 8,999 6,354 43,057
10 n/a 17,583 6,516 4,164 28,263
wutanghk posted 06/02/2022, 07:18
Obviously the bestest and most innovative CoD ever, the rest are for dudebros!
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drake_tolu posted 29/07/2014, 02:09
Fantastic game.
Best Call of Duty.
And i'm happy for the fact other 1,500,000 Nintendri have played this game.
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Fededx posted 07/07/2012, 06:01
Well, Activision can't complain, it sold very good. Might have made a big profit for sure, specially considering it's a port of and older game.
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theRepublic posted 27/09/2011, 05:31
Single player is good, but marred by terrible hit detection. Multiplayer is addicting, but the match making seems like it has issues.
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primogen18 posted 24/06/2011, 05:39
finally went down to $19.99 used at gamestop, $17.99 with card
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primogen18 posted 11/06/2011, 09:47
Wish this would be 14.99-19.99 already, still $34.99 most places new around here and $29.99 used
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