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Alternative Names

Dairantou Smash Brothers X

大乱闘スマッシュ ブラザーズ X


Project Sora



Release Dates

03/09/08 Nintendo
01/31/08 Nintendo
06/27/08 Nintendo

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Owners: 2,570
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Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) > Opinions (841)

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Signalstar posted 26/02/2010, 09:29
Man this game is still a blast!
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I like Bacon posted 18/02/2010, 02:55
To me, age is never an excuse. If it's fun, you play it. I will be playing games until I die! :D
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 12/02/2010, 10:12
I reiterate, it's too bad you didn't enjoy it as much as some others of us did. As for age, I guess it depends. Personally, I'm 21 and I enjoyed it fully. But then again, I'm kind of a slacker, so yeah.
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KingHenry posted 11/02/2010, 05:31
I read your comment, and you're completely entitled to your own opinion, as am I. I know my opinion is biased, and there could be other factors for why I don't like this game. The main one being age. I'm a lot older now (22 if you're curious), and I did spend lots of time playing melee, and had massive fun playing it with friends (at competitions too). I don't feel like i can just sit around for hours on end playing a game anymore, but from the hours that i did play it, I didn't enjoy it as much as melee. It had amazing reviews and did sell over 9 million units, so it can't be that bad, haha.

Also, I know it sold more than SSBM, but th wii has almost 3 times the install base as gamecube, and SSBM did sell 7 million units. I can argue that SSBM has a much higher attach rate than SSBB, and conclude that SSBM is better than SSBB. I know that isn't a valid way to judge the two games and I'm not judging them like that; it was only for the fake of the argument. This message is getting very long so I'm stopping.
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Arius Dion posted 10/02/2010, 08:09
I'm with Majin..I still get excited to play this game. Its going to be the only fighting game to ever hit 10m units on a single platform!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 05/02/2010, 10:36

Yes, the game was that good. There's a reason it's outsold the previous iteration.

Thing is, this game is actually balanced, contrary to Melee. Another thing with Brawl is that, in Melee, I could play maybe 3 characters without being annoyed, if I randomed and got anyone else than those 3 I would groan because they were so goddamned boring to play.

In Brawl, that's not the case at all. The only character I groan if I get is R.O.B.

It's too bad you weren't impressed with the game, but to me, and a lot of people, this has been the best game of the generation.
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KingHenry posted 03/02/2010, 03:50
Why is this lame game back on the top searched list. I know they put a lot of effort into this game, but was it really that good? The presentation of this game is wonderful, top notch. The game play... Not so much. They improved the single player mode (made it long, added co-op, blah blah), but did people play the previous games for the single player? Obviously not. It was because of the multiplayer, something that they unimproved (in my opinion). Yeah i know SSBM had glitches and unbalanced characters, but those glitches made the game fast pace and fun.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 02/02/2010, 07:20
please announce a surprise SSBB2 at E3 like you did with SMG2 : P

LoL, i can dream....
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c0rd posted 22/01/2010, 10:59
I predict it hits 10mil on Jan 2011.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 04/01/2010, 09:10
Hoping this doesn't get adjusted down. Great sales for a beyond great game.
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aoixgp posted 27/12/2009, 04:54
I had high expectations for this game and it exceeded them. Many, many hours of fun.
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SaviorX posted 25/12/2009, 04:09
9 milly 9 milly 9 milly 9 milly......

In order to sell 10 million before the end of 2010, it has to average 18k a week. It won't manage it throughout the year but may make ground during next year's holidays.
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supermariouniverse posted 24/12/2009, 11:46
yes nine million! and 5 million for US
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Khuutra posted 24/12/2009, 09:58
I wonder if it will be able to break 10 million before the end of 2010
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marcianito posted 24/12/2009, 07:12
finally 9
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Aidman posted 24/12/2009, 07:00
Congractulations 9 BABIES.
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Alex_The_Hedgehog posted 24/12/2009, 06:30
9 million!
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 24/12/2009, 06:28
And 9 million is here. Hooray!
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Arius Dion posted 23/12/2009, 09:09
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SmokedHostage posted 22/12/2009, 09:35
Wow, I haven't noticed but so close to 9 million.
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tryffel8 posted 19/12/2009, 01:28
but the sales arent that good that o thouht it would be with sutch a large userbase. I wonder why mario kart wii is keep selling forever and this is not?

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atma998 posted 17/12/2009, 11:48
adjusted down :(
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Arius Dion posted 13/12/2009, 08:31
Over 9m before the year is over 10m just around the corner. Deserving of every sale. My favorite MP game this gen.
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SaviorX posted 12/12/2009, 11:00
C'mon, give it the 9 milly! I've seen games rounded up that were 6k away from the next mark.
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kopstudent89 posted 12/12/2009, 10:56
woot EU finally gives this game some attention! 9 millioooon!
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palancas7 posted 12/12/2009, 10:39
Promotion maybe?
It was £9.99 @ for a short while.
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supermariouniverse posted 12/12/2009, 09:43
yes nine million next week! Does anyone know what caused the huge spike in Others???
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Alex_The_Hedgehog posted 12/12/2009, 09:39
9 million next week! :D
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 12/12/2009, 09:38
yeees, on the edge to 9 million :D
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 12/12/2009, 07:11
SSB was never that popular in Europe, because of GC

SSB is now making more and more fans in Europe
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Son1x posted 09/12/2009, 01:47
Others reached 2m, nice
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 21/11/2009, 10:47
Europe/Others has this at around 27k a week for the last few weeks. Looks like the sales in Others will keep rising for quite a while. Nice to see this fantastic title still on the rise - Pretty much guaranteed to have passed 9 million by the end of the year, with holiday boosts and all. And over 10 million lifetime is very probable as well.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 20/11/2009, 01:32
well, this price is still high for a 2 year old game

Nintendo must be getting a lot out of it + it will be 10 million seller + people still play it cause it's one of the best Wii games!
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GianCarmen posted 18/11/2009, 06:24
Nintendo needs to drop the price down to 29.99. Sales would explode even further.
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c0rd posted 16/11/2009, 09:45
Europe/Others is really carrying this title now, I'm surprised. The last few weeks SSBB has been seeing about 75% of its sales from the region.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 13/11/2009, 05:51
I think it might be more people buying Wii, I haven't heard or seen anything about a price cuit.
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Aidman posted 06/11/2009, 07:18
SSBBrawl deserves to hit 10 Millions wish it will do it.
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TheConduit posted 06/11/2009, 02:29
Wonder if the Christmas Boost can push this game over 9 million.

I predict lifetime sales of 10.5 million
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GuyDuke posted 03/11/2009, 07:21
This is an excellent game. It's the best Smash Bros and I'm glad they're still improving so much their franchises...
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supermariouniverse posted 25/10/2009, 07:07
wow, nice boost this week!

10 million is a piece of cake now :D
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Declan posted 24/10/2009, 01:37
Amazon UK are currently selling this for £10, which is why I've just picked it up.
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I like Bacon posted 23/10/2009, 06:57
Wow! The game is back in the top 50! It's been a few months!
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TheConduit posted 21/10/2009, 06:14
Wonder if new Super Mario Bros can beat this opening
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GianCarmen posted 17/10/2009, 05:10
Can you imagine if Nintendo dropped the price on Smash and Galaxy and even Mario Kart to 30 dollars. Nintendo really needs a player's choice.
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Intendo21 posted 15/10/2009, 12:18
This game makes me want to play every hardcore franshise for Nintendo. Like Earthbound which I have never played before.
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zaMy posted 12/10/2009, 06:26
these types of games are always my favourite on nintendo consoles :)

they should make one for DS, although i dont really know how that would turn out.
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haxxiy posted 07/10/2009, 12:01
Alright, after having played through all of it, I had to say SSBB fell a lot from my expectations. The enormous variety of musics, the story mode and events are worth it, but that's all. Guess fighting games just aren't my shit.
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TGM posted 28/09/2009, 07:06
This is the BEST samus player in the world right now. AMAZING!
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jessegatepoo posted 12/09/2009, 12:18
If you don't have this game get it know.
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jessegatepoo posted 12/09/2009, 12:17
This would be my favourite game if the online was up to scratch. But the Mario Kart Wii becomes my fav because of it fantastic online.
That just shows the power of online.
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TheConduit posted 06/09/2009, 08:18
Hope this becomes the first Fighting game to pass 10million
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 03/09/2009, 06:26
Could have had another million sales in Others if it weren't for the stupid delay. Hopefully this will be the last big game to have a staggered release.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 21/08/2009, 02:09
Nintendo ... though they are my favorite developer overall ... are cheap bastards. Zelda TP is STILL 50 bucks while newer games like Street Fighter 4 are 20 bucks now.

With that said ... their games are still selling even at full price so ... until these games are almost dead on the weekly chartz, there is no real need for them to drop the price.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 14/08/2009, 07:21
@ YessWiiCan, you're saying they should price cut it just to push it to 10M?
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haxxiy posted 14/08/2009, 04:57
Just bought it, played story mode until I found Yoshi and Link :)
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YesWiiCan posted 13/08/2009, 05:46
Nintendo should price cut Super Smash Bros. Brawl to at least 39.99 or lower so it could reach 10 million. I mean they all right make lots of money on the game.
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gandenkris posted 11/07/2009, 03:33
Such a good game
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Wii_Master posted 10/07/2009, 05:55
by christmas it should get to atleast 9.5million if not 10m
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SaviorX posted 03/07/2009, 11:08
I wouldn't worry about Smash hitting 10m.

It is one of those games that will be boosted in sales during the holidays and sell a decent amount every week until the end of the Wii's life. It has a good 3 years ahead of it.
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SJGohan3972 posted 01/07/2009, 04:42
8.5million - hopefully this game eventually gets to 10million it really deserves it.
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I like Bacon posted 27/06/2009, 08:32
@Ash, because they have enough data to last over a century most likely.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 27/06/2009, 11:36
It deserves every single sale.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/06/2009, 06:48
ok, now heading to 9m!

and after next christmas this will be heading to 10m

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ash3336 posted 18/06/2009, 08:14
Why did they cancel it in the first place?
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I like Bacon posted 14/06/2009, 03:18
Did anyone really use the service that often? The only difference is that we won't be able to submit pics, replays and stages to Nintendo. That's it. We can still send stuff to our friends. Nintendo has enough content probably to last centuries.
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MasterZack posted 06/06/2009, 05:28
Farewell SSBB service!!!
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SuperSmashGuy posted 06/06/2009, 02:39
The DS isn't more powerful than the N64. They just use different methods to make character models look better... Sometimes better.. Everything looks pixelated on the DS when it's 3D.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 05/06/2009, 04:46
ya, i'm actually really surprised that there hasnt been a DS one yet. i want it!
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scottie posted 01/06/2009, 08:01
It is certainly possible. The DS his more powerful than the N64, has more storage space, so it can handle it graphically.

It also has better controls for smash bros than the wiimote on its side.

It wouldn't be as good as brawl obviously, but still great
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SJGohan3972 posted 29/05/2009, 03:53
@killeryoshis, I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen, don't get me wrong I would LOVE a Smash Bros Portable - but I don't see Nintendo making one (or how they could).
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killeryoshis posted 25/05/2009, 02:49
I can't wait for one on the DS
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__XBrawlX__ posted 23/05/2009, 04:32
Page looks much cooler now! :)
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Trent posted 04/05/2009, 06:56
Woo Almost 2 mil in Japan
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naruto3336 posted 28/04/2009, 09:57
Wht i meant to say is that I like brawl better than Melee. ;)
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PeteyPeeps posted 25/04/2009, 04:56
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Paperdiego posted 25/04/2009, 03:53
wow didnt realize how much this game has sold..

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Chrizum posted 22/04/2009, 06:35
This one is definitely overtracked in Japan. Famitsu says it only sold 1.79m (overtracked by at leas 150k!).
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 18/04/2009, 11:17
This is definitely my game of the gen so far ... Was so hyped for this and it delivered fully for me. Can't wait until I can get hyped for the next Smash Bros. :)
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shizzlee posted 18/04/2009, 08:30
This game is so addicting :/ I love Mario, yippie.
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Vas-y posted 17/04/2009, 06:15
Brawl has that kind of magic... but Brawl doesn't.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 12/04/2009, 06:25
@ naruto
I like Brawl better than Brawl too.
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naruto3336 posted 11/04/2009, 05:16
Personally like it better than brawl.
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supermario128 posted 11/04/2009, 05:55
8.5 million!
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sonicshuffle posted 07/04/2009, 10:54
Fun game.
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TruckOSaurus posted 07/04/2009, 10:03
@Skeeuk: Every fighter is a button masher if you don't take the time to learn how to play.
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Skeeuk posted 06/04/2009, 12:54
i so wanted to like this game it was my first experiance of smash bros..........but all it was was a button masher with poor control, i wish i had a gamecube controller still
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Trent posted 05/04/2009, 02:01
Great game i just beat Adventure Mode Tabuu was annoying
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SaviorX posted 04/04/2009, 02:04
10 million will be a great day.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 03/04/2009, 10:41
Was this adjusted down at some point?
I remember it being only 600k behind Halo 3, now the gap is nearly a million.
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Wetcoaster posted 01/04/2009, 02:59
Should break the 8.5 million mark this week. =D
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TGM posted 26/03/2009, 06:20
All i care about is for this game to reach 10mil in its life time.
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 23/03/2009, 10:42
still selling 10k per week in Europe, Smash is really huge on Wii!! : )
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CONMAN15 posted 21/03/2009, 08:04
Love this game so much. Wonder how far it will go. 12 million LTD?
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SciFiBoy posted 12/03/2009, 03:53
just started playing online, its very good fun
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 06/03/2009, 08:25
Yeah, I can imagine it selling maybe 500k more at a simultaneous worldwide release... 500k tops. Online might boost it more, but I dunno. I don't really care about online, and I'm sure there are a lot of others that don't either.
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killeryoshis posted 06/03/2009, 01:48
Mine Broke......:(
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MontanaHatchet posted 05/03/2009, 12:53
Even with an additional 2-3 million units, it would be nowhere close to Mario Kart. The only way I could see a simultaneous worldwide release boosting sales anyways is that the game would have sold more in the PAL region. But 2-3 million more? Pretty unlikely.
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Chrizum posted 05/03/2009, 12:22
I said better online and simultaneous worldwide release. I'm pretty sure if those 2 thing happened, Brawl would have sold about 2-3 million additional units.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 05/03/2009, 09:47
Even if the online in Brawl was superb, it still wouldn't stand a chance against Mario Kart Wii. Sorry to say it, but it's true. Regardless, Brawl has seen and continues to see spectacular sales, so there's really no reason to complain.
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Thechalkblock posted 05/03/2009, 06:42
Most people don't play this game for an online experience, they play it with friends locally.
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MontanaHatchet posted 05/03/2009, 01:26
Wii Fit doesn't have online at all, so why is it selling more than Mario Kart or Brawl? It simply comes down to appeal.
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Chrizum posted 05/03/2009, 12:14
Oh Montana, I'm sure. This game suffered from weak online, Mario Kart has excellent online which is one of the reasons its legs are better.
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MontanaHatchet posted 03/03/2009, 10:01
It's already the best selling game in the series in PAL by far. And does anyone really believe it would have sold close to Mario Kart? I'm laughing right now, I really am.
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SmokedHostage posted 03/03/2009, 04:00
Wonderful Game. I don't play it nearly as much I thought I would but as a whole package, I love it. Great for short bursts.

Probably would like it more if it wasn't hyped like the second coming of Jesus Christ.
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Chrizum posted 02/03/2009, 11:10
A simultanous worldwide release and better online and this game would have sold close to Mario Kart Wii. Nintendo dropped the ball, but it's still selling extremely well.
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coonana posted 27/02/2009, 10:40
So true Nintendo was so stupid for not giving this a worldwide release. It would have sold much more in each region. Well this mostly hurts Nintendo.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 16/02/2009, 01:57
Well, that's what happens when it gets released like 4 months later in Europe.
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Peterisyum posted 16/02/2009, 01:07
what the hell was up with the european launch. Those numbers allmost make me cry.
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Green Penguin posted 11/02/2009, 12:14
I predict 10.8 million lifetime.
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TheConduit posted 10/02/2009, 01:29
Xbox 360 and PS3 games are sprinters.
Wii games are long distance runers.
Wii will win.
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Joemazing posted 09/02/2009, 05:09
yes, both halo 3 and ssbb have 'great legs'. but who cares about the labels? they will consistently sell through their respected console's life cycle, thats whats important. if we are to compare games against only the top seller, everything would be a 'failure' compared to wii fit anyway lol
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Joemazing posted 09/02/2009, 05:07
yes, both halo 3 and ssbb have 'great legs'. but who cares about the labels? they will consistently sell through their respected console's life cycle, thats whats important. if we are to compare games against only the top seller, everything would be a 'failure' compared to wii fit anyway lol
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SmokedHostage posted 09/02/2009, 02:17
Ouch.. adjusted down..
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Cheebee posted 04/02/2009, 10:27
I finally got the PAL version, after the Wii system update bricked my Freeloader.
8.18 million huh? Sweet. :)
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Skeeuk posted 04/02/2009, 11:12
sorry had to trade it in to get ultimate megadrive collection
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 04/02/2009, 08:28
@ smashchu

In case you didn't notice, Halo 3 is in the WW top 50 this week only a few places below SSBB. If Halo 3 "dropped off the charts" like you say then I guess Brawl did too.

Face it, both games have legs, but you're probably too embarrassed by now to admit that fact.
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Smashchu2 posted 04/02/2009, 02:48

I love how I must be stupid because you disagree.

The problem is that people come here and start saying that Halo 3 has good legs too. Brawl has legs because it stayed on the sales charts for a long time. Mario Kart has great legs because it stayed on the sales chart. Halo 3 sold ~50% of it's sales in the first 5 weeks and dropped off at week 35. It's only good legs when compared to other Next generation games.

Game B has bad legs because game B has bad legs. People are reluctant to admit that it is a bad example of legs. Brawl beat Halo out in number of weeks and sales per week. Halo is a best selling game because it sold most of it's units in the first 5 weeks. It's not a good example of legs, and why it was brought up, I will never know.

If it would be dumb to say "Brawl has good legs" in the Mario Kart page, then why do the same here with Halo?
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naruto3336 posted 01/02/2009, 04:23
They overtracked the first week and it took them a year to figure that out??
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 28/01/2009, 10:58
@ smashchu

Did someone drop you on your head when you were a baby?

Okay, I guess Smash Bros. has bad legs too because Mario Kart Wii has nearly doubled it's sales despite a later release date and a smaller opening.

Just because game A has better legs than game B doesn't mean game B has no legs at all. I can't believe I'm actually having this argument.
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mjk45 posted 27/01/2009, 11:25
like alot of wii games the good games keep selling because there isnt a great library of games for people who se themselves as gamers
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 27/01/2009, 09:12
Smash will pass Halo 3 without question.

Anyone that doesn't see that is blind.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 26/01/2009, 11:15
8,5 mil! Yeah!
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Smashchu2 posted 25/01/2009, 10:57
"@ smashchu

Halo 3 has been out nearly twice as long as this game and it only sold 6k less in America last week.

The only reason Brawl is even close to Halo right now is because it sells in Japan.

Both games have strong legs regardles"

If it has been out longer then Smash, shouldn't it not about to be taken over. In terms of sales, it fell off.

People quote Halo having great legs without a real reason why it is. It sold for 35 weeks (barely) and then dropped off. Brawl continues to sell and it came out in March, not September. The 35 weeks and good sales over 10 weeks or so is due to the time of year. Brawl is preforming better despite being release in March.

The fact that "Halo does not sell in Japan" is an excuse. It a problem with the game if it can't move in Japan. Some will say "The XBox doesn't move in Japan" but it shows that something is wrong with the title if the game failed to push systems. Basically, there is no interest.

Additionally, I have problems with people quoting good legs because it stays in the American charts. It's nice, but one region is not a good reason for it having legs, or even being able to compare to Brawl which is showing it has legs. Halo also struggles in the US charts.
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Onimusha12 posted 24/01/2009, 12:44
SSBB > Halo 3
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Cheebee posted 20/01/2009, 08:17
Whoa, at first I wasn't sure this game would reach 10 million, but now I'm quite positive! :)
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Arius Dion posted 20/01/2009, 08:10
Sorry for the dbl post forgot a zero 500,000
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Arius Dion posted 20/01/2009, 05:31
Okey, I look at it like this; Halo 3 has been out a year longer and is only around 50,000 copies ahead of Brawl.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 20/01/2009, 02:49
@ smashchu

Halo 3 has been out nearly twice as long as this game and it only sold 6k less in America last week.

The only reason Brawl is even close to Halo right now is because it sells in Japan.

Both games have strong legs regardless.
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Skeeuk posted 18/01/2009, 03:06
cheers tangen.

brawl is certainly a good game. i fond online to hard though, mabey il just stick to 1 char and gets used to moves.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 18/01/2009, 02:37
Yeah, a lot of the songs have to be unlocked. Enjoy :)
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Skeeuk posted 18/01/2009, 08:55
i have the game now and was looking forward to the 200+ audio soundtracks in option like review said? do u unlock them as u go?
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st_muscat0 posted 17/01/2009, 01:04
OMG a wall of text!
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Smashchu2 posted 17/01/2009, 07:39
@MontanaHatchet: First, not sure where the argument came from, so I am a little in the dark.'

Again, it depends on what we are going to call legs. Let's take these two games. You claim both have strong legs, but on is about to overtake another due to legs. With this in mind, it may be questionable to say Halo 3 has great legs. If it did, why is it not slowing so much? Why is Smash Brothers about to overtake it? The titles we attribute to legs have stayed on the charts for 40, 60, even 100 weeks. 35 is a little weak in comparison. Brawl has legs because it is staying in the charts. Halo 3 struggled to keep head above water.

You could say that Halo 3 has legs by a simple definition. I would be wary. It didn't stay to long and 50-60% of it;s total sales were in the first few weeks. Titles with legs don't because they make their sale in long term, not short term. Brawl has stayed strong and has stayed longer. Halo 3 came with a strong burst and tried to keep up. In this sense, I would say Brawl had(has) legs and Halo 3 did not. Truthfully, I would definably not say Halo 3 had great legs. It really didn't.

"Viva Pinata had an incredibly low launch but ended up as a million seller, whereas Halo 3 saw the majority of its sales in the first few weeks. However, Halo 3 still sells more every week. Which has better legs? I could claim that Brawl has next to no legs because its sales were beaten by Carnival Games some weeks."

This is really grasping at straws and misses the point. Legs are about long term sales. If Carnival Games beat Mario kart Wii one week, it does not mean Carnival Games has better legs. No. Try to say that would be stupid. Brawl would have better legs then Carnival despite Carnival Games beat it every so often. It's about long term sales. The ranking shows how strong they are. I attribute Halo 3 to having weaker legs because it barely qualified. It was in the lower reaches and barely held on for as long as it did. Brawl has sold longer and has hovered around 20-30. This would show legs. Looking at the week by week rankings between two games would be wrong. The ranking is an after thought. The time is what matter most. (Note how you can say they both have legs because Halo 3 made 35 weeks while I say they were weak because it was in the lower reaches, sometime just barely making 50). Hope I made some king of sense.

Also, sorry to take so long with replying. Just didn't get around to it.

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metalmonstar posted 15/01/2009, 04:44
This game got a lot of pre launch hype. However it didn't keep it up much after the US launch.

It should reach 10 mil sometime in 2009
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 14/01/2009, 06:12
WoW!! It's revived from the holidays, not that it was dead, but now it will reach 10 million faster!

and no, the game was underhyped!
we all new it would sell 5 million but it's gonna reach 10 million!
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Foote posted 12/01/2009, 10:01
Over hyped, imo. It's a good sequel but it gets really boring after a while. I can't play 2 matches without getting tired of playing it.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 11/01/2009, 11:55
Halo and Brawl both have legs...

*end debate* :P
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 11/01/2009, 01:52
it's so great to see sequels selling better than the original, Super Smash franchise is expanding!
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FaRmLaNd posted 11/01/2009, 12:08
lol halo doesn't have legs? Give me a break
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MontanaHatchet posted 10/01/2009, 07:48
Smashchu2, you are missing the point completely and I feel like I'm arguing with PR. I'm not comparing the size of the legs, but I'm saying that both titles can sell long term. Halo 2 was at #35 in the American charts 3 years after its launch the week Halo 3 launched, and even a quick look at the charts could tell you that it was in the Top 50 for a while after its launch. Halo 3 is seeing tremendous growth over its predecessor and its legs are even more impressive. I don't feel like talking about Halo 3 on a page about Brawl, but I don't like comments that are just...incorrect.

Viva Pinata had an incredibly low launch but ended up as a million seller, whereas Halo 3 saw the majority of its sales in the first few weeks. However, Halo 3 still sells more every week. Which has better legs? I could claim that Brawl has next to no legs because its sales were beaten by Carnival Games some weeks.

Nevermind. Both games are selling well and have great legs.
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Smashchu2 posted 10/01/2009, 12:10
Sorry to double post, but I guess you could say it has legs, but it would depend on what we define as legs. Halo is doing worse then Brawl and Brawl will probably outsell Halo 3.

I would be over excited about Halo's legs. It struggled to stay up for quite some time. Also remember that halo was released in September and had the Christmas holiday soon after. Brawl did not. I think that is a testament to it's true legs.
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Smashchu2 posted 10/01/2009, 12:06
Sorry to contradict you Montana, but Halo is not a title with legs. While it did manage worldwide sells top 50 for 35 weeks, it struggled for quite some time. Smash has been able to stay around the 30-20 range and went up during Christmas. Halo made most of it's sales in it's first week and a few weeks after. The reason Halo's sales are higher is because of it's first week sales. Brawl has held a strong spot.

Halo has legs compared to other 360 games, but is defiantly weaker then Brawl.
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Math posted 09/01/2009, 09:00
This game deserves the Mario Kart Online service
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bigjon posted 09/01/2009, 04:06
wow, 22k this week in Japan, very very nice. I now am pretty sure it will make the magic 2 million there : )
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MontanaHatchet posted 08/01/2009, 11:51
TheConduit, we don't need you pushing Nintendo's name and insulting the HD consoles at every opportunity. We already have a hundred or so guys doing that. I was just saying that the Halo series was a series with legs as well and that the statistic posted was complete crap.
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TruckOSaurus posted 07/01/2009, 04:26
@OmegaRugalv3: Adding friend codes ain't that bad, it only takes a minute and well worth it.
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OmegaRugalv3 posted 05/01/2009, 04:21
Brawl will no doubt outsell Halo 3 ... its been on pace to outsell before the holiday and now it's in a far better position afterwards.

Still wish this game's online mode was not so crappy.

2 minute matches ... no options ... - horrible unless its with a friend but we all know how bad the friend code stuff is.
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dante posted 04/01/2009, 09:24
brawl could outsell it
halo is competing in an oversaturated market so i think that holds back its sales potential and brawl is on a way more popular console and it has appeal in japan so it could easily happen
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Arius Dion posted 04/01/2009, 07:22
Gear, he means that Brawl will outsell Halo 3 by a large margin when all is said and done.
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Gearbox posted 04/01/2009, 01:19
@ playerx
what does that even mean? i predicited it wont outsell halo 3 but i also say it will
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PlayerX posted 03/01/2009, 05:32
I predicted this since Brawl came out. It will not only outsell Halo 3 but will move on to Sell millions more than Halo 3.
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TheConduit posted 02/01/2009, 03:00
This is a Nintendo game in its purest form.
And Nintendo,s purity as a game developer will ensure that it will always continue to be a part of video games.
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brawl4life posted 02/01/2009, 06:35
Yea vgchartz wii game of the year well deserve.

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MontanaHatchet posted 31/12/2008, 09:34
90%? Ha, your math is far off. Halo is a game with huge legs.
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TheConduit posted 31/12/2008, 02:56
If you take away the first week sales of Halo it loses 90% of its sales.
Nintendo games sell better in the long run.
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bigjon posted 30/12/2008, 07:24
Brawl is a sure shot for 10 mil, Galaxy should, but is not a sure thing.

Brawl Might gun for 12 million by the end of this gen.
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DavidValbu posted 30/12/2008, 02:44
Yes, it can beat Halo, it is selling at a higher rate.
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TheConduit posted 30/12/2008, 09:10
Best selling fighting game of all time.
Screw tekken and street fighter
this is the ultimate fighting game of all time.

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DanielD posted 29/12/2008, 09:07
Great game, I play it everyday.
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Aidman posted 29/12/2008, 04:34
Yes SSBBrawl can do it. Both of them are great Franchises and I see them reachin' the 10 millions in their life time sale and SSBrawl will be the winner go brawl go
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Heavenly_King posted 29/12/2008, 01:53
Could this game beat HALO3 in sales??
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DavidValbu posted 28/12/2008, 11:51
This 8 million prove that there are also a lot of hardcore gamers waiting for quality games. Of course, one of those 8 million copies is mine!
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fazz posted 28/12/2008, 05:48
Another quarter million for Brawl!
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PlayerX posted 27/12/2008, 07:20
Best game of all time!
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Aidman posted 27/12/2008, 04:36
Deserves it ! as it deserves more than nomination for the best game of the year go Brawl go fly baby fly ! to reach the 10 Millions.
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Zucas posted 27/12/2008, 05:22
161,000 in its first peak holiday weak. Knew it would get huge boosts for it.
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brawl4life posted 27/12/2008, 05:06
Crossed that 8mill baby well deserve !
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SmokedHostage posted 27/12/2008, 04:08
Was this adjusted up?!?! Anyway, 8 million for one of my favorite games this gen.
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Arius Dion posted 27/12/2008, 03:43
Definitely a 10 million seller when its all said and done. It's passed Melee LIFETIME numbers and it hasn't been out a yr.
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bigjon posted 27/12/2008, 02:42
theres that holiday bump we have been waiting for.
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MontanaHatchet posted 26/12/2008, 11:40
Crossed 8 million, insane. I don't know what to think anymore.
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CONMAN15 posted 26/12/2008, 11:24
Epic week, for my favourite game.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 26/12/2008, 08:24
I love this game!! So proud to see it pass 8 mil finally :D
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 26/12/2008, 05:14
heading to 10 million

one of the game to make the Wii so popular, on of the best games of all time for me
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pokemonfan_2611 posted 26/12/2008, 01:27
its the best videogame ever for me. its so cool. its very very very cool
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Arius Dion posted 22/12/2008, 01:34
This was my personal game of the year for 2008. It came out in March and I'm still playing it and having just as much fun as when I first bought it. It's a game that you cannot master, you can only get better.

So deep and so simple at the same time. I wasn't a huge fan of melee, it was too...I don't know I liked the 64 version more, and Brawl is my favorite of the three.

My boy records our matches and posts em on youtube..Viewers Welcome:)
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tokilamockingbrd posted 21/12/2008, 07:18
this game is getting solid cmas boost. 8 mil by end of year. Maybe 10 million by end of 09.
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darkheart709 posted 21/12/2008, 01:18

well you have to remember that for melee it took the entire gamecubes life to make those sales. Brawl hasn't even been out for a year and its already passed those sales. I think lifetime sales will be great,maybe not MK Wii awesome buts deffiantly going to be one of the best selling games of this gen.

If it makes anyone feel better this game was sold out at my walmart when i went yesterday so the game has probably alot of sales we don't know about since walmart isn't tracked

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marcianito posted 21/12/2008, 06:50
close to 8 millions!!!
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brk00 posted 21/12/2008, 05:55
One of the games of the year....

It can reach 10kk easly....
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SmokedHostage posted 21/12/2008, 03:08
Outsold Melee in NA.
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tryffel8 posted 20/12/2008, 02:37
Still, i think tha sales are a bit dissapointed. I mean, Melee sold 7 million copies with a userbase of just 20 million. Wii has alredy twice as big userbase.

With all the hype and stuff, iam supriced it dosent keep the same way as Mario kart is doing weak after weak in the charts
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 20/12/2008, 01:29
Yeah, the way this is going it'll definitely hit 10 million. Galaxy, too.

Both well deserved :)
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Batman...WTF? posted 19/12/2008, 02:48
Still hasn't gone through Christmas. 8 million is very doable before 2008....
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SmokedHostage posted 14/12/2008, 03:07
Luigi has the best taunt ever.
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bigjon posted 12/12/2008, 04:41
this game has legs in others... I could see it selling a minimum of 1 million more in others... which means we would only need 1.4 mil from US and Japan to make 10 mil... I think Japan can get us 200k more... maybe...

10 million is very doable.. Might take til cmas 09 or so. But it will. Seems Galaxy is more up in the air. It is not getting as big of Holiday boost as you would think.
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iindyysgvxc posted 10/12/2008, 10:23
Ugggghhhh! Those character images are disturbing. They remind me a bit of "Weegee".
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Batman...WTF? posted 08/12/2008, 11:47
One of the best games ever. Great generation so far. Brawl, Galaxy, Halo 3 Killzone 2 Gears War 1 and 2 Little Big Planet, Zelda PH and TP, MGS4. Awesomeness....
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Roflinator posted 04/12/2008, 07:50
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I like Bacon posted 04/12/2008, 06:30
since when do people hate Brawl SmokedHostage? O_o
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SmokedHostage posted 04/12/2008, 03:09
I can sum up this game in two words. Cluster F***.

Also the fact that I can actually pit Mario and Sonic in a fight that isn't Flash or Mugen related is awesome.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 04/12/2008, 02:49
one of the greatest games of all time. how can you call this an epic fail?
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SmokedHostage posted 03/12/2008, 04:43
I think the reason people hate this game is the same reason people hate Twilight Princess, They expected a OoT/Melee like experience and they got it with a few tweaks here and there..
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NightDragon83 posted 03/12/2008, 01:22
This game blows... EPIC FAIL of 2008. Mario Kart Wii is 1000x better as proven by its continued success at or near the top of the weekly charts in all regions.
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 28/11/2008, 11:45
This game only has legs in America...just like Melee, Mario Kart hwoever has legs in every region. So i think this will BARELY reach 10 million by end of next year.
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Omega_Phazon_Pirate. posted 28/11/2008, 01:19
"There is absolutely no way that Smash will not sell more than 10 million." Hard to say.
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 28/11/2008, 08:55
This game sure deserves it's sales. Definitely one of the best games of all time imho.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 28/11/2008, 12:04
Soon it'll pass Melee's American total.
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SaviorX posted 22/11/2008, 05:05
There is absolutely no way that Smash will not sell more than 10 million.
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Khuutra posted 12/11/2008, 06:57
What are lifetime predictions on this sitting at? Chances of it breaking 10 million?
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Shipping Total

13,320,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2020

Opinion (841)

CarriedLawyer45 posted 24/06/2020, 02:58
Improved Switch port? Would you buy it?
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TheDelBel posted 16/11/2019, 04:50
Played Brawl a lot when it first came out.
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160rmf posted 12/06/2017, 07:07
Nintendo financial data shows at 13.21 M. On a side note, Smash 4 outpaced Brawl. 3ds and Wii u versions combined managed to reach 13.92 M.
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atma998 posted 08/08/2016, 11:56
13.03M, may have a chance of outselling GTA III sitting at 13.10M.
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PAOerfulone posted 03/05/2016, 11:37
Aaaand and THERE IT IS!
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Darwinianevolution posted 15/04/2016, 07:33
12.99m. Come on, Brawl, I know you can do it.
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