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Alternative Names

Dairantou Smash Brothers X

大乱闘スマッシュ ブラザーズ X


Project Sora



Release Dates

03/09/08 Nintendo
01/31/08 Nintendo
06/27/08 Nintendo

Friend Code

Community Stats

Owners: 2,570
Favorite: 185
Tracked: 15
Wishlist: 17
Now Playing: 67

Avg Community Rating:


Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) > Opinions (841)

 1  5  6  7  8  9 
deet-tastic posted 12/03/2008, 12:19
Brawl is amazing. Why isn't the sight showing american sales?
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bigjon posted 11/03/2008, 03:15
the "people who own this game" jumped 50 in the last 24 hours.
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xLordOblivionx posted 11/03/2008, 02:50
Oh my god...this game is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. If you don't own it, go buy it right now or you will &^@!ing explode.
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thetonestarr posted 10/03/2008, 05:46
I did a little work on the description, gave us something original to use. If anybody else is up to the challenge, you're free to work on what I started and make it better.
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Sherlock99 posted 10/03/2008, 04:19
this page is very hard to read makes my eys hurt...
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SHMUPGurus posted 10/03/2008, 04:15
I officially started playing this game at 12:32 PM, and I didn't even close my Wii yet!... And why the heck am I typing this? Got to go Brawl again! =P
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weezy posted 10/03/2008, 04:05

awwwww yeaaaaa, baby~!
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ArtofAngels posted 10/03/2008, 03:43
Can someone fix this page please?
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ClaudeLv250 posted 09/03/2008, 11:14
I just can't stop playing this game.
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Nintendo Fan Girl posted 09/03/2008, 01:17
12 more hours for me!!!!
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Onimusha12 posted 08/03/2008, 04:55
it would seem the page has been set a skew
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lemieux-rules66 posted 06/03/2008, 03:41
Why delete them? They put the "Brothers" In super smash Brothers
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MANUELF posted 06/03/2008, 12:47
Delete the stupid images please
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Thatmax posted 05/03/2008, 03:53
even though i have yet to play this game 10/10!!!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 05/03/2008, 05:19
It took the original SSB 37 weeks to sell this much in japan.
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weezy posted 03/03/2008, 07:14

god damn i cannot wait. Woooo!

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trestres posted 03/03/2008, 04:34
The time is coming.....
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lemieux-rules66 posted 03/03/2008, 02:39
7 more day's
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SSurTails posted 02/03/2008, 04:33
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MANUELF posted 02/03/2008, 01:22
I can´t wait for this game.
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supermario128 posted 29/02/2008, 09:02
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bigjon posted 29/02/2008, 08:48
It could pass Melee this week in Japan, it will for sure by next week.

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darklich13 posted 29/02/2008, 07:54
Let the button mashing commence
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Roflinator posted 29/02/2008, 06:05
*looks at the release date* 8th? Isn't the release date like 3/9/08?
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Krim posted 29/02/2008, 01:54

I (as you guessed) dislike the consol wars and this site being one that tracks vg hardware/software is most likely to attract those intereted in said war. So your question is good one...the reason I eventually joined is because much to my shock the community here is a 1000 times more pleasant than just about every other Vg site I joined.

For your second question...yes. That exactly what I mean. I feel it is possible to be involved with it without acting like a fanboy.
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SleepWaking posted 28/02/2008, 07:49
Hey Krim why exactly are you a member of this site if you don't like the console wars? You do know this site is about the console wars do you? I think you can be involved in it without being a fanboy because that is what you really mean isn't it?
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Krim posted 28/02/2008, 01:51
You see theirs this thing called "Consol Wars" its a collective stupid where a bunch people get together and act like six y/os. Those involved tend to piss and moan for hours about how their consol of choice is better then everyone elses. One of the many things moaned about in these "Consol Wars" is the score of games. Generally if a site allows anyone to vote on the rating of a game and allows people to vote more then once it attract people involved with the "Consol Wars". Simply put alot of the people rating games down on this site don't actually own them or the consol their on. Their simply rating it down due to their involvement with the stupid known as "Consol Wars".
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Majin-Tenshinhan posted 28/02/2008, 09:09
From what I saw, Montana Hatchet was defending the game from trolls earlier up. Now, I haven't been here very long, but to me it just seems like he's being fair.
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11ht11 posted 28/02/2008, 03:04
this game shows that the wii is twice as powerful as the gamecube,
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Roflinator posted 28/02/2008, 02:28
1.39 million? Very close to Melee's lifetime sales in Japan :)
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Roflinator posted 26/02/2008, 01:43
It's coming out on the 9th, which is a Sunday. I'm sure of it, yoshiboots.
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yoshiboots posted 25/02/2008, 10:32
the place i preordered it at says it comes out the tenth anywhere else is t coming out on monday?
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Edge112 posted 25/02/2008, 10:22
brawl is game of the year 08
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trestres posted 25/02/2008, 06:53
Damn it, angry sony fanboys got nothing better to do than rate a game with a 1, before they even get a chance to play it.
Stop it !
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Girl Gamer Elite posted 25/02/2008, 05:37
Lol @ my spell checker.
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koopatrooper posted 25/02/2008, 02:59
13 day to go

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fallingspam posted 25/02/2008, 02:20
2 weeks til u.s relese
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hihihi posted 25/02/2008, 12:56
why is it going down in ranking

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Roflinator posted 24/02/2008, 11:54
1.30 million in Japan. Nice. It'll beat Japan's total Melee's sales before we get the game!
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MontanaHatchet posted 24/02/2008, 05:45
Oh no, it's rated above every PS3 game! Nintendo fans are being victimized!
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hihihi posted 24/02/2008, 04:50
wow whats with the low rateing
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Girl Gamer Elite posted 22/02/2008, 07:08
Sony and MS fanboys are already voting it down in ranking
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 22/02/2008, 01:48
I just ordered 8 6f gamecube remote extension cords, for 2, possibly 3, controllers, lol.
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yoshiboots posted 21/02/2008, 10:02
have loved everythng heard about ths game exept boxart
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MANUELF posted 21/02/2008, 06:50
Quien le está bajando la calificación?, this game need stay in top 10 with better rate.
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weezy posted 19/02/2008, 01:25
This will be the first AAAA title ever made.

thats right you heard me. FOUR A'S BTICHESS
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supermario128 posted 18/02/2008, 04:08
You guys are predicting to low, I say 17 million at the lowest.
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trestres posted 18/02/2008, 03:32
Probably my most anticipated game evarrr
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RCTjunkie posted 17/02/2008, 04:38
Overall, I predict 9m WW
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stynkkeli posted 16/02/2008, 08:15
13M ww and one of the best selling games of this generation.
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11ht11 posted 16/02/2008, 04:42
people at my school are soo desperate to play this, that they ordered one from japan
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Roflinator posted 15/02/2008, 10:34
Wow. 8.13 on the rating. Surprised. XD
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tombi123 posted 15/02/2008, 04:34
I predict 9M.
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Riot Of The Blood posted 15/02/2008, 02:17
Note to self: Never call a Nintendo Franchise kiddie.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 14/02/2008, 03:48
ya, its too easy to bash people like that tho...
then again, i guess the only way he could get over the fact that his games are bad is by saying other ones are too?
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Mewt73 posted 14/02/2008, 11:35
Come on people, don't bash him, that's obviously what he wants you to do. He probably just randomly clicked here, figured since he saw Mario, it was a kid game, that also figured there were a bunch of adults here. Then he did this to get a laugh...
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Explosivo posted 14/02/2008, 09:44
Million seller, I'm prediction 15 mln ww.
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coonana posted 14/02/2008, 05:04
the only thing holding this game back is the supply lol Nintendo is the only thing holding this back.
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supermario128 posted 14/02/2008, 02:08
Million seller, I'm predicting 17 million overall.
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Roflinator posted 14/02/2008, 02:03
Strategyking92, you're a dumbass if you can't handle games that are "kiddie".
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Riot Of The Blood posted 14/02/2008, 01:34
StragtegyKing is right. I'm not going to have anyone to play this game with, because my gaming friends are more into games like Madden and such. Online is going to be the way to go for me.
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bigjon posted 14/02/2008, 01:11
Go play your "mature" games and refrain from making inmature comments in game profiles.
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famousringo posted 13/02/2008, 05:14
All Strategyking92 does is talk trash in the games comments, it seems.
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MontanaHatchet posted 13/02/2008, 03:46
What a horrible trolling comment. I hope you get verbally torn to shreds.
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Strategyking92 posted 12/02/2008, 09:33
what sane adult would buy this? I guess the ones that play by themselves or online cause they got no1 that plays kiddie games )

This post will get reported, because they're too "sensitive"
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koopatrooper posted 11/02/2008, 06:33
what its not a million seller yet
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Quartz posted 11/02/2008, 10:50
I still think there are not enough screen shots... :)
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 11/02/2008, 04:43
I predict this game will sell 454k in its second week.
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HoodFigga posted 10/02/2008, 08:40
Only game I'm interested in on the Wii.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 10/02/2008, 08:48
I know.

But at least it wasn't modeled after Tinky-Winky.
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MontanaHatchet posted 10/02/2008, 03:46
Claude, your design totally sucks.

*Gets to work*
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RCTjunkie posted 09/02/2008, 10:23
Not what I was hoping for, but good opening week none the less.
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 09/02/2008, 10:18
if this game can manage atleast 3 million in japan, it may have an advantage over GTA and definately beat halo 3.
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yoshiboots posted 09/02/2008, 08:25
wow pretty large week 1. just makes me want it more and more.
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11ht11 posted 09/02/2008, 07:18
wow, the sales of this game in japan, are really good, another million seller for the wii, not a surprise lol
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lemieux-rules66 posted 09/02/2008, 05:03
i own as well for i pre-ordered too. When i pre-ordred i thought i would get it in December. But i have to wait until march, aw well, i know its worth the wait :D
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SOAD_KoRn posted 09/02/2008, 04:11
I believe it will sell more than 15 million
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Oyvoyvoyv posted 09/02/2008, 02:46
@Roy 03 and Fleunam.

Sure Wii Fit won't beat it`?
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coonana posted 09/02/2008, 01:44
It owuld have sold a million if nintendo made enough copies. Good ol nintendo and their awkward mistakes.
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saveren posted 09/02/2008, 01:14
The Wind Waker for the win!
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MANUELF posted 09/02/2008, 10:35
Only GTA both(PS3+Xbox360)have a change, but only in one console not change.
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Roy03 posted 09/02/2008, 08:53
Hm I guess it will be the 2nd best selling game, will be a close battle GTA4 and Smash.
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4D Gamer III posted 09/02/2008, 07:16
This will easily be the best selling game of this generation.
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thetonestarr posted 09/02/2008, 06:45
hahaha awesome sales numbers. and in japan! goodness.

not to mention this will have such, such long legs.
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Leni posted 09/02/2008, 05:00's unbelievable!!! so many in just a week!
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coolestguyever posted 09/02/2008, 04:46
Almost a million seller week one, just japan.
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KMcVay posted 09/02/2008, 03:43
I definitely can't wait to play this game...KIRBY FTW!
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SSurTails posted 09/02/2008, 03:21
This will ousale halo 3 in less than 2 months, thats for sure
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dude17761991hatp posted 09/02/2008, 03:06
This makes me happy and sad. Happy that smash is a beast. Sad that it's sales are almost more than Galaxy in Japan.
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Wii-60 posted 09/02/2008, 02:26
best game ever!!!!!!!!!
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supermario128 posted 07/02/2008, 04:21
Looks like 800,000+ in Japan 1st week, it will be at a million by next week just from Japan.
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highwaystar101 posted 04/02/2008, 04:35
haha according to the dates it's out in europe, I'm off then to grab a copy lol
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 04/02/2008, 05:28
Hi rolstoppable!
(i know you will see this comment sooner or later)
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NoXxiuxX posted 04/02/2008, 02:54
I OPNW THIS FREAKING GAME!!!! I OWN THIS FREAKING GAME!!!! I was able to snatch a damm japanese copy!!!! And even though I havent finished it yet, ITS AWESOME!!!!!
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Jessman posted 03/02/2008, 06:43
I hope the Nintendo factory blows up and its delayed for another 4 months... if it stops for from god damn rating it early.
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 01/02/2008, 07:13
hopefully will get to 1mil by the end of the week and continue doing awesome :)
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ZenfoldorVGI posted 01/02/2008, 10:47
Out in Japan, first day sales, 500,000 units.
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Kasz216 posted 28/01/2008, 01:33
Whoa the Sim City guy? How'd i miss him? Neat!
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rudyrsr8 posted 28/01/2008, 01:25
Wow who in thw world posted so many freaking pics? Can a mod reduce the pics please it looks tacky.
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xLordOblivionx posted 27/01/2008, 08:28
Well, I actually rated the game because I got a chance to play the demo at E for All O.o.
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I like Bacon posted 27/01/2008, 03:16
I own it too because of my pre-order. But I won't add it until March 10th because I'll be too busy playing on the 9th!
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robond posted 24/01/2008, 11:32
I own it because I´ve paid the pre sale of the game already.
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highwaystar101 posted 24/01/2008, 06:39
The game isn't out, so why are so many people saying they own it?
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supermario128 posted 18/01/2008, 04:13
If only Nintendo fan boys voted then this would be a perfect 10, but that's not the case is it.
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hihihi posted 16/01/2008, 11:41
227 fuckn fanboys already rated this game. *begins sarcasm* I like it how people troll and rate games baldy or rate games a 10 that they have never played becuase they are inrogant fanboys *ends sarcasm*.
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supermariouniverse posted 15/01/2008, 10:16
Can't wait for this game...too bad it got delayed again.
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Shade posted 15/01/2008, 09:34
Why did they keep delaying it by a couple of weeks? Couldn't they have just delayed it once by months? Stop teasing us Nintendo!
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Edouble24 posted 15/01/2008, 09:22
delayed again :( I'm gonna cry now
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I like Bacon posted 15/01/2008, 07:41
NOOOO!!!!! >_
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omgwtfbbq posted 13/01/2008, 11:41
to be fair, if the system allows you to rate a game before it is released, then you can fairly expect that you are allowed to rate the game, based on how much you are interested in it.

It is the fault of the rating system for allowing a game to be rated before it is released, rather than the people who are rating it.
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segajon posted 12/01/2008, 05:29
Let the all important pre-launch ratings begin.
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zerosaurus posted 09/01/2008, 07:02
I pushed "I own this game" because I have authorized payment for it. Physically the only thing I own is an electronic receipt (even though that isn't quite physical). "Own" is up for interpretation.
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Mummelmann posted 09/01/2008, 04:20
Why the hell do people press the "I own this game" button before the game is available?! You look really stupid when you do that.
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nordlead posted 08/01/2008, 04:05
I see I started a trend, and all I wanted to know is if it was possible.... oh well, i'll own it soon enough anyways.
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Psychoace posted 31/12/2007, 10:38
Reggie doesn't control when it gets released, that would be Sakurai.
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hunter_alien posted 29/12/2007, 08:44
Man this game looks so freaking amazing . As good as a first gen 360 game ... maybe it looks even batter than Kameo ?
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konnichiwa posted 27/12/2007, 10:44
... Serious ...Can I rent someone's copy?

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KeptoKnight posted 20/12/2007, 04:24
This game right here is going to be Scary.....we all are going to be hearing it in our sleep....
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segajon posted 20/12/2007, 03:28
Ninty fanboys gave this one a headstart for good ratings
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HALOOOOOOOO posted 15/12/2007, 08:05
Why is this game even ranked? Stupid Ninty fanboys.
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loadedstatement posted 10/12/2007, 02:14
I need this game. My doctor prescribed it. I need it to live.
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wow posted 04/12/2007, 09:31
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 04/12/2007, 12:56
apparently, 3 people own this game.
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Nintendo Fan Girl posted 02/12/2007, 12:42
i cant wait to get this game.
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KeptoKnight posted 25/11/2007, 08:18
This is going to be EVERYONES "fighting game" until its sequel.....
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leo-j posted 22/11/2007, 05:08
Someone owns the game lmao!
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kems posted 17/11/2007, 08:06
This can't be possible, this can be the best game ever and the people rank 8.62 and before relase? why we can rate this game? =/
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damkira posted 17/11/2007, 10:06
Ugh.. I'm sure this game will be good enough to earn an 8.6 rating but nobody has played it yet...

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RCTjunkie posted 17/11/2007, 02:51
Gawd, I hope by february they get rid of the "Wii would like to play" commercials.
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holycow101 posted 16/11/2007, 09:34
wow nintendo fan boys are the ones complaining about rating before a game is released and what do they do give this game ratings
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fazz posted 16/11/2007, 06:31
Wait... that's the final boxart? It's horrid! Ugh!
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supermario128 posted 15/11/2007, 10:19
Updated the box art to the final version. I don't like it to much though.
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thanny posted 30/10/2007, 12:58
why are we even allowed to rate a game before its release? cos you please change that ioi. anyways, cant wait! (lets see leo-j complain about this, like he did about melee's length)
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Edouble24 posted 23/10/2007, 01:24
oh god I can't wait for this game! I'm tempted to give it a 10 already
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supermario128 posted 15/10/2007, 08:55
I'm pretty sure that is the real one that nintendo used in their press release.
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MontanaHatchet posted 15/10/2007, 02:23
It was from Wikipedia.

Sue me.
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fazz posted 14/10/2007, 07:10
Who picked the ugliest fan box-art available?
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leo-j posted 14/10/2007, 03:10
Its coming out februaury.. Reggie should be fired for lying..
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konnichiwa posted 03/09/2007, 02:30
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MontanaHatchet posted 28/08/2007, 09:06
Yay for the idiot who added every screenshot known to man.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 14/08/2007, 05:42
Can't come soon enough...
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Shipping Total

13,320,000 Units
As of: March 31st, 2020

Opinion (841)

CarriedLawyer45 posted 24/06/2020, 02:58
Improved Switch port? Would you buy it?
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TheDelBel posted 16/11/2019, 04:50
Played Brawl a lot when it first came out.
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160rmf posted 12/06/2017, 07:07
Nintendo financial data shows at 13.21 M. On a side note, Smash 4 outpaced Brawl. 3ds and Wii u versions combined managed to reach 13.92 M.
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atma998 posted 08/08/2016, 11:56
13.03M, may have a chance of outselling GTA III sitting at 13.10M.
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PAOerfulone posted 03/05/2016, 11:37
Aaaand and THERE IT IS!
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Darwinianevolution posted 15/04/2016, 07:33
12.99m. Come on, Brawl, I know you can do it.
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