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Release Dates

03/09/93 LucasArts
(Add Date)
06/01/93 LucasArts

Community Stats

Owners: 49
Favorite: 7
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Now Playing: 1

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The sequel to "Maniac Mansion" features over 4,000 lines of recorded dialogue and the voice of Richard Sanders, Les Nessman of "WKRP in Cincinnai." A free hint book is included with the game. Challenging puzzles for beginning and advanced players. Simple "point n' click" icon interface. Simultaneous control of three different characters. Re-write history. Visit exciting places and exotic time periods. Save the world!


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Latest Updates

Game Information Updated oliist 21st Oct 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 21st Oct 2010
Game Information Updated non-gravity 16th Aug 2009
Game Summary added to Database non-gravity 16th Aug 2009
Critic Review Added to Database Fab_GS 12th Aug 2009
Game Banner Added to Database okr 30th May 2009
Game Summary added to Database nordlead 23rd Aug 2008

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Opinion (4)

skunkfish posted 14/01/2010, 12:07
You can use ScummVM to play this game on your modern PC. Try a search on Google.
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Siko1989 posted 09/12/2009, 01:29
awesome game.. it has some funny humour like with his fat friend i forgot his name but he says " hey benard float over here so i can punch you" lol that was funny, i wish this game would work on my pc today since my computer is to powerful to play this game properly, it work but there's no sound at all when i try to play it :(
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okr posted 11/02/2008, 08:42
Right between Monkey Island I&II and Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis.
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celine posted 11/02/2008, 04:23
One of the best point 'n' click adventure ever. Period.
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