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Stoic Studio



Other Versions

PC, PS4, PSV, XOne

Release Dates

05/17/18 Versus Evil
(Add Date)
05/17/18 Versus Evil

Community Stats

Owners: 2
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Banner Saga is an epic Viking inspired, award winning story-based role-playing game. Travel across a brutal and breaking world as you lead your caravan on a harsh journey for survival. Manage your resources wisely, make bold leadership decisions and strike skilfully in battle to survive another day.

Source: Developer Presskit

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Game Summary added to Database VersusEvil 30th Sep 2018
Game Summary added to Database VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Screenshot Added VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Release Date Added to Database VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Release Date Added to Database VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Game Banner Added to Database VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Boxart Added VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018
Game Added to Database VersusEvil 24th Sep 2018

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