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Enigma Software Productions



Release Dates

08/30/00 Dinamic Multimedia
(Add Date)
03/16/01 Dinamic Multimedia

Community Stats

Owners: 1
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ExcaliBug is a mixture between Commandos and RPG. The first noteworthy aspect of the game is its unusual scenario: It is set in the world of bugs. The player takes the command over four of them, all with different classes, e.g. fighter or mage. The goal in the 15 missions is the completion of quests, e.g. finding a lump of sugar.

Like in other tactic games the player characters are easily killed. The consequence of this is the need of stealth and planned proceeding. The classes have different abilities which are needed to progress in the game. With every solved quest and killed enemy the bugs get experience points which are used to advance their levels. Except for the mage (he gets new spells) this has no other effect than improving the fighting strength.


Description from MobyGames.

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Release Date Added to Database Darwinianevolution 25th Jun 2019
Screenshot Added Darwinianevolution 12th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added Darwinianevolution 12th Jan 2018
Boxart Added Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Boxart Added Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Game Information Updated Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Game Summary added to Database Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Release Date Added to Database Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Game Banner Added to Database Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Boxart Added Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Release Date Added to Database Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Game Banner Added to Database Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Boxart Added Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018
Game Added to Database Darwinianevolution 07th Jan 2018

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Opinion (1)

Darwinianevolution posted 07/01/2018, 03:14
This is the dummest aDeSe 18 I've ever seen, the game should've been a aDeSe 13 at most.
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