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Insomniac Games



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Release Dates

10/28/14 Microsoft Studios
10/30/14 Microsoft Studios
10/31/14 Microsoft Studios

Community Stats

Owners: 31
Favorite: 2
Tracked: 7
Wishlist: 2
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Sunset Overdrive (XOne) > Opinions (175)

 1  2 
Mentore posted 19/12/2016, 03:36
Best exclusive on X1.

Can't wait for the new Spider-man game by Insomniac.
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/09/2016, 03:48
I hope we see some sort of update to take advantage of Scorpio (60 fps please) and perhaps a PC port.
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darkenergy posted 01/08/2016, 02:39
OR maybe if Sony let Insomnia keep Sunset Overdrive but Sony wanted to own the IP but instead they went to Microsoft.
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Dyllyo posted 29/06/2016, 05:17
@ thewastedyouth

I think the REAL problem was that Insomniac even made a deal with Microsoft in the first place. They should have stuck with Sony. That's where there fanbase has always been.
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thewastedyouth posted 08/06/2016, 11:49
this is an amazing game and it is so sad that most of the people who would have bought this game back in the 360 migrated to the PS4 because of Microsoft idiotic ideas back in 2013
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sales2099 posted 23/04/2016, 09:42
It broke 1 million, which many thought it wouldn't do. Xbox One just doesn't have the numbers of the PS4userbase, but we still seem to support these exclusives enough to break the milestones over time.
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darkenergy posted 20/04/2016, 01:37
@Skeetys this isn't a failure, not even close.
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Mr Puggsly posted 19/04/2016, 06:21
@Skeetys - I'm sure you hope SFV has the same clause.

We really don't know if this game made a profit. Also, MS funded this game which is why its their exclusive. You seem to think Insomniac went with MS for no apparent reason.
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H3ADShOt3 posted 15/04/2016, 09:34
@Skeetys .... You really think they didn't make a profit for this game? The sales for this game are pretty good. I'm impressed considering how short the story was that it still managed to sell over a million. Congrats Insomniac!
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GodOfPeace3 posted 15/04/2016, 08:57
I hope there was a clause in this exclusive contract that said if the game sells under 1.5 million copies in 1 year that they will release it to everything else like Wii U/NX PS3, PS4, PS Vita, 3DS. So at least they can make some money.
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GodOfPeace3 posted 15/04/2016, 08:55
WOW, what a failure. I am sad that Xbox owners don't appreciate single player games. Even if this does have multiplayer arena mode. I wish MS gamers didn't expect everything to be MP focused or else they won't even try it. It's sad. Especially with good games like Scalebound coming. I hope it can break 300k sales worldwide.
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Mr Puggsly posted 27/03/2016, 07:59
A lot of people will have it now because of GwG. Good move by MS, give a good game and not some forgettable indie game.
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ice posted 10/03/2016, 05:45
Not arguing that. game definitely deserves more sales!
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darkenergy posted 05/02/2016, 02:31
@Poliwrathlord 1 million physical sales is actually enough and that's without digital included. In fact these kinds of games from Insomniac don't really do 3 million in sales so this game on Xbox One did well for a game made by them.
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Poliwrathlord posted 26/01/2016, 04:28
1 million isn't enough for this game. Should be at 3 M. Deserves way more.
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ice posted 24/01/2016, 06:03
omg a million at last!
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darkenergy posted 21/01/2016, 12:13
Nice :)
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xboxonefan posted 20/01/2016, 09:43
it sells a million
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/01/2016, 01:50
Oh snap, physical million seller incoming. I really hope MS or somebody funds a sequel.
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xboxonefan posted 11/01/2016, 10:26
Almost a million
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Mr Puggsly posted 07/01/2016, 06:05
@SlayerRondo - Well this flop could have potentially broke even with digital numbers.

Either way, great exclusive for X1.
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SlayerRondo posted 29/12/2015, 02:05
Flipity bippity pop, this game is a flipity flop.
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Poliwrathlord posted 26/11/2015, 06:33
I finally got around to playing this game and honestly Insomniac hit it out of the park. This is a great game and I hope to god there is a sequel coming, though I doubt it with these sales...
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Poliwrathlord posted 03/09/2015, 04:53
I will probably get this soon, maybe when it goes on sale. Looks really fun.
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/08/2015, 07:23
Recently just played through this game. Frankly, its a blast and probably one of the most refreshing gaming experiences I've had in a long time. I hope it becomes a GwG offering in the near future because that'll give millions of people an opportunity to play it.
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WoodenPints posted 25/07/2015, 10:53
This is the most fun i've had in a singleplayer game in many years, Little disappointing in sales and hopefully its under tracked here.
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/07/2015, 02:58
@darkneal - You're making presumptions. I would assume Insomniac was responsible for how Sunset Overdrive is was marketed. The advertising was just as obnoxious as the game.

Anyhow, the overall sales might look more impressive with digital numbers included. Maybe it will make some profit in the long run and the X1 got a cool exclusive.
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darkneal posted 02/07/2015, 09:44
I love this game, but you just gotta know Microsoft will be dissapointed with its sales performance. I doubt its covered its costs, it was heavilly marketed and any new sales will be at a reduced price. Personally i blame Microsoft, for not only its ridiculously competitive release slot. That was doing the game no favours. But also the obnoxious mood of the advertising..the game is so much fun and they kinda mis-sold the irreverant humour. I hope its made a profit, its just i doubt it.
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darkenergy posted 14/06/2015, 05:50
I also feel like this game is undertracked as well.

@fire no it wasn't easy for the R&C games to be at 1 million, in fact Into the Nexus never made it at 1 million and that game was released on the PS3 with an 80 million plus userbase.
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FloatingWaffles posted 30/05/2015, 04:34
@Ryng_Tolu I feel like it might be as well. Its been in the 0.77-0.78 range for a long time now and has barely changed. I find it hard to believe that it would just stop selling like that.
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Ryng posted 16/05/2015, 12:47
Imo, i think is a little undertracked. I haven't a source, is just what i think.
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Mr Puggsly posted 29/03/2015, 02:41
With sales like this a PC port is more likely to happen. That way MS can give Windows users a notable game and boost profits.
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fireburn95 posted 17/03/2015, 02:02
@dark, Competition is never an excuse. They can choose to release whenever, MS chose to release in october. The SO bundle is still available in GAME here in UK, I know it continued to be on sale all throughout christmas in USA. R&C has been heavily milked for one generation, but thing with R&C it wasnt high but it was consistent, approx 1 millionish was easy for each game.
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darkenergy posted 15/03/2015, 04:50
@fireburn Insomniac's games don't sell alot just look at the Ratchet and Clank series there was no heavily backing from what I know and please people are forgetting the bundle sold out one week and Microsoft said there will be no more of it, oh did you forget about SO releasing right where games like COD,Assassin's Creed, etc were right around the corner? If there were a game that sold less with no competition just look at the Order.
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fireburn95 posted 08/03/2015, 11:24
@floatingwaffled, it isnt bad but certainly not good. A new, original AAA IP heavily backed by the console manufacture and heavily marketed with very little competition and even a limited edition bundle, and 760k after 12ish weeks
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FloatingWaffles posted 05/03/2015, 01:42
@SlayerRondo You act like this is a bad debut for this game.
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SlayerRondo posted 28/02/2015, 01:41
The fan-base for Insomniac and insomniac style games is primarily on the PS4 which itself has outsold the Xbox One over 5 to 3.

Whatever deal Insomniac had with Microsoft I hope it was worth this debut on next gen consoles.
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/02/2015, 05:14
@fireburn95 - I would presume MS took all the risk and Insomniac still got a sum of money regardless how it does. Otherwise going exclusive wouldn't be worth the risk.
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fireburn95 posted 14/02/2015, 10:24
It's dangerous territory to launch a new IP exclusively on xb1 I reckon. Letalone in a new genre.
SO would probably be at 2 million now if it was multiplat now, I just wonder if MS paid like the equivalent of Insomniacs would-be cut of ~1.25million lost sales. I highly doubt it.
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binary solo posted 05/02/2015, 12:30
At current rate of sales it will reach 1 million on VGC in about 30 weeks. That means before the end of the year and at about the 1 year anniversary mark. Can't complain about that.
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KdxlavkdX posted 29/01/2015, 05:57
Incredibly fun game, deserves much more.
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FloatingWaffles posted 23/01/2015, 12:01
I love this game, and hopefully it hits 1m soon. It deserves it.
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sales2099 posted 22/01/2015, 06:04
Let's be honest....the only reason this comment section is so active (at least more then other holiday releases) is because its an Insomniac game not on Playstation.

Itll creep to 1 million this year. Good for it.
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busbfran posted 20/01/2015, 08:42
love it, 1 million soon.
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ExplodingBlock posted 19/01/2015, 09:07
Hope this hits 1m soon
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Muuzzyy posted 17/01/2015, 01:18
This game deserves to hit 1m and i think it will, really enjoyed it. Hope they come out with a sequel.
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Kerotan posted 16/01/2015, 05:53
NPD says 280k so far in usa not including bundles.
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ice posted 12/01/2015, 12:25
dis gaem iz awesum, fuq da haterz!

1m incoming :O dat flop
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mii-gamer posted 11/01/2015, 03:52
It should comfortably cruise to 1m.
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darkneal posted 10/01/2015, 11:22
@Slade6alpha and @ninsect Both Watchdogs and Destiny broke 1mill first week as new ips. Which is pretty amazing for a console gen only 2 years old.

@narre Well my 5 yr old nephew loved playing this, so whats your point? Its all just an opinion.(Also technically if its a SHE, then she's your niece but thats neither here no there) I happen to think this game is a classic, so much fun and deserves the praise, and the dissapointment from gamers in its lack of expected sales.
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narre posted 10/01/2015, 10:44
@Rafux , this game isn't great at all. The art is too childish. The jokes are lame. This game has a story but the story is stupid because there are too many childish elements in this game. They're trying to target mature and young audience at the same time, that's why they fail miserably. My nephew didn't understand why she had to grind all the time, but that didn't stop her to switch back to Super Mario U.

When you play this game for the first time, you do get the feeling like "This game looks unique" and "I have never played game like this before!". But after 5-7 hours, you know this game ain't worth the money.

One thing this game tells me is IGN and joystick reviews are BS.
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darkenergy posted 09/01/2015, 06:06
@rafux do you even know what kind of game this is? This isn't Gears or Uncharted so this kind of game is expected just like how the Ratchet and Clank games performed.
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VenusianKing posted 09/01/2015, 04:08
Glad to see this game is getting decent success. Hope it continues selling well.
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Rafux posted 08/01/2015, 08:01
Now a third person shooter is niche? Come on guys I'm sure the game is great but is time to accept that it underperformed.
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Ninsect posted 08/01/2015, 06:41
"Most new ips broke a million in week 1 this gen."

Hmm I'm not sure about that lol. Not that many games have even sold 1m+ week one on a single platform this gen. I only remember some PS4 games and of course CoD on XB1
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Ninsect posted 08/01/2015, 06:40
@Jay: Nah I think it will slow down in the next two weeks a bit and perhaps reach about 770k in 2014. Good regardless, but nothing mindblowing and arguably disappointing considering the hype and advertising for it. Insomniac just can't produce a real hit anymore.
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darkenergy posted 08/01/2015, 12:43
People still think this is a flop? This game sold well.
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Goodnightmoon posted 08/01/2015, 06:04
Seems like is going to be around 800k by the end of the year, in just 2 months, great sales for a new and strange Ip on a 11m console, I would like to play it, seems funny.
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Spade posted 08/01/2015, 02:13
You're kidding right? Just because something is "original" it doesn't mean it's going to light up the sales charts. And how on Earth do you consider Sunset to be a "blockbuster exclusive"? It's a pretty niche game from a developer with basically no track record on Xbox. Insomniac's games aren't exactly big hits either...

What new IPs broke a million week 1 this gen?

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fireburn95 posted 08/01/2015, 01:34
Anyone who thinks this is a success is kidding themselves, an original ip that launched as a blockbuster exclusive, that should have benefitted from a growing popular console, and heavy marketing.

Most new ips broke a million in week 1 this gen.
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Jaywood2010 posted 07/01/2015, 11:55
Another 70k woo. May go 800k+ Not including digital by the end of December :)

Yeah, id say that is a success. Good job
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TiagoCosta posted 07/01/2015, 09:05
I mean only one week to sell*, my phone is trolling me.
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TiagoCosta posted 07/01/2015, 09:04
Actually npd showed bayonetta under SO, with SO with only one well.. And VGC numbers being right on.
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fleischr posted 06/01/2015, 10:28
Probably overtracked. There weren't that many bundles to begin with, it opened worse than Bayo 2, and it never charted on NPD.
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narre posted 04/01/2015, 01:29
@darkenergy i never played Ratchet and Clank and i will never play it because of its childish art. You need to stop making stupid assumptions like i never played this game, unless you really are stupid.
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busbfran posted 04/01/2015, 08:40
I got mine on digital and i know of at lot of people who have also
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EpicGamingLive posted 04/01/2015, 03:46
a lot of this games sales most likely come from digital, cause they've been really pushing this game with discounts and deals on the season pass on the xbox store
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EpicGamingLive posted 04/01/2015, 03:46
a lot of this games sales most likely come from digital, cause they've been really pushing this game with discounts and deals on the season pass on the xbox store
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Mr Puggsly posted 03/01/2015, 04:33
My prediction of 1.5 million still looking feasible.

And much like Infamous, this is a game MS can push throughout the gen digitally.
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Jaywood2010 posted 03/01/2015, 03:28
610k in 7 Weeks. Selling very similar to InFamous right now which sol 670k in 7 weeks on PS3 with a bigger install base
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Kresnik posted 02/01/2015, 01:03
The fact it's been sale twice already should've been your first sign about the sales reception of this game.
I reckon has a chance of seeing a sequel greenlighted though. The positive critical reception probably makes up for the gap in sales.
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Chris Hu posted 02/01/2015, 07:00
A little over 500K in less then three month with limited bundling for a new IP is actually pretty good. Plus it should also have sold a pretty decent amount of digital copies also since it was on sale twice already.
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pokymon90 posted 31/12/2014, 12:30
Yes, possibly 750,000 sales (retail + Digital) on a console that just reached 10,000,000 sales is really good.
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busbfran posted 27/12/2014, 06:03
Amazing Game! Will reach 1Million
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MrSensical posted 22/12/2014, 09:57
To the people/person talking about LBP3 outselling this, I'm pretty sure the bundle with this game and an XBONE came with a digital copy of this game (or at least mine did anyway), and we all should know VGChartz does not count digital copies of games.
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darkenergy posted 22/12/2014, 04:41
@thedawghouseev2 Again... it's because of bundles of LBP3 that it was not in a tough position it was release near BF that it performed good there was plenty of bundles of it but there was so few of the Sunset Bundles that if Microsoft actually made more of it just in time for BF SO would have performed even better, still this performed well for a game like this and for a new IP.
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thedawghousev2 posted 21/12/2014, 08:01
@darkenergy lol littlebigplanet released the SAME day as gta, far cry 4, dragon age, and wwe 2k15 and you think sunset was in a tough position? media molecule didn't even create the game and it didn't review nearly as well as the first two. there were three ways to get a ps4, the regular plain ps4, the gta and the last of us bundle, or the lbp3 and lego bundle, people who wanted lbp3 bought that bundle.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/12/2014, 07:00
Yeah... so Sunset should past a million. Maybe MS will even want a sequel.
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darkenergy posted 21/12/2014, 06:56
@thedawghousev2 you do realise that the Sunset bundles are limited right? Microsoft said they aren't making anymore after it quickly sold out in a week or so when it drop to $349 with LBP3 still getting bundled, now imagine it without getting bundled and it won't get sales you see now (if you really can call it "sales") . Also for a game created from Insomniac known for their time with Sony this game is selling well on the Xbox one. Hell it's even performing better then some of the Ratchet and clank games (another well known ip from Insomniac) that were on the ps3 on the same time frame of release. Not to mention getting release near the same time as COD and Assassin's Creed.
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thedawghousev2 posted 21/12/2014, 05:05
@mrpuggsly lol yes knack is a launch game, meaning there wasn't nearly as many people who owned a ps4 when it launched. the xbox one is much more established now than when the knack came out, there's also the fact that oth knack and sunset are new ip's ad knack got 4's and 5's, barely any marketing, where as sunset overdrive got 8's and 9's, and insane marketing from being on tv or radio, timesquare, etc. knack is also a game for children, and the ps4 now has many more games to choose from, whether the games be for adults or children.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/12/2014, 02:13
@thedawghouseev2 - Well its doing better than Knack and that was a launch game!

LBP3 is an established IP.
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thedawghousev2 posted 20/12/2014, 07:35
@darkenergy how do you feel about littlebigplanet outselling sunset overdrive with barely any marketing? sunset also had a white bundle to boost also, ouch
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darkenergy posted 20/12/2014, 02:20
@narre it is clear you have never played the game, also if you think this game isn't selling well then what do you think of Insomniac's last year's game: Ratchet and Clank: Into The Nexus?
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narre posted 19/12/2014, 01:45
I'm not surprised this game isn't selling well. This game is boring and repetitive with corny jokes. Visual is fine tho.
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NobleTeam360 posted 18/12/2014, 02:23
Oh look it's almost got 500k, solid legs so far. 1 million might still be reachable after all.
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sales2099 posted 17/12/2014, 08:38
What is notable is that week 5 is week 4 and 3 combined. And December isn't even tracked yet. This is very typical of October releases.......launch spike, November lull, and holiday period legs.

This looks like a slow burn million seller like Dead Rising 3.
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Euphoria14 posted 17/12/2014, 05:12
Thanks for the entertaining read everyone!
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Clyde32 posted 17/12/2014, 05:02
So this is the board wall they were talking about?
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AkimboCurly posted 17/12/2014, 12:26
This is a great game so should have long legs. I think if bundles and digital sales were included, then this would be at a million by christmas. I reckon that lifetime at retail (discs) is 1m (DR3 and Ryse managed it!). I think that with bundles and digital included, lifetime for this game will be at 1.5-1.6 million.
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Shinobi-san posted 16/12/2014, 11:57
Guys please adhere to the forum rules when conducting discussions on game walls. Please refrain from trolling, flaming and attacking other users. Lets keep this discussion clean and on topic. Theres been some terrible comments on this wall, but we've decided not to moderate given the time span as well as the number of users involved. However, should anyone break any forum rule from this point on, you will be moderated accordingly.
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Kerotan posted 16/12/2014, 09:39
I know all that and I'm not saying you're wrong (or right). I generally go onto all the top games in the charts every few weeks and give my opinion on most of them. Obviously that opinion is going to be positive for the PS4 and less positive for the X1 most of the time. That's not going to change unless PS4 games stop outselling some of their counter parts 2:1 or whatever.

You don't have to agree with me but calling me jealous or whiny (puggsy said that) is just pure childish. And Jaywood calling for a mod is the worst of it all. I put up with all your opinions and don't go summoning mods over it.
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sales2099 posted 16/12/2014, 09:32
Excessive downplaying is still annoying. We hear you. You can dial it down now.

You don't know how well it could have done on PS4. You just don't know. They made it Xbox exclusive because MS allowed them to keep the IP and Sony wouldn't. Also they offered the bundle and marketing assistance. There was news on that.

Regardless, save judgement for the end of december.
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Kerotan posted 16/12/2014, 09:05
I'm not trolling and I've been writing my opinions on all types of games recently not just xbox games. if you summoned a mod i think you need to relax because there is nothing wrong happening.

Sales I'm not more Jelly than other great games like SSB or MK8 not being on PS4. You can't have them all and PS4 has it's fair share.

Puggsy buddy, I'm not whining just stating my opinions like I'm perfectly entitled to. No need to get so touchy with comments like "stop the whining".

You don't need to remind me why the game is on X1, don't you worry I konw. I was just saying they'd have been hoping for the sales it would have gotten on the PS4. Cus you know they gambled that the X1 would be the #1 console this gen and obviously MS believed they would. Therefore they'd be hoping it would be over a million by like it would be if it was on the PS4.

If my opinions bug you so much don't reply.

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Jaywood2010 posted 16/12/2014, 08:34
Nice weekly sales. Be at 600-800k by years end and 1-2m lifetime like ive said a few times.

However the posts in here are ridiculous and there is some plain as day trolling going on. I have summoned a mod in here when ever he reads my message. So id recommend you guys to relax, especially a certain someone i wont name publicly
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sales2099 posted 16/12/2014, 04:57
Some people just jelly this is a critically acclaimed game and it isn't on PS4.

Week 5 sales just picked this game up. Lets see what this will be by the end of december.
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Mr Puggsly posted 16/12/2014, 09:03
@Kerotan - Sorry, you aren't very funny.

Again, it could have sold better on PS4. But Sony wasn't willing to take the financial risk and let Insomniac keep the IP. MS got this exclusive because they took that risk, so stop the whining.
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Kerotan posted 16/12/2014, 06:52
Yeah Puggsy I was chatting with Bill Gates over lunch the other day. He said they're thinking of releasing it on PS4 to get the sales the great game deserves. He was like wow did you see titles like FC4 and GTA 5 tripling their sales on PS4, but I was like, "sorry Bill you signed a contract saying X1 only, deal with it".
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Mr Puggsly posted 16/12/2014, 01:14
@Kerotan - Interesting... I didn't hear that quote from MS. Maybe you just made that up?

Anyhow, we all agree it would have sold better on PS4. But its on X1 only, deal with it.
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Kerotan posted 15/12/2014, 11:23
@binary they were expecting PS4 sales. If this was on the PS4 only it would be easily over a million by now.
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binary solo posted 15/12/2014, 10:00
Almost 500K I have no idea what MS was expecting, or what Insomniac's KPI for bonus payments is, but I think both should be reasonably happy withered things are at right now. A relatively slow climb to 1 million seems assured.
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 1   2 

Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (175)

1 3,308 138,240 58,755 33,716 234,019
2 281 55,013 24,054 13,457 92,805
3 82 17,192 14,720 4,638 36,632
4 37 12,647 17,474 3,811 33,969
5 34 24,794 38,457 7,722 71,007
6 33 31,615 34,668 8,984 75,300
7 38 34,843 21,841 8,919 65,641
8 43 36,643 22,186 9,333 68,205
9 43 27,826 23,668 7,497 59,034
10 39 8,451 12,405 2,590 23,485
Mentore posted 19/12/2016, 03:36
Best exclusive on X1.

Can't wait for the new Spider-man game by Insomniac.
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/09/2016, 03:48
I hope we see some sort of update to take advantage of Scorpio (60 fps please) and perhaps a PC port.
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darkenergy posted 01/08/2016, 02:39
OR maybe if Sony let Insomnia keep Sunset Overdrive but Sony wanted to own the IP but instead they went to Microsoft.
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Dyllyo posted 29/06/2016, 05:17
@ thewastedyouth

I think the REAL problem was that Insomniac even made a deal with Microsoft in the first place. They should have stuck with Sony. That's where there fanbase has always been.
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thewastedyouth posted 08/06/2016, 11:49
this is an amazing game and it is so sad that most of the people who would have bought this game back in the 360 migrated to the PS4 because of Microsoft idiotic ideas back in 2013
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sales2099 posted 23/04/2016, 09:42
It broke 1 million, which many thought it wouldn't do. Xbox One just doesn't have the numbers of the PS4userbase, but we still seem to support these exclusives enough to break the milestones over time.
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