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Alternative Names

メトロイドプライム3 コラプション


Retro Studios



Release Dates

08/27/07 Nintendo
03/06/08 Nintendo
10/26/07 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 1,820
Favorite: 58
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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption (Wii) > Opinions (348)

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Chehansen posted 04/11/2007, 01:03
Been wondering about that too
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fapper posted 03/11/2007, 08:41
what about europe sales
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Chehansen posted 01/11/2007, 07:00
A Shame this game isn't selling that well because this is a really great game im lovin it!! 10/10!!
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Kenkaku posted 30/10/2007, 03:24
If I had to guess why sales are pretty minimal, I'd have to say that it's because it released during the summer when school was about to start (I got this game one day before college); very few people would actually feel wanting to go out and buy a game during this time, one of the most important times of the year that require a ton of money for supplies or, in some cases, courses.

I see sales picking up for the holiday and remaining fairly consistent until spring. Although, it might not become the best selling Metroid Prime game, but then again, what do I know?
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Zeker posted 29/10/2007, 11:56
I imagine it'll pick up a lot more sales in the coming months (maybe years?)

The thing is you see this statement more and more: "hey guys I just got a Wii, what games should I buy?" A lot of people who want a Wii still can't find one. Out of my group of 10+ friends only 2 of us have one out of the 8 or 9 that want one.

Metroid Prime 3 will be near the top of the must buy list for any Wii owner who was either had a Cube or is curious what all the hubub of Metroid is all about. Needless to say, when I got this game and played the next 2 games I bought were Prime 1 and 2.

And in spite of all the "NINTENDO IS JUST KIDS STUFF, IT NEEDS MORE MATURE GAMES, ADULTS LIKE ME (I'M 15 BTW!!!!) ONLY WANT HARDCORE GAMES" you hear, the system is turning a lot more hardcore gamer heads than your average socially retarded virgin who isn't even of drinking age would like you to believe.

This game is going to sell steadily over a period of 12-24 months. It won't wow anyone week to week but when all is said and done I think sales will be impressive.

-A 30 year old gamer who had to get up at 4 am and drive 45 minutes to buy his Wii >:(
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lololol posted 29/10/2007, 01:18
this is the only good game for the wii in months, and it is AWESOME 10/10, extremely under-rated
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MontanaHatchet posted 28/10/2007, 09:57
Metroid has never really sold all that well.

I mean, Metroid is more than 21 years old, and the entire franchise has already been outsold by Nintendogs.

It's a great series but it's unclear to who it appeals to. Gamers, I guess.
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masterrosi posted 28/10/2007, 08:35
i think the most of wii users are casual gamers and they don't want to buy this kind of games.

But hope that the wii will be used by more hardocore gamers in 08 because of new hardore games release,like tomb raider,MOH heroes 2,battalion wars2 and others

i'm sure the weakly metroid prime 3 sales will grow when the games price cut and the game officially release in europe

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marcoberry3 posted 26/10/2007, 03:25
why does this game sell so poorly? it is one of the greatest things i have ever experienced.
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DmNt posted 24/10/2007, 02:51
Awesome game. This game was almost flawless in every category.
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stof posted 23/10/2007, 12:26
I'm playing it now on Veteran. Poop on a stick it's hard!
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mesoteto posted 19/10/2007, 09:54
Best game this year...well that might be a stretch but its up tere
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Parokki posted 19/10/2007, 09:40
Someone actually bothered to make four new accounts just to troll the comments of this game? O_o

I'll only pass judgement on its quality only after I've played it (EU release in one week), but so far it seems extremely promising. Sales look like they'll end up between those of the first and second parts, unfortunately.
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deathbeast posted 19/10/2007, 02:05
This game has sold one tenth as many copies as Halo 3.

This is the nail in the coffin that metroid is absolutely nowhere near as popular as Halo, Mario, or Zelda. Metroid is a game that sells 1 million and 2 million if lucky, despite how much Retro improved the formula with the phenomenal Prime 1.

This game will be lucky to pass 1 million.
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koopatrooper posted 18/10/2007, 03:24
is it wifi compatible? that would be great theni would buy it for online gaming
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swordplay posted 17/10/2007, 08:36
Sales are dissapointing because the game isn't that great. dont get me wrong its good if you only have a wii but if you also own a 360 there are better games to be purchased.
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saith17 posted 11/10/2007, 08:13
This game effectively made me not regret buying my Wii.
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ElRhodeo posted 10/10/2007, 01:37
Hmm... Sales are kind of disappointing. I wonder how it will do in the EU and Japan. At this pace, it won't even beat MP1. Ho Hum.
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AGZOQ posted 09/10/2007, 04:50
sweet ass game
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GhaudePhaede010 posted 02/10/2007, 01:02
This game is far superior to any current generation First Person game. It is amazing and deserves far more credit for pushing the genre than it has been given.
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KeptoKnight posted 30/09/2007, 05:50
Honestly to say sorry folks yall can kill me but after Goldeneye I was sucked into Half Life/ Counter Strike and Unreal Tournament games. All these other First Person shooter games are just average compared to these three.

BUT when this fricken game came out I played it in the NINTENDO WORLD store here in manhattan. LUCKILY I bought a Wii and this game lol. Even with an Aurora based alienware computer, this game has nice Unique Artistry. Let alone the control is a wonder.... I stopped playing home consoles because of the controllers. But this wii thing, is going to make a difference with First person based games. It's not even funny. This game right here says alot of whats to come....
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droop4 posted 27/09/2007, 06:10
The screens dont make justice to how look the game really looks when its running. Great game, a must have for any gamer. If you need a reason to buy a Wii (and why havent you got one in the first place?) then this is one of the huge ones!


PS- I'll give a Wii game a perfect score when it implements Gorgeous graphics (ala Mario Galaxy or beyond), normal mapping, self-shadowing, and real time lighting all in the same game (that would actually look pretty good. I mean, if metroid has been called a true "next-gen" experience with those looks and controls, imagine a game that would include all this techniques!) I think it would come decently close to a 2nd batch 360 visuals.
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Parokki posted 25/09/2007, 11:30
Just a month longer for us Europeans...
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Chadius posted 22/09/2007, 12:37
It took me about 4 hours to find a complaint about the controls: Charge shot doesn't home in.

That's a testament to how awesome the control scheme is.
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YeahDude!!! posted 16/09/2007, 09:45
Beautiful game.

Every Wii owner must have this. 9/10
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Onimusha12 posted 16/09/2007, 07:44
A truly beautiful spectacle of the Wii experience and further proof the Wii is not only a strong core gaming experience but has the potential for a strong hardcore experience as well with the best FPS controls since the mouse and keyboard.
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MontanaHatchet posted 15/09/2007, 07:35
And it's out.

Nice job people. I appreciate your ratings when I can't do it myself.
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Entroper posted 15/09/2007, 06:04
It's made it into the top ten ranked games on VGChartz as of today. :)
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ryu3000 posted 12/09/2007, 11:00
I loved this game but I liked Metroid Prime 2 more!
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Bond007mgm posted 10/09/2007, 05:29
What an amazing game, super fun with the wiimote. They should make some kind of patch so I can play the others like this!!
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SP3NCY1325 posted 10/09/2007, 01:44
7.93......this is 1 of the best games ever come on at least 8.5 but should be more
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SHMUPGurus posted 09/09/2007, 01:54
Yes, it is really sad that the rating system is overabused. I would AT LEAST try the game before rating it, but that's probably too obvious for some people. =/

I'll probably post a review sometime, it will depend if I find some spare time but for now it's a 9.5+ for sure from me!
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Entroper posted 09/09/2007, 12:18
This is a high-profile game that most Nintendo fans are highly interested in, and was just released. Of course anti-Nintendo fanboys are going to pan it.

It still gets a 10 from me.
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leo-j posted 09/09/2007, 02:38
Why is the review low?!?!?!?!?! OMFG!!!!!! STUPID FANBOYS DIE ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!
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swordplay posted 07/09/2007, 08:26
the robot looks cool
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MusicAddict911 posted 07/09/2007, 07:08
Awesome. xD
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omgwtfbbq posted 07/09/2007, 12:25
Nintendo still wants me to buy a mod chip...
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Parokki posted 06/09/2007, 05:34
Only an eight week delay before we Europeans get it. Oh boy, I almost feel spoiled by all the love Nintendo is giving us.
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Kenkaku posted 06/09/2007, 01:58
The strongest point I'd like to point out about this game aside from the flawless controls and stellar graphics is the seemless playthrough. Unlike past Primes, you have multiple ways to travel to different worlds and areas, mostly being able to call in your ship at several points, unlike before, where your ship had one docking spot throughout the whole game. I just love how it's easier to get around.
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Alexie Di Onie posted 04/09/2007, 08:26
O man, I love the Prime series and I'll admit I got a little bored with 2 a little ways into it, but man, I loved this game, a solid 9.5 outta 10.
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Hyperion posted 04/09/2007, 02:24
An extremely polished conclusion to the Prime trilogy. Any Metroid fan or Sci-Fi/shooter/adventure fan should definitely buy this game. The last five hours of this game some of the best time in a video game in years! Fantastic game, 9.8/10.
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xstonexcold316x posted 02/09/2007, 08:36
Best Game I've ever played
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Bass.exe posted 01/09/2007, 07:23
Best game in the Prime series. Controls are the best of any fps (yea i know fpa) and best looking Wii game to date.
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Entroper posted 30/08/2007, 02:15
This is the best Wii game to date, and IMO the first true "Rich Wii Experience." The controls are absolutely flawless and beautiful, and they really suck you into the game. Combine that with the same level of polish and attention to detail as the other Metroid Prime games, and you get a completely amazing game.
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gamer9851 posted 29/08/2007, 01:53
Amazing game. Any Wii owner should jump on it.
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mesoteto posted 28/08/2007, 03:40
super game--best i have played in a few years
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Explosivo posted 27/08/2007, 03:32
Man I'm looking forward to this game, but it is 2 months left for it's release in the PAL-territories.
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MontanaHatchet posted 26/08/2007, 10:21
Looks nice.

Andddddddddddddddddddddddd first!
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Shipping Total

1,410,000 Units
As of: December 2014

Opinion (348)

PAOerfulone posted 09/10/2015, 08:16
For point a) It was .4, sorry Europe.
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PAOerfulone posted 09/10/2015, 08:14
People who are blaming Japan for this game's underwhelming sales.
a) Europe not only picked up the slack, but added .1 to it.
b) What happened to the extra 1 million people in North America who bought Prime 1?
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ExplodingBlock posted 03/12/2014, 06:10
Japan y u do dis is great game
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supernihilist posted 23/01/2014, 05:46
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AZWification posted 25/06/2013, 02:53
Japan hates everything that doesn't have Pokemon, Monster Hunter or Dragon Quest written on it.
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think-man posted 19/12/2012, 10:13
Always thought Metroid would have sold more than this.
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