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Alternative Names

ファイナルファンタジー XII


Square Enix



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Release Dates

10/31/06 Square Enix
03/16/06 Square Enix
02/23/07 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 1,129
Favorite: 67
Tracked: 3
Wishlist: 2
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Final Fantasy XII (PS2) > Opinions (162)

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KingWithNoKrown posted 28/04/2015, 10:55
The greatest ff of all. I just need a remastered.
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Kinneas14 posted 09/12/2014, 04:13
I changed my mind. Thinking it through I have to say this one was a really good game. A strange FF, as we were used to think, but a really good game.
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Juku_Lover posted 22/11/2013, 12:03
Amazing game! glad its one of the series best selling. While some may call it the worst in the series i'd call it the best.
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Azhraell posted 04/11/2013, 12:06
6m+ with rest of the world sales.
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miqdadi posted 15/06/2013, 10:53
Square Enix sales where so good in PS2 days
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Heavenly_King posted 06/06/2013, 12:20
The open-world concept is really great; but the character design and the story sucks.
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ziss posted 05/05/2013, 09:00
amazing game!!!
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Adamx509 posted 02/05/2012, 05:16
One of my fav ff games, along with 9 &6. The rest of the ff games i dont care for..
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A203D posted 20/02/2012, 10:12
Vaan and Penelo were not meant to be in the game. Basch was orignally designed to be the main character. Square would not have it because of the Japanese fans who wouldnt want a 35 year old man character. which is ironic since Solid Snake is popular in Japan. why not Basch? either way the team admitted they wernt happy with the story conflicts that arose from work with the Playonline team. and the result is this game, which is not the masterpiece it couldve been. the message of Hiroshima and Nagaski is preserved however. but it couldve been the greatest RPG of all time... hopefully with the dissappointment of the FNC, Sqaure will realise what they almost had with this game, and have the Tactics team at the vanguard of FF15's development.
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miqdadi posted 11/01/2012, 09:51
And yes I agree with U Galvanizer, If only FF-15 could be made by this team and the JRPG maestro Matsuno, FF9 , FF12, Tactics Ogre, Vagrant story & FF Tactics, some of the best games I have ever played, the game sold well for a final game of it's generation, I wish SE remastered this instead of X
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miqdadi posted 11/01/2012, 09:32
I liked this game a lot, so big, fun to play, challenging, a great twist for the series, it stands as my best played FF till date (I've played all)
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AceRandum posted 22/12/2011, 11:29
i bought the game twice, i beat it the first time gave it to a friend and bought it again to keep and keep playing
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Galvanizer posted 16/12/2011, 07:14
Vaan was the players avatar. He's like Link in the Zelda series or a player avatar in FFXI.
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pokeclaudel posted 16/12/2011, 02:08
This is my 3rd favorite ff but I never understood the reason for Vaan.
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Ideas posted 10/12/2011, 02:46
Thoroughly enjoyed it!!!!
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Galvanizer posted 22/11/2011, 11:22
Best game in the series. Should have been released on PS3 and 360 to battle all the WRPGs this gen.
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The_Joker_Product posted 28/10/2011, 09:06
Worst main game on a Playsation console.
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MasterVG71782 posted 12/10/2011, 04:44
One of my favorite Final Fantasy games. Fantastic battle system, fantastic world/lore and some enjoyable characters.
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Jedidiah-Rose posted 23/09/2011, 03:03
Absolutely Fantastic game, loved the story, loved the charaters, loved the battle system, loved the artwork, loved the music...frankly there was nothing I did not love about this game, I truly wish this was being remastered instead of X :)
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MRKs posted 07/09/2011, 01:57
The only FF i couldn't beat. I hated the battle system, it's so slow
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stitch55555 posted 02/08/2011, 05:35
I finished it yesterday, for me one of the best rpgs I've played
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heip0ran posted 02/08/2011, 03:21
this is my best ff i played and one of my best game ever i wish ff15 to be like ff12
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ethomaz posted 22/05/2011, 10:12
I loved it.
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Galvanizer posted 25/04/2011, 01:24
I want the team that made this game to make FF15.
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Aiddon posted 10/04/2011, 09:16
dear god I hope the Tactics Team keeps away from the FF series after this. They don't need more of their members having nervous breakdowns and releasing committee-mandated mediocrity again. Best they stick to smaller projects
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Galvanizer posted 21/03/2011, 09:47
Sucks that FF13 sold more than this when FF12 is the better game with bigger world and more innovative gameplay. Hopefully the next game by the team that made FF12 will sell more than FF13 and FF13-2.
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Galvanizer posted 18/01/2011, 04:30
@A203D. Actually, the FF12 team is the 4th Production Department. The 1st is Kitase that makes FF. KH, Dissidia and Parasite Eve. The 2nd is Kawazu that makes SaGa, FFCC and The Last Remnant. The 3rd is Tanaka that makes FF Online. The 5th is based in Osaka and makes handheld KH games.
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A203D posted 17/01/2011, 09:20
Haha, yes perhaps. tbh, i dont know what sort of man Wada is. Sakaguchi wouldve no doubt put complete control in the hands of production team 2. but i'm not sure if Wada is aware of how to do things, as hes a buisness man, not a game designer. even if Matsuno dosent work on the script, the director of FF12, also directed FF9, and that was a very, very good game. so i have faith if the project is in the hands of production team 2, it will still be very good. yes well hopefully you are right!
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Galvanizer posted 17/01/2011, 04:02
@A203D. Hopefully Yasumi Matsuno will be the freelance scenario writer for FF15 if it's being made by the FF12 team. Kind of like how Kazushige Nojima is the freelance scenario writer of Versus. Have faith as there's still hope! If the FF13 team is making FF13-2 and the Versus team will move on to KH3, then the FF12 team will be making FF15.
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A203D posted 16/01/2011, 04:01
It was a good game imho Galvanizer. just a shame the developers didnt have full control of the project, or the story would've been a lot better. i did like the 2nd half of the game very much. when you travesing the Sochen Cave Palace, or you see the ruins of a long forgotten civilisation at the base of the Pharos. and i thought Nabudis was phenominal - i believe it was the intention of the developers for Nabudis to be a reference to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and as much as i enjoyed it i cant help thinking what it couldve been had Matsuno finished his work!
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Galvanizer posted 16/01/2011, 01:51
This game was great. It sucks that some people did like it. Story does not make a great game, the gameplay does. This game has an amazing large world to explore and an amazing battle system and if it put you to sleep then you should have put your party leader off Gambits so it would play like FF13 and Kingdom Hearts. The International verson of this game is my fave JRPG of all time.
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Rob-Ot posted 14/01/2011, 02:28
I agree with Aiddon. Just such an awful game, appaling. I hope the team that made this never touch a FF mainline again. Nomura's team should make FF titles.
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BroFe posted 13/01/2011, 04:50
the only FF after X (including it) which its characters were not ridiculous.
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Aiddon posted 12/01/2011, 05:18
boring battle system, a poor plot, useless characters, and snore-worthy pacing. It's one of the few genuinely mediocre FF titles
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Galvanizer posted 30/12/2010, 07:50
I secretly call this game "Vagrant Story II". An amazing gaming experience from the battle system to the vast areas to explore and NPCs to talk to. Gambits are one of the best AI systems in modern gaming. Story was more focused on the world and the enemies rather than the party but I think that made the story more unique and not your typical JRPG fare. Excellent game and much, MUCH better than FF13.
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Rob-Ot posted 27/12/2010, 03:56
Terrible game, even the mediocrity that is FF10 and FF13 are better than this POS game. Next time don't make a game thats the cure for insomnia square.
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chairmanmeow posted 09/12/2010, 10:13
This game is way better than 13, much less linear and the cvoice acting was quality. Vaan and Penelo werent THAT annoying. A little know fact is that they were written into the story later instead of making Basch the lead man...
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Ali-Kharazi posted 06/11/2010, 05:31
Fantastic game nonetheless though!
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Ali-Kharazi posted 06/11/2010, 05:30
If only Penelo wasn't so annoying...
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A203D posted 27/05/2010, 10:11
@akibafan. yeah you have a point i was a bit fed up at the beginning of 12, the characters and the story were weak at the beginning. and i thought it okay but not SE quality.

then i got half way and everything changed, i totally got the game design, and i can look past the weak character development because the director was forced to leave before he could finish his work.
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darthdevidem01 posted 22/05/2010, 05:00
lol this sold 367 copies last week.

Its still selling!!
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AkibaFan posted 22/05/2010, 04:54

ok, jst for me ff12 didnt hve story or chrctrs I luv, it didnt make me feel like i was playing a classic game (like ff8, 13 & 7 did for me)
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A203D posted 21/05/2010, 11:01
@RockSmith371. FF10 was okay, i was ready to give up on FF after 10. it was a bit to childish for me. tidus and yuna etc... no offense to ppl who liked that. the battle system in 10 was awesome.

but FF12 was almost excellent, it was dark, more mature & realistic. I agree with Yamaneko22, had Matsuno been allowed to make Basch the main character & the game darker it wouldve been phenominal.

@AkibaFan, its not fair to compare the game to other FFs because Kitase & Sakaguchi had complete control over their games. but Matsuno was forced to leave.
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RockSmith372 posted 19/05/2010, 07:21

Are you kidding? Final Fantasy X was fantastic! Agreed, X-2 sucked so much, but that doesn't mean X is bad. XII was great and so was X
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Yamaneko22 posted 13/05/2010, 02:49
Well, for me this game is much better than the disasterous FFX and FFX-2... It saved FF name after those terrible games ( although it could be even better if Matsuno was supervising it till the end...)
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AkibaFan posted 12/05/2010, 04:26
ppl h8 this game because it was boring. I cnt believe the vagrant story team made sch a poor game.
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Wagram posted 25/04/2010, 08:32
Your a nut job. This game is GREAT!
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Gantz posted 26/03/2010, 07:23
people hate this game because they don't know what make a good rpg.
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Frieza posted 25/03/2010, 03:57
People hate the game because its forgettable crap.
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AngelosL posted 25/03/2010, 03:23
People hate this game because it doesnt look j pop... One of the best of the series
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nomorehalo posted 14/02/2010, 06:22
The game did not have the story we expect from FF, but it'll probably be last one without pixie dust and lame dialogue. Matsuno should have lead the series from day one.
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thelalaby posted 11/02/2010, 06:26
this would have sold a lot more in the US and Others had Square Enix re-released the game a couple of years ago, you know when PS2 still sold great and therefore could have benefited this game immensely.

Oh and very good game, though it is my least favorite.
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haxxiy posted 26/01/2010, 11:47
Best FF ever, ya haterz! :P
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darthdevidem01 posted 20/01/2010, 09:38
worst FF ever, but still better than most RPG's!
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Kinneas14 posted 12/01/2010, 08:32
This is the worst FF ever!This game hasn't a story, the characters are not charismatic and the battle system is a crap if you like the JRPG system... =(..Final Fantasy is dead with the loss of Hironobu Sakaguchi..Hope to enjoy FFXIII...
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mrstickball posted 11/01/2010, 07:04
One of my favorite Final Fantasies from a gameplay standpoint.

Just picked it up as a purchase for my fiancee's PS2. Rented it and put 40hrs into it, and now bought it.

I really like how open ended it is compared to other Final Fantasies. Once you get Penelo in Giza Plains, you can go quite a distance away from there (before getting the sunstone)....I wound up buying some crazy stuff in Nalbina for my party members, making them absolute beasts of destruction. I also, went into the Westersands and fought a few guys above my level with success.

Stuff like that made me really enjoy XII. I wish that they would have redone it as a 360/PS3 game, just making it higher-def. Also, a new Chrono Trigger game with this system would be the bees knees.

One of my favorite Final Fantasies. Not as good as VI, IV or VII, but better than the rest, I think.
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naznatips posted 07/01/2010, 01:48
Worst FF game ever. :(
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superbaboonfacex posted 01/01/2010, 07:11
funnest final fantasy ever
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 30/12/2009, 12:39
Yup. Best FF ever.
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hxa155 posted 23/12/2009, 01:51
best ff ever
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ps3_jrpg_gamer posted 12/12/2009, 08:38
best FF ever
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ChrisIsNotSexy posted 04/12/2009, 06:32 did half of its LTD numbers in 1 week...
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Nightwish224 posted 04/12/2009, 04:09
worst FF game ever.
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Rei posted 19/11/2009, 04:04
According to NPD it has sold 1.91m in US and is the 3rd best selling FF title in US ever.
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VivaLaWiida posted 27/10/2009, 04:36
I knew that Europe loves major RPGs too.
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darthdevidem01 posted 20/10/2009, 06:06
MGS4 sold more than it in NA

FF13 will almost double FF12 & SELL 10 MILLION!
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 02/10/2009, 01:10
This game sucks btw :P
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--OkeyDokey-- posted 02/10/2009, 01:09
Wow, complete numbers for an FF game in Others! Thanks, ioi!

Final Fantasy is still huge!
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Lord_Yggdrassil posted 27/09/2009, 09:29
This is the best FF game.
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shuckille posted 16/07/2009, 08:27
i agree with Zuhyc the gameplay was sweet even tho ppl didnt like it...the story however was a little bland..i like the old english style but thats all
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Zuhyc posted 14/07/2009, 12:48
Gameplay was great, story was horrible.
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reaver_x posted 11/07/2009, 08:49
this game..wasnt that good. Its like it didnt even ffel like an FF game so it was very disappointing
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joey123 posted 04/07/2009, 07:10
i loved tactics for PS but none of the other games that take place in ivalice
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joyeuse posted 02/07/2009, 04:46
I think mostly fans who can appreciate FFTactics can like this. I loved it, btw
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dorbin2009 posted 26/06/2009, 07:20
Great game. RPG fans unfortunately do not like change so this one became very underrated
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joey123 posted 08/06/2009, 04:03
i tried to play this game but i couldnt stand it i really hate the battle system and the fact that they had changed to many things that made the other FF games great. this game proves that change isnt always good.
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SubiyaCryolite posted 28/04/2009, 08:52
This game was great.
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el_rika posted 27/04/2009, 01:54
I loved this game, i think together with 8 it is my fav FF game.
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chris1_16 posted 26/04/2009, 09:11
worst one out of the series
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Xen posted 23/04/2009, 01:36
Not undertracked in others, IMO. Others are the worst market for RPG's and it shows.
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haxxiy posted 03/04/2009, 05:45
Undertracked in others by a large margin.
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Rei posted 20/03/2009, 01:49
The best Final Fantasy game ever created.
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*~Onna76~* posted 19/03/2009, 04:02
GFX's on a LCD TV are very lousy plus I find this the worst FF game ever. Back to FFX / FFVII please!
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saimcheeda posted 19/03/2009, 12:33
This was a really shitty game!!!!!
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headshot91 posted 11/03/2009, 08:00
wow the sales dropped off very fast
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luisgvm posted 01/03/2009, 03:51
incredible game¡¡¡¡. oh and @naum but if i remember correctly the gambit sistem was not obligatory.
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Naum posted 28/02/2009, 01:35
I'm sorry but gambits is "THE" worst thing ever created.

Made this game go into "autopilot" the only thing you needed to do was to run around.
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perpride posted 25/02/2009, 05:20
One of the most amazing games I have ever played. Absolutely loved the new battle system, and an amazing story to boot.
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oliist posted 24/02/2009, 02:06
Immerhin kann Teil dreizehn nicht noch schlechter werden.
Die tiefsten Tiefen alles Negativen hat dieser Titel ja bereits erreicht.

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TheInfectedBy590 posted 21/02/2009, 04:58
loling at those who didn't like this game, this is one of the best FF games ever made. I don't understand, what did people not like about this? That it didn't have some emo kid saving the world? or the fighting system which is the same as any other FF, only looks different. Geez people, embrace a little change for once and pull that bug out of your ass.
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ShadowSoldier posted 09/02/2009, 12:30
What a failure
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Phoenix_Wiight posted 01/02/2009, 07:26
one of the worst FF games I've ever played.

did not have any FF fantasy magic in it, no feeling, terrible characterization, terrible story, and a battle system that pretty much played itself so you didn't have to press any buttons.
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outlawauron posted 11/01/2009, 10:31
More proof that this is undertracked.

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outlawauron posted 05/01/2009, 10:09
I think one is majorly undertracked in Others.
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BroFe posted 29/12/2008, 04:42
Best FF game along with FFVI.

"What else SE could expect, having removed the Victory Fanfarre?"
The classic FF Victory Fanfarre is in the game, it plays everytime you beat a Boss.

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haxxiy posted 23/12/2008, 10:20
Fail. It was outsold by FF-X2. What else SE could expect, having removed the Victory Fanfarre?
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Cueil posted 19/12/2008, 08:52
I really want to play this one... some day I'll pick up a bc ps3 or a PS2

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emin posted 11/12/2008, 07:22
I don't know why people didn't like this game. Yeah, the story was lacking a bit, but I probably spent more time playing this game than I did any previous FF (except 7 of course). I enjoyed every moment playing through it, and the combat system was a REFRESHING change that made getting through the game more fun.
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Godot posted 01/12/2008, 02:05
I can believe someone would like this game. It's unworthy of the Final Fantasy name.
Mostly for the story though. The game was boring but with a good story, it would have been an interesting game.
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novasonic posted 27/11/2008, 08:39
i actually liked it but my disc got dinged when i was 40 hours in!! it wont work now! but it wasnt a great enough game for me to be heart broken
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Shipping Total

6,400,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2017

Opinion (162)

KingWithNoKrown posted 28/04/2015, 10:55
The greatest ff of all. I just need a remastered.
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Kinneas14 posted 09/12/2014, 04:13
I changed my mind. Thinking it through I have to say this one was a really good game. A strange FF, as we were used to think, but a really good game.
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Juku_Lover posted 22/11/2013, 12:03
Amazing game! glad its one of the series best selling. While some may call it the worst in the series i'd call it the best.
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Azhraell posted 04/11/2013, 12:06
6m+ with rest of the world sales.
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miqdadi posted 15/06/2013, 10:53
Square Enix sales where so good in PS2 days
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Heavenly_King posted 06/06/2013, 12:20
The open-world concept is really great; but the character design and the story sucks.
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