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Review Scores

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Alternative Names

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze

ドンキーコング トロピカルフリーズ


Retro Studios



Other Versions

All, WiiU

Release Dates

05/04/18 Nintendo
05/03/18 Nintendo
05/04/18 Nintendo

Community Stats

Owners: 42
Favorite: 4
Tracked: 2
Wishlist: 1
Now Playing: 4

Avg Community Rating:



This title includes all the fun and challenge of the original game, plus a new beginner-friendly mode that lets players enjoy this critically acclaimed adventure as groovy surfing simian Funky Kong. Funky Kong can double jump, hover, perform infinite rolls and even perform infinite underwater corkscrews. Thanks to his sturdy surfboard, even spikes can't slow him down.


Latest Screenshots

Latest Updates

Boxart Added Machina 23rd Jul 2021
Boxart Added Machina 23rd Jul 2021
Game Information Updated Masked_Muchaco 02nd Aug 2020
Screenshot Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Game Information Updated Marth 28th Sep 2018
Boxart Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Boxart Added Marth 28th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added Masked_Muchaco 07th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Masked_Muchaco 07th Aug 2018
Screenshot Added Masked_Muchaco 07th Aug 2018

Shipping Total

4,620,000 Units
As of: December 31st, 2022

Opinion (8)

Machina posted 04/08/2023, 12:10
+500k in all of 2022.

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ShadowLink93 posted 04/05/2022, 12:32
@PAOerfulone Cesa white paper.
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PAOerfulone posted 20/08/2020, 12:54
Where are all these new numbers coming from?!?
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Sietjie posted 27/01/2019, 08:17
29 December 2018 - 1.69M
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alejollorente10 posted 23/09/2018, 08:03
One million!!!! One of the best 2D platforms that have been made! And with an unforgettable soundtrack !!! I'm glad that this game has the sales it finally deserves!
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friendlyfamine posted 14/08/2018, 07:01
Well if you look at that. It's too bad the game sold as a full-priced port with no added content, but I guess this is pretty good for DK fans, who surely crave another entry.
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