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Insomniac Games



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Release Dates

10/28/14 Microsoft Studios
10/30/14 Microsoft Studios
10/31/14 Microsoft Studios

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Sunset Overdrive (XOne) > Opinions (175)

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SlayerRondo posted 15/12/2014, 02:02
Would have sold over one million on the PS4 by now.
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Ninsect posted 15/12/2014, 12:38
LBP3 reduced to obscurity?? Lol, might want to look at its sales again.
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darkenergy posted 07/12/2014, 10:02
I got this game with the white xbox one. I enjoyed the game.
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sales2099 posted 05/12/2014, 08:29
MS didn't ruin anything....they did everything in their power to ensure its success (marketing/bundle). Sorry but Insomniac games just don't have that mass appeal.

That said, it's a great game, not on PS4, and those who bought it will like it....what's to hate on? And again......LBP3. Most cherished new IP's of gen 7 reduced to obscurity. Don't mean to offend anyone here, just saying i'm tired of SO bashing. It should quiet down now hopefully.
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Mr Puggsly posted 30/11/2014, 07:49
@TrevDaRev - I mean people shouldn't have expected big numbers. Games like this haven't been known to appeal to wide audiences.

My expectation for a game like this is 1.5 million which is still possible.
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TrevDaRev posted 30/11/2014, 02:12
@Puggs Do you mean niche on Xbox? I certainly wouldn't say it's a niche title. Maybe, that's just me though.
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darkneal posted 30/11/2014, 12:46
Quite an interesting set of opposing views here, except some of you are not coming across as impartial, its turned into a smug, 'my chosen console is obviously superior' arguement. For every title that fails to sell on a console theres another that exceeds expectation, this is a fantastic game that was released at the worst time, the competition is some of the biggest ip's ever to have existed. Even on the PS4 the sales would only be slightly more given everyones rush to buy the xmas big hitters. This game could do an Alan Wake and pick up momentum after the xmas buzz has died down but personally, i doubt it...which is a huge shame.
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fluky-nintendy posted 30/11/2014, 02:18
LPB3 will probably sell a lot more though
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Emperorbach posted 30/11/2014, 12:23
LBP 3 wasnt as advertised and it was released before Black friday , very heavily bujdled and christmas sales will push it
SADLY SSO isnt gonna enjoy these benefits and its legs gona be killed
its a shame ms should hav released this game at a better time
pls theres this site massive undertracking of ps games
xbox games havent been selling so well deal with it
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kknd20042005 posted 29/11/2014, 06:50
The fact this is not a 1st party title is exactly the problem. MS took a 3rd party title and ruined it for everyone, yet again. No one gives a shit if a first party title didn't sell well.
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Mr Puggsly posted 29/11/2014, 03:01
@sales2099 - They'll just argue LBP3 didn't have advertising or Sumo made a bad game.

Sony fans seem to be under the impression a game like Sunset Overdrive appeals to a massive audience. Niche titles are unacceptable this gen.
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sales2099 posted 28/11/2014, 08:59
Well kerotan given how poorly little big planet 3 did week 1, I think ps fans lost their right to criticize this game, especially since it isn't even 1st party so No biggie on MS's part
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/11/2014, 05:28
@Kerotan - Actually, I was joking. I didn't expect anybody to be impressed by 500k. You should try developing a sense of humor.

Also, this will do considerably better than 500K in its first year. Its only been out for about a month its close to it. Ya know Resistance 3 wasn't an over night million seller either.
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Kerotan posted 28/11/2014, 11:31
oh wow 500k first year, helped by a lot of advertising, xbox fans hyping, good reviews, and bundling. Really great numbers lol. I think it's a flop in respect of what it was expected to achieve. a total disaster from that point of view. Is it going to financially cripple MS or Insomniac. No. Is the game a flop that was forgotten before it even released? yes.

hopefully insomniacs next ratchet is as good as SO and hopefully PS4 owners support it better than this because otherwise insomniac are dead wood, who make good games that don't sell.
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Mr Puggsly posted 28/11/2014, 04:21
@Kerotan - flop - a total failure: "the play had been a flop" synonyms: failure · disaster · debacle · catastrophe · loser · loss-maker

By definition I just don't think its a flop. MS wanted to make a sequel to Ryse and that struggled achieve a million sales.

@fireburn95 - Well 390K isn't lifetime sales. By the end of the holiday it could be 500K!
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fireburn95 posted 27/11/2014, 10:42
390k for a highly advertised title is not good at all.
MS showed the sales are bad by doing that 24 hours free thing early on.
I couldnt stop getting SO ads in the UK on youtube and saw a lot on channels like comedy central, e4 and sky sports.

This has cost Microsoft a fair bit of dollahs. Good thing Insomniac wont be affected too much.
Time for ratchet and clank.
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Kerotan posted 27/11/2014, 09:19
That goal post moving. If I make a text game tomorrow that costs be 100$ to make and sell it for 60$ and it sells 2 copies lifetime I make a profit. By your logic my games wasn't a flop. Do yourself a favor and stop defending it. It flopped and god only knows what the sales would have been like without a MS bundle and without all their advertising.
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Mr Puggsly posted 26/11/2014, 11:21
Well first of all its MS taking the risk, that's why it was exclusive to X1.

Now use your head. A flop can get a company shut down. But breaking even can keep a company afloat to work on another project. Also, the game was a critical success so Insomniac will get other opportunities. Whether it be from MS, Sony, or some other publisher.

Anyhow, its a unique title, life time sales could be decent, and a critical success. MS was smart to publish this game even if it struggles to earn a profit. Not every game needs to be a big hit to be worthwhile, that's what Sony said.
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DrTregay posted 26/11/2014, 08:15
Squeaking a small profit in the long run is not a middle ground. It is pure luck and a risk that can get your studio shutdown. Look at the amazing legs on this flop LMAO
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Mr Puggsly posted 25/11/2014, 02:50
@DrTregay - Actually, there is a middle ground. Alan Wake for example was not a big hit, but according to Remedy it did make a profit in the long run. It didn't sell well enough to encourage an immediate sequel but it made a profit, that is a middle ground.

I don't know how Sunset Overdrive will do in the long run and I doubt MS gave them a mega budget. Especially given they haven't a big hit in a long time.

If it did flop, no big deal. MS isn't going to have to sell a building because of this.
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binary solo posted 24/11/2014, 09:25
Unfortunately it is flopping everywhere except the USA. But that's because Xbone is flopping everywhere but the NA and UK. That means it's the die hard Xb fans only who are buying in the other big markets, and a game like Sunset Overdrive just isn't their bag, in the main. For SO to do well in these markets it needs a higher than average attach rate and that won't happen. I think Insomniac can be proud of the game they made, unlike FUSE, but I think they will be frustrated by the lack of sales over all.
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DrTregay posted 24/11/2014, 02:48
@ MS Puggsly -Their is no middle ground its either a success or a flop. I love reading the excuses " I don't think its a flop and I don't consider it a success " . Also hilarious how you assume the game made a profit.
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KingdomHeartsFan posted 23/11/2014, 08:56
For some reason I thought this game sold way more.
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Legendary_W posted 23/11/2014, 05:56
It did not flop at all. It will probably have legs until a sequel comes out (If it ever does). Besides, flop or not, it was a pretty awesome game all around, so I am happy that I bought it.
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Kerotan posted 23/11/2014, 08:23
Amazon updated their charts for week ending 17th of November and guess what, the sunset overdrive bundle isn't even in the top 100. Just shows you how few MS actually shipped in the first place. Couple the very small november sales for the SO bundle with the X1's very small october sales and VGchartz likely has this over tracked. Insomniac are not in a great place whether anyone likes it or not. Thy are basically dependent on Sony (for ratchet and clank) and recently MS to fund their games. If they decide they don't want to fund anymore insomniac are fucked.
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Mr Puggsly posted 23/11/2014, 05:09
@DrTregay - I don't think its a flop and I don't consider it a success. It'll probably fall somewhere between like Knack and Ryse.

Glad you enjoy my comments. I enjoy your trolling.
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pokymon90 posted 22/11/2014, 07:08
Sad when most likely 600,000 in sales on a system with an install base of maybe around 12 million Xbox One's by the end of the year in a 6 month period is considered bad. That would be a 1/20 attach rate which is actually pretty good.
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DrTregay posted 22/11/2014, 06:54
And it flopped. You keep damage controlling puggsly, i love reading your comments.
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NobleTeam360 posted 22/11/2014, 02:17
Welp flop confirmed.
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sales2099 posted 21/11/2014, 09:19
I'd wait until end of December to really see what the game can do. But regardless it's a fun game that's quirky enough to appeal to those who enjoy that kind of thing
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GodOfPeace3 posted 21/11/2014, 07:48
Wow, I didn't expect sales to be this bad.
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Mr Puggsly posted 21/11/2014, 03:05
@Kerotan - I wouldnt worrt about Insomniac. MS funded the game and Insomniac still owns the IP. Perhaps Insomniac can make a PC version for extra profit.

With Sony they would lose their IP.
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Kerotan posted 20/11/2014, 10:34
Thanks to NPD leakes we know X1 was a good bit over tracked for November. That pretty much confirms this having almost no effect on hardware sales and the little it did it was for the white X1.

So this is over tracked as we know the bundles didn't sell as well as VGchartz expected. Considering they sold out I think that shows just how limited they were. Shame for insomniac though, they're really on a losing streak. This would have gotten double the sales if it was on PS4 instead. Next time Ted!
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Mr Puggsly posted 18/11/2014, 08:05
@Ninsect - I'm not even sure if SO includes bundles. But we're certain Knack is about 1/3 bundles.

Knack and Ryse both scored poorly. An additional 6 points on metacritic wasn't going to help Knack much. Let that sink in.
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Ninsect posted 17/11/2014, 05:28
@sales: Is 80+ now "critically acclaimed" in your eyes? Funny, I remember 90+ being the only score that mattered a few months and years back ;)
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Ninsect posted 17/11/2014, 05:27
@Puggsly: Yeah and SO wouldn't be at 320k without its bundles...
Also, Knack got worse reception than Ryse. Let that sink in.
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sales2099 posted 17/11/2014, 05:00
Drtreygay knack isn't a particularly good game and has nothing to do with this, a more critically acclaimed game. Sales don't equal quality. Whatever damage control you are trying, it ain't working.
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T.Rexington posted 17/11/2014, 12:12
I think this will get a boost during the holidays. Especially on Black Friday.
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Mr Puggsly posted 15/11/2014, 07:24
@DrTregay - Knack is probably 420K bundles in Japan. The game wouldn't be a million seller without those bundles. Let that sink in.

Also, that was a launch game. Even Ryse is getting near 1 million physical sales.
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DrTregay posted 15/11/2014, 12:35
Knack is sitting at 1 + million, let that sink in xbox fans.
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darkneal posted 14/11/2014, 10:20
C'mon holiday season legs, kick in! This game needs to be a success...First COD, now Assassin's Creed then Farcry 4....this game seems destined to be overlooked. Stupid stupid release timing
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sales2099 posted 14/11/2014, 06:13
Drtregay ya we deal with it just fine. It's a great game and it's not on ps4 so really, alls well on our end
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Jaywood2010 posted 14/11/2014, 03:08
320k in its first 11 days. 8 in Europe. Good numbers. Will likely be between 1-2m lifetime :)
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DannyDanger89 posted 14/11/2014, 02:38
Jamkelope PLEASE stop

It hurts me to see you try to justify these sales
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Jankelope posted 14/11/2014, 02:36
320,000 Worldwide in just 2 Weeks. This is a new IP. These are great sales :)
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Jankelope posted 13/11/2014, 04:09
This is really good sales for a new IP on a young platform with a small install base. Just look at TheWonderful101 on Wii U. THAT was a flop. This on the other hand. Is a resounding success. 229,000 worldwide opening week is really great! It performed better than Bayonetta 2 on Wii U did as well! I predict this game will sell around 700k-800k WW by the end of next year. This is a very good effort from Insomniac. And a win for XBOXONE. These exclusives are going to pile up and do some great things for Microsoft, even if they won't completely take over PS4
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Rafux posted 13/11/2014, 11:34
Poor Insomniac Games they keep getting flops even if the game looks really good
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SlayerRondo posted 13/11/2014, 07:11
A flipity flop for this piece of plop
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gustave154 posted 13/11/2014, 04:09
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Thechalkblock posted 13/11/2014, 02:42
the game only had about two days to sell before the current numbers. i expect it to do another 100k or so by the next set of numbers due this fact and the bundle. not too bad, but not great either. game might have legs--we'll see
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DrTregay posted 13/11/2014, 01:06
You xbox fans are delusional, the game flopped. Talking about the game will have legs LMAO. Yea ok with the plethora of holiday games coming out. Once GTA comes out next week sales any legs it had will be cut short. Even Knack outsold it, Deal with it !
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ExplodingBlock posted 13/11/2014, 12:05
Flipity flip flop
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Wright posted 12/11/2014, 11:54
Wow, this game bombed all over the place. Should have been WiiU exclusive.
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Dadrik posted 12/11/2014, 09:00
Not bad but not good either.

Let's hope it'll have better sales this Holiday
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gerryd2704 posted 12/11/2014, 07:03
Everyone remember the time when if a PS3 exclusive didn't do a mil first week regardless of how many PS3 owners there was, the game was an automatic flop and it was crap for flopping?? I'm not saying SO is crap or a flop, I'm just saying it's funny how things are different when it's the other way around.
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Ninsect posted 12/11/2014, 06:21
Quite a bit lower than I expected (~350-400k). Hmm. Can it reach 1m this year?
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fireburn95 posted 12/11/2014, 06:03
And this game was heavily bundled, in the UK it was £299 with a white xbox one.
Mixture of bundle and special designed console should've boosted this more.
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fireburn95 posted 12/11/2014, 06:02
I dunno I think microsoft would expect greater than 230,000 for an exclusive, third party AAA new IP. It will do good in the long run, but FW is dissapointing
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Spade posted 12/11/2014, 05:39
New IP that launched along side a pretty loaded Fall season (Unity, GTA, MCC upcoming), coupled with the fact that Insomniac games are pretty niche, new userbase on Xbox with Insomniac, I'd say sales are pretty decent.

I'm not sure what people were expecting, but this was never going to be a system seller, more of a complementary title in the One's library. I'm not sure if digital and bundles sales are accounted for either, but will hopefully pass 1 million. Hope we get a sequel too!
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Kerotan posted 12/11/2014, 05:09
considering the hype this got from xbox fan(boy)s it flopped. It's a good game but even if the next comes to PS4 the sequels sales won't be massive.
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Emperorbach posted 12/11/2014, 04:07
naaa chris hu it flopped a heavily advertised exclusive nt br
freedom wars and lords of fallen were much less advertised and prmoted and have a much lower break even point
( also freedom wars opened with 188 k in japan , plus its 40k worldwide debut that puts it at 220k beating sunset by a decent 30k for its debut week , Sunset is a great game but it super flopped , its legs are gonna be massacred by the massive 3rd party games releasing this week and the rest of the season )
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Chris Hu posted 12/11/2014, 03:53
The only games that truly flopped this week are NBA Live 15, Freedom Wars and Lords of the Fallen. People that think that Sunset Overdrive flopped have no clue about what a game flop or bomb is.
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sales2099 posted 12/11/2014, 02:36
Drtregay the same was said about PS3 owners for every exclusive that wasn't gran turismo or made by naughty dog. Quite simply when you aren't the dominant player in the gen numbers wise then you have a smaller pool of people buying them. Besides, it's not like we HAVE to buy every exclusive just because. I for one like the concept but still think it isn't for me to buy
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sales2099 posted 12/11/2014, 02:36
Drtregay the same was said about PS3 owners for every exclusive that wasn't gran turismo or made by naughty dog. Quite simply when you aren't the dominant player in the gen numbers wise then you have a smaller pool of people buying them. Besides, it's not like we HAVE to buy every exclusive just because. I for one like the concept but still think it isn't for me to buy
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sales2099 posted 12/11/2014, 02:36
Drtregay the same was said about PS3 owners for every exclusive that wasn't gran turismo or made by naughty dog. Quite simply when you aren't the dominant player in the gen numbers wise then you have a smaller pool of people buying them. Besides, it's not like we HAVE to buy every exclusive just because. I for one like the concept but still think it isn't for me to buy
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Mr Puggsly posted 12/11/2014, 03:59
If it can reach a million its not a flop. Its not a big hit either. Games like this just don't appeal to wide audiences.
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DrTregay posted 12/11/2014, 01:39
It flopped, just goes to show you xbox fans dont buy exclusives they just talk about them.
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Legendary_W posted 11/11/2014, 09:22
It is a great game overall, different from what we're used to see. Good games don't necessarily always dominate on their FW, but they tend to have good legs, which I trust Sunset Overdrive will have.
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Chris Hu posted 11/11/2014, 08:06
Since this is a new IP its legs are much more important then its first couple of weeks of sales. Plus since its a new IP I expect a lot of people will wait to buy this game until its discounted.
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atomicblue posted 11/11/2014, 07:49
It sounds like the sales of this one have been pretty lukewarm, which is really disappointing. It sounds like it's got more personality than all the CoDs and Battlefields and Halos and Destinys of the industry combined.
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fireburn95 posted 11/11/2014, 07:41
Sunset overdrive should have either been a summer title this year, or an early 2015 game. Two particularly dry periods. (especially for xb1 with ps4 having bb and order)
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darkneal posted 11/11/2014, 06:52
These numbers are disapointing. Why do publishers insist on releasing new IP's next to established behemoths?! Its staggeringly stupid on a consistant basis. Alien was released near Destinys window now this amazing game is released the week before COD.

Gamers are saving for that you idiots and not many people can buy 2 £50 games in 7 days! I have hope that unlike Alien, this will have good Xmas legs...
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Kerotan posted 11/11/2014, 06:39
only 130k opening week in the US by far the Xbox's biggest market. Bombed hard it did.

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Mr Puggsly posted 11/11/2014, 06:22
@Kerotan - Well its looking like Sunset Overdrive is going to have a decent opening, so your "bomb hard" prediction seems to be wrong.

FH2 and Sunset Overdrive aren't the kind of games that create a sales spike. But that's okay, not every game should be expected to do that.
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Kerotan posted 21/10/2014, 04:38
I predict will bomb hard. FH2 had hype, good reviews and a great ad campaign but still did very average numbers. 120k combined in the US 1st week. This game I reckon will get worse reviews, has very little hype but will have the ad campaign. (I've seen a ton already). Anyway way when the numbers come in they will be average at best and will do nothing for hardware just like FH2 did nothing.
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (175)

1 3,308 138,240 58,755 33,716 234,019
2 281 55,013 24,054 13,457 92,805
3 82 17,192 14,720 4,638 36,632
4 37 12,647 17,474 3,811 33,969
5 34 24,794 38,457 7,722 71,007
6 33 31,615 34,668 8,984 75,300
7 38 34,843 21,841 8,919 65,641
8 43 36,643 22,186 9,333 68,205
9 43 27,826 23,668 7,497 59,034
10 39 8,451 12,405 2,590 23,485
Mentore posted 19/12/2016, 03:36
Best exclusive on X1.

Can't wait for the new Spider-man game by Insomniac.
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Mr Puggsly posted 14/09/2016, 03:48
I hope we see some sort of update to take advantage of Scorpio (60 fps please) and perhaps a PC port.
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darkenergy posted 01/08/2016, 02:39
OR maybe if Sony let Insomnia keep Sunset Overdrive but Sony wanted to own the IP but instead they went to Microsoft.
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Dyllyo posted 29/06/2016, 05:17
@ thewastedyouth

I think the REAL problem was that Insomniac even made a deal with Microsoft in the first place. They should have stuck with Sony. That's where there fanbase has always been.
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thewastedyouth posted 08/06/2016, 11:49
this is an amazing game and it is so sad that most of the people who would have bought this game back in the 360 migrated to the PS4 because of Microsoft idiotic ideas back in 2013
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sales2099 posted 23/04/2016, 09:42
It broke 1 million, which many thought it wouldn't do. Xbox One just doesn't have the numbers of the PS4userbase, but we still seem to support these exclusives enough to break the milestones over time.
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