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BioWare Edmonton



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PC, PSN, X360

Release Dates

01/18/11 Electronic Arts
06/23/11 Electronic Arts
01/21/11 Electronic Arts

Community Stats

Owners: 243
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Mass Effect 2 (PS3) > Opinions (157)

 1  2 
green_sky posted 21/02/2011, 07:50
Playing the first one on PC right now. Will get PS3 copy of 2 when the price drops.
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zgamer5 posted 21/02/2011, 05:09
bought it 3 days ago and im 22 hours in. ahh amazing!
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rossoner posted 21/02/2011, 10:37 and game,shopto also similar price, im buying it
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Squall_Leonhart posted 19/02/2011, 09:46
Where did you see the game for £22.99? I'll go for it at that price too
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Skeeuk posted 18/02/2011, 10:15
its down to 22.99 shal i go for it
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Heavenly_King posted 17/02/2011, 03:58
Amazing game. Right now I am in my insanity playthrough. XD BUY THE GAME!!
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binary solo posted 17/02/2011, 09:04
Remember there's PSN sales too. It should easily reach 1 million with PSN sales. But we'll probably never know. I'm certainly considering buying off PSN.
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ttcacacaca posted 17/02/2011, 03:36
sales are going to pick up... a lot of these sales were stolen from lbp2 launch
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hudsoniscool posted 17/02/2011, 03:26
25k a week seems like a stretch to me, especially with only 27k this week. i think it could do around 15k a week and then a little while before ME3 it will pick up to 25k
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NSS7 posted 13/02/2011, 08:32
2 million is impossible. Even 1 million not possible at this rate.
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TheConduit posted 13/02/2011, 07:57
Think it will maintain sales around the 25k mark for a while and pick up around the time Mass Effect 3 is set to launch. Probable going to end up around the one million mark
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account2099 posted 13/02/2011, 04:54
i think homer thought he was on the 360 ME2 page :P
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Heavenly_King posted 12/02/2011, 06:22
Amazing game! XD
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A203D posted 12/02/2011, 06:13
Well i dont think it will get 2mil, but maybe about 0.5-0.8mil, not bad sales by any means. what did people expect for a year old game when theres loads of AAA games coming out for the PS3.
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hudsoniscool posted 12/02/2011, 06:05
homer your kidding right. if you think that the ps3 version is to hit 2 million than the 360 version will be north of 4.5 million. because from this moment on the 360 version will out sell the ps3 version, maybe not every week but total
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homer posted 12/02/2011, 05:38
Looks to be on target for my prediction of 2 million lifetime sales.
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account2099 posted 12/02/2011, 09:10
just proves that when u get the short end of the timed exclusive stick.........your practically an afterthought
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hudsoniscool posted 11/02/2011, 08:45
it will probably be between 350k-600k when mass effect 3 comes out.
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binary solo posted 10/02/2011, 10:08
No one can call the sales great, but reaching 200K by week 5 after an 88K opening is OK and it'll keep on crawling along to give the franchise a reasonable base once ME3 launches.
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geddesmond2 posted 05/02/2011, 12:46
The sales have many things working against it. It released among a swarm of other games and its a fully priced port of a years old game. I'd say it will reach 500k by the time ME3 releases.
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A203D posted 04/02/2011, 06:16
Do we know if this is going to come out in Japan, Dragon Age did amazing first week numbers in Japan for a new IP and WRPG. i think this could match that type of opening.
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TurismoT posted 04/02/2011, 05:58
Combine this with online sales and I rough it sold 200k which is probably enough to make back the port costs. A much needed price drop should come soon.
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Statix posted 04/02/2011, 04:52
RPG of the generation? Oh come off it please, and call a spade a spade. ME2 is less an RPG and more a squad-based shooter with some lite-RPG elements.
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gripstate posted 04/02/2011, 07:05
SuperAnthony64...u fail, this game is orgasmic!
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gripstate posted 04/02/2011, 07:05
SuperAnthony64...u fail, this game is orgasmic!
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drakesfortune posted 04/02/2011, 04:53
SuperAnt, I could not disagree more. I think Mass Effect 2 is the RPG of the generation. I loved the first one too, but this one is better in every way, in my opinion.
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pablogers posted 03/02/2011, 10:05
guys, are you serious??? this is a 1 year port!!, just go and look the sales of bioshock ps3...
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cmeese47 posted 03/02/2011, 07:12
Why launch this against LBP2 the Dead Space 2 it needed a holiday launch
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ArcticGabe posted 03/02/2011, 03:48
Flop of the year.
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SuperAnthony64 posted 03/02/2011, 03:36
in all fairness this game is not that great. the first one is the one to get. this is just a shooter with a drawn out story line. 3/4 of the game is recruiting your team. i loved the first one and rushed out to get this back last january and was saddly dissapointed.
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drakesfortune posted 03/02/2011, 05:47
Not great, but I think it'll do 1 mil lifetime. Console wars killed these sales.
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TheBardsSong posted 02/02/2011, 11:09
I guess there aren't many PS3 only owners out there, so the price tag probably isn't looking too attractive compared to the 360 and PC versions.
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Jexy posted 02/02/2011, 02:26
Can't believe PS3 fans aren't eating this up. Wonder if this is the reason EA keeps losing money on decisions like this. Either way, it has a good 9 months before the next game to have some legs.
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liu777 posted 01/02/2011, 08:03
A shame, this game deserves far more sales, lets hope it has legs.
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shotgun posted 31/01/2011, 03:55
I really hope this sells more as it's a privilage to have a game as good as Mass Effect 2 finally on the PS3.
Message | Report posted 30/01/2011, 04:51
Been playing this game for 2 days. It was worth paying £48 the get it off PSN. Amazing game.
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binary solo posted 30/01/2011, 07:09
By June, or before, the game will be cheaper than now, and legs will hopefully make it a success by the time Mass Effect 3 comes along.
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reggiextreme posted 30/01/2011, 02:35
mass effect
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yahoocom1984 posted 29/01/2011, 11:14
Pho_Hybrid , Price of Mass effect 2 for Xbox360 and PC is $20; on PS3 now it's $60
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Pho_Hybrid posted 28/01/2011, 11:13
@cura no $60 includes the DLC (which if i read is worth about $20 on VG) and the comic (which isn't great but is something) definatly im going 2 buy it :P
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/01/2011, 06:47
@ TurismoT - By the time Mass Effect 3 hits this should pass 500K, I think maybe even more. It'll make a profit and potentially increase interest in Mass Effect 3 for PS3.
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cura posted 28/01/2011, 04:54
stop charging full price for a one year old game. also, i imagine a number of ps3 owners have already played this game elsewhere.
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jester2358 posted 28/01/2011, 04:53
i guessed around 100k week 1, i think this will reach a million in a few years.
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TurismoT posted 28/01/2011, 04:40
This always happens to year later ps3 ports why do they even bother?
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zgamer5 posted 28/01/2011, 12:40
good 1st week will have decent legs. especially near me3 release.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 28/01/2011, 11:10
Am I missing something? 90k is fine. It'll see a legs at a lowered price when ME3 hype peaks.
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Bagaren85 posted 28/01/2011, 10:59
Not suprised.. But far worse than i expected.. (Maybe and with honour it could and should reach 0.5M) I still forget its released for PS3.. And fullprice when 360-version cost like 6 euro. Well!
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anikikim posted 28/01/2011, 08:35
sad face :( 90 k
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Horrorfest posted 28/01/2011, 06:07
Bioware has already said this was way undershipped
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MonstaMack posted 28/01/2011, 04:51
This outlook is most depressing.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/01/2011, 04:37
I knew the talk of great sales was hype. Well it should have decent legs, its too damn good.
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Dark Odin posted 27/01/2011, 03:09
I downloaded it too
Message | Report posted 27/01/2011, 01:27
You guys are forgetting that this game is available for download from PS store. I decided to download rather than getting it on blu ray just for convenience.
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Munkeh111 posted 27/01/2011, 11:32
Even lower than I expected, but I still reckon it can get to 500k
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yahoocom1984 posted 27/01/2011, 11:09
Bad sales
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Cthulhu posted 20/01/2011, 01:02
Played 4 hours yesterday & I loved it
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Kinneas14 posted 31/12/2010, 12:42
Really hyped to enjoy this series on my PS3!
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (157)

1 n/a 43,616 29,044 16,198 88,858
2 n/a 25,879 15,992 9,198 51,069
3 n/a 20,777 8,809 6,041 35,627
4 n/a 15,803 6,518 4,534 26,855
5 n/a 12,899 12,588 6,123 31,610
6 n/a 11,739 13,347 6,203 31,289
7 n/a 10,506 5,881 3,530 19,917
8 n/a 11,070 3,799 2,920 17,789
9 n/a 10,466 3,512 2,735 16,713
10 n/a 10,289 4,808 3,140 18,237
hellobion2 posted 26/11/2023, 12:41
series rivals star wars in my book
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A203D posted 24/02/2013, 10:22
Xbox 360 sales of Mass Effect 2 are about 3 mil. Unbelievable this version would hold up so well considering the circumstances. Its a shame Bioware went exclusive with Microsoft, they would've had much more sales if they went multiplatform from the beginning.
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binary solo posted 27/04/2012, 11:55
For those thinking of taking up this series, what compels me in this series is story, characters, setting and atmosphere. Gameplay is good, but really Uncharted and inFamous spoil standard TPS fare for gameplay for me. So if you can appreciate games whose non-gameply elements are really what makes for a good overall product then I recommend ME2 and 3. But if you are all about the gameplay then Mass Effect might not be for you.

Personally I love the games even though I'm so-so on the gameplay.

Really happy to see it hit 1 million in disc sales. I do wonder how the PSN sales went.
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VGKing posted 25/03/2012, 06:24
ME3 gave this one a boost! congratz welcome to the million-seller PS3 family!
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Cold Light posted 25/03/2012, 03:41
Now above 1 M! PS3 now has 140 million sellers, well done ;)
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Aj_habfan posted 18/03/2012, 10:42
With #3 just being released I am tempted to give this series a chance. Also played the demo for this game and did not enjoy it - hopefully it was just the demo.
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