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01/01/83 Sega
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It's the 25th Century. You are Buck Rogers fighting the battle of Planet Zoom. Skillfully slip through zapping electron posts. Dodge and destroy deadly space hoppers and alien saucers. Your race against death has just begun! Prepare for battle with your most powerful enemy... the Mother Ship! It's never easy when it's do or die. You must hit the Mother Ship dead center. Anything less will only waste precious fuel. Aim steady, but hurry... your fuel is dangerously low!

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Release Date Added to Database oliist 06th Nov 2010
Boxart Added TalonMan 08th Jun 2009
Screenshots Added Comrade Tovya 15th Dec 2008
Screenshots Added Comrade Tovya 15th Dec 2008
Screenshots Added Comrade Tovya 15th Dec 2008
Box Art Added pichu_pichu 05th May 2008
Game Added to Database pichu_pichu 04th May 2008

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