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Release Dates

06/09/13 Nintendo
11/08/12 Nintendo
06/14/13 Nintendo

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Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) > Opinions (127)

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Meret posted 08/03/2013, 08:20
@pikashoe totals as of last week in Famitsu - 3,088,000 (physical + DL Cards, not counting digital eShop sales... with them game already passed 3,500,000 for sure...) Just a MONSTER. Today AC was #1 on Amazon Japan again and sold out in many stores. Around Golden Week it will push like 100K/week *insane* 6 million lifetime in Japan alone? D:
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Otakumegane posted 08/03/2013, 03:12
10 times NSMB2 in Japan this week. Unstoppable. Monster. Beast.
God of sales charts right now.
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Wright posted 04/03/2013, 01:08
Look at those sales, seriously, LOOK AT THOSE SALES!
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pikashoe posted 03/03/2013, 05:49
Already at 3 million according to famitsu, wonder how long it will take to get to 4 million.
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Otakumegane posted 28/02/2013, 08:26
Seriously, What IS UP WITH THOSE LEGS.

Selling over 4 times NSMB2 weekly.
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Otakumegane posted 18/02/2013, 06:09
The sales of this game in Japan scare me.
Coming to NA in June. I'll pick this up around August? Pokemon gonna eat up my time.
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sethnintendo posted 03/02/2013, 08:31
VGC can't keep up in the digital age.
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tbone51 posted 03/02/2013, 07:19
They need to adjust this now!
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newwil7l posted 01/02/2013, 06:35
Official from Nintendo. 2.73million
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tbone51 posted 31/01/2013, 07:37
How much will this game have in japan alone?!?!?
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shakarak posted 30/01/2013, 08:49
2.73 million as of Nintendos earnings statement today.
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Cheebee posted 27/01/2013, 01:09
Wow. The game's at #3 WW this week, months after its release. And those are Japan sales only. Insanity.
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tbone51 posted 26/01/2013, 06:44
This game is over Wild World in its 1st 10 weeks. Note: WW had NoA sales included! New Leaf doesn't!
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Otakumegane posted 21/01/2013, 06:07
I just realized this game is categorized as Nintendo,Action.
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sethnintendo posted 19/01/2013, 08:10
I need to start focusing on my game collection because this will be the only game I play once it releases in the USA.
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sperrico87 posted 12/01/2013, 11:27
Sales of this game are just absolutely amazing. 3DS is steam-rolling the competition in Japan right now.
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NintendoPie posted 04/01/2013, 06:09
This game is actually trending ahead of Wild World!
The real question is if it can outperform WW's staggering 12Million sales overall though?
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sethnintendo posted 29/12/2012, 07:37
Grats on 2m in Japan already! I expect this game to be around 6-7m by the end of 2013.
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Meret posted 15/12/2012, 10:16
@acdcste yes, you are right. there's shortages, nintendo preparing big shipments for xmas. and of course it'll continue selling well next year.
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acdcste posted 10/12/2012, 10:25
Am i right in thinking there is a shortage of this game in japan. I read somewhere that this game is on a different cartridge to other games and as such nintendo are struggling to keep up with demand, hence the reason it dropped to 100k last week. If thats the case then thats a shame as this seems to be the main game in japan for xmas this year.
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sethnintendo posted 09/12/2012, 09:59
Selling pretty damn good in Japan right now. This should become the highest selling AC game.
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shakarak posted 29/11/2012, 08:09
Havent had a chance to get my AC on since Gamecube. This might be the game that makes me get a 3ds.
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shakarak posted 29/11/2012, 08:09
Havent had a chance to get my AC on since Gamecube. This might be the game that makes me get a 3ds.
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Cheebee posted 16/11/2012, 09:48
Bring it on! I used to play the DS AC a LOT the first few months after it came out, then it sort of faded. I skipped the Wii one, so I'm just about ready for some AC lovin'!
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piggychan posted 16/11/2012, 01:24
I know I'm gonna love this. Am loving the wii version even tho I am disappointed it is just a slightly upgraded DS version.
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sethnintendo posted 31/12/2011, 02:39
I'm pumped for this version.
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NintendoFanDj posted 14/11/2011, 07:28
hope I will enjoy this one. I didn't play the Wii game much.
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Shipping Total

13,050,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2023

Opinion (127)

Machina posted 07/11/2023, 07:51
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 09/05/2023, 11:05
+20k in the last 6 months.
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Machina posted 08/11/2022, 04:54
+10k in the last 6 months.
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Maluigi posted 02/02/2021, 01:17
I think 13.5M in the end. Maybe 14M.
(Now 12.82)
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p0isonparadise posted 10/09/2018, 03:28
As of June 30th 2018, New Leaf is now the best-selling AC game with sales of 11.78 million.
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sethnintendo posted 20/11/2017, 01:39
11.23m... Less than one million of Wild World sales. Doesn't look like it will make it but perhaps the android/ios game will give New Leaf sales a small boost while people wait for a Switch version to drop. It'll be interesting to see if it can somehow overtake Wild World sales.
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