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Alternative Names



Ubisoft Montpellier



Release Dates

11/18/12 Ubisoft
12/08/12 Ubisoft
11/30/12 Ubisoft

Community Stats

Owners: 68
Favorite: 5
Tracked: 8
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 9

Avg Community Rating:


ZombiU (WiiU) > Opinions (133)

 1  2 
eyezofnight posted 24/12/2012, 04:32
bundling it with the wii u europe was smart though. I'll give them that. I wish they did that in the us
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eyezofnight posted 24/12/2012, 04:25
its only been out a month. xmas sales aren't even done and who knows the digital sales. give it 3 months and it'll be at or over 500k. I see new people on miiverse buying it daily. (i've gotten 3 people to buy it myself) I could see this doing very well in the long run. a mil isn't out of the question by this time next year. I wish Nintendo pushed it more and a little more advertising would do wonders for this. I mean if a 3rd party gives you a wiiu exclusive in this day and age you should help advertise it NINTENDO
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itsyounghavok posted 23/12/2012, 08:54
300k is a good sales number. This game will no doubt hit a million at the pace its going. And im sure its already profitable for Ubi Soft. Im almost certain there will be a sequel. Hopefully other 3rd parties are looking at this. Its a mature title selling good on Nintendo hardware, and its a new IP to boot.
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DieAppleDie posted 23/12/2012, 07:08
Vary vary bad sales
and bad game also,
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think-man posted 23/12/2012, 04:54
250k is not profitable id imagine.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 15/12/2012, 11:21
true, L4D was made out of lot of long testing (balancing)..., a multiplayer ZU would take more recources and time...,
for ZU2, the focus should still stay on the solo adventure... (if there is a coop mode, it sould be "hell on earth".. , "VS" mode could be like "2 survior groups" against each other or something like that..)
yes! ZU ist one of those cult games, that is too controvers too have high Metascores and needs positiv mouth2ear spreading, this really needs a sequel..
& Zombi U is THE game (experience) of the Year.. , no other game can make you so feel so tens, afraid of dying, afraid of climbing down a ladder or being afraid of the dark.. and not other game gives such "radar biep" fear.. (like in the movie Aliens)....,
@ Zombi U sequel
Ubisoft has to realize the potential in this game/series..., even if the sales don't shoot out of the roof, because of lame/incompetent Metacritics and a lame cover art
(or Nintendo should just buy the rights or finance ZU, like with Bayonetta 2.., Zombi U ist equally "cult" as Bayonetta)
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snowdog posted 15/12/2012, 12:08
And I'm pretty sure that Red Steel sold over 1.2m.
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snowdog posted 15/12/2012, 12:07
@Chrizum: Ubisoft Montpelier didn't have the resources to work on the local multiplayer, they had to hand that over to a different studio, and online multiplayer would have taken longer to code and test. We wouldn't have seen it released until next year if they added online multiplayer, but you can bet your bottom dollar that we'll see it in the sequel.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 14/12/2012, 07:31
you're right, there arn't any EU sales shown for Red Steel, strange..
well ZU has only been out in the EU for 2 weeks, but RS must have sold more... a pity (ZU plays in another league and is by far the better game..., the only thing better in Red Steel, is the cover art...)
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RaitheNoblesse posted 14/12/2012, 06:44
should have sales für EU
CliffB likes ZU :)..., the controls are "simple", but it's part of the "raw" survival feeling,.. and aslong as their simple, one can (or has to) use the enviroment more to survive (like luring them on lower areas or around corners ect..)... ; being able to "duck" (like stealth) would be cool..
but I wouldn't want to see any "combos", the character has to feel "weak" and not overpowered; .. but the radar should be left out of the sequal (playing without the radar and only listening to the sound of zombies is much more tens
agree, ZU really is reason for the Wii U.. (even if the the atmosphere and panic feeling is more important than the controler it's self)
a "L4D" coop and vs Mode for ZU2 would be cool (but insanely difficult.).. but still keep solo mode the main attraction..., Zombi U should really become a ne franchise for Ubisoft.. (it should be nominated at the AIAS...)
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Chrizum posted 14/12/2012, 04:19
Ubisoft have shot themselves in the foot, as they always do on Nintendo consoles. If this game would have an addictive online multiplayer, it would have sold triple this numbers.
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Mensrea posted 14/12/2012, 06:53
This is the best reason to own the console right now. I hope it does well enough to warrant a sequel, or another new IP from Ubi that uses the gamepad uniquely. Third party exclusives like this will be so important moving forward.
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F0X posted 13/12/2012, 01:05
@RaitheNoblesse To my knowledge, CliffyB thinks ZombiU is interesting but the controls need work.
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retroking1981 posted 12/12/2012, 09:02
@RaitheNoblesse actually Red Steel sold more than that, this site has no data for european sales.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 10/12/2012, 02:06
for the moment, it's selling like Red Steel (also about 0.18 in the first two weeks)...., which a pitty...ZU is nothing like Red Steel, ZU's a piece of (suspense) art..
agree with RedInker, Capcom should take a close look at ZU...
(would be cool if Cliff Bleszinski and Capcom are going to maybe do a joint, wonder what Cliff Bleszinski thinks of Zombi U....)
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JTurner82 posted 10/12/2012, 05:06
It's also important to remember that the game has just been released on a console that is just getting started. Give it time; its sales will increase.
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Mad55 posted 10/12/2012, 03:43
Looking at past games on other consoles in their first week weeks i can say this is alright.
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VGKing posted 10/12/2012, 03:07
Even if these numbers are accurate, its pretty low for being the best selling 3rd party game.....
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RedInker posted 10/12/2012, 01:06
Just completed it. Great game. Truely scary at times. Oi, Capcom take note. This is how you make a survival horror game.
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Thechalkblock posted 10/12/2012, 12:53
steady sales for ZombiU! so far so good :)
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zippy posted 10/12/2012, 12:25
Brilliant game, and quite tough as prepared to die.....a lot
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DieAppleDie posted 09/12/2012, 11:53
this game is good shit
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globalisateur posted 09/12/2012, 11:10
In my local supermarket, in France, both the ZombiU game and ZombiU premium pack are sold out.
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Barozi posted 09/12/2012, 12:30
NPD has it around 50k for week 1
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RaitheNoblesse posted 08/12/2012, 08:39
have a feeling, that besides some unfair & ridiculous low reviews, that Zombi U's lame cover art of might be scaring off some people...
(and they're missing one of the most intens gaming experiences ever...)
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RaitheNoblesse posted 08/12/2012, 06:53
hope snowdog is right, and the ZU sales are going to be better then they seem right now, and we get a sequel... the series might even start to take of like Demon's/Dark Souls franchise...
(for the sequel, wish they'd leave out the radar or only give a "weak" radar......very late in the game)

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SlayerRondo posted 08/12/2012, 05:17
I agree with RaitheNoblesse on this one. Having played the game i can say with confidence that this game should have received an 80% or greater meta-critic score.
Just another example of a disconnect between reviewers and their audience.
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snowdog posted 07/12/2012, 03:45
Don't worry RaitheNoblesse, it's the third biggest game community on Miiverse and I've seen reports of several shops being sold out of copies of the game. Purchases through the eShop have also been doing well too apparently. I can see this selling over 1m units before the end of this calender year. We'll certainly get a sequel. Best game available for the console so far imo.
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RaitheNoblesse posted 06/12/2012, 07:42
and No! Zombi U is NOT just another "Red Steel"...
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RaitheNoblesse posted 05/12/2012, 09:50
"Ubisoft will create ZombiU sequel if the first is successful"...,
those d..... incompetent reviewers giving the game under 70-60 (ridiculous...), ...if ZU doesn't get a sequel, because it got unfair low reviews, form reviewers, who wanted to play COD instead..
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RaitheNoblesse posted 05/12/2012, 09:39
this game deserves (much) more than the Metacritic of 75%...,
don't even read gamespot's or gametrailer's reviews.. (didn't know how to play it or it was to hard/frustrating for them) => read Joystiq's or Eurogamer's reviews
(& play it alone at night..., then'll you'll understand why this is the "best survival game" ever....)
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POE posted 30/11/2012, 02:43
Im sooooo in love with this game!!
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Metrium posted 26/09/2012, 09:45
Can't wait for this game! Deffinetly picking this up with my Wii U :D
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (133)

1 n/a 41,965 n/a 9,165 51,130
2 n/a 12,000 45,303 5,339 62,642
3 12,497 7,001 20,505 2,759 42,762
4 4,229 7,398 15,514 2,546 29,687
5 3,061 8,235 13,546 2,612 27,454
6 2,337 5,938 8,609 1,813 18,697
7 2,513 2,843 4,681 902 10,939
8 1,136 1,874 2,847 580 6,437
9 1,152 1,269 2,274 414 5,109
10 1,126 1,401 2,083 431 5,041
xboxonefan posted 16/01/2018, 05:46
840k now adjusted
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fedfed posted 29/06/2016, 10:32
I wonder how many digitals have been sold given the various massive reduction on the Nintendo e shop!
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KrspaceT posted 09/06/2016, 07:39
You know, I feel this game's issues were not just the system. A bad game that damaged the Wii U signifigantly, not the least harming Rayman.
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fedfed posted 03/05/2016, 12:19
1 mil! Finally - good to see this stable yony!
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FloatingWaffles posted 19/04/2016, 10:15
It's nice that it finally hit a million, but it shouldn't have taken 3-4 years to do so. Not to mention all the price cuts it most likely had during that time, so i'm not surprised Ubisoft didn't make a profit and ported it to other consoles.
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Illusion posted 17/04/2016, 07:04
Great sales. I will never understand how Ubi couldn't make a profit on this game.
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