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Release Dates

02/05/08 Capcom
01/31/08 Capcom
02/08/08 Capcom

Community Stats

Owners: 322
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Devil May Cry 4 (X360) > Opinions (139)

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mikeferro99 posted 15/02/2008, 08:01
@Daddo Splat,

Realistically, I've played both versions of the game on PS3 and Xbox 360 and you can't tell any difference. Xbox 360 looks a little darker as usual, and PS3 version looks a little brighter again as usual.
The deal breaker as I have mentioned in my previous post was the annoying load screen between walking through doors.. I mean wtf is this resident evil? There should be no load screen when walking through doors especially when you have to run back and forth between rooms.

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Kleppemeister posted 14/02/2008, 11:28
Asking how we would feel if the PS3 got Gears of War? I wouldent give a shit, good for you, you get to experience a really awsome game if that was to happen. But i guess the game wouldent do to well on the PS3, as it dosent seem like thats the kind of game the average PS3 user would like to play.

Also, I agree with ManOfTeal, Im not a fan boy, but i have issues with Sony. Not the playstation 3, but the company that makes it.
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regin2005 posted 14/02/2008, 08:40
This page is pathetic.
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ManOfTeal posted 14/02/2008, 01:52
And for the record, I am not a fanboy of anything. I own a Wii60 and I detest the PS3 because I have grievences with Sony.
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Jessman posted 14/02/2008, 12:50
Sony fanboys... go kill yourselfs... do me a favour... for the love of god.
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Daddo Splat posted 14/02/2008, 04:00
@ imballa9 Some screens and reveiwers have stated that lighting effectd hdr dynamic lighting is better on 360 other then that they look they same 360 chip has 48 pixel shaders to 24 for for the ps3 and has on board HDR the PS3 does thru software not as clean as hardware! thats why almost every crossplatfrom game the 360 gets the edge graphically because shadows and lighting!

Needless to say I played the demos on both system they both played great
and looked great

Iam for crossplatform games if it means better games! theses software companies have to make thier money! something like 1/2 million to break even on PS2 100000 was the break even point so as a cross platformer if it pushes 2 million total its very successful and with 7 million more potential customers in usa on 360 its a no brainer for capcom!

hell I bet if a halo game ever hit PS3 they would boycott it saying go a away we have enough great games!

enough great games when never! Go 360!
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Faxanadu posted 13/02/2008, 08:48
@ stof, @ Montana: please permaban all the ps3 fanboys who went rampant here. this is quite pathetic.
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MontanaHatchet posted 13/02/2008, 03:10
Actually, it looks like a watermelon, but I didn't want it to look like the PS3 page.
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Riot Of The Blood posted 13/02/2008, 02:52
This page looks awesome.
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MontanaHatchet posted 13/02/2008, 02:02
You guys suck!

I'm going to do a favor to this game page and make it look beautiful! It deserves it for all the work you guys put into ruining it!

The 360 needs some love too...
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johnsobas posted 13/02/2008, 01:18
they're both almost the exact same thing, it's pathetic to hear people arguing over minor differences like this.
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fred posted 13/02/2008, 12:36
Heres an idea if you have a PS3 then go to the PS3 version and comment and if you have a 360 then play the childish game and go rate it a 1 on the PS3 version..

And that Xiru forgets his PS3 takes 8 second longer to load levels on Orange box when both systems use their dvd drive. He seems to have a very limited memory..
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erikers posted 13/02/2008, 11:52
So why don't you get rid of them like a mod should? Nobody ever gets banned here permanently, which is why all these asses run around trolling every game page and thread. Any kind of post should be deletable on a site anyways. Site's that take the community seriously like the gaf forums or gamespot or any huge forum's immediately delete the garbage that comes in and makes sure they are IP banned. Nothing happens here for some reason.
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stof posted 13/02/2008, 06:25
And this is why I wish we could delete game page posts. What the hell is wrong with you people?
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Xiru posted 13/02/2008, 04:45
Go play Lost Odyssey and then tell me a 20 minute install sucks and I will laugh in your face. Horrible load times between battles, almost unplayable. The PS3 will basically do away with load times if companies keep doing installs. I just hope they give us an option next time. But its great playing the game with no loading. Remember, with the 360 every second counts because it could RROD at any minute!
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fabledgamer posted 13/02/2008, 04:15
Man, why are people hating on this game so much. It's a very good game regardless of what system you play it on.
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Strategyking92 posted 12/02/2008, 09:29
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imaballa99 posted 12/02/2008, 08:56

oh Boy, i commend you if you think 5-8 sec. wait time is negligible, I guess im too impatient, when I walk through a door i want to be in the other room right away not sit looking at a blinking "Loading screen" for 5 - 8 sec. I was afraid to go out side without completing a puzzle because I knew if I didn't complete it, I would have to back track like 5 times before figuring something out.

Yea, I do have to agree with you games have been really dumbed down for main stream audience. Gears of War, Heavenly Sword, Bioshock all way too easy. Used to be near impossible to beat bosses, now most of the FPS don't even have bosses.
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ManOfTeal posted 12/02/2008, 08:46
The load times on the 360 version is negligable at best.

The point is that games recently have been well, easy. You have to admit that every once in a while it is good to have a game that presents a little challenge like DMC4 does.
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swordplay posted 12/02/2008, 08:38
DMC 4 is good no matter for what system you get it, but I bought it for the PS3 for the low load times.
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imaballa99 posted 12/02/2008, 07:09
I have both systems so I can play all the great games! I can play exclusives: Resistance 2, Metal Gear on PS3, and Alan Wake, Too Human, on 360. I play Bioshock, Gears of War on PC for the better graphics. I'm a little disappointed they announced today Mass Effect is coming to PC in May with better graphics, im regretting my purchase.

I rented DMC4 for Xbox 360, been on the wait list from Gamefly. I usually rent games im on the fence till I judge if its purchase worthy.
I really started getting pissed off about the load screen every time you have to walk through a door.
Once I found out about the 2 sec. load time on PS3, it was a nobrainer if you have played the 360 version.

@Girl Gamer elite,
no, the graphics are pretty much the same, you won't be able to tell the difference at all. Its not really surprising considering the developers said they use the same texture files. Can't really say there would be a difference if they used the same texture picture file for both systems.
It's not like Oblivion, where PS3 version had the higher rez texture files, different texture picture files all together.
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Girl Gamer Elite posted 12/02/2008, 06:53
Actually the 360 got the version with better graphics. Or do no load times and a now slightly smaller HDD capacity mean more to you than graphics?

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ManOfTeal posted 12/02/2008, 04:51
Why would anyone waste their money buying the same game for both PS3 and Xbox360 consoles? Sounds like fanboy BS to me.
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imaballa99 posted 12/02/2008, 09:04
Do you have DMC4 for 360? It takes about 5-8 sec. walking through the door. you can say 5 sec. optimistically, but realistically majority of the times it takes 8 sec. (it seems usually 5 sec. when going into a small room which is rare, and 8 sec. when going into the larger areas like the cathedral or open space which is way more frequent)

Loading the level takes 10 seconds. verifies the 10 seconds level load:

On the PS3 the game play doesn't feel as interrupted when walking through doors, you walk from one room to another snap your finger twice and your there.
On the 360 I started getting pissed off when I had to back track because I missed something in the previous room, that load screen between rooms can start pissing you off when you have to run around to solve the damn puzzles.

that HD install on PS3 is def. worth it, if you have a choice get the PS3 version for a smoother, and less frustrating experience, but if you only have one system then well just be patient and don't throw your controller when you get stuck on a puzzle.

Also whats up with the 360 versions awkward control scheme? You have to hold on to the bumper while executing the actions, it must be because the bumber is analog not digital.

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Bagaren85 posted 12/02/2008, 12:46
Stupid sony fanboys.

Yeah, install 25 min for 1-2 sec faster loading time.
Same version else. Great game!
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doubletap posted 11/02/2008, 11:25
all ur gay 360 fanboys. ps3 does load faster than 360 version and if u played dmc before. u will buy the ps3 version. because of the controller. would u like to play halo 3 in a ps3 controller??

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SleepWaking posted 10/02/2008, 11:40
and 10 euro cheaper (that's why I got it for the 360 next to achievements)
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SleepWaking posted 10/02/2008, 11:39
not 8-10 only 4-5 while you have to wait 2-3 wooh that's a really big improvement. I hate it when people talk BS. DMC4 on the 360 is just as good.
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imaballa99 posted 10/02/2008, 10:27
yea but you have to wait 8-10 sec. every single time you walk through a door.
On PS3 you only have to wait 2 sec. I guess you never played DMC before, you do alot of walking through doors, and alot of back tracking through the same doors.

Its exactly like Oblivion situation. Oblivion on PS3 no load time, Xbox 360 loads every 10 feet you walk.
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jptolife posted 10/02/2008, 12:38
HAHAHHA ps3 users have to wait freakin 20mins before playing and the loading times on the 360 are nothing!! lol hats fucked up. People were saying that it was going to be really long to load from room to room but is not true and I dont have to wait 20 mins!! lol
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 09/02/2008, 03:39
I predict the 360 version not even selling 600,00 whereas the PS3 version selling well over a million.
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 09/02/2008, 03:38
Don't bitch because Playstation got the better version.
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Username2324 posted 09/02/2008, 02:09
For all those who think the 20 minute install time is too much, consider this, average load times on the PS3 are 2-3 seconds, and 8-10 on the 360, you get that time back pretty fast throughout the game.
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MontanaHatchet posted 09/02/2008, 01:58
Wow, this game page sucks!
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ManOfTeal posted 07/02/2008, 01:50
The PS3 version has a 20 minute installation you have to sit through. The Xbox 360 version does not. Just FYI. Yet anothr reason why I am glad I bought an Xbox 360 and not a PS3.
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DeadOnArrival06 posted 05/02/2008, 08:52
Damn right I'm mad it went to 360. How would your bitch ass feel if Gears Of War went to Playstion?
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Riot Of The Blood posted 29/01/2008, 09:55
1 for this version, 10 for PS3 version.
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AK15 posted 25/01/2008, 11:52
I just rated it ONE

i will rate the ps3 version TEN


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RSEagle posted 06/01/2008, 09:47
Aww poor fanboys are mad the game went to 360. Average score= 4
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Legacy Sales History

Total Sales

Opinion (139)

1 42,917 n/a n/a 42,917
2 7,085 228,784 83,092 57,630 376,591
3 3,566 93,267 57,646 27,646 182,125
4 2,305 55,171 27,102 15,135 99,713
5 1,966 35,949 16,496 9,663 64,074
6 1,725 27,187 10,487 6,964 46,363
7 1,583 19,095 7,256 4,876 32,810
8 1,502 15,089 6,448 3,981 27,020
9 1,179 9,283 4,452 2,536 17,450
10 940 6,735 3,435 1,877 12,987
Powerslave666 posted 17/07/2011, 05:56
one of the best games i played
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oni-link posted 23/12/2010, 10:46
@yoshilimbo...DMC as Bayonetta is just Dante's second servings. lol
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oni-link posted 23/12/2010, 10:45
picked this up for $5 at TRU a couple of days ago. Awesome game for an oldie.
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YoshiLimbo posted 14/05/2010, 04:11
everyone Bayonetta or DMC 4 ? Im unsure right now.
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Skeeuk posted 28/09/2009, 07:45
good way to save 5 gig on my ps3:)
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deathgod33 posted 02/09/2009, 05:50
this game is awesome
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