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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー XIII-2


Square Enix



Other Versions

All, PC, X360

Release Dates

01/31/12 Square Enix
12/15/11 Square Enix
02/03/12 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 261
Favorite: 20
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 9
Now Playing: 11

Avg Community Rating:


Final Fantasy XIII-2 (PS3) > Opinions (179)

 1  2 
Rob-Ot posted 25/01/2012, 07:12
It's not doing more than FFXIII in Japan compared to same weeks. But this won't mean much unless it stabilises, if it just does a bit more than XIII but continues to go down all it won't mean a lot in terms of sales volume.
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DitchPlaya posted 25/01/2012, 03:53
8700 units this week according to MC, thats more than FFXIII, so far this is looking good!
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XJordanXCLBX posted 24/01/2012, 06:12
I predict 2m worldwide 1 week after it is release in Canada ans USA
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DitchPlaya posted 23/01/2012, 01:33
Its the next few weeks that will be important, FFXIII sold very little after its first month, the drop for XIII-2 has been much gentler. If it holds on well enough, i can see the post-10 week sales being rather consistent.
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Zim posted 22/01/2012, 06:00
@Rob-Ot the gap is getting smaller as the sales for both fell. To put things in context for people. From week 6 until current day FF13 sold 64k. So unless a bundle gets released it is very unlikely that FF13-2 will even reach 900k let alone 1million in Japan.
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Rob-Ot posted 19/01/2012, 12:16
In Week 5 FFXIII did 16K so the gap between the two is getting smaller.
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Sparking posted 18/01/2012, 06:15
MediaCreate has it at 14k, Vgchartz inaccurate yet again.
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ishiki posted 18/01/2012, 01:52
I don't think it will get to one million. I think that's what Boutros said is true. However it is currently the 4th highest selling PS3 game in japan. And will probably pass mgs4 (.83) in time
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Boutros posted 18/01/2012, 01:32
I thought Famitsu said that for 2011...
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DitchPlaya posted 16/01/2012, 08:03
Well seeing as Famitsu are saying its a possibility, i guess we can take their word. However it still rests on the reaction of the game, which from what we seem to be hearing is better than XIII.
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Sparking posted 16/01/2012, 06:27
Well Vgchartz said it did 23k this wekk but they are always inaccurate.
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Teo posted 16/01/2012, 06:06
It will hit the 1 million mark in Japan alone, making it the second best selling PS3 game of all time in Japan "before the end of the year" according to Famitsu.
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DitchPlaya posted 15/01/2012, 03:54
Reaction has been positive so far, so it could hold on, itll sell its first shipment and SE may indeed ship some more. 900k is a possibility.
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Boutros posted 15/01/2012, 03:53
I'm really starting to get pumped to play this!! I avoided the demo so far but it's killing me!!
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Chaos-Emerald posted 14/01/2012, 06:17
I wonder if it can reach 0.94 in Japan that would be half of the originals.
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Zim posted 14/01/2012, 03:57
@Rob-Ot Indeed. Week 4 was a holiday for this, whereas week 3 was for 13. Expect a very big drop off next week. Basically this doing better in week 4 isn't indicative of future sales at all. I would guess maybe below 15k next week.
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Rob-Ot posted 14/01/2012, 02:52
No I'm wrong that was the previous week. Next week it will see a big drop
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Rob-Ot posted 14/01/2012, 02:48
@zim... Week 4 was a hliday for FFXIII as well in its month of launch
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XJordanXCLBX posted 13/01/2012, 11:46
man look at the pre order chidori chan2
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chidori-chan2 posted 13/01/2012, 05:02
this game is already dead in japan, and chances floping in USA is very high...
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Zim posted 13/01/2012, 05:01
Before anyone says it's week 4 was bigger than ff13s keep in mind week 4 was a holiday week in Japan. Mk7, Mario Ds both saw big increases in sales. MH3F saw a tiny decrease. Lots of games went up in sales this week.
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DakonBlackblade posted 13/01/2012, 03:39
The demo was excelent, way better tham XIII, and I liked XIII a lot. I think the demo will help pre-orders improve even more on US and Europe.
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ylowbstard posted 13/01/2012, 07:49
Rob-Ot - Truer words have NEVER been said!
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Rob-Ot posted 12/01/2012, 01:00
The demo alone was better than FFXIII
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DitchPlaya posted 09/01/2012, 04:56
Well given the hate the last game got, and this is its direct-follow up, these sales are not as bad as people are making it out to be. The 2nd and 3rd week drops have been above expectations and it looks very likely theyll sell their initial 850k. If the reaction to the game is good then we can expect good sales passed the first 10 weeks since it didnt open to huge numbers in its first week.
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Ham_Burgular posted 09/01/2012, 01:57
If the preview is right (which it rarely is) it hardly dropped at all this week. From this point on it should close the gap on the original each weekly.
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Ham_Burgular posted 09/01/2012, 01:54
This isnt a main game, what part of this do people not understand its no different from Dirge of Ceberus or Crisis Core. These games arent going to sell 3 million copies like before the PS3 has only sold 7 million in Japan its nothing like the PS2. This game is already the 4th best selling PS3 game in Japan.
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Zim posted 09/01/2012, 01:20
Keep in mind when looking at pre-orders that each new FF is effectively a new game, whereas this is a sequel. Sequels usually have bigger openings but drop off quicker. If people played FF13 they probably already know if they are going to buy 13-2 or not.
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miqdadi posted 09/01/2012, 08:41
Question is will it pass 1M in Japan, needs legs to do so, till now it's not looking this way
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italo244 posted 08/01/2012, 09:55
Looking at the USA pre-orders, yeah, it will probably will do a lot better in Americas than XIII. Dont know bout Europe.
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VXIII posted 08/01/2012, 09:21
I don't agree , If you look at FF history you'd see that the first FF in the generation always sells the most ( FF7 and FFX ) , and mainline FFs alywas outsells the spin-offs
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XJordanXCLBX posted 07/01/2012, 12:13
it will do much better in NA and Europe
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Zim posted 06/01/2012, 11:54
@Seraphna .... what? FF7 had first week sales of 2million in Japan. FF13-2 is so far the worst selling main title in the series by a HUGE gap. FF13 is currently the worst selling main title in Japan and that had sales of around 1.75million by week 3. In Japan it is performing incredibly similarly to CC:FF7 which was a spin off and never reached 1 million there.
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 06/01/2012, 07:49
are you being sarcastic Sephna? Sales for this game are terrible
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SnakeDrake posted 06/01/2012, 09:43
This will be the third JRPG to reach 1 mil on the PS3
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Seraphna posted 06/01/2012, 06:03
FF7 took more then 3 weeks to reach these numbers. I don't think it's safe to claim anything about a game's sales based on it's first week in a single country.
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XJordanXCLBX posted 06/01/2012, 04:37
knocturnal2435 look at the USA preorders chart
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knocturnal2435 posted 05/01/2012, 04:02
Really disappointing to see those sales. When was the last time a main FF game did under 1 million in Japan? Must be decades. If ever. At just 538k and a two week total of 657k it will struggle to get past 1 million (which I hope it does). FF games are known for having a blockbuster opening and quickly fading off the charts. I hope it's run in the USA can make up for it, I know I'll eventually get around to getting it, but I can't forsee it doing much better in the USA. For one reason or another most people didn't like FF13. Personally, I loved it! This is a far cry away from doing what FFX-2 did, regardless of the PS2 having a bigger user base.
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Ham_Burgular posted 02/01/2012, 03:53
At 81k its still behind XIII's 3rd week but again it had the much better drop. However it was starting with XIII's week 4 where it quickly died off, So maybe just maybe XIII-2 can start catching up ground on it every week from now on.
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XJordanXCLBX posted 01/01/2012, 06:48
worldwide I predict 5m even if it didnt did as well as XIII in Japan
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Ham_Burgular posted 31/12/2011, 04:09
This is still just a spinoff you know. Dont forget the PS3 is a failure in Japan compared to PS1 and PS2 FF games can never reach the heights of those old games.
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miqdadi posted 31/12/2011, 10:45
So sad to see those sales, it was once a big title in Japan, not anymore though, square need to do something before the title dies completely
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Roar_Of_War posted 31/12/2011, 03:36
This will still end up selling over a million, but these sales are a little depressing.
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Rob-Ot posted 30/12/2011, 07:17
Week to week drop will be better as the games is actual not crap like FFXIII and the sales were lower in the first place so % drop was gonna be smaller.
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Ham_Burgular posted 28/12/2011, 07:49
118k second week, much better week to week drop than the original games.
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RJ_Sizzle posted 26/12/2011, 10:56
Oh gee, people were relucant to buy a sequel to a game that burned people in the first place. Color me surprised.
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Ham_Burgular posted 25/12/2011, 10:13
Nintendo suck at proper gamesw anyway now, they just have your dance and kiddy games.
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oniyide posted 25/12/2011, 07:05
@nintendofandj, that is the dumbest thing ever LOL. FF was most popular on PC/PS1. It will never go back to a Ninty system, not exclusively, let it go.
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XJordanXCLBX posted 24/12/2011, 11:41
THis game is coming out in Hong kong and by looking at the pre order chartz of USA this one will sell more than XIII
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Marco posted 24/12/2011, 07:51
FF13-2 is the better FF13-game. ff13 was boring, ff13-2 is good, i think.
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DakonBlackblade posted 24/12/2011, 11:22
Haters gona hate what can you do. The game aparently is pretty good and the sales are low for FF standanrd but arent low in general terms at all. I dont think Square was wanting to gain throngs of money here, I think they wanted to show they hear the fans they improved on XIII and that FF games are still fun to play, I believe theyll be sucessfull in this goal and future FF games will benefit from XIII-2s existance.
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NintendoFanDj posted 24/12/2011, 01:32
i meant nintendo system
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NintendoFanDj posted 24/12/2011, 01:32
lol ff will never be the same if they don't go back to old root and system. which is NES
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mateuspradosousa posted 23/12/2011, 11:39
XIII-2 is the best FF in years...for sure will be a huge success on West
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Galvanizer posted 23/12/2011, 11:01
Epic fail in sales.
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mateuspradosousa posted 23/12/2011, 10:55
Haters are saying that the game is a bomb because the low sales?? will change when IGN give 10/10 on its review next month for sure
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mateuspradosousa posted 23/12/2011, 10:53
On january 31 the game will sell much more, and I'm waiting for the week 2 too
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blue7x7 posted 23/12/2011, 10:47
not surprised it bombed and don't say it didn't it's not a new IP It's a final fantasy game when it's predecessor sold 1.5 million in japan in it's opening week and this saw a 1 million drop that is a bomb. I'm kind of glad it bombed though hopefully it encourages them to make a better FF game after FF13 I think the franchise has taken a huge hit on it's reputation and FF14 didn't help either.
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2000cc posted 23/12/2011, 09:05
1st week was only 2 days sales (release on 15th to end of period december 17th) so probably expect a decent '2nd week' too as that will actually be a 7 day period, still XIII sold around double this in its 1st 2 days
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chidori-chan2 posted 23/12/2011, 04:31
Holy shit at XIII-2 Gigabomba right there, to be beaten by Xillia is incredible lmao!
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XJordanXCLBX posted 23/12/2011, 04:26
Looking at the pre order I bet IT will sell better in NA
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Ham_Burgular posted 23/12/2011, 03:52
Hopefully it legs its way out more than the other one.
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NintendoPie posted 23/12/2011, 02:47
Their up and... much worse than FFXIII D: but better than FFXIII's USA and Europe first week.
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Galvanizer posted 18/12/2011, 09:57
When the heck will we get first week Japanese sales?
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XJordanXCLBX posted 16/12/2011, 01:46
This one will sell more than XIII
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DakonBlackblade posted 10/12/2011, 11:40
@Rob-Ot how exactly is selling almost 2 million = bombing ? Ive said this before Ill say it again, Square knows this wont sell wonders, they are aware of ppls feelings towards XIII, theyre making this game to show ppl they hear to the fans by making XIII a better game and also because this is a cash grab, production cicles were small the engine was already done and a lot of other things they can get from XIII, if this sells 1 million worldwide Squenix will be profting already and as long as they convince the meia that this was an improvement over XIII Square Enix wins.
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VXIII posted 07/12/2011, 01:37
Like it means anything
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Boutros posted 07/12/2011, 03:24
40/40!! ^.^
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Rob-Ot posted 05/12/2011, 10:59
Game will bomb worldwide. Will end with 600K LTD in Japan. Will end with 700K LTD in NA and 550K LTD in Europe. Overall selling below 2 Million
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brendude13 posted 03/11/2011, 11:15
Different to the EU boxart.
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XJordanXCLBX posted 03/11/2011, 04:45
nice boxart
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XJordanXCLBX posted 14/09/2011, 09:03
I wish they realy make a XIII-3 XIII is my favorite game of all time and I c'ant wait to play this one
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darthdevidem01 posted 26/06/2011, 07:22
@Skeleton Fingers.....apparently the plot will still have more to do with Lightning. Like how FFXIII had more to do with Fang/Vanille than Lightning....etc
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darthdevidem01 posted 26/06/2011, 07:21
Ne interview with art director...huge technological towns & world interactivity was mentioned
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skeleton_fingers posted 24/06/2011, 01:41
I heard it will focus more on Serah though, kinds sad to hear that since Lightning is badass but I'll preorder after TGS 2011.
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darthdevidem01 posted 16/06/2011, 04:48
Amazing E3 reveal, will be GOTY 2012.
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darthdevidem01 posted 28/05/2011, 01:39
Can't wait for E3 reveal! Love the log, but not Lightnings armour, the old outfit is best!
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VivaLaWiida posted 01/02/2011, 05:51
I love the logo!
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Acevil posted 18/01/2011, 08:47
Darth would be proud of this game.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (179)

1 538,774 n/a n/a 538,774
2 118,990 n/a n/a 118,990
3 58,963 n/a n/a 58,963
4 38,696 n/a n/a 38,696
5 13,763 n/a n/a 13,763
6 8,837 n/a n/a 8,837
7 6,456 n/a n/a 6,456
8 5,225 295,951 168,439 82,793 552,408
9 4,581 58,456 64,375 23,476 150,888
10 4,276 21,135 40,684 12,474 78,569
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Jozu posted 21/05/2013, 04:09
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Jozu posted 21/05/2013, 04:06
This was adjusted up quite alot this was at 1.8-1.9 million before I'm sure.
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Azhraell posted 31/03/2013, 11:54
Good sales considering it is a sequel and multi-platform, also the same happens with X and X-2
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A203D posted 13/12/2012, 04:28
@Farrow: It won't happen, and exclusivity could damage the Sony brand. Sony need to move forward with Legend of Dragoon 2. The days of relying on FF7 to sell their consoles is gone. Time to move forward. If Wada can make FF15 a success, good for him, but its not Sony's problem, nor should it be.
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Farrow posted 23/10/2012, 02:44
Good let it go back to being a Sony exclusive like it should be.
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