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Alternative Names

Millennium Soldier: Expendable


Rage Software



Other Versions


Release Dates

01/01/99 Rage Software
(Add Date)
01/01/99 Rage Software

Community Stats

Owners: 6
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Expendable joins the ranks of Incoming and Hostile Waters in Rage's lineup of visually gobsmacking titles, pushing the boundaries of 3D-accelerator technology to new limits. You play a space marine who is dropped in to a series of unfamiliar alien worlds to fight for the survival of your race with a huge arsenal of apocalyptic weapons at your disposal. The ability of the game engine to freely mix outdoor and indoor environments (such as tunnels, underground bases, ruined cities etc.) creates a beautiful world for the player to explore and destroy!

Latest Updates

Game Information Updated oliist 07th Feb 2010
Release Date Added to Database oliist 15th Mar 2009
Release Date Added to Database oliist 15th Mar 2009
Game Information Updated oliist 15th Mar 2009
Box Art Added elgefe02 28th Apr 2008
Game Added to Database el dud3rino 24th Apr 2008

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