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Alternative Names

Schnapp die Apfeldiebe





Release Dates

02/22/83 Activision
(Add Date)
01/01/83 Quelle

Community Stats

Owners: 5
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Attention! All owners of teeth and gums are in danger! The forces of plaque have infiltrated your mouth. Right now, this bacterial gunk is destroying your teeth, leaving tooth decay in its wake. It's the Plaque Attack! Prepare for battle! Hunks of junk are the enemy, and they're no piece of cake. Here come the candy canes and ice cream cones. Blast away! It's the glazed donuts and french fries. Oh my gosh! Gumdrops are destroying bicuspids! Hot dogs are mangling molars! Quick! Grab the toothpaste. It's your only defense! Remember, there are no second chances. When your teeth are gone... it's all over!

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Game Information Updated oliist 22nd Feb 2011
Release Date Added to Database oliist 22nd Feb 2011
Release Date Added to Database dunno001 20th Dec 2009
Boxart Added TalonMan 11th Jun 2009
Boxart Added NintendoMonopoly 28th Feb 2009
Game Summary added to Database nordlead 27th Jan 2009
Game Summary added to Database elgefe02 06th May 2008
Screenshots Added elgefe02 06th May 2008
Box Art Added elgefe02 06th May 2008
Game Added to Database pichu_pichu 06th May 2008

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