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Ubisoft Montpellier



Release Dates

11/18/12 Ubisoft
12/08/12 Ubisoft
11/30/12 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 68
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 9

Avg Community Rating:


ZombiU (WiiU) > Opinions (133)

 1  2 
xboxonefan posted 16/01/2018, 05:46
840k now adjusted
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fedfed posted 29/06/2016, 10:32
I wonder how many digitals have been sold given the various massive reduction on the Nintendo e shop!
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KrspaceT posted 09/06/2016, 07:39
You know, I feel this game's issues were not just the system. A bad game that damaged the Wii U signifigantly, not the least harming Rayman.
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fedfed posted 03/05/2016, 12:19
1 mil! Finally - good to see this stable yony!
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FloatingWaffles posted 19/04/2016, 10:15
It's nice that it finally hit a million, but it shouldn't have taken 3-4 years to do so. Not to mention all the price cuts it most likely had during that time, so i'm not surprised Ubisoft didn't make a profit and ported it to other consoles.
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Illusion posted 17/04/2016, 07:04
Great sales. I will never understand how Ubi couldn't make a profit on this game.
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Darwinianevolution posted 17/04/2016, 01:05
This actually reached the million. Now make a sequel for the NX, Ubi. Now to wait for Minecraft to reach the million too.
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Skullwaker posted 13/04/2016, 05:17
Congrats to the Wii U's first 3rd party million seller! (might be the only one if Minecraft can't do it)
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b00moscone posted 12/04/2016, 04:29
1 million! Finally made it after almost 4 years!
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xboxonefan posted 12/04/2016, 12:47
1 million on wiiu first 3rd party game to do so
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b00moscone posted 20/01/2016, 08:58
This will almost certainly reach the 1m mark, and it will probably be the only 3rd party title on Wii U to do so. The only possibility i can think of is perhaps Just Dance, but that is unlikely :P
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MrYoshi posted 20/12/2015, 06:31
I think it will reach the 1m
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pizdek posted 21/10/2015, 04:56
@Skullwaker 40k done, I think it still has the chance
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pizdek posted 05/10/2015, 09:19
It just might, port might spark interest in the Wii U version
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b00moscone posted 25/08/2015, 06:30
Will this reach 1m? Hmm, with Zombi releasing on other platforms, i'm starting to doubt it'll even reach 0.95m
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pizdek posted 07/05/2015, 07:56
Zombi U is actually a true survival horror game in every possible aspect of the term. Just shows how unfair the game journalism is, giving all the praises to the joke of a game such as Last of us, claiming to be 'survival', and 'stealth'. What a joke.

Zombi U deserves all the praise and Ubisoft's support for sequel. Unique experience which you simply cannot find anywhere else. I wish 3rd parties took notes from it, prime example of utilising Wii U's hardware for unique, bone-chilling experience.
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tak13 posted 17/04/2015, 03:58
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tak13 posted 17/04/2015, 03:57
Shit load* Nice expression,well done...:p
No try to spin it but first we need to know if the leak includes the sales from the bundle...It's hasn't been clarified!Do you remember the zombiu bundle?
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TheGoldenBoy posted 17/04/2015, 07:10
Yeah it's overtracked by ~190k in the US.
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chapset posted 17/04/2015, 06:39
Overtracked by a shit load
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Skullwaker posted 14/04/2015, 03:39
I wonder if this will ever become a 1m seller. It only needs 100k for the rest of this year and 60k next year to get there.
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Emme posted 10/01/2015, 07:23
I am so happy for this game :D The more users the Wii U gets, the better for this title !
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fedfed posted 15/12/2014, 02:39
low digital price... it is probably closer to a million including digital now1
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atomicblue posted 14/12/2014, 02:27
I'd just like to point out that Ubisoft said they won't bring any more "mature" games to the Wii U because they don't sell, and yet ZombiU is by far their best-selling game on the console. By. Far.
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Nuvendil posted 04/11/2014, 05:58
@korn62586 They may have. Which is idiotic frankly. ZombiU Is by far one of their best selling games on Wii U and clearly continues to get slow but steady sales. Ironically, their "better fit" franchise Just Dance is sitting waaay down on the Wii U sales lists at 20. Heck, Rayman Legends is lower than this. ZombiU is by far their best selling game on the system and it's a fairly low budget product! This is why I am convinced Ubisoft is the new Capcom: they are coming into this gen with money, decent rep, new engine tech, and off the positivity of well received titles, and they are already in the process of flushing all of that down the toilet with betrayals (of consumers and partners), overhype, asinine public relations, and absurd business decisions.
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korn62586 posted 16/10/2014, 10:21
I just bought this game for a friend.
had to go to Target
Gamestop said they don't sell new copies of ZombiU anymore!
thats weird and unfortunate.
has UbiSoft stopped shipping new copies of ZombiU!?!?!
it probably won't reach a million if thats the case :(
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fleischr posted 25/09/2014, 05:19
Fire sale on this game started @ Best Buy for $8. This game may finally disappear from retail soon
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WagnerPaiva posted 07/09/2014, 02:58
My favorite WiiU game. Can´t believe how underrated this game is.
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drake_tolu posted 28/08/2014, 09:26
1,000,000 of course.
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Toxy posted 25/08/2014, 02:06
I think this game could possibly leg it out to 0.85 lifetime (retail).

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gingergaymer posted 21/08/2014, 10:58
I just got this game, found it brand-new on Amazon for $15! It doesn't deserve the terrible reviews it got. It's a much better survival horror title than most other recent addition to the genre.
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Gammalad posted 15/08/2014, 05:24
No doubt 1M+ life time sales.
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DolPhanTendo posted 12/08/2014, 12:36
Looks like Mario Kart helped this game a lot. Last time i checked in early April it was sitting around 350.000
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Thechalkblock posted 11/07/2014, 11:12
retail, that is.
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Thechalkblock posted 11/07/2014, 11:12
it's kind of funny that ZombiU has sold almost three times as many copies as Just Dance 4 on Wii U.
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snowdog posted 10/07/2014, 03:17
If you include digital sales this game should have sold over 1m and made Ubisoft a reasonable profit. If Nintendo had any sense they would fund a sequel, this game was a system seller at launch.
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drake_tolu posted 19/06/2014, 03:48
Come on, 1,000,000 for 2016/2017!!! :D
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 12/04/2014, 11:41
agree, this is a great game.. a pitty the Wii U is already "dead"..,

but Ubisoft should bring a sequel PS4/XO (or Wii U..), if Ubisoft handelt this franchise right, it could become something like the a "Deamon's/Dark Souls" franchise.. (and shouldn't need a too high development budget...)
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Emme posted 17/03/2014, 07:40
Its a great game, and the production values were not that high, so 640k might have make it break even.
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chase123 posted 26/02/2014, 06:05
If they say it didn't make profit,it probably didn't make profit.
Stop trying to comfort yourself,if it made profit there would have been a sequel coming.
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supernihilist posted 20/02/2014, 03:50
nice sales
cant believe the claimed it was unprofitable. biggest BS ever to boost some sales.
this games will keep selling as long as they stock it, its their fault they screwed it with multiple flash pricecuts that devaluated their own product top baragain bin choice
LOL Nintendo is the LAST thing would do.
fuck Ubi, you screwed a potential winner
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Arfen posted 12/01/2014, 06:26
now at 9'95€ in GAME & selling quite well
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 06/01/2014, 01:54
For a game that didn't "make profit" it has some decent legs.
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TSNFLD posted 13/11/2013, 12:24
I don't understand how this was not profitable for Ubisoft. They've sold 540k physical copies of the game, a decent number of digital copies (I'd guess more than 40k), plus the game wasn't terribly high budget in the first place. If it isn't profitable for Ubisoft it can't be far off. Anyways I think it will sell 680,000 - 700,000 retail copies by the end of the year.
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WagnerPaiva posted 31/10/2013, 05:42
Back on the best selling this week, the only WiiU game that interest me.
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T.Rexington posted 23/10/2013, 09:49
Well, the budget might've been higher since it was a debut game for a new console and wasn't this supposed to be the Killer Freaks game? The devs probably had to start over to some degree and that probably drove up the total cost of the game.
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think-man posted 25/09/2013, 12:14
@matt_182 I think once it hits 650k It should become profitable, Its probably not to far off hitting that mark, if you include digital sales.
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Matt_182 posted 18/09/2013, 03:44
This game has reached over half a million and that is from retail alone.
None of us are 100% sure how well it sold online.
I own this game and while I really enjoyed it... I don't understand how they didn't break even or made a profit as Ubisoft had claimed. This game doesn't exactly scream high budget.

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Arfen posted 01/09/2013, 11:22
Hal million at least!! and pushing up!! This game has a lot to develop but it is a great true survival game!! deserves much more sales
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leedlelee posted 20/08/2013, 09:13
Apparently this game saw a minor resurgence in sales the week Pikmin 3 released in the US...
Perhaps this game will continue to sell as more people feel as though there are enough reasons to invest in the Wii U...
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think-man posted 06/08/2013, 05:06
Financial disappointment was frequently tossed around whilst Ubisoft was mentioning this game.
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BossPuma posted 04/08/2013, 03:07
They should have made a better game. This was a mediocre experience imo.
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jcalamil posted 23/07/2013, 02:33
I hasn' been even a year since it's launch, a sequel of ZombiU is posible but it's too soon, dead rising 2 was released 4 years after the first dead rising game, so there is no need to be dissapointed, we must wait
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curl-6 posted 09/07/2013, 04:05
It's not like it's finished selling, it'll be tied to hardware, which will kick off when more games arrive. 99% of games aren't system sellers on their own, doesn't mean they're unwanted.
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oniyide posted 08/07/2013, 08:01
also its not like people buying the WIi U for this game, which is why i said they dont want it. and being niche means only a few people want it
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oniyide posted 08/07/2013, 08:00
considering it isnt making them any money, its not doing ok
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curl-6 posted 07/07/2013, 08:51
Wouldn't say people don't want it. 1 in 6 Wii U owners has it, its the 2nd highest selling game not bundled with all Premium Wii Us. It's too niche to command big system-selling power, but it's done okay considering the circumstances.
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oniyide posted 07/07/2013, 02:18
people dont want the game its tha simply, Ubi didnt mismanage anything, hell there was even a BUNDLE, they did the best they could and here it is.
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DieAppleDie posted 11/06/2013, 12:58
ouch, just the game got half priced xd

well there it goes, rly poor managmen by Ubi on this one if you ask me...
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DieAppleDie posted 08/06/2013, 01:35
they should give this game a boost in shelves up until holidays and advertise it a lil bit, unless they are planning to release a sequel which seems plausible
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snowdog posted 03/06/2013, 04:00
This should have done over 700K by now including digital sales, it was on special offer in the eShop for a while and plenty of people bought it from there before that going by Miiverse comments. Should do over 1m.

I don't think we'll see the sequel on anything other than the Wii U unless Smartglass and Vita use are lag free, and I can't see that happening tbh.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 13/05/2013, 10:00
Ubisoft or/and Nintendo should finally change the (crapy) art cover of this matesterpiece game...

@ RedInker

agree, these sales are a crime, this should be selling in the millions.... (resp. it should be at least on paar with RE sales...)
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MANUELF posted 04/05/2013, 08:26
Because Nintendo is the one publishing the game in japan
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Luck posted 02/05/2013, 04:24
Why does it list Nintendo as the publisher ?
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curl-6 posted 24/04/2013, 03:46
@MegaDrive: Well, people gravitate to known IPs, and Mario games have a habit of generally being good, while this got so-so reviews. Personally, none of the launch lineup interested me, hence why I'm still waiting to buy a Wii U.
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MegaDrive08 posted 23/04/2013, 01:26
Not sure if we will see a follow up or not, if we do think it will be multi platform, also hope they expand on the online and multiplayer modes more, seriously though who bought nsmbu over this at launch?
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RaitheNoblesse posted 07/04/2013, 07:27
@ POE & DieAppleDie
totally agree!
(it's like the legitimate Resident Evil sequel many always wanted...)

@ AlexFili
don't really agree.. (Dead Island is "fun", but nowhere as tens/thrilling as ZU..., if you play alone and at night...)

@ sales
the sales have to bring forth a sequel..., but not a "mainstream" sequal.. (it has to stay hard and tens as hell, maybe leave out the radar...), hope it will develop like Demon's/Dark Souls did..
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DieAppleDie posted 01/04/2013, 10:49
This is a must have. Buy it damn it.
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curl-6 posted 29/03/2013, 03:44
It should reach a million in the long run., seems like a game that will pick up once Wii U hardware gets boosted by new software. I can see it possibly becoming a cult classic of sorts.
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korn62586 posted 27/03/2013, 03:33
More people should ick this game up.
VG should change the Genre from Action to Survival Horror
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RedInker posted 24/03/2013, 11:28
It will be a crime if this game doesnt reach a million in sales.
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think-man posted 19/03/2013, 04:31
Id make Rayman Multiplat aswell after seeing these sales.
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AlexFili posted 15/03/2013, 10:33
Not quite as good as Dead Island but still fun
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POE posted 14/03/2013, 04:59
Can´t believe the reviews of this game. I´t an amazing piece of art!!
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curl-6 posted 12/03/2013, 01:35
Decent attach rate at least, it's sold to what, one in ten Wii U owners? Benefits of being a launch title...
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 01/03/2013, 07:52
R da sales 4 this game beginning to "die"? (no pun) It seems so... =/
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RaitheNoblesse posted 11/02/2013, 05:28
doesn't seem, as if it's droppig any lower...

maybe Ubisoft will wait till there are enough fans (and more sold Wii U's), befor starting the squel..., hope it can reach 0.5m by end of the year..

(Ubisoft could make up to the fans with ZU2...., after persuading Rayman fans to buy a Wii U, when not needed.....)
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DieAppleDie posted 10/02/2013, 06:38
i really like this game, i will buy any secuel of ths
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Barozi posted 09/02/2013, 06:07

True I thought it was an UK exclusive. My bad.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 04/02/2013, 09:29
hope you're right!

at least it isn't dropping under 4-5k...

if it could stay steady with about 4.5k/week, in about 40-45 weeks (about till the end of the year), it could get annother ca. 180-200k

maby Ubisoft should change the cover for the next production set... (maybe just announing a sequel would help it's sales a bit better too...)...,

hope they do a better P/R for the sequel... (better relations with some reviewers.., showing how/how not to play it...., and the maybe some reviewers the wont play/test the game this time in a loud and bright enviroment..)

but if Ubisoft turns the sequel into a pure coop or online game, then they might as well not make it...., ZombiU2 has to be focused on the singleplayer part, keep it hard as ever.. , just hade some more dialogues, climaxes, ect.. and take away the radar.. (only after making the singleplayer part bigger, better and more intens, they can take some time for the multiplayer part....)
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Arfen posted 04/02/2013, 06:07
@Barozi, well the ZombieU bundle was released in many others countries. not just in UK..
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snowdog posted 29/01/2013, 06:14
Should have done over 500K by now including digital sales going by the size of the Miiverse community. Should get a sequel.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 27/01/2013, 03:24
let's hope the Game can keep a steady ca. 5000/week resp. doesn't drop under more then it has.... (and hope they change the cover art, when they give the game the "platinum" thing....)
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RaitheNoblesse posted 22/01/2013, 04:36
@ Arfen
I totally agree, this game is VERY tens.... and the Game should NOT be play on an event (with friends or family) with all the "noise and light"... ZombiU should be played alone at night (with a good soundsystem oder with earphones/a headset)
really hope Ubisoft/Nintendo will try to push this franchise, could really develop well, even if it might have to have go a bit more "Mainstream" if it wants to sell better... (maybe also add more "sidequests" or/and more "side-characters".. but sill keep it "hard"..and takeaway the radar...)...

this week it sold for the first time under 10'000.., barely 5500.., how much does it need to develop long legs? a minimum fo 10'000??.. (is 5500 too litle? it will probably drop even futher....).... it's a pity for this game.. (...bloody metascores and lame cover maybe killed the game, ...with a better PR, somethingk like with Demon's/Dark Souls, could it have been avoided??... maybe the sequel could pull it off better, and reach similar sales as Demon's & Dark Souls..)
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Barozi posted 14/01/2013, 11:38
The UK bundles are included in these sales.
Haven't heard of any other official ZombiU bundle.
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Arfen posted 13/01/2013, 11:37
Finally I finished it, Great game. Is very tense!!! Many people play this on an event with all the noise and light .. but to appreciate this game you have to play it alone at home at night. Then you can enjoy allthis game has to offer. Now I'll try a second run.

Are bundles copies includes in this sales?
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Thechalkblock posted 13/01/2013, 09:34
awesome game
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leedlelee posted 10/01/2013, 09:46
I think these sales are fine considering the sales of the console...
The Wii U has still yet to surpass two and a half-million million sales...
When you consider the fact that the only advertising has been fans of the game on Miiverse, and that reviews were piss poor, things could have turned out much worse...
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aikohualda posted 09/01/2013, 05:46
i dunno why people are not picking up this game... and yeah the cover looks cheap... even a plain black with the title is better than this
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RaitheNoblesse posted 07/01/2013, 07:16
the sales are droping..., hope it can develop long legs and get the well deserved sequel..

but showing the game to friends (trying to convince them, just how brilliant the game ist) can be tricky,.. cause to get into the crazy intens atmosphere, it should be played alone a night...

don't know if 100K is much.., maybe for a "port", but ZombiU isn't a port..
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JTurner82 posted 03/01/2013, 04:26
I wouldn't say it's the ONLY game that didn't fail. ARKHAM CITY, ACIII and even CALL OF DUTY II all breached the 100k mark. So not every title on WiiU is doing badly.
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Chrizum posted 02/01/2013, 07:38
Only third party game that didn't flop in WiiU (along with probably Just Dance 4 eventually). Ubisoft should be pleased.
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korn62586 posted 02/01/2013, 05:33
this is a great game that is slow paced.
If there can be an update to fix a bug or 2 it'd be nice.
If your a fan of old resident evil & you like FPS, you should give this game a shot.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 28/12/2012, 10:51
Zombi U has to problems:
1) lame box cover art (just WTF where they thinking??...)
2) idiotic reviewers bashing at it, because it's not a conventional shooter...
if the sales can at least reach 500k in less than a year, despite those two problems, it should be worth a sequel..., this game is not a AAA budget game, and probably doesn't need to sell over 1m...
Demon's Souls sold less during it's start, but true core gamers realized it's greatness, and it developed long legs and even a got a sequel...,
Zombi u should be compared to Demon's Souls, it's just as special... (Red Steel is a joke, if Ubisoft gave RS a sequel, than they just have to develop ZU2...., hope ZU outsells RS at least 2x as much...)

for the sequel, they should just add some drama and multiple choices, like the walking dead, but keep the focus on a "solo" adventure, but make it bigger (and of course take away the radar, or weaken the radar a lot)..

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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 26/12/2012, 08:43
Not necessarily, u know? Ubisoft could do what other companies have done, and instead, they could just simplify the gameplay so that it can b played with a regular controller. Hell, they could just "carbon copy" the Dead Island gameplay so to speak into this game, and save themselves some trouble that way. That's exactly what the guys who made No more heroes did when they ported the wii version of that game to the PS3/360, and what Sega did with THOTD:overkill, too... so those games never really depended of a wiimote 2b played, and in the same way, this game doesn't 100% "need" a tablet controller.
I agree with u, however, that if the devs want to remain true 2d original gameplay (apparently intended) then they would have to go the route u already mentioned, and once again, judging by the present sales, that certainly wouldn't b wise or convenient for them... risky, indeed.

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eyezofnight posted 26/12/2012, 03:32
I had read that they developed ZombiU for the Wii U exclusively in case it took off like the wii did. (remember, not many saw the success of that before it happened) Rayman, I have heard they paid for time exclusivity so even if it sells well I still expect it to end up on other systems in some way. That's how you maximize profits. Zombiu on the other hand is a bit trickier to port since you would have to have a vita to play it on ps3 and a tablet on xbox. That's kinda risky in my mind.
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legendarysaiyanbroly posted 25/12/2012, 07:57
HA! Ubisoft haven't ''given'' shit to Nintendo. They BOUGHT the timed exclusivity of this game from them (same with rayman legends),... and judging from this lousy sales, it is just not getting the job done for them... not AT ALL!

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Barozi posted 24/12/2012, 01:35
This is a brand new game and not a port. It's very likely that 300k is not enough yet to be profitable for Ubisoft. It definitely should be though in a few months.
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eyezofnight posted 24/12/2012, 04:36
red steel sold a lot on hype sadly. Yet it did end up over a mil worldwide if I remember correctly. Sadly that hurt Red Steel 2 a lot image wise. Too bad, red steel 2 was a great game imo. it sold what ubi expected but sadly we probably won't see it again. wouldn't be the same with just a gamepad
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (133)

1 n/a 41,965 n/a 9,165 51,130
2 n/a 12,000 45,303 5,339 62,642
3 12,497 7,001 20,505 2,759 42,762
4 4,229 7,398 15,514 2,546 29,687
5 3,061 8,235 13,546 2,612 27,454
6 2,337 5,938 8,609 1,813 18,697
7 2,513 2,843 4,681 902 10,939
8 1,136 1,874 2,847 580 6,437
9 1,152 1,269 2,274 414 5,109
10 1,126 1,401 2,083 431 5,041
xboxonefan posted 16/01/2018, 05:46
840k now adjusted
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fedfed posted 29/06/2016, 10:32
I wonder how many digitals have been sold given the various massive reduction on the Nintendo e shop!
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KrspaceT posted 09/06/2016, 07:39
You know, I feel this game's issues were not just the system. A bad game that damaged the Wii U signifigantly, not the least harming Rayman.
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fedfed posted 03/05/2016, 12:19
1 mil! Finally - good to see this stable yony!
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FloatingWaffles posted 19/04/2016, 10:15
It's nice that it finally hit a million, but it shouldn't have taken 3-4 years to do so. Not to mention all the price cuts it most likely had during that time, so i'm not surprised Ubisoft didn't make a profit and ported it to other consoles.
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Illusion posted 17/04/2016, 07:04
Great sales. I will never understand how Ubi couldn't make a profit on this game.
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