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Square Enix



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All, And, iOS, NS, PC, PS, PSN, XOne

Release Dates

12/05/15 Square Enix
(Add Date)
12/05/15 Square Enix

Community Stats

Owners: 1
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With its unshakeable monopoly over Mako energy production, the evil Shinra Electric Power Company holds tight to the reigns of world power.
In the metropolis of Midgar, the resistance against the company by the revolutionary group Avalanche was intensifying. Cloud Strife, a former member of Shinra’s elite soldier・unit takes part in the raid as a mercenary hired by Avalanche. He then sets events into motion that will draw him to face his lost past, and into a battle for the future of the planet itself.

The first Final Fantasy to feature 3D backgrounds and CG movie scene.
Play using a simple and comfortable virtual controller designed not to obscure the action.
Two new features, the option to turn enemy encounters off and a Max Stats command to become all-powerful to make play easier and more convenient.
Relive the inspiring tale in your hands.


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Game Cheat Codes Added to Database WoodenPints 20th Jan 2018
Game Cheat Codes Added to Database WoodenPints 20th Jan 2018
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Release Date Added to Database WoodenPints 20th Jan 2018
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Screenshot Added WoodenPints 20th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added WoodenPints 20th Jan 2018
Screenshot Added WoodenPints 20th Jan 2018

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