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Alternative Names

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

ドンキーコング トロピカルフリーズ


Retro Studios



Other Versions

All, NS

Release Dates

02/21/14 Nintendo
02/13/14 Nintendo
02/21/14 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 70
Favorite: 14
Tracked: 13
Wishlist: 4
Now Playing: 2

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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (WiiU) > Opinions (130)

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fleischr posted 05/03/2014, 07:47
This was the 2nd best opening for any WiiU game since launch. It'll have legs. It is the true #1 selling game WW last week
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fleischr posted 05/03/2014, 07:44
\/ Posts like that should be moderated
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Wright posted 04/03/2014, 03:01
Wow this BOMBED all over the place. They
should have put this on the Xbox One
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Mr Puggsly posted 04/03/2014, 02:43
The real top seller of the week given Knack is digital bundles.

Nintendo software is known for legs, not mega numbers at launch.
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TheLegendaryWolf posted 03/03/2014, 01:42
Decent day 1 sales in the US.
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PikminDude123 posted 02/03/2014, 10:20
These aren't bad sales for 1 day in US and EU.
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Hibern81 posted 01/03/2014, 09:44
Going to have to wait for Nintendo's numbers on this one. Don't forget about us who purchased digital copies.
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oniyide posted 01/03/2014, 06:55
why are people depressed? it sold about as expected considering the system its on and the time frame.i thought it would do 250k anyone that was expecting more was crazy
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Anfebious posted 01/03/2014, 12:48
FW sales are depressing...
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Nintendogamer posted 28/02/2014, 04:34
If it does have good legs.
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Dadrik posted 28/02/2014, 04:25
Nintendogamer , VERY unlikely.
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Nintendogamer posted 28/02/2014, 01:41
Should break 1m this year, over 600K by end of march.
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fleischr posted 28/02/2014, 01:11
the holiday cycle I mean

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fleischr posted 28/02/2014, 12:50
It's refreshing to see a Wii U game achieve great sales success so early on -- out of cycle no less! Awesome game.
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gentii posted 28/02/2014, 07:49
Great Game and Nice American Start! its great to see a Wii U on Top this Week!! Thank you RETRO Studio for this amazing game
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TurboElder posted 27/02/2014, 11:03
Great game!
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RealGamingExpert posted 27/02/2014, 10:07
Not too bad for DK. Wasnt expecting much more, should be at 1 Mio. by the end of the year.
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NintendoPie posted 27/02/2014, 09:29
What a sad, sad day.
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 27/02/2014, 07:04
hmm, I bet this will get 1 million by the end of the year.
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 27/02/2014, 07:03
hmm, I bet this will get 1 million by the end of the year.
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T.Rexington posted 27/02/2014, 06:55
I hope this sells well in the future. I'm honestly shocked that this didn't sell well in Japan. NA release is good, but hardly great for a game that's sold upwards of 6 million copies on the original Wii. Hopefully it out sells the 3DS version long term.
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chidori-chan2 posted 26/02/2014, 06:37
Japan taste in this days is lame. this is why the game floped in this country.
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drake_tolu posted 21/02/2014, 02:13
In japan he flopped first week because:
one, the game is western, two PS4 is coming, tree Dragon Quest has eaten everything... but in USA and Europe: the game is at home, PS4 is already out, and there is not Dragon Quest... prediction for Wii U: 60.000 USA, 30.000 EU, Global: 120.000
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NintendoPie posted 21/02/2014, 04:05
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GdaTyler posted 19/02/2014, 09:27
35K? No words..... I thought it would do 50K... I guess COMG is really a close representation.
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 13/02/2014, 04:01
At 91k pre-orders!
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supernihilist posted 13/01/2014, 01:45
WW FW prediction: 300k
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NintendoSupporter<3 posted 08/01/2014, 02:08
Preorder numbers are looking pretty good so far! May even get 85-100k preorders.
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Pillow posted 05/12/2013, 07:07
February can't come soon enough!
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tbone51 posted 17/07/2013, 02:09

I played a demo, cant wait! Dixie Kong returning as well as another unknown character! I'll be having a blast with this
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Shipping Total

2,020,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2020

Opinion (130)

DolPhanTendo posted 02/12/2015, 10:38
1.21 million those legs are long and sexy wonder if it jumps to 1.4 by the end of year
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Proxy-Pie posted 02/04/2015, 09:11
Awesome game, well deserved sales.
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atomicblue posted 11/02/2015, 10:13
Yay, well done DKC:TF! Still my fave Wii U game.

P.S. For all those people saying "it's not what Nintendo fans wanted"... the best selling MP game sold a little under 3m in its entire lifetime, and I suspect probably had a similar first year to this game. Don't make the mistake of assuming that an extremely vocal group on the Internet represents the majority.
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FarleyMcFirefly posted 05/02/2015, 02:36
A game this amazing deserves to be a multi-million seller.
The Wii U deserves better sales in general.
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Fededx posted 05/02/2015, 12:38
Million seller, finally! My favourite Wii U game to date, totally deserved!
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Paatar posted 04/02/2015, 11:28
Pikmin, that was of 17th of Jan. It is now the 4th of Feb. The 18th of Jan I am sure the other 28 games were bought. :) So yes, 1mil.
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