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Monolith Soft



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Release Dates

04/06/12 Nintendo
06/10/10 Nintendo
08/19/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 472
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Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) > Opinions (371)

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lurkerwithnosoul posted 19/04/2012, 05:45
Yikes. The hype and amount of stellar reviews played a major role here, but the consumers really made NoA look bad.
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MRKs posted 19/04/2012, 03:58
If this game reach 800k I will be extremely happy!
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Smeags posted 18/04/2012, 06:24
Riki like fighting easy monsters.
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sethnintendo posted 18/04/2012, 05:58
Funny that the Americas will be the top market for this game and that they took so damn long to release it here.
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AndrewWK posted 17/04/2012, 10:53
I tdeserves more then a million
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Conegamer posted 16/04/2012, 08:47
Interesting how sales YoY are 2012>2011>2010 already, probably a first for a game!

Also may be the first game to win GOTY awards in 3 consecutive years with no re-releases!
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Zugdar posted 16/04/2012, 02:58
Due to holiday weekend, I bet a lot of people could not get it Friday. Myself included because I got it Monday. GET IT! Its a great JRPG
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bsp77 posted 15/04/2012, 01:31
I don't think that many backed out of pre-orders. I was out of town and could not pick mine up on release day. The sales were Friday only for Xenoblade, so this number is very impressive. Next week sales should still be strong due to further pre-order fulfillment. Now we will just need to learn from Nintendo how accurate these numbers are. Kid Icarus sales on this site were bumped by 50% after Nintendo's announcement.
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T.Rexington posted 15/04/2012, 07:09
Glad to see this did well. It bolds well in my opinion for future Japanese imports.
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eyezofnight posted 15/04/2012, 04:13
Or people just didn't pick them up on friday. I ordered mine through and didn't ship till Wednesday this week so it didn't count towards first week sales. Then again do copies ordered through NIntendo's store count toward this number.
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swii26 posted 15/04/2012, 12:49
seems like people backed out of their preorders
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Fededx posted 14/04/2012, 09:46
150 K in just one day in NA :) I want to see next week's sales already!!!
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Pokemonbrawlvg posted 14/04/2012, 09:24
Did the numbers adjust for North America? Anyway, very nice sales!
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thiorim posted 13/04/2012, 11:32
That's true @Arfen , The pre-orders as at 5th were at around 187k but still, these are good numbers, Means Xenoblade hits 500k total in all regions as at now and still selling,
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Arfen posted 13/04/2012, 09:59
140k in NA.. but hasn't this 180k preorders?
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NintendoPie posted 13/04/2012, 08:26
YESSS! ^_^
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JTurner82 posted 13/04/2012, 07:19
It will indeed get close to the 500k, which is quite a landmark for a niche JRPG, especially one with a developer with an impressive pedigree (but so far, not much widespread recognition for its titles). This could be the first game to put MONOLITH SOFT on the map.
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ljlrj posted 13/04/2012, 05:27
140 :D put it pass the 500k mark
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Iveyboi posted 13/04/2012, 01:07
Wonder if 140K will be enough to get Pandora's tower to NA (Last Story is coming)...I suspect NO only as it much more of a niche title than LS or XC
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Conegamer posted 13/04/2012, 12:45
Happy to see over 140k sales FW in America for the game!

I still reckon we'll be looking at 350-400k LT for the game in America.
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DarkBahamut87 posted 09/04/2012, 02:05
@thewastedyouth: Actually, being a jrpg on Wii, Xenoblade sold extremely well in Europe. Europe is a pretty different market than America, just because numbers are lower doesn't mean it sold badly.
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EntilZha posted 08/04/2012, 02:41
Looking forward to starting this game tomorrow. Just picked up my copy today. I hope it lives up to the hype.

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F0X posted 07/04/2012, 08:50
@ thewastedyouth I don't know why sales aren't better in Japan, but I'm pretty sure this game wasn't very well-distributed in Europe.
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thewastedyouth posted 07/04/2012, 05:00
WOW why where the sales of this game so bad in Japan??? and Europe

no wonder they are going to release this in America, I would have thought the Japanese would have eaten this

pretty strange since the ratings are really high
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F0X posted 07/04/2012, 01:46
If my father hadn't removed me from the TV, I would be six hours into this game. I've decided to give him the silent treatment for the rest of the night.
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thiorim posted 05/04/2012, 02:17
I just purchased a copy (UK Version) of this game and I seriously can't put it down. I am a big fan of RPG's and I honestly think nothing can match up to the polish,excellent game play that Xenoblade has, Truly the best JRPG this generation. Currently saving up to buy The Last Story.
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thewastedyouth posted 05/04/2012, 02:12
you guys remember when Cartman got a giant amusement park and then he did not let anyone in it, then since no one could go in there was a big riot and people wanted to get it

Nintendo did the same, they made an amazing game and said North America you will not get, then after a year they will release it here and EVERYONE will buy it

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Plezbo posted 04/04/2012, 04:12
That would be awesome, this game deserves great sales. I am so hoping that they are already working on a spiritual sequel for Wii U, would love to see this game in HD. Hell, if they make a remake I'll buy it just to support this company. Thanks to all of the Europeans who bought this game, and also to the project rainfallers, without you I wouldnt be able to walk into Gamestop on Friday and pick this up.
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F0X posted 01/04/2012, 11:01
I wouldn't be too surprised if this game reaches 350K LT in North America.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/03/2012, 09:57
this game was pirated 950,000 + times, sadly, piracy is one reason for Wii pre-mature death, hope it does not happen with 3DS
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Plezbo posted 26/03/2012, 04:28
By the time that this game hits the US, there will be more pre-order sales than total sales in each of Europe and Japan. NOA, you weren't going to bring this game over why? Or maybe this was the plan all along.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 06/03/2012, 02:43
cool, Europe sales are almost Japan sales : )

could have sold more if Wii wasn't dying atm
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IxisNaugus posted 05/03/2012, 01:23
Probably the best game I've played on consoles this generation, period. Up there with Galaxy, Ocarina of Time and Chrono Trigger. What a game. Very few JRPG's this generation, be it console or handheld, match up to this beast.
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TriforceRob posted 04/03/2012, 03:44
This game is just amazing, up there with the best.
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Conegamer posted 02/03/2012, 08:14
Lovely game guys! Make sure you buy it when you can!
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oniyide posted 02/03/2012, 04:37
its not gonna break 1mil. Ninty wont even ship that much for it to do so, some of you are living in CandyLand
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sethnintendo posted 26/02/2012, 05:44
I mean money! I hope they make some money off it. It should get past 1 million sales if there is decent hype in the Americas.
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sethnintendo posted 26/02/2012, 05:42
Got my preorder in awhile ago. I just gotta make sure I have the mone when it is finally released in the States.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/02/2012, 12:08
hm, sales are not bad at all in Europe, especially for a Wii JRPG
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rccsetzer posted 01/02/2012, 11:31
This game is fantastic. Best RPG i played in years. Great cutscene direction. Great story ans a cast of characters free of any kind of stereotypes. And every corner on the map offers something to do.
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menx64 posted 31/01/2012, 08:31
Good news, since amazon is not selling the game I will need to get it here. I hope we get the bundle though...
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Ganbare_Goemon posted 23/01/2012, 12:01
One piece of information. I've got an e-mail from Nintendo, confirming that Xenoblade will be officially sold by their representatives in Latin America. I know a lot of people here who will buy. I'll buy it too, despite already having it (been to Germany in October, couldn't resist and bought the bundle twice, one for using and the other to keep sealed).
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Cheddarchet posted 19/01/2012, 10:32
Pre-orders for this game are fantastic so far! Here's hoping it continues to climb even faster!
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pwnsweet posted 18/01/2012, 06:54
320k huh? Well, I know at least one of those is sitting on my shelf :) Best game on Wii by the way.
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Michael-5 posted 17/01/2012, 02:14
USA Pre0orders are 92k, add Canada and it's over 100k. In 1 week pre-orders for Americas will be over the week 1 sales for the rest of the world combined, and the game will still have 11 more weeks to build pre-orders. I would not be surprised if this game opened to 250k or more in Americas, and I really hope it break 1 million lifetime. If it breaks 900k lifetime it will have outsold XenoGears.
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Michael-5 posted 17/01/2012, 02:11
All these delays really built up hype in Americas. I just watched gameplay for my first time and I'm pretty sure I'm getting this day 1, new. I have never bought a JRPG Day 1 new, this game will be huge.
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DarkBahamut87 posted 15/01/2012, 09:31
Sales are actually astonishing! It's not common at all for a jrpg to sell this well in Europe in such a short timespan. And it's even on Wii!
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Falk Sturmfels posted 14/01/2012, 05:49
Embarrasing? We are close to the Japanese sales right now. Of course it deserves much more sales. Lets hope that you americans buy at least something about 200.000, so we can cheer for the half million.
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Fededx posted 14/01/2012, 02:14
Embarrasing sales in Europe, really. Can't believe those guys are getting Pandora's Tower and Last Story, they don't deserve it at all... Hope it sells better in NA, I'm gonna buy it on day one for sure, since my birthday is in April :)
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Aghahowa posted 13/01/2012, 05:03
Absolutely the best JRPG I played for years. It deserves much more sales
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Arfen posted 09/01/2012, 12:15
with a good distribuition an d a world release this would be million seller for sure
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JTurner82 posted 08/01/2012, 06:22
313k is quite solid for an unknown RPG. I doubt America's #s will push it over a million, but it will definitely make it over 500k.
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ishiki posted 06/01/2012, 04:54
This game is great... Though, it's a ways from being my favorite JRPG this gen... theres like 4 or 5 on PSP and DS I like more.
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progstarmac posted 04/01/2012, 08:52
I really want this game, I think it will sell about 300k in USA
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Sandylecuistot posted 03/01/2012, 09:00
the sales history seems completely wrong. And I hope they are.
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oniyide posted 02/01/2012, 06:37
1 million??? It'll do 500,000 maybe even 750,000, but 1mil?? How??
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MRKs posted 02/01/2012, 01:32
Nice, 300k is not that bad. And now that this game is coming to Americas, it shouldn't be much of a problem to reach 400k~450k
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primogen18 posted 30/12/2011, 08:26
i am hoping US pre-orders keep climbing as they are, hopefully it can push this title over 1 million. It was #1 video game on Amazon for how long when operation rainfall pushed it up there? Hopefully everyone actually purchases the game. I know I will.
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Michael-5 posted 27/12/2011, 07:50
USA pre-orders look to top Japanese week 1 sales next week or just after. I think Americas will be the games strongest region
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Tridrakious posted 22/12/2011, 10:40
I'm seeing a possible opening of 150k to 200k in the USA. It's at 60k now.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 21/12/2011, 06:40
Good Sales, looks like another 3.000 sold in Europe. Lets hope for another two good weeks.
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Pokemonbrawlvg posted 20/12/2011, 05:30
The U.S release is going to outsell the Japanese and European ones. I wonder why...
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postofficebuddy posted 20/12/2011, 02:57
I think it's subtracting extrapolated sales for countries that it hasn't actually launched in. Did this release in every European country?
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Michael-5 posted 17/12/2011, 08:48
Oh it will for sure. I'm hoping for 1 million with all the controversy creating hype, but it probably won't get that. Last Story might.
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GianCarmen posted 17/12/2011, 08:24
With the launch in the US, is it possible for it to top 500,000WW. I think it might.
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A203D posted 09/12/2011, 09:33
I think the unaccounted global total numbers infer that the Middle East and Africa account for those unaccounted units.
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VXIII posted 09/12/2011, 08:31
oh wait , this is a diffrent case xD , gotta report it .
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VXIII posted 09/12/2011, 08:30
Again ... The "Lifetime Totals" only includes USA, certain countries in Europe and Japan numbers (about 75% of the industry), the "Global total" also includes the rest of the world , it is extrapolated because we don't get an actual data unlike the regions mentioned
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Arfen posted 08/12/2011, 07:14
WTF?? lifetime totals 267k Global total (extrapolated)260k... how is it possible?
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MRKs posted 04/12/2011, 06:20
If this manages to sell 150k in USA i would be happy
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Faxanadu posted 03/12/2011, 09:21
what happened to the european sales? adjusted down that much?
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Mad55 posted 03/12/2011, 09:17
I would have purchased it if it released sooner but they took to long so free it was lol.
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NintendoFanDj posted 03/12/2011, 06:04
I live in US playing the EU version gotten 7 hours out of it on the Dolphin Emu and it runs at FULL SPEED
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JTurner82 posted 02/12/2011, 11:12
I'm already planning to get it, as it's a title I've wanted to play for a long time. THANK YOU, NOA for finally granted us our requests!
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Conegamer posted 02/12/2011, 08:45
I hope you Americans actually BUY this game when it comes out
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DarkBahamut87 posted 02/12/2011, 07:14
Xenoblade Chronicles officially announced for April 2012 in America!
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Elmochatouillemoi posted 28/11/2011, 01:44
Great game, but there's something wrong about the japanese sales number : in 2010 Xenoblade sold 161.161 units as we could see in the Japanese top 500 selling games of 2010.... logically the japanese sales of Xeno has to be higher than that here.
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Zornica posted 24/11/2011, 07:24
no, it has nothing to do with xenosage or gears. but it´s by takahashi and it´s probably his best work in terms of game design and telling a complete story
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miqdadi posted 20/11/2011, 11:52
Is this part of MR. Takahashi Xenosaga or xenogears, I still want to play it, though
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MRKs posted 10/11/2011, 12:55
Sales are better. Let's hope this get released in Americas so i can sell another 150k :D
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 09/11/2011, 03:32
it's still selling in EU and it was not even released in Americe where (hopefully) the higher sales will come from
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Ryudo posted 07/11/2011, 08:34
Best game I played this gen by far
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RPGFreak posted 05/11/2011, 10:47
Love this game. Bit surprised it didnt´t sell more.
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Xen posted 05/11/2011, 01:00
Finally got you. This, ladies and gents, is my Wii system seller.
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Conegamer posted 04/11/2011, 07:18
Holding steady again. Nice.
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stitch55555 posted 29/10/2011, 07:01
wonderful game, I played more than 90 hours and I don't finished yet..probably the best Jrpg ever created
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Arfen posted 27/10/2011, 11:51
no decrease and a slight increase yesss!! wait to see next week numbers and next and next one.. hoping holiday season help this game to sell the best it can do
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Intendo21 posted 26/10/2011, 09:50
Yes! A slight increase.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/10/2011, 06:37
I read in the latest official Nintendo magazine that shipments for this were low to ''test the waters'', and that bigger shipments are coming, i hope so!! : )
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Arfen posted 26/10/2011, 06:18
I want tosee the numbers after xmas, now that we have stock of the game and people can find it wit no much problems.. if you want a great JRPG, with tones of things to do, and play during hours and hours.. this is ur game
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Tayne posted 26/10/2011, 01:13
100k sold in EMEAA!
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Wagram posted 24/10/2011, 04:03
Less then 100k so far in EMEAA? In NA it would be well over that by now >.>
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TheDarkBender posted 23/10/2011, 03:06
I just Love this game!! Hope it sells better in the holidays so it would atleast sell 300k- or even 350k? Hopefully this will get a US release so the sales would get even higher.
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Conegamer posted 22/10/2011, 04:10
See? Another 3k added this week. And next week, up until December, when it'll go up to around 5-15k a week. So it should hit 280-300,000 by year's end.
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Conegamer posted 20/10/2011, 08:25
The game is selling fine, guys. It'll hit the same amount as it sold in Japan, and maybe more. A US launch would hit 500k. And that's AWESOME.
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zippy posted 19/10/2011, 07:52
@rpgmaniac-xenoblade has shifted over 250k units,and is still selling in Europe.If this got a a US release,im sure the worldwide sales would look quite impressive.(just like this excellent game)
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rpgmaniac posted 19/10/2011, 10:59
@Soulblazer Xenoblade is made by Takahashi the man behind Xenogears & Xenosaga series & Xenogears for many included me it's one the best JRPG ever made, dont compare the work of this man with nier and resonance.. Simply put the guy who work for this game is one of the most talented person in the JRPG industry along with Sagakuchi and PS have much more huge fan base for those kind of games when I am saying that I am sure sales will be much better on PS3 I believe it 100%
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Soulblazer posted 16/10/2011, 09:38
@rpgmaniac This game was made by Monolith and Monolith is owned by nintendo so of course it had to be on the Wii and you cant say for sure it would sell a lot on the ps3, just look at the sales of other not so known jrpgs like nier or resonance of fate.
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rpgmaniac posted 16/10/2011, 07:04
The main reason this awesome game sell poorly was the console they choose to make it, if that was on PS3 worldwide sales will be over 1 million till now for sure just look at Tales of Xillia 600k sales only from JPN when they release the game US/EU I expect to see over 1.5 million, so why they wasted the game on Wii that's very sad.
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postofficebuddy posted 13/10/2011, 02:15
One of the best RPG's this gen, exceeded only by Demon's Souls IMHO. If you live in North America just mod and import. It's entirely worth it.
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Arfen posted 11/10/2011, 09:03
wow, we sold out the game again last weekend.. all copies were buyed in 2 days
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Faxanadu posted 11/10/2011, 02:22
Special edition sold out again on Amazon Germany
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z101 posted 11/10/2011, 11:51
The game should see another spike in europe around christmas.
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z101 posted 11/10/2011, 11:50
Best RPG in years. It deserves the good sales, and more!
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Stefan.De.Machtige posted 09/10/2011, 03:10
Sales are good for its genre. The game deserves double - if not triple - that. I finished the game at like 155 hours at level 99. That game alone was wotth bying a wii.
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Hephaestos posted 08/10/2011, 09:30
Umh? for TLS and PT, this game showed the audience they have... just about as big as the one in japan, and thus just as worth releasing as overthere :P
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gumby_trucker posted 08/10/2011, 03:12
how do you guys think NoE's Let's Play promotion will influence sales on this? At the very least it's an indiciation they still plan on releasing TLS and PT in Europe.
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Conegamer posted 07/10/2011, 06:18
Plateau at 5k a week. Should hit Japan's figures soon enough.
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Arfen posted 07/10/2011, 02:51
stock again finally!! hope a little boos next week or next one when people know the game is again i stores. soo hope to see legs for this till christmas and then a boom in sales
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Faxanadu posted 07/10/2011, 10:52
A front loaded game on the Wii in Europe? call me intrigued.
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Conegamer posted 30/09/2011, 05:39
Guys, the sales are just fine. If it reaches 100k, it's better over here than 85-90% of niche JRPG's. And look below at the comparative sales of games like this on the Wii. I think, if it hits America, we're looking at 500k, which is AWESOME! On a side note, I finished the game today (well, nearly) at 113 hours. Truly epic game. If you don't play this game, it's a massive injustice. Just get it. NAOW!
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MRKs posted 29/09/2011, 06:59
Well now the game has stock but the sales are still weak :S I guess we will never see a NoA release, altough i still think if this is release in NoA it will sell 100k more
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Falk Sturmfels posted 29/09/2011, 05:30
Oh, now it loses his momentum. But still faster to the 100k than I expected.
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Iveyboi posted 29/09/2011, 03:02
This game deserves massive sales. Ack!
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SeXbox_360 posted 28/09/2011, 07:02
demand isn't high NOW. Which is stupid. IF they properly markted it and shipe enough copes back in August this game would have easily sold 100k+ by now. Fucking stupid Nintendo
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swii26 posted 27/09/2011, 11:10
it seems what people are saying is that it is undershipped
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oniyide posted 27/09/2011, 04:23
either the game is being undershipped severely or the demand isnt as high as we thought
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AngelosL posted 25/09/2011, 08:27
Square Enix should check this game out because that's how it's done. Best JRPG this gen!
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Conegamer posted 25/09/2011, 12:23
I think that EMEAA sales will be higher. With a release in the US, 500k is very likely. And with a niche JRPG, that's a feat in itself.
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Crystalchild posted 23/09/2011, 04:17
@Michael-5: agreed, EMEAA Sales were held back by Nintendo itself, if NOA isnt totally hating on its fans, it should be coming.. at least i hope so for the guys unable to play it.
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Michael-5 posted 23/09/2011, 08:29
Looks like EMEAA sales will be about the same as Japans. NOA has no reason not to localize as the game will likely sell best in that region.
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Faxanadu posted 20/09/2011, 08:26
Amazon germany has restocked. On both versions.
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kanjitech18 posted 20/09/2011, 05:09
C'mon Europe! Keeping buying! I want this game in the States!
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 20/09/2011, 02:49
sales should rise next week. a lot more copies being recieved.
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Arfen posted 18/09/2011, 04:14
here in spain we will recieve more copies firts days of october... hope the game has legs and a great holydays season
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BurningWave posted 18/09/2011, 09:36
It is now available again... maybe next week the sales will rise a little bit.
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MRKs posted 16/09/2011, 05:24
Well aroun 10k per week is not that bad I guess. We are in week 4 and we have the half of the sales in Japan. If this keep going by the 10 week it will have the same sales as Japan. Imagine if this is release in NoA, the game could sell around 500k. And guys, if Catherine had surpassed their cost with 300k sales, this game easily around 300k will have profit
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OneTwoThree posted 16/09/2011, 10:24
True, it was unavailable on Amazon Germany for a week or two, fort example. But now they have it back in stock, looks like Nintendo hurried to ship another batch.
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oni-link posted 16/09/2011, 01:07
man Nintendo undershipped this title a bit. reports of shortages are still common for this game.
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OneTwoThree posted 13/09/2011, 11:27
If the game is as huge as every review says, it probably takes better numbers before they break even... Same for The Last Story. Thought these game could be million sellers :/
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Sandylecuistot posted 13/09/2011, 01:29
These numbers are probably fakes anyway...
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Intendo21 posted 11/09/2011, 08:34
How much will it have to sell for it to break even or make a profit?
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IamAwsome posted 11/09/2011, 05:36
Hopefully this game will at least break even for Monolith.
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Mora posted 10/09/2011, 10:28
Just a really good game, and if you like exploring, and doing trillions quests and social interactions; you'lle be in for a LOT of hours ! :)
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miqdadi posted 10/09/2011, 08:08
Just how many Nintendo pumped in European market, some are complaining that they can't find one
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miqdadi posted 10/09/2011, 08:08
Just how many Nintendo pumped in European market, some are complaining that they can't find one
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Hephaestos posted 09/09/2011, 10:17
Nintendo is spamming this game in mailboxes of club nintendo members in EU... even the ones who bought and registered the game already :p Anyways, 60K already, I would say that the transaltion was woth it as it's a good 25% of the total sales and likely to reach 40%.
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Sandylecuistot posted 09/09/2011, 08:52
> Jap voices. I hope the game'll continue to sell decently.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 09/09/2011, 07:30
Ah, I don´t think so. I guess, the following week sales gonna be like 9000/6500/4000 and after the 80.000 it will be around 2.000 for a while.
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swii26 posted 09/09/2011, 07:28
i give it 4 more weeks to hit over 100k
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Falk Sturmfels posted 09/09/2011, 06:44
I´m sure if it reaches 100.000 quick enough in European territories, then Nintendo America will announce a release in your country. They know, 100k for a JRPG means 150-200.000 copies in the states. That is safe money and the game is already translated with great british english (which I like, it is a really cool game, guys).
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 09/09/2011, 04:01
only a 10% drop 3rd week. looks good for 100k+
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MRKs posted 09/09/2011, 01:37
Hope Nintendo give retailers more copies of this game if it's really sold out in most retailers. I really want this game to succeed, it just unfair that this game sold this little T_T
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bazmeistergen posted 09/09/2011, 06:31
Sign of minilegs. Deserves to chug along at 10,000 a week. Doubt it'll happen though. :(
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curl-6 posted 07/09/2011, 10:52
Do these figures include online sales? For example, I imported my copy from, as did many others I know of; are these atllied in VGChjartz's numbers?
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lurkerwithnosoul posted 07/09/2011, 02:44
@MRKs Of course there is. The problem here, like Curl-6 said, is that Nintendo underestimated us by undershipping the game. I can tell that at least in my country this game suffered from that, since there's only one retailer with that game for sure, and that being Fnac. Too bad i had to wait until now to pick my copy at Zavvi (cheaper than buying here). I'm waiting for over a week for a restock. This f*cking sucks, as everyone i know (and even those i don't know), just tell wonders about the game. FuckFfuckFUCK!
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MRKs posted 06/09/2011, 08:58
This game deserve to be million seller, but then again i guess NoA it's right after all. There is no market for JRPG anymore
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curl-6 posted 06/09/2011, 11:25
The problem isn't lack of deman (it's sold out at many retailers across Europe) it's that the first shipment was tiny. Nintendo underestaimted demand.
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Faxanadu posted 06/09/2011, 09:47
In Europe games NEVER have a strong first week on the Wii. They often prove to have very good legs though.
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Siko1989 posted 05/09/2011, 05:35
no one was expecting 500k, but how the news said its in high demands in Europe, i expected it to sell 150k first week.
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Faxanadu posted 05/09/2011, 08:08
Very good sales for Xenoblade in Europe. People expecting this to sell 500k+ in Europe are funny.
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Siko1989 posted 05/09/2011, 03:38
the sales are bullshit, i have been seeing articles that this game is a sellout in Europe, it was on high demands and when the sales come in.. its disappointing, how many copies did EB Games, GAME even stock...
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TheWon posted 04/09/2011, 09:06
Seems to me this game is on the way to Fail City. 30 million Wiis in the EMEAA and only 30k buy it in first week.
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Arfen posted 04/09/2011, 01:55
this game had thepotential to become a million seller.. hope that nintendo ship more copies and release it in America too caus now to arrive to the million mark seems almost impossible
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 04/09/2011, 01:32
Nintendo didn't want to sabotage their ownb game, they just are too ignorant and niave when it comes ot marketing something that is't an excerscise game or pokemon. They should have SHIPPED more copies of this game, i know several peopel who are trying to buy this game but can't find it anywhere. It's a Fucking disgrace.
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Salnax posted 03/09/2011, 10:51
@Intendo21 So, they wanted to sabotage their own game? Yeah...
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Hephaestos posted 03/09/2011, 10:44
lol they probably only printed 50K and it's sold out :p
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swii26 posted 03/09/2011, 05:44
Give it a chance, if gamers really want to play this game, they will buy it.
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Intendo21 posted 03/09/2011, 04:03
Maybe Nintendo wanted this game to fail by having poor distribution. They just want to prove that JRPGs only sell well in Japan,
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BurningWave posted 03/09/2011, 08:35
The problem is that the Game is sold out nearly everywhere and the retailers don't get new copies. Every Saturn in Cologne hasn't got the Game since 1 week and they don't know when there will be new copies. Amazon Germany doesn't get new copies... seems like NoE has problems with shipping this Game...
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pariz posted 03/09/2011, 06:08
I hope this game surpasses 0.5 m.
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Michael-5 posted 02/09/2011, 10:02
If EMEAA sales hold strong, then there is a chance EMEAA total sales will equal Japans. Won't that be enough for NOA to localize the game? I don't think XenoBlade will drop as hard as it did in Japan because all Japanese software is only strong for a week or two, then crashes, where it's different everywhere else.
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cromeros posted 02/09/2011, 09:14
I 'm very very sad!... :(. I want this game...
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Nintendogamer posted 02/09/2011, 05:56
terrible numbers
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Asriel posted 02/09/2011, 05:36
The first shipments for Xenoblade shouldn't have been so low--there was more demand than supply in the UK, and it's still sold out at a lot of retailers. The longer Nintendo take to get stock out, the more chance this has of disappearing when bigger titles come out. Start some advertising campaigns mentioning the glowing reviews, and get stock out so this doesn't sink!!
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Arfen posted 02/09/2011, 04:54
sad cause these numberes coul be much much higher with a good distribuition
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stallion_420 posted 02/09/2011, 04:48
We might see better sales next week 25,000 - 30,000 after last weeks dry spell and sell outs
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Fededx posted 02/09/2011, 04:29
Good bye Xenoblade, I would have loved to play you :( NOA, I swear you'll regret it!!!
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stitch55555 posted 02/09/2011, 03:52
seems that the problems of continuous distribution in Europe ... what a pity, I think one of the best Wii games
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Sfaralli posted 02/09/2011, 02:47
today in italian stores
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Siko1989 posted 02/09/2011, 07:33
just brought it today, and you get a free soundtrack with the game :)
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ishiki posted 02/09/2011, 06:25
thehut... is really slow XD
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Galvanizer posted 01/09/2011, 07:10
Best JRPG since FF12.
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Bruno Muñoz posted 01/09/2011, 11:27
Best jrpg since Final Fantasy XII.
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MRKs posted 29/08/2011, 08:19
Excellent game, it's one of the best RPG of this Gen without a doubt. It has everything, you can save anywhere, lots of stuff to do, tons of sidequests, tons of places to explore (and they reward it with Exp) the time flows and there is Night and Day. You can change the time of the day whenever you want. Also the story so far is great and best of all if you change equipment you see it on the character! :D Seriously, buy it you will not regret it
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AmonAmarth11 posted 29/08/2011, 04:53
Homebrew Channel + Gecko OS and you don't need a EU Wii (works on any Wii Console, be it Jpanese, NA or EU. You'll still need the original game though). Oh yeah, and it's easy to install, as easy as taking a dog out for a walk.
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smizzoker123 posted 29/08/2011, 03:09
dont forget to import yoself an EU region wii. this game would have easily sold just as many units stateside this 1st week. smooth move nintendo!
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AmonAmarth11 posted 29/08/2011, 05:41
You want to play that game? Then import it! There are lots and lots of games Europeans had to import games from USA because they were released only there and in Japan! Titles like Chrono Trigger SNES & Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve, Valkyrie Profile PSX, Xenogears, Xenosaga 1+3, Tales of Legendia + the Abyss, Sands of Destruction, Radiant Historia, Arc Rise Fantasia and so on! So yeah, stop complaining and start importing and don't wait for that Brownie Asshole Fils-Aime.
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megaman79 posted 29/08/2011, 02:39
Litmus test is MH3 Sales I think. Nintendo tried to get that game booming in Eu/US, so i think its got to atleast match that to be convincing.
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cromeros posted 29/08/2011, 01:17
Only 30,000 in Europe... It's not enough for Mr. Fils Aime. Wii need more sales.... PLEASE I want this game for Chile and Americas! Please Europeans!...
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MrT-Tar posted 28/08/2011, 09:40
Loving this game so far, I can't advise Americans enough to import this classic
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Galvanizer posted 28/08/2011, 01:17
Good sales. Hopefully it will have legs and sell more in EU than it has in Japan. Word of mouth about how good it is should help sales.
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Kihniö posted 27/08/2011, 11:15
Bought it,and loving it. You don`t know what you are missing USA gamers. But we must hope
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Intendo21 posted 27/08/2011, 08:13
I doubt we will see it in NA now
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 27/08/2011, 08:10
Jumpin...wTF are you on about? Are you one of those old people still stuck in the 90's with boring static turn based systems with random encounters. Wake up.
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Jumpin posted 27/08/2011, 03:59
It`s a great game, but I just don`t understand why companies can`t just release a real RPG on console anymore, why they have to keep on using these annoying gimmicky battle systems.
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postofficebuddy posted 27/08/2011, 03:07
@Lord_Yggdrassil The first shipment to France was 38k. It sold out there.
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 27/08/2011, 02:35
some people are idiots. This game probably dind't even ship 40k copies and to sell 30kl first day is good. People have this thing in their head that there's infinite copies of games on store shelves. You canonly sell what you stock. Xenoblade sold out in a hell of a lot of retailers.
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Falk Sturmfels posted 27/08/2011, 12:23
As a german i can say that the interest in the game is high. Don't forget, Xenoblade was released at the 19th of august in the whole eu territory. I expect a complete week with something around 45.000 pcs.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 27/08/2011, 11:47
i hope so
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gumby_trucker posted 27/08/2011, 11:42
these sales are just for the first day in EU...
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BurningWave posted 27/08/2011, 09:50
You may should know that Nintendo doesn't ship that much units. In my hometown, there is nearly no chance to buy it.
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Arfen posted 27/08/2011, 08:11
these are not bad numbers.. is kust nintendo ship few units :( it's sol dout everywhere
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 27/08/2011, 06:22
too bad... : ( hope for a better 2nd week or bye bye Xenoblade for U.S.
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Salnax posted 27/08/2011, 02:46
Well... so much for that.
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Fededx posted 27/08/2011, 02:34
Well... I guess we'll never see you here Xeno :( Damn you EMEAA!
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DarkCronos posted 27/08/2011, 02:00
so in the end the 38.000 units shipment wasn't for france alone but for the whole europe. good debut for a niche RPG on the wii in europe.
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PhantomLink posted 27/08/2011, 01:56
At least it did better than Japan second week
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Arfen posted 26/08/2011, 02:21
wow I'm playing this game and i can say I'm in love with it. Hope the best in sales and an american release too
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Siko1989 posted 23/08/2011, 06:14
i have tou wait til september to play this game since that's Australian release date
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 1   2   3   4 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (371)

1 82,083 n/a n/a 82,083
2 20,983 n/a n/a 20,983
3 11,850 n/a n/a 11,850
4 7,206 n/a n/a 7,206
5 5,075 n/a n/a 5,075
6 2,956 n/a n/a 2,956
7 2,468 n/a n/a 2,468
8 2,123 n/a n/a 2,123
9 1,713 n/a n/a 1,713
10 1,611 n/a n/a 1,611
killeryoshis posted 07/09/2017, 08:23
Amazing game. I can't believe I missed it when it first came out.
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NoirSon posted 28/11/2016, 12:30
Yeah, as nice as this sight is, you have to take the actual numbers with a grain of salt. Some games are never updated after their first few weeks, others are listed under multiple titles separating by regions their true numbers. However given everything, the 3DS port, the representation in Smash Bros, the semi sequel and more, I think the key thing to take away is that Xenoblade is a success by Nintendo standards so more games should be in the pipeline down the road.
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goldmario79 posted 16/11/2016, 02:42
On June 4th, 2016 this website was stating that Xenoblade had sold 58,040 in the USA alone. VGCHARTZ has no F'ing idea what they are doing here apparently. I've got screenshots showing it.
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b00moscone posted 03/08/2016, 10:46
Should easily squeeze another ~15k to lock 1m. Too bad, the game deserves a lot more than that :(
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Darwinianevolution posted 06/02/2016, 10:55
0.97m at 16th January 2016. If Nintendo doesn't stop printing this game, it will reach the million.
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gaymeboss posted 31/01/2016, 10:41
I bought it last month of Amazon for 45 USD. The so called "World Edition". It's the NA version made for other countries that use the NTCS system. The game is just a bless. I really hope this price cut would make more people buy the game, enjoy it, and show Nintendo that we all need this kind of games ...
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