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12/17/01 Square
07/19/01 Square
05/24/02 Sony Computer Entertainment

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Final Fantasy X (PS2) > Opinions (148)

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oliist posted 24/06/2008, 11:55
The upper right screenshot is from FFX-2 as you can clearly see when you look at the girls 'modern' outfit.
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ffirebrand_cloud posted 23/06/2008, 04:02
Great game, one of my pS2 favorites
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Munkeh111 posted 16/06/2008, 01:39
Blitzball is less annoying than I remembered
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oliist posted 15/06/2008, 08:47
I am with Sky Render on this one.
But i still have hope that FFXIII & versus XIII will go against this trend.
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Munkeh111 posted 12/06/2008, 05:38
The rikku one? I thought that was from this one because Rikku wears different clothes in the next one
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Sky Render posted 12/06/2008, 08:07
The modern FF games peaked with this one. It's all been downhill since... In my opinion, of course.

Is it just me, or is there one screenshot on this page which belongs to FFX-2, not FFX?

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blazinhead89 posted 08/06/2008, 05:08
my least favourite of the series, but still excellent
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darthdevidem01 posted 04/06/2008, 01:58
Will be replaying it soon
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Munkeh111 posted 29/05/2008, 12:05
Just through the mohean highway, which is my favourite place in the world, just because of the music, and I still remember it vividly from when I first played the game about 6 years ago
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tombi123 posted 28/05/2008, 04:42
This game is AMAZING!!!!
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Munkeh111 posted 28/05/2008, 04:21
Just started replaying this game, and it is just soooooo good
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Snake612 posted 27/05/2008, 01:13
i still haven't finished this game
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IllegalPaladin posted 15/05/2008, 12:26
It was a great game though it had some weird acting from some of the characters. Not a bad for the first Final Fantasy on PS2.
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Snake612 posted 11/05/2008, 05:47
I just recently bought it two months ago. I had it before but traded it in. That was a big mistake. This was the first game i got on the ps2.

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Snake612 posted 11/05/2008, 12:02
This Game was awesome. The gameplay was great and the graphics were pretty good for a game that came out in 2001. I guarantee you that Final Fantasy XIII will be awesome.
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Squall_Leonhart posted 29/04/2008, 02:41
It was great fun, means they could add in loads of secrets on the world map :D

Bring on XIII!!
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Munkeh111 posted 09/04/2008, 11:28
@squall I missed out on all of those, it would have been fun controlling the airship, even if only on a 2D map
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Squall_Leonhart posted 30/03/2008, 02:02
The only thing missing in the recent FF games is the ability to control the ship on the world map! I loved that in VIII and IX :D And apparently it is being brought back for XIII so that makes me happy!
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Griffin posted 27/03/2008, 02:08
I loved this game, i played it for over 300hours.
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thelulaby posted 18/03/2008, 10:33

If the game was so bad, why would you play it for 100 hours? It doesn't make much sense to me
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lemieux-rules66 posted 02/03/2008, 04:46
best PS2 games i have ever played. It's an amazing game. Second best FF though(FF6/FF3 Still gets my vote)
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Munkeh111 posted 24/02/2008, 08:49
The first RPG I ever played, and it is amazing, and really got me into the genre
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Squall_Leonhart posted 28/01/2008, 04:20
One of the best games i have ever played, the storyline was just so good, you felt such a connection with the characters! A good example of FF at its best :D

Hopefully XIII will show a return to form from the disappointment that was XII
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AkiraGr posted 07/01/2008, 10:47
Lost 100 hours of my life for this one when i had a PS2......Not pleased with this one from my point of view Worst FF game,wait i lied second most worst FF game the first is the FFX-2.....Too bad really.
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thelulaby posted 05/01/2008, 12:53
A very fun RPG, definitely one of my favorites and the story was EXCELLENT despite being linear... also the music and graphics were top-notch

This game also had a great ending, most likely the series' best!
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beto89 posted 02/01/2008, 07:52
Classic...i miss yuna ...and lulu's big tities...Beautiful game ..took away 100 hours of my life...
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ITBobby posted 31/12/2007, 04:46
Like the ''To zanarkand'' theme.
Very good rpg, but this was the beginning of the stepdown of this great series.

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highwaystar101 posted 26/12/2007, 11:00
What an ending
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Damstr8 posted 24/12/2007, 01:03
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Smooth Criminal posted 18/12/2007, 07:45
One of the greatest, most memorable video game experience I've had the pleasure of enjoying. Truly a masterfully told story with beautiful music composition and appealing characters.
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Stats87 posted 17/12/2007, 09:44
Be honest, who else got a little emotional the first time they saw the scene with Tidus and Yuna in the pond at night? If not, then disregard my comment...nothing to see here.
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segajon posted 16/12/2007, 12:25
God I can't Wait for FF13 on my PS3 With my 1080P plasma \

It will be so beautiful

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Bass.exe posted 13/12/2007, 04:11
My favorite PS2 game. I have put many hours into this game
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Globox posted 08/12/2007, 09:47
You either LOVE or hate FFX, in my case i LOVED it, One of the best PS2 games i played. Amazing.
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josenieves1 posted 06/12/2007, 02:41
8.0 game, at best.
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NFGBlinkAC posted 03/12/2007, 03:52
Wish I still had my copy of this game *cries*
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Mummelmann posted 28/11/2007, 08:46
A work of genious, no less!
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Lord_ash posted 26/11/2007, 09:08
This game was like “Welcome to the new generation of video games” for me, absolutely amazing.
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MontanaHatchet posted 23/11/2007, 05:25
I was wary of the game when I started playing it, but once the game gets moving, it's incredible.

Great game.
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Lost tears of Kain posted 12/11/2007, 12:45
One of the best in the series
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Stats87 posted 24/10/2007, 09:19
I loved FFXII, but FFX was the superior game. The story in this game was awesome and Tidus was a great protagonist with a solid character arc. He starts out kind of a little punk, but as the game goes on he evolves and becomes more "manly" and mature. (his voice throughout the story follows the trend as well)

The scene in the Pond with Yuna had me awestruck the first time I saw it. It was beautifully done with the music, the water and glowing lights etc.

The music all-around was brilliant.
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Alexie Di Onie posted 20/08/2007, 10:52
This has got to be my single favorite PS2 game. Best Score, Great gameplay, Amazing story, FFXII, though great, wasnt as good, sorry Claude.
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ClaudeLv250 posted 18/08/2007, 08:52
This game was a prime example that Final Fantasy needed change. Thank god for FFXII...
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ClayMaster posted 13/07/2007, 10:29
Yes fanboys are messing up the ratings :( Unfortunetly . Give this game a 9.5 ( 10 ) Except the unoriginal gameplay loved everything else .
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deathbeast posted 10/07/2007, 03:35
God damn fanboys mess up every rating on this site. Every single good game has about 8/10 , thanks to fanboy idiots that are so abundant on this site.
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lolita posted 09/07/2007, 05:57
How come this game hasn't more and better votes? It was a master piece! My favorite Final Fantasy...
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Lanceuppercut posted 29/06/2007, 05:57
This is the game that turned me away from the Final Fantasy series. I loved all of the NES, SNES, and PS1 versions, but I just couldn't get over what a wussbag Tidus was. Worst main character ever. I refuse to play as a character in a half-shirt and low cut overalls.
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leo-j posted 29/06/2007, 05:17
One of the best ps2 games weres kingdomhearts?
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8,600,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (148)

AshKetchum1992 posted 14/07/2014, 02:41
My favorite Final Fantasy, great characters, especially I like Auron and Lulu
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narre posted 07/04/2014, 02:16
I love this game. This game brought happiness into my childhood.
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VXIII posted 08/08/2013, 07:37
Still the best in the series, I can see XV dethroning it though :)
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NobleTeam360 posted 29/05/2013, 08:04
My personal favorite Final Fantasy game.
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Shulk_Xenoblade posted 01/03/2013, 03:58
I love this game. The story is pretty interesting and I like the turn-based battle system without the ATB bar. The only thing I didn't like about it was Tidus' laugh...
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thewastedyouth posted 19/11/2012, 05:59
the only final fantasy game I love

remember going to my cousins house and playing this all day, ignored my family lol
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