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Zipper Interactive



Release Dates

08/27/02 Sony Computer Entertainment
07/24/03 Sony Computer Entertainment
06/11/03 Sony Computer Entertainment

Community Stats

Owners: 94
Favorite: 3
Tracked: 1
Wishlist: 0
Now Playing: 0

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The U.S. Navy SEALs protect America through sea, air and land from enemy forces around the world.  Trained to tackle any mission, anytime, anyplace, U.S.  Navy SEALs are THE top operatives in the special forces community.  Test your skills as the commander of a team faced with more than 16 deadly missions.  Do you have what it takes to play with the big boys?


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Boxart Added oliist 19th Mar 2010
Boxart Added oliist 19th Mar 2010
Boxart Added oliist 19th Mar 2010
Boxart Added oliist 19th Mar 2010
Boxart Added oliist 19th Mar 2010
Boxart Added oliist 19th Mar 2010
Boxart Added oliist 19th Mar 2010
Game Information Updated oliist 19th Mar 2010
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 09th Mar 2010
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 09th Mar 2010
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 09th Mar 2010
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 09th Mar 2010
Critic Review Added to Database nordlead 09th Mar 2010
Boxart Added Blaiyan 19th Feb 2010
Boxart Added pichu_pichu 26th Nov 2008

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Opinion (5)

NYANKS posted 18/07/2009, 05:21
Best online experience I've had, and continue to experince with Confrontation and every game in between! LOVE SOCOM.
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Gingasaurus posted 03/10/2008, 10:44
My first online console game. The first night I had it I was blown away, I stayed up all night until 10am.

This continued for months. Amazing game.
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hunter_alien posted 06/04/2008, 02:45
lol I remember when at first I was trying to play in Serious Sam kind of way ... got killed every time :P Later on Ive got into the game and it was great . I to liked the multiplayer portion a lot :D
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saw posted 08/03/2008, 01:52
It's an okay game, but multiplayer was pretty terrible compared to most PS2 online multi-player games/PC multi-player games. Characters would stutter a lot if you had a lot of people in game, and moving was a tad too blocky. The game its self is fairly fun though. A good 5 or 6.
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jordan61987 posted 25/09/2007, 04:07
I probably put 3000 hours into this game. Halo has good multiplayer action, but in my opinion, the online portion of Socom blows Halo's out of the water.
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