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Alternative Names

Uncharted: Chizu no Bouken no Hajimari

アンチャーテッド: 地図なき冒険の始まり


SCEA Bend Studio / Naughty Dog



Release Dates

02/15/12 Sony Computer Entertainment
12/17/11 Sony Computer Entertainment
02/22/12 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 241
Favorite: 26
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 6
Now Playing: 16

Avg Community Rating:


Uncharted: Golden Abyss (PSV) > Opinions (134)

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xxbrothawizxx63 posted 03/11/2018, 06:05
Confirmed top selling game in the US without bundles. 400k...
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Heavenly_King posted 05/04/2018, 08:52
this game deserves a "remake" with UC4 graphics on the PS4 :)
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S.Peelman posted 13/02/2017, 11:40
I see I commented on here in august 2014 lol, but now a couple months ago, a good two years after that comment, I finally got the system and this game. Completed it a couple weeks ago and I have to say it was money well spent. Surprisingly fun game!
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Dr.Vita posted 06/07/2015, 02:27
2M is incoming!
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/01/2015, 01:41
@fluky-nintendy - Well Nintendo's next handheld will likely have graphics superior to Vita. Nintendo is great as making certain types of games that Sony isn't very good at and vice versa.

@GdaTyler - Uncharted is a more visually polished game than Killzone: Mercenary. But both look great for Vita's limited hardware.

I just finished this game recently, not as good I hoped. The story solid and gameplay feels like a PS3 Uncharted game, but the touchscreen features were poor and the missions became tedious. I'd only recommend this to people that need an excuse to play more Uncharted.
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fluky-nintendy posted 22/12/2014, 07:11
I don't think Nintendo handhelds will ever have quality graphics and a game with story such as this, EVER.
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GdaTyler posted 21/08/2014, 05:21
@S.Peelman Don't listen to the haters, this game is a thing of beauty. The graphics are up there with Killzone Mercenary. I think it has decent length and gameplay and the animations were superb. You should try it out. I hope you enjoy it. :)
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S.Peelman posted 07/08/2014, 12:35
That's it. I want to play this game. When I have enough expendable funds (read; have a decent job), I'll get a Vita and this game.
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ExplodingBlock posted 29/06/2014, 07:08
GdaTyler you need to face the fact that he is right
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SnakeDrake posted 26/06/2014, 03:14
haha lol great come back GdaTyler XD
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GdaTyler posted 18/06/2014, 04:34
Meret, go suck a dick please. Stop trolling.
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EasternGamer posted 30/05/2014, 04:05
It's graphics ,especially the shadow and light in the environment,did make me astonished when I first involved in this game
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Meret posted 15/05/2014, 10:03
PlayStation Bombastation
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ExplodingBlock posted 28/04/2014, 01:35
If this is Vita's best selling game and it has only sold 1.16m, that is pretty much a confirmed flop for the system. At least Wii U's best seller has sold more then 4m
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Zax posted 06/04/2014, 04:19
Adjusted up?
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GdaTyler posted 01/04/2014, 10:54
I hope it'll do 1.20m lifetime.
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polo2014 posted 14/03/2014, 04:17
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GdaTyler posted 14/02/2014, 10:47
We won't get a new Uncharted on Vita sadly. They're working only on a PS4 game.
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chase123 posted 08/01/2014, 10:24
This sold really good,now about that next uncharted bend?
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GdaTyler posted 07/01/2014, 10:00
Sales are looking good. I'm glad it finally reach a million and beyond this year, next year I hope it really jumps further. Hope a future title can one day surpass it though.
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SnowPrince posted 26/12/2013, 09:54
Don't think it will get to 1.5M , PS+ hurted sales so much, think it's nearly 2M with downloads.
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GdaTyler posted 02/12/2013, 02:07
Hopefully this game has enough legs to make 1.5 million lifetime.
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Gamer4life95 posted 10/10/2013, 05:08
I'm happy to see that Uncharted: Golden Abyss is the first PS Vita game to sell over 1 million units!
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stuffmakesmelol posted 04/09/2013, 03:21
Finally, U:GA finally reached 1 mill, take that Declassified!
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Ganoncrotch posted 31/08/2013, 11:11
Fantastic first game for the Vita to reach 1 million sales. Thank god this beat Declassified to the mark hah :D
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Squall_Leonhart posted 30/08/2013, 10:33
Finally at 1 million and the game deserves every sale as it was brilliant!!
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SnakeDrake posted 16/08/2013, 04:34
12303 more
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SnakeDrake posted 14/08/2013, 08:27
15,002 more
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Azhraell posted 11/08/2013, 09:02
Go Drake!
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Ganoncrotch posted 06/08/2013, 05:49
I'd say we're about 4-5 weeks away from Vita having it's first 1million seller at retail. Come on nathan! Climb damn you!
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DamnTastic posted 11/07/2013, 08:39
we're getting close :o
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WagnerPaiva posted 24/06/2013, 10:00
I bought one with my Vita, good game =D
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SnowPrince posted 30/05/2013, 06:33
Come on, show 1 Million Alreaady .. :/
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quadraticadder posted 10/02/2013, 05:53
4.1 M Vitas sold, ~ 1 M Uncharted games sold (assuming download sales), so about a 25 %
adoption rate. That's probably among the higher adoption rates for this excellent game. So the only way to sell more is to drop the price of the Vita. Take the financial hit to sell the units. Oh, and add a way for the vita to download and play Android games from Google Play. What is Sony doing with the Ratchet and Clank game? Might want to dehire the senior decision maker(s) for the Vita, and get some folks more in touch with the North American, European, and Japanese Gamers' wants. The Vita is lovely, capable hardware that can run, for example, a *good* Call of Duty game. Why was it not made?
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Heavenly_King posted 08/02/2013, 06:28
with PSN sales this easily is at 1M at least.
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Nem posted 31/01/2013, 07:42
It would make no sense to count PS+ downloads because those arent buys, they are rentals. When you stop paying the sub or the service comes down, you lose acess to the game. So, it makes sense not to count those here.
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stuffmakesmelol posted 12/01/2013, 09:06
You're telling me, this is really bad counting for a game like this.
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Wander_ posted 11/01/2013, 10:28
WTF!! Adjusted down :(
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Andrespetmonkey posted 10/01/2013, 10:37
including digital sales (not ps plus DLs) im sure this is passed a million
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DemoniOtaku posted 05/01/2013, 03:20
But it will not be on Plus forever... i think a 2million mark for 2014 is not a crazy bet... but rigth now I wonder if it will reach 1Million mark before ACIIIL... wich have a great pace!
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Kresnik posted 04/01/2013, 02:31
Prior to being put on PS+, this game was tracking at ~10k sales a week. After it got put on plus, it was averaging around ~7k sales a week. Over the holidays it rose back up to ~20k a week and last week it did ~30k. Shouldn't be too long before it reaches a million. I wouldn't imagine it'll go too far past that mark, though.
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pitzy272 posted 02/01/2013, 07:57
900k! And still $40 most places. Sold about 93k so far in December. Not that great:(

Anyone have any idea as to this game's development cost? Wonder how much a handheld game like this costs to make. Also wonder how much profit 900k sales would give...
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VGKing posted 23/12/2012, 08:32
This game should have hit the 1m mark months ago.....there's nothing like this on the 3DS or on smartphones. Games like this are what makes Vita unique, the game should have been promoted more and should have been bundled. Maybe they'll bundle it as promo for the next Uncharted Vita? Would be great if every single Vita owner got to play this game, I would bet most would like it.
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Mario_pana posted 12/12/2012, 04:43
Even tho Uncharted Golden Abyss is not as good as the ps3 versions. It is the BEST SELLING PSVITA GAME OUT THERE WOOOOOOHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!! 😱😱😱
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italo244 posted 10/12/2012, 12:59
Yeah, i believe that by the end of January this game reach 1m. It sold 20k this week, i hope xmas give it a nice bump. Who knows where it will stand by the years end?
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Heavenly_King posted 10/12/2012, 12:12
if you count PSN sales I bet this is 1M already WOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! XD
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Portalpyro posted 08/12/2012, 12:05
Since the vita has had some great sales these past weeks I think this might reach 1mil physical copies sold by end of January. But a bundle could really help this one out.
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Jon_Talbain posted 06/12/2012, 05:14
This game and Gravity Rush both deserve their own bundle with the Vita. Two amazing handheld games. I am still blown away.
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italo244 posted 29/11/2012, 03:51
Yeah VGKing, maybe 0.90m~0.95m.
I wish Sony had bundled it for BF :(
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VGKing posted 24/11/2012, 10:40
I don't think it will reach 1mil this year. Unfortunately.

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aimancooper posted 24/11/2012, 11:25
Hopefully 800.000 in about 1-2 weeks.
But the game ain't good without online :(

But this will sell good on Black Friday/Christmas! x))) YAY
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Heavenly_King posted 09/11/2012, 04:40
Nice to see sales almost at 1M. I would say that counting PSN sales it is at 1M. 33% is a very good.
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DemoniOtaku posted 03/11/2012, 09:46
Well.. I think that After some boost on Vita's sell this holiday and the game being 40$ or less.. the game could end the year near the 1M mark... This game could have sold better if it would have released at 40$ instead 50$... :/
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italo244 posted 28/10/2012, 03:11
Oh, sorry... i didnt knew that xD
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Kresnik posted 26/10/2012, 05:56
It would have to sell more than 2.8 million to be the best-selling game this studio has ever made, italo. If you counted Sony Bend as separate from Eidetic since they changed their name (but they're exactly the same studio), then it's easily going to beat Resistance: Retribution's 800k, yes :P
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italo244 posted 25/10/2012, 04:09
Maybe it cross 1m mark late this year! Also, will be the best selling Sony Bend game!
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VGKing posted 25/10/2012, 03:27
It will get 1 million eventually. I have a feeling Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation will reach it first though....pre-orders are high and it is bundled. The Assasisn's Creed franchise is much bigger than uncharted too!
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SunofKratos posted 04/09/2012, 07:52
his game is selling really well considerinmg how bad the vita is selling weekly. This will hit the million by end of the year.
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Ganoncrotch posted 04/08/2012, 09:35
Well it's not so much that the uncharted series is huge over there, like if you look at the 3 games on the ps3 this has sold close enough to their numbers when the ps3 has almost 30x the amount of hardware out there, it's just a case of of the games available on the psvita atm this is the crown jewel of games to have.
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Panama posted 18/07/2012, 08:50
I had no idea Uncharted was that big in Japan.
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Ganoncrotch posted 16/07/2012, 12:45
This game is doing fairly class for the series when you consider that the ps3 versions all have around the 4m mark of sales but there are a hell of a lot more ps3s out there but at least 1 in 5 vitas have this game on them, really great attach rate.
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pitzy272 posted 09/07/2012, 11:19
The most impressive thing is that this game is still at around $47, even at Amazon.
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hunter_alien posted 20/06/2012, 10:02
Half a million? The game probably shipped around 750k ww, so 250 k wouldent be out of question as downloads. Yupp, this will probably be the first million seller on the PSV
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acdcste posted 12/06/2012, 03:01
No way have they digitally sold half a million. People always overestimate digital sales. Most people want to physically own the game, not download it. I would be surprised if digital sales were over 100k.
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-girgosz- posted 03/06/2012, 01:11
I wouldn't be suprised if this game would have already shipped 1 million.(if they count digital salesI)
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SunofKratos posted 28/05/2012, 11:54
At JacOb: Be a a little bit realistic. This game wont sell anywhere near 6 millions.
Right now the userbase of the vita is very small. But when the vita sells more than this game sell also more. I think with Christmas boost and blck friday this game has ahigh chance of selling 1-1.5 M by end of the year ( depends how well the vita sell and by how much this game is bundled) Lifetime this game has a chance of selling 2-3 millions.
But if they make a Golden Abyss 2 ( which will happen, i have no doubt about it) than this sequel should do much better. Maybe 4-5 Millions.
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Jac0b posted 20/05/2012, 12:10
This game will sell 5-6m lifetime presuming the PS Vita follows a similar sales pattern to the Ps3.
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pitzy272 posted 11/05/2012, 08:54

Exactly. I love Sony, but sometimes they're effing retarded. When will they learn to make their products and (especially) their games appeal to all audiences?
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Panama posted 01/05/2012, 05:10
25% is a really good attachment rate, but I hope developers don't take this to mean it's acceptable to charge $50 for their handheld games in future.
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VGKing posted 28/04/2012, 05:27
I agree. Your typical PS3 gamer isn't really interested in a Vita. So that's why Sony should go after a different market...the 3DS one.
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hunter_alien posted 28/04/2012, 03:08
Why would it shake us all to the core? That has to be the most idiotic comment that I read for a long time now. The fact that sales are low, makes most of us sad, mainly because everyone who tried it, knows that its a quality title, and deserves better sales

Now go play whatever generic brown shooter MS trows at you, and leave the PS section alone kthxbye
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sales2099 posted 26/04/2012, 08:05
The issue is that Playstation gamers care less about handhelds then PS consoles.

The numbers are spot on...and I bet it shakes you all to the core.
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killerzX posted 25/04/2012, 04:02
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killerzX posted 25/04/2012, 04:02
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Heavenly_King posted 25/04/2012, 03:45
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Heavenly_King posted 16/04/2012, 04:23
This game is phenomenal!!
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M.U.G.E.N posted 13/04/2012, 09:43
Didn't realize this game already hit half a mil. This is without digital sales also. Fantastic
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homer posted 08/04/2012, 08:53
Also I would like to note that this game was one of only two of psv games to make it on the chart this week...and the other title was on its launch week where it pulled in just 16,000(#72 on the chart) while the psp counterpart of the same game(multi console launch) pulled in 64000. Just throwing that out there...
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homer posted 08/04/2012, 08:44
In mattpeq's defense, all of the paper mario games are rated higher than it on metacritic by a considerable margin.
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Cold Light posted 08/04/2012, 12:33
Not bad, not bad :)
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SunofKratos posted 08/04/2012, 09:24
500k wow. This will be the first 1m seller for the Vita. Sony should Bundle this game this christmas.
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HelloMotto posted 01/04/2012, 03:05

lol stfu. you got no right to call this a bad game especially when you think super paper mario is great (LMFAO)
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MattyPeq posted 26/03/2012, 12:11
Bad game.....................
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-girgosz- posted 18/03/2012, 02:05
This game is selling like hot cakes on PSN too. It's the top selling game on PSN and it's already rated by as many users as the biggest PSN games.(you have to buy it to be able to rate it.)
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Andrespetmonkey posted 17/03/2012, 09:41
Should reach 500k in a month, probably around 650k if you included digital sales. Great sales!
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Heavenly_King posted 17/03/2012, 05:30
I bought the PSN version, so that my brother and I can play it XD
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RVDondaPC posted 17/03/2012, 11:02
This game almost makes me want to buy a Vita. And I haven't had possession of a handheld since the Gameboy Color.
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SunofKratos posted 17/03/2012, 09:47
Very good sales so far. With PSN it will be over 500k. This will sell for a very long time.
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thehusbo posted 14/03/2012, 10:32
Favourite game on the vita so far :D good sales too.
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VXIII posted 11/03/2012, 08:18
Enjoying this so much, all the various input methods of the Vita giving this game a uniqueness and differs it from the other Uncharted games.
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Cold Light posted 11/03/2012, 02:18
Yeah, game is doing fine.
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SunofKratos posted 11/03/2012, 10:20
Very good sales considering this is a launch title and the userbase of the Vita is quite small right now. Will get to a million by the end of the year and maybe if this game will be bundled it will get 2 or 3 million in sales sometimes.
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VGKing posted 09/03/2012, 07:46
Take your fanboyism somewhere else. U3 wasn't bundled any more than Gears 3 was.
Any U3 bundles you find out there are left overs from the holiday shipments. They're going for $355 on Amazon through other retailers. Why? They were limited and aren't getting any more.
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tontus posted 09/03/2012, 04:08
Oh come on dsage01, U3 was bundled an insane amount and was being sold at near enough bargain bin prices a couple of weeks after launch, it's still being bundled now ffs, without all the bundling do you really think it would have sold near to 3.3m in 10 weeks? No way, more like 2-2.5m. And it still isn't a huge seller compared to games like Gears 3, Skyrim (360), BF3 (360) etc., which didn't need mass bundling to be huge 5m+ sellers. And being more front-loaded at £40/$60 is better than having long legs at £20/$40 or less like the Uncharted games. Golden Abyss will sell 1m+ at retail by the end of 2012, but don't forget to consider digital distribution.
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VGKing posted 07/03/2012, 05:53
@dsage01 I wouldn't call U3 sales "huge". Anyway sales will slow considerably for the Vita in the coming weeks and so will software. I don't think it will sell 1mil anytime soon. The game needs to sell ~58k a week to reach 1mil by E3.
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Solid-Stark posted 06/03/2012, 08:23
Great opening sales. This should keep on selling for a long time along with the PSV
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dsage01 posted 05/03/2012, 09:15
@VGKing A game that achieves 3.3 million in 10 weeks (Uncharted 3) is not a big seller? And 1 million does look likely soon considering Uncharted is a leggy game.
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Thechalkblock posted 05/03/2012, 07:16
strong first week sales for a launch title! interested to see how it sells ltd
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VGKing posted 05/03/2012, 06:31
Don't know why so many think this is undertracked.....Uncharted was never a huge seller. And with only ~1.2 million Vitas out there worldwide, don't expect this to reach 1mil any time soon.
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-girgosz- posted 05/03/2012, 04:51
It's not undertracked. VGC only counts retail.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (134)

1 44,459 n/a n/a 44,459
2 16,029 n/a n/a 16,029
3 12,391 n/a n/a 12,391
4 9,576 n/a n/a 9,576
5 4,073 n/a n/a 4,073
6 3,182 n/a n/a 3,182
7 2,833 n/a n/a 2,833
8 2,504 n/a n/a 2,504
9 2,061 n/a n/a 2,061
10 1,830 24,972 n/a 3,731 30,533
xxbrothawizxx63 posted 03/11/2018, 06:05
Confirmed top selling game in the US without bundles. 400k...
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Heavenly_King posted 05/04/2018, 08:52
this game deserves a "remake" with UC4 graphics on the PS4 :)
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S.Peelman posted 13/02/2017, 11:40
I see I commented on here in august 2014 lol, but now a couple months ago, a good two years after that comment, I finally got the system and this game. Completed it a couple weeks ago and I have to say it was money well spent. Surprisingly fun game!
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Dr.Vita posted 06/07/2015, 02:27
2M is incoming!
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Mr Puggsly posted 02/01/2015, 01:41
@fluky-nintendy - Well Nintendo's next handheld will likely have graphics superior to Vita. Nintendo is great as making certain types of games that Sony isn't very good at and vice versa.

@GdaTyler - Uncharted is a more visually polished game than Killzone: Mercenary. But both look great for Vita's limited hardware.

I just finished this game recently, not as good I hoped. The story solid and gameplay feels like a PS3 Uncharted game, but the touchscreen features were poor and the missions became tedious. I'd only recommend this to people that need an excuse to play more Uncharted.
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fluky-nintendy posted 22/12/2014, 07:11
I don't think Nintendo handhelds will ever have quality graphics and a game with story such as this, EVER.
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