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Release Dates

05/30/14 Nintendo
05/29/14 Nintendo
05/30/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 102
Favorite: 17
Tracked: 5
Wishlist: 2
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Mario Kart 8 (WiiU) > Opinions (196)

 1  2 
S.Peelman posted 30/07/2014, 03:51
Yes, and the 2.82m Nintendo has is also the number as of June 30th. A whole month ago!
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Rogerioandrade posted 30/07/2014, 12:58
2,82 million - 2,20 million... so.... about 600k digital sales.
We need a chart of digital sales desperately
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tbone51 posted 30/07/2014, 08:54
2.82mil Shipped+Digital within 1 month of sales. Game is HUGE!
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fluky-nintendy posted 26/07/2014, 12:45
Theyve been advertising it everywhere almost shoving it down people's throats, no wonder it sells so huge.
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4peace posted 25/07/2014, 04:25
Finally surpass 3D World. Come on MK8, take the crown from NSMBU
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NintendoPie posted 23/07/2014, 08:41
That was targeted at that Rai guy, by the way.
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NintendoPie posted 23/07/2014, 08:41
The Wii U is Nintendo trying to directly compete with MS and Sony. Whatever it takes for Nintendo not to do what you say I agree with.
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RealGamingExpert posted 20/07/2014, 12:47
@Clyde 32 Exactly. I dont think they will go for power anytime soon. It just wont work. Maybe a hybrid for next gen will work.
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Clyde32 posted 20/07/2014, 04:52
@RaiZeNoblesse The problem is the last time they were the most powerful console it didn't work out so well.
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 19/07/2014, 12:26
thanx to MK8 (and possibly the E3 hype of the last month), the Wii U is able to give the Xone a good fight...

(if the Wii U can sustain the 2nd postion over time.., wonder if that will encourage Nintendo too make a "weak/kids" console again in the future, or if they've learn their lesson after the "close flop" and they'll make the next console as strong as the rivals??)
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RealGamingExpert posted 18/07/2014, 01:54
Doing great so far! I hope it will get to ~8 Mio. or even more!
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RealGamingExpert posted 18/07/2014, 01:54
Doing great so far! I hope it will get to ~8 Mio. or even more!
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 17/07/2014, 12:16
So this is undertracked or digital success? Either way I see 10m+ sales lifetime
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drake_tolu posted 16/07/2014, 04:22
7 million max???
The game have sold in 5 week more of 2 million(with digital sales), and Mario sell again muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch time... for now MK8 have sold like one monster and without holidays!
Fuck, minimum this game will break 10 million!
For me, 12,500,000 lifetime.
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tbone51 posted 13/07/2014, 06:29
@mind Dont think anybody is being cocky (aside from 1 guy o.O)
MK8 will sell no lower than 4mil lifetime, but i say 7mil max for now (depends how many wiiu's sell)
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 13/07/2014, 06:08
@mind dude im sorry but lots of casuals also buy mario kart during the holidays so expect to be at 4 million by end of year
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mind posted 13/07/2014, 03:54
And yet, most nintendo(/= wii u owners) fans already owns this game, so don't get too cocky, besides, i'm talking just about vg chart here.
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Cheebee posted 12/07/2014, 08:35
@ Nintentacle

Clyde's saying it will sell much more than 5m.
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Nintentacle posted 12/07/2014, 07:49

That is one of the reasons it has 5 million locked. It isn't the holidays and has already sold over 2 million.
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drake_tolu posted 12/07/2014, 11:50
5m lifetime?
Lol, will break 12,5 million...
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Clyde32 posted 12/07/2014, 07:42
@mind No way it is 5m LT locked, have you seen these numbers? It hasn't even been through holidays yet.
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Clyde32 posted 12/07/2014, 07:42
@mind No way it is 5m LT locked, have you seen these numbers? It hasn't even been through holidays yet.
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mind posted 11/07/2014, 05:18
5m LT locked.
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drake_tolu posted 11/07/2014, 02:08
After 5 week again more of 100K... incredible. O_O
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Shulk55555 posted 09/07/2014, 08:15
that game deserve more sold copies!
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 06/07/2014, 03:45
Apparently digital numbers are doing well too. Supposively sold 2 million first month and is at 1.80m here so either undertracked or doing well digitally
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ExplodingBlock posted 01/07/2014, 11:47
Either VGChartz undertracked or when they said 2m it meant digital+retail
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drake_tolu posted 01/07/2014, 06:31
1,800,000 in only 4 week.
Very good number! :D
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supernihilist posted 30/06/2014, 11:27
Damn.great sales.but its not moving SW
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Ultrashroomz posted 30/06/2014, 05:37
Hopefully these numbers keep up. This is the game that saved the Wii U after all.
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RealGamingExpert posted 28/06/2014, 11:22
Impressive numbers so far. Lets see how long it takes for 3 mio sold!
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Slarvax posted 28/06/2014, 01:09
And, you know... it says June 14th... We're on June 27th...
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farlaff posted 28/06/2014, 12:49
Not undertracked. You guys seem to have forgotten digital sales. I myself got a dig copy.
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Dadrik posted 27/06/2014, 10:49
Undertracked. Nintendo said it sold 2 Million copies worldwide.
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radioboyxxxartz posted 25/06/2014, 07:31
Go Nintendo! You deserve glory!
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ExplodingBlock posted 24/06/2014, 08:16
Dem Legs
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 24/06/2014, 01:56
should have almost 1.6 million when they get europe's numbers in
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Moonhero posted 22/06/2014, 05:31
This Mother is going to have some legs.
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Nintentacle posted 20/06/2014, 08:44

It didn't go down from 700k to 390k, since Watch Dogs PS4 was adjusted down to 1.5 million. Mario Kart actually only gained about 40k on Watch Dogs.
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PattonFiend posted 20/06/2014, 02:50
22.2% of Wii U owners bought this game the first week.

Not too shabby.
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WagnerPaiva posted 18/06/2014, 08:33
I got to tell you guys, for a 6 million install base these are monstruous gigantic sales in two weeks, pretty awesome.
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ExplodingBlock posted 18/06/2014, 07:02
600k to 2m!
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Bfriedli posted 18/06/2014, 04:57
to the guy that said Watch Dogs on ps4 out sold it by 700,000 copies, in 1 week after that MK8 cut that down to 390,000. I say by end of July or sooner MK8 passes PS4 Watch Dogs numbers.
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curl-6 posted 18/06/2014, 04:22
Already the #5 top selling Wii U game, should be #3 before long.
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RupeeHunter posted 18/06/2014, 04:06
Yes, but Watch dogs for PS4 is an impulse buy. MK8 will sell over the length of this generation,Watch Dogs (irregardless of not good/bad a game it is) will not. Last time I checked, Mario Kart for wii was still in the top 100 sales on amazon.
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NintendoPie posted 18/06/2014, 03:26
Quite a mediocre second week. Japan really dropped the ball.
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drake_tolu posted 18/06/2014, 01:46
1,400,000 in 2 week... Very good.
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acdcste posted 15/06/2014, 11:13
Good for you buddy. Lets see what sells the most lifetime eh.
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Reportme posted 15/06/2014, 10:12
Watchdogs on the PS4 alone outsold this by over 700,000 units
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Reportme posted 15/06/2014, 10:04
Watchdogs on the PS4 alone outsold this by over 700,000 units
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Reportme posted 15/06/2014, 10:03
Watchdogs on the PS4 alone outsold this by over 700,000 units
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Reportme posted 15/06/2014, 10:03
Watchdogs on the PS4 alone outsold this by over 700,000 units
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acdcste posted 14/06/2014, 02:32
Mk7 was on the 3ds, not the wii.
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 12/06/2014, 12:13
MK7 sold less in it's first week, because the Wii Hardware was not much stronger than the NGC, so core gamers were not so hyped about it.. (core gamers are the ones, that buy games one day one resp. during the start phase of the first days/weeks..)

MK8 is on a clearly stronger hardware, which hyped some/more core gamers, therefore it sold more during it's start phase..

but the big sales (long legs) of MK7 were thanx to kids & casuals.., which the Wii U does not have as much yet (especially not as many casuals as the Wii) so it could very well not have the same legs as MK7 (but MKs often have good legs eitherway...)

just as possibly one of the best selling Wii U games, exepected/hoped for a overall bigger hit during it's start phase... , and MK8 could have been a bit "fresher/more intovativ",.. but they were proabably also time pressured

(but the E3 was imo a success for Nintendo, maybe the Wii U can still take off enough over time, so Nintendo wont lose too much or start to make profites if they keep bringing great games, and keep them "challenging" enough for core gamers.., not like the Yoshi Yarn and Toad Game are suggesting to be (easy/casual-ish...).. if they're only casual easy, it would be a pitty.. since during this gen the focus should be more on core gamers and not casuals, since casuals today play on tables/mobiles & Co.. and kids dont mind challenging games, look at the NES)
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atomicblue posted 09/06/2014, 07:08
@tbone51 This is correct. Most of Nintendo's bigger franchises sell well for a very long time. Look at the global charts at the moment, where SM3DW, NSMBU, NSLU, Wii Party and Donkey Kong are all still charting despite having been out for anywhere from a few months to 1.5 years each. Hell, MarioKart Wii is still charting and that's been out for over six years.
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tbone51 posted 09/06/2014, 01:44
Yes most games are sold most within its first week but this isnt most games. Ex: Pokemon XY sold 4mil FW but its not 3x that lifetime and growing. MK7 started with about 1.2mil-1.5mil FW and grew to almost 10mil now
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 09/06/2014, 01:01
on one hand, I wish Nintendo to succeed (just love thier games/franchises...),

but on the otherhand I wish them to feel a true pain, so they'll never up again, and make another a weak/kids conosle, compared to the MS & Sony... (Nintendo has to make stronger a console next time, to really compete with Sony & MS... BESIDES being inovativ..)
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 09/06/2014, 12:53
most sales are done in the first three days..
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 09/06/2014, 12:52
it's not bad, but even a new IP from Ubisoft is selling about as much.. resp. it's not really what to expect from Nintendo's possibly best selling game on the Wii U.. (even if the Wii U aint doing soo well..)

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Rustuv posted 08/06/2014, 05:52
Remember everybody (glares at @RaiZeNoblesse) these sales are for 2 DAYS. It sold this many copies in 2-3 days in most regions this is not a full week of sales.
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ExplodingBlock posted 08/06/2014, 03:20
@RaiZeNoblesse How is 1.12M first week bad AT ALL? If anything it is amazing, considering that it was only out the at the very end of the week. Really only thing holding it back was Watch Dogs, but then again they are for two very different markets. Plus, 3D world only did 200k first week and that was in the holiday season
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Gammalad posted 07/06/2014, 11:27
This game should easily be at 2M by the end of the week.
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RaiZeNoblesse posted 07/06/2014, 09:03
was expeting (hoping for) more..., well it will probably have legs, but it's not "game changer"...

(maybe if Nintendo would have build a bigger hype around it, with some real cool changes or something, .. just like Mario 3D World couldn't build up any real hype...)
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Ninsect posted 07/06/2014, 05:05
Nintendo sales figures were as of Sunday June 1. These are as of May 31, except Japan is as of June 1. So there's almost a whole extra day in the Nintendo figures and I believe they included digital. This leads me to believe the 1.12m shown here might be slightly too high for the retail sales.
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snowdog posted 07/06/2014, 02:59
Shouldn't this be 1.2m and not 1.12m..?
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gcube2000 posted 07/06/2014, 06:56
This sold twice over my estimation. thought it would only sell 500k because it's wii ua dn the games usually don't sell well. But this is awesome. I feel like next week it will sell about 1million-1.5million. And Wii U hardware will stay about the same. Probably 180k-200k.
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NintendoPie posted 07/06/2014, 06:08
Nintendo's figures most likely include digital sales, these don't. I doubt there were only 80k digital downloads.
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TheLegendaryWolf posted 07/06/2014, 01:26
It's equal to what Nintendo officially stated was sold.
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NintendoPie posted 06/06/2014, 05:23
Absolutely awesome sales. Could be a little over-tracked, but I doubt by much.
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Stefan.De.Machtige posted 06/06/2014, 03:23
Boom. MK8 red shelled the chart :).
(It would have been a blue one without WD.)
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drake_tolu posted 06/06/2014, 03:01
1.200.00 of MK8.
190.000 Wii U.
Fuck yeah! :D
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Ninsect posted 06/06/2014, 02:00
Wow, over 1m in 2 days!!
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ExplodingBlock posted 05/06/2014, 04:57
Half a million in US alone! I only see watch doges doing some better because it was a out eariler
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dark_gh0st_b0y posted 05/06/2014, 02:08
I have a feeling that this will be quite leggy and will drive the WiiU a long way
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Adameh posted 04/06/2014, 09:39
I'm gonna guess around 5-6m sold eventually
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 02/06/2014, 11:10
well 1.2 million first 3 days
pretty good
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DarkRPGamer007 posted 31/05/2014, 07:44
Dang this game is beautiful. Saw like 5 people pick up a Wii U at Best Buy for this lol Nintendo's hack to good sales
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ExplodingBlock posted 31/05/2014, 06:32
I got this yesterday and when I played it online it found other people real fast so i am guessing it sold well
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atomicblue posted 31/05/2014, 06:12
Bought this today, had a bit of a hard time finding it as a lot of places were sold out a few hours into launch day here in Australia. The last time I had that problem was with MarioKart Wii, funnily enough.

Anyway, that tells me it's probably having an excellent first week. One million in the first week looks very possible - that would only really be 1 in 6ish Wii U owners, which isn't that much.
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NintendoPie posted 31/05/2014, 01:35
500k WW FW? That's not good at all.
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gcube2000 posted 29/05/2014, 03:36
I think MK8 will sell over 500k first week. I think 1million somewhere towards the end of June..... Depends how fast sales drop off.... If it stays very consistant will probably be over 1million by mid-june
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 23/05/2014, 10:34
can it possibly get over 100k for preorders week before
possibly O_O
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Hibern81 posted 22/05/2014, 08:57
56,000 bump last week. 1 million first week looking very possible!
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ExplodingBlock posted 10/05/2014, 04:34
Dat boost in pre-order sales, was it the new video Nintendo put up?
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GuyDuke posted 07/05/2014, 09:35
Maybe it would be time to call the game Mario Kart 8? Any update, VG?
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 01/05/2014, 07:16
This game will have the best-biggest opening week the WiiU ever had.
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undergroundfrog posted 16/04/2014, 01:54
Definitely getting MK8
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NintendoPie posted 11/04/2014, 02:21
If only our DB wasn't so broken... this game would actually be called the eighth.

But that's beside the point, I'm way too excited for this.
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chidori-chan2 posted 11/03/2014, 05:09
Mario Kart 8 will no doubt be the Wii U's biggest seller. I hope this game can be a system seller.
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Sayan12 posted 27/02/2014, 06:25
@ZyroXZ2 I was just about to ask that lol.
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ZyroXZ2 posted 26/02/2014, 07:43
Is there a reason this is still being called "Mario Kart Wii U"!?!?! :P
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drake_tolu posted 21/02/2014, 02:16
Pre order is more of Halo 5!!! :D for me, 350.000/400.000 pre order before comig out!!!
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fory77 posted 20/02/2014, 08:31
30th May ;_;
Too much waiting.
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 13/02/2014, 03:59
Wow this game has entered the pre-order charts. O.o
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Hibern81 posted 21/01/2014, 11:59
I'm hoping for at least a march release.
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tbone51 posted 23/03/2013, 09:28
1st to comment

Hope this game comes out holiday!
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Shipping Total

8,460,000 Units
As of: September 30th, 2021

Opinion (196)

AKWorld posted 24/06/2019, 05:19
Fantastic sales for the Wii U. It Deserves it.
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No9tro posted 24/06/2018, 08:28
I don't know what it is but something makes me prefer this version over the switch port. Could be aby bumber of things like the lack of (ugly) purple sparks or the better online (imo) but the Wii U version just well felt warmer than the switch port or something.
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bulla posted 03/06/2017, 07:26
is at 8.31million according to Nintendo as of March 2017
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Mentore posted 30/01/2017, 10:44
The only racing series that matters.
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Salnax posted 12/01/2017, 04:07
Remember that article predicting this would sell 1.4 million total?
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Zach808 posted 23/12/2016, 09:53
I doubt it can pass SMK, at least the Wii U version. Passing Super Circuit was a pleasant surprise, and it pulled off a near miracle by passing Double Dash, but now it's just out of time. It has a long way to go, and no one's gonna buy a Wii U with the Switch coming out.
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