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Monolith Soft



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12/04/15 Nintendo
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12/04/15 Nintendo

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Xenoblade Chronicles X (WiiU) > Opinions (129)

 1  2 
miqdadi posted 31/01/2018, 08:23
One of the best games I ever played, Sad it didn't reach 1M
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Nuvendil posted 18/09/2017, 11:09
Well, it matched its predecessor at least. This game could have sold over a million but Nintendo fumbled at the goal line. After including it prominently in nearly every direct following its announcement, it got passing mention at E3 2015 and very, very little promotion at launch. Thankfully, this seems to be a bad habit from the Wii U era that Nintendo has gotten past.
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think-man posted 08/12/2016, 05:18
I still need to pick this up.
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goldmario79 posted 27/11/2016, 03:29
Industry insiders have already posted on their twitter accounts- this will be confirmed as one of the first games for the Switch in its six month roll out. Now Mirage Sessions FE... thats quite a different story here. But I'm sure we can expect to see another Fire Emblem as well.
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fedfed posted 24/11/2016, 03:54
@Darwin... you were right there is a rumour.... no chance this will get to 1 million now!
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Darwinianevolution posted 17/10/2016, 09:26
This is going to be ported/remastered for the NX. No way Nintendo is going to be happy with just around a million, I bet this game took a lot of resources and want it to see it do better.
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curl-6 posted 11/10/2016, 02:54
@thewastedyouth: Not that unusual; same thing happened with the first Xenoblade on Wii and Pandora's Tower.
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thewastedyouth posted 24/09/2016, 06:42
pretty sad that both America and Europe sold more considering this is a JRPG
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curl-6 posted 19/08/2016, 12:12
If VGChartz numbers aren't way off, I think it can scrape by the million mark in physical sales, yes. There's still a holiday season left before NX comes out, and XCX has still only been out 8 months in the West.
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b00moscone posted 03/08/2016, 08:10
I'll answer for him and say definitely at this point. I reckon it'll be able to reach .90 at least by the end of this year. You can argue that next year the NX will come out but as it is with every game, it will keep selling. This remaining sales will surely make up the remaining amount needed to reach 1m.
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fedfed posted 01/08/2016, 02:36
@ curl-6 do you think it will reach 1mil retail?
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curl-6 posted 28/06/2016, 11:14
Looks like a million is practically a lock at this point. Not bad for a relatively niche title on a console with a base of less than 15 million.
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Luke888 posted 15/05/2016, 06:03
Nice, given the digital sales I'm shure the game will eventually reach 1M sales which is great on Wii U !!
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Skullwaker posted 04/05/2016, 04:41
800k-1m is a good turnout for a title like this on such a small userbase.

Also can the box art be updated for this?
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JTurner82 posted 03/05/2016, 05:49
The sales in Japan are OK, but not great; I'm sure they're a lot higher than they actually look because of digital sales. The game performed well digitally over there. It's surprisingly a bigger hit here in America, partially because this is a Western-style RPG.
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thewastedyouth posted 02/05/2016, 03:29
wow the Japanese sales are very low. I really expected this game to sell a lot more in Japan than in America or Europe.
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Meret posted 24/04/2016, 10:30
@Darwinianevolution @Nautilus Budget information = top secret info. Nintendo never talks about such things. But it was already stated that this game [is a niche title that] don't even considered as AAA project. Takahashi said it's "a middle tier game" and they're a small studio without endless money, so budget obviously not that big. So game sold reasonably well. Nintendo is not a crazy - JRPGs are not selling millions anymore if it's not Final Fantasy, DQ, Pokemon or few other exceptions. X has only one town, amazingly beautiful, but empty world (outside of enemies) and minimum of cinematic cutscenes. Takahashi said "
In RPG development, the sections that cost the most are the cut scenes and events in the main story. Since this is Monolith Soft's first high-definition open world title, we decided to focus less on these and instead shift our resources into improving the quality of the gameplay - which is most important - especially the "hack and slash" combat. This is the reason that we decided to make the player's character an avatar without a real personality." So, yeah
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Nautilus posted 20/04/2016, 03:47
@Darwinianevolution No one knows, as far as I know Nintendo never said anything.Maybe we will hear something in the investors meeting by the end of this month, but I doubt it.But if I were to guess, Nintendo will be happy if this sell at least 1 million, which it will.
And if they make an NX version, it will surelly make a big profit back, specially if they enhance the draw distance, take out the pop-ins, etc.
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Darwinianevolution posted 20/04/2016, 08:07
How much did Nintendo invest in this game? Considering how big it is, I don't think they are satisfied, even if it's niche. This will come to the NX as a port/remaster/something, to keep it going through another gen.
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JTurner82 posted 19/03/2016, 07:40
This is a pretty good result overall for a niche game on a system with a limited userbase. Hopefully it'll keep on chugging along and pick up another 200k or so this year.
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johnsobas posted 10/03/2016, 02:35
Thanks captainexplosion for all of that evidence to support your claim.
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JTurner82 posted 04/03/2016, 01:35
So it's now at 750k. That's pretty good.
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johnsobas posted 12/02/2016, 06:36
Will be interesting to see if this passes the original. Problem is that it is overtracked by 20k in Japan, and by more in the US. The digital sales will wipe out the overtracking though so it's a wash. Don't know about Europe. Gonna buy this game soon.
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PAOerfulone posted 10/02/2016, 05:32
Even though America had the strongest opening, Europe is showing much stronger legs.
Should be interesting to see which region will this game sell the best.
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JTurner82 posted 29/01/2016, 03:05
So XENOBLADE X crosses 300k in America on Week 6, despite its numbers dropping somewhat.

That's not too bad all things considered. The original XBC had a similar drop pattern. and by week 6 it was roughly 229k. It's tracking ahead of the original for sure.

It'll be interesting to see where this game totals at the end of its run.
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Fleshmeat posted 21/01/2016, 03:23
@Nuvendil NPD's numbers are not correct either, though are more than likely closer if you are talking about US retail numbers. However, NPD's monthly numbers do not take sales in Canada into account. Also, judging from the methodology posted on VGC's site, I think their numbers are probably affected to some extent by digital sales. Anyway if Xenoblade has sold ~700k retail, it has probably sold between 80k and 120k+ digital, if you figure 10-15% of sales are digital (I'm guessing Xenoblade X is closer to 15%)
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Luke888 posted 20/01/2016, 02:37
D: it dropped under 10k in the US...
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kooltrex posted 19/01/2016, 01:33
I think this should hit 1 million easily.
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Nuvendil posted 17/01/2016, 09:30
Actually, scratch that. Got my greater than and less than signs crossed :P

So we're talking like 30 to 50k over tracked probably. So bit better.
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Nuvendil posted 17/01/2016, 09:27
So it's about 50 to 60k over tracked. Still, 640k isn't a bad start considering 1) the preexisting fan base was barely 1mil and 2) the Wii U has a rather small install base. The future sales are going to depend on a lot of factors, such as how many copies are printed, the price, how many the stores order, and when the NX launches. So well have to wait and see.
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JTurner82 posted 16/01/2016, 08:02
So that means its NPD number could be about 261k. That's pretty solid results as far as I'm concerned, especially for a game of this type.
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Goodnightmoon posted 16/01/2016, 06:42
@Fluky-nintendy: Is around 10% overtracked, that's not so much.
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JTurner82 posted 15/01/2016, 05:00
Whether it hits a million or not, the fact that the game is doing well does speak volumes for itself. If it did do more than 200k in December in America that's good for a game of this kind.

As for whether it'll hit a million, hard to say. But it should at least sell better than its predecessor over time. Either way, it's no failure.
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fluky-nintendy posted 15/01/2016, 02:30
Overtracked by a lot.. as usual with ninty games.
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OneKartVita posted 15/01/2016, 07:31
Yeah overtracked by a bit so it'll be hard to hit that million.
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PAOerfulone posted 15/01/2016, 06:16

And NPD's early estimates have it >200k, which means it did more than 200k, so it could be even less 80, 70, 60k. Hell, may it's not overtracked at all, and VGC has it right (though I highly doubt it). I'll wait for an exact number just to see.
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Goodnightmoon posted 15/01/2016, 04:08
Is overtracked, but only by less than 90k on USA, wich is actually very good, and I dont think is overtracked in Europe, the game has been performing well on Germany and France charts and amazon, even in my country (Spain) is still the 2nd/3rd best selling WiiU game at this moment in Amazon.
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JTurner82 posted 15/01/2016, 03:08
The total of numbers is still incorrectly added. It's at 753,177 in total. Seriously, that's just really nice.
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Luke888 posted 12/01/2016, 02:44
Nice, legs look to resist the lack of advertisement in the first three weeks after release in USA/Europe, let's see how much they can keep this going without getting under 10k
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paper_gangsta17 posted 11/01/2016, 10:49
Hopefully it will reach the sales of its predecessor, Hopefully it will become a wii u millions seller xD
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Munchies posted 11/01/2016, 09:57
This might do a million.
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Nautilus posted 11/01/2016, 07:38
@PAOerfulone actually it was at 60k at rest of the world.But i already spoke with Machina with this, and he is looking for whatever is making the numbers go missing
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PAOerfulone posted 11/01/2016, 04:10
Seriously, what is going on with the tracking of this game?
It was at .03 for RotW and now those .03 have been added to Europe's numbers.
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garretslarrity posted 08/01/2016, 04:58
I'm not surprised that it has sold so well in North America, but I am surprised that it sold more in Europe than in Japan.
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Thunderbird77 posted 06/01/2016, 07:01
I have a hard time believing those european legs are bigger than US.
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JTurner82 posted 06/01/2016, 06:33
Adding the totals of this game, including UK, Germany, and France, I saw that the game's total really should be at 675,808, not 630,198. Someone's not counting correctly here.
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JTurner82 posted 06/01/2016, 05:35
It's still done pretty good thus far; the US LTD total for week 3 is still above that of its predecessor by the same time period.
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Nautilus posted 06/01/2016, 04:09
Why rest of the world sales keep dissapearing?
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Goodnightmoon posted 04/01/2016, 06:41
This game is falling like a rock in the charts, lets hope the first week was as good as VGC says, or at least close, because legs are not gonna be great with this one.
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kooltrex posted 27/12/2015, 03:12
I think this game will have very solid legs. It will take a while but I think it will eventually hir 1 million.
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Nautilus posted 23/12/2015, 12:48
Dolphantendo Yeah, the 30k from the first week from the rest of the world dissapeard, I dont know why, thats why the total is smaller.Dont know if they added a wrong number and fixed now in the second year, or deleted the number by mistake
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DolPhanTendo posted 22/12/2015, 07:42
This doesn't make sense 520,000 plus 70,000 should be 590,000 not 550,000
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JTurner82 posted 22/12/2015, 06:04
The total is still above 550k, though, and it'll continue to sell over the holidays.
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OneKartVita posted 22/12/2015, 02:52
Steep decline this week. I guess these type of games are front loaded
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TheMagicMax posted 21/12/2015, 04:41
@JTurner82: yup and greatly deserved so! The legs of the game will be interesting to see..
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TheMagicMax posted 21/12/2015, 04:41
@JTurner82: yup and greatly deserved so! The legs of the game will be interesting to see..
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Alex_The_Hedgehog posted 21/12/2015, 04:22
Great, the game reached 500k!
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JTurner82 posted 21/12/2015, 04:18
So what? It's still over half a million, and it'll continue selling.
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TheMagicMax posted 21/12/2015, 04:09
Seems like the drop in the United States was waaaaay harder than in europe.
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JTurner82 posted 21/12/2015, 03:51
So it HAS crossed the half million mark. Nice.
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b00moscone posted 21/12/2015, 01:52
Even better hold in France!
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b00moscone posted 21/12/2015, 01:46
A decent hold for Germany. 30k to 10k
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JTurner82 posted 21/12/2015, 05:53
Oops, a little lower than that, sorry. Frnakly, though it's still around 250k ish. Either way, above the first's 185k total in week two.
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JTurner82 posted 21/12/2015, 05:49
*total that is.
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JTurner82 posted 21/12/2015, 05:49
The original also went to 44k in its second week, so this is par for the course. Frankly, though, it's no negative. If this newest 44k is any indicative, it means it will have pushed XBCX over the half million mark worldwide, AND brings its total in the US so far to 260k. That's still above the original's 185k in its second week.
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Nuvendil posted 21/12/2015, 03:54
It is an RPG, so there's that. Also, some stock issues have cropped up in some regions, which isn't going to help things. We'll have to wait and see what the month ends up being like overall.
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Nautilus posted 20/12/2015, 06:43
why did the 30k from rest of the world dissapear?
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OfficerRaichu15 posted 20/12/2015, 04:48
Im gonna be safe and say its at 440k then add in japan digital and the 24k from France and you got about 500k which isnt bad.
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Meret posted 20/12/2015, 03:11
@b00moscone It is normal for a niche japanese RPG on any platform. X even not considered as AAA game by its creators. Mid-tier release on a dead platform. Great sales all things considered.
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b00moscone posted 20/12/2015, 02:20
Jesus, XCX sales for US dropped by quite a lot. By the looks of it, it only sold about 35-40k second week.
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JTurner82 posted 20/12/2015, 03:39
Hope so. But either way, great to see it's nearing the half million worldwide mark already.
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garretslarrity posted 20/12/2015, 02:21
Should have no issue reaching 1M.
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Nuvendil posted 19/12/2015, 02:14
Those sales make sense. I think it's within 50k of actual retail.
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b00moscone posted 19/12/2015, 12:17
In EU, the FW sales are the same as Splatoon, and the same with US! Impressive, though it won't have the legs of Splatoon so we can't expect its sales.
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Nautilus posted 19/12/2015, 12:15
Supposing that the numbers here are correct, we already know that XCX already sold an extra 20K in France and has around 30K in digital sales in Japan.So that makes XCX sales 530K worldwide!All in around 1 week!!Even if it wrong by 10% - 15%, it will be pratically at 500K.I remember people saying that this game couldnt make 500K LT... lol
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Goodnightmoon posted 19/12/2015, 09:58
WoW I really hope is not very overtracked, this is a really good opening for the west if true. Even if the sales were a 20% lower it would still be a good opening. Let see if have some legs this holidays.
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Redguy posted 19/12/2015, 09:15
Uk has the least amount of wiiu
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Ruler posted 19/12/2015, 08:19
interesting sold most in Germany and least in UK
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PAOerfulone posted 19/12/2015, 07:28
So put together it did around 330k on the week of December 5th.
It's got 3 weeks of holiday sales left.
I'll try to go the least amount as possible and say....
100k on the week ending December 12th - which would put it at .55 million
150k on the week ending December 19th - .70 million
200k on the week ending December 26th -.90 million
Then 100k on the first week of 2016 - 1 million.
Come on, XCX!! I believe in you! Show Nintendo that you're big time!!!
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JTurner82 posted 19/12/2015, 06:41
So it's cleared 250k? That's actually pretty good all things considered. The original Xenoblade debuted with about 134k at least from what I saw. This is already above that. So… Go XENOBLADE X. You deserve to sell!
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PAOerfulone posted 19/12/2015, 06:26
Wait. If I add up France, UK, and Germany's sales to NA and Japan, that puts this game at .44 million, with 3 weeks to go in December...
Dear Europe,
I take it back. Sorry, guys.
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PAOerfulone posted 19/12/2015, 06:09
Dear Europe,
You guys suck. So hard.
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Gammalad posted 18/12/2015, 07:03
Don't see why people think its over tracked if the pre-order numbers were roughly the same as its opening sales in the US. If it its overtracked I can't see it by much.
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Pavolink posted 18/12/2015, 04:29
Go X!
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Goodnightmoon posted 18/12/2015, 04:22
2 milions is not a 10% of 30 milions, is a 6%, around the same attach rate than Bayonetta 2 on WiiU, and Splatoon was 60$ on Japan and USA, by far its biggest markets, so dont try to twist the numbers, Splatoon wins here.

I'm comparing it to Bloodborne because you come here to blame a fanbase of not being supporting a game as much as the other that you perceive as better, so the best expemple is Bloodborne, that has been outsold for dozens of worst games on Ps4, so I guess you could go there and blame the comunity for buying so much CoD instead of Bloodborne, or you can just shut up, and dont blame anyone to anything.
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Ruler posted 18/12/2015, 03:28
@good splatoon costs 40€ bloodborrne 60-70€ @launch add in all the digital sales and it would have the same attach rate with 10 million userbase and its making the same money. Bloodborne sold 2 million it was announced not too long ago, the attach rate should be almost 10% and is higher than XCX for the Wii U. Why are you comparing it with Splatoon by the way? i can compare splatoon to Uncharted 4 and Granturismo when those games come out.
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Nuvendil posted 18/12/2015, 02:01
Takahashi's team*
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Nuvendil posted 18/12/2015, 02:00
Actually, I doubt 2mil would be needed to break even. Maybe, but I doubt it. Takahashi's tram by his own admission is fairly small and their budget not that big. Nintendo pinches pennies a lot, they aren't as needlessly extravagant as, say, Ubisoft with Assassin's Creed.

As for this game bring treated as "second class," I don't see it. No it isn't getting MK8 and Smash levels of push but it was featured prominently in directs for years and had a competent though very targeted ad campaign on television plus a lot of ads on YouTube and Twitch. It's gotten something comparable to Hyrule Warriors I would say.
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Goodnightmoon posted 18/12/2015, 12:31
"XCX has better graphics than Splatoon" So what??How is that any relevant at all??? Bloodborne has better graphics than CoD too, and? And how the hell are you so sure the people buying Bloodborne are all psfans but not cod, what if Bloodborne is mostly bought for fans of the soul series? Going by the attach rate Bloodborne would have sold less than a milion if Ps4 sold just 11 milions like the WiiU did, and that game is not even niche since the souls saga is pretty popular, yet even Splatoon is going to outsell it, as I said, some games have more mainstream appeal than others and XCX at 1 milion would already be a huge success on such a low install base. And of course not gonna be profitable, Nintendo knows it, they are taking this loss because they want to have a open rog like this on wiiu to have the most hardcore rpg lovers of its fanbase happy.
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Ruler posted 18/12/2015, 12:06
XCX has better graphics than Splatoon. I am tired of this niche argument excuse. The reality is that games like these are treaded like second class citizens by Nintendo and the majority of nintendo fans (no marketing and low sales). Splatoon could have the same sales like XCX and would still be a sucess because it needs a lower budget to make.
Do you really think that these call of duty sales are by real PlayStation fans to begin with? Bloodborne is one of the highest selling Sony IPs on PS4 and it has the highest production value so far. Seems to coordinate with the sales
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Goodnightmoon posted 18/12/2015, 11:46
Ruler: Why is Bloodborne selling a 20% of what Call of Duty is selling on Ps4? huh? Oh Sony fans are not supporting that JRPG like they support CoD... and watchdogs.... and Destiny... and several remakes...Yah. I'm sick of those stupid comparisons, some games have more mainstream appeal than others and thats it, for XCX 1 million would be alredy a huge succes since the instll base is really low for niche jrpgs to succeed. And if someone is salty here, is the people that expected it to sell way less than VGC says.
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Ruler posted 18/12/2015, 10:49
This game should at least sell 2 million to break even the budget and make a profit
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Ruler posted 18/12/2015, 10:48
Why so salty over the sales? well deserved if true but Nintendo and its fans still arent supporting this jrpg like they do with splatoon

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Nautilus posted 17/12/2015, 10:31
Oh, I thought that North America numbers were just for US, and I thought Canada, Mexico and the Caribeen were counted as rest of the world.Seeing the name now, I feel a bit silly lol.
I have been looking, but I cant seem to find the Germany numbers.I read somewhere that it was higher than 50k FW, but i didnt read it from an official source.Can someone send me a link please?
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Paatar posted 17/12/2015, 07:52
Nautilus, 250k is for NA. There's more countries than just the US in North America.
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OneKartVita posted 17/12/2015, 02:40
I'd say it's a little over after following its progress on online retailers in the US. It was modest at best. We'll get the numbers from NPD in January so it's no big deal!

Either way we know it's doing good in the eu.
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Nuvendil posted 17/12/2015, 01:45
So we know it had a healthy start in France and Germany (official numbers and statements) and a weak start in the UK (massive shocker there). Now US seems to have been good. I will point out the relative position of the game in the US charts seems right so the numbers are possible. We'll just have to wait and see.
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Goodnightmoon posted 17/12/2015, 11:58
Higher than it should*
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Goodnightmoon posted 17/12/2015, 11:57
Rorona: No, you know shit. You think it may be higher but you know shit. I doubt fw are that high, but they are not impossible, at all.
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Roronaa_chan posted 17/12/2015, 11:18
Did I expect less? No, I know it sold less. NPD will stomp VGC numbers once again next month.
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (129)

1 86,574 n/a n/a 86,574
2 11,626 n/a n/a 11,626
3 4,236 n/a n/a 4,236
4 2,545 n/a n/a 2,545
5 1,753 n/a n/a 1,753
6 1,279 n/a n/a 1,279
7 912 n/a n/a 912
8 762 n/a n/a 762
9 690 n/a n/a 690
10 698 n/a n/a 698
miqdadi posted 31/01/2018, 08:23
One of the best games I ever played, Sad it didn't reach 1M
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Nuvendil posted 18/09/2017, 11:09
Well, it matched its predecessor at least. This game could have sold over a million but Nintendo fumbled at the goal line. After including it prominently in nearly every direct following its announcement, it got passing mention at E3 2015 and very, very little promotion at launch. Thankfully, this seems to be a bad habit from the Wii U era that Nintendo has gotten past.
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think-man posted 08/12/2016, 05:18
I still need to pick this up.
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goldmario79 posted 27/11/2016, 03:29
Industry insiders have already posted on their twitter accounts- this will be confirmed as one of the first games for the Switch in its six month roll out. Now Mirage Sessions FE... thats quite a different story here. But I'm sure we can expect to see another Fire Emblem as well.
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fedfed posted 24/11/2016, 03:54
@Darwin... you were right there is a rumour.... no chance this will get to 1 million now!
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Darwinianevolution posted 17/10/2016, 09:26
This is going to be ported/remastered for the NX. No way Nintendo is going to be happy with just around a million, I bet this game took a lot of resources and want it to see it do better.
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