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Lucasfilm Games



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Release Dates

09/01/90 Jaleco
(Add Date)
10/22/92 Jaleco

Community Stats

Owners: 38
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Why is there a chainsaw in the kitchen? And a nuclear reactor in the basement? And disembodied tentacles hopping around? And why does that peculiar doctor keep going "Heh, heh, heh... "? Strange things have been going on for years up at Dr. Fred's old mansion, ever since that meteor landed just outside the house. But when a sweet young cheerleader named Sandy disappeared into the basement, boyfriend Dave knew it was time to take a look behind the good doctor's door. Your task is to help Dave choose a rescue team and guide them on the wildest, wierdest mission your NES system has ever seen. The storyline depends on the individual talents and quirks of the team members you select, and no matter how many times you play, the outcome is never quite the same. Sometimes it's puzzling, sometimes scary, sometimes downright funny, but it's always, always a challenge. So if you're looking for a comedy-adventure that makes you think as hard as you laugh, get into Maniac Mansion today. And then try, just try, to get out!

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Release Date Added to Database nordlead 21st Apr 2008
Release Date Added to Database nordlead 21st Apr 2008

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Opinion (3)

Siko1989 posted 09/12/2009, 01:26
great game and i still have it
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16-bit gamer posted 07/07/2009, 10:52
amazing music
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Wickedshyn posted 16/01/2009, 08:03
A classic
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