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01/01/07 Unknown
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Opinion (1)

Gaikov posted 13/11/2007, 10:37
Azangara is a land far far away. And nobody knows what treasures and dangers, secrets and adventures are hidden there. Only legends reached us...
Lead your hero through the mazes of the ancient castles and tangled dungeons in search for great treasures and exciting rewards to open centuries-long mystery.
Your way is full of adventures and dangers: moving floor and blinking bridges, power fields and pipelines, burning abysses and flashes of lightning, doors and lifts, breakaways, lockups etc. Monsters are keeping the secrets behind each door.
Fortunately your hero is very courageous and dexterous. He fast runs and jumps. The keys will open to you all ways. Magic bonuses will allow you to achieve success.
Light dark cellars by a torch. The power and weapon will help you deceive a monsters. Try at first to bypass the castle to examine the treasures layout. Then search for all secret, spirit and dark rooms. At last most interesting purpose is to collect all treasures!
The teleport is the exit to the next castle. A bonus levels will allow you to add bonus scores.
The game contains 7 Full Castles. Each level represents a unique style, emphasized by music and animation. Every next castle contains more treasures and bonuses, new intrigues and atmosphere. The castle becomes more tangled and interesting.
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