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Monolith Soft



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Release Dates

04/06/12 Nintendo
06/10/10 Nintendo
08/19/11 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 472
Favorite: 142
Tracked: 18
Wishlist: 92
Now Playing: 89

Avg Community Rating:


Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii) > Opinions (371)

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IamAwsome posted 21/08/2011, 07:04
If you are a European reading this, please buy the game.
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Roar_Of_War posted 21/08/2011, 05:26
I want this game in the US. =( Europe better buy the **** out of it so we can get it over here, too. You guys are so lucky.
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IxisNaugus posted 20/08/2011, 02:25
My order arrived on launch day, and not a moment too late. Getting on this immediately.
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stallion_420 posted 19/08/2011, 05:46
My pre order has been put back to expected delivery on tuesday because of high demand. So its looking good for sales. ended up buying another copy from gamestation so i could play today and will send the other back when it finally shows up
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stitch55555 posted 19/08/2011, 04:58
Don´t worry cromeros...I bought my copy yesterday ^^U
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cromeros posted 17/08/2011, 05:16
Please Europeans... Buy this game... I want this game for Chile.... XD. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!
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Podings posted 16/08/2011, 03:18
Only 160K in Japan? The Janese seem to be tiring of RPGs on consoles, opting instead for their handheld brethren. Hopefully, with the reviews this is getting in Europe, it will get the attention it deserves.
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Chrizum posted 16/08/2011, 12:09
One of my most anticipated games of this generation. Yay for living in Europe!
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Sandylecuistot posted 15/08/2011, 05:52
I agree
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gumby_trucker posted 08/08/2011, 02:36
this game better sell at least twice as much in Europe as it did in Japan!
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Arfen posted 07/08/2011, 07:47
At last, the time is coming.. 2 weeks to play this game finally!!
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MrT-Tar posted 05/08/2011, 12:49
Only 2 more weeks!
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Sandylecuistot posted 28/07/2011, 06:31
This game deserves a lot more than 0,16m sells
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Conegamer posted 22/07/2011, 06:58
Just a few more weeks to wait for this game...
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Mad55 posted 03/07/2011, 04:23
I have the jap version but now ill wait for europe
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Conegamer posted 01/07/2011, 09:12
Come on guys, where's the support? BRING IT TO AMERICA NINTENDO! And I'm in the UK!
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kingofbubba posted 30/06/2011, 06:18
Wasn't this promised to America at some point? Regardless, I've been looking forward to and hoping for this for a while now.
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Sfaralli posted 29/06/2011, 12:15
It will be release in America. I'm sure.
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Sandylecuistot posted 28/06/2011, 11:55
They absolutely must release this game. It's like holding the best rpg of this gen, it's devilish for those who can't play it !
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cromeros posted 25/06/2011, 04:16
Please Mr. Fils Aime... Wii want this game!!! XD
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Galvanizer posted 11/06/2011, 07:34
Can't wait to play this when it hits Europe!
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Fededx posted 10/06/2011, 04:17
I want to play this game! Please bring it to America!!!
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Sandylecuistot posted 01/06/2011, 09:35
No problem with that, Pandora(s tower seems already to be better than LS so Xenoblade is far away. But it would have been better to have several top RPG... Hope to see another one like this in the future.
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darthdevidem01 posted 01/06/2011, 01:32
This will be better than LAst Story or Pandora's tower
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VXIII posted 21/05/2011, 04:31
I gonna get a wii because of this game , the last story and Pandora's tower .... when they get localized .. hopefully
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darthdevidem01 posted 19/05/2011, 06:22
Best Wii game to be
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Sandylecuistot posted 26/04/2011, 06:52
Can't you import it ? I live in Europe and imported it from Japan. I'll buy it where I am again. Everybody should support Monolith Soft !
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JTurner82 posted 26/04/2011, 05:56
C'mon, E3--confirm this game to us U.S. gamers, please!
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oliist posted 21/04/2011, 11:05
I want this soooooo badly.....
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kcoward posted 17/04/2011, 01:32
Its rumored this game will be out in September.
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JTurner82 posted 16/04/2011, 06:59
My guess is that we WILL see this at E3. Unlike, say, DISASTER or ANOTHER CODE: R, neither of which were big budget titles to begin with, this is a massive, full-blown RPG. Despite the conditions of the jRPG market in America, I seriously doubt Nintendo of America would want to pass on a title like this. Especially when they're already in the business of recording a dub. Why would they release it in Europe only? Isn't the whole decision up to NCL, and not NoA? In short, I DEFINITELY think this is gonna come over... just not until the latter half of the year.
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kcoward posted 16/04/2011, 02:45
The environments in this game looks huge and the music is epic. This is a REAL rpg.
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oliist posted 14/04/2011, 06:12 the...
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oliist posted 14/04/2011, 06:11
Me too. This game just looks fantastic. Now all we need are the release date announcement at E3.
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Yamaneko22 posted 14/04/2011, 02:39
I'm actually more hyped for this than for Last Story :)
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Conegamer posted 03/04/2011, 11:21
Now it's coming out over here, hopefully it'll hit 1 mil! YAY!!!
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Fededx posted 01/04/2011, 04:39
Finally coming :)
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Galvanizer posted 01/04/2011, 03:45
Just got announced for a NA and EU release in late 2011. Yay! I hope it sells well and hits 1 million worldwide.
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Sfaralli posted 31/03/2011, 11:51
Nintendo annunches it will be released in west during 2011!!! It's official
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NeoStar9 posted 16/03/2011, 04:21
I still feel this will do a LOT better outside of Japan.
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Kazukis posted 14/02/2011, 03:37
@Conegamer A lot of traditional gamer buy games second hand if not buy at launch here. As such games become hard to find new really quick if they're audience for the traditional gamer.
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JTurner82 posted 05/02/2011, 04:57
Considering that the game has been out for more than six months, I'd say it'll probably get here around late 2011 or at least summer. It ultimately depends on how much time the localization job takes.
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Sandylecuistot posted 04/02/2011, 10:47
Just one of the best games I played in my life. Best rpg this gen anyway
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Galvanizer posted 04/02/2011, 09:01
This game will come out in NA and EU. I'm sure it's due for a 2012 release and will be revealed at this years E3.
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Yamaneko22 posted 04/02/2011, 01:49
If this and Last Story won't make it to NA and Europe, then it will oficially prove that Nintendo cares about casuals and children only.
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Conegamer posted 03/02/2011, 09:58
...Japanese games drop off real quick don't they?
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MiSan7573 posted 31/01/2011, 07:41
this is most likely undertracked as this game was suppose to have sold 150K in it's first month alone.
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NeoStar9 posted 31/01/2011, 02:24
Everything about this game says that it's a good game. However they I don't think Nintendo pushed it anywhere near they pushed The Last Story. Many of the RPGs in Japan are now on the Nintendo DS or Sony PSP. Final Fantasy I think even had a drop in it's console sales compared to last time.
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NeoStar9 posted 31/01/2011, 02:23
Nintendo needs to release this outside of Japan. It should easily do 300K in the Americas. Hopefully higher due to the history the Xeno series has. Perhaps around 200K in EMEAA. Maybe they could get to 1 million+ total.
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JTurner82 posted 25/01/2011, 02:56
I wouldn't say the sales are abysmal. They AREN'T FF or MH quality, sure. But this is still one of the more successful new IP titles from Nintendo. That may not say much, but at least it's better than nothing. Still, I expect LAST STORY to outsell it.
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GupX19A posted 25/01/2011, 02:49
The guys at Nintendo are dikheads. Don't expect this or any non-pokemon/golden sun rpg.
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bmmb1 posted 22/01/2011, 08:28
@puggsly, hahaha, so now sales mean quality? What I do is look in Amazon Japan reviews - 256 reviews, average 4.5 stars. That says it all to me. Plus I read actual player reviews in Neogaf and other places, a lot are extatic about the game.
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/01/2011, 02:44
Ouch, abysmal sales. If Japan didn't like this game, its probably not good.
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pariz posted 16/01/2011, 11:28
Come on, now. We all want this game.
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Fededx posted 16/01/2011, 01:21
We all want this game, and it should be a million seller in America.
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stitch55555 posted 10/01/2011, 07:37
Nintendo should release this masterpiece outside of Japan, at least in Spain and the rest of Europe is a game that the jrpg players want
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Galvanizer posted 28/12/2010, 12:14
It sucks that it didn't hit 200K in Japan.
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Ghutto posted 24/12/2010, 02:43
Another great IP from Nintendo Like Mario and Zelda! Xenoblade (Monado) deserves to be HUGE!!!
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Conegamer posted 03/12/2010, 11:39
Come on NoE! Please PLEASE localise this and The Last Story! If you do theres a chance both will sell a million...
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Salnax posted 30/11/2010, 04:36
Unless this game is released in the west, it will be lost in history. Normally I'd have no hope, but the sucess of MH3 has given me hope for non 1st party Wii games from Japan.
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Zornica posted 24/11/2010, 11:28
i finished it 2 weeks ago, and its probably the best jrpg i´ve ever played
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Just-Jo posted 17/11/2010, 05:36
golden sun
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thelifatree posted 25/04/2010, 04:30
Xenoblade, I'm excited for, however I hope it's as good as xenogears instead of xenosaga.
The gameplay looks awesome. And they're good at making stories :D.
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GupX19A posted 09/04/2010, 08:55
I love Monolith Soft as much any Xeno fans, but this game is gonna bomb in retail.
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IxisNaugus posted 04/03/2010, 06:12
Xenoblade and The Last Story look to be very promising.
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pariz posted 18/02/2010, 08:27
We already know it will have an outstanding soundtrack.
The piece in its website is excellent!!
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Mad55 posted 01/02/2010, 02:31
oh yeah takeshi man. make it epic and if it spans different games finish it this time.
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Skorpion posted 31/01/2010, 06:26
First RPG I am really interested in for wii. Unless you count Rune Factory. But I don't.
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g-value posted 30/01/2010, 07:01
This game will be awesome. I can't wait for it to come out.
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MasterZack posted 30/01/2010, 12:32
This game will be great!
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oliist posted 29/01/2010, 02:20
Official site with awesome music

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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (371)

1 82,083 n/a n/a 82,083
2 20,983 n/a n/a 20,983
3 11,850 n/a n/a 11,850
4 7,206 n/a n/a 7,206
5 5,075 n/a n/a 5,075
6 2,956 n/a n/a 2,956
7 2,468 n/a n/a 2,468
8 2,123 n/a n/a 2,123
9 1,713 n/a n/a 1,713
10 1,611 n/a n/a 1,611
killeryoshis posted 07/09/2017, 08:23
Amazing game. I can't believe I missed it when it first came out.
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NoirSon posted 28/11/2016, 12:30
Yeah, as nice as this sight is, you have to take the actual numbers with a grain of salt. Some games are never updated after their first few weeks, others are listed under multiple titles separating by regions their true numbers. However given everything, the 3DS port, the representation in Smash Bros, the semi sequel and more, I think the key thing to take away is that Xenoblade is a success by Nintendo standards so more games should be in the pipeline down the road.
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goldmario79 posted 16/11/2016, 02:42
On June 4th, 2016 this website was stating that Xenoblade had sold 58,040 in the USA alone. VGCHARTZ has no F'ing idea what they are doing here apparently. I've got screenshots showing it.
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b00moscone posted 03/08/2016, 10:46
Should easily squeeze another ~15k to lock 1m. Too bad, the game deserves a lot more than that :(
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Darwinianevolution posted 06/02/2016, 10:55
0.97m at 16th January 2016. If Nintendo doesn't stop printing this game, it will reach the million.
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gaymeboss posted 31/01/2016, 10:41
I bought it last month of Amazon for 45 USD. The so called "World Edition". It's the NA version made for other countries that use the NTCS system. The game is just a bless. I really hope this price cut would make more people buy the game, enjoy it, and show Nintendo that we all need this kind of games ...
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